[El] EL 5.6

Peter Hopfgartner peter.hopfgartner at r3-gis.com
Fri Jan 14 12:30:38 EST 2011

On our servers we do use PHP 5.2 from CentOS Testing or PHP 5.3 recompiled from remi.
Personally I think that hardly anybody doing regular work in PHP is using PHP 5.1, anymore.
So my personal choice would be to support PHP 5.3.

Peter Hopfgartner
R3 GIS Srl - GmbH

--------Mathieu Baudier <mbaudier at argeo.org> wrote--------
Subject: Re: [El] EL 5.6
Date: 14.01.2011 17:17

>> How should we proceed for packages with PHP linkings? Should we support
>both or only one of them, like we decided to do with PostgreSQL?
>I would say that it depends on usage: no need to maintain one of the
>bindings if nobody uses it...
>Which one do you plan to use Peter?
>(I personally don't use any)

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