[El] RFC: package imposm

Mathieu Baudier mbaudier at argeo.org
Thu May 12 15:51:13 EDT 2011

> What makes it different from http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Osm2pgsql ?

I'm curious about the differences / benefits too.

As you may have noticed I backported the Fedora osm2pgsql package some
time ago to elgis-testing and have been using it without much problem
since then (I think that I noticed that a new one is available in
Fedora and was considering updating it).

> There is no release so far. This is just so common for OSM software! Does it
> work fine?

Yes, you're right OSM software are often not versioned (e.g.
osm2pgsql, mkgmap, etc.)

But sometimes it is just a matter of asking, as we did with
mod_geocache where the developers were very reactive and introduced

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