[ELGIS] GDAL 1.8.0

Jeff Lake admin at michiganwxsystem.com
Tue Nov 22 15:38:54 EST 2011

ok was able to roll back to hdf 1.6.6
so that is quieted ..
(did get hdf 1.8.7 from rpmforge had to disable that repo to roll back)

did some checking .. MySQL 5.1.3 is the supported/installed EL5 by cPanel ..
it is recommended I don't roll that back ...

MySQL 5.5 is what I have on another system, and amazingly enough gdal 1.8
didn't gripe there

On 11/22/2011 2:27 PM, Mathieu Baudier wrote:
>> First time posting to group,
> Welcome!
>> Is there any reason why 1.8.0 is dependent on such old libraries??
> For the libraries that we don't maintain (hereafter, third-party
> libraries), we depend on base EL 5 (that is: RHEL 5 / CentOS 5 / SL 5)
> and EPEL 5.
>> yum or rpm cannot get past the dependencies on
>> libhdf5.so.0()(64bit) is needed by gdal-1.8.0-4.el5.elgis.x86_64
>> libmysqlclient.so.15()(64bit) is needed by gdal-1.8.0-4.el5.elgis.x86_64
>> libmysqlclient.so.15(libmysqlclient_15)(64bit) is needed by
>> gdal-1.8.0-4.el5.elgis.x86_64
> > From which repos are these librairies coming from?
> (MySQL and HDF)
>> why would I want to roll back hdf5 to 1.6 from 1.8.7 to get that library
>> same for mysql ... 5.5 is installed I would need to roll back to 5.0.77
>> to get that library
> This is the idea of Enterprise Linux.
> The third-party libraries are stable but old (although bug fixes and
> security fixes from newer versions are backported to the provided
> versions, but no new features).
> To sum up ELGIS maintains recent versions of GIS software buf based on
> older libraries
>> Suggestions ??
> 1. Use EL 6 + ELGIS 6, versions should be newer
> or
> 2. Rebuild the ELGIS SRPMs (sources) against your versions of the
> third-party libraries
> or
> 3. Use Fedora or Ubuntu which use newer versions of all software and
> have good GIS support
> or
> 4. if other are interested, we could try to rebuild and maintain an
> updated version of HDF, but I am not too motivated (we rather try new
> stuff on ELGIS 6, while targeting to support what already exists in
> ELGIS 5)

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