[ELGIS] Fwd: libtiff4

Robert Christian Steinke rsteinke at uwyo.edu
Mon Dec 17 09:21:19 PST 2012

We didn't do anything with libgeotiff.  We still have the libgeotiff-1.3.0-4 package installed that came with the ELGIS RPM.  When we read a TIFF or BigTIFF that has geotiff metadata into qgis it reads the metadata just fine.  I'm not exactly sure how the packages are hooked together, but somehow libgeotiff is successfully getting the metadata from the geotiff that is being read by gdal's internal tiff implementation.  Or maybe gdal has libgeotiff support built in to its internal implementation.

At first, I did try installing the libtiff4 package that you put in testing, and then rebuilt libgeotiff, gdal, and qgis.  That way also worked, but I didn't do a very clean job and the person who does system administration in our lab redid it and found that this other way worked and was pretty simple.
From: Mathieu Baudier [mbaudier at argeo.org]
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2012 9:07 AM
To: Robert Christian Steinke
Cc: el at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [ELGIS] Fwd: libtiff4

> Right now our strategy is uninstalling qgis and gdal, and rebuilding gdal to use it's internal tiff implementation, and then rebuilding qgis to use that gdal.  So we still have the majority of the standard ELGIS packages installed.  I think either approach of having configurable SRPMs, or using Libtiff4 in ELGIS Plus would work for us.  Or just having an RPM of gdal using it's internal tiff implementation.

Do you mean GDAL internal libtiff or libgeotiff?

Did you try the same kind of approach, but using the libtiff4 packages
I had put on testing instead of gdal internal tiff?

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