[Europe] OSGeo Europe meeting with Copernicus Programme - need your input

Dirk Frigne dirk.frigne at geosparc.com
Tue Mar 20 05:06:32 PDT 2018

Dear list,

Greetings from basecamp - Bonn

Till Adams pointed me to an article [1] of the Copernicus programme [2].
In the article [1] following is written:

"... – this community is organised under the umbrella of the Open Source
Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo). This article is dedicated to all members
of this community, the geospatial specialists, developers and
enthusiasts, who help us unleash the full power of Copernicus, and shows
the interaction between open data and Free and Open Source Software

As Till correctly reacted it is not immediately obvious who is the
single point of contact between this programme and OSGeo, it was an
opportunity to set up a meeting with a contact person of this programme.

The meeting will take place in the offices in Brussels on 5 April. We
prepared a draft agenda (below) and we invite you to discuss this agenda
before we sent out the final agenda end this week.
I will report back on the outcome of this meeting trough this list again.

	1 present OSGeo org 	
	2 present OSGeo Europe	
	3 present the copernicus programme
	4 discuss the role of ESA
	5 what can OSGeo do for the copernicus programme
	6 what can the copernicus program do for OSGeo

I stay in basecamp until Friday, Looking forward to discuss it
personaly, in group, or react on this mail.

We think this is an important opportunity to present OSGeo and more in
particular the European Local chapter to the European Commission and
the opportunity to establish a contact with ESA.

Thanks in advance for your reactions.

[2] http://www.copernicus.eu/
OSGeo Europe

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