[Europe] status of local chapter / re-activation in Bucharest?

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Aug 28 00:04:39 PDT 2019

Dear @Europe,

thanks to Jachym, so we use the "FOSS4G Europe 2020" BoF also for our AM.

Unfortunately Dirk can't do it, so we have to manage on our own without
our president ;-)

It wil be tomorrow, 29th of August in the Opereta Room at 18:00 hrs.

I will add it to the WIKI as well.

See you, Till

Am 27.08.19 um 11:34 schrieb Jachym Cepicky:
> please, juat take over the bof session (!)
> Dne út 27. 8. 2019 9:04 uživatel Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de
> <mailto:till.adams at fossgis.de>> napsal:
>     Hi Dirk,
>     nice to hear from you! We will report back and use xour material
>     for the EU-meeting BoF.
>     Wish you all the best, the communit needs you ;-)
>     @all: I will ask for a room for our meeting presumably on thursday
>     after the programme, if that is okay?
>     Till
>     Am 25.08.19 um 13:15 schrieb Dirk Frigne:
>>     Dear Till,
>>     Dear OSGeo-Europe community,
>>     With pain in my heart I had to decide not to go to FOSS4G conference and
>>     stay at home this time.
>>     The last year was not the best in terms of health and work.
>>     I was obliged to temporarily stop all my professional
>>     activities, and the impact is not yet clear to me at this moment. Since
>>     November last year I had to take a compulsory break, and if the
>>     conference had continued a few weeks later, I might have been there too.
>>     Because of this I will not be able to attend the general OSGeo meeting,
>>     unless a remote presence is possible.
>>     For the OSGEO-EU GTC, some legal obligations must be respected. If there
>>     are any questions with the legal stuff, you may contact me, anytime.
>>     Attached are the published bylaws and the registered report of last
>>     year's general meeting (in Dutch) that
>>     was published in the Belgian Official Gazette, as required. To be able
>>     to prepare the report for this year, I still need to have an overview of
>>     the various transactions from the Grass account. I will take action for
>>     this.
>>     I hope I can continue my work for OSGeo within a couple off weeks from
>>     now, but today this is just not yet possible.
>>     I whish you all a very succesfull FOSS4G conference, and as I said, I
>>     will follow the online communication with pain in my heart. (almost
>>     literally ...)
>>     Dirk
>>     On 4/07/19 09:41, Till Adams wrote:
>>>     Dear OSGeo-Europe community,
>>>     sorry, I haven't been at FOSS4G-EU in Guimarães last year, so I do not
>>>     know, if there anything happened.
>>>     Looking at the WIKI, I've seen that we all missed up our last scheduled
>>>     board meeting end of April *2018* (me included).
>>>     Maybe we should take the chance, that we'll have the global FOSS4G in
>>>     Europe this year and schedule a OSGEO-Europe meeting during FOSS4G in
>>>     Bucharest?
>>>     I am confident, that BLOC will find a room for us.
>>>     Kind regards,
>>>     Till
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