[fdo-commits] r2714 - in trunk/Thirdparty: . Sqlite3.3.13 Sqlite3.3.13/Src

svn_fdo at osgeo.org svn_fdo at osgeo.org
Mon Mar 26 15:54:04 EDT 2007

Author: badreddinekaroui
Date: 2007-03-26 15:54:03 -0400 (Mon, 26 Mar 2007)
New Revision: 2714

See trac#53: upgrade the Sqlite library to the latest version 3.3.13 and add more unit tests

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Sqlite3.sln
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Sqlite3.sln	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Sqlite3.sln	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 9.00
+# Visual Studio 2005
+Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "Sqlite3", "Sqlite3.vcproj", "{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}"
+	GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+		Debug|Win32 = Debug|Win32
+		Release|Win32 = Release|Win32
+		ReleaseLite|Win32 = ReleaseLite|Win32
+	EndGlobalSection
+	GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+		{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}.Debug|Win32.ActiveCfg = Debug|Win32
+		{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}.Debug|Win32.Build.0 = Debug|Win32
+		{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}.Release|Win32.ActiveCfg = Release|Win32
+		{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}.Release|Win32.Build.0 = Release|Win32
+		{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}.ReleaseLite|Win32.ActiveCfg = ReleaseLite|Win32
+		{F3910EB6-1756-46F4-8143-C6725ED91935}.ReleaseLite|Win32.Build.0 = ReleaseLite|Win32
+	EndGlobalSection
+	GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+		HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+	EndGlobalSection

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Sqlite3.vcproj
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Sqlite3.vcproj	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Sqlite3.vcproj	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
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+	>
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+			Name="Win32"
+		/>
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+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
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+				BasicRuntimeChecks="0"
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+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
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+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+				OutputFile="$(OutDir)/Sqlite3.lib"
+			/>
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+			/>
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+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
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+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
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+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
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+				InlineFunctionExpansion="2"
+				EnableIntrinsicFunctions="true"
+				FavorSizeOrSpeed="1"
+				OmitFramePointers="true"
+				StringPooling="true"
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+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
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+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+				OutputFile="$(OutDir)/Sqlite3.lib"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
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+			Name="ReleaseLite|Win32"
+			OutputDirectory="ReleaseLite"
+			IntermediateDirectory="ReleaseLite"
+			ConfigurationType="4"
+			InheritedPropertySheets="$(VCInstallDir)VCProjectDefaults\UpgradeFromVC71.vsprops"
+			CharacterSet="2"
+			>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCustomBuildTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXMLDataGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCMIDLTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCCLCompilerTool"
+				Optimization="2"
+				InlineFunctionExpansion="1"
+				OmitFramePointers="true"
+				PreprocessorDefinitions="WIN32;NDEBUG;_LIB;SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM"
+				StringPooling="true"
+				RuntimeLibrary="0"
+				EnableFunctionLevelLinking="true"
+				UsePrecompiledHeader="0"
+				WarningLevel="3"
+				Detect64BitPortabilityProblems="true"
+				DebugInformationFormat="3"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCManagedResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCResourceCompilerTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPreLinkEventTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCLibrarianTool"
+				OutputFile="$(OutDir)/Sqlite3.lib"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCALinkTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCXDCMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCBscMakeTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCFxCopTool"
+			/>
+			<Tool
+				Name="VCPostBuildEventTool"
+			/>
+		</Configuration>
+	</Configurations>
+	<References>
+	</References>
+	<Files>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Source Files"
+			Filter="cpp;c;cxx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm"
+			>
+		</Filter>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Header Files"
+			Filter="h;hpp;hxx;hm;inl;inc"
+			>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\btree.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1_hash.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1_tokenizer.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\hash.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\keywordhash.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\opcodes.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\os.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\os_common.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\pager.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\parse.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\sqlite3.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\sqlite3ext.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\sqliteInt.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbe.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbeInt.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+		</Filter>
+		<Filter
+			Name="Resource Files"
+			Filter="rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe"
+			>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\alter.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\analyze.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\attach.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\auth.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\btree.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\build.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\callback.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\complete.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\date.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\delete.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\expr.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1_hash.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1_porter.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\fts1_tokenizer1.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\func.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\hash.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\insert.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\legacy.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\loadext.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\main.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\opcodes.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\os.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\os_win.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\pager.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\parse.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\pragma.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\prepare.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\printf.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\random.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\select.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\shell.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\table.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\tokenize.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\trigger.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\update.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\utf.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\util.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vacuum.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbe.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbeapi.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbeaux.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbefifo.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vdbemem.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\vtab.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath=".\Src\where.c"
+				>
+			</File>
+		</Filter>
+		<File
+			RelativePath="ReadMe.txt"
+			>
+		</File>
+	</Files>
+	<Globals>
+	</Globals>

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/Makefile
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/Makefile	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+LIB =  ../linux/lib/sqlite3.a
+INC = 
+ANSI_C = 	\
+alter.c \
+analyze.c \
+attach.c \
+auth.c \
+btree.c \
+build.c \
+callback.c \
+complete.c \
+date.c \
+delete.c \
+expr.c \
+fts1.c \
+fts1_hash.c \
+fts1_porter.c \
+fts1_tokenizer1.c \
+func.c \
+hash.c \
+insert.c \
+legacy.c \
+loadext.c \
+main.c \
+opcodes.c \
+os_unix.c \
+pager.c \
+parse.c \
+pragma.c \
+prepare.c \
+printf.c \
+random.c \
+select.c \
+shell.c \
+table.c \
+tokenize.c \
+trigger.c \
+update.c \
+utf.c \
+util.c \
+vacuum.c \
+vdbe.c \
+vdbeapi.c \
+vdbeaux.c \
+vdbefifo.c \
+vdbemem.c \
+vtab.c \
+ANSI_C-OBJ = $(patsubst %.c,$(LIB)(%.o),$(ANSI_C))
+all:: init_dirs $(LIB)
+lib:: $(LIB)
+	@mkdir -p ../linux/lib
+	@rm -f $(ANSI_C:$(suffix $(firstword $(ANSI_C)))=.d)
+	@rm -f $(LIB)
+$(LIB):: $(ANSI_C-OBJ)
+-include $(ANSI_C:$(suffix $(firstword $(ANSI_C)))=.d)
+$(subst $(suffix $(firstword $(ANSI_C))),.d, $(ANSI_C)): %.d : %$(suffix $(firstword $(ANSI_C)))
+	@gcc $(FLAG) $(INC) $(CF) -c -MMD -MT $(LIB)\($*\.o\) $<
+$(filter $(LIB)(%.o), $(ANSI_C-OBJ)): $(LIB)(%.o) : %.c
+	@gcc $(FLAG) $(INC) $(CF) -c $<
+	@ar r $@ $% 
+	@rm $%

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/alter.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/alter.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/alter.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,575 @@
+** 2005 February 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains C code routines that used to generate VDBE code
+** that implements the ALTER TABLE command.
+** $Id: alter.c,v 1.22 2006/09/08 12:27:37 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+** The code in this file only exists if we are not omitting the
+** ALTER TABLE logic from the build.
+** This function is used by SQL generated to implement the 
+** ALTER TABLE command. The first argument is the text of a CREATE TABLE or
+** CREATE INDEX command. The second is a table name. The table name in 
+** the CREATE TABLE or CREATE INDEX statement is replaced with the third
+** argument and the result returned. Examples:
+** sqlite_rename_table('CREATE TABLE abc(a, b, c)', 'def')
+**     -> 'CREATE TABLE def(a, b, c)'
+** sqlite_rename_table('CREATE INDEX i ON abc(a)', 'def')
+**     -> 'CREATE INDEX i ON def(a, b, c)'
+static void renameTableFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  unsigned char const *zSql = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  unsigned char const *zTableName = sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+  int token;
+  Token tname;
+  unsigned char const *zCsr = zSql;
+  int len = 0;
+  char *zRet;
+  /* The principle used to locate the table name in the CREATE TABLE 
+  ** statement is that the table name is the first token that is immediatedly
+  ** followed by a left parenthesis - TK_LP.
+  */
+  if( zSql ){
+    do {
+      /* Store the token that zCsr points to in tname. */
+      tname.z = zCsr;
+      tname.n = len;
+      /* Advance zCsr to the next token. Store that token type in 'token',
+      ** and it's length in 'len' (to be used next iteration of this loop).
+      */
+      do {
+        zCsr += len;
+        len = sqlite3GetToken(zCsr, &token);
+      } while( token==TK_SPACE );
+      assert( len>0 );
+    } while( token!=TK_LP );
+    zRet = sqlite3MPrintf("%.*s%Q%s", tname.z - zSql, zSql, 
+       zTableName, tname.z+tname.n);
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, zRet, -1, sqlite3FreeX);
+  }
+/* This function is used by SQL generated to implement the
+** ALTER TABLE command. The first argument is the text of a CREATE TRIGGER 
+** statement. The second is a table name. The table name in the CREATE 
+** TRIGGER statement is replaced with the third argument and the result 
+** returned. This is analagous to renameTableFunc() above, except for CREATE
+static void renameTriggerFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  unsigned char const *zSql = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  unsigned char const *zTableName = sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+  int token;
+  Token tname;
+  int dist = 3;
+  unsigned char const *zCsr = zSql;
+  int len = 0;
+  char *zRet;
+  /* The principle used to locate the table name in the CREATE TRIGGER 
+  ** statement is that the table name is the first token that is immediatedly
+  ** preceded by either TK_ON or TK_DOT and immediatedly followed by one
+  ** of TK_WHEN, TK_BEGIN or TK_FOR.
+  */
+  if( zSql ){
+    do {
+      /* Store the token that zCsr points to in tname. */
+      tname.z = zCsr;
+      tname.n = len;
+      /* Advance zCsr to the next token. Store that token type in 'token',
+      ** and it's length in 'len' (to be used next iteration of this loop).
+      */
+      do {
+        zCsr += len;
+        len = sqlite3GetToken(zCsr, &token);
+      }while( token==TK_SPACE );
+      assert( len>0 );
+      /* Variable 'dist' stores the number of tokens read since the most
+      ** recent TK_DOT or TK_ON. This means that when a WHEN, FOR or BEGIN 
+      ** token is read and 'dist' equals 2, the condition stated above
+      ** to be met.
+      **
+      ** Note that ON cannot be a database, table or column name, so
+      ** there is no need to worry about syntax like 
+      ** "CREATE TRIGGER ... ON ON.ON BEGIN ..." etc.
+      */
+      dist++;
+      if( token==TK_DOT || token==TK_ON ){
+        dist = 0;
+      }
+    } while( dist!=2 || (token!=TK_WHEN && token!=TK_FOR && token!=TK_BEGIN) );
+    /* Variable tname now contains the token that is the old table-name
+    ** in the CREATE TRIGGER statement.
+    */
+    zRet = sqlite3MPrintf("%.*s%Q%s", tname.z - zSql, zSql, 
+       zTableName, tname.z+tname.n);
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, zRet, -1, sqlite3FreeX);
+  }
+#endif   /* !SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER */
+** Register built-in functions used to help implement ALTER TABLE
+void sqlite3AlterFunctions(sqlite3 *db){
+  static const struct {
+     char *zName;
+     signed char nArg;
+     void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **);
+  } aFuncs[] = {
+    { "sqlite_rename_table",    2, renameTableFunc},
+    { "sqlite_rename_trigger",  2, renameTriggerFunc},
+  };
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aFuncs)/sizeof(aFuncs[0]); i++){
+    sqlite3CreateFunc(db, aFuncs[i].zName, aFuncs[i].nArg,
+        SQLITE_UTF8, 0, aFuncs[i].xFunc, 0, 0);
+  }
+** Generate the text of a WHERE expression which can be used to select all
+** temporary triggers on table pTab from the sqlite_temp_master table. If
+** table pTab has no temporary triggers, or is itself stored in the 
+** temporary database, NULL is returned.
+static char *whereTempTriggers(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
+  Trigger *pTrig;
+  char *zWhere = 0;
+  char *tmp = 0;
+  const Schema *pTempSchema = pParse->db->aDb[1].pSchema; /* Temp db schema */
+  /* If the table is not located in the temp-db (in which case NULL is 
+  ** returned, loop through the tables list of triggers. For each trigger
+  ** that is not part of the temp-db schema, add a clause to the WHERE 
+  ** expression being built up in zWhere.
+  */
+  if( pTab->pSchema!=pTempSchema ){
+    for( pTrig=pTab->pTrigger; pTrig; pTrig=pTrig->pNext ){
+      if( pTrig->pSchema==pTempSchema ){
+        if( !zWhere ){
+          zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf("name=%Q", pTrig->name);
+        }else{
+          tmp = zWhere;
+          zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf("%s OR name=%Q", zWhere, pTrig->name);
+          sqliteFree(tmp);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return zWhere;
+** Generate code to drop and reload the internal representation of table
+** pTab from the database, including triggers and temporary triggers.
+** Argument zName is the name of the table in the database schema at
+** the time the generated code is executed. This can be different from
+** pTab->zName if this function is being called to code part of an 
+** "ALTER TABLE RENAME TO" statement.
+static void reloadTableSchema(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab, const char *zName){
+  Vdbe *v;
+  char *zWhere;
+  int iDb;                   /* Index of database containing pTab */
+  Trigger *pTrig;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( !v ) return;
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  assert( iDb>=0 );
+  /* Drop any table triggers from the internal schema. */
+  for(pTrig=pTab->pTrigger; pTrig; pTrig=pTrig->pNext){
+    int iTrigDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTrig->pSchema);
+    assert( iTrigDb==iDb || iTrigDb==1 );
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_DropTrigger, iTrigDb, 0, pTrig->name, 0);
+  }
+  /* Drop the table and index from the internal schema */
+  sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_DropTable, iDb, 0, pTab->zName, 0);
+  /* Reload the table, index and permanent trigger schemas. */
+  zWhere = sqlite3MPrintf("tbl_name=%Q", zName);
+  if( !zWhere ) return;
+  sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_ParseSchema, iDb, 0, zWhere, P3_DYNAMIC);
+  /* Now, if the table is not stored in the temp database, reload any temp 
+  ** triggers. Don't use IN(...) in case SQLITE_OMIT_SUBQUERY is defined. 
+  */
+  if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_ParseSchema, 1, 0, zWhere, P3_DYNAMIC);
+  }
+** Generate code to implement the "ALTER TABLE xxx RENAME TO yyy" 
+** command. 
+void sqlite3AlterRenameTable(
+  Parse *pParse,            /* Parser context. */
+  SrcList *pSrc,            /* The table to rename. */
+  Token *pName              /* The new table name. */
+  int iDb;                  /* Database that contains the table */
+  char *zDb;                /* Name of database iDb */
+  Table *pTab;              /* Table being renamed */
+  char *zName = 0;          /* NULL-terminated version of pName */ 
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db; /* Database connection */
+  Vdbe *v;
+  char *zWhere = 0;         /* Where clause to locate temp triggers */
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ) goto exit_rename_table;
+  assert( pSrc->nSrc==1 );
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
+  if( !pTab ) goto exit_rename_table;
+  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "virtual tables may not be altered");
+    goto exit_rename_table;
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  /* Get a NULL terminated version of the new table name. */
+  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
+  if( !zName ) goto exit_rename_table;
+  /* Check that a table or index named 'zName' does not already exist
+  ** in database iDb. If so, this is an error.
+  */
+  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, zDb) || sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, zDb) ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, 
+        "there is already another table or index with this name: %s", zName);
+    goto exit_rename_table;
+  }
+  /* Make sure it is not a system table being altered, or a reserved name
+  ** that the table is being renamed to.
+  */
+  if( strlen(pTab->zName)>6 && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(pTab->zName, "sqlite_", 7) ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be altered", pTab->zName);
+    goto exit_rename_table;
+  }
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){
+    goto exit_rename_table;
+  }
+  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){
+    goto exit_rename_table;
+  }
+  /* Begin a transaction and code the VerifyCookie for database iDb. 
+  ** Then modify the schema cookie (since the ALTER TABLE modifies the
+  ** schema).
+  */
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ){
+    goto exit_rename_table;
+  }
+  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+  sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);
+  /* Modify the sqlite_master table to use the new table name. */
+  sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+      "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
+          "sql = sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q), "
+          "sql = CASE "
+            "WHEN type = 'trigger' THEN sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q)"
+            "ELSE sqlite_rename_table(sql, %Q) END, "
+          "tbl_name = %Q, "
+          "name = CASE "
+            "WHEN type='table' THEN %Q "
+            "WHEN name LIKE 'sqlite_autoindex%%' AND type='index' THEN "
+              "'sqlite_autoindex_' || %Q || substr(name, %d+18,10) "
+            "ELSE name END "
+      "WHERE tbl_name=%Q AND "
+          "(type='table' OR type='index' OR type='trigger');", 
+      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), zName, zName, zName, 
+      zName,
+      zName, strlen(pTab->zName), pTab->zName
+  );
+  /* If the sqlite_sequence table exists in this database, then update 
+  ** it with the new table name.
+  */
+  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_sequence", zDb) ){
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+        "UPDATE %Q.sqlite_sequence set name = %Q WHERE name = %Q",
+        zDb, zName, pTab->zName);
+  }
+  /* If there are TEMP triggers on this table, modify the sqlite_temp_master
+  ** table. Don't do this if the table being ALTERed is itself located in
+  ** the temp database.
+  */
+  if( (zWhere=whereTempTriggers(pParse, pTab))!=0 ){
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, 
+        "UPDATE sqlite_temp_master SET "
+            "sql = sqlite_rename_trigger(sql, %Q), "
+            "tbl_name = %Q "
+            "WHERE %s;", zName, zName, zWhere);
+    sqliteFree(zWhere);
+  }
+  /* Drop and reload the internal table schema. */
+  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, zName);
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pSrc);
+  sqliteFree(zName);
+** This function is called after an "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" statement
+** has been parsed. Argument pColDef contains the text of the new
+** column definition.
+** The Table structure pParse->pNewTable was extended to include
+** the new column during parsing.
+void sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pColDef){
+  Table *pNew;              /* Copy of pParse->pNewTable */
+  Table *pTab;              /* Table being altered */
+  int iDb;                  /* Database number */
+  const char *zDb;          /* Database name */
+  const char *zTab;         /* Table name */
+  char *zCol;               /* Null-terminated column definition */
+  Column *pCol;             /* The new column */
+  Expr *pDflt;              /* Default value for the new column */
+  if( pParse->nErr ) return;
+  pNew = pParse->pNewTable;
+  assert( pNew );
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pNew->pSchema);
+  zDb = pParse->db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  zTab = pNew->zName;
+  pCol = &pNew->aCol[pNew->nCol-1];
+  pDflt = pCol->pDflt;
+  pTab = sqlite3FindTable(pParse->db, zTab, zDb);
+  assert( pTab );
+  /* Invoke the authorization callback. */
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE, zDb, pTab->zName, 0) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  /* If the default value for the new column was specified with a 
+  ** literal NULL, then set pDflt to 0. This simplifies checking
+  ** for an SQL NULL default below.
+  */
+  if( pDflt && pDflt->op==TK_NULL ){
+    pDflt = 0;
+  }
+  /* Check that the new column is not specified as PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE.
+  ** If there is a NOT NULL constraint, then the default value for the
+  ** column must not be NULL.
+  */
+  if( pCol->isPrimKey ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a PRIMARY KEY column");
+    return;
+  }
+  if( pNew->pIndex ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a UNIQUE column");
+    return;
+  }
+  if( pCol->notNull && !pDflt ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, 
+        "Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL");
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Ensure the default expression is something that sqlite3ValueFromExpr()
+  ** can handle (i.e. not CURRENT_TIME etc.)
+  */
+  if( pDflt ){
+    sqlite3_value *pVal;
+    if( sqlite3ValueFromExpr(pDflt, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_AFF_NONE, &pVal) ){
+      /* malloc() has failed */
+      return;
+    }
+    if( !pVal ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column with non-constant default");
+      return;
+    }
+    sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+  }
+  /* Modify the CREATE TABLE statement. */
+  zCol = sqliteStrNDup((char*)pColDef->z, pColDef->n);
+  if( zCol ){
+    char *zEnd = &zCol[pColDef->n-1];
+    while( (zEnd>zCol && *zEnd==';') || isspace(*(unsigned char *)zEnd) ){
+      *zEnd-- = '\0';
+    }
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, 
+        "UPDATE %Q.%s SET "
+          "sql = substr(sql,1,%d) || ', ' || %Q || substr(sql,%d,length(sql)) "
+        "WHERE type = 'table' AND name = %Q", 
+      zDb, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), pNew->addColOffset, zCol, pNew->addColOffset+1,
+      zTab
+    );
+    sqliteFree(zCol);
+  }
+  /* If the default value of the new column is NULL, then set the file
+  ** format to 2. If the default value of the new column is not NULL,
+  ** the file format becomes 3.
+  */
+  sqlite3MinimumFileFormat(pParse, iDb, pDflt ? 3 : 2);
+  /* Reload the schema of the modified table. */
+  reloadTableSchema(pParse, pTab, pTab->zName);
+** This function is called by the parser after the table-name in
+** an "ALTER TABLE <table-name> ADD" statement is parsed. Argument 
+** pSrc is the full-name of the table being altered.
+** This routine makes a (partial) copy of the Table structure
+** for the table being altered and sets Parse.pNewTable to point
+** to it. Routines called by the parser as the column definition
+** is parsed (i.e. sqlite3AddColumn()) add the new Column data to 
+** the copy. The copy of the Table structure is deleted by tokenize.c 
+** after parsing is finished.
+** Routine sqlite3AlterFinishAddColumn() will be called to complete
+** coding the "ALTER TABLE ... ADD" statement.
+void sqlite3AlterBeginAddColumn(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){
+  Table *pNew;
+  Table *pTab;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  int iDb;
+  int i;
+  int nAlloc;
+  /* Look up the table being altered. */
+  assert( pParse->pNewTable==0 );
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ) goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pSrc->a[0].zName, pSrc->a[0].zDatabase);
+  if( !pTab ) goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "virtual tables may not be altered");
+    goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  }
+  /* Make sure this is not an attempt to ALTER a view. */
+  if( pTab->pSelect ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "Cannot add a column to a view");
+    goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  }
+  assert( pTab->addColOffset>0 );
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  /* Put a copy of the Table struct in Parse.pNewTable for the
+  ** sqlite3AddColumn() function and friends to modify.
+  */
+  pNew = (Table *)sqliteMalloc(sizeof(Table));
+  if( !pNew ) goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  pParse->pNewTable = pNew;
+  pNew->nRef = 1;
+  pNew->nCol = pTab->nCol;
+  assert( pNew->nCol>0 );
+  nAlloc = (((pNew->nCol-1)/8)*8)+8;
+  assert( nAlloc>=pNew->nCol && nAlloc%8==0 && nAlloc-pNew->nCol<8 );
+  pNew->aCol = (Column *)sqliteMalloc(sizeof(Column)*nAlloc);
+  pNew->zName = sqliteStrDup(pTab->zName);
+  if( !pNew->aCol || !pNew->zName ){
+    goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  }
+  memcpy(pNew->aCol, pTab->aCol, sizeof(Column)*pNew->nCol);
+  for(i=0; i<pNew->nCol; i++){
+    Column *pCol = &pNew->aCol[i];
+    pCol->zName = sqliteStrDup(pCol->zName);
+    pCol->zColl = 0;
+    pCol->zType = 0;
+    pCol->pDflt = 0;
+  }
+  pNew->pSchema = pParse->db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;
+  pNew->addColOffset = pTab->addColOffset;
+  pNew->nRef = 1;
+  /* Begin a transaction and increment the schema cookie.  */
+  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( !v ) goto exit_begin_add_column;
+  sqlite3ChangeCookie(pParse->db, v, iDb);
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pSrc);
+  return;
+#endif  /* SQLITE_ALTER_TABLE */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/analyze.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/analyze.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/analyze.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+** 2005 July 8
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code associated with the ANALYZE command.
+** @(#) $Id: analyze.c,v 1.16 2006/01/10 17:58:23 danielk1977 Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** This routine generates code that opens the sqlite_stat1 table on cursor
+** iStatCur.
+** If the sqlite_stat1 tables does not previously exist, it is created.
+** If it does previously exist, all entires associated with table zWhere
+** are removed.  If zWhere==0 then all entries are removed.
+static void openStatTable(
+  Parse *pParse,          /* Parsing context */
+  int iDb,                /* The database we are looking in */
+  int iStatCur,           /* Open the sqlite_stat1 table on this cursor */
+  const char *zWhere      /* Delete entries associated with this table */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  Db *pDb;
+  int iRootPage;
+  Table *pStat;
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+  if( (pStat = sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_stat1", pDb->zName))==0 ){
+    /* The sqlite_stat1 tables does not exist.  Create it.  
+    ** Note that a side-effect of the CREATE TABLE statement is to leave
+    ** the rootpage of the new table on the top of the stack.  This is
+    ** important because the OpenWrite opcode below will be needing it. */
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+      "CREATE TABLE %Q.sqlite_stat1(tbl,idx,stat)",
+      pDb->zName
+    );
+    iRootPage = 0;  /* Cause rootpage to be taken from top of stack */
+  }else if( zWhere ){
+    /* The sqlite_stat1 table exists.  Delete all entries associated with
+    ** the table zWhere. */
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+       "DELETE FROM %Q.sqlite_stat1 WHERE tbl=%Q",
+       pDb->zName, zWhere
+    );
+    iRootPage = pStat->tnum;
+  }else{
+    /* The sqlite_stat1 table already exists.  Delete all rows. */
+    iRootPage = pStat->tnum;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pStat->tnum, iDb);
+  }
+  /* Open the sqlite_stat1 table for writing. Unless it was created
+  ** by this vdbe program, lock it for writing at the shared-cache level. 
+  ** If this vdbe did create the sqlite_stat1 table, then it must have 
+  ** already obtained a schema-lock, making the write-lock redundant.
+  */
+  if( iRootPage>0 ){
+    sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, iRootPage, 1, "sqlite_stat1");
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenWrite, iStatCur, iRootPage);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, iStatCur, 3);
+** Generate code to do an analysis of all indices associated with
+** a single table.
+static void analyzeOneTable(
+  Parse *pParse,   /* Parser context */
+  Table *pTab,     /* Table whose indices are to be analyzed */
+  int iStatCur,    /* Cursor that writes to the sqlite_stat1 table */
+  int iMem         /* Available memory locations begin here */
+  Index *pIdx;     /* An index to being analyzed */
+  int iIdxCur;     /* Cursor number for index being analyzed */
+  int nCol;        /* Number of columns in the index */
+  Vdbe *v;         /* The virtual machine being built up */
+  int i;           /* Loop counter */
+  int topOfLoop;   /* The top of the loop */
+  int endOfLoop;   /* The end of the loop */
+  int addr;        /* The address of an instruction */
+  int iDb;         /* Index of database containing pTab */
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( pTab==0 || pTab->pIndex==0 ){
+    /* Do no analysis for tables that have no indices */
+    return;
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  assert( iDb>=0 );
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_ANALYZE, pTab->zName, 0,
+      pParse->db->aDb[iDb].zName ) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Establish a read-lock on the table at the shared-cache level. */
+  sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pTab->tnum, 0, pTab->zName);
+  iIdxCur = pParse->nTab;
+  for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+    KeyInfo *pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIdx);
+    /* Open a cursor to the index to be analyzed
+    */
+    assert( iDb==sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pIdx->pSchema) );
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+    VdbeComment((v, "# %s", pIdx->zName));
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_OpenRead, iIdxCur, pIdx->tnum,
+        (char *)pKey, P3_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
+    nCol = pIdx->nColumn;
+    if( iMem+nCol*2>=pParse->nMem ){
+      pParse->nMem = iMem+nCol*2+1;
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, iIdxCur, nCol+1);
+    /* Memory cells are used as follows:
+    **
+    **    mem[iMem]:             The total number of rows in the table.
+    **    mem[iMem+1]:           Number of distinct values in column 1
+    **    ...
+    **    mem[iMem+nCol]:        Number of distinct values in column N
+    **    mem[iMem+nCol+1]       Last observed value of column 1
+    **    ...
+    **    mem[iMem+nCol+nCol]:   Last observed value of column N
+    **
+    ** Cells iMem through iMem+nCol are initialized to 0.  The others
+    ** are initialized to NULL.
+    */
+    for(i=0; i<=nCol; i++){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemInt, 0, iMem+i);
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemNull, iMem+nCol+i+1, 0);
+    }
+    /* Do the analysis.
+    */
+    endOfLoop = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, iIdxCur, endOfLoop);
+    topOfLoop = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemIncr, 1, iMem);
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iIdxCur, i);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iMem+nCol+i+1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Ne, 0x100, 0);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, endOfLoop);
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemIncr, 1, iMem+i+1);
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, topOfLoop + 3*i + 3, addr);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iIdxCur, i);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemStore, iMem+nCol+i+1, 1);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endOfLoop);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, iIdxCur, topOfLoop);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iIdxCur, 0);
+    /* Store the results.  
+    **
+    ** The result is a single row of the sqlite_stmt1 table.  The first
+    ** two columns are the names of the table and index.  The third column
+    ** is a string composed of a list of integer statistics about the
+    ** index.  The first integer in the list is the total number of entires
+    ** in the index.  There is one additional integer in the list for each
+    ** column of the table.  This additional integer is a guess of how many
+    ** rows of the table the index will select.  If D is the count of distinct
+    ** values and K is the total number of rows, then the integer is computed
+    ** as:
+    **
+    **        I = (K+D-1)/D
+    **
+    ** If K==0 then no entry is made into the sqlite_stat1 table.  
+    ** If K>0 then it is always the case the D>0 so division by zero
+    ** is never possible.
+    */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iMem, 0);
+    addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IfNot, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NewRowid, iStatCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_String8, 0, 0, pTab->zName, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_String8, 0, 0, pIdx->zName, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iMem, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_String8, 0, 0, " ", 0);
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iMem, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iMem+i+1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Add, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, -1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iMem+i+1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Divide, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_ToInt, 0, 0);
+      if( i==nCol-1 ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Concat, nCol*2-1, 0);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 1, 0);
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, 3, 0, "aaa", 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, iStatCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
+  }
+** Generate code that will cause the most recent index analysis to
+** be laoded into internal hash tables where is can be used.
+static void loadAnalysis(Parse *pParse, int iDb){
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_LoadAnalysis, iDb, 0);
+** Generate code that will do an analysis of an entire database
+static void analyzeDatabase(Parse *pParse, int iDb){
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;    /* Schema of database iDb */
+  HashElem *k;
+  int iStatCur;
+  int iMem;
+  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+  iStatCur = pParse->nTab++;
+  openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, 0);
+  iMem = pParse->nMem;
+  for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pSchema->tblHash); k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
+    Table *pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
+    analyzeOneTable(pParse, pTab, iStatCur, iMem);
+  }
+  loadAnalysis(pParse, iDb);
+** Generate code that will do an analysis of a single table in
+** a database.
+static void analyzeTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
+  int iDb;
+  int iStatCur;
+  assert( pTab!=0 );
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+  iStatCur = pParse->nTab++;
+  openStatTable(pParse, iDb, iStatCur, pTab->zName);
+  analyzeOneTable(pParse, pTab, iStatCur, pParse->nMem);
+  loadAnalysis(pParse, iDb);
+** Generate code for the ANALYZE command.  The parser calls this routine
+** when it recognizes an ANALYZE command.
+**        ANALYZE                            -- 1
+**        ANALYZE  <database>                -- 2
+**        ANALYZE  ?<database>.?<tablename>  -- 3
+** Form 1 causes all indices in all attached databases to be analyzed.
+** Form 2 analyzes all indices the single database named.
+** Form 3 analyzes all indices associated with the named table.
+void sqlite3Analyze(Parse *pParse, Token *pName1, Token *pName2){
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int iDb;
+  int i;
+  char *z, *zDb;
+  Table *pTab;
+  Token *pTableName;
+  /* Read the database schema. If an error occurs, leave an error message
+  ** and code in pParse and return NULL. */
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  if( pName1==0 ){
+    /* Form 1:  Analyze everything */
+    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+      if( i==1 ) continue;  /* Do not analyze the TEMP database */
+      analyzeDatabase(pParse, i);
+    }
+  }else if( pName2==0 || pName2->n==0 ){
+    /* Form 2:  Analyze the database or table named */
+    iDb = sqlite3FindDb(db, pName1);
+    if( iDb>=0 ){
+      analyzeDatabase(pParse, iDb);
+    }else{
+      z = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName1);
+      pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, z, 0);
+      sqliteFree(z);
+      if( pTab ){
+        analyzeTable(pParse, pTab);
+      }
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* Form 3: Analyze the fully qualified table name */
+    iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pTableName);
+    if( iDb>=0 ){
+      zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+      z = sqlite3NameFromToken(pTableName);
+      pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, z, zDb);
+      sqliteFree(z);
+      if( pTab ){
+        analyzeTable(pParse, pTab);
+      }
+    }   
+  }
+** Used to pass information from the analyzer reader through to the
+** callback routine.
+typedef struct analysisInfo analysisInfo;
+struct analysisInfo {
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  const char *zDatabase;
+** This callback is invoked once for each index when reading the
+** sqlite_stat1 table.  
+**     argv[0] = name of the index
+**     argv[1] = results of analysis - on integer for each column
+static int analysisLoader(void *pData, int argc, char **argv, char **azNotUsed){
+  analysisInfo *pInfo = (analysisInfo*)pData;
+  Index *pIndex;
+  int i, c;
+  unsigned int v;
+  const char *z;
+  assert( argc==2 );
+  if( argv==0 || argv[0]==0 || argv[1]==0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  pIndex = sqlite3FindIndex(pInfo->db, argv[0], pInfo->zDatabase);
+  if( pIndex==0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  z = argv[1];
+  for(i=0; *z && i<=pIndex->nColumn; i++){
+    v = 0;
+    while( (c=z[0])>='0' && c<='9' ){
+      v = v*10 + c - '0';
+      z++;
+    }
+    pIndex->aiRowEst[i] = v;
+    if( *z==' ' ) z++;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Load the content of the sqlite_stat1 table into the index hash tables.
+void sqlite3AnalysisLoad(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){
+  analysisInfo sInfo;
+  HashElem *i;
+  char *zSql;
+  /* Clear any prior statistics */
+  for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->idxHash);i;i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
+    Index *pIdx = sqliteHashData(i);
+    sqlite3DefaultRowEst(pIdx);
+  }
+  /* Check to make sure the sqlite_stat1 table existss */
+  sInfo.db = db;
+  sInfo.zDatabase = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  if( sqlite3FindTable(db, "sqlite_stat1", sInfo.zDatabase)==0 ){
+     return;
+  }
+  /* Load new statistics out of the sqlite_stat1 table */
+  zSql = sqlite3MPrintf("SELECT idx, stat FROM %Q.sqlite_stat1",
+                        sInfo.zDatabase);
+  sqlite3SafetyOff(db);
+  sqlite3_exec(db, zSql, analysisLoader, &sInfo, 0);
+  sqlite3SafetyOn(db);
+  sqliteFree(zSql);

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/attach.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/attach.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/attach.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+** 2003 April 6
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code used to implement the ATTACH and DETACH commands.
+** $Id: attach.c,v 1.53 2006/06/27 16:34:57 danielk1977 Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** Resolve an expression that was part of an ATTACH or DETACH statement. This
+** is slightly different from resolving a normal SQL expression, because simple
+** identifiers are treated as strings, not possible column names or aliases.
+** i.e. if the parser sees:
+**     ATTACH DATABASE abc AS def
+** it treats the two expressions as literal strings 'abc' and 'def' instead of
+** looking for columns of the same name.
+** This only applies to the root node of pExpr, so the statement:
+**     ATTACH DATABASE abc||def AS 'db2'
+** will fail because neither abc or def can be resolved.
+static int resolveAttachExpr(NameContext *pName, Expr *pExpr)
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( pExpr ){
+    if( pExpr->op!=TK_ID ){
+      rc = sqlite3ExprResolveNames(pName, pExpr);
+    }else{
+      pExpr->op = TK_STRING;
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** An SQL user-function registered to do the work of an ATTACH statement. The
+** three arguments to the function come directly from an attach statement:
+**     SELECT sqlite_attach(x, y, z)
+** If the optional "KEY z" syntax is omitted, an SQL NULL is passed as the
+** third argument.
+static void attachFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int i;
+  int rc = 0;
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  const char *zName;
+  const char *zFile;
+  Db *aNew;
+  char zErr[128];
+  char *zErrDyn = 0;
+  zFile = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  zName = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+  if( zFile==0 ) zFile = "";
+  if( zName==0 ) zName = "";
+  /* Check for the following errors:
+  **
+  **     * Too many attached databases,
+  **     * Transaction currently open
+  **     * Specified database name already being used.
+  */
+  if( db->nDb>=MAX_ATTACHED+2 ){
+    sqlite3_snprintf(
+      sizeof(zErr), zErr, "too many attached databases - max %d", MAX_ATTACHED
+    );
+    goto attach_error;
+  }
+  if( !db->autoCommit ){
+    strcpy(zErr, "cannot ATTACH database within transaction");
+    goto attach_error;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    char *z = db->aDb[i].zName;
+    if( z && zName && sqlite3StrICmp(z, zName)==0 ){
+      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr), zErr, "database %s is already in use", zName);
+      goto attach_error;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Allocate the new entry in the db->aDb[] array and initialise the schema
+  ** hash tables.
+  */
+  if( db->aDb==db->aDbStatic ){
+    aNew = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(db->aDb[0])*3 );
+    if( aNew==0 ){
+      return;
+    }
+    memcpy(aNew, db->aDb, sizeof(db->aDb[0])*2);
+  }else{
+    aNew = sqliteRealloc(db->aDb, sizeof(db->aDb[0])*(db->nDb+1) );
+    if( aNew==0 ){
+      return;
+    } 
+  }
+  db->aDb = aNew;
+  aNew = &db->aDb[db->nDb++];
+  memset(aNew, 0, sizeof(*aNew));
+  /* Open the database file. If the btree is successfully opened, use
+  ** it to obtain the database schema. At this point the schema may
+  ** or may not be initialised.
+  */
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeFactory(db, zFile, 0, MAX_PAGES, &aNew->pBt);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    aNew->pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(aNew->pBt);
+    if( !aNew->pSchema ){
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }else if( aNew->pSchema->file_format && aNew->pSchema->enc!=ENC(db) ){
+      strcpy(zErr, 
+        "attached databases must use the same text encoding as main database");
+      goto attach_error;
+    }
+  }
+  aNew->zName = sqliteStrDup(zName);
+  aNew->safety_level = 3;
+  {
+    extern int sqlite3CodecAttach(sqlite3*, int, void*, int);
+    extern void sqlite3CodecGetKey(sqlite3*, int, void**, int*);
+    int nKey;
+    char *zKey;
+    int t = sqlite3_value_type(argv[2]);
+    switch( t ){
+      case SQLITE_INTEGER:
+      case SQLITE_FLOAT:
+        zErrDyn = sqliteStrDup("Invalid key value");
+        rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+        break;
+      case SQLITE_TEXT:
+      case SQLITE_BLOB:
+        nKey = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[2]);
+        zKey = (char *)sqlite3_value_blob(argv[2]);
+        sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey);
+        break;
+      case SQLITE_NULL:
+        /* No key specified.  Use the key from the main database */
+        sqlite3CodecGetKey(db, 0, (void**)&zKey, &nKey);
+        sqlite3CodecAttach(db, db->nDb-1, zKey, nKey);
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If the file was opened successfully, read the schema for the new database.
+  ** If this fails, or if opening the file failed, then close the file and 
+  ** remove the entry from the db->aDb[] array. i.e. put everything back the way
+  ** we found it.
+  */
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3SafetyOn(db);
+    rc = sqlite3Init(db, &zErrDyn);
+    sqlite3SafetyOff(db);
+  }
+  if( rc ){
+    int iDb = db->nDb - 1;
+    assert( iDb>=2 );
+    if( db->aDb[iDb].pBt ){
+      sqlite3BtreeClose(db->aDb[iDb].pBt);
+      db->aDb[iDb].pBt = 0;
+      db->aDb[iDb].pSchema = 0;
+    }
+    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
+    db->nDb = iDb;
+    if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
+      if( !sqlite3MallocFailed() ) sqlite3FailedMalloc();
+      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "out of memory");
+    }else{
+      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "unable to open database: %s", zFile);
+    }
+    goto attach_error;
+  }
+  return;
+  /* Return an error if we get here */
+  if( zErrDyn ){
+    sqlite3_result_error(context, zErrDyn, -1);
+    sqliteFree(zErrDyn);
+  }else{
+    zErr[sizeof(zErr)-1] = 0;
+    sqlite3_result_error(context, zErr, -1);
+  }
+** An SQL user-function registered to do the work of an DETACH statement. The
+** three arguments to the function come directly from a detach statement:
+**     SELECT sqlite_detach(x)
+static void detachFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  const char *zName = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  int i;
+  Db *pDb = 0;
+  char zErr[128];
+  if( zName==0 ) zName = "";
+  for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    pDb = &db->aDb[i];
+    if( pDb->pBt==0 ) continue;
+    if( sqlite3StrICmp(pDb->zName, zName)==0 ) break;
+  }
+  if( i>=db->nDb ){
+    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "no such database: %s", zName);
+    goto detach_error;
+  }
+  if( i<2 ){
+    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "cannot detach database %s", zName);
+    goto detach_error;
+  }
+  if( !db->autoCommit ){
+    strcpy(zErr, "cannot DETACH database within transaction");
+    goto detach_error;
+  }
+  if( sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(pDb->pBt) ){
+    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zErr),zErr, "database %s is locked", zName);
+    goto detach_error;
+  }
+  sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt);
+  pDb->pBt = 0;
+  pDb->pSchema = 0;
+  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
+  return;
+  sqlite3_result_error(context, zErr, -1);
+** This procedure generates VDBE code for a single invocation of either the
+** sqlite_detach() or sqlite_attach() SQL user functions.
+static void codeAttach(
+  Parse *pParse,       /* The parser context */
+  int type,            /* Either SQLITE_ATTACH or SQLITE_DETACH */
+  const char *zFunc,   /* Either "sqlite_attach" or "sqlite_detach */
+  int nFunc,           /* Number of args to pass to zFunc */
+  Expr *pAuthArg,      /* Expression to pass to authorization callback */
+  Expr *pFilename,     /* Name of database file */
+  Expr *pDbname,       /* Name of the database to use internally */
+  Expr *pKey           /* Database key for encryption extension */
+  int rc;
+  NameContext sName;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  FuncDef *pFunc;
+  sqlite3* db = pParse->db;
+  assert( sqlite3MallocFailed() || pAuthArg );
+  if( pAuthArg ){
+    char *zAuthArg = sqlite3NameFromToken(&pAuthArg->span);
+    if( !zAuthArg ){
+      goto attach_end;
+    }
+    rc = sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, type, zAuthArg, 0, 0);
+    sqliteFree(zAuthArg);
+    if(rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      goto attach_end;
+    }
+  }
+  memset(&sName, 0, sizeof(NameContext));
+  sName.pParse = pParse;
+  if( 
+      SQLITE_OK!=(rc = resolveAttachExpr(&sName, pFilename)) ||
+      SQLITE_OK!=(rc = resolveAttachExpr(&sName, pDbname)) ||
+      SQLITE_OK!=(rc = resolveAttachExpr(&sName, pKey))
+  ){
+    pParse->nErr++;
+    goto attach_end;
+  }
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pFilename);
+  sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pDbname);
+  sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pKey);
+  assert( v || sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  if( v ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Function, 0, nFunc);
+    pFunc = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunc, strlen(zFunc), nFunc, SQLITE_UTF8,0);
+    sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, (char *)pFunc, P3_FUNCDEF);
+    /* Code an OP_Expire. For an ATTACH statement, set P1 to true (expire this
+    ** statement only). For DETACH, set it to false (expire all existing
+    ** statements).
+    */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Expire, (type==SQLITE_ATTACH), 0);
+  }
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pFilename);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pDbname);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pKey);
+** Called by the parser to compile a DETACH statement.
+**     DETACH pDbname
+void sqlite3Detach(Parse *pParse, Expr *pDbname){
+  codeAttach(pParse, SQLITE_DETACH, "sqlite_detach", 1, pDbname, 0, 0, pDbname);
+** Called by the parser to compile an ATTACH statement.
+**     ATTACH p AS pDbname KEY pKey
+void sqlite3Attach(Parse *pParse, Expr *p, Expr *pDbname, Expr *pKey){
+  codeAttach(pParse, SQLITE_ATTACH, "sqlite_attach", 3, p, p, pDbname, pKey);
+** Register the functions sqlite_attach and sqlite_detach.
+void sqlite3AttachFunctions(sqlite3 *db){
+  static const int enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
+  sqlite3CreateFunc(db, "sqlite_attach", 3, enc, db, attachFunc, 0, 0);
+  sqlite3CreateFunc(db, "sqlite_detach", 1, enc, db, detachFunc, 0, 0);
+** Initialize a DbFixer structure.  This routine must be called prior
+** to passing the structure to one of the sqliteFixAAAA() routines below.
+** The return value indicates whether or not fixation is required.  TRUE
+** means we do need to fix the database references, FALSE means we do not.
+int sqlite3FixInit(
+  DbFixer *pFix,      /* The fixer to be initialized */
+  Parse *pParse,      /* Error messages will be written here */
+  int iDb,            /* This is the database that must be used */
+  const char *zType,  /* "view", "trigger", or "index" */
+  const Token *pName  /* Name of the view, trigger, or index */
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  if( iDb<0 || iDb==1 ) return 0;
+  db = pParse->db;
+  assert( db->nDb>iDb );
+  pFix->pParse = pParse;
+  pFix->zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  pFix->zType = zType;
+  pFix->pName = pName;
+  return 1;
+** The following set of routines walk through the parse tree and assign
+** a specific database to all table references where the database name
+** was left unspecified in the original SQL statement.  The pFix structure
+** must have been initialized by a prior call to sqlite3FixInit().
+** These routines are used to make sure that an index, trigger, or
+** view in one database does not refer to objects in a different database.
+** (Exception: indices, triggers, and views in the TEMP database are
+** allowed to refer to anything.)  If a reference is explicitly made
+** to an object in a different database, an error message is added to
+** pParse->zErrMsg and these routines return non-zero.  If everything
+** checks out, these routines return 0.
+int sqlite3FixSrcList(
+  DbFixer *pFix,       /* Context of the fixation */
+  SrcList *pList       /* The Source list to check and modify */
+  int i;
+  const char *zDb;
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  if( pList==0 ) return 0;
+  zDb = pFix->zDb;
+  for(i=0, pItem=pList->a; i<pList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+    if( pItem->zDatabase==0 ){
+      pItem->zDatabase = sqliteStrDup(zDb);
+    }else if( sqlite3StrICmp(pItem->zDatabase,zDb)!=0 ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pFix->pParse,
+         "%s %T cannot reference objects in database %s",
+         pFix->zType, pFix->pName, pItem->zDatabase);
+      return 1;
+    }
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER)
+    if( sqlite3FixSelect(pFix, pItem->pSelect) ) return 1;
+    if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pItem->pOn) ) return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER)
+int sqlite3FixSelect(
+  DbFixer *pFix,       /* Context of the fixation */
+  Select *pSelect      /* The SELECT statement to be fixed to one database */
+  while( pSelect ){
+    if( sqlite3FixExprList(pFix, pSelect->pEList) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixSrcList(pFix, pSelect->pSrc) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pSelect->pWhere) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pSelect->pHaving) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    pSelect = pSelect->pPrior;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int sqlite3FixExpr(
+  DbFixer *pFix,     /* Context of the fixation */
+  Expr *pExpr        /* The expression to be fixed to one database */
+  while( pExpr ){
+    if( sqlite3FixSelect(pFix, pExpr->pSelect) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixExprList(pFix, pExpr->pList) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pExpr->pRight) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    pExpr = pExpr->pLeft;
+  }
+  return 0;
+int sqlite3FixExprList(
+  DbFixer *pFix,     /* Context of the fixation */
+  ExprList *pList    /* The expression to be fixed to one database */
+  int i;
+  struct ExprList_item *pItem;
+  if( pList==0 ) return 0;
+  for(i=0, pItem=pList->a; i<pList->nExpr; i++, pItem++){
+    if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pItem->pExpr) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int sqlite3FixTriggerStep(
+  DbFixer *pFix,     /* Context of the fixation */
+  TriggerStep *pStep /* The trigger step be fixed to one database */
+  while( pStep ){
+    if( sqlite3FixSelect(pFix, pStep->pSelect) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixExpr(pFix, pStep->pWhere) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixExprList(pFix, pStep->pExprList) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    pStep = pStep->pNext;
+  }
+  return 0;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/auth.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/auth.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/auth.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+** 2003 January 11
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code used to implement the sqlite3_set_authorizer()
+** API.  This facility is an optional feature of the library.  Embedded
+** systems that do not need this facility may omit it by recompiling
+** the library with -DSQLITE_OMIT_AUTHORIZATION=1
+** $Id: auth.c,v 1.25 2006/06/16 08:01:03 danielk1977 Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** All of the code in this file may be omitted by defining a single
+** macro.
+** Set or clear the access authorization function.
+** The access authorization function is be called during the compilation
+** phase to verify that the user has read and/or write access permission on
+** various fields of the database.  The first argument to the auth function
+** is a copy of the 3rd argument to this routine.  The second argument
+** to the auth function is one of these constants:
+**       SQLITE_READ
+** The third and fourth arguments to the auth function are the name of
+** the table and the column that are being accessed.  The auth function
+** should return either SQLITE_OK, SQLITE_DENY, or SQLITE_IGNORE.  If
+** SQLITE_OK is returned, it means that access is allowed.  SQLITE_DENY
+** means that the SQL statement will never-run - the sqlite3_exec() call
+** will return with an error.  SQLITE_IGNORE means that the SQL statement
+** should run but attempts to read the specified column will return NULL
+** and attempts to write the column will be ignored.
+** Setting the auth function to NULL disables this hook.  The default
+** setting of the auth function is NULL.
+int sqlite3_set_authorizer(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  int (*xAuth)(void*,int,const char*,const char*,const char*,const char*),
+  void *pArg
+  db->xAuth = xAuth;
+  db->pAuthArg = pArg;
+  sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Write an error message into pParse->zErrMsg that explains that the
+** user-supplied authorization function returned an illegal value.
+static void sqliteAuthBadReturnCode(Parse *pParse, int rc){
+  sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "illegal return value (%d) from the "
+    "authorization function - should be SQLITE_OK, SQLITE_IGNORE, "
+    "or SQLITE_DENY", rc);
+  pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+** The pExpr should be a TK_COLUMN expression.  The table referred to
+** is in pTabList or else it is the NEW or OLD table of a trigger.  
+** Check to see if it is OK to read this particular column.
+** If the auth function returns SQLITE_IGNORE, change the TK_COLUMN 
+** instruction into a TK_NULL.  If the auth function returns SQLITE_DENY,
+** then generate an error.
+void sqlite3AuthRead(
+  Parse *pParse,        /* The parser context */
+  Expr *pExpr,          /* The expression to check authorization on */
+  SrcList *pTabList     /* All table that pExpr might refer to */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int rc;
+  Table *pTab;          /* The table being read */
+  const char *zCol;     /* Name of the column of the table */
+  int iSrc;             /* Index in pTabList->a[] of table being read */
+  const char *zDBase;   /* Name of database being accessed */
+  TriggerStack *pStack; /* The stack of current triggers */
+  int iDb;              /* The index of the database the expression refers to */
+  if( db->xAuth==0 ) return;
+  if( pExpr->op==TK_AS ) return;
+  assert( pExpr->op==TK_COLUMN );
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pExpr->pSchema);
+  if( iDb<0 ){
+    /* An attempt to read a column out of a subquery or other
+    ** temporary table. */
+    return;
+  }
+  for(iSrc=0; pTabList && iSrc<pTabList->nSrc; iSrc++){
+    if( pExpr->iTable==pTabList->a[iSrc].iCursor ) break;
+  }
+  if( iSrc>=0 && pTabList && iSrc<pTabList->nSrc ){
+    pTab = pTabList->a[iSrc].pTab;
+  }else if( (pStack = pParse->trigStack)!=0 ){
+    /* This must be an attempt to read the NEW or OLD pseudo-tables
+    ** of a trigger.
+    */
+    assert( pExpr->iTable==pStack->newIdx || pExpr->iTable==pStack->oldIdx );
+    pTab = pStack->pTab;
+  }else{
+    return;
+  }
+  if( pTab==0 ) return;
+  if( pExpr->iColumn>=0 ){
+    assert( pExpr->iColumn<pTab->nCol );
+    zCol = pTab->aCol[pExpr->iColumn].zName;
+  }else if( pTab->iPKey>=0 ){
+    assert( pTab->iPKey<pTab->nCol );
+    zCol = pTab->aCol[pTab->iPKey].zName;
+  }else{
+    zCol = "ROWID";
+  }
+  assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb );
+  zDBase = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  rc = db->xAuth(db->pAuthArg, SQLITE_READ, pTab->zName, zCol, zDBase, 
+                 pParse->zAuthContext);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_IGNORE ){
+    pExpr->op = TK_NULL;
+  }else if( rc==SQLITE_DENY ){
+    if( db->nDb>2 || iDb!=0 ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "access to %s.%s.%s is prohibited", 
+         zDBase, pTab->zName, zCol);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "access to %s.%s is prohibited",pTab->zName,zCol);
+    }
+    pParse->rc = SQLITE_AUTH;
+  }else if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqliteAuthBadReturnCode(pParse, rc);
+  }
+** Do an authorization check using the code and arguments given.  Return
+** is returned, then the error count and error message in pParse are
+** modified appropriately.
+int sqlite3AuthCheck(
+  Parse *pParse,
+  int code,
+  const char *zArg1,
+  const char *zArg2,
+  const char *zArg3
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int rc;
+  /* Don't do any authorization checks if the database is initialising
+  ** or if the parser is being invoked from within sqlite3_declare_vtab.
+  */
+  if( db->init.busy || IN_DECLARE_VTAB ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  if( db->xAuth==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  rc = db->xAuth(db->pAuthArg, code, zArg1, zArg2, zArg3, pParse->zAuthContext);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_DENY ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "not authorized");
+    pParse->rc = SQLITE_AUTH;
+  }else if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc!=SQLITE_IGNORE ){
+    rc = SQLITE_DENY;
+    sqliteAuthBadReturnCode(pParse, rc);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Push an authorization context.  After this routine is called, the
+** zArg3 argument to authorization callbacks will be zContext until
+** popped.  Or if pParse==0, this routine is a no-op.
+void sqlite3AuthContextPush(
+  Parse *pParse,
+  AuthContext *pContext, 
+  const char *zContext
+  pContext->pParse = pParse;
+  if( pParse ){
+    pContext->zAuthContext = pParse->zAuthContext;
+    pParse->zAuthContext = zContext;
+  }
+** Pop an authorization context that was previously pushed
+** by sqlite3AuthContextPush
+void sqlite3AuthContextPop(AuthContext *pContext){
+  if( pContext->pParse ){
+    pContext->pParse->zAuthContext = pContext->zAuthContext;
+    pContext->pParse = 0;
+  }

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/btree.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/btree.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/btree.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,6604 @@
+** 2004 April 6
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** $Id: btree.c,v 1.335 2007/02/10 19:22:36 drh Exp $
+** This file implements a external (disk-based) database using BTrees.
+** For a detailed discussion of BTrees, refer to
+**     Donald E. Knuth, THE ART OF COMPUTER PROGRAMMING, Volume 3:
+**     "Sorting And Searching", pages 473-480. Addison-Wesley
+**     Publishing Company, Reading, Massachusetts.
+** The basic idea is that each page of the file contains N database
+** entries and N+1 pointers to subpages.
+**   ----------------------------------------------------------------
+**   |  Ptr(0) | Key(0) | Ptr(1) | Key(1) | ... | Key(N) | Ptr(N+1) |
+**   ----------------------------------------------------------------
+** All of the keys on the page that Ptr(0) points to have values less
+** than Key(0).  All of the keys on page Ptr(1) and its subpages have
+** values greater than Key(0) and less than Key(1).  All of the keys
+** on Ptr(N+1) and its subpages have values greater than Key(N).  And
+** so forth.
+** Finding a particular key requires reading O(log(M)) pages from the 
+** disk where M is the number of entries in the tree.
+** In this implementation, a single file can hold one or more separate 
+** BTrees.  Each BTree is identified by the index of its root page.  The
+** key and data for any entry are combined to form the "payload".  A
+** fixed amount of payload can be carried directly on the database
+** page.  If the payload is larger than the preset amount then surplus
+** bytes are stored on overflow pages.  The payload for an entry
+** and the preceding pointer are combined to form a "Cell".  Each 
+** page has a small header which contains the Ptr(N+1) pointer and other
+** information such as the size of key and data.
+** The file is divided into pages.  The first page is called page 1,
+** the second is page 2, and so forth.  A page number of zero indicates
+** "no such page".  The page size can be anything between 512 and 65536.
+** Each page can be either a btree page, a freelist page or an overflow
+** page.
+** The first page is always a btree page.  The first 100 bytes of the first
+** page contain a special header (the "file header") that describes the file.
+** The format of the file header is as follows:
+**      0      16     Header string: "SQLite format 3\000"
+**     16       2     Page size in bytes.  
+**     18       1     File format write version
+**     19       1     File format read version
+**     20       1     Bytes of unused space at the end of each page
+**     21       1     Max embedded payload fraction
+**     22       1     Min embedded payload fraction
+**     23       1     Min leaf payload fraction
+**     24       4     File change counter
+**     28       4     Reserved for future use
+**     32       4     First freelist page
+**     36       4     Number of freelist pages in the file
+**     40      60     15 4-byte meta values passed to higher layers
+** All of the integer values are big-endian (most significant byte first).
+** The file change counter is incremented when the database is changed more
+** than once within the same second.  This counter, together with the
+** modification time of the file, allows other processes to know
+** when the file has changed and thus when they need to flush their
+** cache.
+** The max embedded payload fraction is the amount of the total usable
+** space in a page that can be consumed by a single cell for standard
+** B-tree (non-LEAFDATA) tables.  A value of 255 means 100%.  The default
+** is to limit the maximum cell size so that at least 4 cells will fit
+** on one page.  Thus the default max embedded payload fraction is 64.
+** If the payload for a cell is larger than the max payload, then extra
+** payload is spilled to overflow pages.  Once an overflow page is allocated,
+** as many bytes as possible are moved into the overflow pages without letting
+** the cell size drop below the min embedded payload fraction.
+** The min leaf payload fraction is like the min embedded payload fraction
+** except that it applies to leaf nodes in a LEAFDATA tree.  The maximum
+** payload fraction for a LEAFDATA tree is always 100% (or 255) and it
+** not specified in the header.
+** Each btree pages is divided into three sections:  The header, the
+** cell pointer array, and the cell area area.  Page 1 also has a 100-byte
+** file header that occurs before the page header.
+**      |----------------|
+**      | file header    |   100 bytes.  Page 1 only.
+**      |----------------|
+**      | page header    |   8 bytes for leaves.  12 bytes for interior nodes
+**      |----------------|
+**      | cell pointer   |   |  2 bytes per cell.  Sorted order.
+**      | array          |   |  Grows downward
+**      |                |   v
+**      |----------------|
+**      | unallocated    |
+**      | space          |
+**      |----------------|   ^  Grows upwards
+**      | cell content   |   |  Arbitrary order interspersed with freeblocks.
+**      | area           |   |  and free space fragments.
+**      |----------------|
+** The page headers looks like this:
+**      0       1      Flags. 1: intkey, 2: zerodata, 4: leafdata, 8: leaf
+**      1       2      byte offset to the first freeblock
+**      3       2      number of cells on this page
+**      5       2      first byte of the cell content area
+**      7       1      number of fragmented free bytes
+**      8       4      Right child (the Ptr(N+1) value).  Omitted on leaves.
+** The flags define the format of this btree page.  The leaf flag means that
+** this page has no children.  The zerodata flag means that this page carries
+** only keys and no data.  The intkey flag means that the key is a integer
+** which is stored in the key size entry of the cell header rather than in
+** the payload area.
+** The cell pointer array begins on the first byte after the page header.
+** The cell pointer array contains zero or more 2-byte numbers which are
+** offsets from the beginning of the page to the cell content in the cell
+** content area.  The cell pointers occur in sorted order.  The system strives
+** to keep free space after the last cell pointer so that new cells can
+** be easily added without having to defragment the page.
+** Cell content is stored at the very end of the page and grows toward the
+** beginning of the page.
+** Unused space within the cell content area is collected into a linked list of
+** freeblocks.  Each freeblock is at least 4 bytes in size.  The byte offset
+** to the first freeblock is given in the header.  Freeblocks occur in
+** increasing order.  Because a freeblock must be at least 4 bytes in size,
+** any group of 3 or fewer unused bytes in the cell content area cannot
+** exist on the freeblock chain.  A group of 3 or fewer free bytes is called
+** a fragment.  The total number of bytes in all fragments is recorded.
+** in the page header at offset 7.
+**      2     Byte offset of the next freeblock
+**      2     Bytes in this freeblock
+** Cells are of variable length.  Cells are stored in the cell content area at
+** the end of the page.  Pointers to the cells are in the cell pointer array
+** that immediately follows the page header.  Cells is not necessarily
+** contiguous or in order, but cell pointers are contiguous and in order.
+** Cell content makes use of variable length integers.  A variable
+** length integer is 1 to 9 bytes where the lower 7 bits of each 
+** byte are used.  The integer consists of all bytes that have bit 8 set and
+** the first byte with bit 8 clear.  The most significant byte of the integer
+** appears first.  A variable-length integer may not be more than 9 bytes long.
+** As a special case, all 8 bytes of the 9th byte are used as data.  This
+** allows a 64-bit integer to be encoded in 9 bytes.
+**    0x00                      becomes  0x00000000
+**    0x7f                      becomes  0x0000007f
+**    0x81 0x00                 becomes  0x00000080
+**    0x82 0x00                 becomes  0x00000100
+**    0x80 0x7f                 becomes  0x0000007f
+**    0x8a 0x91 0xd1 0xac 0x78  becomes  0x12345678
+**    0x81 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x01  becomes  0x10204081
+** Variable length integers are used for rowids and to hold the number of
+** bytes of key and data in a btree cell.
+** The content of a cell looks like this:
+**      4     Page number of the left child. Omitted if leaf flag is set.
+**     var    Number of bytes of data. Omitted if the zerodata flag is set.
+**     var    Number of bytes of key. Or the key itself if intkey flag is set.
+**      *     Payload
+**      4     First page of the overflow chain.  Omitted if no overflow
+** Overflow pages form a linked list.  Each page except the last is completely
+** filled with data (pagesize - 4 bytes).  The last page can have as little
+** as 1 byte of data.
+**      4     Page number of next overflow page
+**      *     Data
+** Freelist pages come in two subtypes: trunk pages and leaf pages.  The
+** file header points to first in a linked list of trunk page.  Each trunk
+** page points to multiple leaf pages.  The content of a leaf page is
+** unspecified.  A trunk page looks like this:
+**      4     Page number of next trunk page
+**      4     Number of leaf pointers on this page
+**      *     zero or more pages numbers of leaves
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "pager.h"
+#include "btree.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+/* Round up a number to the next larger multiple of 8.  This is used
+** to force 8-byte alignment on 64-bit architectures.
+#define ROUND8(x)   ((x+7)&~7)
+/* The following value is the maximum cell size assuming a maximum page
+** size give above.
+#define MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt)  (pBt->pageSize-8)
+/* The maximum number of cells on a single page of the database.  This
+** assumes a minimum cell size of 3 bytes.  Such small cells will be
+** exceedingly rare, but they are possible.
+#define MX_CELL(pBt) ((pBt->pageSize-8)/3)
+/* Forward declarations */
+typedef struct MemPage MemPage;
+typedef struct BtLock BtLock;
+** This is a magic string that appears at the beginning of every
+** SQLite database in order to identify the file as a real database.
+** You can change this value at compile-time by specifying a
+** -DSQLITE_FILE_HEADER="..." on the compiler command-line.  The
+** header must be exactly 16 bytes including the zero-terminator so
+** the string itself should be 15 characters long.  If you change
+** the header, then your custom library will not be able to read 
+** databases generated by the standard tools and the standard tools
+** will not be able to read databases created by your custom library.
+#ifndef SQLITE_FILE_HEADER /* 123456789 123456 */
+#  define SQLITE_FILE_HEADER "SQLite format 3"
+static const char zMagicHeader[] = SQLITE_FILE_HEADER;
+** Page type flags.  An ORed combination of these flags appear as the
+** first byte of every BTree page.
+#define PTF_INTKEY    0x01
+#define PTF_ZERODATA  0x02
+#define PTF_LEAFDATA  0x04
+#define PTF_LEAF      0x08
+** As each page of the file is loaded into memory, an instance of the following
+** structure is appended and initialized to zero.  This structure stores
+** information about the page that is decoded from the raw file page.
+** The pParent field points back to the parent page.  This allows us to
+** walk up the BTree from any leaf to the root.  Care must be taken to
+** unref() the parent page pointer when this page is no longer referenced.
+** The pageDestructor() routine handles that chore.
+struct MemPage {
+  u8 isInit;           /* True if previously initialized. MUST BE FIRST! */
+  u8 idxShift;         /* True if Cell indices have changed */
+  u8 nOverflow;        /* Number of overflow cell bodies in aCell[] */
+  u8 intKey;           /* True if intkey flag is set */
+  u8 leaf;             /* True if leaf flag is set */
+  u8 zeroData;         /* True if table stores keys only */
+  u8 leafData;         /* True if tables stores data on leaves only */
+  u8 hasData;          /* True if this page stores data */
+  u8 hdrOffset;        /* 100 for page 1.  0 otherwise */
+  u8 childPtrSize;     /* 0 if leaf==1.  4 if leaf==0 */
+  u16 maxLocal;        /* Copy of Btree.maxLocal or Btree.maxLeaf */
+  u16 minLocal;        /* Copy of Btree.minLocal or Btree.minLeaf */
+  u16 cellOffset;      /* Index in aData of first cell pointer */
+  u16 idxParent;       /* Index in parent of this node */
+  u16 nFree;           /* Number of free bytes on the page */
+  u16 nCell;           /* Number of cells on this page, local and ovfl */
+  struct _OvflCell {   /* Cells that will not fit on aData[] */
+    u8 *pCell;          /* Pointers to the body of the overflow cell */
+    u16 idx;            /* Insert this cell before idx-th non-overflow cell */
+  } aOvfl[5];
+  BtShared *pBt;       /* Pointer back to BTree structure */
+  u8 *aData;           /* Pointer back to the start of the page */
+  Pgno pgno;           /* Page number for this page */
+  MemPage *pParent;    /* The parent of this page.  NULL for root */
+** The in-memory image of a disk page has the auxiliary information appended
+** to the end.  EXTRA_SIZE is the number of bytes of space needed to hold
+** that extra information.
+#define EXTRA_SIZE sizeof(MemPage)
+/* Btree handle */
+struct Btree {
+  sqlite3 *pSqlite;
+  BtShared *pBt;
+  u8 inTrans;            /* TRANS_NONE, TRANS_READ or TRANS_WRITE */
+** Btree.inTrans may take one of the following values.
+** If the shared-data extension is enabled, there may be multiple users
+** of the Btree structure. At most one of these may open a write transaction,
+** but any number may have active read transactions. Variable Btree.pDb 
+** points to the handle that owns any current write-transaction.
+#define TRANS_NONE  0
+#define TRANS_READ  1
+#define TRANS_WRITE 2
+** Everything we need to know about an open database
+struct BtShared {
+  Pager *pPager;        /* The page cache */
+  BtCursor *pCursor;    /* A list of all open cursors */
+  MemPage *pPage1;      /* First page of the database */
+  u8 inStmt;            /* True if we are in a statement subtransaction */
+  u8 readOnly;          /* True if the underlying file is readonly */
+  u8 maxEmbedFrac;      /* Maximum payload as % of total page size */
+  u8 minEmbedFrac;      /* Minimum payload as % of total page size */
+  u8 minLeafFrac;       /* Minimum leaf payload as % of total page size */
+  u8 pageSizeFixed;     /* True if the page size can no longer be changed */
+  u8 autoVacuum;        /* True if database supports auto-vacuum */
+  u16 pageSize;         /* Total number of bytes on a page */
+  u16 usableSize;       /* Number of usable bytes on each page */
+  int maxLocal;         /* Maximum local payload in non-LEAFDATA tables */
+  int minLocal;         /* Minimum local payload in non-LEAFDATA tables */
+  int maxLeaf;          /* Maximum local payload in a LEAFDATA table */
+  int minLeaf;          /* Minimum local payload in a LEAFDATA table */
+  BusyHandler *pBusyHandler;   /* Callback for when there is lock contention */
+  u8 inTransaction;     /* Transaction state */
+  int nRef;             /* Number of references to this structure */
+  int nTransaction;     /* Number of open transactions (read + write) */
+  void *pSchema;        /* Pointer to space allocated by sqlite3BtreeSchema() */
+  void (*xFreeSchema)(void*);  /* Destructor for BtShared.pSchema */
+  BtLock *pLock;        /* List of locks held on this shared-btree struct */
+  BtShared *pNext;      /* Next in ThreadData.pBtree linked list */
+** An instance of the following structure is used to hold information
+** about a cell.  The parseCellPtr() function fills in this structure
+** based on information extract from the raw disk page.
+typedef struct CellInfo CellInfo;
+struct CellInfo {
+  u8 *pCell;     /* Pointer to the start of cell content */
+  i64 nKey;      /* The key for INTKEY tables, or number of bytes in key */
+  u32 nData;     /* Number of bytes of data */
+  u16 nHeader;   /* Size of the cell content header in bytes */
+  u16 nLocal;    /* Amount of payload held locally */
+  u16 iOverflow; /* Offset to overflow page number.  Zero if no overflow */
+  u16 nSize;     /* Size of the cell content on the main b-tree page */
+** A cursor is a pointer to a particular entry in the BTree.
+** The entry is identified by its MemPage and the index in
+** MemPage.aCell[] of the entry.
+struct BtCursor {
+  Btree *pBtree;            /* The Btree to which this cursor belongs */
+  BtCursor *pNext, *pPrev;  /* Forms a linked list of all cursors */
+  int (*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*); /* Key comp func */
+  void *pArg;               /* First arg to xCompare() */
+  Pgno pgnoRoot;            /* The root page of this tree */
+  MemPage *pPage;           /* Page that contains the entry */
+  int idx;                  /* Index of the entry in pPage->aCell[] */
+  CellInfo info;            /* A parse of the cell we are pointing at */
+  u8 wrFlag;                /* True if writable */
+  u8 eState;                /* One of the CURSOR_XXX constants (see below) */
+  void *pKey;      /* Saved key that was cursor's last known position */
+  i64 nKey;        /* Size of pKey, or last integer key */
+  int skip;        /* (skip<0) -> Prev() is a no-op. (skip>0) -> Next() is */
+** Potential values for BtCursor.eState.
+**   Cursor points to a valid entry. getPayload() etc. may be called.
+**   Cursor does not point to a valid entry. This can happen (for example) 
+**   because the table is empty or because BtreeCursorFirst() has not been
+**   called.
+**   The table that this cursor was opened on still exists, but has been 
+**   modified since the cursor was last used. The cursor position is saved
+**   in variables BtCursor.pKey and BtCursor.nKey. When a cursor is in 
+**   this state, restoreOrClearCursorPosition() can be called to attempt to
+**   seek the cursor to the saved position.
+#define CURSOR_INVALID           0
+#define CURSOR_VALID             1
+#define CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK       2
+** The TRACE macro will print high-level status information about the
+** btree operation when the global variable sqlite3_btree_trace is
+** enabled.
+# define TRACE(X)   if( sqlite3_btree_trace )\
+/*                        { sqlite3DebugPrintf X; fflush(stdout); } */ \
+{ printf X; fflush(stdout); }
+int sqlite3_btree_trace=0;  /* True to enable tracing */
+# define TRACE(X)
+** Forward declaration
+static int checkReadLocks(Btree*,Pgno,BtCursor*);
+** Read or write a two- and four-byte big-endian integer values.
+static u32 get2byte(unsigned char *p){
+  return (p[0]<<8) | p[1];
+static u32 get4byte(unsigned char *p){
+  return (p[0]<<24) | (p[1]<<16) | (p[2]<<8) | p[3];
+static void put2byte(unsigned char *p, u32 v){
+  p[0] = v>>8;
+  p[1] = v;
+static void put4byte(unsigned char *p, u32 v){
+  p[0] = v>>24;
+  p[1] = v>>16;
+  p[2] = v>>8;
+  p[3] = v;
+** Routines to read and write variable-length integers.  These used to
+** be defined locally, but now we use the varint routines in the util.c
+** file.
+#define getVarint    sqlite3GetVarint
+/* #define getVarint32  sqlite3GetVarint32 */
+#define getVarint32(A,B)  ((*B=*(A))<=0x7f?1:sqlite3GetVarint32(A,B))
+#define putVarint    sqlite3PutVarint
+/* The database page the PENDING_BYTE occupies. This page is never used.
+** TODO: This macro is very similary to PAGER_MJ_PGNO() in pager.c. They
+** should possibly be consolidated (presumably in pager.h).
+** If disk I/O is omitted (meaning that the database is stored purely
+** in memory) then there is no pending byte.
+# define PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt)  0x7fffffff
+# define PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ((PENDING_BYTE/(pBt)->pageSize)+1)
+** A linked list of the following structures is stored at BtShared.pLock.
+** Locks are added (or upgraded from READ_LOCK to WRITE_LOCK) when a cursor 
+** is opened on the table with root page BtShared.iTable. Locks are removed
+** from this list when a transaction is committed or rolled back, or when
+** a btree handle is closed.
+struct BtLock {
+  Btree *pBtree;        /* Btree handle holding this lock */
+  Pgno iTable;          /* Root page of table */
+  u8 eLock;             /* READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK */
+  BtLock *pNext;        /* Next in BtShared.pLock list */
+/* Candidate values for BtLock.eLock */
+#define READ_LOCK     1
+#define WRITE_LOCK    2
+  /*
+  ** The functions queryTableLock(), lockTable() and unlockAllTables()
+  ** manipulate entries in the BtShared.pLock linked list used to store
+  ** shared-cache table level locks. If the library is compiled with the
+  ** shared-cache feature disabled, then there is only ever one user
+  ** of each BtShared structure and so this locking is not necessary. 
+  ** So define the lock related functions as no-ops.
+  */
+  #define queryTableLock(a,b,c) SQLITE_OK
+  #define lockTable(a,b,c) SQLITE_OK
+  #define unlockAllTables(a)
+** Query to see if btree handle p may obtain a lock of type eLock 
+** (READ_LOCK or WRITE_LOCK) on the table with root-page iTab. Return
+** SQLITE_OK if the lock may be obtained (by calling lockTable()), or
+** SQLITE_LOCKED if not.
+static int queryTableLock(Btree *p, Pgno iTab, u8 eLock){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  BtLock *pIter;
+  /* This is a no-op if the shared-cache is not enabled */
+  if( 0==sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly()->useSharedData ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* This (along with lockTable()) is where the ReadUncommitted flag is
+  ** dealt with. If the caller is querying for a read-lock and the flag is
+  ** set, it is unconditionally granted - even if there are write-locks
+  ** on the table. If a write-lock is requested, the ReadUncommitted flag
+  ** is not considered.
+  **
+  ** In function lockTable(), if a read-lock is demanded and the 
+  ** ReadUncommitted flag is set, no entry is added to the locks list 
+  ** (BtShared.pLock).
+  **
+  ** To summarize: If the ReadUncommitted flag is set, then read cursors do
+  ** not create or respect table locks. The locking procedure for a 
+  ** write-cursor does not change.
+  */
+  if( 
+    !p->pSqlite || 
+    0==(p->pSqlite->flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommitted) || 
+    eLock==WRITE_LOCK ||
+    iTab==MASTER_ROOT
+  ){
+    for(pIter=pBt->pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){
+      if( pIter->pBtree!=p && pIter->iTable==iTab && 
+          (pIter->eLock!=eLock || eLock!=READ_LOCK) ){
+        return SQLITE_LOCKED;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Add a lock on the table with root-page iTable to the shared-btree used
+** by Btree handle p. Parameter eLock must be either READ_LOCK or 
+** SQLITE_OK is returned if the lock is added successfully. SQLITE_BUSY and
+** SQLITE_NOMEM may also be returned.
+static int lockTable(Btree *p, Pgno iTable, u8 eLock){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  BtLock *pLock = 0;
+  BtLock *pIter;
+  /* This is a no-op if the shared-cache is not enabled */
+  if( 0==sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly()->useSharedData ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  assert( SQLITE_OK==queryTableLock(p, iTable, eLock) );
+  /* If the read-uncommitted flag is set and a read-lock is requested,
+  ** return early without adding an entry to the BtShared.pLock list. See
+  ** comment in function queryTableLock() for more info on handling 
+  ** the ReadUncommitted flag.
+  */
+  if( 
+    (p->pSqlite) && 
+    (p->pSqlite->flags&SQLITE_ReadUncommitted) && 
+    (eLock==READ_LOCK) &&
+    iTable!=MASTER_ROOT
+  ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* First search the list for an existing lock on this table. */
+  for(pIter=pBt->pLock; pIter; pIter=pIter->pNext){
+    if( pIter->iTable==iTable && pIter->pBtree==p ){
+      pLock = pIter;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If the above search did not find a BtLock struct associating Btree p
+  ** with table iTable, allocate one and link it into the list.
+  */
+  if( !pLock ){
+    pLock = (BtLock *)sqliteMalloc(sizeof(BtLock));
+    if( !pLock ){
+      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }
+    pLock->iTable = iTable;
+    pLock->pBtree = p;
+    pLock->pNext = pBt->pLock;
+    pBt->pLock = pLock;
+  }
+  /* Set the BtLock.eLock variable to the maximum of the current lock
+  ** and the requested lock. This means if a write-lock was already held
+  ** and a read-lock requested, we don't incorrectly downgrade the lock.
+  */
+  assert( WRITE_LOCK>READ_LOCK );
+  if( eLock>pLock->eLock ){
+    pLock->eLock = eLock;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Release all the table locks (locks obtained via calls to the lockTable()
+** procedure) held by Btree handle p.
+static void unlockAllTables(Btree *p){
+  BtLock **ppIter = &p->pBt->pLock;
+  /* If the shared-cache extension is not enabled, there should be no
+  ** locks in the BtShared.pLock list, making this procedure a no-op. Assert
+  ** that this is the case.
+  */
+  assert( sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly()->useSharedData || 0==*ppIter );
+  while( *ppIter ){
+    BtLock *pLock = *ppIter;
+    if( pLock->pBtree==p ){
+      *ppIter = pLock->pNext;
+      sqliteFree(pLock);
+    }else{
+      ppIter = &pLock->pNext;
+    }
+  }
+static void releasePage(MemPage *pPage);  /* Forward reference */
+** Save the current cursor position in the variables BtCursor.nKey 
+** and BtCursor.pKey. The cursor's state is set to CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK.
+static int saveCursorPosition(BtCursor *pCur){
+  int rc;
+  assert( CURSOR_VALID==pCur->eState );
+  assert( 0==pCur->pKey );
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeKeySize(pCur, &pCur->nKey);
+  /* If this is an intKey table, then the above call to BtreeKeySize()
+  ** stores the integer key in pCur->nKey. In this case this value is
+  ** all that is required. Otherwise, if pCur is not open on an intKey
+  ** table, then malloc space for and store the pCur->nKey bytes of key 
+  ** data.
+  */
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && 0==pCur->pPage->intKey){
+    void *pKey = sqliteMalloc(pCur->nKey);
+    if( pKey ){
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeKey(pCur, 0, pCur->nKey, pKey);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        pCur->pKey = pKey;
+      }else{
+        sqliteFree(pKey);
+      }
+    }else{
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }
+  }
+  assert( !pCur->pPage->intKey || !pCur->pKey );
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    releasePage(pCur->pPage);
+    pCur->pPage = 0;
+    pCur->eState = CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Save the positions of all cursors except pExcept open on the table 
+** with root-page iRoot. Usually, this is called just before cursor
+** pExcept is used to modify the table (BtreeDelete() or BtreeInsert()).
+static int saveAllCursors(BtShared *pBt, Pgno iRoot, BtCursor *pExcept){
+  BtCursor *p;
+  for(p=pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
+    if( p!=pExcept && (0==iRoot || p->pgnoRoot==iRoot) && 
+        p->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
+      int rc = saveCursorPosition(p);
+      if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Restore the cursor to the position it was in (or as close to as possible)
+** when saveCursorPosition() was called. Note that this call deletes the 
+** saved position info stored by saveCursorPosition(), so there can be
+** at most one effective restoreOrClearCursorPosition() call after each 
+** saveCursorPosition().
+** If the second argument argument - doSeek - is false, then instead of 
+** returning the cursor to it's saved position, any saved position is deleted
+** and the cursor state set to CURSOR_INVALID.
+static int restoreOrClearCursorPositionX(BtCursor *pCur, int doSeek){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK );
+  pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
+  if( doSeek ){
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeMoveto(pCur, pCur->pKey, pCur->nKey, &pCur->skip);
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqliteFree(pCur->pKey);
+    pCur->pKey = 0;
+    assert( CURSOR_VALID==pCur->eState || CURSOR_INVALID==pCur->eState );
+  }
+  return rc;
+#define restoreOrClearCursorPosition(p,x) \
+  (p->eState==CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK?restoreOrClearCursorPositionX(p,x):SQLITE_OK)
+** These macros define the location of the pointer-map entry for a 
+** database page. The first argument to each is the number of usable
+** bytes on each page of the database (often 1024). The second is the
+** page number to look up in the pointer map.
+** PTRMAP_PAGENO returns the database page number of the pointer-map
+** page that stores the required pointer. PTRMAP_PTROFFSET returns
+** the offset of the requested map entry.
+** If the pgno argument passed to PTRMAP_PAGENO is a pointer-map page,
+** then pgno is returned. So (pgno==PTRMAP_PAGENO(pgsz, pgno)) can be
+** used to test if pgno is a pointer-map page. PTRMAP_ISPAGE implements
+** this test.
+#define PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, pgno) ptrmapPageno(pBt, pgno)
+#define PTRMAP_PTROFFSET(pBt, pgno) (5*(pgno-ptrmapPageno(pBt, pgno)-1))
+#define PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, pgno) (PTRMAP_PAGENO((pBt),(pgno))==(pgno))
+static Pgno ptrmapPageno(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno){
+  int nPagesPerMapPage = (pBt->usableSize/5)+1;
+  int iPtrMap = (pgno-2)/nPagesPerMapPage;
+  int ret = (iPtrMap*nPagesPerMapPage) + 2; 
+  if( ret==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+    ret++;
+  }
+  return ret;
+** The pointer map is a lookup table that identifies the parent page for
+** each child page in the database file.  The parent page is the page that
+** contains a pointer to the child.  Every page in the database contains
+** 0 or 1 parent pages.  (In this context 'database page' refers
+** to any page that is not part of the pointer map itself.)  Each pointer map
+** entry consists of a single byte 'type' and a 4 byte parent page number.
+** The PTRMAP_XXX identifiers below are the valid types.
+** The purpose of the pointer map is to facility moving pages from one
+** position in the file to another as part of autovacuum.  When a page
+** is moved, the pointer in its parent must be updated to point to the
+** new location.  The pointer map is used to locate the parent page quickly.
+** PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE: The database page is a root-page. The page-number is not
+**                  used in this case.
+** PTRMAP_FREEPAGE: The database page is an unused (free) page. The page-number 
+**                  is not used in this case.
+** PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1: The database page is the first page in a list of 
+**                   overflow pages. The page number identifies the page that
+**                   contains the cell with a pointer to this overflow page.
+** PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2: The database page is the second or later page in a list of
+**                   overflow pages. The page-number identifies the previous
+**                   page in the overflow page list.
+** PTRMAP_BTREE: The database page is a non-root btree page. The page number
+**               identifies the parent page in the btree.
+#define PTRMAP_BTREE 5
+** Write an entry into the pointer map.
+** This routine updates the pointer map entry for page number 'key'
+** so that it maps to type 'eType' and parent page number 'pgno'.
+** An error code is returned if something goes wrong, otherwise SQLITE_OK.
+static int ptrmapPut(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 eType, Pgno parent){
+  u8 *pPtrmap;    /* The pointer map page */
+  Pgno iPtrmap;   /* The pointer map page number */
+  int offset;     /* Offset in pointer map page */
+  int rc;
+  /* The master-journal page number must never be used as a pointer map page */
+  assert( 0==PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt)) );
+  assert( pBt->autoVacuum );
+  if( key==0 ){
+  }
+  iPtrmap = PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, key);
+  rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBt->pPager, iPtrmap, (void **)&pPtrmap);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  offset = PTRMAP_PTROFFSET(pBt, key);
+  if( eType!=pPtrmap[offset] || get4byte(&pPtrmap[offset+1])!=parent ){
+    TRACE(("PTRMAP_UPDATE: %d->(%d,%d)\n", key, eType, parent));
+    rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPtrmap);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      pPtrmap[offset] = eType;
+      put4byte(&pPtrmap[offset+1], parent);
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3pager_unref(pPtrmap);
+  return rc;
+** Read an entry from the pointer map.
+** This routine retrieves the pointer map entry for page 'key', writing
+** the type and parent page number to *pEType and *pPgno respectively.
+** An error code is returned if something goes wrong, otherwise SQLITE_OK.
+static int ptrmapGet(BtShared *pBt, Pgno key, u8 *pEType, Pgno *pPgno){
+  int iPtrmap;       /* Pointer map page index */
+  u8 *pPtrmap;       /* Pointer map page data */
+  int offset;        /* Offset of entry in pointer map */
+  int rc;
+  iPtrmap = PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, key);
+  rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBt->pPager, iPtrmap, (void **)&pPtrmap);
+  if( rc!=0 ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  offset = PTRMAP_PTROFFSET(pBt, key);
+  assert( pEType!=0 );
+  *pEType = pPtrmap[offset];
+  if( pPgno ) *pPgno = get4byte(&pPtrmap[offset+1]);
+  sqlite3pager_unref(pPtrmap);
+  if( *pEType<1 || *pEType>5 ) return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Given a btree page and a cell index (0 means the first cell on
+** the page, 1 means the second cell, and so forth) return a pointer
+** to the cell content.
+** This routine works only for pages that do not contain overflow cells.
+static u8 *findCell(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
+  u8 *data = pPage->aData;
+  assert( iCell>=0 );
+  assert( iCell<get2byte(&data[pPage->hdrOffset+3]) );
+  return data + get2byte(&data[pPage->cellOffset+2*iCell]);
+** This a more complex version of findCell() that works for
+** pages that do contain overflow cells.  See insert
+static u8 *findOverflowCell(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
+  int i;
+  for(i=pPage->nOverflow-1; i>=0; i--){
+    int k;
+    struct _OvflCell *pOvfl;
+    pOvfl = &pPage->aOvfl[i];
+    k = pOvfl->idx;
+    if( k<=iCell ){
+      if( k==iCell ){
+        return pOvfl->pCell;
+      }
+      iCell--;
+    }
+  }
+  return findCell(pPage, iCell);
+** Parse a cell content block and fill in the CellInfo structure.  There
+** are two versions of this function.  parseCell() takes a cell index
+** as the second argument and parseCellPtr() takes a pointer to the
+** body of the cell as its second argument.
+static void parseCellPtr(
+  MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
+  u8 *pCell,              /* Pointer to the cell text. */
+  CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
+  int n;                  /* Number bytes in cell content header */
+  u32 nPayload;           /* Number of bytes of cell payload */
+  pInfo->pCell = pCell;
+  assert( pPage->leaf==0 || pPage->leaf==1 );
+  n = pPage->childPtrSize;
+  assert( n==4-4*pPage->leaf );
+  if( pPage->hasData ){
+    n += getVarint32(&pCell[n], &nPayload);
+  }else{
+    nPayload = 0;
+  }
+  pInfo->nData = nPayload;
+  if( pPage->intKey ){
+    n += getVarint(&pCell[n], (u64 *)&pInfo->nKey);
+  }else{
+    u32 x;
+    n += getVarint32(&pCell[n], &x);
+    pInfo->nKey = x;
+    nPayload += x;
+  }
+  pInfo->nHeader = n;
+  if( nPayload<=pPage->maxLocal ){
+    /* This is the (easy) common case where the entire payload fits
+    ** on the local page.  No overflow is required.
+    */
+    int nSize;          /* Total size of cell content in bytes */
+    pInfo->nLocal = nPayload;
+    pInfo->iOverflow = 0;
+    nSize = nPayload + n;
+    if( nSize<4 ){
+      nSize = 4;        /* Minimum cell size is 4 */
+    }
+    pInfo->nSize = nSize;
+  }else{
+    /* If the payload will not fit completely on the local page, we have
+    ** to decide how much to store locally and how much to spill onto
+    ** overflow pages.  The strategy is to minimize the amount of unused
+    ** space on overflow pages while keeping the amount of local storage
+    ** in between minLocal and maxLocal.
+    **
+    ** Warning:  changing the way overflow payload is distributed in any
+    ** way will result in an incompatible file format.
+    */
+    int minLocal;  /* Minimum amount of payload held locally */
+    int maxLocal;  /* Maximum amount of payload held locally */
+    int surplus;   /* Overflow payload available for local storage */
+    minLocal = pPage->minLocal;
+    maxLocal = pPage->maxLocal;
+    surplus = minLocal + (nPayload - minLocal)%(pPage->pBt->usableSize - 4);
+    if( surplus <= maxLocal ){
+      pInfo->nLocal = surplus;
+    }else{
+      pInfo->nLocal = minLocal;
+    }
+    pInfo->iOverflow = pInfo->nLocal + n;
+    pInfo->nSize = pInfo->iOverflow + 4;
+  }
+static void parseCell(
+  MemPage *pPage,         /* Page containing the cell */
+  int iCell,              /* The cell index.  First cell is 0 */
+  CellInfo *pInfo         /* Fill in this structure */
+  parseCellPtr(pPage, findCell(pPage, iCell), pInfo);
+** Compute the total number of bytes that a Cell needs in the cell
+** data area of the btree-page.  The return number includes the cell
+** data header and the local payload, but not any overflow page or
+** the space used by the cell pointer.
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+static int cellSize(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
+  CellInfo info;
+  parseCell(pPage, iCell, &info);
+  return info.nSize;
+static int cellSizePtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
+  CellInfo info;
+  parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+  return info.nSize;
+** If the cell pCell, part of page pPage contains a pointer
+** to an overflow page, insert an entry into the pointer-map
+** for the overflow page.
+static int ptrmapPutOvflPtr(MemPage *pPage, u8 *pCell){
+  if( pCell ){
+    CellInfo info;
+    parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+    if( (info.nData+(pPage->intKey?0:info.nKey))>info.nLocal ){
+      Pgno ovfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow]);
+      return ptrmapPut(pPage->pBt, ovfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1, pPage->pgno);
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** If the cell with index iCell on page pPage contains a pointer
+** to an overflow page, insert an entry into the pointer-map
+** for the overflow page.
+static int ptrmapPutOvfl(MemPage *pPage, int iCell){
+  u8 *pCell;
+  pCell = findOverflowCell(pPage, iCell);
+  return ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pCell);
+/* A bunch of assert() statements to check the transaction state variables
+** of handle p (type Btree*) are internally consistent.
+#define btreeIntegrity(p) \
+  assert( p->inTrans!=TRANS_NONE || p->pBt->nTransaction<p->pBt->nRef ); \
+  assert( p->pBt->nTransaction<=p->pBt->nRef ); \
+  assert( p->pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_NONE || p->pBt->nTransaction==0 ); \
+  assert( p->pBt->inTransaction>=p->inTrans ); 
+** Defragment the page given.  All Cells are moved to the
+** end of the page and all free space is collected into one
+** big FreeBlk that occurs in between the header and cell
+** pointer array and the cell content area.
+static int defragmentPage(MemPage *pPage){
+  int i;                     /* Loop counter */
+  int pc;                    /* Address of a i-th cell */
+  int addr;                  /* Offset of first byte after cell pointer array */
+  int hdr;                   /* Offset to the page header */
+  int size;                  /* Size of a cell */
+  int usableSize;            /* Number of usable bytes on a page */
+  int cellOffset;            /* Offset to the cell pointer array */
+  int brk;                   /* Offset to the cell content area */
+  int nCell;                 /* Number of cells on the page */
+  unsigned char *data;       /* The page data */
+  unsigned char *temp;       /* Temp area for cell content */
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(pPage->aData) );
+  assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
+  assert( pPage->pBt->usableSize <= SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE );
+  assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 );
+  temp = sqliteMalloc( pPage->pBt->pageSize );
+  if( temp==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
+  nCell = pPage->nCell;
+  assert( nCell==get2byte(&data[hdr+3]) );
+  usableSize = pPage->pBt->usableSize;
+  brk = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+  memcpy(&temp[brk], &data[brk], usableSize - brk);
+  brk = usableSize;
+  for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+    u8 *pAddr;     /* The i-th cell pointer */
+    pAddr = &data[cellOffset + i*2];
+    pc = get2byte(pAddr);
+    assert( pc<pPage->pBt->usableSize );
+    size = cellSizePtr(pPage, &temp[pc]);
+    brk -= size;
+    memcpy(&data[brk], &temp[pc], size);
+    put2byte(pAddr, brk);
+  }
+  assert( brk>=cellOffset+2*nCell );
+  put2byte(&data[hdr+5], brk);
+  data[hdr+1] = 0;
+  data[hdr+2] = 0;
+  data[hdr+7] = 0;
+  addr = cellOffset+2*nCell;
+  memset(&data[addr], 0, brk-addr);
+  sqliteFree(temp);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Allocate nByte bytes of space on a page.
+** Return the index into pPage->aData[] of the first byte of
+** the new allocation. Or return 0 if there is not enough free
+** space on the page to satisfy the allocation request.
+** If the page contains nBytes of free space but does not contain
+** nBytes of contiguous free space, then this routine automatically
+** calls defragementPage() to consolidate all free space before 
+** allocating the new chunk.
+static int allocateSpace(MemPage *pPage, int nByte){
+  int addr, pc, hdr;
+  int size;
+  int nFrag;
+  int top;
+  int nCell;
+  int cellOffset;
+  unsigned char *data;
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(data) );
+  assert( pPage->pBt );
+  if( nByte<4 ) nByte = 4;
+  if( pPage->nFree<nByte || pPage->nOverflow>0 ) return 0;
+  pPage->nFree -= nByte;
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  nFrag = data[hdr+7];
+  if( nFrag<60 ){
+    /* Search the freelist looking for a slot big enough to satisfy the
+    ** space request. */
+    addr = hdr+1;
+    while( (pc = get2byte(&data[addr]))>0 ){
+      size = get2byte(&data[pc+2]);
+      if( size>=nByte ){
+        if( size<nByte+4 ){
+          memcpy(&data[addr], &data[pc], 2);
+          data[hdr+7] = nFrag + size - nByte;
+          return pc;
+        }else{
+          put2byte(&data[pc+2], size-nByte);
+          return pc + size - nByte;
+        }
+      }
+      addr = pc;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Allocate memory from the gap in between the cell pointer array
+  ** and the cell content area.
+  */
+  top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+  nCell = get2byte(&data[hdr+3]);
+  cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
+  if( nFrag>=60 || cellOffset + 2*nCell > top - nByte ){
+    if( defragmentPage(pPage) ) return 0;
+    top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+  }
+  top -= nByte;
+  assert( cellOffset + 2*nCell <= top );
+  put2byte(&data[hdr+5], top);
+  return top;
+** Return a section of the pPage->aData to the freelist.
+** The first byte of the new free block is pPage->aDisk[start]
+** and the size of the block is "size" bytes.
+** Most of the effort here is involved in coalesing adjacent
+** free blocks into a single big free block.
+static void freeSpace(MemPage *pPage, int start, int size){
+  int addr, pbegin, hdr;
+  unsigned char *data = pPage->aData;
+  assert( pPage->pBt!=0 );
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(data) );
+  assert( start>=pPage->hdrOffset+6+(pPage->leaf?0:4) );
+  assert( (start + size)<=pPage->pBt->usableSize );
+  if( size<4 ) size = 4;
+  /* Overwrite deleted information with zeros when the SECURE_DELETE 
+  ** option is enabled at compile-time */
+  memset(&data[start], 0, size);
+  /* Add the space back into the linked list of freeblocks */
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  addr = hdr + 1;
+  while( (pbegin = get2byte(&data[addr]))<start && pbegin>0 ){
+    assert( pbegin<=pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 );
+    assert( pbegin>addr );
+    addr = pbegin;
+  }
+  assert( pbegin<=pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 );
+  assert( pbegin>addr || pbegin==0 );
+  put2byte(&data[addr], start);
+  put2byte(&data[start], pbegin);
+  put2byte(&data[start+2], size);
+  pPage->nFree += size;
+  /* Coalesce adjacent free blocks */
+  addr = pPage->hdrOffset + 1;
+  while( (pbegin = get2byte(&data[addr]))>0 ){
+    int pnext, psize;
+    assert( pbegin>addr );
+    assert( pbegin<=pPage->pBt->usableSize-4 );
+    pnext = get2byte(&data[pbegin]);
+    psize = get2byte(&data[pbegin+2]);
+    if( pbegin + psize + 3 >= pnext && pnext>0 ){
+      int frag = pnext - (pbegin+psize);
+      assert( frag<=data[pPage->hdrOffset+7] );
+      data[pPage->hdrOffset+7] -= frag;
+      put2byte(&data[pbegin], get2byte(&data[pnext]));
+      put2byte(&data[pbegin+2], pnext+get2byte(&data[pnext+2])-pbegin);
+    }else{
+      addr = pbegin;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If the cell content area begins with a freeblock, remove it. */
+  if( data[hdr+1]==data[hdr+5] && data[hdr+2]==data[hdr+6] ){
+    int top;
+    pbegin = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
+    memcpy(&data[hdr+1], &data[pbegin], 2);
+    top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+    put2byte(&data[hdr+5], top + get2byte(&data[pbegin+2]));
+  }
+** Decode the flags byte (the first byte of the header) for a page
+** and initialize fields of the MemPage structure accordingly.
+static void decodeFlags(MemPage *pPage, int flagByte){
+  BtShared *pBt;     /* A copy of pPage->pBt */
+  assert( pPage->hdrOffset==(pPage->pgno==1 ? 100 : 0) );
+  pPage->intKey = (flagByte & (PTF_INTKEY|PTF_LEAFDATA))!=0;
+  pPage->zeroData = (flagByte & PTF_ZERODATA)!=0;
+  pPage->leaf = (flagByte & PTF_LEAF)!=0;
+  pPage->childPtrSize = 4*(pPage->leaf==0);
+  pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  if( flagByte & PTF_LEAFDATA ){
+    pPage->leafData = 1;
+    pPage->maxLocal = pBt->maxLeaf;
+    pPage->minLocal = pBt->minLeaf;
+  }else{
+    pPage->leafData = 0;
+    pPage->maxLocal = pBt->maxLocal;
+    pPage->minLocal = pBt->minLocal;
+  }
+  pPage->hasData = !(pPage->zeroData || (!pPage->leaf && pPage->leafData));
+** Initialize the auxiliary information for a disk block.
+** The pParent parameter must be a pointer to the MemPage which
+** is the parent of the page being initialized.  The root of a
+** BTree has no parent and so for that page, pParent==NULL.
+** Return SQLITE_OK on success.  If we see that the page does
+** not contain a well-formed database page, then return 
+** SQLITE_CORRUPT.  Note that a return of SQLITE_OK does not
+** guarantee that the page is well-formed.  It only shows that
+** we failed to detect any corruption.
+static int initPage(
+  MemPage *pPage,        /* The page to be initialized */
+  MemPage *pParent       /* The parent.  Might be NULL */
+  int pc;            /* Address of a freeblock within pPage->aData[] */
+  int hdr;           /* Offset to beginning of page header */
+  u8 *data;          /* Equal to pPage->aData */
+  BtShared *pBt;        /* The main btree structure */
+  int usableSize;    /* Amount of usable space on each page */
+  int cellOffset;    /* Offset from start of page to first cell pointer */
+  int nFree;         /* Number of unused bytes on the page */
+  int top;           /* First byte of the cell content area */
+  pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  assert( pBt!=0 );
+  assert( pParent==0 || pParent->pBt==pBt );
+  assert( pPage->pgno==sqlite3pager_pagenumber(pPage->aData) );
+  assert( pPage->aData == &((unsigned char*)pPage)[-pBt->pageSize] );
+  if( pPage->pParent!=pParent && (pPage->pParent!=0 || pPage->isInit) ){
+    /* The parent page should never change unless the file is corrupt */
+  }
+  if( pPage->isInit ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  if( pPage->pParent==0 && pParent!=0 ){
+    pPage->pParent = pParent;
+    sqlite3pager_ref(pParent->aData);
+  }
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  decodeFlags(pPage, data[hdr]);
+  pPage->nOverflow = 0;
+  pPage->idxShift = 0;
+  usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
+  pPage->cellOffset = cellOffset = hdr + 12 - 4*pPage->leaf;
+  top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+  pPage->nCell = get2byte(&data[hdr+3]);
+  if( pPage->nCell>MX_CELL(pBt) ){
+    /* To many cells for a single page.  The page must be corrupt */
+  }
+  if( pPage->nCell==0 && pParent!=0 && pParent->pgno!=1 ){
+    /* All pages must have at least one cell, except for root pages */
+  }
+  /* Compute the total free space on the page */
+  pc = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
+  nFree = data[hdr+7] + top - (cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell);
+  while( pc>0 ){
+    int next, size;
+    if( pc>usableSize-4 ){
+      /* Free block is off the page */
+      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; 
+    }
+    next = get2byte(&data[pc]);
+    size = get2byte(&data[pc+2]);
+    if( next>0 && next<=pc+size+3 ){
+      /* Free blocks must be in accending order */
+      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; 
+    }
+    nFree += size;
+    pc = next;
+  }
+  pPage->nFree = nFree;
+  if( nFree>=usableSize ){
+    /* Free space cannot exceed total page size */
+  }
+  pPage->isInit = 1;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Set up a raw page so that it looks like a database page holding
+** no entries.
+static void zeroPage(MemPage *pPage, int flags){
+  unsigned char *data = pPage->aData;
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  int hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  int first;
+  assert( sqlite3pager_pagenumber(data)==pPage->pgno );
+  assert( &data[pBt->pageSize] == (unsigned char*)pPage );
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(data) );
+  memset(&data[hdr], 0, pBt->usableSize - hdr);
+  data[hdr] = flags;
+  first = hdr + 8 + 4*((flags&PTF_LEAF)==0);
+  memset(&data[hdr+1], 0, 4);
+  data[hdr+7] = 0;
+  put2byte(&data[hdr+5], pBt->usableSize);
+  pPage->nFree = pBt->usableSize - first;
+  decodeFlags(pPage, flags);
+  pPage->hdrOffset = hdr;
+  pPage->cellOffset = first;
+  pPage->nOverflow = 0;
+  pPage->idxShift = 0;
+  pPage->nCell = 0;
+  pPage->isInit = 1;
+** Get a page from the pager.  Initialize the MemPage.pBt and
+** MemPage.aData elements if needed.
+static int getPage(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno, MemPage **ppPage){
+  int rc;
+  unsigned char *aData;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBt->pPager, pgno, (void**)&aData);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  pPage = (MemPage*)&aData[pBt->pageSize];
+  pPage->aData = aData;
+  pPage->pBt = pBt;
+  pPage->pgno = pgno;
+  pPage->hdrOffset = pPage->pgno==1 ? 100 : 0;
+  *ppPage = pPage;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Get a page from the pager and initialize it.  This routine
+** is just a convenience wrapper around separate calls to
+** getPage() and initPage().
+static int getAndInitPage(
+  BtShared *pBt,          /* The database file */
+  Pgno pgno,           /* Number of the page to get */
+  MemPage **ppPage,    /* Write the page pointer here */
+  MemPage *pParent     /* Parent of the page */
+  int rc;
+  if( pgno==0 ){
+  }
+  rc = getPage(pBt, pgno, ppPage);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (*ppPage)->isInit==0 ){
+    rc = initPage(*ppPage, pParent);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Release a MemPage.  This should be called once for each prior
+** call to getPage.
+static void releasePage(MemPage *pPage){
+  if( pPage ){
+    assert( pPage->aData );
+    assert( pPage->pBt );
+    assert( &pPage->aData[pPage->pBt->pageSize]==(unsigned char*)pPage );
+    sqlite3pager_unref(pPage->aData);
+  }
+** This routine is called when the reference count for a page
+** reaches zero.  We need to unref the pParent pointer when that
+** happens.
+static void pageDestructor(void *pData, int pageSize){
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  assert( (pageSize & 7)==0 );
+  pPage = (MemPage*)&((char*)pData)[pageSize];
+  if( pPage->pParent ){
+    MemPage *pParent = pPage->pParent;
+    pPage->pParent = 0;
+    releasePage(pParent);
+  }
+  pPage->isInit = 0;
+** During a rollback, when the pager reloads information into the cache
+** so that the cache is restored to its original state at the start of
+** the transaction, for each page restored this routine is called.
+** This routine needs to reset the extra data section at the end of the
+** page to agree with the restored data.
+static void pageReinit(void *pData, int pageSize){
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  assert( (pageSize & 7)==0 );
+  pPage = (MemPage*)&((char*)pData)[pageSize];
+  if( pPage->isInit ){
+    pPage->isInit = 0;
+    initPage(pPage, pPage->pParent);
+  }
+** Open a database file.
+** zFilename is the name of the database file.  If zFilename is NULL
+** a new database with a random name is created.  This randomly named
+** database file will be deleted when sqlite3BtreeClose() is called.
+int sqlite3BtreeOpen(
+  const char *zFilename,  /* Name of the file containing the BTree database */
+  sqlite3 *pSqlite,       /* Associated database handle */
+  Btree **ppBtree,        /* Pointer to new Btree object written here */
+  int flags               /* Options */
+  BtShared *pBt;          /* Shared part of btree structure */
+  Btree *p;               /* Handle to return */
+  int rc;
+  int nReserve;
+  unsigned char zDbHeader[100];
+  const ThreadData *pTsdro;
+  /* Set the variable isMemdb to true for an in-memory database, or 
+  ** false for a file-based database. This symbol is only required if
+  ** either of the shared-data or autovacuum features are compiled 
+  ** into the library.
+  */
+    const int isMemdb = 0;
+  #else
+    const int isMemdb = zFilename && !strcmp(zFilename, ":memory:");
+  #endif
+  p = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(Btree));
+  if( !p ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  p->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
+  p->pSqlite = pSqlite;
+  /* Try to find an existing Btree structure opened on zFilename. */
+  pTsdro = sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly();
+  if( pTsdro->useSharedData && zFilename && !isMemdb ){
+    char *zFullPathname = sqlite3OsFullPathname(zFilename);
+    if( !zFullPathname ){
+      sqliteFree(p);
+      return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }
+    for(pBt=pTsdro->pBtree; pBt; pBt=pBt->pNext){
+      assert( pBt->nRef>0 );
+      if( 0==strcmp(zFullPathname, sqlite3pager_filename(pBt->pPager)) ){
+        p->pBt = pBt;
+        *ppBtree = p;
+        pBt->nRef++;
+        sqliteFree(zFullPathname);
+        return SQLITE_OK;
+      }
+    }
+    sqliteFree(zFullPathname);
+  }
+  /*
+  ** The following asserts make sure that structures used by the btree are
+  ** the right size.  This is to guard against size changes that result
+  ** when compiling on a different architecture.
+  */
+  assert( sizeof(i64)==8 || sizeof(i64)==4 );
+  assert( sizeof(u64)==8 || sizeof(u64)==4 );
+  assert( sizeof(u32)==4 );
+  assert( sizeof(u16)==2 );
+  assert( sizeof(Pgno)==4 );
+  pBt = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(*pBt) );
+  if( pBt==0 ){
+    *ppBtree = 0;
+    sqliteFree(p);
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  rc = sqlite3pager_open(&pBt->pPager, zFilename, EXTRA_SIZE, flags);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    rc = sqlite3pager_read_fileheader(pBt->pPager,sizeof(zDbHeader),zDbHeader);
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    if( pBt->pPager ){
+      sqlite3pager_close(pBt->pPager);
+    }
+    sqliteFree(pBt);
+    sqliteFree(p);
+    *ppBtree = 0;
+    return rc;
+  }
+  p->pBt = pBt;
+  sqlite3pager_set_destructor(pBt->pPager, pageDestructor);
+  sqlite3pager_set_reiniter(pBt->pPager, pageReinit);
+  pBt->pCursor = 0;
+  pBt->pPage1 = 0;
+  pBt->readOnly = sqlite3pager_isreadonly(pBt->pPager);
+  pBt->pageSize = get2byte(&zDbHeader[16]);
+  if( pBt->pageSize<512 || pBt->pageSize>SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE
+       || ((pBt->pageSize-1)&pBt->pageSize)!=0 ){
+    pBt->pageSize = SQLITE_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
+    pBt->maxEmbedFrac = 64;   /* 25% */
+    pBt->minEmbedFrac = 32;   /* 12.5% */
+    pBt->minLeafFrac = 32;    /* 12.5% */
+    /* If the magic name ":memory:" will create an in-memory database, then
+    ** do not set the auto-vacuum flag, even if SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM
+    ** is true. On the other hand, if SQLITE_OMIT_MEMORYDB has been defined,
+    ** then ":memory:" is just a regular file-name. Respect the auto-vacuum
+    ** default in this case.
+    */
+    if( zFilename && !isMemdb ){
+      pBt->autoVacuum = SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM;
+    }
+    nReserve = 0;
+  }else{
+    nReserve = zDbHeader[20];
+    pBt->maxEmbedFrac = zDbHeader[21];
+    pBt->minEmbedFrac = zDbHeader[22];
+    pBt->minLeafFrac = zDbHeader[23];
+    pBt->pageSizeFixed = 1;
+    pBt->autoVacuum = (get4byte(&zDbHeader[36 + 4*4])?1:0);
+  }
+  pBt->usableSize = pBt->pageSize - nReserve;
+  assert( (pBt->pageSize & 7)==0 );  /* 8-byte alignment of pageSize */
+  sqlite3pager_set_pagesize(pBt->pPager, pBt->pageSize);
+  /* Add the new btree to the linked list starting at ThreadData.pBtree.
+  ** There is no chance that a malloc() may fail inside of the 
+  ** sqlite3ThreadData() call, as the ThreadData structure must have already
+  ** been allocated for pTsdro->useSharedData to be non-zero.
+  */
+  if( pTsdro->useSharedData && zFilename && !isMemdb ){
+    pBt->pNext = pTsdro->pBtree;
+    sqlite3ThreadData()->pBtree = pBt;
+  }
+  pBt->nRef = 1;
+  *ppBtree = p;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Close an open database and invalidate all cursors.
+int sqlite3BtreeClose(Btree *p){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  BtCursor *pCur;
+  ThreadData *pTsd;
+  /* Close all cursors opened via this handle.  */
+  pCur = pBt->pCursor;
+  while( pCur ){
+    BtCursor *pTmp = pCur;
+    pCur = pCur->pNext;
+    if( pTmp->pBtree==p ){
+      sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(pTmp);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Rollback any active transaction and free the handle structure.
+  ** The call to sqlite3BtreeRollback() drops any table-locks held by
+  ** this handle.
+  */
+  sqlite3BtreeRollback(p);
+  sqliteFree(p);
+  /* If there are still other outstanding references to the shared-btree
+  ** structure, return now. The remainder of this procedure cleans 
+  ** up the shared-btree.
+  */
+  assert( pBt->nRef>0 );
+  pBt->nRef--;
+  if( pBt->nRef ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* Remove the shared-btree from the thread wide list. Call 
+  ** ThreadDataReadOnly() and then cast away the const property of the 
+  ** pointer to avoid allocating thread data if it is not really required.
+  */
+  pTsd = (ThreadData *)sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly();
+  if( pTsd->pBtree==pBt ){
+    assert( pTsd==sqlite3ThreadData() );
+    pTsd->pBtree = pBt->pNext;
+  }else{
+    BtShared *pPrev;
+    for(pPrev=pTsd->pBtree; pPrev && pPrev->pNext!=pBt; pPrev=pPrev->pNext){}
+    if( pPrev ){
+      assert( pTsd==sqlite3ThreadData() );
+      pPrev->pNext = pBt->pNext;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Close the pager and free the shared-btree structure */
+  assert( !pBt->pCursor );
+  sqlite3pager_close(pBt->pPager);
+  if( pBt->xFreeSchema && pBt->pSchema ){
+    pBt->xFreeSchema(pBt->pSchema);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(pBt->pSchema);
+  sqliteFree(pBt);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Change the busy handler callback function.
+int sqlite3BtreeSetBusyHandler(Btree *p, BusyHandler *pHandler){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  pBt->pBusyHandler = pHandler;
+  sqlite3pager_set_busyhandler(pBt->pPager, pHandler);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Change the limit on the number of pages allowed in the cache.
+** The maximum number of cache pages is set to the absolute
+** value of mxPage.  If mxPage is negative, the pager will
+** operate asynchronously - it will not stop to do fsync()s
+** to insure data is written to the disk surface before
+** continuing.  Transactions still work if synchronous is off,
+** and the database cannot be corrupted if this program
+** crashes.  But if the operating system crashes or there is
+** an abrupt power failure when synchronous is off, the database
+** could be left in an inconsistent and unrecoverable state.
+** Synchronous is on by default so database corruption is not
+** normally a worry.
+int sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(Btree *p, int mxPage){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  sqlite3pager_set_cachesize(pBt->pPager, mxPage);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Change the way data is synced to disk in order to increase or decrease
+** how well the database resists damage due to OS crashes and power
+** failures.  Level 1 is the same as asynchronous (no syncs() occur and
+** there is a high probability of damage)  Level 2 is the default.  There
+** is a very low but non-zero probability of damage.  Level 3 reduces the
+** probability of damage to near zero but with a write performance reduction.
+int sqlite3BtreeSetSafetyLevel(Btree *p, int level, int fullSync){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  sqlite3pager_set_safety_level(pBt->pPager, level, fullSync);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return TRUE if the given btree is set to safety level 1.  In other
+** words, return TRUE if no sync() occurs on the disk files.
+int sqlite3BtreeSyncDisabled(Btree *p){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  assert( pBt && pBt->pPager );
+  return sqlite3pager_nosync(pBt->pPager);
+** Change the default pages size and the number of reserved bytes per page.
+** The page size must be a power of 2 between 512 and 65536.  If the page
+** size supplied does not meet this constraint then the page size is not
+** changed.
+** Page sizes are constrained to be a power of two so that the region
+** of the database file used for locking (beginning at PENDING_BYTE,
+** the first byte past the 1GB boundary, 0x40000000) needs to occur
+** at the beginning of a page.
+** If parameter nReserve is less than zero, then the number of reserved
+** bytes per page is left unchanged.
+int sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(Btree *p, int pageSize, int nReserve){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  if( pBt->pageSizeFixed ){
+    return SQLITE_READONLY;
+  }
+  if( nReserve<0 ){
+    nReserve = pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize;
+  }
+  if( pageSize>=512 && pageSize<=SQLITE_MAX_PAGE_SIZE &&
+        ((pageSize-1)&pageSize)==0 ){
+    assert( (pageSize & 7)==0 );
+    assert( !pBt->pPage1 && !pBt->pCursor );
+    pBt->pageSize = sqlite3pager_set_pagesize(pBt->pPager, pageSize);
+  }
+  pBt->usableSize = pBt->pageSize - nReserve;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return the currently defined page size
+int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree *p){
+  return p->pBt->pageSize;
+int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree *p){
+  return p->pBt->pageSize - p->pBt->usableSize;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_PAGER_PRAGMAS) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM) */
+** Change the 'auto-vacuum' property of the database. If the 'autoVacuum'
+** parameter is non-zero, then auto-vacuum mode is enabled. If zero, it
+** is disabled. The default value for the auto-vacuum property is 
+** determined by the SQLITE_DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM macro.
+int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *p, int autoVacuum){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;;
+  if( pBt->pageSizeFixed ){
+    return SQLITE_READONLY;
+  }
+  pBt->autoVacuum = (autoVacuum?1:0);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return the value of the 'auto-vacuum' property. If auto-vacuum is 
+** enabled 1 is returned. Otherwise 0.
+int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *p){
+  return 0;
+  return p->pBt->autoVacuum;
+** Get a reference to pPage1 of the database file.  This will
+** also acquire a readlock on that file.
+** SQLITE_OK is returned on success.  If the file is not a
+** well-formed database file, then SQLITE_CORRUPT is returned.
+** SQLITE_BUSY is returned if the database is locked.  SQLITE_NOMEM
+** is returned if we run out of memory.  SQLITE_PROTOCOL is returned
+** if there is a locking protocol violation.
+static int lockBtree(BtShared *pBt){
+  int rc, pageSize;
+  MemPage *pPage1;
+  if( pBt->pPage1 ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  rc = getPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  /* Do some checking to help insure the file we opened really is
+  ** a valid database file. 
+  */
+  if( sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager)>0 ){
+    u8 *page1 = pPage1->aData;
+    if( memcmp(page1, zMagicHeader, 16)!=0 ){
+      goto page1_init_failed;
+    }
+    if( page1[18]>1 || page1[19]>1 ){
+      goto page1_init_failed;
+    }
+    pageSize = get2byte(&page1[16]);
+/*    if( ((pageSize-1)&pageSize)!=0 ){
+      goto page1_init_failed;
+    }
+    assert( (pageSize & 7)==0 ); */ // Modified by OSGeo
+    pBt->pageSize = pageSize;
+    pBt->usableSize = pageSize - page1[20];
+    if( pBt->usableSize<500 ){
+      goto page1_init_failed;
+    }
+    pBt->maxEmbedFrac = page1[21];
+    pBt->minEmbedFrac = page1[22];
+    pBt->minLeafFrac = page1[23];
+    pBt->autoVacuum = (get4byte(&page1[36 + 4*4])?1:0);
+  }
+  /* maxLocal is the maximum amount of payload to store locally for
+  ** a cell.  Make sure it is small enough so that at least minFanout
+  ** cells can will fit on one page.  We assume a 10-byte page header.
+  ** Besides the payload, the cell must store:
+  **     2-byte pointer to the cell
+  **     4-byte child pointer
+  **     9-byte nKey value
+  **     4-byte nData value
+  **     4-byte overflow page pointer
+  ** So a cell consists of a 2-byte poiner, a header which is as much as
+  ** 17 bytes long, 0 to N bytes of payload, and an optional 4 byte overflow
+  ** page pointer.
+  */
+  pBt->maxLocal = (pBt->usableSize-12)*pBt->maxEmbedFrac/255 - 23;
+  pBt->minLocal = (pBt->usableSize-12)*pBt->minEmbedFrac/255 - 23;
+  pBt->maxLeaf = pBt->usableSize - 35;
+  pBt->minLeaf = (pBt->usableSize-12)*pBt->minLeafFrac/255 - 23;
+  if( pBt->minLocal>pBt->maxLocal || pBt->maxLocal<0 ){
+    goto page1_init_failed;
+  }
+  assert( pBt->maxLeaf + 23 <= MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) );
+  pBt->pPage1 = pPage1;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+  releasePage(pPage1);
+  pBt->pPage1 = 0;
+  return rc;
+** This routine works like lockBtree() except that it also invokes the
+** busy callback if there is lock contention.
+static int lockBtreeWithRetry(Btree *pRef){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( pRef->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ){
+    u8 inTransaction = pRef->pBt->inTransaction;
+    btreeIntegrity(pRef);
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(pRef, 0);
+    pRef->pBt->inTransaction = inTransaction;
+    pRef->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      pRef->pBt->nTransaction--;
+    }
+    btreeIntegrity(pRef);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** If there are no outstanding cursors and we are not in the middle
+** of a transaction but there is a read lock on the database, then
+** this routine unrefs the first page of the database file which 
+** has the effect of releasing the read lock.
+** If there are any outstanding cursors, this routine is a no-op.
+** If there is a transaction in progress, this routine is a no-op.
+static void unlockBtreeIfUnused(BtShared *pBt){
+  if( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE && pBt->pCursor==0 && pBt->pPage1!=0 ){
+    if( sqlite3pager_refcount(pBt->pPager)>=1 ){
+      if( pBt->pPage1->aData==0 ){
+        MemPage *pPage = pBt->pPage1;
+        pPage->aData = &((u8*)pPage)[-pBt->pageSize];
+        pPage->pBt = pBt;
+        pPage->pgno = 1;
+      }
+      releasePage(pBt->pPage1);
+    }
+    pBt->pPage1 = 0;
+    pBt->inStmt = 0;
+  }
+** Create a new database by initializing the first page of the
+** file.
+static int newDatabase(BtShared *pBt){
+  MemPage *pP1;
+  unsigned char *data;
+  int rc;
+  if( sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager)>0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  pP1 = pBt->pPage1;
+  assert( pP1!=0 );
+  data = pP1->aData;
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(data);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  memcpy(data, zMagicHeader, sizeof(zMagicHeader));
+  assert( sizeof(zMagicHeader)==16 );
+  put2byte(&data[16], pBt->pageSize);
+  data[18] = 1;
+  data[19] = 1;
+  data[20] = pBt->pageSize - pBt->usableSize;
+  data[21] = pBt->maxEmbedFrac;
+  data[22] = pBt->minEmbedFrac;
+  data[23] = pBt->minLeafFrac;
+  memset(&data[24], 0, 100-24);
+  pBt->pageSizeFixed = 1;
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    put4byte(&data[36 + 4*4], 1);
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Attempt to start a new transaction. A write-transaction
+** is started if the second argument is nonzero, otherwise a read-
+** transaction.  If the second argument is 2 or more and exclusive
+** transaction is started, meaning that no other process is allowed
+** to access the database.  A preexisting transaction may not be
+** upgraded to exclusive by calling this routine a second time - the
+** exclusivity flag only works for a new transaction.
+** A write-transaction must be started before attempting any 
+** changes to the database.  None of the following routines 
+** will work unless a transaction is started first:
+**      sqlite3BtreeCreateTable()
+**      sqlite3BtreeCreateIndex()
+**      sqlite3BtreeClearTable()
+**      sqlite3BtreeDropTable()
+**      sqlite3BtreeInsert()
+**      sqlite3BtreeDelete()
+**      sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta()
+** If an initial attempt to acquire the lock fails because of lock contention
+** and the database was previously unlocked, then invoke the busy handler
+** if there is one.  But if there was previously a read-lock, do not
+** invoke the busy handler - just return SQLITE_BUSY.  SQLITE_BUSY is 
+** returned when there is already a read-lock in order to avoid a deadlock.
+** Suppose there are two processes A and B.  A has a read lock and B has
+** a reserved lock.  B tries to promote to exclusive but is blocked because
+** of A's read lock.  A tries to promote to reserved but is blocked by B.
+** One or the other of the two processes must give way or there can be
+** no progress.  By returning SQLITE_BUSY and not invoking the busy callback
+** when A already has a read lock, we encourage A to give up and let B
+** proceed.
+int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree *p, int wrflag){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  btreeIntegrity(p);
+  /* If the btree is already in a write-transaction, or it
+  ** is already in a read-transaction and a read-transaction
+  ** is requested, this is a no-op.
+  */
+  if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE || (p->inTrans==TRANS_READ && !wrflag) ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* Write transactions are not possible on a read-only database */
+  if( pBt->readOnly && wrflag ){
+    return SQLITE_READONLY;
+  }
+  /* If another database handle has already opened a write transaction 
+  ** on this shared-btree structure and a second write transaction is
+  ** requested, return SQLITE_BUSY.
+  */
+  if( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE && wrflag ){
+    return SQLITE_BUSY;
+  }
+  do {
+    if( pBt->pPage1==0 ){
+      rc = lockBtree(pBt);
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && wrflag ){
+      rc = sqlite3pager_begin(pBt->pPage1->aData, wrflag>1);
+      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        rc = newDatabase(pBt);
+      }
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      if( wrflag ) pBt->inStmt = 0;
+    }else{
+      unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+    }
+  }while( rc==SQLITE_BUSY && pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_NONE &&
+          sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(pBt->pBusyHandler) );
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    if( p->inTrans==TRANS_NONE ){
+      pBt->nTransaction++;
+    }
+    p->inTrans = (wrflag?TRANS_WRITE:TRANS_READ);
+    if( p->inTrans>pBt->inTransaction ){
+      pBt->inTransaction = p->inTrans;
+    }
+  }
+  btreeIntegrity(p);
+  return rc;
+** Set the pointer-map entries for all children of page pPage. Also, if
+** pPage contains cells that point to overflow pages, set the pointer
+** map entries for the overflow pages as well.
+static int setChildPtrmaps(MemPage *pPage){
+  int i;                             /* Counter variable */
+  int nCell;                         /* Number of cells in page pPage */
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;                /* Return code */
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  int isInitOrig = pPage->isInit;
+  Pgno pgno = pPage->pgno;
+  initPage(pPage, 0);
+  nCell = pPage->nCell;
+  for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+    u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
+    rc = ptrmapPutOvflPtr(pPage, pCell);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      goto set_child_ptrmaps_out;
+    }
+    if( !pPage->leaf ){
+      Pgno childPgno = get4byte(pCell);
+      rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, childPgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pgno);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto set_child_ptrmaps_out;
+    }
+  }
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    Pgno childPgno = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
+    rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, childPgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pgno);
+  }
+  pPage->isInit = isInitOrig;
+  return rc;
+** Somewhere on pPage, which is guarenteed to be a btree page, not an overflow
+** page, is a pointer to page iFrom. Modify this pointer so that it points to
+** iTo. Parameter eType describes the type of pointer to be modified, as 
+** follows:
+** PTRMAP_BTREE:     pPage is a btree-page. The pointer points at a child 
+**                   page of pPage.
+** PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1: pPage is a btree-page. The pointer points at an overflow
+**                   page pointed to by one of the cells on pPage.
+** PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2: pPage is an overflow-page. The pointer points at the next
+**                   overflow page in the list.
+static int modifyPagePointer(MemPage *pPage, Pgno iFrom, Pgno iTo, u8 eType){
+  if( eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2 ){
+    /* The pointer is always the first 4 bytes of the page in this case.  */
+    if( get4byte(pPage->aData)!=iFrom ){
+      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+    }
+    put4byte(pPage->aData, iTo);
+  }else{
+    int isInitOrig = pPage->isInit;
+    int i;
+    int nCell;
+    initPage(pPage, 0);
+    nCell = pPage->nCell;
+    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+      u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
+      if( eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1 ){
+        CellInfo info;
+        parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+        if( info.iOverflow ){
+          if( iFrom==get4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow]) ){
+            put4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow], iTo);
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }else{
+        if( get4byte(pCell)==iFrom ){
+          put4byte(pCell, iTo);
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if( i==nCell ){
+      if( eType!=PTRMAP_BTREE || 
+          get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8])!=iFrom ){
+        return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+      }
+      put4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8], iTo);
+    }
+    pPage->isInit = isInitOrig;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Move the open database page pDbPage to location iFreePage in the 
+** database. The pDbPage reference remains valid.
+static int relocatePage(
+  BtShared *pBt,           /* Btree */
+  MemPage *pDbPage,        /* Open page to move */
+  u8 eType,                /* Pointer map 'type' entry for pDbPage */
+  Pgno iPtrPage,           /* Pointer map 'page-no' entry for pDbPage */
+  Pgno iFreePage           /* The location to move pDbPage to */
+  MemPage *pPtrPage;   /* The page that contains a pointer to pDbPage */
+  Pgno iDbPage = pDbPage->pgno;
+  Pager *pPager = pBt->pPager;
+  int rc;
+  assert( eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2 || eType==PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1 || 
+      eType==PTRMAP_BTREE || eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE );
+  /* Move page iDbPage from it's current location to page number iFreePage */
+  TRACE(("AUTOVACUUM: Moving %d to free page %d (ptr page %d type %d)\n", 
+      iDbPage, iFreePage, iPtrPage, eType));
+  rc = sqlite3pager_movepage(pPager, pDbPage->aData, iFreePage);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  pDbPage->pgno = iFreePage;
+  /* If pDbPage was a btree-page, then it may have child pages and/or cells
+  ** that point to overflow pages. The pointer map entries for all these
+  ** pages need to be changed.
+  **
+  ** If pDbPage is an overflow page, then the first 4 bytes may store a
+  ** pointer to a subsequent overflow page. If this is the case, then
+  ** the pointer map needs to be updated for the subsequent overflow page.
+  */
+  if( eType==PTRMAP_BTREE || eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
+    rc = setChildPtrmaps(pDbPage);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+  }else{
+    Pgno nextOvfl = get4byte(pDbPage->aData);
+    if( nextOvfl!=0 ){
+      rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, nextOvfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2, iFreePage);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Fix the database pointer on page iPtrPage that pointed at iDbPage so
+  ** that it points at iFreePage. Also fix the pointer map entry for
+  ** iPtrPage.
+  */
+  if( eType!=PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
+    rc = getPage(pBt, iPtrPage, &pPtrPage);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+    rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPtrPage->aData);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      releasePage(pPtrPage);
+      return rc;
+    }
+    rc = modifyPagePointer(pPtrPage, iDbPage, iFreePage, eType);
+    releasePage(pPtrPage);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, iFreePage, eType, iPtrPage);
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+/* Forward declaration required by autoVacuumCommit(). */
+static int allocatePage(BtShared *, MemPage **, Pgno *, Pgno, u8);
+** This routine is called prior to sqlite3pager_commit when a transaction
+** is commited for an auto-vacuum database.
+static int autoVacuumCommit(BtShared *pBt, Pgno *nTrunc){
+  Pager *pPager = pBt->pPager;
+  Pgno nFreeList;            /* Number of pages remaining on the free-list. */
+  int nPtrMap;               /* Number of pointer-map pages deallocated */
+  Pgno origSize;             /* Pages in the database file */
+  Pgno finSize;              /* Pages in the database file after truncation */
+  int rc;                    /* Return code */
+  u8 eType;
+  int pgsz = pBt->pageSize;  /* Page size for this database */
+  Pgno iDbPage;              /* The database page to move */
+  MemPage *pDbMemPage = 0;   /* "" */
+  Pgno iPtrPage;             /* The page that contains a pointer to iDbPage */
+  Pgno iFreePage;            /* The free-list page to move iDbPage to */
+  MemPage *pFreeMemPage = 0; /* "" */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  int nRef = sqlite3pager_refcount(pPager);
+  assert( pBt->autoVacuum );
+  if( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, sqlite3pager_pagecount(pPager)) ){
+  }
+  /* Figure out how many free-pages are in the database. If there are no
+  ** free pages, then auto-vacuum is a no-op.
+  */
+  nFreeList = get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]);
+  if( nFreeList==0 ){
+    *nTrunc = 0;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* This block figures out how many pages there are in the database
+  ** now (variable origSize), and how many there will be after the
+  ** truncation (variable finSize).
+  **
+  ** The final size is the original size, less the number of free pages
+  ** in the database, less any pointer-map pages that will no longer
+  ** be required, less 1 if the pending-byte page was part of the database
+  ** but is not after the truncation.
+  **/
+  origSize = sqlite3pager_pagecount(pPager);
+  if( origSize==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+    origSize--;
+  }
+  nPtrMap = (nFreeList-origSize+PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, origSize)+pgsz/5)/(pgsz/5);
+  finSize = origSize - nFreeList - nPtrMap;
+  if( origSize>PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) && finSize<=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+    finSize--;
+  }
+  while( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, finSize) || finSize==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+    finSize--;
+  }
+  TRACE(("AUTOVACUUM: Begin (db size %d->%d)\n", origSize, finSize));
+  /* Variable 'finSize' will be the size of the file in pages after
+  ** the auto-vacuum has completed (the current file size minus the number
+  ** of pages on the free list). Loop through the pages that lie beyond
+  ** this mark, and if they are not already on the free list, move them
+  ** to a free page earlier in the file (somewhere before finSize).
+  */
+  for( iDbPage=finSize+1; iDbPage<=origSize; iDbPage++ ){
+    /* If iDbPage is a pointer map page, or the pending-byte page, skip it. */
+    if( PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, iDbPage) || iDbPage==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+      continue;
+    }
+    rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, iDbPage, &eType, &iPtrPage);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto autovacuum_out;
+    if( eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE ){
+      goto autovacuum_out;
+    }
+    /* If iDbPage is free, do not swap it.  */
+    if( eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
+      continue;
+    }
+    rc = getPage(pBt, iDbPage, &pDbMemPage);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto autovacuum_out;
+    /* Find the next page in the free-list that is not already at the end 
+    ** of the file. A page can be pulled off the free list using the 
+    ** allocatePage() routine.
+    */
+    do{
+      if( pFreeMemPage ){
+        releasePage(pFreeMemPage);
+        pFreeMemPage = 0;
+      }
+      rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pFreeMemPage, &iFreePage, 0, 0);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        releasePage(pDbMemPage);
+        goto autovacuum_out;
+      }
+      assert( iFreePage<=origSize );
+    }while( iFreePage>finSize );
+    releasePage(pFreeMemPage);
+    pFreeMemPage = 0;
+    /* Relocate the page into the body of the file. Note that although the 
+    ** page has moved within the database file, the pDbMemPage pointer 
+    ** remains valid. This means that this function can run without
+    ** invalidating cursors open on the btree. This is important in 
+    ** shared-cache mode.
+    */
+    rc = relocatePage(pBt, pDbMemPage, eType, iPtrPage, iFreePage);
+    releasePage(pDbMemPage);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto autovacuum_out;
+  }
+  /* The entire free-list has been swapped to the end of the file. So
+  ** truncate the database file to finSize pages and consider the
+  ** free-list empty.
+  */
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(pBt->pPage1->aData);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto autovacuum_out;
+  put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[32], 0);
+  put4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36], 0);
+  *nTrunc = finSize;
+  assert( finSize!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
+  assert( nRef==sqlite3pager_refcount(pPager) );
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3pager_rollback(pPager);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Commit the transaction currently in progress.
+** This will release the write lock on the database file.  If there
+** are no active cursors, it also releases the read lock.
+int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree *p){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  btreeIntegrity(p);
+  /* If the handle has a write-transaction open, commit the shared-btrees 
+  ** transaction and set the shared state to TRANS_READ.
+  */
+  if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
+    int rc;
+    assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
+    assert( pBt->nTransaction>0 );
+    rc = sqlite3pager_commit(pBt->pPager);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+    pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ;
+    pBt->inStmt = 0;
+  }
+  unlockAllTables(p);
+  /* If the handle has any kind of transaction open, decrement the transaction
+  ** count of the shared btree. If the transaction count reaches 0, set
+  ** the shared state to TRANS_NONE. The unlockBtreeIfUnused() call below
+  ** will unlock the pager.
+  */
+  if( p->inTrans!=TRANS_NONE ){
+    pBt->nTransaction--;
+    if( 0==pBt->nTransaction ){
+      pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_NONE;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Set the handles current transaction state to TRANS_NONE and unlock
+  ** the pager if this call closed the only read or write transaction.
+  */
+  p->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
+  unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+  btreeIntegrity(p);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+** Return the number of write-cursors open on this handle. This is for use
+** in assert() expressions, so it is only compiled if NDEBUG is not
+** defined.
+static int countWriteCursors(BtShared *pBt){
+  BtCursor *pCur;
+  int r = 0;
+  for(pCur=pBt->pCursor; pCur; pCur=pCur->pNext){
+    if( pCur->wrFlag ) r++; 
+  }
+  return r;
+#if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+** Print debugging information about all cursors to standard output.
+void sqlite3BtreeCursorList(Btree *p){
+  BtCursor *pCur;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  for(pCur=pBt->pCursor; pCur; pCur=pCur->pNext){
+    MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
+    char *zMode = pCur->wrFlag ? "rw" : "ro";
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("CURSOR %p rooted at %4d(%s) currently at %d.%d%s\n",
+       pCur, pCur->pgnoRoot, zMode,
+       pPage ? pPage->pgno : 0, pCur->idx,
+       (pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID) ? "" : " eof"
+    );
+  }
+** Rollback the transaction in progress.  All cursors will be
+** invalided by this operation.  Any attempt to use a cursor
+** that was open at the beginning of this operation will result
+** in an error.
+** This will release the write lock on the database file.  If there
+** are no active cursors, it also releases the read lock.
+int sqlite3BtreeRollback(Btree *p){
+  int rc;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  MemPage *pPage1;
+  rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, 0, 0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    /* This is a horrible situation. An IO or malloc() error occured whilst
+    ** trying to save cursor positions. If this is an automatic rollback (as
+    ** the result of a constraint, malloc() failure or IO error) then 
+    ** the cache may be internally inconsistent (not contain valid trees) so
+    ** we cannot simply return the error to the caller. Instead, abort 
+    ** all queries that may be using any of the cursors that failed to save.
+    */
+    while( pBt->pCursor ){
+      sqlite3 *db = pBt->pCursor->pBtree->pSqlite;
+      if( db ){
+        sqlite3AbortOtherActiveVdbes(db, 0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  btreeIntegrity(p);
+  unlockAllTables(p);
+  if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
+    int rc2;
+    assert( TRANS_WRITE==pBt->inTransaction );
+    rc2 = sqlite3pager_rollback(pBt->pPager);
+    if( rc2!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      rc = rc2;
+    }
+    /* The rollback may have destroyed the pPage1->aData value.  So
+    ** call getPage() on page 1 again to make sure pPage1->aData is
+    ** set correctly. */
+    if( getPage(pBt, 1, &pPage1)==SQLITE_OK ){
+      releasePage(pPage1);
+    }
+    assert( countWriteCursors(pBt)==0 );
+    pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_READ;
+  }
+  if( p->inTrans!=TRANS_NONE ){
+    assert( pBt->nTransaction>0 );
+    pBt->nTransaction--;
+    if( 0==pBt->nTransaction ){
+      pBt->inTransaction = TRANS_NONE;
+    }
+  }
+  p->inTrans = TRANS_NONE;
+  pBt->inStmt = 0;
+  unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+  btreeIntegrity(p);
+  return rc;
+** Start a statement subtransaction.  The subtransaction can
+** can be rolled back independently of the main transaction.
+** You must start a transaction before starting a subtransaction.
+** The subtransaction is ended automatically if the main transaction
+** commits or rolls back.
+** Only one subtransaction may be active at a time.  It is an error to try
+** to start a new subtransaction if another subtransaction is already active.
+** Statement subtransactions are used around individual SQL statements
+** that are contained within a BEGIN...COMMIT block.  If a constraint
+** error occurs within the statement, the effect of that one statement
+** can be rolled back without having to rollback the entire transaction.
+int sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(Btree *p){
+  int rc;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  if( (p->inTrans!=TRANS_WRITE) || pBt->inStmt ){
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  assert( pBt->inTransaction==TRANS_WRITE );
+  rc = pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_OK : sqlite3pager_stmt_begin(pBt->pPager);
+  pBt->inStmt = 1;
+  return rc;
+** Commit the statment subtransaction currently in progress.  If no
+** subtransaction is active, this is a no-op.
+int sqlite3BtreeCommitStmt(Btree *p){
+  int rc;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  if( pBt->inStmt && !pBt->readOnly ){
+    rc = sqlite3pager_stmt_commit(pBt->pPager);
+  }else{
+    rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  pBt->inStmt = 0;
+  return rc;
+** Rollback the active statement subtransaction.  If no subtransaction
+** is active this routine is a no-op.
+** All cursors will be invalidated by this operation.  Any attempt
+** to use a cursor that was open at the beginning of this operation
+** will result in an error.
+int sqlite3BtreeRollbackStmt(Btree *p){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  sqlite3MallocDisallow();
+  if( pBt->inStmt && !pBt->readOnly ){
+    rc = sqlite3pager_stmt_rollback(pBt->pPager);
+    assert( countWriteCursors(pBt)==0 );
+    pBt->inStmt = 0;
+  }
+  sqlite3MallocAllow();
+  return rc;
+** Default key comparison function to be used if no comparison function
+** is specified on the sqlite3BtreeCursor() call.
+static int dfltCompare(
+  void *NotUsed,             /* User data is not used */
+  int n1, const void *p1,    /* First key to compare */
+  int n2, const void *p2     /* Second key to compare */
+  int c;
+  c = memcmp(p1, p2, n1<n2 ? n1 : n2);
+  if( c==0 ){
+    c = n1 - n2;
+  }
+  return c;
+** Create a new cursor for the BTree whose root is on the page
+** iTable.  The act of acquiring a cursor gets a read lock on 
+** the database file.
+** If wrFlag==0, then the cursor can only be used for reading.
+** If wrFlag==1, then the cursor can be used for reading or for
+** writing if other conditions for writing are also met.  These
+** are the conditions that must be met in order for writing to
+** be allowed:
+** 1:  The cursor must have been opened with wrFlag==1
+** 2:  No other cursors may be open with wrFlag==0 on the same table
+** 3:  The database must be writable (not on read-only media)
+** 4:  There must be an active transaction.
+** Condition 2 warrants further discussion.  If any cursor is opened
+** on a table with wrFlag==0, that prevents all other cursors from
+** writing to that table.  This is a kind of "read-lock".  When a cursor
+** is opened with wrFlag==0 it is guaranteed that the table will not
+** change as long as the cursor is open.  This allows the cursor to
+** do a sequential scan of the table without having to worry about
+** entries being inserted or deleted during the scan.  Cursors should
+** be opened with wrFlag==0 only if this read-lock property is needed.
+** That is to say, cursors should be opened with wrFlag==0 only if they
+** intend to use the sqlite3BtreeNext() system call.  All other cursors
+** should be opened with wrFlag==1 even if they never really intend
+** to write.
+** No checking is done to make sure that page iTable really is the
+** root page of a b-tree.  If it is not, then the cursor acquired
+** will not work correctly.
+** The comparison function must be logically the same for every cursor
+** on a particular table.  Changing the comparison function will result
+** in incorrect operations.  If the comparison function is NULL, a
+** default comparison function is used.  The comparison function is
+** always ignored for INTKEY tables.
+int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
+  Btree *p,                                   /* The btree */
+  int iTable,                                 /* Root page of table to open */
+  int wrFlag,                                 /* 1 to write. 0 read-only */
+  int (*xCmp)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*), /* Key Comparison func */
+  void *pArg,                                 /* First arg to xCompare() */
+  BtCursor **ppCur                            /* Write new cursor here */
+  int rc;
+  BtCursor *pCur;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  *ppCur = 0;
+  if( wrFlag ){
+    if( pBt->readOnly ){
+      return SQLITE_READONLY;
+    }
+    if( checkReadLocks(p, iTable, 0) ){
+      return SQLITE_LOCKED;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pBt->pPage1==0 ){
+    rc = lockBtreeWithRetry(p);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+  }
+  pCur = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(*pCur) );
+  if( pCur==0 ){
+    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    goto create_cursor_exception;
+  }
+  pCur->pgnoRoot = (Pgno)iTable;
+  if( iTable==1 && sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager)==0 ){
+    rc = SQLITE_EMPTY;
+    goto create_cursor_exception;
+  }
+  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, &pCur->pPage, 0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    goto create_cursor_exception;
+  }
+  /* Now that no other errors can occur, finish filling in the BtCursor
+  ** variables, link the cursor into the BtShared list and set *ppCur (the
+  ** output argument to this function).
+  */
+  pCur->xCompare = xCmp ? xCmp : dfltCompare;
+  pCur->pArg = pArg;
+  pCur->pBtree = p;
+  pCur->wrFlag = wrFlag;
+  pCur->pNext = pBt->pCursor;
+  if( pCur->pNext ){
+    pCur->pNext->pPrev = pCur;
+  }
+  pBt->pCursor = pCur;
+  pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
+  *ppCur = pCur;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+  if( pCur ){
+    releasePage(pCur->pPage);
+    sqliteFree(pCur);
+  }
+  unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+  return rc;
+#if 0  /* Not Used */
+** Change the value of the comparison function used by a cursor.
+void sqlite3BtreeSetCompare(
+  BtCursor *pCur,     /* The cursor to whose comparison function is changed */
+  int(*xCmp)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*), /* New comparison func */
+  void *pArg          /* First argument to xCmp() */
+  pCur->xCompare = xCmp ? xCmp : dfltCompare;
+  pCur->pArg = pArg;
+** Close a cursor.  The read lock on the database file is released
+** when the last cursor is closed.
+int sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
+  BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBtree->pBt;
+  restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 0);
+  if( pCur->pPrev ){
+    pCur->pPrev->pNext = pCur->pNext;
+  }else{
+    pBt->pCursor = pCur->pNext;
+  }
+  if( pCur->pNext ){
+    pCur->pNext->pPrev = pCur->pPrev;
+  }
+  releasePage(pCur->pPage);
+  unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+  sqliteFree(pCur);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Make a temporary cursor by filling in the fields of pTempCur.
+** The temporary cursor is not on the cursor list for the Btree.
+static void getTempCursor(BtCursor *pCur, BtCursor *pTempCur){
+  memcpy(pTempCur, pCur, sizeof(*pCur));
+  pTempCur->pNext = 0;
+  pTempCur->pPrev = 0;
+  if( pTempCur->pPage ){
+    sqlite3pager_ref(pTempCur->pPage->aData);
+  }
+** Delete a temporary cursor such as was made by the CreateTemporaryCursor()
+** function above.
+static void releaseTempCursor(BtCursor *pCur){
+  if( pCur->pPage ){
+    sqlite3pager_unref(pCur->pPage->aData);
+  }
+** Make sure the BtCursor.info field of the given cursor is valid.
+** If it is not already valid, call parseCell() to fill it in.
+** BtCursor.info is a cache of the information in the current cell.
+** Using this cache reduces the number of calls to parseCell().
+static void getCellInfo(BtCursor *pCur){
+  if( pCur->info.nSize==0 ){
+    parseCell(pCur->pPage, pCur->idx, &pCur->info);
+  }else{
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+    CellInfo info;
+    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
+    parseCell(pCur->pPage, pCur->idx, &info);
+    assert( memcmp(&info, &pCur->info, sizeof(info))==0 );
+  }
+** Set *pSize to the size of the buffer needed to hold the value of
+** the key for the current entry.  If the cursor is not pointing
+** to a valid entry, *pSize is set to 0. 
+** For a table with the INTKEY flag set, this routine returns the key
+** itself, not the number of bytes in the key.
+int sqlite3BtreeKeySize(BtCursor *pCur, i64 *pSize){
+  int rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID || pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID ){
+      *pSize = 0;
+    }else{
+      getCellInfo(pCur);
+      *pSize = pCur->info.nKey;
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Set *pSize to the number of bytes of data in the entry the
+** cursor currently points to.  Always return SQLITE_OK.
+** Failure is not possible.  If the cursor is not currently
+** pointing to an entry (which can happen, for example, if
+** the database is empty) then *pSize is set to 0.
+int sqlite3BtreeDataSize(BtCursor *pCur, u32 *pSize){
+  int rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID || pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+    if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID ){
+      /* Not pointing at a valid entry - set *pSize to 0. */
+      *pSize = 0;
+    }else{
+      getCellInfo(pCur);
+      *pSize = pCur->info.nData;
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Read payload information from the entry that the pCur cursor is
+** pointing to.  Begin reading the payload at "offset" and read
+** a total of "amt" bytes.  Put the result in zBuf.
+** This routine does not make a distinction between key and data.
+** It just reads bytes from the payload area.  Data might appear
+** on the main page or be scattered out on multiple overflow pages.
+static int getPayload(
+  BtCursor *pCur,      /* Cursor pointing to entry to read from */
+  int offset,          /* Begin reading this far into payload */
+  int amt,             /* Read this many bytes */
+  unsigned char *pBuf, /* Write the bytes into this buffer */ 
+  int skipKey          /* offset begins at data if this is true */
+  unsigned char *aPayload;
+  Pgno nextPage;
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  BtShared *pBt;
+  int ovflSize;
+  u32 nKey;
+  assert( pCur!=0 && pCur->pPage!=0 );
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  pBt = pCur->pBtree->pBt;
+  pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pPage->nCell );
+  getCellInfo(pCur);
+  aPayload = pCur->info.pCell + pCur->info.nHeader;
+  if( pPage->intKey ){
+    nKey = 0;
+  }else{
+    nKey = pCur->info.nKey;
+  }
+  assert( offset>=0 );
+  if( skipKey ){
+    offset += nKey;
+  }
+  if( offset+amt > nKey+pCur->info.nData ){
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if( offset<pCur->info.nLocal ){
+    int a = amt;
+    if( a+offset>pCur->info.nLocal ){
+      a = pCur->info.nLocal - offset;
+    }
+    memcpy(pBuf, &aPayload[offset], a);
+    if( a==amt ){
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    offset = 0;
+    pBuf += a;
+    amt -= a;
+  }else{
+    offset -= pCur->info.nLocal;
+  }
+  ovflSize = pBt->usableSize - 4;
+  if( amt>0 ){
+    nextPage = get4byte(&aPayload[pCur->info.nLocal]);
+    while( amt>0 && nextPage ){
+      rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBt->pPager, nextPage, (void**)&aPayload);
+      if( rc!=0 ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+      nextPage = get4byte(aPayload);
+      if( offset<ovflSize ){
+        int a = amt;
+        if( a + offset > ovflSize ){
+          a = ovflSize - offset;
+        }
+        memcpy(pBuf, &aPayload[offset+4], a);
+        offset = 0;
+        amt -= a;
+        pBuf += a;
+      }else{
+        offset -= ovflSize;
+      }
+      sqlite3pager_unref(aPayload);
+    }
+  }
+  if( amt>0 ){
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Read part of the key associated with cursor pCur.  Exactly
+** "amt" bytes will be transfered into pBuf[].  The transfer
+** begins at "offset".
+** Return SQLITE_OK on success or an error code if anything goes
+** wrong.  An error is returned if "offset+amt" is larger than
+** the available payload.
+int sqlite3BtreeKey(BtCursor *pCur, u32 offset, u32 amt, void *pBuf){
+  int rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+    assert( pCur->pPage!=0 );
+    if( pCur->pPage->intKey ){
+      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+    }
+    assert( pCur->pPage->intKey==0 );
+    assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pCur->pPage->nCell );
+    rc = getPayload(pCur, offset, amt, (unsigned char*)pBuf, 0);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Read part of the data associated with cursor pCur.  Exactly
+** "amt" bytes will be transfered into pBuf[].  The transfer
+** begins at "offset".
+** Return SQLITE_OK on success or an error code if anything goes
+** wrong.  An error is returned if "offset+amt" is larger than
+** the available payload.
+int sqlite3BtreeData(BtCursor *pCur, u32 offset, u32 amt, void *pBuf){
+  int rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+    assert( pCur->pPage!=0 );
+    assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pCur->pPage->nCell );
+    rc = getPayload(pCur, offset, amt, pBuf, 1);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Return a pointer to payload information from the entry that the 
+** pCur cursor is pointing to.  The pointer is to the beginning of
+** the key if skipKey==0 and it points to the beginning of data if
+** skipKey==1.  The number of bytes of available key/data is written
+** into *pAmt.  If *pAmt==0, then the value returned will not be
+** a valid pointer.
+** This routine is an optimization.  It is common for the entire key
+** and data to fit on the local page and for there to be no overflow
+** pages.  When that is so, this routine can be used to access the
+** key and data without making a copy.  If the key and/or data spills
+** onto overflow pages, then getPayload() must be used to reassembly
+** the key/data and copy it into a preallocated buffer.
+** The pointer returned by this routine looks directly into the cached
+** page of the database.  The data might change or move the next time
+** any btree routine is called.
+static const unsigned char *fetchPayload(
+  BtCursor *pCur,      /* Cursor pointing to entry to read from */
+  int *pAmt,           /* Write the number of available bytes here */
+  int skipKey          /* read beginning at data if this is true */
+  unsigned char *aPayload;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  u32 nKey;
+  int nLocal;
+  assert( pCur!=0 && pCur->pPage!=0 );
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pPage->nCell );
+  getCellInfo(pCur);
+  aPayload = pCur->info.pCell;
+  aPayload += pCur->info.nHeader;
+  if( pPage->intKey ){
+    nKey = 0;
+  }else{
+    nKey = pCur->info.nKey;
+  }
+  if( skipKey ){
+    aPayload += nKey;
+    nLocal = pCur->info.nLocal - nKey;
+  }else{
+    nLocal = pCur->info.nLocal;
+    if( nLocal>nKey ){
+      nLocal = nKey;
+    }
+  }
+  *pAmt = nLocal;
+  return aPayload;
+** For the entry that cursor pCur is point to, return as
+** many bytes of the key or data as are available on the local
+** b-tree page.  Write the number of available bytes into *pAmt.
+** The pointer returned is ephemeral.  The key/data may move
+** or be destroyed on the next call to any Btree routine.
+** These routines is used to get quick access to key and data
+** in the common case where no overflow pages are used.
+const void *sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(BtCursor *pCur, int *pAmt){
+  if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
+    return (const void*)fetchPayload(pCur, pAmt, 0);
+  }
+  return 0;
+const void *sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(BtCursor *pCur, int *pAmt){
+  if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID ){
+    return (const void*)fetchPayload(pCur, pAmt, 1);
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Move the cursor down to a new child page.  The newPgno argument is the
+** page number of the child page to move to.
+static int moveToChild(BtCursor *pCur, u32 newPgno){
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pNewPage;
+  MemPage *pOldPage;
+  BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBtree->pBt;
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, newPgno, &pNewPage, pCur->pPage);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  pNewPage->idxParent = pCur->idx;
+  pOldPage = pCur->pPage;
+  pOldPage->idxShift = 0;
+  releasePage(pOldPage);
+  pCur->pPage = pNewPage;
+  pCur->idx = 0;
+  pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+  if( pNewPage->nCell<1 ){
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return true if the page is the virtual root of its table.
+** The virtual root page is the root page for most tables.  But
+** for the table rooted on page 1, sometime the real root page
+** is empty except for the right-pointer.  In such cases the
+** virtual root page is the page that the right-pointer of page
+** 1 is pointing to.
+static int isRootPage(MemPage *pPage){
+  MemPage *pParent = pPage->pParent;
+  if( pParent==0 ) return 1;
+  if( pParent->pgno>1 ) return 0;
+  if( get2byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+3])==0 ) return 1;
+  return 0;
+** Move the cursor up to the parent page.
+** pCur->idx is set to the cell index that contains the pointer
+** to the page we are coming from.  If we are coming from the
+** right-most child page then pCur->idx is set to one more than
+** the largest cell index.
+static void moveToParent(BtCursor *pCur){
+  MemPage *pParent;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  int idxParent;
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  assert( pPage!=0 );
+  assert( !isRootPage(pPage) );
+  pParent = pPage->pParent;
+  assert( pParent!=0 );
+  idxParent = pPage->idxParent;
+  sqlite3pager_ref(pParent->aData);
+  releasePage(pPage);
+  pCur->pPage = pParent;
+  pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+  assert( pParent->idxShift==0 );
+  pCur->idx = idxParent;
+** Move the cursor to the root page
+static int moveToRoot(BtCursor *pCur){
+  MemPage *pRoot;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBtree->pBt;
+  restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 0);
+  pRoot = pCur->pPage;
+  if( pRoot && pRoot->pgno==pCur->pgnoRoot ){
+    assert( pRoot->isInit );
+  }else{
+    if( 
+      SQLITE_OK!=(rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, &pRoot, 0))
+    ){
+      pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
+      return rc;
+    }
+    releasePage(pCur->pPage);
+    pCur->pPage = pRoot;
+  }
+  pCur->idx = 0;
+  pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+  if( pRoot->nCell==0 && !pRoot->leaf ){
+    Pgno subpage;
+    assert( pRoot->pgno==1 );
+    subpage = get4byte(&pRoot->aData[pRoot->hdrOffset+8]);
+    assert( subpage>0 );
+    pCur->eState = CURSOR_VALID;
+    rc = moveToChild(pCur, subpage);
+  }
+  pCur->eState = ((pCur->pPage->nCell>0)?CURSOR_VALID:CURSOR_INVALID);
+  return rc;
+** Move the cursor down to the left-most leaf entry beneath the
+** entry to which it is currently pointing.
+** The left-most leaf is the one with the smallest key - the first
+** in ascending order.
+static int moveToLeftmost(BtCursor *pCur){
+  Pgno pgno;
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  while( !(pPage = pCur->pPage)->leaf ){
+    assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pPage->nCell );
+    pgno = get4byte(findCell(pPage, pCur->idx));
+    rc = moveToChild(pCur, pgno);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Move the cursor down to the right-most leaf entry beneath the
+** page to which it is currently pointing.  Notice the difference
+** between moveToLeftmost() and moveToRightmost().  moveToLeftmost()
+** finds the left-most entry beneath the *entry* whereas moveToRightmost()
+** finds the right-most entry beneath the *page*.
+** The right-most entry is the one with the largest key - the last
+** key in ascending order.
+static int moveToRightmost(BtCursor *pCur){
+  Pgno pgno;
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  while( !(pPage = pCur->pPage)->leaf ){
+    pgno = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
+    pCur->idx = pPage->nCell;
+    rc = moveToChild(pCur, pgno);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+  }
+  pCur->idx = pPage->nCell - 1;
+  pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Move the cursor to the first entry in the table.  Return SQLITE_OK
+** on success.  Set *pRes to 0 if the cursor actually points to something
+** or set *pRes to 1 if the table is empty.
+int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
+  int rc;
+  rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID ){
+    assert( pCur->pPage->nCell==0 );
+    *pRes = 1;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  assert( pCur->pPage->nCell>0 );
+  *pRes = 0;
+  rc = moveToLeftmost(pCur);
+  return rc;
+/* Move the cursor to the last entry in the table.  Return SQLITE_OK
+** on success.  Set *pRes to 0 if the cursor actually points to something
+** or set *pRes to 1 if the table is empty.
+int sqlite3BtreeLast(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
+  int rc;
+  rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  if( CURSOR_INVALID==pCur->eState ){
+    assert( pCur->pPage->nCell==0 );
+    *pRes = 1;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  assert( pCur->eState==CURSOR_VALID );
+  *pRes = 0;
+  rc = moveToRightmost(pCur);
+  return rc;
+/* Move the cursor so that it points to an entry near pKey/nKey.
+** Return a success code.
+** For INTKEY tables, only the nKey parameter is used.  pKey is
+** ignored.  For other tables, nKey is the number of bytes of data
+** in pKey.  The comparison function specified when the cursor was
+** created is used to compare keys.
+** If an exact match is not found, then the cursor is always
+** left pointing at a leaf page which would hold the entry if it
+** were present.  The cursor might point to an entry that comes
+** before or after the key.
+** The result of comparing the key with the entry to which the
+** cursor is written to *pRes if pRes!=NULL.  The meaning of
+** this value is as follows:
+**     *pRes<0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
+**                  is smaller than pKey or if the table is empty
+**                  and the cursor is therefore left point to nothing.
+**     *pRes==0     The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
+**                  exactly matches pKey.
+**     *pRes>0      The cursor is left pointing at an entry that
+**                  is larger than pKey.
+int sqlite3BtreeMoveto(BtCursor *pCur, const void *pKey, i64 nKey, int *pRes){
+  int rc;
+  int tryRightmost;
+  rc = moveToRoot(pCur);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  assert( pCur->pPage );
+  assert( pCur->pPage->isInit );
+  tryRightmost = pCur->pPage->intKey;
+  if( pCur->eState==CURSOR_INVALID ){
+    *pRes = -1;
+    assert( pCur->pPage->nCell==0 );
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  for(;;){
+    int lwr, upr;
+    Pgno chldPg;
+    MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
+    int c = -1;  /* pRes return if table is empty must be -1 */
+    lwr = 0;
+    upr = pPage->nCell-1;
+    if( !pPage->intKey && pKey==0 ){
+      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+    }
+    while( lwr<=upr ){
+      void *pCellKey;
+      i64 nCellKey;
+      pCur->idx = (lwr+upr)/2;
+      pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+      if( pPage->intKey ){
+        u8 *pCell;
+        if( tryRightmost ){
+          pCur->idx = upr;
+        }
+        pCell = findCell(pPage, pCur->idx) + pPage->childPtrSize;
+        if( pPage->hasData ){
+          u32 dummy;
+          pCell += getVarint32(pCell, &dummy);
+        }
+        getVarint(pCell, (u64 *)&nCellKey);
+        if( nCellKey<nKey ){
+          c = -1;
+        }else if( nCellKey>nKey ){
+          c = +1;
+          tryRightmost = 0;
+        }else{
+          c = 0;
+        }
+      }else{
+        int available;
+        pCellKey = (void *)fetchPayload(pCur, &available, 0);
+        nCellKey = pCur->info.nKey;
+        if( available>=nCellKey ){
+          c = pCur->xCompare(pCur->pArg, nCellKey, pCellKey, nKey, pKey);
+        }else{
+          pCellKey = sqliteMallocRaw( nCellKey );
+          if( pCellKey==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+          rc = sqlite3BtreeKey(pCur, 0, nCellKey, (void *)pCellKey);
+          c = pCur->xCompare(pCur->pArg, nCellKey, pCellKey, nKey, pKey);
+          sqliteFree(pCellKey);
+          if( rc ) return rc;
+        }
+      }
+      if( c==0 ){
+        if( pPage->leafData && !pPage->leaf ){
+          lwr = pCur->idx;
+          upr = lwr - 1;
+          break;
+        }else{
+          if( pRes ) *pRes = 0;
+          return SQLITE_OK;
+        }
+      }
+      if( c<0 ){
+        lwr = pCur->idx+1;
+      }else{
+        upr = pCur->idx-1;
+      }
+    }
+    assert( lwr==upr+1 );
+    assert( pPage->isInit );
+    if( pPage->leaf ){
+      chldPg = 0;
+    }else if( lwr>=pPage->nCell ){
+      chldPg = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
+    }else{
+      chldPg = get4byte(findCell(pPage, lwr));
+    }
+    if( chldPg==0 ){
+      assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pCur->pPage->nCell );
+      if( pRes ) *pRes = c;
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    pCur->idx = lwr;
+    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+    rc = moveToChild(pCur, chldPg);
+    if( rc ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+  }
+  /* NOT REACHED */
+** Return TRUE if the cursor is not pointing at an entry of the table.
+** TRUE will be returned after a call to sqlite3BtreeNext() moves
+** past the last entry in the table or sqlite3BtreePrev() moves past
+** the first entry.  TRUE is also returned if the table is empty.
+int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor *pCur){
+  /* TODO: What if the cursor is in CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK but all table entries
+  ** have been deleted? This API will need to change to return an error code
+  ** as well as the boolean result value.
+  */
+  return (CURSOR_VALID!=pCur->eState);
+** Advance the cursor to the next entry in the database.  If
+** successful then set *pRes=0.  If the cursor
+** was already pointing to the last entry in the database before
+** this routine was called, then set *pRes=1.
+int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  if( pCur->skip>0 ){
+    pCur->skip = 0;
+    *pRes = 0;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  pCur->skip = 0;
+  assert( pRes!=0 );
+  pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  if( CURSOR_INVALID==pCur->eState ){
+    *pRes = 1;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  assert( pPage->isInit );
+  assert( pCur->idx<pPage->nCell );
+  pCur->idx++;
+  pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+  if( pCur->idx>=pPage->nCell ){
+    if( !pPage->leaf ){
+      rc = moveToChild(pCur, get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]));
+      if( rc ) return rc;
+      rc = moveToLeftmost(pCur);
+      *pRes = 0;
+      return rc;
+    }
+    do{
+      if( isRootPage(pPage) ){
+        *pRes = 1;
+        pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
+        return SQLITE_OK;
+      }
+      moveToParent(pCur);
+      pPage = pCur->pPage;
+    }while( pCur->idx>=pPage->nCell );
+    *pRes = 0;
+    if( pPage->leafData ){
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(pCur, pRes);
+    }else{
+      rc = SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    return rc;
+  }
+  *pRes = 0;
+  if( pPage->leaf ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  rc = moveToLeftmost(pCur);
+  return rc;
+** Step the cursor to the back to the previous entry in the database.  If
+** successful then set *pRes=0.  If the cursor
+** was already pointing to the first entry in the database before
+** this routine was called, then set *pRes=1.
+int sqlite3BtreePrevious(BtCursor *pCur, int *pRes){
+  int rc;
+  Pgno pgno;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  if( pCur->skip<0 ){
+    pCur->skip = 0;
+    *pRes = 0;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  pCur->skip = 0;
+  if( CURSOR_INVALID==pCur->eState ){
+    *pRes = 1;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  assert( pPage->isInit );
+  assert( pCur->idx>=0 );
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    pgno = get4byte( findCell(pPage, pCur->idx) );
+    rc = moveToChild(pCur, pgno);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+    rc = moveToRightmost(pCur);
+  }else{
+    while( pCur->idx==0 ){
+      if( isRootPage(pPage) ){
+        pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
+        *pRes = 1;
+        return SQLITE_OK;
+      }
+      moveToParent(pCur);
+      pPage = pCur->pPage;
+    }
+    pCur->idx--;
+    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+    if( pPage->leafData && !pPage->leaf ){
+      rc = sqlite3BtreePrevious(pCur, pRes);
+    }else{
+      rc = SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  *pRes = 0;
+  return rc;
+** Allocate a new page from the database file.
+** The new page is marked as dirty.  (In other words, sqlite3pager_write()
+** has already been called on the new page.)  The new page has also
+** been referenced and the calling routine is responsible for calling
+** sqlite3pager_unref() on the new page when it is done.
+** SQLITE_OK is returned on success.  Any other return value indicates
+** an error.  *ppPage and *pPgno are undefined in the event of an error.
+** Do not invoke sqlite3pager_unref() on *ppPage if an error is returned.
+** If the "nearby" parameter is not 0, then a (feeble) effort is made to 
+** locate a page close to the page number "nearby".  This can be used in an
+** attempt to keep related pages close to each other in the database file,
+** which in turn can make database access faster.
+** If the "exact" parameter is not 0, and the page-number nearby exists 
+** anywhere on the free-list, then it is guarenteed to be returned. This
+** is only used by auto-vacuum databases when allocating a new table.
+static int allocatePage(
+  BtShared *pBt, 
+  MemPage **ppPage, 
+  Pgno *pPgno, 
+  Pgno nearby,
+  u8 exact
+  MemPage *pPage1;
+  int rc;
+  int n;     /* Number of pages on the freelist */
+  int k;     /* Number of leaves on the trunk of the freelist */
+  MemPage *pTrunk = 0;
+  MemPage *pPrevTrunk = 0;
+  pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;
+  n = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[36]);
+  if( n>0 ){
+    /* There are pages on the freelist.  Reuse one of those pages. */
+    Pgno iTrunk;
+    u8 searchList = 0; /* If the free-list must be searched for 'nearby' */
+    /* If the 'exact' parameter was true and a query of the pointer-map
+    ** shows that the page 'nearby' is somewhere on the free-list, then
+    ** the entire-list will be searched for that page.
+    */
+    if( exact ){
+      u8 eType;
+      assert( nearby>0 );
+      assert( pBt->autoVacuum );
+      rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, nearby, &eType, 0);
+      if( rc ) return rc;
+      if( eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
+        searchList = 1;
+      }
+      *pPgno = nearby;
+    }
+    /* Decrement the free-list count by 1. Set iTrunk to the index of the
+    ** first free-list trunk page. iPrevTrunk is initially 1.
+    */
+    rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage1->aData);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+    put4byte(&pPage1->aData[36], n-1);
+    /* The code within this loop is run only once if the 'searchList' variable
+    ** is not true. Otherwise, it runs once for each trunk-page on the
+    ** free-list until the page 'nearby' is located.
+    */
+    do {
+      pPrevTrunk = pTrunk;
+      if( pPrevTrunk ){
+        iTrunk = get4byte(&pPrevTrunk->aData[0]);
+      }else{
+        iTrunk = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[32]);
+      }
+      rc = getPage(pBt, iTrunk, &pTrunk);
+      if( rc ){
+        pTrunk = 0;
+        goto end_allocate_page;
+      }
+      k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]);
+      if( k==0 && !searchList ){
+        /* The trunk has no leaves and the list is not being searched. 
+        ** So extract the trunk page itself and use it as the newly 
+        ** allocated page */
+        assert( pPrevTrunk==0 );
+        rc = sqlite3pager_write(pTrunk->aData);
+        if( rc ){
+          goto end_allocate_page;
+        }
+        *pPgno = iTrunk;
+        memcpy(&pPage1->aData[32], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
+        *ppPage = pTrunk;
+        pTrunk = 0;
+        TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d trunk - %d free pages left\n", *pPgno, n-1));
+      }else if( k>pBt->usableSize/4 - 8 ){
+        /* Value of k is out of range.  Database corruption */
+        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+        goto end_allocate_page;
+      }else if( searchList && nearby==iTrunk ){
+        /* The list is being searched and this trunk page is the page
+        ** to allocate, regardless of whether it has leaves.
+        */
+        assert( *pPgno==iTrunk );
+        *ppPage = pTrunk;
+        searchList = 0;
+        rc = sqlite3pager_write(pTrunk->aData);
+        if( rc ){
+          goto end_allocate_page;
+        }
+        if( k==0 ){
+          if( !pPrevTrunk ){
+            memcpy(&pPage1->aData[32], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
+          }else{
+            memcpy(&pPrevTrunk->aData[0], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
+          }
+        }else{
+          /* The trunk page is required by the caller but it contains 
+          ** pointers to free-list leaves. The first leaf becomes a trunk
+          ** page in this case.
+          */
+          MemPage *pNewTrunk;
+          Pgno iNewTrunk = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[8]);
+          rc = getPage(pBt, iNewTrunk, &pNewTrunk);
+          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+            goto end_allocate_page;
+          }
+          rc = sqlite3pager_write(pNewTrunk->aData);
+          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+            releasePage(pNewTrunk);
+            goto end_allocate_page;
+          }
+          memcpy(&pNewTrunk->aData[0], &pTrunk->aData[0], 4);
+          put4byte(&pNewTrunk->aData[4], k-1);
+          memcpy(&pNewTrunk->aData[8], &pTrunk->aData[12], (k-1)*4);
+          releasePage(pNewTrunk);
+          if( !pPrevTrunk ){
+            put4byte(&pPage1->aData[32], iNewTrunk);
+          }else{
+            rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPrevTrunk->aData);
+            if( rc ){
+              goto end_allocate_page;
+            }
+            put4byte(&pPrevTrunk->aData[0], iNewTrunk);
+          }
+        }
+        pTrunk = 0;
+        TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d trunk - %d free pages left\n", *pPgno, n-1));
+      }else{
+        /* Extract a leaf from the trunk */
+        int closest;
+        Pgno iPage;
+        unsigned char *aData = pTrunk->aData;
+        rc = sqlite3pager_write(aData);
+        if( rc ){
+          goto end_allocate_page;
+        }
+        if( nearby>0 ){
+          int i, dist;
+          closest = 0;
+          dist = get4byte(&aData[8]) - nearby;
+          if( dist<0 ) dist = -dist;
+          for(i=1; i<k; i++){
+            int d2 = get4byte(&aData[8+i*4]) - nearby;
+            if( d2<0 ) d2 = -d2;
+            if( d2<dist ){
+              closest = i;
+              dist = d2;
+            }
+          }
+        }else{
+          closest = 0;
+        }
+        iPage = get4byte(&aData[8+closest*4]);
+        if( !searchList || iPage==nearby ){
+          *pPgno = iPage;
+          if( *pPgno>sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager) ){
+            /* Free page off the end of the file */
+            return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+          }
+          TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d was leaf %d of %d on trunk %d"
+                 ": %d more free pages\n",
+                 *pPgno, closest+1, k, pTrunk->pgno, n-1));
+          if( closest<k-1 ){
+            memcpy(&aData[8+closest*4], &aData[4+k*4], 4);
+          }
+          put4byte(&aData[4], k-1);
+          rc = getPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage);
+          if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+            sqlite3pager_dont_rollback((*ppPage)->aData);
+            rc = sqlite3pager_write((*ppPage)->aData);
+            if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+              releasePage(*ppPage);
+            }
+          }
+          searchList = 0;
+        }
+      }
+      releasePage(pPrevTrunk);
+      pPrevTrunk = 0;
+    }while( searchList );
+  }else{
+    /* There are no pages on the freelist, so create a new page at the
+    ** end of the file */
+    *pPgno = sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager) + 1;
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum && PTRMAP_ISPAGE(pBt, *pPgno) ){
+      /* If *pPgno refers to a pointer-map page, allocate two new pages
+      ** at the end of the file instead of one. The first allocated page
+      ** becomes a new pointer-map page, the second is used by the caller.
+      */
+      TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d from end of file (pointer-map page)\n", *pPgno));
+      assert( *pPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
+      (*pPgno)++;
+    }
+    assert( *pPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
+    rc = getPage(pBt, *pPgno, ppPage);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+    rc = sqlite3pager_write((*ppPage)->aData);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      releasePage(*ppPage);
+    }
+    TRACE(("ALLOCATE: %d from end of file\n", *pPgno));
+  }
+  assert( *pPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
+  releasePage(pTrunk);
+  releasePage(pPrevTrunk);
+  return rc;
+** Add a page of the database file to the freelist.
+** sqlite3pager_unref() is NOT called for pPage.
+static int freePage(MemPage *pPage){
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  MemPage *pPage1 = pBt->pPage1;
+  int rc, n, k;
+  /* Prepare the page for freeing */
+  assert( pPage->pgno>1 );
+  pPage->isInit = 0;
+  releasePage(pPage->pParent);
+  pPage->pParent = 0;
+  /* Increment the free page count on pPage1 */
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage1->aData);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  n = get4byte(&pPage1->aData[36]);
+  put4byte(&pPage1->aData[36], n+1);
+  /* If the SQLITE_SECURE_DELETE compile-time option is enabled, then
+  ** always fully overwrite deleted information with zeros.
+  */
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage->aData);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  memset(pPage->aData, 0, pPage->pBt->pageSize);
+  /* If the database supports auto-vacuum, write an entry in the pointer-map
+  ** to indicate that the page is free.
+  */
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, pPage->pgno, PTRMAP_FREEPAGE, 0);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+  }
+  if( n==0 ){
+    /* This is the first free page */
+    rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage->aData);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+    memset(pPage->aData, 0, 8);
+    put4byte(&pPage1->aData[32], pPage->pgno);
+    TRACE(("FREE-PAGE: %d first\n", pPage->pgno));
+  }else{
+    /* Other free pages already exist.  Retrive the first trunk page
+    ** of the freelist and find out how many leaves it has. */
+    MemPage *pTrunk;
+    rc = getPage(pBt, get4byte(&pPage1->aData[32]), &pTrunk);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+    k = get4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4]);
+    if( k>=pBt->usableSize/4 - 8 ){
+      /* The trunk is full.  Turn the page being freed into a new
+      ** trunk page with no leaves. */
+      rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage->aData);
+      if( rc ) return rc;
+      put4byte(pPage->aData, pTrunk->pgno);
+      put4byte(&pPage->aData[4], 0);
+      put4byte(&pPage1->aData[32], pPage->pgno);
+      TRACE(("FREE-PAGE: %d new trunk page replacing %d\n",
+              pPage->pgno, pTrunk->pgno));
+    }else{
+      /* Add the newly freed page as a leaf on the current trunk */
+      rc = sqlite3pager_write(pTrunk->aData);
+      if( rc ) return rc;
+      put4byte(&pTrunk->aData[4], k+1);
+      put4byte(&pTrunk->aData[8+k*4], pPage->pgno);
+      sqlite3pager_dont_write(pBt->pPager, pPage->pgno);
+      TRACE(("FREE-PAGE: %d leaf on trunk page %d\n",pPage->pgno,pTrunk->pgno));
+    }
+    releasePage(pTrunk);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Free any overflow pages associated with the given Cell.
+static int clearCell(MemPage *pPage, unsigned char *pCell){
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  CellInfo info;
+  Pgno ovflPgno;
+  int rc;
+  parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+  if( info.iOverflow==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;  /* No overflow pages. Return without doing anything */
+  }
+  ovflPgno = get4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow]);
+  while( ovflPgno!=0 ){
+    MemPage *pOvfl;
+    if( ovflPgno>sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager) ){
+      return SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT;
+    }
+    rc = getPage(pBt, ovflPgno, &pOvfl);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+    ovflPgno = get4byte(pOvfl->aData);
+    rc = freePage(pOvfl);
+    sqlite3pager_unref(pOvfl->aData);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Create the byte sequence used to represent a cell on page pPage
+** and write that byte sequence into pCell[].  Overflow pages are
+** allocated and filled in as necessary.  The calling procedure
+** is responsible for making sure sufficient space has been allocated
+** for pCell[].
+** Note that pCell does not necessary need to point to the pPage->aData
+** area.  pCell might point to some temporary storage.  The cell will
+** be constructed in this temporary area then copied into pPage->aData
+** later.
+static int fillInCell(
+  MemPage *pPage,                /* The page that contains the cell */
+  unsigned char *pCell,          /* Complete text of the cell */
+  const void *pKey, i64 nKey,    /* The key */
+  const void *pData,int nData,   /* The data */
+  int *pnSize                    /* Write cell size here */
+  int nPayload;
+  const u8 *pSrc;
+  int nSrc, n, rc;
+  int spaceLeft;
+  MemPage *pOvfl = 0;
+  MemPage *pToRelease = 0;
+  unsigned char *pPrior;
+  unsigned char *pPayload;
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  Pgno pgnoOvfl = 0;
+  int nHeader;
+  CellInfo info;
+  /* Fill in the header. */
+  nHeader = 0;
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    nHeader += 4;
+  }
+  if( pPage->hasData ){
+    nHeader += putVarint(&pCell[nHeader], nData);
+  }else{
+    nData = 0;
+  }
+  nHeader += putVarint(&pCell[nHeader], *(u64*)&nKey);
+  parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+  assert( info.nHeader==nHeader );
+  assert( info.nKey==nKey );
+  assert( info.nData==nData );
+  /* Fill in the payload */
+  nPayload = nData;
+  if( pPage->intKey ){
+    pSrc = pData;
+    nSrc = nData;
+    nData = 0;
+  }else{
+    nPayload += nKey;
+    pSrc = pKey;
+    nSrc = nKey;
+  }
+  *pnSize = info.nSize;
+  spaceLeft = info.nLocal;
+  pPayload = &pCell[nHeader];
+  pPrior = &pCell[info.iOverflow];
+  while( nPayload>0 ){
+    if( spaceLeft==0 ){
+      Pgno pgnoPtrmap = pgnoOvfl; /* Overflow page pointer-map entry page */
+      rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pOvfl, &pgnoOvfl, pgnoOvfl, 0);
+      /* If the database supports auto-vacuum, and the second or subsequent
+      ** overflow page is being allocated, add an entry to the pointer-map
+      ** for that page now. The entry for the first overflow page will be
+      ** added later, by the insertCell() routine.
+      */
+      if( pBt->autoVacuum && pgnoPtrmap!=0 && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+        rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoOvfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2, pgnoPtrmap);
+      }
+      if( rc ){
+        releasePage(pToRelease);
+        /* clearCell(pPage, pCell); */
+        return rc;
+      }
+      put4byte(pPrior, pgnoOvfl);
+      releasePage(pToRelease);
+      pToRelease = pOvfl;
+      pPrior = pOvfl->aData;
+      put4byte(pPrior, 0);
+      pPayload = &pOvfl->aData[4];
+      spaceLeft = pBt->usableSize - 4;
+    }
+    n = nPayload;
+    if( n>spaceLeft ) n = spaceLeft;
+    if( n>nSrc ) n = nSrc;
+    assert( pSrc );
+    memcpy(pPayload, pSrc, n);
+    nPayload -= n;
+    pPayload += n;
+    pSrc += n;
+    nSrc -= n;
+    spaceLeft -= n;
+    if( nSrc==0 ){
+      nSrc = nData;
+      pSrc = pData;
+    }
+  }
+  releasePage(pToRelease);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Change the MemPage.pParent pointer on the page whose number is
+** given in the second argument so that MemPage.pParent holds the
+** pointer in the third argument.
+static int reparentPage(BtShared *pBt, Pgno pgno, MemPage *pNewParent, int idx){
+  MemPage *pThis;
+  unsigned char *aData;
+  assert( pNewParent!=0 );
+  if( pgno==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  assert( pBt->pPager!=0 );
+  aData = sqlite3pager_lookup(pBt->pPager, pgno);
+  if( aData ){
+    pThis = (MemPage*)&aData[pBt->pageSize];
+    assert( pThis->aData==aData );
+    if( pThis->isInit ){
+      if( pThis->pParent!=pNewParent ){
+        if( pThis->pParent ) sqlite3pager_unref(pThis->pParent->aData);
+        pThis->pParent = pNewParent;
+        sqlite3pager_ref(pNewParent->aData);
+      }
+      pThis->idxParent = idx;
+    }
+    sqlite3pager_unref(aData);
+  }
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    return ptrmapPut(pBt, pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pNewParent->pgno);
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Change the pParent pointer of all children of pPage to point back
+** to pPage.
+** In other words, for every child of pPage, invoke reparentPage()
+** to make sure that each child knows that pPage is its parent.
+** This routine gets called after you memcpy() one page into
+** another.
+static int reparentChildPages(MemPage *pPage){
+  int i;
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( pPage->leaf ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
+    u8 *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
+    if( !pPage->leaf ){
+      rc = reparentPage(pBt, get4byte(pCell), pPage, i);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    }
+  }
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    rc = reparentPage(pBt, get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]), 
+       pPage, i);
+    pPage->idxShift = 0;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Remove the i-th cell from pPage.  This routine effects pPage only.
+** The cell content is not freed or deallocated.  It is assumed that
+** the cell content has been copied someplace else.  This routine just
+** removes the reference to the cell from pPage.
+** "sz" must be the number of bytes in the cell.
+static void dropCell(MemPage *pPage, int idx, int sz){
+  int i;          /* Loop counter */
+  int pc;         /* Offset to cell content of cell being deleted */
+  u8 *data;       /* pPage->aData */
+  u8 *ptr;        /* Used to move bytes around within data[] */
+  assert( idx>=0 && idx<pPage->nCell );
+  assert( sz==cellSize(pPage, idx) );
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(pPage->aData) );
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  ptr = &data[pPage->cellOffset + 2*idx];
+  pc = get2byte(ptr);
+  assert( pc>10 && pc+sz<=pPage->pBt->usableSize );
+  freeSpace(pPage, pc, sz);
+  for(i=idx+1; i<pPage->nCell; i++, ptr+=2){
+    ptr[0] = ptr[2];
+    ptr[1] = ptr[3];
+  }
+  pPage->nCell--;
+  put2byte(&data[pPage->hdrOffset+3], pPage->nCell);
+  pPage->nFree += 2;
+  pPage->idxShift = 1;
+** Insert a new cell on pPage at cell index "i".  pCell points to the
+** content of the cell.
+** If the cell content will fit on the page, then put it there.  If it
+** will not fit, then make a copy of the cell content into pTemp if
+** pTemp is not null.  Regardless of pTemp, allocate a new entry
+** in pPage->aOvfl[] and make it point to the cell content (either
+** in pTemp or the original pCell) and also record its index. 
+** Allocating a new entry in pPage->aCell[] implies that 
+** pPage->nOverflow is incremented.
+** If nSkip is non-zero, then do not copy the first nSkip bytes of the
+** cell. The caller will overwrite them after this function returns. If
+** nSkip is non-zero, then pCell may not point to an invalid memory location 
+** (but pCell+nSkip is always valid).
+static int insertCell(
+  MemPage *pPage,   /* Page into which we are copying */
+  int i,            /* New cell becomes the i-th cell of the page */
+  u8 *pCell,        /* Content of the new cell */
+  int sz,           /* Bytes of content in pCell */
+  u8 *pTemp,        /* Temp storage space for pCell, if needed */
+  u8 nSkip          /* Do not write the first nSkip bytes of the cell */
+  int idx;          /* Where to write new cell content in data[] */
+  int j;            /* Loop counter */
+  int top;          /* First byte of content for any cell in data[] */
+  int end;          /* First byte past the last cell pointer in data[] */
+  int ins;          /* Index in data[] where new cell pointer is inserted */
+  int hdr;          /* Offset into data[] of the page header */
+  int cellOffset;   /* Address of first cell pointer in data[] */
+  u8 *data;         /* The content of the whole page */
+  u8 *ptr;          /* Used for moving information around in data[] */
+  assert( i>=0 && i<=pPage->nCell+pPage->nOverflow );
+  assert( sz==cellSizePtr(pPage, pCell) );
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(pPage->aData) );
+  if( pPage->nOverflow || sz+2>pPage->nFree ){
+    if( pTemp ){
+      memcpy(pTemp+nSkip, pCell+nSkip, sz-nSkip);
+      pCell = pTemp;
+    }
+    j = pPage->nOverflow++;
+    assert( j<sizeof(pPage->aOvfl)/sizeof(pPage->aOvfl[0]) );
+    pPage->aOvfl[j].pCell = pCell;
+    pPage->aOvfl[j].idx = i;
+    pPage->nFree = 0;
+  }else{
+    data = pPage->aData;
+    hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+    top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+    cellOffset = pPage->cellOffset;
+    end = cellOffset + 2*pPage->nCell + 2;
+    ins = cellOffset + 2*i;
+    if( end > top - sz ){
+      int rc = defragmentPage(pPage);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+      top = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+      assert( end + sz <= top );
+    }
+    idx = allocateSpace(pPage, sz);
+    assert( idx>0 );
+    assert( end <= get2byte(&data[hdr+5]) );
+    pPage->nCell++;
+    pPage->nFree -= 2;
+    memcpy(&data[idx+nSkip], pCell+nSkip, sz-nSkip);
+    for(j=end-2, ptr=&data[j]; j>ins; j-=2, ptr-=2){
+      ptr[0] = ptr[-2];
+      ptr[1] = ptr[-1];
+    }
+    put2byte(&data[ins], idx);
+    put2byte(&data[hdr+3], pPage->nCell);
+    pPage->idxShift = 1;
+    if( pPage->pBt->autoVacuum ){
+      /* The cell may contain a pointer to an overflow page. If so, write
+      ** the entry for the overflow page into the pointer map.
+      */
+      CellInfo info;
+      parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+      if( (info.nData+(pPage->intKey?0:info.nKey))>info.nLocal ){
+        Pgno pgnoOvfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow]);
+        int rc = ptrmapPut(pPage->pBt, pgnoOvfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1, pPage->pgno);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Add a list of cells to a page.  The page should be initially empty.
+** The cells are guaranteed to fit on the page.
+static void assemblePage(
+  MemPage *pPage,   /* The page to be assemblied */
+  int nCell,        /* The number of cells to add to this page */
+  u8 **apCell,      /* Pointers to cell bodies */
+  int *aSize        /* Sizes of the cells */
+  int i;            /* Loop counter */
+  int totalSize;    /* Total size of all cells */
+  int hdr;          /* Index of page header */
+  int cellptr;      /* Address of next cell pointer */
+  int cellbody;     /* Address of next cell body */
+  u8 *data;         /* Data for the page */
+  assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 );
+  totalSize = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+    totalSize += aSize[i];
+  }
+  assert( totalSize+2*nCell<=pPage->nFree );
+  assert( pPage->nCell==0 );
+  cellptr = pPage->cellOffset;
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  put2byte(&data[hdr+3], nCell);
+  if( nCell ){
+    cellbody = allocateSpace(pPage, totalSize);
+    assert( cellbody>0 );
+    assert( pPage->nFree >= 2*nCell );
+    pPage->nFree -= 2*nCell;
+    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+      put2byte(&data[cellptr], cellbody);
+      memcpy(&data[cellbody], apCell[i], aSize[i]);
+      cellptr += 2;
+      cellbody += aSize[i];
+    }
+    assert( cellbody==pPage->pBt->usableSize );
+  }
+  pPage->nCell = nCell;
+** The following parameters determine how many adjacent pages get involved
+** in a balancing operation.  NN is the number of neighbors on either side
+** of the page that participate in the balancing operation.  NB is the
+** total number of pages that participate, including the target page and
+** NN neighbors on either side.
+** The minimum value of NN is 1 (of course).  Increasing NN above 1
+** (to 2 or 3) gives a modest improvement in SELECT and DELETE performance
+** in exchange for a larger degradation in INSERT and UPDATE performance.
+** The value of NN appears to give the best results overall.
+#define NN 1             /* Number of neighbors on either side of pPage */
+#define NB (NN*2+1)      /* Total pages involved in the balance */
+/* Forward reference */
+static int balance(MemPage*, int);
+** This version of balance() handles the common special case where
+** a new entry is being inserted on the extreme right-end of the
+** tree, in other words, when the new entry will become the largest
+** entry in the tree.
+** Instead of trying balance the 3 right-most leaf pages, just add
+** a new page to the right-hand side and put the one new entry in
+** that page.  This leaves the right side of the tree somewhat
+** unbalanced.  But odds are that we will be inserting new entries
+** at the end soon afterwards so the nearly empty page will quickly
+** fill up.  On average.
+** pPage is the leaf page which is the right-most page in the tree.
+** pParent is its parent.  pPage must have a single overflow entry
+** which is also the right-most entry on the page.
+static int balance_quick(MemPage *pPage, MemPage *pParent){
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pNew;
+  Pgno pgnoNew;
+  u8 *pCell;
+  int szCell;
+  CellInfo info;
+  BtShared *pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  int parentIdx = pParent->nCell;   /* pParent new divider cell index */
+  int parentSize;                   /* Size of new divider cell */
+  u8 parentCell[64];                /* Space for the new divider cell */
+  /* Allocate a new page. Insert the overflow cell from pPage
+  ** into it. Then remove the overflow cell from pPage.
+  */
+  rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgnoNew, 0, 0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  pCell = pPage->aOvfl[0].pCell;
+  szCell = cellSizePtr(pPage, pCell);
+  zeroPage(pNew, pPage->aData[0]);
+  assemblePage(pNew, 1, &pCell, &szCell);
+  pPage->nOverflow = 0;
+  /* Set the parent of the newly allocated page to pParent. */
+  pNew->pParent = pParent;
+  sqlite3pager_ref(pParent->aData);
+  /* pPage is currently the right-child of pParent. Change this
+  ** so that the right-child is the new page allocated above and
+  ** pPage is the next-to-right child. 
+  */
+  assert( pPage->nCell>0 );
+  parseCellPtr(pPage, findCell(pPage, pPage->nCell-1), &info);
+  rc = fillInCell(pParent, parentCell, 0, info.nKey, 0, 0, &parentSize);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  assert( parentSize<64 );
+  rc = insertCell(pParent, parentIdx, parentCell, parentSize, 0, 4);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  put4byte(findOverflowCell(pParent,parentIdx), pPage->pgno);
+  put4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8], pgnoNew);
+  /* If this is an auto-vacuum database, update the pointer map
+  ** with entries for the new page, and any pointer from the 
+  ** cell on the page to an overflow page.
+  */
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoNew, PTRMAP_BTREE, pParent->pgno);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+    rc = ptrmapPutOvfl(pNew, 0);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Release the reference to the new page and balance the parent page,
+  ** in case the divider cell inserted caused it to become overfull.
+  */
+  releasePage(pNew);
+  return balance(pParent, 0);
+** The ISAUTOVACUUM macro is used within balance_nonroot() to determine
+** if the database supports auto-vacuum or not. Because it is used
+** within an expression that is an argument to another macro 
+** (sqliteMallocRaw), it is not possible to use conditional compilation.
+** So, this macro is defined instead.
+#define ISAUTOVACUUM (pBt->autoVacuum)
+** This routine redistributes Cells on pPage and up to NN*2 siblings
+** of pPage so that all pages have about the same amount of free space.
+** Usually NN siblings on either side of pPage is used in the balancing,
+** though more siblings might come from one side if pPage is the first
+** or last child of its parent.  If pPage has fewer than 2*NN siblings
+** (something which can only happen if pPage is the root page or a 
+** child of root) then all available siblings participate in the balancing.
+** The number of siblings of pPage might be increased or decreased by one or
+** two in an effort to keep pages nearly full but not over full. The root page
+** is special and is allowed to be nearly empty. If pPage is 
+** the root page, then the depth of the tree might be increased
+** or decreased by one, as necessary, to keep the root page from being
+** overfull or completely empty.
+** Note that when this routine is called, some of the Cells on pPage
+** might not actually be stored in pPage->aData[].  This can happen
+** if the page is overfull.  Part of the job of this routine is to
+** make sure all Cells for pPage once again fit in pPage->aData[].
+** In the course of balancing the siblings of pPage, the parent of pPage
+** might become overfull or underfull.  If that happens, then this routine
+** is called recursively on the parent.
+** If this routine fails for any reason, it might leave the database
+** in a corrupted state.  So if this routine fails, the database should
+** be rolled back.
+static int balance_nonroot(MemPage *pPage){
+  MemPage *pParent;            /* The parent of pPage */
+  BtShared *pBt;                  /* The whole database */
+  int nCell = 0;               /* Number of cells in apCell[] */
+  int nMaxCells = 0;           /* Allocated size of apCell, szCell, aFrom. */
+  int nOld;                    /* Number of pages in apOld[] */
+  int nNew;                    /* Number of pages in apNew[] */
+  int nDiv;                    /* Number of cells in apDiv[] */
+  int i, j, k;                 /* Loop counters */
+  int idx;                     /* Index of pPage in pParent->aCell[] */
+  int nxDiv;                   /* Next divider slot in pParent->aCell[] */
+  int rc;                      /* The return code */
+  int leafCorrection;          /* 4 if pPage is a leaf.  0 if not */
+  int leafData;                /* True if pPage is a leaf of a LEAFDATA tree */
+  int usableSpace;             /* Bytes in pPage beyond the header */
+  int pageFlags;               /* Value of pPage->aData[0] */
+  int subtotal;                /* Subtotal of bytes in cells on one page */
+  int iSpace = 0;              /* First unused byte of aSpace[] */
+  MemPage *apOld[NB];          /* pPage and up to two siblings */
+  Pgno pgnoOld[NB];            /* Page numbers for each page in apOld[] */
+  MemPage *apCopy[NB];         /* Private copies of apOld[] pages */
+  MemPage *apNew[NB+2];        /* pPage and up to NB siblings after balancing */
+  Pgno pgnoNew[NB+2];          /* Page numbers for each page in apNew[] */
+  u8 *apDiv[NB];               /* Divider cells in pParent */
+  int cntNew[NB+2];            /* Index in aCell[] of cell after i-th page */
+  int szNew[NB+2];             /* Combined size of cells place on i-th page */
+  u8 **apCell = 0;             /* All cells begin balanced */
+  int *szCell;                 /* Local size of all cells in apCell[] */
+  u8 *aCopy[NB];               /* Space for holding data of apCopy[] */
+  u8 *aSpace;                  /* Space to hold copies of dividers cells */
+  u8 *aFrom = 0;
+  /* 
+  ** Find the parent page.
+  */
+  assert( pPage->isInit );
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(pPage->aData) );
+  pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  pParent = pPage->pParent;
+  assert( pParent );
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3pager_write(pParent->aData)) ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  TRACE(("BALANCE: begin page %d child of %d\n", pPage->pgno, pParent->pgno));
+  /*
+  ** A special case:  If a new entry has just been inserted into a
+  ** table (that is, a btree with integer keys and all data at the leaves)
+  ** and the new entry is the right-most entry in the tree (it has the
+  ** largest key) then use the special balance_quick() routine for
+  ** balancing.  balance_quick() is much faster and results in a tighter
+  ** packing of data in the common case.
+  */
+  if( pPage->leaf &&
+      pPage->intKey &&
+      pPage->leafData &&
+      pPage->nOverflow==1 &&
+      pPage->aOvfl[0].idx==pPage->nCell &&
+      pPage->pParent->pgno!=1 &&
+      get4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8])==pPage->pgno
+  ){
+    /*
+    ** TODO: Check the siblings to the left of pPage. It may be that
+    ** they are not full and no new page is required.
+    */
+    return balance_quick(pPage, pParent);
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Find the cell in the parent page whose left child points back
+  ** to pPage.  The "idx" variable is the index of that cell.  If pPage
+  ** is the rightmost child of pParent then set idx to pParent->nCell 
+  */
+  if( pParent->idxShift ){
+    Pgno pgno;
+    pgno = pPage->pgno;
+    assert( pgno==sqlite3pager_pagenumber(pPage->aData) );
+    for(idx=0; idx<pParent->nCell; idx++){
+      if( get4byte(findCell(pParent, idx))==pgno ){
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    assert( idx<pParent->nCell
+             || get4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8])==pgno );
+  }else{
+    idx = pPage->idxParent;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Initialize variables so that it will be safe to jump
+  ** directly to balance_cleanup at any moment.
+  */
+  nOld = nNew = 0;
+  sqlite3pager_ref(pParent->aData);
+  /*
+  ** Find sibling pages to pPage and the cells in pParent that divide
+  ** the siblings.  An attempt is made to find NN siblings on either
+  ** side of pPage.  More siblings are taken from one side, however, if
+  ** pPage there are fewer than NN siblings on the other side.  If pParent
+  ** has NB or fewer children then all children of pParent are taken.
+  */
+  nxDiv = idx - NN;
+  if( nxDiv + NB > pParent->nCell ){
+    nxDiv = pParent->nCell - NB + 1;
+  }
+  if( nxDiv<0 ){
+    nxDiv = 0;
+  }
+  nDiv = 0;
+  for(i=0, k=nxDiv; i<NB; i++, k++){
+    if( k<pParent->nCell ){
+      apDiv[i] = findCell(pParent, k);
+      nDiv++;
+      assert( !pParent->leaf );
+      pgnoOld[i] = get4byte(apDiv[i]);
+    }else if( k==pParent->nCell ){
+      pgnoOld[i] = get4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8]);
+    }else{
+      break;
+    }
+    rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgnoOld[i], &apOld[i], pParent);
+    if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
+    apOld[i]->idxParent = k;
+    apCopy[i] = 0;
+    assert( i==nOld );
+    nOld++;
+    nMaxCells += 1+apOld[i]->nCell+apOld[i]->nOverflow;
+  }
+  /* Make nMaxCells a multiple of 2 in order to preserve 8-byte
+  ** alignment */
+  nMaxCells = (nMaxCells + 1)&~1;
+  /*
+  ** Allocate space for memory structures
+  */
+  apCell = sqliteMallocRaw( 
+       nMaxCells*sizeof(u8*)                           /* apCell */
+     + nMaxCells*sizeof(int)                           /* szCell */
+     + ROUND8(sizeof(MemPage))*NB                      /* aCopy */
+     + pBt->pageSize*(5+NB)                            /* aSpace */
+     + (ISAUTOVACUUM ? nMaxCells : 0)                  /* aFrom */
+  );
+  if( apCell==0 ){
+    rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    goto balance_cleanup;
+  }
+  szCell = (int*)&apCell[nMaxCells];
+  aCopy[0] = (u8*)&szCell[nMaxCells];
+  assert( ((aCopy[0] - (u8*)apCell) & 7)==0 ); /* 8-byte alignment required */
+  for(i=1; i<NB; i++){
+    aCopy[i] = &aCopy[i-1][pBt->pageSize+ROUND8(sizeof(MemPage))];
+    assert( ((aCopy[i] - (u8*)apCell) & 7)==0 ); /* 8-byte alignment required */
+  }
+  aSpace = &aCopy[NB-1][pBt->pageSize+ROUND8(sizeof(MemPage))];
+  assert( ((aSpace - (u8*)apCell) & 7)==0 ); /* 8-byte alignment required */
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    aFrom = &aSpace[5*pBt->pageSize];
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Make copies of the content of pPage and its siblings into aOld[].
+  ** The rest of this function will use data from the copies rather
+  ** that the original pages since the original pages will be in the
+  ** process of being overwritten.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<nOld; i++){
+    MemPage *p = apCopy[i] = (MemPage*)&aCopy[i][pBt->pageSize];
+    p->aData = &((u8*)p)[-pBt->pageSize];
+    memcpy(p->aData, apOld[i]->aData, pBt->pageSize + sizeof(MemPage));
+    /* The memcpy() above changes the value of p->aData so we have to
+    ** set it again. */
+    p->aData = &((u8*)p)[-pBt->pageSize];
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Load pointers to all cells on sibling pages and the divider cells
+  ** into the local apCell[] array.  Make copies of the divider cells
+  ** into space obtained form aSpace[] and remove the the divider Cells
+  ** from pParent.
+  **
+  ** If the siblings are on leaf pages, then the child pointers of the
+  ** divider cells are stripped from the cells before they are copied
+  ** into aSpace[].  In this way, all cells in apCell[] are without
+  ** child pointers.  If siblings are not leaves, then all cell in
+  ** apCell[] include child pointers.  Either way, all cells in apCell[]
+  ** are alike.
+  **
+  ** leafCorrection:  4 if pPage is a leaf.  0 if pPage is not a leaf.
+  **       leafData:  1 if pPage holds key+data and pParent holds only keys.
+  */
+  nCell = 0;
+  leafCorrection = pPage->leaf*4;
+  leafData = pPage->leafData && pPage->leaf;
+  for(i=0; i<nOld; i++){
+    MemPage *pOld = apCopy[i];
+    int limit = pOld->nCell+pOld->nOverflow;
+    for(j=0; j<limit; j++){
+      assert( nCell<nMaxCells );
+      apCell[nCell] = findOverflowCell(pOld, j);
+      szCell[nCell] = cellSizePtr(pOld, apCell[nCell]);
+      if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+        int a;
+        aFrom[nCell] = i;
+        for(a=0; a<pOld->nOverflow; a++){
+          if( pOld->aOvfl[a].pCell==apCell[nCell] ){
+            aFrom[nCell] = 0xFF;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      nCell++;
+    }
+    if( i<nOld-1 ){
+      int sz = cellSizePtr(pParent, apDiv[i]);
+      if( leafData ){
+        /* With the LEAFDATA flag, pParent cells hold only INTKEYs that
+        ** are duplicates of keys on the child pages.  We need to remove
+        ** the divider cells from pParent, but the dividers cells are not
+        ** added to apCell[] because they are duplicates of child cells.
+        */
+        dropCell(pParent, nxDiv, sz);
+      }else{
+        u8 *pTemp;
+        assert( nCell<nMaxCells );
+        szCell[nCell] = sz;
+        pTemp = &aSpace[iSpace];
+        iSpace += sz;
+        assert( iSpace<=pBt->pageSize*5 );
+        memcpy(pTemp, apDiv[i], sz);
+        apCell[nCell] = pTemp+leafCorrection;
+        if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+          aFrom[nCell] = 0xFF;
+        }
+        dropCell(pParent, nxDiv, sz);
+        szCell[nCell] -= leafCorrection;
+        assert( get4byte(pTemp)==pgnoOld[i] );
+        if( !pOld->leaf ){
+          assert( leafCorrection==0 );
+          /* The right pointer of the child page pOld becomes the left
+          ** pointer of the divider cell */
+          memcpy(apCell[nCell], &pOld->aData[pOld->hdrOffset+8], 4);
+        }else{
+          assert( leafCorrection==4 );
+        }
+        nCell++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Figure out the number of pages needed to hold all nCell cells.
+  ** Store this number in "k".  Also compute szNew[] which is the total
+  ** size of all cells on the i-th page and cntNew[] which is the index
+  ** in apCell[] of the cell that divides page i from page i+1.  
+  ** cntNew[k] should equal nCell.
+  **
+  ** Values computed by this block:
+  **
+  **           k: The total number of sibling pages
+  **    szNew[i]: Spaced used on the i-th sibling page.
+  **   cntNew[i]: Index in apCell[] and szCell[] for the first cell to
+  **              the right of the i-th sibling page.
+  ** usableSpace: Number of bytes of space available on each sibling.
+  ** 
+  */
+  usableSpace = pBt->usableSize - 12 + leafCorrection;
+  for(subtotal=k=i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+    assert( i<nMaxCells );
+    subtotal += szCell[i] + 2;
+    if( subtotal > usableSpace ){
+      szNew[k] = subtotal - szCell[i];
+      cntNew[k] = i;
+      if( leafData ){ i--; }
+      subtotal = 0;
+      k++;
+    }
+  }
+  szNew[k] = subtotal;
+  cntNew[k] = nCell;
+  k++;
+  /*
+  ** The packing computed by the previous block is biased toward the siblings
+  ** on the left side.  The left siblings are always nearly full, while the
+  ** right-most sibling might be nearly empty.  This block of code attempts
+  ** to adjust the packing of siblings to get a better balance.
+  **
+  ** This adjustment is more than an optimization.  The packing above might
+  ** be so out of balance as to be illegal.  For example, the right-most
+  ** sibling might be completely empty.  This adjustment is not optional.
+  */
+  for(i=k-1; i>0; i--){
+    int szRight = szNew[i];  /* Size of sibling on the right */
+    int szLeft = szNew[i-1]; /* Size of sibling on the left */
+    int r;              /* Index of right-most cell in left sibling */
+    int d;              /* Index of first cell to the left of right sibling */
+    r = cntNew[i-1] - 1;
+    d = r + 1 - leafData;
+    assert( d<nMaxCells );
+    assert( r<nMaxCells );
+    while( szRight==0 || szRight+szCell[d]+2<=szLeft-(szCell[r]+2) ){
+      szRight += szCell[d] + 2;
+      szLeft -= szCell[r] + 2;
+      cntNew[i-1]--;
+      r = cntNew[i-1] - 1;
+      d = r + 1 - leafData;
+    }
+    szNew[i] = szRight;
+    szNew[i-1] = szLeft;
+  }
+  /* Either we found one or more cells (cntnew[0])>0) or we are the
+  ** a virtual root page.  A virtual root page is when the real root
+  ** page is page 1 and we are the only child of that page.
+  */
+  assert( cntNew[0]>0 || (pParent->pgno==1 && pParent->nCell==0) );
+  /*
+  ** Allocate k new pages.  Reuse old pages where possible.
+  */
+  assert( pPage->pgno>1 );
+  pageFlags = pPage->aData[0];
+  for(i=0; i<k; i++){
+    MemPage *pNew;
+    if( i<nOld ){
+      pNew = apNew[i] = apOld[i];
+      pgnoNew[i] = pgnoOld[i];
+      apOld[i] = 0;
+      rc = sqlite3pager_write(pNew->aData);
+      if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
+    }else{
+      assert( i>0 );
+      rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pNew, &pgnoNew[i], pgnoNew[i-1], 0);
+      if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
+      apNew[i] = pNew;
+    }
+    nNew++;
+    zeroPage(pNew, pageFlags);
+  }
+  /* Free any old pages that were not reused as new pages.
+  */
+  while( i<nOld ){
+    rc = freePage(apOld[i]);
+    if( rc ) goto balance_cleanup;
+    releasePage(apOld[i]);
+    apOld[i] = 0;
+    i++;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Put the new pages in accending order.  This helps to
+  ** keep entries in the disk file in order so that a scan
+  ** of the table is a linear scan through the file.  That
+  ** in turn helps the operating system to deliver pages
+  ** from the disk more rapidly.
+  **
+  ** An O(n^2) insertion sort algorithm is used, but since
+  ** n is never more than NB (a small constant), that should
+  ** not be a problem.
+  **
+  ** When NB==3, this one optimization makes the database
+  ** about 25% faster for large insertions and deletions.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<k-1; i++){
+    int minV = pgnoNew[i];
+    int minI = i;
+    for(j=i+1; j<k; j++){
+      if( pgnoNew[j]<(unsigned)minV ){
+        minI = j;
+        minV = pgnoNew[j];
+      }
+    }
+    if( minI>i ){
+      int t;
+      MemPage *pT;
+      t = pgnoNew[i];
+      pT = apNew[i];
+      pgnoNew[i] = pgnoNew[minI];
+      apNew[i] = apNew[minI];
+      pgnoNew[minI] = t;
+      apNew[minI] = pT;
+    }
+  }
+  TRACE(("BALANCE: old: %d %d %d  new: %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d) %d(%d)\n",
+    pgnoOld[0], 
+    nOld>=2 ? pgnoOld[1] : 0,
+    nOld>=3 ? pgnoOld[2] : 0,
+    pgnoNew[0], szNew[0],
+    nNew>=2 ? pgnoNew[1] : 0, nNew>=2 ? szNew[1] : 0,
+    nNew>=3 ? pgnoNew[2] : 0, nNew>=3 ? szNew[2] : 0,
+    nNew>=4 ? pgnoNew[3] : 0, nNew>=4 ? szNew[3] : 0,
+    nNew>=5 ? pgnoNew[4] : 0, nNew>=5 ? szNew[4] : 0));
+  /*
+  ** Evenly distribute the data in apCell[] across the new pages.
+  ** Insert divider cells into pParent as necessary.
+  */
+  j = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<nNew; i++){
+    /* Assemble the new sibling page. */
+    MemPage *pNew = apNew[i];
+    assert( j<nMaxCells );
+    assert( pNew->pgno==pgnoNew[i] );
+    assemblePage(pNew, cntNew[i]-j, &apCell[j], &szCell[j]);
+    assert( pNew->nCell>0 || (nNew==1 && cntNew[0]==0) );
+    assert( pNew->nOverflow==0 );
+    /* If this is an auto-vacuum database, update the pointer map entries
+    ** that point to the siblings that were rearranged. These can be: left
+    ** children of cells, the right-child of the page, or overflow pages
+    ** pointed to by cells.
+    */
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+      for(k=j; k<cntNew[i]; k++){
+        assert( k<nMaxCells );
+        if( aFrom[k]==0xFF || apCopy[aFrom[k]]->pgno!=pNew->pgno ){
+          rc = ptrmapPutOvfl(pNew, k-j);
+          if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+            goto balance_cleanup;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    j = cntNew[i];
+    /* If the sibling page assembled above was not the right-most sibling,
+    ** insert a divider cell into the parent page.
+    */
+    if( i<nNew-1 && j<nCell ){
+      u8 *pCell;
+      u8 *pTemp;
+      int sz;
+      assert( j<nMaxCells );
+      pCell = apCell[j];
+      sz = szCell[j] + leafCorrection;
+      if( !pNew->leaf ){
+        memcpy(&pNew->aData[8], pCell, 4);
+        pTemp = 0;
+      }else if( leafData ){
+	/* If the tree is a leaf-data tree, and the siblings are leaves, 
+        ** then there is no divider cell in apCell[]. Instead, the divider 
+        ** cell consists of the integer key for the right-most cell of 
+        ** the sibling-page assembled above only.
+        */
+        CellInfo info;
+        j--;
+        parseCellPtr(pNew, apCell[j], &info);
+        pCell = &aSpace[iSpace];
+        fillInCell(pParent, pCell, 0, info.nKey, 0, 0, &sz);
+        iSpace += sz;
+        assert( iSpace<=pBt->pageSize*5 );
+        pTemp = 0;
+      }else{
+        pCell -= 4;
+        pTemp = &aSpace[iSpace];
+        iSpace += sz;
+        assert( iSpace<=pBt->pageSize*5 );
+      }
+      rc = insertCell(pParent, nxDiv, pCell, sz, pTemp, 4);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto balance_cleanup;
+      put4byte(findOverflowCell(pParent,nxDiv), pNew->pgno);
+      /* If this is an auto-vacuum database, and not a leaf-data tree,
+      ** then update the pointer map with an entry for the overflow page
+      ** that the cell just inserted points to (if any).
+      */
+      if( pBt->autoVacuum && !leafData ){
+        rc = ptrmapPutOvfl(pParent, nxDiv);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          goto balance_cleanup;
+        }
+      }
+      j++;
+      nxDiv++;
+    }
+  }
+  assert( j==nCell );
+  assert( nOld>0 );
+  assert( nNew>0 );
+  if( (pageFlags & PTF_LEAF)==0 ){
+    memcpy(&apNew[nNew-1]->aData[8], &apCopy[nOld-1]->aData[8], 4);
+  }
+  if( nxDiv==pParent->nCell+pParent->nOverflow ){
+    /* Right-most sibling is the right-most child of pParent */
+    put4byte(&pParent->aData[pParent->hdrOffset+8], pgnoNew[nNew-1]);
+  }else{
+    /* Right-most sibling is the left child of the first entry in pParent
+    ** past the right-most divider entry */
+    put4byte(findOverflowCell(pParent, nxDiv), pgnoNew[nNew-1]);
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Reparent children of all cells.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<nNew; i++){
+    rc = reparentChildPages(apNew[i]);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto balance_cleanup;
+  }
+  rc = reparentChildPages(pParent);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto balance_cleanup;
+  /*
+  ** Balance the parent page.  Note that the current page (pPage) might
+  ** have been added to the freelist so it might no longer be initialized.
+  ** But the parent page will always be initialized.
+  */
+  assert( pParent->isInit );
+  rc = balance(pParent, 0);
+  /*
+  ** Cleanup before returning.
+  */
+  sqliteFree(apCell);
+  for(i=0; i<nOld; i++){
+    releasePage(apOld[i]);
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<nNew; i++){
+    releasePage(apNew[i]);
+  }
+  releasePage(pParent);
+  TRACE(("BALANCE: finished with %d: old=%d new=%d cells=%d\n",
+          pPage->pgno, nOld, nNew, nCell));
+  return rc;
+** This routine is called for the root page of a btree when the root
+** page contains no cells.  This is an opportunity to make the tree
+** shallower by one level.
+static int balance_shallower(MemPage *pPage){
+  MemPage *pChild;             /* The only child page of pPage */
+  Pgno pgnoChild;              /* Page number for pChild */
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;          /* Return code from subprocedures */
+  BtShared *pBt;                  /* The main BTree structure */
+  int mxCellPerPage;           /* Maximum number of cells per page */
+  u8 **apCell;                 /* All cells from pages being balanced */
+  int *szCell;                 /* Local size of all cells */
+  assert( pPage->pParent==0 );
+  assert( pPage->nCell==0 );
+  pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  mxCellPerPage = MX_CELL(pBt);
+  apCell = sqliteMallocRaw( mxCellPerPage*(sizeof(u8*)+sizeof(int)) );
+  if( apCell==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  szCell = (int*)&apCell[mxCellPerPage];
+  if( pPage->leaf ){
+    /* The table is completely empty */
+    TRACE(("BALANCE: empty table %d\n", pPage->pgno));
+  }else{
+    /* The root page is empty but has one child.  Transfer the
+    ** information from that one child into the root page if it 
+    ** will fit.  This reduces the depth of the tree by one.
+    **
+    ** If the root page is page 1, it has less space available than
+    ** its child (due to the 100 byte header that occurs at the beginning
+    ** of the database fle), so it might not be able to hold all of the 
+    ** information currently contained in the child.  If this is the 
+    ** case, then do not do the transfer.  Leave page 1 empty except
+    ** for the right-pointer to the child page.  The child page becomes
+    ** the virtual root of the tree.
+    */
+    pgnoChild = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
+    assert( pgnoChild>0 );
+    assert( pgnoChild<=sqlite3pager_pagecount(pPage->pBt->pPager) );
+    rc = getPage(pPage->pBt, pgnoChild, &pChild);
+    if( rc ) goto end_shallow_balance;
+    if( pPage->pgno==1 ){
+      rc = initPage(pChild, pPage);
+      if( rc ) goto end_shallow_balance;
+      assert( pChild->nOverflow==0 );
+      if( pChild->nFree>=100 ){
+        /* The child information will fit on the root page, so do the
+        ** copy */
+        int i;
+        zeroPage(pPage, pChild->aData[0]);
+        for(i=0; i<pChild->nCell; i++){
+          apCell[i] = findCell(pChild,i);
+          szCell[i] = cellSizePtr(pChild, apCell[i]);
+        }
+        assemblePage(pPage, pChild->nCell, apCell, szCell);
+        /* Copy the right-pointer of the child to the parent. */
+        put4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8], 
+            get4byte(&pChild->aData[pChild->hdrOffset+8]));
+        freePage(pChild);
+        TRACE(("BALANCE: child %d transfer to page 1\n", pChild->pgno));
+      }else{
+        /* The child has more information that will fit on the root.
+        ** The tree is already balanced.  Do nothing. */
+        TRACE(("BALANCE: child %d will not fit on page 1\n", pChild->pgno));
+      }
+    }else{
+      memcpy(pPage->aData, pChild->aData, pPage->pBt->usableSize);
+      pPage->isInit = 0;
+      pPage->pParent = 0;
+      rc = initPage(pPage, 0);
+      assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
+      freePage(pChild);
+      TRACE(("BALANCE: transfer child %d into root %d\n",
+              pChild->pgno, pPage->pgno));
+    }
+    rc = reparentChildPages(pPage);
+    assert( pPage->nOverflow==0 );
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+      int i;
+      for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){ 
+        rc = ptrmapPutOvfl(pPage, i);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          goto end_shallow_balance;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_shallow_balance;
+    releasePage(pChild);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(apCell);
+  return rc;
+** The root page is overfull
+** When this happens, Create a new child page and copy the
+** contents of the root into the child.  Then make the root
+** page an empty page with rightChild pointing to the new
+** child.   Finally, call balance_internal() on the new child
+** to cause it to split.
+static int balance_deeper(MemPage *pPage){
+  int rc;             /* Return value from subprocedures */
+  MemPage *pChild;    /* Pointer to a new child page */
+  Pgno pgnoChild;     /* Page number of the new child page */
+  BtShared *pBt;         /* The BTree */
+  int usableSize;     /* Total usable size of a page */
+  u8 *data;           /* Content of the parent page */
+  u8 *cdata;          /* Content of the child page */
+  int hdr;            /* Offset to page header in parent */
+  int brk;            /* Offset to content of first cell in parent */
+  assert( pPage->pParent==0 );
+  assert( pPage->nOverflow>0 );
+  pBt = pPage->pBt;
+  rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pChild, &pgnoChild, pPage->pgno, 0);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(pChild->aData) );
+  usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  brk = get2byte(&data[hdr+5]);
+  cdata = pChild->aData;
+  memcpy(cdata, &data[hdr], pPage->cellOffset+2*pPage->nCell-hdr);
+  memcpy(&cdata[brk], &data[brk], usableSize-brk);
+  assert( pChild->isInit==0 );
+  rc = initPage(pChild, pPage);
+  if( rc ) goto balancedeeper_out;
+  memcpy(pChild->aOvfl, pPage->aOvfl, pPage->nOverflow*sizeof(pPage->aOvfl[0]));
+  pChild->nOverflow = pPage->nOverflow;
+  if( pChild->nOverflow ){
+    pChild->nFree = 0;
+  }
+  assert( pChild->nCell==pPage->nCell );
+  zeroPage(pPage, pChild->aData[0] & ~PTF_LEAF);
+  put4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8], pgnoChild);
+  TRACE(("BALANCE: copy root %d into %d\n", pPage->pgno, pChild->pgno));
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    int i;
+    rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, pChild->pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, pPage->pgno);
+    if( rc ) goto balancedeeper_out;
+    for(i=0; i<pChild->nCell; i++){
+      rc = ptrmapPutOvfl(pChild, i);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  rc = balance_nonroot(pChild);
+  releasePage(pChild);
+  return rc;
+** Decide if the page pPage needs to be balanced.  If balancing is
+** required, call the appropriate balancing routine.
+static int balance(MemPage *pPage, int insert){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( pPage->pParent==0 ){
+    if( pPage->nOverflow>0 ){
+      rc = balance_deeper(pPage);
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && pPage->nCell==0 ){
+      rc = balance_shallower(pPage);
+    }
+  }else{
+    if( pPage->nOverflow>0 || 
+        (!insert && pPage->nFree>pPage->pBt->usableSize*2/3) ){
+      rc = balance_nonroot(pPage);
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** This routine checks all cursors that point to table pgnoRoot.
+** If any of those cursors were opened with wrFlag==0 in a different
+** database connection (a database connection that shares the pager
+** cache with the current connection) and that other connection 
+** is not in the ReadUncommmitted state, then this routine returns 
+** In addition to checking for read-locks (where a read-lock 
+** means a cursor opened with wrFlag==0) this routine also moves
+** all cursors write cursors so that they are pointing to the 
+** first Cell on the root page.  This is necessary because an insert 
+** or delete might change the number of cells on a page or delete
+** a page entirely and we do not want to leave any cursors 
+** pointing to non-existant pages or cells.
+static int checkReadLocks(Btree *pBtree, Pgno pgnoRoot, BtCursor *pExclude){
+  BtCursor *p;
+  BtShared *pBt = pBtree->pBt;
+  sqlite3 *db = pBtree->pSqlite;
+  for(p=pBt->pCursor; p; p=p->pNext){
+    if( p==pExclude ) continue;
+    if( p->eState!=CURSOR_VALID ) continue;
+    if( p->pgnoRoot!=pgnoRoot ) continue;
+    if( p->wrFlag==0 ){
+      sqlite3 *dbOther = p->pBtree->pSqlite;
+      if( dbOther==0 ||
+         (dbOther!=db && (dbOther->flags & SQLITE_ReadUncommitted)==0) ){
+        return SQLITE_LOCKED;
+      }
+    }else if( p->pPage->pgno!=p->pgnoRoot ){
+      moveToRoot(p);
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Insert a new record into the BTree.  The key is given by (pKey,nKey)
+** and the data is given by (pData,nData).  The cursor is used only to
+** define what table the record should be inserted into.  The cursor
+** is left pointing at a random location.
+** For an INTKEY table, only the nKey value of the key is used.  pKey is
+** ignored.  For a ZERODATA table, the pData and nData are both ignored.
+int sqlite3BtreeInsert(
+  BtCursor *pCur,                /* Insert data into the table of this cursor */
+  const void *pKey, i64 nKey,    /* The key of the new record */
+  const void *pData, int nData   /* The data of the new record */
+  int rc;
+  int loc;
+  int szNew;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBtree->pBt;
+  unsigned char *oldCell;
+  unsigned char *newCell = 0;
+  if( pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    /* Must start a transaction before doing an insert */
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  assert( !pBt->readOnly );
+  if( !pCur->wrFlag ){
+    return SQLITE_PERM;   /* Cursor not open for writing */
+  }
+  if( checkReadLocks(pCur->pBtree, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur) ){
+    return SQLITE_LOCKED; /* The table pCur points to has a read lock */
+  }
+  /* Save the positions of any other cursors open on this table */
+  restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 0);
+  if( 
+    SQLITE_OK!=(rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur)) ||
+    SQLITE_OK!=(rc = sqlite3BtreeMoveto(pCur, pKey, nKey, &loc))
+  ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  assert( pPage->intKey || nKey>=0 );
+  assert( pPage->leaf || !pPage->leafData );
+  TRACE(("INSERT: table=%d nkey=%lld ndata=%d page=%d %s\n",
+          pCur->pgnoRoot, nKey, nData, pPage->pgno,
+          loc==0 ? "overwrite" : "new entry"));
+  assert( pPage->isInit );
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage->aData);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  newCell = sqliteMallocRaw( MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) );
+  if( newCell==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  rc = fillInCell(pPage, newCell, pKey, nKey, pData, nData, &szNew);
+  if( rc ) goto end_insert;
+  assert( szNew==cellSizePtr(pPage, newCell) );
+  assert( szNew<=MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) );
+  if( loc==0 && CURSOR_VALID==pCur->eState ){
+    int szOld;
+    assert( pCur->idx>=0 && pCur->idx<pPage->nCell );
+    oldCell = findCell(pPage, pCur->idx);
+    if( !pPage->leaf ){
+      memcpy(newCell, oldCell, 4);
+    }
+    szOld = cellSizePtr(pPage, oldCell);
+    rc = clearCell(pPage, oldCell);
+    if( rc ) goto end_insert;
+    dropCell(pPage, pCur->idx, szOld);
+  }else if( loc<0 && pPage->nCell>0 ){
+    assert( pPage->leaf );
+    pCur->idx++;
+    pCur->info.nSize = 0;
+  }else{
+    assert( pPage->leaf );
+  }
+  rc = insertCell(pPage, pCur->idx, newCell, szNew, 0, 0);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto end_insert;
+  rc = balance(pPage, 1);
+  /* sqlite3BtreePageDump(pCur->pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, 1); */
+  /* fflush(stdout); */
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    moveToRoot(pCur);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(newCell);
+  return rc;
+** Delete the entry that the cursor is pointing to.  The cursor
+** is left pointing at a random location.
+int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor *pCur){
+  MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  unsigned char *pCell;
+  int rc;
+  Pgno pgnoChild = 0;
+  BtShared *pBt = pCur->pBtree->pBt;
+  assert( pPage->isInit );
+  if( pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    /* Must start a transaction before doing a delete */
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  assert( !pBt->readOnly );
+  if( pCur->idx >= pPage->nCell ){
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;  /* The cursor is not pointing to anything */
+  }
+  if( !pCur->wrFlag ){
+    return SQLITE_PERM;   /* Did not open this cursor for writing */
+  }
+  if( checkReadLocks(pCur->pBtree, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur) ){
+    return SQLITE_LOCKED; /* The table pCur points to has a read lock */
+  }
+  /* Restore the current cursor position (a no-op if the cursor is not in 
+  ** CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK state) and save the positions of any other cursors 
+  ** open on the same table. Then call sqlite3pager_write() on the page
+  ** that the entry will be deleted from.
+  */
+  if( 
+    (rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1))!=0 ||
+    (rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, pCur->pgnoRoot, pCur))!=0 ||
+    (rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage->aData))!=0
+  ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  /* Locate the cell within it's page and leave pCell pointing to the
+  ** data. The clearCell() call frees any overflow pages associated with the
+  ** cell. The cell itself is still intact.
+  */
+  pCell = findCell(pPage, pCur->idx);
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    pgnoChild = get4byte(pCell);
+  }
+  rc = clearCell(pPage, pCell);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    /*
+    ** The entry we are about to delete is not a leaf so if we do not
+    ** do something we will leave a hole on an internal page.
+    ** We have to fill the hole by moving in a cell from a leaf.  The
+    ** next Cell after the one to be deleted is guaranteed to exist and
+    ** to be a leaf so we can use it.
+    */
+    BtCursor leafCur;
+    unsigned char *pNext;
+    int szNext;  /* The compiler warning is wrong: szNext is always 
+                 ** initialized before use.  Adding an extra initialization
+                 ** to silence the compiler slows down the code. */
+    int notUsed;
+    unsigned char *tempCell = 0;
+    assert( !pPage->leafData );
+    getTempCursor(pCur, &leafCur);
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeNext(&leafCur, &notUsed);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_NOMEM ){
+        rc = SQLITE_CORRUPT_BKPT; 
+      }
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      rc = sqlite3pager_write(leafCur.pPage->aData);
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      TRACE(("DELETE: table=%d delete internal from %d replace from leaf %d\n",
+         pCur->pgnoRoot, pPage->pgno, leafCur.pPage->pgno));
+      dropCell(pPage, pCur->idx, cellSizePtr(pPage, pCell));
+      pNext = findCell(leafCur.pPage, leafCur.idx);
+      szNext = cellSizePtr(leafCur.pPage, pNext);
+      assert( MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt)>=szNext+4 );
+      tempCell = sqliteMallocRaw( MX_CELL_SIZE(pBt) );
+      if( tempCell==0 ){
+        rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+      }
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      rc = insertCell(pPage, pCur->idx, pNext-4, szNext+4, tempCell, 0);
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      put4byte(findOverflowCell(pPage, pCur->idx), pgnoChild);
+      rc = balance(pPage, 0);
+    }
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+      dropCell(leafCur.pPage, leafCur.idx, szNext);
+      rc = balance(leafCur.pPage, 0);
+    }
+    sqliteFree(tempCell);
+    releaseTempCursor(&leafCur);
+  }else{
+    TRACE(("DELETE: table=%d delete from leaf %d\n",
+       pCur->pgnoRoot, pPage->pgno));
+    dropCell(pPage, pCur->idx, cellSizePtr(pPage, pCell));
+    rc = balance(pPage, 0);
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    moveToRoot(pCur);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Create a new BTree table.  Write into *piTable the page
+** number for the root page of the new table.
+** The type of type is determined by the flags parameter.  Only the
+** following values of flags are currently in use.  Other values for
+** flags might not work:
+**     BTREE_INTKEY|BTREE_LEAFDATA     Used for SQL tables with rowid keys
+**     BTREE_ZERODATA                  Used for SQL indices
+int sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(Btree *p, int *piTable, int flags){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  MemPage *pRoot;
+  Pgno pgnoRoot;
+  int rc;
+  if( pBt->inTransaction!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    /* Must start a transaction first */
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  assert( !pBt->readOnly );
+  /* It is illegal to create a table if any cursors are open on the
+  ** database. This is because in auto-vacuum mode the backend may
+  ** need to move a database page to make room for the new root-page.
+  ** If an open cursor was using the page a problem would occur.
+  */
+  if( pBt->pCursor ){
+    return SQLITE_LOCKED;
+  }
+  rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pRoot, &pgnoRoot, 1, 0);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+    Pgno pgnoMove;      /* Move a page here to make room for the root-page */
+    MemPage *pPageMove; /* The page to move to. */
+    /* Read the value of meta[3] from the database to determine where the
+    ** root page of the new table should go. meta[3] is the largest root-page
+    ** created so far, so the new root-page is (meta[3]+1).
+    */
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(p, 4, &pgnoRoot);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    pgnoRoot++;
+    /* The new root-page may not be allocated on a pointer-map page, or the
+    ** PENDING_BYTE page.
+    */
+    if( pgnoRoot==PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, pgnoRoot) ||
+        pgnoRoot==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+      pgnoRoot++;
+    }
+    assert( pgnoRoot>=3 );
+    /* Allocate a page. The page that currently resides at pgnoRoot will
+    ** be moved to the allocated page (unless the allocated page happens
+    ** to reside at pgnoRoot).
+    */
+    rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pPageMove, &pgnoMove, pgnoRoot, 1);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      return rc;
+    }
+    if( pgnoMove!=pgnoRoot ){
+      u8 eType;
+      Pgno iPtrPage;
+      releasePage(pPageMove);
+      rc = getPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+      rc = ptrmapGet(pBt, pgnoRoot, &eType, &iPtrPage);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK || eType==PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE || eType==PTRMAP_FREEPAGE ){
+        releasePage(pRoot);
+        return rc;
+      }
+      assert( eType!=PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE );
+      assert( eType!=PTRMAP_FREEPAGE );
+      rc = sqlite3pager_write(pRoot->aData);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        releasePage(pRoot);
+        return rc;
+      }
+      rc = relocatePage(pBt, pRoot, eType, iPtrPage, pgnoMove);
+      releasePage(pRoot);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+      rc = getPage(pBt, pgnoRoot, &pRoot);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+      rc = sqlite3pager_write(pRoot->aData);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        releasePage(pRoot);
+        return rc;
+      }
+    }else{
+      pRoot = pPageMove;
+    } 
+    /* Update the pointer-map and meta-data with the new root-page number. */
+    rc = ptrmapPut(pBt, pgnoRoot, PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE, 0);
+    if( rc ){
+      releasePage(pRoot);
+      return rc;
+    }
+    rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p, 4, pgnoRoot);
+    if( rc ){
+      releasePage(pRoot);
+      return rc;
+    }
+  }else{
+    rc = allocatePage(pBt, &pRoot, &pgnoRoot, 1, 0);
+    if( rc ) return rc;
+  }
+  assert( sqlite3pager_iswriteable(pRoot->aData) );
+  zeroPage(pRoot, flags | PTF_LEAF);
+  sqlite3pager_unref(pRoot->aData);
+  *piTable = (int)pgnoRoot;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Erase the given database page and all its children.  Return
+** the page to the freelist.
+static int clearDatabasePage(
+  BtShared *pBt,           /* The BTree that contains the table */
+  Pgno pgno,            /* Page number to clear */
+  MemPage *pParent,     /* Parent page.  NULL for the root */
+  int freePageFlag      /* Deallocate page if true */
+  MemPage *pPage = 0;
+  int rc;
+  unsigned char *pCell;
+  int i;
+  if( pgno>sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBt->pPager) ){
+  }
+  rc = getAndInitPage(pBt, pgno, &pPage, pParent);
+  if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage->aData);
+  if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
+  for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell; i++){
+    pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
+    if( !pPage->leaf ){
+      rc = clearDatabasePage(pBt, get4byte(pCell), pPage->pParent, 1);
+      if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
+    }
+    rc = clearCell(pPage, pCell);
+    if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
+  }
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    rc = clearDatabasePage(pBt, get4byte(&pPage->aData[8]), pPage->pParent, 1);
+    if( rc ) goto cleardatabasepage_out;
+  }
+  if( freePageFlag ){
+    rc = freePage(pPage);
+  }else{
+    zeroPage(pPage, pPage->aData[0] | PTF_LEAF);
+  }
+  releasePage(pPage);
+  return rc;
+** Delete all information from a single table in the database.  iTable is
+** the page number of the root of the table.  After this routine returns,
+** the root page is empty, but still exists.
+** This routine will fail with SQLITE_LOCKED if there are any open
+** read cursors on the table.  Open write cursors are moved to the
+** root of the table.
+int sqlite3BtreeClearTable(Btree *p, int iTable){
+  int rc;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  if( p->inTrans!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  rc = checkReadLocks(p, iTable, 0);
+  if( rc ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  /* Save the position of all cursors open on this table */
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=(rc = saveAllCursors(pBt, iTable, 0)) ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  return clearDatabasePage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, 0, 0);
+** Erase all information in a table and add the root of the table to
+** the freelist.  Except, the root of the principle table (the one on
+** page 1) is never added to the freelist.
+** This routine will fail with SQLITE_LOCKED if there are any open
+** cursors on the table.
+** If AUTOVACUUM is enabled and the page at iTable is not the last
+** root page in the database file, then the last root page 
+** in the database file is moved into the slot formerly occupied by
+** iTable and that last slot formerly occupied by the last root page
+** is added to the freelist instead of iTable.  In this say, all
+** root pages are kept at the beginning of the database file, which
+** is necessary for AUTOVACUUM to work right.  *piMoved is set to the 
+** page number that used to be the last root page in the file before
+** the move.  If no page gets moved, *piMoved is set to 0.
+** The last root page is recorded in meta[3] and the value of
+** meta[3] is updated by this procedure.
+int sqlite3BtreeDropTable(Btree *p, int iTable, int *piMoved){
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pPage = 0;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  if( p->inTrans!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* It is illegal to drop a table if any cursors are open on the
+  ** database. This is because in auto-vacuum mode the backend may
+  ** need to move another root-page to fill a gap left by the deleted
+  ** root page. If an open cursor was using this page a problem would 
+  ** occur.
+  */
+  if( pBt->pCursor ){
+    return SQLITE_LOCKED;
+  }
+  rc = getPage(pBt, (Pgno)iTable, &pPage);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeClearTable(p, iTable);
+  if( rc ){
+    releasePage(pPage);
+    return rc;
+  }
+  *piMoved = 0;
+  if( iTable>1 ){
+    rc = freePage(pPage);
+    releasePage(pPage);
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+      Pgno maxRootPgno;
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(p, 4, &maxRootPgno);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        releasePage(pPage);
+        return rc;
+      }
+      if( iTable==maxRootPgno ){
+        /* If the table being dropped is the table with the largest root-page
+        ** number in the database, put the root page on the free list. 
+        */
+        rc = freePage(pPage);
+        releasePage(pPage);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          return rc;
+        }
+      }else{
+        /* The table being dropped does not have the largest root-page
+        ** number in the database. So move the page that does into the 
+        ** gap left by the deleted root-page.
+        */
+        MemPage *pMove;
+        releasePage(pPage);
+        rc = getPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          return rc;
+        }
+        rc = relocatePage(pBt, pMove, PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE, 0, iTable);
+        releasePage(pMove);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          return rc;
+        }
+        rc = getPage(pBt, maxRootPgno, &pMove);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          return rc;
+        }
+        rc = freePage(pMove);
+        releasePage(pMove);
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          return rc;
+        }
+        *piMoved = maxRootPgno;
+      }
+      /* Set the new 'max-root-page' value in the database header. This
+      ** is the old value less one, less one more if that happens to
+      ** be a root-page number, less one again if that is the
+      */
+      maxRootPgno--;
+      if( maxRootPgno==PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) ){
+        maxRootPgno--;
+      }
+      if( maxRootPgno==PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, maxRootPgno) ){
+        maxRootPgno--;
+      }
+      assert( maxRootPgno!=PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBt) );
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(p, 4, maxRootPgno);
+    }else{
+      rc = freePage(pPage);
+      releasePage(pPage);
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* If sqlite3BtreeDropTable was called on page 1. */
+    zeroPage(pPage, PTF_INTKEY|PTF_LEAF );
+    releasePage(pPage);
+  }
+  return rc;  
+** Read the meta-information out of a database file.  Meta[0]
+** is the number of free pages currently in the database.  Meta[1]
+** through meta[15] are available for use by higher layers.  Meta[0]
+** is read-only, the others are read/write.
+** The schema layer numbers meta values differently.  At the schema
+** layer (and the SetCookie and ReadCookie opcodes) the number of
+** free pages is not visible.  So Cookie[0] is the same as Meta[1].
+int sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(Btree *p, int idx, u32 *pMeta){
+  int rc;
+  unsigned char *pP1;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  /* Reading a meta-data value requires a read-lock on page 1 (and hence
+  ** the sqlite_master table. We grab this lock regardless of whether or
+  ** not the SQLITE_ReadUncommitted flag is set (the table rooted at page
+  ** 1 is treated as a special case by queryTableLock() and lockTable()).
+  */
+  rc = queryTableLock(p, 1, READ_LOCK);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  assert( idx>=0 && idx<=15 );
+  rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBt->pPager, 1, (void**)&pP1);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  *pMeta = get4byte(&pP1[36 + idx*4]);
+  sqlite3pager_unref(pP1);
+  /* If autovacuumed is disabled in this build but we are trying to 
+  ** access an autovacuumed database, then make the database readonly. 
+  */
+  if( idx==4 && *pMeta>0 ) pBt->readOnly = 1;
+  /* Grab the read-lock on page 1. */
+  rc = lockTable(p, 1, READ_LOCK);
+  return rc;
+** Write meta-information back into the database.  Meta[0] is
+** read-only and may not be written.
+int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree *p, int idx, u32 iMeta){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  unsigned char *pP1;
+  int rc;
+  assert( idx>=1 && idx<=15 );
+  if( p->inTrans!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    return pBt->readOnly ? SQLITE_READONLY : SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  assert( pBt->pPage1!=0 );
+  pP1 = pBt->pPage1->aData;
+  rc = sqlite3pager_write(pP1);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  put4byte(&pP1[36 + idx*4], iMeta);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return the flag byte at the beginning of the page that the cursor
+** is currently pointing to.
+int sqlite3BtreeFlags(BtCursor *pCur){
+  /* TODO: What about CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK state? Probably need to call
+  ** restoreOrClearCursorPosition() here.
+  */
+  MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  return pPage ? pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset] : 0;
+** Print a disassembly of the given page on standard output.  This routine
+** is used for debugging and testing only.
+static int btreePageDump(BtShared *pBt, int pgno, int recursive, MemPage *pParent){
+  int rc;
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  int i, j, c;
+  int nFree;
+  u16 idx;
+  int hdr;
+  int nCell;
+  int isInit;
+  unsigned char *data;
+  char range[20];
+  unsigned char payload[20];
+  rc = getPage(pBt, (Pgno)pgno, &pPage);
+  isInit = pPage->isInit;
+  if( pPage->isInit==0 ){
+    initPage(pPage, pParent);
+  }
+  if( rc ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  c = data[hdr];
+  pPage->intKey = (c & (PTF_INTKEY|PTF_LEAFDATA))!=0;
+  pPage->zeroData = (c & PTF_ZERODATA)!=0;
+  pPage->leafData = (c & PTF_LEAFDATA)!=0;
+  pPage->leaf = (c & PTF_LEAF)!=0;
+  pPage->hasData = !(pPage->zeroData || (!pPage->leaf && pPage->leafData));
+  nCell = get2byte(&data[hdr+3]);
+  sqlite3DebugPrintf("PAGE %d:  flags=0x%02x  frag=%d   parent=%d\n", pgno,
+    data[hdr], data[hdr+7], 
+    (pPage->isInit && pPage->pParent) ? pPage->pParent->pgno : 0);
+  assert( hdr == (pgno==1 ? 100 : 0) );
+  idx = hdr + 12 - pPage->leaf*4;
+  for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+    CellInfo info;
+    Pgno child;
+    unsigned char *pCell;
+    int sz;
+    int addr;
+    addr = get2byte(&data[idx + 2*i]);
+    pCell = &data[addr];
+    parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+    sz = info.nSize;
+    sprintf(range,"%d..%d", addr, addr+sz-1);
+    if( pPage->leaf ){
+      child = 0;
+    }else{
+      child = get4byte(pCell);
+    }
+    sz = info.nData;
+    if( !pPage->intKey ) sz += info.nKey;
+    if( sz>sizeof(payload)-1 ) sz = sizeof(payload)-1;
+    memcpy(payload, &pCell[info.nHeader], sz);
+    for(j=0; j<sz; j++){
+      if( payload[j]<0x20 || payload[j]>0x7f ) payload[j] = '.';
+    }
+    payload[sz] = 0;
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf(
+      "cell %2d: i=%-10s chld=%-4d nk=%-4lld nd=%-4d payload=%s\n",
+      i, range, child, info.nKey, info.nData, payload
+    );
+  }
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("right_child: %d\n", get4byte(&data[hdr+8]));
+  }
+  nFree = 0;
+  i = 0;
+  idx = get2byte(&data[hdr+1]);
+  while( idx>0 && idx<pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
+    int sz = get2byte(&data[idx+2]);
+    sprintf(range,"%d..%d", idx, idx+sz-1);
+    nFree += sz;
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("freeblock %2d: i=%-10s size=%-4d total=%d\n",
+       i, range, sz, nFree);
+    idx = get2byte(&data[idx]);
+    i++;
+  }
+  if( idx!=0 ){
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("ERROR: next freeblock index out of range: %d\n", idx);
+  }
+  if( recursive && !pPage->leaf ){
+    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+      unsigned char *pCell = findCell(pPage, i);
+      btreePageDump(pBt, get4byte(pCell), 1, pPage);
+      idx = get2byte(pCell);
+    }
+    btreePageDump(pBt, get4byte(&data[hdr+8]), 1, pPage);
+  }
+  pPage->isInit = isInit;
+  sqlite3pager_unref(data);
+  fflush(stdout);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+int sqlite3BtreePageDump(Btree *p, int pgno, int recursive){
+  return btreePageDump(p->pBt, pgno, recursive, 0);
+#if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+** Fill aResult[] with information about the entry and page that the
+** cursor is pointing to.
+**   aResult[0] =  The page number
+**   aResult[1] =  The entry number
+**   aResult[2] =  Total number of entries on this page
+**   aResult[3] =  Cell size (local payload + header)
+**   aResult[4] =  Number of free bytes on this page
+**   aResult[5] =  Number of free blocks on the page
+**   aResult[6] =  Total payload size (local + overflow)
+**   aResult[7] =  Header size in bytes
+**   aResult[8] =  Local payload size
+**   aResult[9] =  Parent page number
+**   aResult[10]=  Page number of the first overflow page
+** This routine is used for testing and debugging only.
+int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor *pCur, int *aResult, int upCnt){
+  int cnt, idx;
+  MemPage *pPage = pCur->pPage;
+  BtCursor tmpCur;
+  int rc = restoreOrClearCursorPosition(pCur, 1);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return rc;
+  }
+  assert( pPage->isInit );
+  getTempCursor(pCur, &tmpCur);
+  while( upCnt-- ){
+    moveToParent(&tmpCur);
+  }
+  pPage = tmpCur.pPage;
+  aResult[0] = sqlite3pager_pagenumber(pPage->aData);
+  assert( aResult[0]==pPage->pgno );
+  aResult[1] = tmpCur.idx;
+  aResult[2] = pPage->nCell;
+  if( tmpCur.idx>=0 && tmpCur.idx<pPage->nCell ){
+    getCellInfo(&tmpCur);
+    aResult[3] = tmpCur.info.nSize;
+    aResult[6] = tmpCur.info.nData;
+    aResult[7] = tmpCur.info.nHeader;
+    aResult[8] = tmpCur.info.nLocal;
+  }else{
+    aResult[3] = 0;
+    aResult[6] = 0;
+    aResult[7] = 0;
+    aResult[8] = 0;
+  }
+  aResult[4] = pPage->nFree;
+  cnt = 0;
+  idx = get2byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+1]);
+  while( idx>0 && idx<pPage->pBt->usableSize ){
+    cnt++;
+    idx = get2byte(&pPage->aData[idx]);
+  }
+  aResult[5] = cnt;
+  if( pPage->pParent==0 || isRootPage(pPage) ){
+    aResult[9] = 0;
+  }else{
+    aResult[9] = pPage->pParent->pgno;
+  }
+  if( tmpCur.info.iOverflow ){
+    aResult[10] = get4byte(&tmpCur.info.pCell[tmpCur.info.iOverflow]);
+  }else{
+    aResult[10] = 0;
+  }
+  releaseTempCursor(&tmpCur);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return the pager associated with a BTree.  This routine is used for
+** testing and debugging only.
+Pager *sqlite3BtreePager(Btree *p){
+  return p->pBt->pPager;
+** This structure is passed around through all the sanity checking routines
+** in order to keep track of some global state information.
+typedef struct IntegrityCk IntegrityCk;
+struct IntegrityCk {
+  BtShared *pBt;    /* The tree being checked out */
+  Pager *pPager;    /* The associated pager.  Also accessible by pBt->pPager */
+  int nPage;        /* Number of pages in the database */
+  int *anRef;       /* Number of times each page is referenced */
+  int mxErr;        /* Stop accumulating errors when this reaches zero */
+  char *zErrMsg;    /* An error message.  NULL if no errors seen. */
+  int nErr;         /* Number of messages written to zErrMsg so far */
+** Append a message to the error message string.
+static void checkAppendMsg(
+  IntegrityCk *pCheck,
+  char *zMsg1,
+  const char *zFormat,
+  ...
+  va_list ap;
+  char *zMsg2;
+  if( !pCheck->mxErr ) return;
+  pCheck->mxErr--;
+  pCheck->nErr++;
+  va_start(ap, zFormat);
+  zMsg2 = sqlite3VMPrintf(zFormat, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  if( zMsg1==0 ) zMsg1 = "";
+  if( pCheck->zErrMsg ){
+    char *zOld = pCheck->zErrMsg;
+    pCheck->zErrMsg = 0;
+    sqlite3SetString(&pCheck->zErrMsg, zOld, "\n", zMsg1, zMsg2, (char*)0);
+    sqliteFree(zOld);
+  }else{
+    sqlite3SetString(&pCheck->zErrMsg, zMsg1, zMsg2, (char*)0);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(zMsg2);
+** Add 1 to the reference count for page iPage.  If this is the second
+** reference to the page, add an error message to pCheck->zErrMsg.
+** Return 1 if there are 2 ore more references to the page and 0 if
+** if this is the first reference to the page.
+** Also check that the page number is in bounds.
+static int checkRef(IntegrityCk *pCheck, int iPage, char *zContext){
+  if( iPage==0 ) return 1;
+  if( iPage>pCheck->nPage || iPage<0 ){
+    checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, "invalid page number %d", iPage);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if( pCheck->anRef[iPage]==1 ){
+    checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, "2nd reference to page %d", iPage);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return  (pCheck->anRef[iPage]++)>1;
+** Check that the entry in the pointer-map for page iChild maps to 
+** page iParent, pointer type ptrType. If not, append an error message
+** to pCheck.
+static void checkPtrmap(
+  IntegrityCk *pCheck,   /* Integrity check context */
+  Pgno iChild,           /* Child page number */
+  u8 eType,              /* Expected pointer map type */
+  Pgno iParent,          /* Expected pointer map parent page number */
+  char *zContext         /* Context description (used for error msg) */
+  int rc;
+  u8 ePtrmapType;
+  Pgno iPtrmapParent;
+  rc = ptrmapGet(pCheck->pBt, iChild, &ePtrmapType, &iPtrmapParent);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, "Failed to read ptrmap key=%d", iChild);
+    return;
+  }
+  if( ePtrmapType!=eType || iPtrmapParent!=iParent ){
+    checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, 
+      "Bad ptr map entry key=%d expected=(%d,%d) got=(%d,%d)", 
+      iChild, eType, iParent, ePtrmapType, iPtrmapParent);
+  }
+** Check the integrity of the freelist or of an overflow page list.
+** Verify that the number of pages on the list is N.
+static void checkList(
+  IntegrityCk *pCheck,  /* Integrity checking context */
+  int isFreeList,       /* True for a freelist.  False for overflow page list */
+  int iPage,            /* Page number for first page in the list */
+  int N,                /* Expected number of pages in the list */
+  char *zContext        /* Context for error messages */
+  int i;
+  int expected = N;
+  int iFirst = iPage;
+  while( N-- > 0 && pCheck->mxErr ){
+    unsigned char *pOvfl;
+    if( iPage<1 ){
+      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext,
+         "%d of %d pages missing from overflow list starting at %d",
+          N+1, expected, iFirst);
+      break;
+    }
+    if( checkRef(pCheck, iPage, zContext) ) break;
+    if( sqlite3pager_get(pCheck->pPager, (Pgno)iPage, (void**)&pOvfl) ){
+      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, "failed to get page %d", iPage);
+      break;
+    }
+    if( isFreeList ){
+      int n = get4byte(&pOvfl[4]);
+      if( pCheck->pBt->autoVacuum ){
+        checkPtrmap(pCheck, iPage, PTRMAP_FREEPAGE, 0, zContext);
+      }
+      if( n>pCheck->pBt->usableSize/4-8 ){
+        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext,
+           "freelist leaf count too big on page %d", iPage);
+        N--;
+      }else{
+        for(i=0; i<n; i++){
+          Pgno iFreePage = get4byte(&pOvfl[8+i*4]);
+          if( pCheck->pBt->autoVacuum ){
+            checkPtrmap(pCheck, iFreePage, PTRMAP_FREEPAGE, 0, zContext);
+          }
+          checkRef(pCheck, iFreePage, zContext);
+        }
+        N -= n;
+      }
+    }
+    else{
+      /* If this database supports auto-vacuum and iPage is not the last
+      ** page in this overflow list, check that the pointer-map entry for
+      ** the following page matches iPage.
+      */
+      if( pCheck->pBt->autoVacuum && N>0 ){
+        i = get4byte(pOvfl);
+        checkPtrmap(pCheck, i, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW2, iPage, zContext);
+      }
+    }
+    iPage = get4byte(pOvfl);
+    sqlite3pager_unref(pOvfl);
+  }
+** Do various sanity checks on a single page of a tree.  Return
+** the tree depth.  Root pages return 0.  Parents of root pages
+** return 1, and so forth.
+** These checks are done:
+**      1.  Make sure that cells and freeblocks do not overlap
+**          but combine to completely cover the page.
+**  NO  2.  Make sure cell keys are in order.
+**  NO  3.  Make sure no key is less than or equal to zLowerBound.
+**  NO  4.  Make sure no key is greater than or equal to zUpperBound.
+**      5.  Check the integrity of overflow pages.
+**      6.  Recursively call checkTreePage on all children.
+**      7.  Verify that the depth of all children is the same.
+**      8.  Make sure this page is at least 33% full or else it is
+**          the root of the tree.
+static int checkTreePage(
+  IntegrityCk *pCheck,  /* Context for the sanity check */
+  int iPage,            /* Page number of the page to check */
+  MemPage *pParent,     /* Parent page */
+  char *zParentContext  /* Parent context */
+  MemPage *pPage;
+  int i, rc, depth, d2, pgno, cnt;
+  int hdr, cellStart;
+  int nCell;
+  u8 *data;
+  BtShared *pBt;
+  int usableSize;
+  char zContext[100];
+  char *hit;
+  sprintf(zContext, "Page %d: ", iPage);
+  /* Check that the page exists
+  */
+  pBt = pCheck->pBt;
+  usableSize = pBt->usableSize;
+  if( iPage==0 ) return 0;
+  if( checkRef(pCheck, iPage, zParentContext) ) return 0;
+  if( (rc = getPage(pBt, (Pgno)iPage, &pPage))!=0 ){
+    checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext,
+       "unable to get the page. error code=%d", rc);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if( (rc = initPage(pPage, pParent))!=0 ){
+    checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, "initPage() returns error code %d", rc);
+    releasePage(pPage);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  /* Check out all the cells.
+  */
+  depth = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<pPage->nCell && pCheck->mxErr; i++){
+    u8 *pCell;
+    int sz;
+    CellInfo info;
+    /* Check payload overflow pages
+    */
+    sprintf(zContext, "On tree page %d cell %d: ", iPage, i);
+    pCell = findCell(pPage,i);
+    parseCellPtr(pPage, pCell, &info);
+    sz = info.nData;
+    if( !pPage->intKey ) sz += info.nKey;
+    if( sz>info.nLocal ){
+      int nPage = (sz - info.nLocal + usableSize - 5)/(usableSize - 4);
+      Pgno pgnoOvfl = get4byte(&pCell[info.iOverflow]);
+      if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+        checkPtrmap(pCheck, pgnoOvfl, PTRMAP_OVERFLOW1, iPage, zContext);
+      }
+      checkList(pCheck, 0, pgnoOvfl, nPage, zContext);
+    }
+    /* Check sanity of left child page.
+    */
+    if( !pPage->leaf ){
+      pgno = get4byte(pCell);
+      if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+        checkPtrmap(pCheck, pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, iPage, zContext);
+      }
+      d2 = checkTreePage(pCheck,pgno,pPage,zContext);
+      if( i>0 && d2!=depth ){
+        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, zContext, "Child page depth differs");
+      }
+      depth = d2;
+    }
+  }
+  if( !pPage->leaf ){
+    pgno = get4byte(&pPage->aData[pPage->hdrOffset+8]);
+    sprintf(zContext, "On page %d at right child: ", iPage);
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+      checkPtrmap(pCheck, pgno, PTRMAP_BTREE, iPage, 0);
+    }
+    checkTreePage(pCheck, pgno, pPage, zContext);
+  }
+  /* Check for complete coverage of the page
+  */
+  data = pPage->aData;
+  hdr = pPage->hdrOffset;
+  hit = sqliteMalloc( usableSize );
+  if( hit ){
+    memset(hit, 1, get2byte(&data[hdr+5]));
+    nCell = get2byte(&data[hdr+3]);
+    cellStart = hdr + 12 - 4*pPage->leaf;
+    for(i=0; i<nCell; i++){
+      int pc = get2byte(&data[cellStart+i*2]);
+      int size = cellSizePtr(pPage, &data[pc]);
+      int j;
+      if( (pc+size-1)>=usableSize || pc<0 ){
+        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, 0, 
+            "Corruption detected in cell %d on page %d",i,iPage,0);
+      }else{
+        for(j=pc+size-1; j>=pc; j--) hit[j]++;
+      }
+    }
+    for(cnt=0, i=get2byte(&data[hdr+1]); i>0 && i<usableSize && cnt<10000; 
+           cnt++){
+      int size = get2byte(&data[i+2]);
+      int j;
+      if( (i+size-1)>=usableSize || i<0 ){
+        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, 0,  
+            "Corruption detected in cell %d on page %d",i,iPage,0);
+      }else{
+        for(j=i+size-1; j>=i; j--) hit[j]++;
+      }
+      i = get2byte(&data[i]);
+    }
+    for(i=cnt=0; i<usableSize; i++){
+      if( hit[i]==0 ){
+        cnt++;
+      }else if( hit[i]>1 ){
+        checkAppendMsg(pCheck, 0,
+          "Multiple uses for byte %d of page %d", i, iPage);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if( cnt!=data[hdr+7] ){
+      checkAppendMsg(pCheck, 0, 
+          "Fragmented space is %d byte reported as %d on page %d",
+          cnt, data[hdr+7], iPage);
+    }
+  }
+  sqliteFree(hit);
+  releasePage(pPage);
+  return depth+1;
+** This routine does a complete check of the given BTree file.  aRoot[] is
+** an array of pages numbers were each page number is the root page of
+** a table.  nRoot is the number of entries in aRoot.
+** If everything checks out, this routine returns NULL.  If something is
+** amiss, an error message is written into memory obtained from malloc()
+** and a pointer to that error message is returned.  The calling function
+** is responsible for freeing the error message when it is done.
+char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(
+  Btree *p,     /* The btree to be checked */
+  int *aRoot,   /* An array of root pages numbers for individual trees */
+  int nRoot,    /* Number of entries in aRoot[] */
+  int mxErr,    /* Stop reporting errors after this many */
+  int *pnErr    /* Write number of errors seen to this variable */
+  int i;
+  int nRef;
+  IntegrityCk sCheck;
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  nRef = sqlite3pager_refcount(pBt->pPager);
+  if( lockBtreeWithRetry(p)!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    return sqliteStrDup("Unable to acquire a read lock on the database");
+  }
+  sCheck.pBt = pBt;
+  sCheck.pPager = pBt->pPager;
+  sCheck.nPage = sqlite3pager_pagecount(sCheck.pPager);
+  sCheck.mxErr = mxErr;
+  sCheck.nErr = 0;
+  *pnErr = 0;
+  if( sCheck.nPage==0 ){
+    unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  sCheck.anRef = sqliteMallocRaw( (sCheck.nPage+1)*sizeof(sCheck.anRef[0]) );
+  if( !sCheck.anRef ){
+    unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+    *pnErr = 1;
+    return sqlite3MPrintf("Unable to malloc %d bytes", 
+        (sCheck.nPage+1)*sizeof(sCheck.anRef[0]));
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<=sCheck.nPage; i++){ sCheck.anRef[i] = 0; }
+  if( i<=sCheck.nPage ){
+    sCheck.anRef[i] = 1;
+  }
+  sCheck.zErrMsg = 0;
+  /* Check the integrity of the freelist
+  */
+  checkList(&sCheck, 1, get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[32]),
+            get4byte(&pBt->pPage1->aData[36]), "Main freelist: ");
+  /* Check all the tables.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<nRoot && sCheck.mxErr; i++){
+    if( aRoot[i]==0 ) continue;
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum && aRoot[i]>1 ){
+      checkPtrmap(&sCheck, aRoot[i], PTRMAP_ROOTPAGE, 0, 0);
+    }
+    checkTreePage(&sCheck, aRoot[i], 0, "List of tree roots: ");
+  }
+  /* Make sure every page in the file is referenced
+  */
+  for(i=1; i<=sCheck.nPage && sCheck.mxErr; i++){
+    if( sCheck.anRef[i]==0 ){
+      checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, 0, "Page %d is never used", i);
+    }
+    /* If the database supports auto-vacuum, make sure no tables contain
+    ** references to pointer-map pages.
+    */
+    if( sCheck.anRef[i]==0 && 
+       (PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, i)!=i || !pBt->autoVacuum) ){
+      checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, 0, "Page %d is never used", i);
+    }
+    if( sCheck.anRef[i]!=0 && 
+       (PTRMAP_PAGENO(pBt, i)==i && pBt->autoVacuum) ){
+      checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, 0, "Pointer map page %d is referenced", i);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Make sure this analysis did not leave any unref() pages
+  */
+  unlockBtreeIfUnused(pBt);
+  if( nRef != sqlite3pager_refcount(pBt->pPager) ){
+    checkAppendMsg(&sCheck, 0, 
+      "Outstanding page count goes from %d to %d during this analysis",
+      nRef, sqlite3pager_refcount(pBt->pPager)
+    );
+  }
+  /* Clean  up and report errors.
+  */
+  sqliteFree(sCheck.anRef);
+  *pnErr = sCheck.nErr;
+  return sCheck.zErrMsg;
+** Return the full pathname of the underlying database file.
+const char *sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(Btree *p){
+  assert( p->pBt->pPager!=0 );
+  return sqlite3pager_filename(p->pBt->pPager);
+** Return the pathname of the directory that contains the database file.
+const char *sqlite3BtreeGetDirname(Btree *p){
+  assert( p->pBt->pPager!=0 );
+  return sqlite3pager_dirname(p->pBt->pPager);
+** Return the pathname of the journal file for this database. The return
+** value of this routine is the same regardless of whether the journal file
+** has been created or not.
+const char *sqlite3BtreeGetJournalname(Btree *p){
+  assert( p->pBt->pPager!=0 );
+  return sqlite3pager_journalname(p->pBt->pPager);
+** Copy the complete content of pBtFrom into pBtTo.  A transaction
+** must be active for both files.
+** The size of file pBtFrom may be reduced by this operation.
+** If anything goes wrong, the transaction on pBtFrom is rolled back.
+int sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(Btree *pTo, Btree *pFrom){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  Pgno i, nPage, nToPage, iSkip;
+  BtShared *pBtTo = pTo->pBt;
+  BtShared *pBtFrom = pFrom->pBt;
+  if( pTo->inTrans!=TRANS_WRITE || pFrom->inTrans!=TRANS_WRITE ){
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if( pBtTo->pCursor ) return SQLITE_BUSY;
+  nToPage = sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBtTo->pPager);
+  nPage = sqlite3pager_pagecount(pBtFrom->pPager);
+  iSkip = PENDING_BYTE_PAGE(pBtTo);
+  for(i=1; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<=nPage; i++){
+    void *pPage;
+    if( i==iSkip ) continue;
+    rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBtFrom->pPager, i, &pPage);
+    if( rc ) break;
+    rc = sqlite3pager_overwrite(pBtTo->pPager, i, pPage);
+    sqlite3pager_unref(pPage);
+  }
+  for(i=nPage+1; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<=nToPage; i++){
+    void *pPage;
+    if( i==iSkip ) continue;
+    rc = sqlite3pager_get(pBtTo->pPager, i, &pPage);
+    if( rc ) break;
+    rc = sqlite3pager_write(pPage);
+    sqlite3pager_unref(pPage);
+    sqlite3pager_dont_write(pBtTo->pPager, i);
+  }
+  if( !rc && nPage<nToPage ){
+    rc = sqlite3pager_truncate(pBtTo->pPager, nPage);
+  }
+  if( rc ){
+    sqlite3BtreeRollback(pTo);
+  }
+  return rc;  
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VACUUM */
+** Return non-zero if a transaction is active.
+int sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(Btree *p){
+  return (p && (p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE));
+** Return non-zero if a statement transaction is active.
+int sqlite3BtreeIsInStmt(Btree *p){
+  return (p->pBt && p->pBt->inStmt);
+** Return non-zero if a read (or write) transaction is active.
+int sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(Btree *p){
+  return (p && (p->inTrans!=TRANS_NONE));
+** This call is a no-op if no write-transaction is currently active on pBt.
+** Otherwise, sync the database file for the btree pBt. zMaster points to
+** the name of a master journal file that should be written into the
+** individual journal file, or is NULL, indicating no master journal file 
+** (single database transaction).
+** When this is called, the master journal should already have been
+** created, populated with this journal pointer and synced to disk.
+** Once this is routine has returned, the only thing required to commit
+** the write-transaction for this database file is to delete the journal.
+int sqlite3BtreeSync(Btree *p, const char *zMaster){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( p->inTrans==TRANS_WRITE ){
+    BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+    Pgno nTrunc = 0;
+    if( pBt->autoVacuum ){
+      rc = autoVacuumCommit(pBt, &nTrunc); 
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        return rc;
+      }
+    }
+    rc = sqlite3pager_sync(pBt->pPager, zMaster, nTrunc);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** This function returns a pointer to a blob of memory associated with
+** a single shared-btree. The memory is used by client code for it's own
+** purposes (for example, to store a high-level schema associated with 
+** the shared-btree). The btree layer manages reference counting issues.
+** The first time this is called on a shared-btree, nBytes bytes of memory
+** are allocated, zeroed, and returned to the caller. For each subsequent 
+** call the nBytes parameter is ignored and a pointer to the same blob
+** of memory returned. 
+** Just before the shared-btree is closed, the function passed as the 
+** xFree argument when the memory allocation was made is invoked on the 
+** blob of allocated memory. This function should not call sqliteFree()
+** on the memory, the btree layer does that.
+void *sqlite3BtreeSchema(Btree *p, int nBytes, void(*xFree)(void *)){
+  BtShared *pBt = p->pBt;
+  if( !pBt->pSchema ){
+    pBt->pSchema = sqliteMalloc(nBytes);
+    pBt->xFreeSchema = xFree;
+  }
+  return pBt->pSchema;
+** Return true if another user of the same shared btree as the argument
+** handle holds an exclusive lock on the sqlite_master table.
+int sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(Btree *p){
+  return (queryTableLock(p, MASTER_ROOT, READ_LOCK)!=SQLITE_OK);
+** Obtain a lock on the table whose root page is iTab.  The
+** lock is a write lock if isWritelock is true or a read lock
+** if it is false.
+int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *p, int iTab, u8 isWriteLock){
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  u8 lockType = (isWriteLock?WRITE_LOCK:READ_LOCK);
+  rc = queryTableLock(p, iTab, lockType);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    rc = lockTable(p, iTab, lockType);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** The following debugging interface has to be in this file (rather
+** than in, for example, test1.c) so that it can get access to
+** the definition of BtShared.
+#if defined(SQLITE_DEBUG) && defined(TCLSH)
+#include <tcl.h>
+int sqlite3_shared_cache_report(
+  void * clientData,
+  Tcl_Interp *interp,
+  int objc,
+  Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[]
+  const ThreadData *pTd = sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly();
+  if( pTd->useSharedData ){
+    BtShared *pBt;
+    Tcl_Obj *pRet = Tcl_NewObj();
+    for(pBt=pTd->pBtree; pBt; pBt=pBt->pNext){
+      const char *zFile = sqlite3pager_filename(pBt->pPager);
+      Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, pRet, Tcl_NewStringObj(zFile, -1));
+      Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, pRet, Tcl_NewIntObj(pBt->nRef));
+    }
+    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, pRet);
+  }
+  return TCL_OK;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/btree.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/btree.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/btree.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This header file defines the interface that the sqlite B-Tree file
+** subsystem.  See comments in the source code for a detailed description
+** of what each interface routine does.
+** @(#) $Id: btree.h,v 1.72 2007/01/27 02:24:55 drh Exp $
+#ifndef _BTREE_H_
+#define _BTREE_H_
+/* TODO: This definition is just included so other modules compile. It
+** needs to be revisited.
+** If defined as non-zero, auto-vacuum is enabled by default. Otherwise
+** it must be turned on for each database using "PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 1".
+#ifdef __cplusplus  // Added by OSGEO
+extern "C" {
+** Forward declarations of structure
+typedef struct Btree Btree;
+typedef struct BtCursor BtCursor;
+typedef struct BtShared BtShared;
+int sqlite3BtreeOpen(
+  const char *zFilename,   /* Name of database file to open */
+  sqlite3 *db,             /* Associated database connection */
+  Btree **,                /* Return open Btree* here */
+  int flags                /* Flags */
+/* The flags parameter to sqlite3BtreeOpen can be the bitwise or of the
+** following values.
+** NOTE:  These values must match the corresponding PAGER_ values in
+** pager.h.
+#define BTREE_OMIT_JOURNAL  1  /* Do not use journal.  No argument */
+#define BTREE_NO_READLOCK   2  /* Omit readlocks on readonly files */
+#define BTREE_MEMORY        4  /* In-memory DB.  No argument */
+int sqlite3BtreeClose(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeSetBusyHandler(Btree*,BusyHandler*);
+int sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(Btree*,int);
+int sqlite3BtreeSetSafetyLevel(Btree*,int,int);
+int sqlite3BtreeSyncDisabled(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeSetPageSize(Btree*,int,int);
+int sqlite3BtreeGetPageSize(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeGetReserve(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeSetAutoVacuum(Btree *, int);
+int sqlite3BtreeGetAutoVacuum(Btree *);
+int sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(Btree*,int);
+int sqlite3BtreeCommit(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeRollback(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeBeginStmt(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeCommitStmt(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeRollbackStmt(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeCreateTable(Btree*, int*, int flags);
+int sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeIsInStmt(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeIsInReadTrans(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeSync(Btree*, const char *zMaster);
+void *sqlite3BtreeSchema(Btree *, int, void(*)(void *));
+int sqlite3BtreeSchemaLocked(Btree *);
+int sqlite3BtreeLockTable(Btree *, int, u8);
+const char *sqlite3BtreeGetFilename(Btree *);
+const char *sqlite3BtreeGetDirname(Btree *);
+const char *sqlite3BtreeGetJournalname(Btree *);
+int sqlite3BtreeCopyFile(Btree *, Btree *);
+/* The flags parameter to sqlite3BtreeCreateTable can be the bitwise OR
+** of the following flags:
+#define BTREE_INTKEY     1    /* Table has only 64-bit signed integer keys */
+#define BTREE_ZERODATA   2    /* Table has keys only - no data */
+#define BTREE_LEAFDATA   4    /* Data stored in leaves only.  Implies INTKEY */
+int sqlite3BtreeDropTable(Btree*, int, int*);
+int sqlite3BtreeClearTable(Btree*, int);
+int sqlite3BtreeGetMeta(Btree*, int idx, u32 *pValue);
+int sqlite3BtreeUpdateMeta(Btree*, int idx, u32 value);
+int sqlite3BtreeCursor(
+  Btree*,                              /* BTree containing table to open */
+  int iTable,                          /* Index of root page */
+  int wrFlag,                          /* 1 for writing.  0 for read-only */
+  int(*)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*),  /* Key comparison function */
+  void*,                               /* First argument to compare function */
+  BtCursor **ppCursor                  /* Returned cursor */
+void sqlite3BtreeSetCompare(
+  BtCursor *,
+  int(*)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*),
+  void*
+int sqlite3BtreeCloseCursor(BtCursor*);
+int sqlite3BtreeMoveto(BtCursor*, const void *pKey, i64 nKey, int *pRes);
+int sqlite3BtreeDelete(BtCursor*);
+int sqlite3BtreeInsert(BtCursor*, const void *pKey, i64 nKey,
+                                  const void *pData, int nData);
+int sqlite3BtreeFirst(BtCursor*, int *pRes);
+int sqlite3BtreeLast(BtCursor*, int *pRes);
+int sqlite3BtreeNext(BtCursor*, int *pRes);
+int sqlite3BtreeEof(BtCursor*);
+int sqlite3BtreeFlags(BtCursor*);
+int sqlite3BtreePrevious(BtCursor*, int *pRes);
+int sqlite3BtreeKeySize(BtCursor*, i64 *pSize);
+int sqlite3BtreeKey(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void*);
+const void *sqlite3BtreeKeyFetch(BtCursor*, int *pAmt);
+const void *sqlite3BtreeDataFetch(BtCursor*, int *pAmt);
+int sqlite3BtreeDataSize(BtCursor*, u32 *pSize);
+int sqlite3BtreeData(BtCursor*, u32 offset, u32 amt, void*);
+char *sqlite3BtreeIntegrityCheck(Btree*, int *aRoot, int nRoot, int, int*);
+struct Pager *sqlite3BtreePager(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreeCursorInfo(BtCursor*, int*, int);
+void sqlite3BtreeCursorList(Btree*);
+int sqlite3BtreePageDump(Btree*, int, int recursive);
+#define sqlite3BtreePageDump(X,Y,Z) SQLITE_OK
+#ifdef __cplusplus // Added by OSGEO
+#endif /* _BTREE_H_ */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/build.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/build.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/build.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,3360 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains C code routines that are called by the SQLite parser
+** when syntax rules are reduced.  The routines in this file handle the
+** following kinds of SQL syntax:
+**     DROP TABLE
+**     DROP INDEX
+**     creating ID lists
+**     COMMIT
+**     ROLLBACK
+** $Id: build.c,v 1.413 2007/02/02 12:44:37 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+** This routine is called when a new SQL statement is beginning to
+** be parsed.  Initialize the pParse structure as needed.
+void sqlite3BeginParse(Parse *pParse, int explainFlag){
+  pParse->explain = explainFlag;
+  pParse->nVar = 0;
+** The TableLock structure is only used by the sqlite3TableLock() and
+** codeTableLocks() functions.
+struct TableLock {
+  int iDb;             /* The database containing the table to be locked */
+  int iTab;            /* The root page of the table to be locked */
+  u8 isWriteLock;      /* True for write lock.  False for a read lock */
+  const char *zName;   /* Name of the table */
+** Record the fact that we want to lock a table at run-time.  
+** The table to be locked has root page iTab and is found in database iDb.
+** A read or a write lock can be taken depending on isWritelock.
+** This routine just records the fact that the lock is desired.  The
+** code to make the lock occur is generated by a later call to
+** codeTableLocks() which occurs during sqlite3FinishCoding().
+void sqlite3TableLock(
+  Parse *pParse,     /* Parsing context */
+  int iDb,           /* Index of the database containing the table to lock */
+  int iTab,          /* Root page number of the table to be locked */
+  u8 isWriteLock,    /* True for a write lock */
+  const char *zName  /* Name of the table to be locked */
+  int i;
+  int nBytes;
+  TableLock *p;
+  if( 0==sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly()->useSharedData || iDb<0 ){
+    return;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<pParse->nTableLock; i++){
+    p = &pParse->aTableLock[i];
+    if( p->iDb==iDb && p->iTab==iTab ){
+      p->isWriteLock = (p->isWriteLock || isWriteLock);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  nBytes = sizeof(TableLock) * (pParse->nTableLock+1);
+  sqliteReallocOrFree((void **)&pParse->aTableLock, nBytes);
+  if( pParse->aTableLock ){
+    p = &pParse->aTableLock[pParse->nTableLock++];
+    p->iDb = iDb;
+    p->iTab = iTab;
+    p->isWriteLock = isWriteLock;
+    p->zName = zName;
+  }
+** Code an OP_TableLock instruction for each table locked by the
+** statement (configured by calls to sqlite3TableLock()).
+static void codeTableLocks(Parse *pParse){
+  int i;
+  Vdbe *pVdbe; 
+  assert( sqlite3ThreadDataReadOnly()->useSharedData || pParse->nTableLock==0 );
+  if( 0==(pVdbe = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse)) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<pParse->nTableLock; i++){
+    TableLock *p = &pParse->aTableLock[i];
+    int p1 = p->iDb;
+    if( p->isWriteLock ){
+      p1 = -1*(p1+1);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(pVdbe, OP_TableLock, p1, p->iTab, p->zName, P3_STATIC);
+  }
+  #define codeTableLocks(x)
+** This routine is called after a single SQL statement has been
+** parsed and a VDBE program to execute that statement has been
+** prepared.  This routine puts the finishing touches on the
+** VDBE program and resets the pParse structure for the next
+** parse.
+** Note that if an error occurred, it might be the case that
+** no VDBE code was generated.
+void sqlite3FinishCoding(Parse *pParse){
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ) return;
+  if( pParse->nested ) return;
+  if( !pParse->pVdbe ){
+    if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK && pParse->nErr ){
+      pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Begin by generating some termination code at the end of the
+  ** vdbe program
+  */
+  db = pParse->db;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Halt, 0, 0);
+    /* The cookie mask contains one bit for each database file open.
+    ** (Bit 0 is for main, bit 1 is for temp, and so forth.)  Bits are
+    ** set for each database that is used.  Generate code to start a
+    ** transaction on each used database and to verify the schema cookie
+    ** on each used database.
+    */
+    if( pParse->cookieGoto>0 ){
+      u32 mask;
+      int iDb;
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, pParse->cookieGoto-1);
+      for(iDb=0, mask=1; iDb<db->nDb; mask<<=1, iDb++){
+        if( (mask & pParse->cookieMask)==0 ) continue;
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Transaction, iDb, (mask & pParse->writeMask)!=0);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_VerifyCookie, iDb, pParse->cookieValue[iDb]);
+      }
+      if( pParse->pVirtualLock ){
+        char *vtab = (char *)pParse->pVirtualLock->pVtab;
+        sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_VBegin, 0, 0, vtab, P3_VTAB);
+      }
+      /* Once all the cookies have been verified and transactions opened, 
+      ** obtain the required table-locks. This is a no-op unless the 
+      ** shared-cache feature is enabled.
+      */
+      codeTableLocks(pParse);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, pParse->cookieGoto);
+    }
+    /* Add a No-op that contains the complete text of the compiled SQL
+    ** statement as its P3 argument.  This does not change the functionality
+    ** of the program. 
+    **
+    ** This is used to implement sqlite3_trace().
+    */
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Noop, 0, 0, pParse->zSql, pParse->zTail-pParse->zSql);
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE */
+  }
+  /* Get the VDBE program ready for execution
+  */
+  if( v && pParse->nErr==0 && !sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    FILE *trace = (db->flags & SQLITE_VdbeTrace)!=0 ? stdout : 0;
+    sqlite3VdbeTrace(v, trace);
+    sqlite3VdbeMakeReady(v, pParse->nVar, pParse->nMem+3,
+                         pParse->nTab+3, pParse->explain);
+    pParse->rc = SQLITE_DONE;
+    pParse->colNamesSet = 0;
+  }else if( pParse->rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    pParse->rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  pParse->nTab = 0;
+  pParse->nMem = 0;
+  pParse->nSet = 0;
+  pParse->nVar = 0;
+  pParse->cookieMask = 0;
+  pParse->cookieGoto = 0;
+** Run the parser and code generator recursively in order to generate
+** code for the SQL statement given onto the end of the pParse context
+** currently under construction.  When the parser is run recursively
+** this way, the final OP_Halt is not appended and other initialization
+** and finalization steps are omitted because those are handling by the
+** outermost parser.
+** Not everything is nestable.  This facility is designed to permit
+** INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations against SQLITE_MASTER.  Use
+** care if you decide to try to use this routine for some other purposes.
+void sqlite3NestedParse(Parse *pParse, const char *zFormat, ...){
+  va_list ap;
+  char *zSql;
+# define SAVE_SZ  (sizeof(Parse) - offsetof(Parse,nVar))
+  char saveBuf[SAVE_SZ];
+  if( pParse->nErr ) return;
+  assert( pParse->nested<10 );  /* Nesting should only be of limited depth */
+  va_start(ap, zFormat);
+  zSql = sqlite3VMPrintf(zFormat, ap);
+  va_end(ap);
+  if( zSql==0 ){
+    return;   /* A malloc must have failed */
+  }
+  pParse->nested++;
+  memcpy(saveBuf, &pParse->nVar, SAVE_SZ);
+  memset(&pParse->nVar, 0, SAVE_SZ);
+  sqlite3RunParser(pParse, zSql, 0);
+  sqliteFree(zSql);
+  memcpy(&pParse->nVar, saveBuf, SAVE_SZ);
+  pParse->nested--;
+** Locate the in-memory structure that describes a particular database
+** table given the name of that table and (optionally) the name of the
+** database containing the table.  Return NULL if not found.
+** If zDatabase is 0, all databases are searched for the table and the
+** first matching table is returned.  (No checking for duplicate table
+** names is done.)  The search order is TEMP first, then MAIN, then any
+** auxiliary databases added using the ATTACH command.
+** See also sqlite3LocateTable().
+Table *sqlite3FindTable(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const char *zDatabase){
+  Table *p = 0;
+  int i;
+  assert( zName!=0 );
+  for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i;   /* Search TEMP before MAIN */
+    if( zDatabase!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zDatabase, db->aDb[j].zName) ) continue;
+    p = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aDb[j].pSchema->tblHash, zName, strlen(zName)+1);
+    if( p ) break;
+  }
+  return p;
+** Locate the in-memory structure that describes a particular database
+** table given the name of that table and (optionally) the name of the
+** database containing the table.  Return NULL if not found.  Also leave an
+** error message in pParse->zErrMsg.
+** The difference between this routine and sqlite3FindTable() is that this
+** routine leaves an error message in pParse->zErrMsg where
+** sqlite3FindTable() does not.
+Table *sqlite3LocateTable(Parse *pParse, const char *zName, const char *zDbase){
+  Table *p;
+  /* Read the database schema. If an error occurs, leave an error message
+  ** and code in pParse and return NULL. */
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  p = sqlite3FindTable(pParse->db, zName, zDbase);
+  if( p==0 ){
+    if( zDbase ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such table: %s.%s", zDbase, zName);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such table: %s", zName);
+    }
+    pParse->checkSchema = 1;
+  }
+  return p;
+** Locate the in-memory structure that describes 
+** a particular index given the name of that index
+** and the name of the database that contains the index.
+** Return NULL if not found.
+** If zDatabase is 0, all databases are searched for the
+** table and the first matching index is returned.  (No checking
+** for duplicate index names is done.)  The search order is
+** TEMP first, then MAIN, then any auxiliary databases added
+** using the ATTACH command.
+Index *sqlite3FindIndex(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, const char *zDb){
+  Index *p = 0;
+  int i;
+  for(i=OMIT_TEMPDB; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    int j = (i<2) ? i^1 : i;  /* Search TEMP before MAIN */
+    Schema *pSchema = db->aDb[j].pSchema;
+    if( zDb && sqlite3StrICmp(zDb, db->aDb[j].zName) ) continue;
+    assert( pSchema || (j==1 && !db->aDb[1].pBt) );
+    if( pSchema ){
+      p = sqlite3HashFind(&pSchema->idxHash, zName, strlen(zName)+1);
+    }
+    if( p ) break;
+  }
+  return p;
+** Reclaim the memory used by an index
+static void freeIndex(Index *p){
+  sqliteFree(p->zColAff);
+  sqliteFree(p);
+** Remove the given index from the index hash table, and free
+** its memory structures.
+** The index is removed from the database hash tables but
+** it is not unlinked from the Table that it indexes.
+** Unlinking from the Table must be done by the calling function.
+static void sqliteDeleteIndex(Index *p){
+  Index *pOld;
+  const char *zName = p->zName;
+  pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&p->pSchema->idxHash, zName, strlen( zName)+1, 0);
+  assert( pOld==0 || pOld==p );
+  freeIndex(p);
+** For the index called zIdxName which is found in the database iDb,
+** unlike that index from its Table then remove the index from
+** the index hash table and free all memory structures associated
+** with the index.
+void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteIndex(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zIdxName){
+  Index *pIndex;
+  int len;
+  Hash *pHash = &db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->idxHash;
+  len = strlen(zIdxName);
+  pIndex = sqlite3HashInsert(pHash, zIdxName, len+1, 0);
+  if( pIndex ){
+    if( pIndex->pTable->pIndex==pIndex ){
+      pIndex->pTable->pIndex = pIndex->pNext;
+    }else{
+      Index *p;
+      for(p=pIndex->pTable->pIndex; p && p->pNext!=pIndex; p=p->pNext){}
+      if( p && p->pNext==pIndex ){
+        p->pNext = pIndex->pNext;
+      }
+    }
+    freeIndex(pIndex);
+  }
+  db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges;
+** Erase all schema information from the in-memory hash tables of
+** a single database.  This routine is called to reclaim memory
+** before the database closes.  It is also called during a rollback
+** if there were schema changes during the transaction or if a
+** schema-cookie mismatch occurs.
+** If iDb<=0 then reset the internal schema tables for all database
+** files.  If iDb>=2 then reset the internal schema for only the
+** single file indicated.
+void sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(sqlite3 *db, int iDb){
+  int i, j;
+  assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb );
+  for(i=iDb; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i];
+    if( pDb->pSchema ){
+      sqlite3SchemaFree(pDb->pSchema);
+    }
+    if( iDb>0 ) return;
+  }
+  assert( iDb==0 );
+  db->flags &= ~SQLITE_InternChanges;
+  /* If one or more of the auxiliary database files has been closed,
+  ** then remove them from the auxiliary database list.  We take the
+  ** opportunity to do this here since we have just deleted all of the
+  ** schema hash tables and therefore do not have to make any changes
+  ** to any of those tables.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i];
+    if( pDb->pBt==0 ){
+      if( pDb->pAux && pDb->xFreeAux ) pDb->xFreeAux(pDb->pAux);
+      pDb->pAux = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=j=2; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[i];
+    if( pDb->pBt==0 ){
+      sqliteFree(pDb->zName);
+      pDb->zName = 0;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( j<i ){
+      db->aDb[j] = db->aDb[i];
+    }
+    j++;
+  }
+  memset(&db->aDb[j], 0, (db->nDb-j)*sizeof(db->aDb[j]));
+  db->nDb = j;
+  if( db->nDb<=2 && db->aDb!=db->aDbStatic ){
+    memcpy(db->aDbStatic, db->aDb, 2*sizeof(db->aDb[0]));
+    sqliteFree(db->aDb);
+    db->aDb = db->aDbStatic;
+  }
+** This routine is called whenever a rollback occurs.  If there were
+** schema changes during the transaction, then we have to reset the
+** internal hash tables and reload them from disk.
+void sqlite3RollbackInternalChanges(sqlite3 *db){
+  if( db->flags & SQLITE_InternChanges ){
+    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
+  }
+** This routine is called when a commit occurs.
+void sqlite3CommitInternalChanges(sqlite3 *db){
+  db->flags &= ~SQLITE_InternChanges;
+** Clear the column names from a table or view.
+static void sqliteResetColumnNames(Table *pTable){
+  int i;
+  Column *pCol;
+  assert( pTable!=0 );
+  if( (pCol = pTable->aCol)!=0 ){
+    for(i=0; i<pTable->nCol; i++, pCol++){
+      sqliteFree(pCol->zName);
+      sqlite3ExprDelete(pCol->pDflt);
+      sqliteFree(pCol->zType);
+      sqliteFree(pCol->zColl);
+    }
+    sqliteFree(pTable->aCol);
+  }
+  pTable->aCol = 0;
+  pTable->nCol = 0;
+** Remove the memory data structures associated with the given
+** Table.  No changes are made to disk by this routine.
+** This routine just deletes the data structure.  It does not unlink
+** the table data structure from the hash table.  Nor does it remove
+** foreign keys from the sqlite.aFKey hash table.  But it does destroy
+** memory structures of the indices and foreign keys associated with 
+** the table.
+** Indices associated with the table are unlinked from the "db"
+** data structure if db!=NULL.  If db==NULL, indices attached to
+** the table are deleted, but it is assumed they have already been
+** unlinked.
+void sqlite3DeleteTable(sqlite3 *db, Table *pTable){
+  Index *pIndex, *pNext;
+  FKey *pFKey, *pNextFKey;
+  db = 0;
+  if( pTable==0 ) return;
+  /* Do not delete the table until the reference count reaches zero. */
+  pTable->nRef--;
+  if( pTable->nRef>0 ){
+    return;
+  }
+  assert( pTable->nRef==0 );
+  /* Delete all indices associated with this table
+  */
+  for(pIndex = pTable->pIndex; pIndex; pIndex=pNext){
+    pNext = pIndex->pNext;
+    assert( pIndex->pSchema==pTable->pSchema );
+    sqliteDeleteIndex(pIndex);
+  }
+  /* Delete all foreign keys associated with this table.  The keys
+  ** should have already been unlinked from the db->aFKey hash table 
+  */
+  for(pFKey=pTable->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pNextFKey){
+    pNextFKey = pFKey->pNextFrom;
+    assert( sqlite3HashFind(&pTable->pSchema->aFKey,
+                           pFKey->zTo, strlen(pFKey->zTo)+1)!=pFKey );
+    sqliteFree(pFKey);
+  }
+  /* Delete the Table structure itself.
+  */
+  sqliteResetColumnNames(pTable);
+  sqliteFree(pTable->zName);
+  sqliteFree(pTable->zColAff);
+  sqlite3SelectDelete(pTable->pSelect);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pTable->pCheck);
+  sqlite3VtabClear(pTable);
+  sqliteFree(pTable);
+** Unlink the given table from the hash tables and the delete the
+** table structure with all its indices and foreign keys.
+void sqlite3UnlinkAndDeleteTable(sqlite3 *db, int iDb, const char *zTabName){
+  Table *p;
+  FKey *pF1, *pF2;
+  Db *pDb;
+  assert( db!=0 );
+  assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb );
+  assert( zTabName && zTabName[0] );
+  pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+  p = sqlite3HashInsert(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash, zTabName, strlen(zTabName)+1,0);
+  if( p ){
+    for(pF1=p->pFKey; pF1; pF1=pF1->pNextFrom){
+      int nTo = strlen(pF1->zTo) + 1;
+      pF2 = sqlite3HashFind(&pDb->pSchema->aFKey, pF1->zTo, nTo);
+      if( pF2==pF1 ){
+        sqlite3HashInsert(&pDb->pSchema->aFKey, pF1->zTo, nTo, pF1->pNextTo);
+      }else{
+        while( pF2 && pF2->pNextTo!=pF1 ){ pF2=pF2->pNextTo; }
+        if( pF2 ){
+          pF2->pNextTo = pF1->pNextTo;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3DeleteTable(db, p);
+  }
+  db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges;
+** Given a token, return a string that consists of the text of that
+** token with any quotations removed.  Space to hold the returned string
+** is obtained from sqliteMalloc() and must be freed by the calling
+** function.
+** Tokens are often just pointers into the original SQL text and so
+** are not \000 terminated and are not persistent.  The returned string
+** is \000 terminated and is persistent.
+char *sqlite3NameFromToken(Token *pName){
+  char *zName;
+  if( pName ){
+    zName = sqliteStrNDup((char*)pName->z, pName->n);
+    sqlite3Dequote(zName);
+  }else{
+    zName = 0;
+  }
+  return zName;
+** Open the sqlite_master table stored in database number iDb for
+** writing. The table is opened using cursor 0.
+void sqlite3OpenMasterTable(Parse *p, int iDb){
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(p);
+  sqlite3TableLock(p, iDb, MASTER_ROOT, 1, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb));
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenWrite, 0, MASTER_ROOT);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, 0, 5); /* sqlite_master has 5 columns */
+** The token *pName contains the name of a database (either "main" or
+** "temp" or the name of an attached db). This routine returns the
+** index of the named database in db->aDb[], or -1 if the named db 
+** does not exist.
+int sqlite3FindDb(sqlite3 *db, Token *pName){
+  int i = -1;    /* Database number */
+  int n;         /* Number of characters in the name */
+  Db *pDb;       /* A database whose name space is being searched */
+  char *zName;   /* Name we are searching for */
+  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
+  if( zName ){
+    n = strlen(zName);
+    for(i=(db->nDb-1), pDb=&db->aDb[i]; i>=0; i--, pDb--){
+      if( (!OMIT_TEMPDB || i!=1 ) && n==strlen(pDb->zName) && 
+          0==sqlite3StrICmp(pDb->zName, zName) ){
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    sqliteFree(zName);
+  }
+  return i;
+/* The table or view or trigger name is passed to this routine via tokens
+** pName1 and pName2. If the table name was fully qualified, for example:
+** CREATE TABLE xxx.yyy (...);
+** Then pName1 is set to "xxx" and pName2 "yyy". On the other hand if
+** the table name is not fully qualified, i.e.:
+** CREATE TABLE yyy(...);
+** Then pName1 is set to "yyy" and pName2 is "".
+** This routine sets the *ppUnqual pointer to point at the token (pName1 or
+** pName2) that stores the unqualified table name.  The index of the
+** database "xxx" is returned.
+int sqlite3TwoPartName(
+  Parse *pParse,      /* Parsing and code generating context */
+  Token *pName1,      /* The "xxx" in the name "xxx.yyy" or "xxx" */
+  Token *pName2,      /* The "yyy" in the name "xxx.yyy" */
+  Token **pUnqual     /* Write the unqualified object name here */
+  int iDb;                    /* Database holding the object */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  if( pName2 && pName2->n>0 ){
+    assert( !db->init.busy );
+    *pUnqual = pName2;
+    iDb = sqlite3FindDb(db, pName1);
+    if( iDb<0 ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unknown database %T", pName1);
+      pParse->nErr++;
+      return -1;
+    }
+  }else{
+    assert( db->init.iDb==0 || db->init.busy );
+    iDb = db->init.iDb;
+    *pUnqual = pName1;
+  }
+  return iDb;
+** This routine is used to check if the UTF-8 string zName is a legal
+** unqualified name for a new schema object (table, index, view or
+** trigger). All names are legal except those that begin with the string
+** "sqlite_" (in upper, lower or mixed case). This portion of the namespace
+** is reserved for internal use.
+int sqlite3CheckObjectName(Parse *pParse, const char *zName){
+  if( !pParse->db->init.busy && pParse->nested==0 
+          && (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_WriteSchema)==0
+          && 0==sqlite3StrNICmp(zName, "sqlite_", 7) ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "object name reserved for internal use: %s", zName);
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Begin constructing a new table representation in memory.  This is
+** the first of several action routines that get called in response
+** to a CREATE TABLE statement.  In particular, this routine is called
+** after seeing tokens "CREATE" and "TABLE" and the table name. The isTemp
+** flag is true if the table should be stored in the auxiliary database
+** file instead of in the main database file.  This is normally the case
+** when the "TEMP" or "TEMPORARY" keyword occurs in between
+** The new table record is initialized and put in pParse->pNewTable.
+** As more of the CREATE TABLE statement is parsed, additional action
+** routines will be called to add more information to this record.
+** At the end of the CREATE TABLE statement, the sqlite3EndTable() routine
+** is called to complete the construction of the new table record.
+void sqlite3StartTable(
+  Parse *pParse,   /* Parser context */
+  Token *pName1,   /* First part of the name of the table or view */
+  Token *pName2,   /* Second part of the name of the table or view */
+  int isTemp,      /* True if this is a TEMP table */
+  int isView,      /* True if this is a VIEW */
+  int isVirtual,   /* True if this is a VIRTUAL table */
+  int noErr        /* Do nothing if table already exists */
+  Table *pTable;
+  char *zName = 0; /* The name of the new table */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  int iDb;         /* Database number to create the table in */
+  Token *pName;    /* Unqualified name of the table to create */
+  /* The table or view name to create is passed to this routine via tokens
+  ** pName1 and pName2. If the table name was fully qualified, for example:
+  **
+  ** CREATE TABLE xxx.yyy (...);
+  ** 
+  ** Then pName1 is set to "xxx" and pName2 "yyy". On the other hand if
+  ** the table name is not fully qualified, i.e.:
+  **
+  ** CREATE TABLE yyy(...);
+  **
+  ** Then pName1 is set to "yyy" and pName2 is "".
+  **
+  ** The call below sets the pName pointer to point at the token (pName1 or
+  ** pName2) that stores the unqualified table name. The variable iDb is
+  ** set to the index of the database that the table or view is to be
+  ** created in.
+  */
+  iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pName);
+  if( iDb<0 ) return;
+  if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && isTemp && iDb>1 ){
+    /* If creating a temp table, the name may not be qualified */
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "temporary table name must be unqualified");
+    return;
+  }
+  if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && isTemp ) iDb = 1;
+  pParse->sNameToken = *pName;
+  zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
+  if( zName==0 ) return;
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){
+    goto begin_table_error;
+  }
+  if( db->init.iDb==1 ) isTemp = 1;
+  assert( (isTemp & 1)==isTemp );
+  {
+    int code;
+    char *zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_INSERT, SCHEMA_TABLE(isTemp), 0, zDb) ){
+      goto begin_table_error;
+    }
+    if( isView ){
+      if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && isTemp ){
+        code = SQLITE_CREATE_TEMP_VIEW;
+      }else{
+        code = SQLITE_CREATE_VIEW;
+      }
+    }else{
+      if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && isTemp ){
+      }else{
+        code = SQLITE_CREATE_TABLE;
+      }
+    }
+    if( !isVirtual && sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, code, zName, 0, zDb) ){
+      goto begin_table_error;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Make sure the new table name does not collide with an existing
+  ** index or table name in the same database.  Issue an error message if
+  ** it does. The exception is if the statement being parsed was passed
+  ** to an sqlite3_declare_vtab() call. In that case only the column names
+  ** and types will be used, so there is no need to test for namespace
+  ** collisions.
+  */
+  if( !IN_DECLARE_VTAB ){
+    if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){
+      goto begin_table_error;
+    }
+    pTable = sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, db->aDb[iDb].zName);
+    if( pTable ){
+      if( !noErr ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %T already exists", pName);
+      }
+      goto begin_table_error;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, 0)!=0 && (iDb==0 || !db->init.busy) ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "there is already an index named %s", zName);
+      goto begin_table_error;
+    }
+  }
+  pTable = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(Table) );
+  if( pTable==0 ){
+    pParse->rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    pParse->nErr++;
+    goto begin_table_error;
+  }
+  pTable->zName = zName;
+  pTable->iPKey = -1;
+  pTable->pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;
+  pTable->nRef = 1;
+  if( pParse->pNewTable ) sqlite3DeleteTable(db, pParse->pNewTable);
+  pParse->pNewTable = pTable;
+  /* If this is the magic sqlite_sequence table used by autoincrement,
+  ** then record a pointer to this table in the main database structure
+  ** so that INSERT can find the table easily.
+  */
+  if( !pParse->nested && strcmp(zName, "sqlite_sequence")==0 ){
+    pTable->pSchema->pSeqTab = pTable;
+  }
+  /* Begin generating the code that will insert the table record into
+  ** the SQLITE_MASTER table.  Note in particular that we must go ahead
+  ** and allocate the record number for the table entry now.  Before any
+  ** PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE keywords are parsed.  Those keywords will cause
+  ** indices to be created and the table record must come before the 
+  ** indices.  Hence, the record number for the table must be allocated
+  ** now.
+  */
+  if( !db->init.busy && (v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse))!=0 ){
+    int lbl;
+    int fileFormat;
+    sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+    if( isVirtual ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_VBegin, 0, 0);
+    }
+    /* If the file format and encoding in the database have not been set, 
+    ** set them now.
+    */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_ReadCookie, iDb, 1);   /* file_format */
+    lbl = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_If, 0, lbl);
+    fileFormat = (db->flags & SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt)!=0 ?
+                  1 : SQLITE_MAX_FILE_FORMAT;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, fileFormat, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, ENC(db), 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, 4);
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, lbl);
+    /* This just creates a place-holder record in the sqlite_master table.
+    ** The record created does not contain anything yet.  It will be replaced
+    ** by the real entry in code generated at sqlite3EndTable().
+    **
+    ** The rowid for the new entry is left on the top of the stack.
+    ** The rowid value is needed by the code that sqlite3EndTable will
+    ** generate.
+    */
+    if( isView || isVirtual ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 0, 0);
+    }else
+    {
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_CreateTable, iDb, 0);
+    }
+    sqlite3OpenMasterTable(pParse, iDb);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NewRowid, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pull, 1, 0);
+  }
+  /* Normal (non-error) return. */
+  return;
+  /* If an error occurs, we jump here */
+  sqliteFree(zName);
+  return;
+** This macro is used to compare two strings in a case-insensitive manner.
+** It is slightly faster than calling sqlite3StrICmp() directly, but
+** produces larger code.
+** WARNING: This macro is not compatible with the strcmp() family. It
+** returns true if the two strings are equal, otherwise false.
+#define STRICMP(x, y) (\
+sqlite3UpperToLower[*(unsigned char *)(x)]==   \
+sqlite3UpperToLower[*(unsigned char *)(y)]     \
+&& sqlite3StrICmp((x)+1,(y)+1)==0 )
+** Add a new column to the table currently being constructed.
+** The parser calls this routine once for each column declaration
+** in a CREATE TABLE statement.  sqlite3StartTable() gets called
+** first to get things going.  Then this routine is called for each
+** column.
+void sqlite3AddColumn(Parse *pParse, Token *pName){
+  Table *p;
+  int i;
+  char *z;
+  Column *pCol;
+  if( (p = pParse->pNewTable)==0 ) return;
+  z = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
+  if( z==0 ) return;
+  for(i=0; i<p->nCol; i++){
+    if( STRICMP(z, p->aCol[i].zName) ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "duplicate column name: %s", z);
+      sqliteFree(z);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  if( (p->nCol & 0x7)==0 ){
+    Column *aNew;
+    aNew = sqliteRealloc( p->aCol, (p->nCol+8)*sizeof(p->aCol[0]));
+    if( aNew==0 ){
+      sqliteFree(z);
+      return;
+    }
+    p->aCol = aNew;
+  }
+  pCol = &p->aCol[p->nCol];
+  memset(pCol, 0, sizeof(p->aCol[0]));
+  pCol->zName = z;
+  /* If there is no type specified, columns have the default affinity
+  ** 'NONE'. If there is a type specified, then sqlite3AddColumnType() will
+  ** be called next to set pCol->affinity correctly.
+  */
+  pCol->affinity = SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
+  p->nCol++;
+** This routine is called by the parser while in the middle of
+** parsing a CREATE TABLE statement.  A "NOT NULL" constraint has
+** been seen on a column.  This routine sets the notNull flag on
+** the column currently under construction.
+void sqlite3AddNotNull(Parse *pParse, int onError){
+  Table *p;
+  int i;
+  if( (p = pParse->pNewTable)==0 ) return;
+  i = p->nCol-1;
+  if( i>=0 ) p->aCol[i].notNull = onError;
+** Scan the column type name zType (length nType) and return the
+** associated affinity type.
+** This routine does a case-independent search of zType for the 
+** substrings in the following table. If one of the substrings is
+** found, the corresponding affinity is returned. If zType contains
+** more than one of the substrings, entries toward the top of 
+** the table take priority. For example, if zType is 'BLOBINT', 
+** SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER is returned.
+** Substring     | Affinity
+** --------------------------------
+** 'INT'         | SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER
+** 'CHAR'        | SQLITE_AFF_TEXT
+** 'CLOB'        | SQLITE_AFF_TEXT
+** 'TEXT'        | SQLITE_AFF_TEXT
+** 'BLOB'        | SQLITE_AFF_NONE
+** 'REAL'        | SQLITE_AFF_REAL
+** 'FLOA'        | SQLITE_AFF_REAL
+** 'DOUB'        | SQLITE_AFF_REAL
+** If none of the substrings in the above table are found,
+** SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC is returned.
+char sqlite3AffinityType(const Token *pType){
+  u32 h = 0;
+  char aff = SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC;
+  const unsigned char *zIn = pType->z;
+  const unsigned char *zEnd = &pType->z[pType->n];
+  while( zIn!=zEnd ){
+    h = (h<<8) + sqlite3UpperToLower[*zIn];
+    zIn++;
+    if( h==(('c'<<24)+('h'<<16)+('a'<<8)+'r') ){             /* CHAR */
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_TEXT; 
+    }else if( h==(('c'<<24)+('l'<<16)+('o'<<8)+'b') ){       /* CLOB */
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_TEXT;
+    }else if( h==(('t'<<24)+('e'<<16)+('x'<<8)+'t') ){       /* TEXT */
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_TEXT;
+    }else if( h==(('b'<<24)+('l'<<16)+('o'<<8)+'b')          /* BLOB */
+        && (aff==SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC || aff==SQLITE_AFF_REAL) ){
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
+    }else if( h==(('r'<<24)+('e'<<16)+('a'<<8)+'l')          /* REAL */
+        && aff==SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC ){
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_REAL;
+    }else if( h==(('f'<<24)+('l'<<16)+('o'<<8)+'a')          /* FLOA */
+        && aff==SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC ){
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_REAL;
+    }else if( h==(('d'<<24)+('o'<<16)+('u'<<8)+'b')          /* DOUB */
+        && aff==SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC ){
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_REAL;
+    }else if( (h&0x00FFFFFF)==(('i'<<16)+('n'<<8)+'t') ){    /* INT */
+      aff = SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return aff;
+** This routine is called by the parser while in the middle of
+** parsing a CREATE TABLE statement.  The pFirst token is the first
+** token in the sequence of tokens that describe the type of the
+** column currently under construction.   pLast is the last token
+** in the sequence.  Use this information to construct a string
+** that contains the typename of the column and store that string
+** in zType.
+void sqlite3AddColumnType(Parse *pParse, Token *pType){
+  Table *p;
+  int i;
+  Column *pCol;
+  if( (p = pParse->pNewTable)==0 ) return;
+  i = p->nCol-1;
+  if( i<0 ) return;
+  pCol = &p->aCol[i];
+  sqliteFree(pCol->zType);
+  pCol->zType = sqlite3NameFromToken(pType);
+  pCol->affinity = sqlite3AffinityType(pType);
+** The expression is the default value for the most recently added column
+** of the table currently under construction.
+** Default value expressions must be constant.  Raise an exception if this
+** is not the case.
+** This routine is called by the parser while in the middle of
+** parsing a CREATE TABLE statement.
+void sqlite3AddDefaultValue(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  Table *p;
+  Column *pCol;
+  if( (p = pParse->pNewTable)!=0 ){
+    pCol = &(p->aCol[p->nCol-1]);
+    if( !sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction(pExpr) ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "default value of column [%s] is not constant",
+          pCol->zName);
+    }else{
+      Expr *pCopy;
+      sqlite3ExprDelete(pCol->pDflt);
+      pCol->pDflt = pCopy = sqlite3ExprDup(pExpr);
+      if( pCopy ){
+        sqlite3TokenCopy(&pCopy->span, &pExpr->span);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pExpr);
+** Designate the PRIMARY KEY for the table.  pList is a list of names 
+** of columns that form the primary key.  If pList is NULL, then the
+** most recently added column of the table is the primary key.
+** A table can have at most one primary key.  If the table already has
+** a primary key (and this is the second primary key) then create an
+** error.
+** If the PRIMARY KEY is on a single column whose datatype is INTEGER,
+** then we will try to use that column as the rowid.  Set the Table.iPKey
+** field of the table under construction to be the index of the
+** INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column.  Table.iPKey is set to -1 if there is
+** If the key is not an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, then create a unique
+** index for the key.  No index is created for INTEGER PRIMARY KEYs.
+void sqlite3AddPrimaryKey(
+  Parse *pParse,    /* Parsing context */
+  ExprList *pList,  /* List of field names to be indexed */
+  int onError,      /* What to do with a uniqueness conflict */
+  int autoInc,      /* True if the AUTOINCREMENT keyword is present */
+  int sortOrder     /* SQLITE_SO_ASC or SQLITE_SO_DESC */
+  Table *pTab = pParse->pNewTable;
+  char *zType = 0;
+  int iCol = -1, i;
+  if( pTab==0 || IN_DECLARE_VTAB ) goto primary_key_exit;
+  if( pTab->hasPrimKey ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, 
+      "table \"%s\" has more than one primary key", pTab->zName);
+    goto primary_key_exit;
+  }
+  pTab->hasPrimKey = 1;
+  if( pList==0 ){
+    iCol = pTab->nCol - 1;
+    pTab->aCol[iCol].isPrimKey = 1;
+  }else{
+    for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
+      for(iCol=0; iCol<pTab->nCol; iCol++){
+        if( sqlite3StrICmp(pList->a[i].zName, pTab->aCol[iCol].zName)==0 ){
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if( iCol<pTab->nCol ){
+        pTab->aCol[iCol].isPrimKey = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    if( pList->nExpr>1 ) iCol = -1;
+  }
+  if( iCol>=0 && iCol<pTab->nCol ){
+    zType = pTab->aCol[iCol].zType;
+  }
+  if( zType && sqlite3StrICmp(zType, "INTEGER")==0
+        && sortOrder==SQLITE_SO_ASC ){
+    pTab->iPKey = iCol;
+    pTab->keyConf = onError;
+    pTab->autoInc = autoInc;
+  }else if( autoInc ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "AUTOINCREMENT is only allowed on an "
+  }else{
+    sqlite3CreateIndex(pParse, 0, 0, 0, pList, onError, 0, 0, sortOrder, 0);
+    pList = 0;
+  }
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(pList);
+  return;
+** Add a new CHECK constraint to the table currently under construction.
+void sqlite3AddCheckConstraint(
+  Parse *pParse,    /* Parsing context */
+  Expr *pCheckExpr  /* The check expression */
+  Table *pTab = pParse->pNewTable;
+  if( pTab && !IN_DECLARE_VTAB ){
+    /* The CHECK expression must be duplicated so that tokens refer
+    ** to malloced space and not the (ephemeral) text of the CREATE TABLE
+    ** statement */
+    pTab->pCheck = sqlite3ExprAnd(pTab->pCheck, sqlite3ExprDup(pCheckExpr));
+  }
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pCheckExpr);
+** Set the collation function of the most recently parsed table column
+** to the CollSeq given.
+void sqlite3AddCollateType(Parse *pParse, const char *zType, int nType){
+  Table *p;
+  int i;
+  if( (p = pParse->pNewTable)==0 ) return;
+  i = p->nCol-1;
+  if( sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, zType, nType) ){
+    Index *pIdx;
+    p->aCol[i].zColl = sqliteStrNDup(zType, nType);
+    /* If the column is declared as "<name> PRIMARY KEY COLLATE <type>",
+    ** then an index may have been created on this column before the
+    ** collation type was added. Correct this if it is the case.
+    */
+    for(pIdx=p->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+      assert( pIdx->nColumn==1 );
+      if( pIdx->aiColumn[0]==i ){
+        pIdx->azColl[0] = p->aCol[i].zColl;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+** This function returns the collation sequence for database native text
+** encoding identified by the string zName, length nName.
+** If the requested collation sequence is not available, or not available
+** in the database native encoding, the collation factory is invoked to
+** request it. If the collation factory does not supply such a sequence,
+** and the sequence is available in another text encoding, then that is
+** returned instead.
+** If no versions of the requested collations sequence are available, or
+** another error occurs, NULL is returned and an error message written into
+** pParse.
+** This routine is a wrapper around sqlite3FindCollSeq().  This routine
+** invokes the collation factory if the named collation cannot be found
+** and generates an error message.
+CollSeq *sqlite3LocateCollSeq(Parse *pParse, const char *zName, int nName){
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  u8 enc = ENC(db);
+  u8 initbusy = db->init.busy;
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, enc, zName, nName, initbusy);
+  if( !initbusy && (!pColl || !pColl->xCmp) ){
+    pColl = sqlite3GetCollSeq(db, pColl, zName, nName);
+    if( !pColl ){
+      if( nName<0 ){
+        nName = strlen(zName);
+      }
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %.*s", nName, zName);
+      pColl = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return pColl;
+** Generate code that will increment the schema cookie.
+** The schema cookie is used to determine when the schema for the
+** database changes.  After each schema change, the cookie value
+** changes.  When a process first reads the schema it records the
+** cookie.  Thereafter, whenever it goes to access the database,
+** it checks the cookie to make sure the schema has not changed
+** since it was last read.
+** This plan is not completely bullet-proof.  It is possible for
+** the schema to change multiple times and for the cookie to be
+** set back to prior value.  But schema changes are infrequent
+** and the probability of hitting the same cookie value is only
+** 1 chance in 2^32.  So we're safe enough.
+void sqlite3ChangeCookie(sqlite3 *db, Vdbe *v, int iDb){
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie+1, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, 0);
+** Measure the number of characters needed to output the given
+** identifier.  The number returned includes any quotes used
+** but does not include the null terminator.
+** The estimate is conservative.  It might be larger that what is
+** really needed.
+static int identLength(const char *z){
+  int n;
+  for(n=0; *z; n++, z++){
+    if( *z=='"' ){ n++; }
+  }
+  return n + 2;
+** Write an identifier onto the end of the given string.  Add
+** quote characters as needed.
+static void identPut(char *z, int *pIdx, char *zSignedIdent){
+  unsigned char *zIdent = (unsigned char*)zSignedIdent;
+  int i, j, needQuote;
+  i = *pIdx;
+  for(j=0; zIdent[j]; j++){
+    if( !isalnum(zIdent[j]) && zIdent[j]!='_' ) break;
+  }
+  needQuote =  zIdent[j]!=0 || isdigit(zIdent[0])
+                  || sqlite3KeywordCode(zIdent, j)!=TK_ID;
+  if( needQuote ) z[i++] = '"';
+  for(j=0; zIdent[j]; j++){
+    z[i++] = zIdent[j];
+    if( zIdent[j]=='"' ) z[i++] = '"';
+  }
+  if( needQuote ) z[i++] = '"';
+  z[i] = 0;
+  *pIdx = i;
+** Generate a CREATE TABLE statement appropriate for the given
+** table.  Memory to hold the text of the statement is obtained
+** from sqliteMalloc() and must be freed by the calling function.
+static char *createTableStmt(Table *p, int isTemp){
+  int i, k, n;
+  char *zStmt;
+  char *zSep, *zSep2, *zEnd, *z;
+  Column *pCol;
+  n = 0;
+  for(pCol = p->aCol, i=0; i<p->nCol; i++, pCol++){
+    n += identLength(pCol->zName);
+    z = pCol->zType;
+    if( z ){
+      n += (strlen(z) + 1);
+    }
+  }
+  n += identLength(p->zName);
+  if( n<50 ){
+    zSep = "";
+    zSep2 = ",";
+    zEnd = ")";
+  }else{
+    zSep = "\n  ";
+    zSep2 = ",\n  ";
+    zEnd = "\n)";
+  }
+  n += 35 + 6*p->nCol;
+  zStmt = sqliteMallocRaw( n );
+  if( zStmt==0 ) return 0;
+  strcpy(zStmt, !OMIT_TEMPDB&&isTemp ? "CREATE TEMP TABLE ":"CREATE TABLE ");
+  k = strlen(zStmt);
+  identPut(zStmt, &k, p->zName);
+  zStmt[k++] = '(';
+  for(pCol=p->aCol, i=0; i<p->nCol; i++, pCol++){
+    strcpy(&zStmt[k], zSep);
+    k += strlen(&zStmt[k]);
+    zSep = zSep2;
+    identPut(zStmt, &k, pCol->zName);
+    if( (z = pCol->zType)!=0 ){
+      zStmt[k++] = ' ';
+      strcpy(&zStmt[k], z);
+      k += strlen(z);
+    }
+  }
+  strcpy(&zStmt[k], zEnd);
+  return zStmt;
+** This routine is called to report the final ")" that terminates
+** a CREATE TABLE statement.
+** The table structure that other action routines have been building
+** is added to the internal hash tables, assuming no errors have
+** occurred.
+** An entry for the table is made in the master table on disk, unless
+** this is a temporary table or db->init.busy==1.  When db->init.busy==1
+** it means we are reading the sqlite_master table because we just
+** connected to the database or because the sqlite_master table has
+** recently changed, so the entry for this table already exists in
+** the sqlite_master table.  We do not want to create it again.
+** If the pSelect argument is not NULL, it means that this routine
+** was called to create a table generated from a 
+** "CREATE TABLE ... AS SELECT ..." statement.  The column names of
+** the new table will match the result set of the SELECT.
+void sqlite3EndTable(
+  Parse *pParse,          /* Parse context */
+  Token *pCons,           /* The ',' token after the last column defn. */
+  Token *pEnd,            /* The final ')' token in the CREATE TABLE */
+  Select *pSelect         /* Select from a "CREATE ... AS SELECT" */
+  Table *p;
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int iDb;
+  if( (pEnd==0 && pSelect==0) || pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ) {
+    return;
+  }
+  p = pParse->pNewTable;
+  if( p==0 ) return;
+  assert( !db->init.busy || !pSelect );
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, p->pSchema);
+  /* Resolve names in all CHECK constraint expressions.
+  */
+  if( p->pCheck ){
+    SrcList sSrc;                   /* Fake SrcList for pParse->pNewTable */
+    NameContext sNC;                /* Name context for pParse->pNewTable */
+    memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
+    memset(&sSrc, 0, sizeof(sSrc));
+    sSrc.nSrc = 1;
+    sSrc.a[0].zName = p->zName;
+    sSrc.a[0].pTab = p;
+    sSrc.a[0].iCursor = -1;
+    sNC.pParse = pParse;
+    sNC.pSrcList = &sSrc;
+    sNC.isCheck = 1;
+    if( sqlite3ExprResolveNames(&sNC, p->pCheck) ){
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_CHECK) */
+  /* If the db->init.busy is 1 it means we are reading the SQL off the
+  ** "sqlite_master" or "sqlite_temp_master" table on the disk.
+  ** So do not write to the disk again.  Extract the root page number
+  ** for the table from the db->init.newTnum field.  (The page number
+  ** should have been put there by the sqliteOpenCb routine.)
+  */
+  if( db->init.busy ){
+    p->tnum = db->init.newTnum;
+  }
+  /* If not initializing, then create a record for the new table
+  ** in the SQLITE_MASTER table of the database.  The record number
+  ** for the new table entry should already be on the stack.
+  **
+  ** If this is a TEMPORARY table, write the entry into the auxiliary
+  ** file instead of into the main database file.
+  */
+  if( !db->init.busy ){
+    int n;
+    Vdbe *v;
+    char *zType;    /* "view" or "table" */
+    char *zType2;   /* "VIEW" or "TABLE" */
+    char *zStmt;    /* Text of the CREATE TABLE or CREATE VIEW statement */
+    v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+    if( v==0 ) return;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, 0, 0);
+    /* Create the rootpage for the new table and push it onto the stack.
+    ** A view has no rootpage, so just push a zero onto the stack for
+    ** views.  Initialize zType at the same time.
+    */
+    if( p->pSelect==0 ){
+      /* A regular table */
+      zType = "table";
+      zType2 = "TABLE";
+    }else{
+      /* A view */
+      zType = "view";
+      zType2 = "VIEW";
+    }
+    /* If this is a CREATE TABLE xx AS SELECT ..., execute the SELECT
+    ** statement to populate the new table. The root-page number for the
+    ** new table is on the top of the vdbe stack.
+    **
+    ** Once the SELECT has been coded by sqlite3Select(), it is in a
+    ** suitable state to query for the column names and types to be used
+    ** by the new table.
+    **
+    ** A shared-cache write-lock is not required to write to the new table,
+    ** as a schema-lock must have already been obtained to create it. Since
+    ** a schema-lock excludes all other database users, the write-lock would
+    ** be redundant.
+    */
+    if( pSelect ){
+      Table *pSelTab;
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenWrite, 1, 0);
+      pParse->nTab = 2;
+      sqlite3Select(pParse, pSelect, SRT_Table, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, 1, 0);
+      if( pParse->nErr==0 ){
+        pSelTab = sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(pParse, 0, pSelect);
+        if( pSelTab==0 ) return;
+        assert( p->aCol==0 );
+        p->nCol = pSelTab->nCol;
+        p->aCol = pSelTab->aCol;
+        pSelTab->nCol = 0;
+        pSelTab->aCol = 0;
+        sqlite3DeleteTable(0, pSelTab);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Compute the complete text of the CREATE statement */
+    if( pSelect ){
+      zStmt = createTableStmt(p, p->pSchema==pParse->db->aDb[1].pSchema);
+    }else{
+      n = pEnd->z - pParse->sNameToken.z + 1;
+      zStmt = sqlite3MPrintf("CREATE %s %.*s", zType2, n, pParse->sNameToken.z);
+    }
+    /* A slot for the record has already been allocated in the 
+    ** SQLITE_MASTER table.  We just need to update that slot with all
+    ** the information we've collected.  The rowid for the preallocated
+    ** slot is the 2nd item on the stack.  The top of the stack is the
+    ** root page for the new table (or a 0 if this is a view).
+    */
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+      "UPDATE %Q.%s "
+         "SET type='%s', name=%Q, tbl_name=%Q, rootpage=#0, sql=%Q "
+       "WHERE rowid=#1",
+      db->aDb[iDb].zName, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb),
+      zType,
+      p->zName,
+      p->zName,
+      zStmt
+    );
+    sqliteFree(zStmt);
+    sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);
+    /* Check to see if we need to create an sqlite_sequence table for
+    ** keeping track of autoincrement keys.
+    */
+    if( p->autoInc ){
+      Db *pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+      if( pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab==0 ){
+        sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+          "CREATE TABLE %Q.sqlite_sequence(name,seq)",
+          pDb->zName
+        );
+      }
+    }
+    /* Reparse everything to update our internal data structures */
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_ParseSchema, iDb, 0,
+        sqlite3MPrintf("tbl_name='%q'",p->zName), P3_DYNAMIC);
+  }
+  /* Add the table to the in-memory representation of the database.
+  */
+  if( db->init.busy && pParse->nErr==0 ){
+    Table *pOld;
+    FKey *pFKey; 
+    Schema *pSchema = p->pSchema;
+    pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&pSchema->tblHash, p->zName, strlen(p->zName)+1,p);
+    if( pOld ){
+      assert( p==pOld );  /* Malloc must have failed inside HashInsert() */
+      return;
+    }
+    for(pFKey=p->pFKey; pFKey; pFKey=pFKey->pNextFrom){
+      int nTo = strlen(pFKey->zTo) + 1;
+      pFKey->pNextTo = sqlite3HashFind(&pSchema->aFKey, pFKey->zTo, nTo);
+      sqlite3HashInsert(&pSchema->aFKey, pFKey->zTo, nTo, pFKey);
+    }
+    pParse->pNewTable = 0;
+    db->nTable++;
+    db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges;
+    if( !p->pSelect ){
+      const char *zName = (const char *)pParse->sNameToken.z;
+      int nName;
+      assert( !pSelect && pCons && pEnd );
+      if( pCons->z==0 ){
+        pCons = pEnd;
+      }
+      nName = (const char *)pCons->z - zName;
+      p->addColOffset = 13 + sqlite3utf8CharLen(zName, nName);
+    }
+  }
+** The parser calls this routine in order to create a new VIEW
+void sqlite3CreateView(
+  Parse *pParse,     /* The parsing context */
+  Token *pBegin,     /* The CREATE token that begins the statement */
+  Token *pName1,     /* The token that holds the name of the view */
+  Token *pName2,     /* The token that holds the name of the view */
+  Select *pSelect,   /* A SELECT statement that will become the new view */
+  int isTemp,        /* TRUE for a TEMPORARY view */
+  int noErr          /* Suppress error messages if VIEW already exists */
+  Table *p;
+  int n;
+  const unsigned char *z;
+  Token sEnd;
+  DbFixer sFix;
+  Token *pName;
+  int iDb;
+  if( pParse->nVar>0 ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "parameters are not allowed in views");
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pSelect);
+    return;
+  }
+  sqlite3StartTable(pParse, pName1, pName2, isTemp, 1, 0, noErr);
+  p = pParse->pNewTable;
+  if( p==0 || pParse->nErr ){
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pSelect);
+    return;
+  }
+  sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pName);
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, p->pSchema);
+  if( sqlite3FixInit(&sFix, pParse, iDb, "view", pName)
+    && sqlite3FixSelect(&sFix, pSelect)
+  ){
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pSelect);
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Make a copy of the entire SELECT statement that defines the view.
+  ** This will force all the Expr.token.z values to be dynamically
+  ** allocated rather than point to the input string - which means that
+  ** they will persist after the current sqlite3_exec() call returns.
+  */
+  p->pSelect = sqlite3SelectDup(pSelect);
+  sqlite3SelectDelete(pSelect);
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    return;
+  }
+  if( !pParse->db->init.busy ){
+    sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, p);
+  }
+  /* Locate the end of the CREATE VIEW statement.  Make sEnd point to
+  ** the end.
+  */
+  sEnd = pParse->sLastToken;
+  if( sEnd.z[0]!=0 && sEnd.z[0]!=';' ){
+    sEnd.z += sEnd.n;
+  }
+  sEnd.n = 0;
+  n = sEnd.z - pBegin->z;
+  z = (const unsigned char*)pBegin->z;
+  while( n>0 && (z[n-1]==';' || isspace(z[n-1])) ){ n--; }
+  sEnd.z = &z[n-1];
+  sEnd.n = 1;
+  /* Use sqlite3EndTable() to add the view to the SQLITE_MASTER table */
+  sqlite3EndTable(pParse, 0, &sEnd, 0);
+  return;
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW */
+** The Table structure pTable is really a VIEW.  Fill in the names of
+** the columns of the view in the pTable structure.  Return the number
+** of errors.  If an error is seen leave an error message in pParse->zErrMsg.
+int sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(Parse *pParse, Table *pTable){
+  Table *pSelTab;   /* A fake table from which we get the result set */
+  Select *pSel;     /* Copy of the SELECT that implements the view */
+  int nErr = 0;     /* Number of errors encountered */
+  int n;            /* Temporarily holds the number of cursors assigned */
+  assert( pTable );
+  if( sqlite3VtabCallConnect(pParse, pTable) ){
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if( IsVirtual(pTable) ) return 0;
+  /* A positive nCol means the columns names for this view are
+  ** already known.
+  */
+  if( pTable->nCol>0 ) return 0;
+  /* A negative nCol is a special marker meaning that we are currently
+  ** trying to compute the column names.  If we enter this routine with
+  ** a negative nCol, it means two or more views form a loop, like this:
+  **
+  **     CREATE VIEW one AS SELECT * FROM two;
+  **     CREATE VIEW two AS SELECT * FROM one;
+  **
+  ** Actually, this error is caught previously and so the following test
+  ** should always fail.  But we will leave it in place just to be safe.
+  */
+  if( pTable->nCol<0 ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "view %s is circularly defined", pTable->zName);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  assert( pTable->nCol>=0 );
+  /* If we get this far, it means we need to compute the table names.
+  ** Note that the call to sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect() will expand any
+  ** "*" elements in the results set of the view and will assign cursors
+  ** to the elements of the FROM clause.  But we do not want these changes
+  ** to be permanent.  So the computation is done on a copy of the SELECT
+  ** statement that defines the view.
+  */
+  assert( pTable->pSelect );
+  pSel = sqlite3SelectDup(pTable->pSelect);
+  if( pSel ){
+    n = pParse->nTab;
+    sqlite3SrcListAssignCursors(pParse, pSel->pSrc);
+    pTable->nCol = -1;
+    pSelTab = sqlite3ResultSetOfSelect(pParse, 0, pSel);
+    pParse->nTab = n;
+    if( pSelTab ){
+      assert( pTable->aCol==0 );
+      pTable->nCol = pSelTab->nCol;
+      pTable->aCol = pSelTab->aCol;
+      pSelTab->nCol = 0;
+      pSelTab->aCol = 0;
+      sqlite3DeleteTable(0, pSelTab);
+      pTable->pSchema->flags |= DB_UnresetViews;
+    }else{
+      pTable->nCol = 0;
+      nErr++;
+    }
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pSel);
+  } else {
+    nErr++;
+  }
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW */
+  return nErr;  
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIRTUALTABLE) */
+** Clear the column names from every VIEW in database idx.
+static void sqliteViewResetAll(sqlite3 *db, int idx){
+  HashElem *i;
+  if( !DbHasProperty(db, idx, DB_UnresetViews) ) return;
+  for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aDb[idx].pSchema->tblHash); i;i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
+    Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(i);
+    if( pTab->pSelect ){
+      sqliteResetColumnNames(pTab);
+    }
+  }
+  DbClearProperty(db, idx, DB_UnresetViews);
+# define sqliteViewResetAll(A,B)
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW */
+** This function is called by the VDBE to adjust the internal schema
+** used by SQLite when the btree layer moves a table root page. The
+** root-page of a table or index in database iDb has changed from iFrom
+** to iTo.
+** Ticket #1728:  The symbol table might still contain information
+** on tables and/or indices that are the process of being deleted.
+** If you are unlucky, one of those deleted indices or tables might
+** have the same rootpage number as the real table or index that is
+** being moved.  So we cannot stop searching after the first match 
+** because the first match might be for one of the deleted indices
+** or tables and not the table/index that is actually being moved.
+** We must continue looping until all tables and indices with
+** rootpage==iFrom have been converted to have a rootpage of iTo
+** in order to be certain that we got the right one.
+void sqlite3RootPageMoved(Db *pDb, int iFrom, int iTo){
+  HashElem *pElem;
+  Hash *pHash;
+  pHash = &pDb->pSchema->tblHash;
+  for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(pHash); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){
+    Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(pElem);
+    if( pTab->tnum==iFrom ){
+      pTab->tnum = iTo;
+    }
+  }
+  pHash = &pDb->pSchema->idxHash;
+  for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(pHash); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){
+    Index *pIdx = sqliteHashData(pElem);
+    if( pIdx->tnum==iFrom ){
+      pIdx->tnum = iTo;
+    }
+  }
+** Write code to erase the table with root-page iTable from database iDb.
+** Also write code to modify the sqlite_master table and internal schema
+** if a root-page of another table is moved by the btree-layer whilst
+** erasing iTable (this can happen with an auto-vacuum database).
+static void destroyRootPage(Parse *pParse, int iTable, int iDb){
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Destroy, iTable, iDb);
+  /* OP_Destroy pushes an integer onto the stack. If this integer
+  ** is non-zero, then it is the root page number of a table moved to
+  ** location iTable. The following code modifies the sqlite_master table to
+  ** reflect this.
+  **
+  ** The "#0" in the SQL is a special constant that means whatever value
+  ** is on the top of the stack.  See sqlite3RegisterExpr().
+  */
+  sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, 
+     "UPDATE %Q.%s SET rootpage=%d WHERE #0 AND rootpage=#0",
+     pParse->db->aDb[iDb].zName, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), iTable);
+** Write VDBE code to erase table pTab and all associated indices on disk.
+** Code to update the sqlite_master tables and internal schema definitions
+** in case a root-page belonging to another table is moved by the btree layer
+** is also added (this can happen with an auto-vacuum database).
+static void destroyTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab){
+  Index *pIdx;
+  int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  destroyRootPage(pParse, pTab->tnum, iDb);
+  for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+    destroyRootPage(pParse, pIdx->tnum, iDb);
+  }
+  /* If the database may be auto-vacuum capable (if SQLITE_OMIT_AUTOVACUUM
+  ** is not defined), then it is important to call OP_Destroy on the
+  ** table and index root-pages in order, starting with the numerically 
+  ** largest root-page number. This guarantees that none of the root-pages
+  ** to be destroyed is relocated by an earlier OP_Destroy. i.e. if the
+  ** following were coded:
+  **
+  ** OP_Destroy 4 0
+  ** ...
+  ** OP_Destroy 5 0
+  **
+  ** and root page 5 happened to be the largest root-page number in the
+  ** database, then root page 5 would be moved to page 4 by the 
+  ** "OP_Destroy 4 0" opcode. The subsequent "OP_Destroy 5 0" would hit
+  ** a free-list page.
+  */
+  int iTab = pTab->tnum;
+  int iDestroyed = 0;
+  while( 1 ){
+    Index *pIdx;
+    int iLargest = 0;
+    if( iDestroyed==0 || iTab<iDestroyed ){
+      iLargest = iTab;
+    }
+    for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+      int iIdx = pIdx->tnum;
+      assert( pIdx->pSchema==pTab->pSchema );
+      if( (iDestroyed==0 || (iIdx<iDestroyed)) && iIdx>iLargest ){
+        iLargest = iIdx;
+      }
+    }
+    if( iLargest==0 ){
+      return;
+    }else{
+      int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+      destroyRootPage(pParse, iLargest, iDb);
+      iDestroyed = iLargest;
+    }
+  }
+** This routine is called to do the work of a DROP TABLE statement.
+** pName is the name of the table to be dropped.
+void sqlite3DropTable(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pName, int isView, int noErr){
+  Table *pTab;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int iDb;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    goto exit_drop_table;
+  }
+  assert( pName->nSrc==1 );
+  pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase);
+  if( pTab==0 ){
+    if( noErr ){
+      sqlite3ErrorClear(pParse);
+    }
+    goto exit_drop_table;
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+  assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb );
+  {
+    int code;
+    const char *zTab = SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb);
+    const char *zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+    const char *zArg2 = 0;
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_DELETE, zTab, 0, zDb)){
+      goto exit_drop_table;
+    }
+    if( isView ){
+      if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb==1 ){
+        code = SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_VIEW;
+      }else{
+        code = SQLITE_DROP_VIEW;
+      }
+    }else if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      if( sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
+        goto exit_drop_table;
+      }
+      code = SQLITE_DROP_VTABLE;
+      zArg2 = pTab->pMod->zName;
+    }else{
+      if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb==1 ){
+        code = SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_TABLE;
+      }else{
+        code = SQLITE_DROP_TABLE;
+      }
+    }
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, code, pTab->zName, zArg2, zDb) ){
+      goto exit_drop_table;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_DELETE, pTab->zName, 0, zDb) ){
+      goto exit_drop_table;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pTab->readOnly || pTab==db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->pSeqTab ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be dropped", pTab->zName);
+    goto exit_drop_table;
+  }
+  /* Ensure DROP TABLE is not used on a view, and DROP VIEW is not used
+  ** on a table.
+  */
+  if( isView && pTab->pSelect==0 ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "use DROP TABLE to delete table %s", pTab->zName);
+    goto exit_drop_table;
+  }
+  if( !isView && pTab->pSelect ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "use DROP VIEW to delete view %s", pTab->zName);
+    goto exit_drop_table;
+  }
+  /* Generate code to remove the table from the master table
+  ** on disk.
+  */
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v ){
+    Trigger *pTrigger;
+    Db *pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+    sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+    if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+      if( v ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_VBegin, 0, 0);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Drop all triggers associated with the table being dropped. Code
+    ** is generated to remove entries from sqlite_master and/or
+    ** sqlite_temp_master if required.
+    */
+    pTrigger = pTab->pTrigger;
+    while( pTrigger ){
+      assert( pTrigger->pSchema==pTab->pSchema || 
+          pTrigger->pSchema==db->aDb[1].pSchema );
+      sqlite3DropTriggerPtr(pParse, pTrigger);
+      pTrigger = pTrigger->pNext;
+    }
+    /* Remove any entries of the sqlite_sequence table associated with
+    ** the table being dropped. This is done before the table is dropped
+    ** at the btree level, in case the sqlite_sequence table needs to
+    ** move as a result of the drop (can happen in auto-vacuum mode).
+    */
+    if( pTab->autoInc ){
+      sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+        "DELETE FROM %s.sqlite_sequence WHERE name=%Q",
+        pDb->zName, pTab->zName
+      );
+    }
+    /* Drop all SQLITE_MASTER table and index entries that refer to the
+    ** table. The program name loops through the master table and deletes
+    ** every row that refers to a table of the same name as the one being
+    ** dropped. Triggers are handled seperately because a trigger can be
+    ** created in the temp database that refers to a table in another
+    ** database.
+    */
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, 
+        "DELETE FROM %Q.%s WHERE tbl_name=%Q and type!='trigger'",
+        pDb->zName, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), pTab->zName);
+    if( !isView && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      destroyTable(pParse, pTab);
+    }
+    /* Remove the table entry from SQLite's internal schema and modify
+    ** the schema cookie.
+    */
+    if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_VDestroy, iDb, 0, pTab->zName, 0);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_DropTable, iDb, 0, pTab->zName, 0);
+    sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);
+  }
+  sqliteViewResetAll(db, iDb);
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pName);
+** This routine is called to create a new foreign key on the table
+** currently under construction.  pFromCol determines which columns
+** in the current table point to the foreign key.  If pFromCol==0 then
+** connect the key to the last column inserted.  pTo is the name of
+** the table referred to.  pToCol is a list of tables in the other
+** pTo table that the foreign key points to.  flags contains all
+** information about the conflict resolution algorithms specified
+** in the ON DELETE, ON UPDATE and ON INSERT clauses.
+** An FKey structure is created and added to the table currently
+** under construction in the pParse->pNewTable field.  The new FKey
+** is not linked into db->aFKey at this point - that does not happen
+** until sqlite3EndTable().
+** The foreign key is set for IMMEDIATE processing.  A subsequent call
+** to sqlite3DeferForeignKey() might change this to DEFERRED.
+void sqlite3CreateForeignKey(
+  Parse *pParse,       /* Parsing context */
+  ExprList *pFromCol,  /* Columns in this table that point to other table */
+  Token *pTo,          /* Name of the other table */
+  ExprList *pToCol,    /* Columns in the other table */
+  int flags            /* Conflict resolution algorithms. */
+  FKey *pFKey = 0;
+  Table *p = pParse->pNewTable;
+  int nByte;
+  int i;
+  int nCol;
+  char *z;
+  assert( pTo!=0 );
+  if( p==0 || pParse->nErr || IN_DECLARE_VTAB ) goto fk_end;
+  if( pFromCol==0 ){
+    int iCol = p->nCol-1;
+    if( iCol<0 ) goto fk_end;
+    if( pToCol && pToCol->nExpr!=1 ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "foreign key on %s"
+         " should reference only one column of table %T",
+         p->aCol[iCol].zName, pTo);
+      goto fk_end;
+    }
+    nCol = 1;
+  }else if( pToCol && pToCol->nExpr!=pFromCol->nExpr ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+        "number of columns in foreign key does not match the number of "
+        "columns in the referenced table");
+    goto fk_end;
+  }else{
+    nCol = pFromCol->nExpr;
+  }
+  nByte = sizeof(*pFKey) + nCol*sizeof(pFKey->aCol[0]) + pTo->n + 1;
+  if( pToCol ){
+    for(i=0; i<pToCol->nExpr; i++){
+      nByte += strlen(pToCol->a[i].zName) + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  pFKey = sqliteMalloc( nByte );
+  if( pFKey==0 ) goto fk_end;
+  pFKey->pFrom = p;
+  pFKey->pNextFrom = p->pFKey;
+  z = (char*)&pFKey[1];
+  pFKey->aCol = (struct sColMap*)z;
+  z += sizeof(struct sColMap)*nCol;
+  pFKey->zTo = z;
+  memcpy(z, pTo->z, pTo->n);
+  z[pTo->n] = 0;
+  z += pTo->n+1;
+  pFKey->pNextTo = 0;
+  pFKey->nCol = nCol;
+  if( pFromCol==0 ){
+    pFKey->aCol[0].iFrom = p->nCol-1;
+  }else{
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      int j;
+      for(j=0; j<p->nCol; j++){
+        if( sqlite3StrICmp(p->aCol[j].zName, pFromCol->a[i].zName)==0 ){
+          pFKey->aCol[i].iFrom = j;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if( j>=p->nCol ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, 
+          "unknown column \"%s\" in foreign key definition", 
+          pFromCol->a[i].zName);
+        goto fk_end;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if( pToCol ){
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      int n = strlen(pToCol->a[i].zName);
+      pFKey->aCol[i].zCol = z;
+      memcpy(z, pToCol->a[i].zName, n);
+      z[n] = 0;
+      z += n+1;
+    }
+  }
+  pFKey->isDeferred = 0;
+  pFKey->deleteConf = flags & 0xff;
+  pFKey->updateConf = (flags >> 8 ) & 0xff;
+  pFKey->insertConf = (flags >> 16 ) & 0xff;
+  /* Link the foreign key to the table as the last step.
+  */
+  p->pFKey = pFKey;
+  pFKey = 0;
+  sqliteFree(pFKey);
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_FOREIGN_KEY) */
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(pFromCol);
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(pToCol);
+** This routine is called when an INITIALLY IMMEDIATE or INITIALLY DEFERRED
+** clause is seen as part of a foreign key definition.  The isDeferred
+** parameter is 1 for INITIALLY DEFERRED and 0 for INITIALLY IMMEDIATE.
+** The behavior of the most recently created foreign key is adjusted
+** accordingly.
+void sqlite3DeferForeignKey(Parse *pParse, int isDeferred){
+  Table *pTab;
+  FKey *pFKey;
+  if( (pTab = pParse->pNewTable)==0 || (pFKey = pTab->pFKey)==0 ) return;
+  pFKey->isDeferred = isDeferred;
+** Generate code that will erase and refill index *pIdx.  This is
+** used to initialize a newly created index or to recompute the
+** content of an index in response to a REINDEX command.
+** if memRootPage is not negative, it means that the index is newly
+** created.  The memory cell specified by memRootPage contains the
+** root page number of the index.  If memRootPage is negative, then
+** the index already exists and must be cleared before being refilled and
+** the root page number of the index is taken from pIndex->tnum.
+static void sqlite3RefillIndex(Parse *pParse, Index *pIndex, int memRootPage){
+  Table *pTab = pIndex->pTable;  /* The table that is indexed */
+  int iTab = pParse->nTab;       /* Btree cursor used for pTab */
+  int iIdx = pParse->nTab+1;     /* Btree cursor used for pIndex */
+  int addr1;                     /* Address of top of loop */
+  int tnum;                      /* Root page of index */
+  Vdbe *v;                       /* Generate code into this virtual machine */
+  KeyInfo *pKey;                 /* KeyInfo for index */
+  int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pIndex->pSchema);
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_REINDEX, pIndex->zName, 0,
+      pParse->db->aDb[iDb].zName ) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Require a write-lock on the table to perform this operation */
+  sqlite3TableLock(pParse, iDb, pTab->tnum, 1, pTab->zName);
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ) return;
+  if( memRootPage>=0 ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, memRootPage, 0);
+    tnum = 0;
+  }else{
+    tnum = pIndex->tnum;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, tnum, iDb);
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+  pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIndex);
+  sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_OpenWrite, iIdx, tnum, (char *)pKey, P3_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
+  sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, iTab, iDb, pTab, OP_OpenRead);
+  addr1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, iTab, 0);
+  sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(v, pIndex, iTab);
+  if( pIndex->onError!=OE_None ){
+    int curaddr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+    int addr2 = curaddr+4;
+    sqlite3VdbeChangeP2(v, curaddr-1, addr2);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rowid, iTab, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, 1, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IsUnique, iIdx, addr2);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, OE_Abort,
+                    "indexed columns are not unique", P3_STATIC);
+    assert( addr2==sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) );
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IdxInsert, iIdx, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, iTab, addr1+1);
+  sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr1);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iTab, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iIdx, 0);
+** Create a new index for an SQL table.  pName1.pName2 is the name of the index 
+** and pTblList is the name of the table that is to be indexed.  Both will 
+** be NULL for a primary key or an index that is created to satisfy a
+** UNIQUE constraint.  If pTable and pIndex are NULL, use pParse->pNewTable
+** as the table to be indexed.  pParse->pNewTable is a table that is
+** currently being constructed by a CREATE TABLE statement.
+** pList is a list of columns to be indexed.  pList will be NULL if this
+** is a primary key or unique-constraint on the most recent column added
+** to the table currently under construction.  
+void sqlite3CreateIndex(
+  Parse *pParse,     /* All information about this parse */
+  Token *pName1,     /* First part of index name. May be NULL */
+  Token *pName2,     /* Second part of index name. May be NULL */
+  SrcList *pTblName, /* Table to index. Use pParse->pNewTable if 0 */
+  ExprList *pList,   /* A list of columns to be indexed */
+  int onError,       /* OE_Abort, OE_Ignore, OE_Replace, or OE_None */
+  Token *pStart,     /* The CREATE token that begins a CREATE TABLE statement */
+  Token *pEnd,       /* The ")" that closes the CREATE INDEX statement */
+  int sortOrder,     /* Sort order of primary key when pList==NULL */
+  int ifNotExist     /* Omit error if index already exists */
+  Table *pTab = 0;     /* Table to be indexed */
+  Index *pIndex = 0;   /* The index to be created */
+  char *zName = 0;     /* Name of the index */
+  int nName;           /* Number of characters in zName */
+  int i, j;
+  Token nullId;        /* Fake token for an empty ID list */
+  DbFixer sFix;        /* For assigning database names to pTable */
+  int sortOrderMask;   /* 1 to honor DESC in index.  0 to ignore. */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  Db *pDb;             /* The specific table containing the indexed database */
+  int iDb;             /* Index of the database that is being written */
+  Token *pName = 0;    /* Unqualified name of the index to create */
+  struct ExprList_item *pListItem; /* For looping over pList */
+  int nCol;
+  int nExtra = 0;
+  char *zExtra;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() || IN_DECLARE_VTAB ){
+    goto exit_create_index;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Find the table that is to be indexed.  Return early if not found.
+  */
+  if( pTblName!=0 ){
+    /* Use the two-part index name to determine the database 
+    ** to search for the table. 'Fix' the table name to this db
+    ** before looking up the table.
+    */
+    assert( pName1 && pName2 );
+    iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pName);
+    if( iDb<0 ) goto exit_create_index;
+    /* If the index name was unqualified, check if the the table
+    ** is a temp table. If so, set the database to 1.
+    */
+    pTab = sqlite3SrcListLookup(pParse, pTblName);
+    if( pName2 && pName2->n==0 && pTab && pTab->pSchema==db->aDb[1].pSchema ){
+      iDb = 1;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3FixInit(&sFix, pParse, iDb, "index", pName) &&
+        sqlite3FixSrcList(&sFix, pTblName)
+    ){
+      /* Because the parser constructs pTblName from a single identifier,
+      ** sqlite3FixSrcList can never fail. */
+      assert(0);
+    }
+    pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pTblName->a[0].zName, 
+        pTblName->a[0].zDatabase);
+    if( !pTab ) goto exit_create_index;
+    assert( db->aDb[iDb].pSchema==pTab->pSchema );
+  }else{
+    assert( pName==0 );
+    pTab = pParse->pNewTable;
+    if( !pTab ) goto exit_create_index;
+    iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+  }
+  pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+  if( pTab==0 || pParse->nErr ) goto exit_create_index;
+  if( pTab->readOnly ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be indexed", pTab->zName);
+    goto exit_create_index;
+  }
+  if( pTab->pSelect ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "views may not be indexed");
+    goto exit_create_index;
+  }
+  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "virtual tables may not be indexed");
+    goto exit_create_index;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Find the name of the index.  Make sure there is not already another
+  ** index or table with the same name.  
+  **
+  ** Exception:  If we are reading the names of permanent indices from the
+  ** sqlite_master table (because some other process changed the schema) and
+  ** one of the index names collides with the name of a temporary table or
+  ** index, then we will continue to process this index.
+  **
+  ** If pName==0 it means that we are
+  ** dealing with a primary key or UNIQUE constraint.  We have to invent our
+  ** own name.
+  */
+  if( pName ){
+    zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
+    if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto exit_create_index;
+    if( zName==0 ) goto exit_create_index;
+    if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3CheckObjectName(pParse, zName) ){
+      goto exit_create_index;
+    }
+    if( !db->init.busy ){
+      if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ) goto exit_create_index;
+      if( sqlite3FindIndex(db, zName, pDb->zName)!=0 ){
+        if( !ifNotExist ){
+          sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "index %s already exists", zName);
+        }
+        goto exit_create_index;
+      }
+      if( sqlite3FindTable(db, zName, 0)!=0 ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "there is already a table named %s", zName);
+        goto exit_create_index;
+      }
+    }
+  }else{
+    char zBuf[30];
+    int n;
+    Index *pLoop;
+    for(pLoop=pTab->pIndex, n=1; pLoop; pLoop=pLoop->pNext, n++){}
+    sprintf(zBuf,"_%d",n);
+    zName = 0;
+    sqlite3SetString(&zName, "sqlite_autoindex_", pTab->zName, zBuf, (char*)0);
+    if( zName==0 ) goto exit_create_index;
+  }
+  /* Check for authorization to create an index.
+  */
+  {
+    const char *zDb = pDb->zName;
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_INSERT, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb), 0, zDb) ){
+      goto exit_create_index;
+    }
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, i, zName, pTab->zName, zDb) ){
+      goto exit_create_index;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If pList==0, it means this routine was called to make a primary
+  ** key out of the last column added to the table under construction.
+  ** So create a fake list to simulate this.
+  */
+  if( pList==0 ){
+    nullId.z = (u8*)pTab->aCol[pTab->nCol-1].zName;
+    nullId.n = strlen((char*)nullId.z);
+    pList = sqlite3ExprListAppend(0, 0, &nullId);
+    if( pList==0 ) goto exit_create_index;
+    pList->a[0].sortOrder = sortOrder;
+  }
+  /* Figure out how many bytes of space are required to store explicitly
+  ** specified collation sequence names.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++){
+    Expr *pExpr = pList->a[i].pExpr;
+    if( pExpr ){
+      nExtra += (1 + strlen(pExpr->pColl->zName));
+    }
+  }
+  /* 
+  ** Allocate the index structure. 
+  */
+  nName = strlen(zName);
+  nCol = pList->nExpr;
+  pIndex = sqliteMalloc( 
+      sizeof(Index) +              /* Index structure  */
+      sizeof(int)*nCol +           /* Index.aiColumn   */
+      sizeof(int)*(nCol+1) +       /* Index.aiRowEst   */
+      sizeof(char *)*nCol +        /* Index.azColl     */
+      sizeof(u8)*nCol +            /* Index.aSortOrder */
+      nName + 1 +                  /* Index.zName      */
+      nExtra                       /* Collation sequence names */
+  );
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ) goto exit_create_index;
+  pIndex->azColl = (char**)(&pIndex[1]);
+  pIndex->aiColumn = (int *)(&pIndex->azColl[nCol]);
+  pIndex->aiRowEst = (unsigned *)(&pIndex->aiColumn[nCol]);
+  pIndex->aSortOrder = (u8 *)(&pIndex->aiRowEst[nCol+1]);
+  pIndex->zName = (char *)(&pIndex->aSortOrder[nCol]);
+  zExtra = (char *)(&pIndex->zName[nName+1]);
+  strcpy(pIndex->zName, zName);
+  pIndex->pTable = pTab;
+  pIndex->nColumn = pList->nExpr;
+  pIndex->onError = onError;
+  pIndex->autoIndex = pName==0;
+  pIndex->pSchema = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema;
+  /* Check to see if we should honor DESC requests on index columns
+  */
+  if( pDb->pSchema->file_format>=4 ){
+    sortOrderMask = -1;   /* Honor DESC */
+  }else{
+    sortOrderMask = 0;    /* Ignore DESC */
+  }
+  /* Scan the names of the columns of the table to be indexed and
+  ** load the column indices into the Index structure.  Report an error
+  ** if any column is not found.
+  */
+  for(i=0, pListItem=pList->a; i<pList->nExpr; i++, pListItem++){
+    const char *zColName = pListItem->zName;
+    Column *pTabCol;
+    int requestedSortOrder;
+    char *zColl;                   /* Collation sequence name */
+    for(j=0, pTabCol=pTab->aCol; j<pTab->nCol; j++, pTabCol++){
+      if( sqlite3StrICmp(zColName, pTabCol->zName)==0 ) break;
+    }
+    if( j>=pTab->nCol ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s has no column named %s",
+        pTab->zName, zColName);
+      goto exit_create_index;
+    }
+    /* TODO:  Add a test to make sure that the same column is not named
+    ** more than once within the same index.  Only the first instance of
+    ** the column will ever be used by the optimizer.  Note that using the
+    ** same column more than once cannot be an error because that would 
+    ** break backwards compatibility - it needs to be a warning.
+    */
+    pIndex->aiColumn[i] = j;
+    if( pListItem->pExpr ){
+      assert( pListItem->pExpr->pColl );
+      zColl = zExtra;
+      strcpy(zExtra, pListItem->pExpr->pColl->zName);
+      zExtra += (strlen(zColl) + 1);
+    }else{
+      zColl = pTab->aCol[j].zColl;
+      if( !zColl ){
+        zColl = db->pDfltColl->zName;
+      }
+    }
+    if( !db->init.busy && !sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, zColl, -1) ){
+      goto exit_create_index;
+    }
+    pIndex->azColl[i] = zColl;
+    requestedSortOrder = pListItem->sortOrder & sortOrderMask;
+    pIndex->aSortOrder[i] = requestedSortOrder;
+  }
+  sqlite3DefaultRowEst(pIndex);
+  if( pTab==pParse->pNewTable ){
+    /* This routine has been called to create an automatic index as a
+    ** result of a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE clause on a column definition, or
+    ** a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE clause following the column definitions.
+    ** i.e. one of:
+    **
+    ** CREATE TABLE t(x, y, UNIQUE(x, y));
+    **
+    ** Either way, check to see if the table already has such an index. If
+    ** so, don't bother creating this one. This only applies to
+    ** automatically created indices. Users can do as they wish with
+    ** explicit indices.
+    */
+    Index *pIdx;
+    for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+      int k;
+      assert( pIdx->onError!=OE_None );
+      assert( pIdx->autoIndex );
+      assert( pIndex->onError!=OE_None );
+      if( pIdx->nColumn!=pIndex->nColumn ) continue;
+      for(k=0; k<pIdx->nColumn; k++){
+        const char *z1 = pIdx->azColl[k];
+        const char *z2 = pIndex->azColl[k];
+        if( pIdx->aiColumn[k]!=pIndex->aiColumn[k] ) break;
+        if( pIdx->aSortOrder[k]!=pIndex->aSortOrder[k] ) break;
+        if( z1!=z2 && sqlite3StrICmp(z1, z2) ) break;
+      }
+      if( k==pIdx->nColumn ){
+        if( pIdx->onError!=pIndex->onError ){
+          /* This constraint creates the same index as a previous
+          ** constraint specified somewhere in the CREATE TABLE statement.
+          ** However the ON CONFLICT clauses are different. If both this 
+          ** constraint and the previous equivalent constraint have explicit
+          ** ON CONFLICT clauses this is an error. Otherwise, use the
+          ** explicitly specified behaviour for the index.
+          */
+          if( !(pIdx->onError==OE_Default || pIndex->onError==OE_Default) ){
+            sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, 
+                "conflicting ON CONFLICT clauses specified", 0);
+          }
+          if( pIdx->onError==OE_Default ){
+            pIdx->onError = pIndex->onError;
+          }
+        }
+        goto exit_create_index;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Link the new Index structure to its table and to the other
+  ** in-memory database structures. 
+  */
+  if( db->init.busy ){
+    Index *p;
+    p = sqlite3HashInsert(&pIndex->pSchema->idxHash, 
+                         pIndex->zName, strlen(pIndex->zName)+1, pIndex);
+    if( p ){
+      assert( p==pIndex );  /* Malloc must have failed */
+      goto exit_create_index;
+    }
+    db->flags |= SQLITE_InternChanges;
+    if( pTblName!=0 ){
+      pIndex->tnum = db->init.newTnum;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If the db->init.busy is 0 then create the index on disk.  This
+  ** involves writing the index into the master table and filling in the
+  ** index with the current table contents.
+  **
+  ** The db->init.busy is 0 when the user first enters a CREATE INDEX 
+  ** command.  db->init.busy is 1 when a database is opened and 
+  ** CREATE INDEX statements are read out of the master table.  In
+  ** the latter case the index already exists on disk, which is why
+  ** we don't want to recreate it.
+  **
+  ** If pTblName==0 it means this index is generated as a primary key
+  ** or UNIQUE constraint of a CREATE TABLE statement.  Since the table
+  ** has just been created, it contains no data and the index initialization
+  ** step can be skipped.
+  */
+  else if( db->init.busy==0 ){
+    Vdbe *v;
+    char *zStmt;
+    int iMem = pParse->nMem++;
+    v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+    if( v==0 ) goto exit_create_index;
+    /* Create the rootpage for the index
+    */
+    sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 1, iDb);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_CreateIndex, iDb, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemStore, iMem, 0);
+    /* Gather the complete text of the CREATE INDEX statement into
+    ** the zStmt variable
+    */
+    if( pStart && pEnd ){
+      /* A named index with an explicit CREATE INDEX statement */
+      zStmt = sqlite3MPrintf("CREATE%s INDEX %.*s",
+        onError==OE_None ? "" : " UNIQUE",
+        pEnd->z - pName->z + 1,
+        pName->z);
+    }else{
+      /* An automatic index created by a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint */
+      /* zStmt = sqlite3MPrintf(""); */
+      zStmt = 0;
+    }
+    /* Add an entry in sqlite_master for this index
+    */
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse, 
+        "INSERT INTO %Q.%s VALUES('index',%Q,%Q,#0,%Q);",
+        db->aDb[iDb].zName, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb),
+        pIndex->zName,
+        pTab->zName,
+        zStmt
+    );
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+    sqliteFree(zStmt);
+    /* Fill the index with data and reparse the schema. Code an OP_Expire
+    ** to invalidate all pre-compiled statements.
+    */
+    if( pTblName ){
+      sqlite3RefillIndex(pParse, pIndex, iMem);
+      sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_ParseSchema, iDb, 0,
+         sqlite3MPrintf("name='%q'", pIndex->zName), P3_DYNAMIC);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Expire, 0, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  /* When adding an index to the list of indices for a table, make
+  ** sure all indices labeled OE_Replace come after all those labeled
+  ** OE_Ignore.  This is necessary for the correct operation of UPDATE
+  ** and INSERT.
+  */
+  if( db->init.busy || pTblName==0 ){
+    if( onError!=OE_Replace || pTab->pIndex==0
+         || pTab->pIndex->onError==OE_Replace){
+      pIndex->pNext = pTab->pIndex;
+      pTab->pIndex = pIndex;
+    }else{
+      Index *pOther = pTab->pIndex;
+      while( pOther->pNext && pOther->pNext->onError!=OE_Replace ){
+        pOther = pOther->pNext;
+      }
+      pIndex->pNext = pOther->pNext;
+      pOther->pNext = pIndex;
+    }
+    pIndex = 0;
+  }
+  /* Clean up before exiting */
+  if( pIndex ){
+    freeIndex(pIndex);
+  }
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(pList);
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pTblName);
+  sqliteFree(zName);
+  return;
+** Generate code to make sure the file format number is at least minFormat.
+** The generated code will increase the file format number if necessary.
+void sqlite3MinimumFileFormat(Parse *pParse, int iDb, int minFormat){
+  Vdbe *v;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_ReadCookie, iDb, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, minFormat, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Ge, 0, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, minFormat, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetCookie, iDb, 1);
+  }
+** Fill the Index.aiRowEst[] array with default information - information
+** to be used when we have not run the ANALYZE command.
+** aiRowEst[0] is suppose to contain the number of elements in the index.
+** Since we do not know, guess 1 million.  aiRowEst[1] is an estimate of the
+** number of rows in the table that match any particular value of the
+** first column of the index.  aiRowEst[2] is an estimate of the number
+** of rows that match any particular combiniation of the first 2 columns
+** of the index.  And so forth.  It must always be the case that
+**           aiRowEst[N]<=aiRowEst[N-1]
+**           aiRowEst[N]>=1
+** Apart from that, we have little to go on besides intuition as to
+** how aiRowEst[] should be initialized.  The numbers generated here
+** are based on typical values found in actual indices.
+void sqlite3DefaultRowEst(Index *pIdx){
+  unsigned *a = pIdx->aiRowEst;
+  int i;
+  assert( a!=0 );
+  a[0] = 1000000;
+  for(i=pIdx->nColumn; i>=5; i--){
+    a[i] = 5;
+  }
+  while( i>=1 ){
+    a[i] = 11 - i;
+    i--;
+  }
+  if( pIdx->onError!=OE_None ){
+    a[pIdx->nColumn] = 1;
+  }
+** This routine will drop an existing named index.  This routine
+** implements the DROP INDEX statement.
+void sqlite3DropIndex(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pName, int ifExists){
+  Index *pIndex;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  int iDb;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    goto exit_drop_index;
+  }
+  assert( pName->nSrc==1 );
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){
+    goto exit_drop_index;
+  }
+  pIndex = sqlite3FindIndex(db, pName->a[0].zName, pName->a[0].zDatabase);
+  if( pIndex==0 ){
+    if( !ifExists ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such index: %S", pName, 0);
+    }
+    pParse->checkSchema = 1;
+    goto exit_drop_index;
+  }
+  if( pIndex->autoIndex ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "index associated with UNIQUE "
+      "or PRIMARY KEY constraint cannot be dropped", 0);
+    goto exit_drop_index;
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pIndex->pSchema);
+  {
+    int code = SQLITE_DROP_INDEX;
+    Table *pTab = pIndex->pTable;
+    const char *zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+    const char *zTab = SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb);
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_DELETE, zTab, 0, zDb) ){
+      goto exit_drop_index;
+    }
+    if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb ) code = SQLITE_DROP_TEMP_INDEX;
+    if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, code, pIndex->zName, pTab->zName, zDb) ){
+      goto exit_drop_index;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Generate code to remove the index and from the master table */
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v ){
+    sqlite3NestedParse(pParse,
+       "DELETE FROM %Q.%s WHERE name=%Q",
+       db->aDb[iDb].zName, SCHEMA_TABLE(iDb),
+       pIndex->zName
+    );
+    sqlite3ChangeCookie(db, v, iDb);
+    destroyRootPage(pParse, pIndex->tnum, iDb);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_DropIndex, iDb, 0, pIndex->zName, 0);
+  }
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pName);
+** ppArray points into a structure where there is an array pointer
+** followed by two integers. The first integer is the
+** number of elements in the structure array.  The second integer
+** is the number of allocated slots in the array.
+** In other words, the structure looks something like this:
+**        struct Example1 {
+**          struct subElem *aEntry;
+**          int nEntry;
+**          int nAlloc;
+**        }
+** The pnEntry parameter points to the equivalent of Example1.nEntry.
+** This routine allocates a new slot in the array, zeros it out,
+** and returns its index.  If malloc fails a negative number is returned.
+** szEntry is the sizeof of a single array entry.  initSize is the 
+** number of array entries allocated on the initial allocation.
+int sqlite3ArrayAllocate(void **ppArray, int szEntry, int initSize){
+  char *p;
+  int *an = (int*)&ppArray[1];
+  if( an[0]>=an[1] ){
+    void *pNew;
+    int newSize;
+    newSize = an[1]*2 + initSize;
+    pNew = sqliteRealloc(*ppArray, newSize*szEntry);
+    if( pNew==0 ){
+      return -1;
+    }
+    an[1] = newSize;
+    *ppArray = pNew;
+  }
+  p = *ppArray;
+  memset(&p[an[0]*szEntry], 0, szEntry);
+  return an[0]++;
+** Append a new element to the given IdList.  Create a new IdList if
+** need be.
+** A new IdList is returned, or NULL if malloc() fails.
+IdList *sqlite3IdListAppend(IdList *pList, Token *pToken){
+  int i;
+  if( pList==0 ){
+    pList = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(IdList) );
+    if( pList==0 ) return 0;
+    pList->nAlloc = 0;
+  }
+  i = sqlite3ArrayAllocate((void**)&pList->a, sizeof(pList->a[0]), 5);
+  if( i<0 ){
+    sqlite3IdListDelete(pList);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  pList->a[i].zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pToken);
+  return pList;
+** Delete an IdList.
+void sqlite3IdListDelete(IdList *pList){
+  int i;
+  if( pList==0 ) return;
+  for(i=0; i<pList->nId; i++){
+    sqliteFree(pList->a[i].zName);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(pList->a);
+  sqliteFree(pList);
+** Return the index in pList of the identifier named zId.  Return -1
+** if not found.
+int sqlite3IdListIndex(IdList *pList, const char *zName){
+  int i;
+  if( pList==0 ) return -1;
+  for(i=0; i<pList->nId; i++){
+    if( sqlite3StrICmp(pList->a[i].zName, zName)==0 ) return i;
+  }
+  return -1;
+** Append a new table name to the given SrcList.  Create a new SrcList if
+** need be.  A new entry is created in the SrcList even if pToken is NULL.
+** A new SrcList is returned, or NULL if malloc() fails.
+** If pDatabase is not null, it means that the table has an optional
+** database name prefix.  Like this:  "database.table".  The pDatabase
+** points to the table name and the pTable points to the database name.
+** The SrcList.a[].zName field is filled with the table name which might
+** come from pTable (if pDatabase is NULL) or from pDatabase.  
+** SrcList.a[].zDatabase is filled with the database name from pTable,
+** or with NULL if no database is specified.
+** In other words, if call like this:
+**         sqlite3SrcListAppend(A,B,0);
+** Then B is a table name and the database name is unspecified.  If called
+** like this:
+**         sqlite3SrcListAppend(A,B,C);
+** Then C is the table name and B is the database name.
+SrcList *sqlite3SrcListAppend(SrcList *pList, Token *pTable, Token *pDatabase){
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  if( pList==0 ){
+    pList = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(SrcList) );
+    if( pList==0 ) return 0;
+    pList->nAlloc = 1;
+  }
+  if( pList->nSrc>=pList->nAlloc ){
+    SrcList *pNew;
+    pList->nAlloc *= 2;
+    pNew = sqliteRealloc(pList,
+               sizeof(*pList) + (pList->nAlloc-1)*sizeof(pList->a[0]) );
+    if( pNew==0 ){
+      sqlite3SrcListDelete(pList);
+      return 0;
+    }
+    pList = pNew;
+  }
+  pItem = &pList->a[pList->nSrc];
+  memset(pItem, 0, sizeof(pList->a[0]));
+  if( pDatabase && pDatabase->z==0 ){
+    pDatabase = 0;
+  }
+  if( pDatabase && pTable ){
+    Token *pTemp = pDatabase;
+    pDatabase = pTable;
+    pTable = pTemp;
+  }
+  pItem->zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pTable);
+  pItem->zDatabase = sqlite3NameFromToken(pDatabase);
+  pItem->iCursor = -1;
+  pItem->isPopulated = 0;
+  pList->nSrc++;
+  return pList;
+** Assign cursors to all tables in a SrcList
+void sqlite3SrcListAssignCursors(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pList){
+  int i;
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  assert(pList || sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  if( pList ){
+    for(i=0, pItem=pList->a; i<pList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+      if( pItem->iCursor>=0 ) break;
+      pItem->iCursor = pParse->nTab++;
+      if( pItem->pSelect ){
+        sqlite3SrcListAssignCursors(pParse, pItem->pSelect->pSrc);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+** Delete an entire SrcList including all its substructure.
+void sqlite3SrcListDelete(SrcList *pList){
+  int i;
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  if( pList==0 ) return;
+  for(pItem=pList->a, i=0; i<pList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+    sqliteFree(pItem->zDatabase);
+    sqliteFree(pItem->zName);
+    sqliteFree(pItem->zAlias);
+    sqlite3DeleteTable(0, pItem->pTab);
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pItem->pSelect);
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pItem->pOn);
+    sqlite3IdListDelete(pItem->pUsing);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(pList);
+** This routine is called by the parser to add a new term to the
+** end of a growing FROM clause.  The "p" parameter is the part of
+** the FROM clause that has already been constructed.  "p" is NULL
+** if this is the first term of the FROM clause.  pTable and pDatabase
+** are the name of the table and database named in the FROM clause term.
+** pDatabase is NULL if the database name qualifier is missing - the
+** usual case.  If the term has a alias, then pAlias points to the
+** alias token.  If the term is a subquery, then pSubquery is the
+** SELECT statement that the subquery encodes.  The pTable and
+** pDatabase parameters are NULL for subqueries.  The pOn and pUsing
+** parameters are the content of the ON and USING clauses.
+** Return a new SrcList which encodes is the FROM with the new
+** term added.
+SrcList *sqlite3SrcListAppendFromTerm(
+  SrcList *p,             /* The left part of the FROM clause already seen */
+  Token *pTable,          /* Name of the table to add to the FROM clause */
+  Token *pDatabase,       /* Name of the database containing pTable */
+  Token *pAlias,          /* The right-hand side of the AS subexpression */
+  Select *pSubquery,      /* A subquery used in place of a table name */
+  Expr *pOn,              /* The ON clause of a join */
+  IdList *pUsing          /* The USING clause of a join */
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  p = sqlite3SrcListAppend(p, pTable, pDatabase);
+  if( p==0 || p->nSrc==0 ){
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pOn);
+    sqlite3IdListDelete(pUsing);
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pSubquery);
+    return p;
+  }
+  pItem = &p->a[p->nSrc-1];
+  if( pAlias && pAlias->n ){
+    pItem->zAlias = sqlite3NameFromToken(pAlias);
+  }
+  pItem->pSelect = pSubquery;
+  pItem->pOn = pOn;
+  pItem->pUsing = pUsing;
+  return p;
+** When building up a FROM clause in the parser, the join operator
+** is initially attached to the left operand.  But the code generator
+** expects the join operator to be on the right operand.  This routine
+** Shifts all join operators from left to right for an entire FROM
+** clause.
+** Example: Suppose the join is like this:
+**           A natural cross join B
+** The operator is "natural cross join".  The A and B operands are stored
+** in p->a[0] and p->a[1], respectively.  The parser initially stores the
+** operator with A.  This routine shifts that operator over to B.
+void sqlite3SrcListShiftJoinType(SrcList *p){
+  if( p && p->a ){
+    int i;
+    for(i=p->nSrc-1; i>0; i--){
+      p->a[i].jointype = p->a[i-1].jointype;
+    }
+    p->a[0].jointype = 0;
+  }
+** Begin a transaction
+void sqlite3BeginTransaction(Parse *pParse, int type){
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  int i;
+  if( pParse==0 || (db=pParse->db)==0 || db->aDb[0].pBt==0 ) return;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ) return;
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_TRANSACTION, "BEGIN", 0, 0) ) return;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( !v ) return;
+  if( type!=TK_DEFERRED ){
+    for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Transaction, i, (type==TK_EXCLUSIVE)+1);
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AutoCommit, 0, 0);
+** Commit a transaction
+void sqlite3CommitTransaction(Parse *pParse){
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  if( pParse==0 || (db=pParse->db)==0 || db->aDb[0].pBt==0 ) return;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ) return;
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_TRANSACTION, "COMMIT", 0, 0) ) return;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AutoCommit, 1, 0);
+  }
+** Rollback a transaction
+void sqlite3RollbackTransaction(Parse *pParse){
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  if( pParse==0 || (db=pParse->db)==0 || db->aDb[0].pBt==0 ) return;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ) return;
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_TRANSACTION, "ROLLBACK", 0, 0) ) return;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AutoCommit, 1, 1);
+  }
+** Make sure the TEMP database is open and available for use.  Return
+** the number of errors.  Leave any error messages in the pParse structure.
+int sqlite3OpenTempDatabase(Parse *pParse){
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;
+  if( db->aDb[1].pBt==0 && !pParse->explain ){
+    int rc = sqlite3BtreeFactory(db, 0, 0, MAX_PAGES, &db->aDb[1].pBt);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unable to open a temporary database "
+        "file for storing temporary tables");
+      pParse->rc = rc;
+      return 1;
+    }
+    if( db->flags & !db->autoCommit ){
+      rc = sqlite3BtreeBeginTrans(db->aDb[1].pBt, 1);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unable to get a write lock on "
+          "the temporary database file");
+        pParse->rc = rc;
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    assert( db->aDb[1].pSchema );
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Generate VDBE code that will verify the schema cookie and start
+** a read-transaction for all named database files.
+** It is important that all schema cookies be verified and all
+** read transactions be started before anything else happens in
+** the VDBE program.  But this routine can be called after much other
+** code has been generated.  So here is what we do:
+** The first time this routine is called, we code an OP_Goto that
+** will jump to a subroutine at the end of the program.  Then we
+** record every database that needs its schema verified in the
+** pParse->cookieMask field.  Later, after all other code has been
+** generated, the subroutine that does the cookie verifications and
+** starts the transactions will be coded and the OP_Goto P2 value
+** will be made to point to that subroutine.  The generation of the
+** cookie verification subroutine code happens in sqlite3FinishCoding().
+** If iDb<0 then code the OP_Goto only - don't set flag to verify the
+** schema on any databases.  This can be used to position the OP_Goto
+** early in the code, before we know if any database tables will be used.
+void sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(Parse *pParse, int iDb){
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  int mask;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ) return;  /* This only happens if there was a prior error */
+  db = pParse->db;
+  if( pParse->cookieGoto==0 ){
+    pParse->cookieGoto = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0)+1;
+  }
+  if( iDb>=0 ){
+    assert( iDb<db->nDb );
+    assert( db->aDb[iDb].pBt!=0 || iDb==1 );
+    assert( iDb<MAX_ATTACHED+2 );
+    mask = 1<<iDb;
+    if( (pParse->cookieMask & mask)==0 ){
+      pParse->cookieMask |= mask;
+      pParse->cookieValue[iDb] = db->aDb[iDb].pSchema->schema_cookie;
+      if( !OMIT_TEMPDB && iDb==1 ){
+        sqlite3OpenTempDatabase(pParse);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+** Generate VDBE code that prepares for doing an operation that
+** might change the database.
+** This routine starts a new transaction if we are not already within
+** a transaction.  If we are already within a transaction, then a checkpoint
+** is set if the setStatement parameter is true.  A checkpoint should
+** be set for operations that might fail (due to a constraint) part of
+** the way through and which will need to undo some writes without having to
+** rollback the whole transaction.  For operations where all constraints
+** can be checked before any changes are made to the database, it is never
+** necessary to undo a write and the checkpoint should not be set.
+** Only database iDb and the temp database are made writable by this call.
+** If iDb==0, then the main and temp databases are made writable.   If
+** iDb==1 then only the temp database is made writable.  If iDb>1 then the
+** specified auxiliary database and the temp database are made writable.
+void sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(Parse *pParse, int setStatement, int iDb){
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ) return;
+  sqlite3CodeVerifySchema(pParse, iDb);
+  pParse->writeMask |= 1<<iDb;
+  if( setStatement && pParse->nested==0 ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Statement, iDb, 0);
+  }
+  if( (OMIT_TEMPDB || iDb!=1) && pParse->db->aDb[1].pBt!=0 ){
+    sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, setStatement, 1);
+  }
+** Check to see if pIndex uses the collating sequence pColl.  Return
+** true if it does and false if it does not.
+static int collationMatch(const char *zColl, Index *pIndex){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<pIndex->nColumn; i++){
+    const char *z = pIndex->azColl[i];
+    if( z==zColl || (z && zColl && 0==sqlite3StrICmp(z, zColl)) ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Recompute all indices of pTab that use the collating sequence pColl.
+** If pColl==0 then recompute all indices of pTab.
+static void reindexTable(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab, char const *zColl){
+  Index *pIndex;              /* An index associated with pTab */
+  for(pIndex=pTab->pIndex; pIndex; pIndex=pIndex->pNext){
+    if( zColl==0 || collationMatch(zColl, pIndex) ){
+      int iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+      sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+      sqlite3RefillIndex(pParse, pIndex, -1);
+    }
+  }
+** Recompute all indices of all tables in all databases where the
+** indices use the collating sequence pColl.  If pColl==0 then recompute
+** all indices everywhere.
+static void reindexDatabases(Parse *pParse, char const *zColl){
+  Db *pDb;                    /* A single database */
+  int iDb;                    /* The database index number */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;   /* The database connection */
+  HashElem *k;                /* For looping over tables in pDb */
+  Table *pTab;                /* A table in the database */
+  for(iDb=0, pDb=db->aDb; iDb<db->nDb; iDb++, pDb++){
+    assert( pDb!=0 );
+    for(k=sqliteHashFirst(&pDb->pSchema->tblHash);  k; k=sqliteHashNext(k)){
+      pTab = (Table*)sqliteHashData(k);
+      reindexTable(pParse, pTab, zColl);
+    }
+  }
+** Generate code for the REINDEX command.
+**        REINDEX                            -- 1
+**        REINDEX  <collation>               -- 2
+**        REINDEX  ?<database>.?<tablename>  -- 3
+**        REINDEX  ?<database>.?<indexname>  -- 4
+** Form 1 causes all indices in all attached databases to be rebuilt.
+** Form 2 rebuilds all indices in all databases that use the named
+** collating function.  Forms 3 and 4 rebuild the named index or all
+** indices associated with the named table.
+void sqlite3Reindex(Parse *pParse, Token *pName1, Token *pName2){
+  CollSeq *pColl;             /* Collating sequence to be reindexed, or NULL */
+  char *z;                    /* Name of a table or index */
+  const char *zDb;            /* Name of the database */
+  Table *pTab;                /* A table in the database */
+  Index *pIndex;              /* An index associated with pTab */
+  int iDb;                    /* The database index number */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;   /* The database connection */
+  Token *pObjName;            /* Name of the table or index to be reindexed */
+  /* Read the database schema. If an error occurs, leave an error message
+  ** and code in pParse and return NULL. */
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=sqlite3ReadSchema(pParse) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  if( pName1==0 || pName1->z==0 ){
+    reindexDatabases(pParse, 0);
+    return;
+  }else if( pName2==0 || pName2->z==0 ){
+    assert( pName1->z );
+    pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, ENC(db), (char*)pName1->z, pName1->n, 0);
+    if( pColl ){
+      char *zColl = sqliteStrNDup((const char *)pName1->z, pName1->n);
+      if( zColl ){
+        reindexDatabases(pParse, zColl);
+        sqliteFree(zColl);
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3TwoPartName(pParse, pName1, pName2, &pObjName);
+  if( iDb<0 ) return;
+  z = sqlite3NameFromToken(pObjName);
+  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  pTab = sqlite3FindTable(db, z, zDb);
+  if( pTab ){
+    reindexTable(pParse, pTab, 0);
+    sqliteFree(z);
+    return;
+  }
+  pIndex = sqlite3FindIndex(db, z, zDb);
+  sqliteFree(z);
+  if( pIndex ){
+    sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, 0, iDb);
+    sqlite3RefillIndex(pParse, pIndex, -1);
+    return;
+  }
+  sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "unable to identify the object to be reindexed");
+** Return a dynamicly allocated KeyInfo structure that can be used
+** with OP_OpenRead or OP_OpenWrite to access database index pIdx.
+** If successful, a pointer to the new structure is returned. In this case
+** the caller is responsible for calling sqliteFree() on the returned 
+** pointer. If an error occurs (out of memory or missing collation 
+** sequence), NULL is returned and the state of pParse updated to reflect
+** the error.
+KeyInfo *sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(Parse *pParse, Index *pIdx){
+  int i;
+  int nCol = pIdx->nColumn;
+  int nBytes = sizeof(KeyInfo) + (nCol-1)*sizeof(CollSeq*) + nCol;
+  KeyInfo *pKey = (KeyInfo *)sqliteMalloc(nBytes);
+  if( pKey ){
+    pKey->aSortOrder = (u8 *)&(pKey->aColl[nCol]);
+    assert( &pKey->aSortOrder[nCol]==&(((u8 *)pKey)[nBytes]) );
+    for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+      char *zColl = pIdx->azColl[i];
+      assert( zColl );
+      pKey->aColl[i] = sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, zColl, -1);
+      pKey->aSortOrder[i] = pIdx->aSortOrder[i];
+    }
+    pKey->nField = nCol;
+  }
+  if( pParse->nErr ){
+    sqliteFree(pKey);
+    pKey = 0;
+  }
+  return pKey;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/callback.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/callback.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/callback.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+** 2005 May 23 
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains functions used to access the internal hash tables
+** of user defined functions and collation sequences.
+** $Id: callback.c,v 1.16 2007/02/02 12:44:37 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** Invoke the 'collation needed' callback to request a collation sequence
+** in the database text encoding of name zName, length nName.
+** If the collation sequence
+static void callCollNeeded(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, int nName){
+  assert( !db->xCollNeeded || !db->xCollNeeded16 );
+  if( nName<0 ) nName = strlen(zName);
+  if( db->xCollNeeded ){
+    char *zExternal = sqliteStrNDup(zName, nName);
+    if( !zExternal ) return;
+    db->xCollNeeded(db->pCollNeededArg, db, (int)ENC(db), zExternal);
+    sqliteFree(zExternal);
+  }
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+  if( db->xCollNeeded16 ){
+    char const *zExternal;
+    sqlite3_value *pTmp = sqlite3ValueNew();
+    sqlite3ValueSetStr(pTmp, nName, zName, SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);
+    zExternal = sqlite3ValueText(pTmp, SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE);
+    if( zExternal ){
+      db->xCollNeeded16(db->pCollNeededArg, db, (int)ENC(db), zExternal);
+    }
+    sqlite3ValueFree(pTmp);
+  }
+** This routine is called if the collation factory fails to deliver a
+** collation function in the best encoding but there may be other versions
+** of this collation function (for other text encodings) available. Use one
+** of these instead if they exist. Avoid a UTF-8 <-> UTF-16 conversion if
+** possible.
+static int synthCollSeq(sqlite3 *db, CollSeq *pColl){
+  CollSeq *pColl2;
+  char *z = pColl->zName;
+  int n = strlen(z);
+  int i;
+  static const u8 aEnc[] = { SQLITE_UTF16BE, SQLITE_UTF16LE, SQLITE_UTF8 };
+  for(i=0; i<3; i++){
+    pColl2 = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, aEnc[i], z, n, 0);
+    if( pColl2->xCmp!=0 ){
+      memcpy(pColl, pColl2, sizeof(CollSeq));
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_ERROR;
+** This function is responsible for invoking the collation factory callback
+** or substituting a collation sequence of a different encoding when the
+** requested collation sequence is not available in the database native
+** encoding.
+** If it is not NULL, then pColl must point to the database native encoding 
+** collation sequence with name zName, length nName.
+** The return value is either the collation sequence to be used in database
+** db for collation type name zName, length nName, or NULL, if no collation
+** sequence can be found.
+CollSeq *sqlite3GetCollSeq(
+  sqlite3* db, 
+  CollSeq *pColl, 
+  const char *zName, 
+  int nName
+  CollSeq *p;
+  p = pColl;
+  if( !p ){
+    p = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, ENC(db), zName, nName, 0);
+  }
+  if( !p || !p->xCmp ){
+    /* No collation sequence of this type for this encoding is registered.
+    ** Call the collation factory to see if it can supply us with one.
+    */
+    callCollNeeded(db, zName, nName);
+    p = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, ENC(db), zName, nName, 0);
+  }
+  if( p && !p->xCmp && synthCollSeq(db, p) ){
+    p = 0;
+  }
+  assert( !p || p->xCmp );
+  return p;
+** This routine is called on a collation sequence before it is used to
+** check that it is defined. An undefined collation sequence exists when
+** a database is loaded that contains references to collation sequences
+** that have not been defined by sqlite3_create_collation() etc.
+** If required, this routine calls the 'collation needed' callback to
+** request a definition of the collating sequence. If this doesn't work, 
+** an equivalent collating sequence that uses a text encoding different
+** from the main database is substituted, if one is available.
+int sqlite3CheckCollSeq(Parse *pParse, CollSeq *pColl){
+  if( pColl ){
+    const char *zName = pColl->zName;
+    CollSeq *p = sqlite3GetCollSeq(pParse->db, pColl, zName, -1);
+    if( !p ){
+      if( pParse->nErr==0 ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such collation sequence: %s", zName);
+      }
+      pParse->nErr++;
+      return SQLITE_ERROR;
+    }
+    assert( p==pColl );
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Locate and return an entry from the db.aCollSeq hash table. If the entry
+** specified by zName and nName is not found and parameter 'create' is
+** true, then create a new entry. Otherwise return NULL.
+** Each pointer stored in the sqlite3.aCollSeq hash table contains an
+** array of three CollSeq structures. The first is the collation sequence
+** prefferred for UTF-8, the second UTF-16le, and the third UTF-16be.
+** Stored immediately after the three collation sequences is a copy of
+** the collation sequence name. A pointer to this string is stored in
+** each collation sequence structure.
+static CollSeq *findCollSeqEntry(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  const char *zName,
+  int nName,
+  int create
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  if( nName<0 ) nName = strlen(zName);
+  pColl = sqlite3HashFind(&db->aCollSeq, zName, nName);
+  if( 0==pColl && create ){
+    pColl = sqliteMalloc( 3*sizeof(*pColl) + nName + 1 );
+    if( pColl ){
+      CollSeq *pDel = 0;
+      pColl[0].zName = (char*)&pColl[3];
+      pColl[0].enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
+      pColl[1].zName = (char*)&pColl[3];
+      pColl[1].enc = SQLITE_UTF16LE;
+      pColl[2].zName = (char*)&pColl[3];
+      pColl[2].enc = SQLITE_UTF16BE;
+      memcpy(pColl[0].zName, zName, nName);
+      pColl[0].zName[nName] = 0;
+      pDel = sqlite3HashInsert(&db->aCollSeq, pColl[0].zName, nName, pColl);
+      /* If a malloc() failure occured in sqlite3HashInsert(), it will 
+      ** return the pColl pointer to be deleted (because it wasn't added
+      ** to the hash table).
+      */
+      assert( !pDel || (sqlite3MallocFailed() && pDel==pColl) );
+      if( pDel ){
+        sqliteFree(pDel);
+        pColl = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return pColl;
+** Parameter zName points to a UTF-8 encoded string nName bytes long.
+** Return the CollSeq* pointer for the collation sequence named zName
+** for the encoding 'enc' from the database 'db'.
+** If the entry specified is not found and 'create' is true, then create a
+** new entry.  Otherwise return NULL.
+** A separate function sqlite3LocateCollSeq() is a wrapper around
+** this routine.  sqlite3LocateCollSeq() invokes the collation factory
+** if necessary and generates an error message if the collating sequence
+** cannot be found.
+CollSeq *sqlite3FindCollSeq(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  u8 enc,
+  const char *zName,
+  int nName,
+  int create
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  if( zName ){
+    pColl = findCollSeqEntry(db, zName, nName, create);
+  }else{
+    pColl = db->pDfltColl;
+  }
+  assert( SQLITE_UTF8==1 && SQLITE_UTF16LE==2 && SQLITE_UTF16BE==3 );
+  assert( enc>=SQLITE_UTF8 && enc<=SQLITE_UTF16BE );
+  if( pColl ) pColl += enc-1;
+  return pColl;
+** Locate a user function given a name, a number of arguments and a flag
+** indicating whether the function prefers UTF-16 over UTF-8.  Return a
+** pointer to the FuncDef structure that defines that function, or return
+** NULL if the function does not exist.
+** If the createFlag argument is true, then a new (blank) FuncDef
+** structure is created and liked into the "db" structure if a
+** no matching function previously existed.  When createFlag is true
+** and the nArg parameter is -1, then only a function that accepts
+** any number of arguments will be returned.
+** If createFlag is false and nArg is -1, then the first valid
+** function found is returned.  A function is valid if either xFunc
+** or xStep is non-zero.
+** If createFlag is false, then a function with the required name and
+** number of arguments may be returned even if the eTextRep flag does not
+** match that requested.
+FuncDef *sqlite3FindFunction(
+  sqlite3 *db,       /* An open database */
+  const char *zName, /* Name of the function.  Not null-terminated */
+  int nName,         /* Number of characters in the name */
+  int nArg,          /* Number of arguments.  -1 means any number */
+  u8 enc,            /* Preferred text encoding */
+  int createFlag     /* Create new entry if true and does not otherwise exist */
+  FuncDef *p;         /* Iterator variable */
+  FuncDef *pFirst;    /* First function with this name */
+  FuncDef *pBest = 0; /* Best match found so far */
+  int bestmatch = 0;  
+  assert( enc==SQLITE_UTF8 || enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE || enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE );
+  if( nArg<-1 ) nArg = -1;
+  pFirst = (FuncDef*)sqlite3HashFind(&db->aFunc, zName, nName);
+  for(p=pFirst; p; p=p->pNext){
+    /* During the search for the best function definition, bestmatch is set
+    ** as follows to indicate the quality of the match with the definition
+    ** pointed to by pBest:
+    **
+    ** 0: pBest is NULL. No match has been found.
+    ** 1: A variable arguments function that prefers UTF-8 when a UTF-16
+    **    encoding is requested, or vice versa.
+    ** 2: A variable arguments function that uses UTF-16BE when UTF-16LE is
+    **    requested, or vice versa.
+    ** 3: A variable arguments function using the same text encoding.
+    ** 4: A function with the exact number of arguments requested that
+    **    prefers UTF-8 when a UTF-16 encoding is requested, or vice versa.
+    ** 5: A function with the exact number of arguments requested that
+    **    prefers UTF-16LE when UTF-16BE is requested, or vice versa.
+    ** 6: An exact match.
+    **
+    ** A larger value of 'matchqual' indicates a more desirable match.
+    */
+    if( p->nArg==-1 || p->nArg==nArg || nArg==-1 ){
+      int match = 1;          /* Quality of this match */
+      if( p->nArg==nArg || nArg==-1 ){
+        match = 4;
+      }
+      if( enc==p->iPrefEnc ){
+        match += 2;
+      }
+      else if( (enc==SQLITE_UTF16LE && p->iPrefEnc==SQLITE_UTF16BE) ||
+               (enc==SQLITE_UTF16BE && p->iPrefEnc==SQLITE_UTF16LE) ){
+        match += 1;
+      }
+      if( match>bestmatch ){
+        pBest = p;
+        bestmatch = match;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* If the createFlag parameter is true, and the seach did not reveal an
+  ** exact match for the name, number of arguments and encoding, then add a
+  ** new entry to the hash table and return it.
+  */
+  if( createFlag && bestmatch<6 && 
+      (pBest = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(*pBest)+nName))!=0 ){
+    pBest->nArg = nArg;
+    pBest->pNext = pFirst;
+    pBest->iPrefEnc = enc;
+    memcpy(pBest->zName, zName, nName);
+    pBest->zName[nName] = 0;
+    if( pBest==sqlite3HashInsert(&db->aFunc,pBest->zName,nName,(void*)pBest) ){
+      sqliteFree(pBest);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pBest && (pBest->xStep || pBest->xFunc || createFlag) ){
+    return pBest;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Free all resources held by the schema structure. The void* argument points
+** at a Schema struct. This function does not call sqliteFree() on the 
+** pointer itself, it just cleans up subsiduary resources (i.e. the contents
+** of the schema hash tables).
+void sqlite3SchemaFree(void *p){
+  Hash temp1;
+  Hash temp2;
+  HashElem *pElem;
+  Schema *pSchema = (Schema *)p;
+  temp1 = pSchema->tblHash;
+  temp2 = pSchema->trigHash;
+  sqlite3HashInit(&pSchema->trigHash, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+  sqlite3HashClear(&pSchema->aFKey);
+  sqlite3HashClear(&pSchema->idxHash);
+  for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(&temp2); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){
+    sqlite3DeleteTrigger((Trigger*)sqliteHashData(pElem));
+  }
+  sqlite3HashClear(&temp2);
+  sqlite3HashInit(&pSchema->tblHash, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+  for(pElem=sqliteHashFirst(&temp1); pElem; pElem=sqliteHashNext(pElem)){
+    Table *pTab = sqliteHashData(pElem);
+    sqlite3DeleteTable(0, pTab);
+  }
+  sqlite3HashClear(&temp1);
+  pSchema->pSeqTab = 0;
+  pSchema->flags &= ~DB_SchemaLoaded;
+** Find and return the schema associated with a BTree.  Create
+** a new one if necessary.
+Schema *sqlite3SchemaGet(Btree *pBt){
+  Schema * p;
+  if( pBt ){
+    p = (Schema *)sqlite3BtreeSchema(pBt,sizeof(Schema),sqlite3SchemaFree);
+  }else{
+    p = (Schema *)sqliteMalloc(sizeof(Schema));
+  }
+  if( p && 0==p->file_format ){
+    sqlite3HashInit(&p->tblHash, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+    sqlite3HashInit(&p->idxHash, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+    sqlite3HashInit(&p->trigHash, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+    sqlite3HashInit(&p->aFKey, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 1);
+    p->enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
+  }
+  return p;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/complete.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/complete.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/complete.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** An tokenizer for SQL
+** This file contains C code that implements the sqlite3_complete() API.
+** This code used to be part of the tokenizer.c source file.  But by
+** separating it out, the code will be automatically omitted from
+** static links that do not use it.
+** $Id: complete.c,v 1.3 2006/01/18 15:25:17 danielk1977 Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** This is defined in tokenize.c.  We just have to import the definition.
+extern const char sqlite3IsIdChar[];
+#define IdChar(C)  (((c=C)&0x80)!=0 || (c>0x1f && sqlite3IsIdChar[c-0x20]))
+** Token types used by the sqlite3_complete() routine.  See the header
+** comments on that procedure for additional information.
+#define tkSEMI    0
+#define tkWS      1
+#define tkOTHER   2
+#define tkEXPLAIN 3
+#define tkCREATE  4
+#define tkTEMP    5
+#define tkTRIGGER 6
+#define tkEND     7
+** Return TRUE if the given SQL string ends in a semicolon.
+** Special handling is require for CREATE TRIGGER statements.
+** Whenever the CREATE TRIGGER keywords are seen, the statement
+** must end with ";END;".
+** This implementation uses a state machine with 7 states:
+**   (0) START     At the beginning or end of an SQL statement.  This routine
+**                 returns 1 if it ends in the START state and 0 if it ends
+**                 in any other state.
+**   (1) NORMAL    We are in the middle of statement which ends with a single
+**                 semicolon.
+**   (2) EXPLAIN   The keyword EXPLAIN has been seen at the beginning of 
+**                 a statement.
+**   (3) CREATE    The keyword CREATE has been seen at the beginning of a
+**                 statement, possibly preceeded by EXPLAIN and/or followed by
+**                 TEMP or TEMPORARY
+**   (4) TRIGGER   We are in the middle of a trigger definition that must be
+**                 ended by a semicolon, the keyword END, and another semicolon.
+**   (5) SEMI      We've seen the first semicolon in the ";END;" that occurs at
+**                 the end of a trigger definition.
+**   (6) END       We've seen the ";END" of the ";END;" that occurs at the end
+**                 of a trigger difinition.
+** Transitions between states above are determined by tokens extracted
+** from the input.  The following tokens are significant:
+**   (0) tkSEMI      A semicolon.
+**   (1) tkWS        Whitespace
+**   (2) tkOTHER     Any other SQL token.
+**   (3) tkEXPLAIN   The "explain" keyword.
+**   (4) tkCREATE    The "create" keyword.
+**   (5) tkTEMP      The "temp" or "temporary" keyword.
+**   (6) tkTRIGGER   The "trigger" keyword.
+**   (7) tkEND       The "end" keyword.
+** Whitespace never causes a state transition and is always ignored.
+** If we compile with SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER, all of the computation needed
+** to recognize the end of a trigger can be omitted.  All we have to do
+** is look for a semicolon that is not part of an string or comment.
+int sqlite3_complete(const char *zSql){
+  u8 state = 0;   /* Current state, using numbers defined in header comment */
+  u8 token;       /* Value of the next token */
+  /* A complex statement machine used to detect the end of a CREATE TRIGGER
+  ** statement.  This is the normal case.
+  */
+  static const u8 trans[7][8] = {
+                     /* Token:                                                */
+     /* State:       **  SEMI  WS  OTHER EXPLAIN  CREATE  TEMP  TRIGGER  END  */
+     /* 0   START: */ {    0,  0,     1,      2,      3,    1,       1,   1,  },
+     /* 1  NORMAL: */ {    0,  1,     1,      1,      1,    1,       1,   1,  },
+     /* 2 EXPLAIN: */ {    0,  2,     1,      1,      3,    1,       1,   1,  },
+     /* 3  CREATE: */ {    0,  3,     1,      1,      1,    3,       4,   1,  },
+     /* 4 TRIGGER: */ {    5,  4,     4,      4,      4,    4,       4,   4,  },
+     /* 5    SEMI: */ {    5,  5,     4,      4,      4,    4,       4,   6,  },
+     /* 6     END: */ {    0,  6,     4,      4,      4,    4,       4,   4,  },
+  };
+  /* If triggers are not suppored by this compile then the statement machine
+  ** used to detect the end of a statement is much simplier
+  */
+  static const u8 trans[2][3] = {
+                     /* Token:           */
+     /* State:       **  SEMI  WS  OTHER */
+     /* 0   START: */ {    0,  0,     1, },
+     /* 1  NORMAL: */ {    0,  1,     1, },
+  };
+  while( *zSql ){
+    switch( *zSql ){
+      case ';': {  /* A semicolon */
+        token = tkSEMI;
+        break;
+      }
+      case ' ':
+      case '\r':
+      case '\t':
+      case '\n':
+      case '\f': {  /* White space is ignored */
+        token = tkWS;
+        break;
+      }
+      case '/': {   /* C-style comments */
+        if( zSql[1]!='*' ){
+          token = tkOTHER;
+          break;
+        }
+        zSql += 2;
+        while( zSql[0] && (zSql[0]!='*' || zSql[1]!='/') ){ zSql++; }
+        if( zSql[0]==0 ) return 0;
+        zSql++;
+        token = tkWS;
+        break;
+      }
+      case '-': {   /* SQL-style comments from "--" to end of line */
+        if( zSql[1]!='-' ){
+          token = tkOTHER;
+          break;
+        }
+        while( *zSql && *zSql!='\n' ){ zSql++; }
+        if( *zSql==0 ) return state==0;
+        token = tkWS;
+        break;
+      }
+      case '[': {   /* Microsoft-style identifiers in [...] */
+        zSql++;
+        while( *zSql && *zSql!=']' ){ zSql++; }
+        if( *zSql==0 ) return 0;
+        token = tkOTHER;
+        break;
+      }
+      case '`':     /* Grave-accent quoted symbols used by MySQL */
+      case '"':     /* single- and double-quoted strings */
+      case '\'': {
+        int c = *zSql;
+        zSql++;
+        while( *zSql && *zSql!=c ){ zSql++; }
+        if( *zSql==0 ) return 0;
+        token = tkOTHER;
+        break;
+      }
+      default: {
+        int c;
+        if( IdChar((u8)*zSql) ){
+          /* Keywords and unquoted identifiers */
+          int nId;
+          for(nId=1; IdChar(zSql[nId]); nId++){}
+          token = tkOTHER;
+          switch( *zSql ){
+            case 'c': case 'C': {
+              if( nId==6 && sqlite3StrNICmp(zSql, "create", 6)==0 ){
+                token = tkCREATE;
+              }else{
+                token = tkOTHER;
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            case 't': case 'T': {
+              if( nId==7 && sqlite3StrNICmp(zSql, "trigger", 7)==0 ){
+                token = tkTRIGGER;
+              }else if( nId==4 && sqlite3StrNICmp(zSql, "temp", 4)==0 ){
+                token = tkTEMP;
+              }else if( nId==9 && sqlite3StrNICmp(zSql, "temporary", 9)==0 ){
+                token = tkTEMP;
+              }else{
+                token = tkOTHER;
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            case 'e':  case 'E': {
+              if( nId==3 && sqlite3StrNICmp(zSql, "end", 3)==0 ){
+                token = tkEND;
+              }else
+              if( nId==7 && sqlite3StrNICmp(zSql, "explain", 7)==0 ){
+                token = tkEXPLAIN;
+              }else
+              {
+                token = tkOTHER;
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+            default: {
+              token = tkOTHER;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+          zSql += nId-1;
+        }else{
+          /* Operators and special symbols */
+          token = tkOTHER;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    state = trans[state][token];
+    zSql++;
+  }
+  return state==0;
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+** This routine is the same as the sqlite3_complete() routine described
+** above, except that the parameter is required to be UTF-16 encoded, not
+** UTF-8.
+int sqlite3_complete16(const void *zSql){
+  sqlite3_value *pVal;
+  char const *zSql8;
+  int rc = 0;
+  pVal = sqlite3ValueNew();
+  sqlite3ValueSetStr(pVal, -1, zSql, SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  zSql8 = sqlite3ValueText(pVal, SQLITE_UTF8);
+  if( zSql8 ){
+    rc = sqlite3_complete(zSql8);
+  }
+  sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/date.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/date.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/date.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,1026 @@
+** 2003 October 31
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains the C functions that implement date and time
+** functions for SQLite.  
+** There is only one exported symbol in this file - the function
+** sqlite3RegisterDateTimeFunctions() found at the bottom of the file.
+** All other code has file scope.
+** $Id: date.c,v 1.60 2007/01/08 16:19:07 drh Exp $
+** NOTES:
+** SQLite processes all times and dates as Julian Day numbers.  The
+** dates and times are stored as the number of days since noon
+** in Greenwich on November 24, 4714 B.C. according to the Gregorian
+** calendar system. 
+** 1970-01-01 00:00:00 is JD 2440587.5
+** 2000-01-01 00:00:00 is JD 2451544.5
+** This implemention requires years to be expressed as a 4-digit number
+** which means that only dates between 0000-01-01 and 9999-12-31 can
+** be represented, even though julian day numbers allow a much wider
+** range of dates.
+** The Gregorian calendar system is used for all dates and times,
+** even those that predate the Gregorian calendar.  Historians usually
+** use the Julian calendar for dates prior to 1582-10-15 and for some
+** dates afterwards, depending on locale.  Beware of this difference.
+** The conversion algorithms are implemented based on descriptions
+** in the following text:
+**      Jean Meeus
+**      Astronomical Algorithms, 2nd Edition, 1998
+**      ISBM 0-943396-61-1
+**      Willmann-Bell, Inc
+**      Richmond, Virginia (USA)
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <time.h>
+** A structure for holding a single date and time.
+typedef struct DateTime DateTime;
+struct DateTime {
+  double rJD;      /* The julian day number */
+  int Y, M, D;     /* Year, month, and day */
+  int h, m;        /* Hour and minutes */
+  int tz;          /* Timezone offset in minutes */
+  double s;        /* Seconds */
+  char validYMD;   /* True if Y,M,D are valid */
+  char validHMS;   /* True if h,m,s are valid */
+  char validJD;    /* True if rJD is valid */
+  char validTZ;    /* True if tz is valid */
+** Convert zDate into one or more integers.  Additional arguments
+** come in groups of 5 as follows:
+**       N       number of digits in the integer
+**       min     minimum allowed value of the integer
+**       max     maximum allowed value of the integer
+**       nextC   first character after the integer
+**       pVal    where to write the integers value.
+** Conversions continue until one with nextC==0 is encountered.
+** The function returns the number of successful conversions.
+static int getDigits(const char *zDate, ...){
+  va_list ap;
+  int val;
+  int N;
+  int min;
+  int max;
+  int nextC;
+  int *pVal;
+  int cnt = 0;
+  va_start(ap, zDate);
+  do{
+    N = va_arg(ap, int);
+    min = va_arg(ap, int);
+    max = va_arg(ap, int);
+    nextC = va_arg(ap, int);
+    pVal = va_arg(ap, int*);
+    val = 0;
+    while( N-- ){
+      if( !isdigit(*(u8*)zDate) ){
+        goto end_getDigits;
+      }
+      val = val*10 + *zDate - '0';
+      zDate++;
+    }
+    if( val<min || val>max || (nextC!=0 && nextC!=*zDate) ){
+      goto end_getDigits;
+    }
+    *pVal = val;
+    zDate++;
+    cnt++;
+  }while( nextC );
+  va_end(ap);
+  return cnt;
+** Read text from z[] and convert into a floating point number.  Return
+** the number of digits converted.
+#define getValue sqlite3AtoF
+** Parse a timezone extension on the end of a date-time.
+** The extension is of the form:
+**        (+/-)HH:MM
+** If the parse is successful, write the number of minutes
+** of change in *pnMin and return 0.  If a parser error occurs,
+** return 0.
+** A missing specifier is not considered an error.
+static int parseTimezone(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
+  int sgn = 0;
+  int nHr, nMn;
+  while( isspace(*(u8*)zDate) ){ zDate++; }
+  p->tz = 0;
+  if( *zDate=='-' ){
+    sgn = -1;
+  }else if( *zDate=='+' ){
+    sgn = +1;
+  }else{
+    return *zDate!=0;
+  }
+  zDate++;
+  if( getDigits(zDate, 2, 0, 14, ':', &nHr, 2, 0, 59, 0, &nMn)!=2 ){
+    return 1;
+  }
+  zDate += 5;
+  p->tz = sgn*(nMn + nHr*60);
+  while( isspace(*(u8*)zDate) ){ zDate++; }
+  return *zDate!=0;
+** Parse times of the form HH:MM or HH:MM:SS or HH:MM:SS.FFFF.
+** The HH, MM, and SS must each be exactly 2 digits.  The
+** fractional seconds FFFF can be one or more digits.
+** Return 1 if there is a parsing error and 0 on success.
+static int parseHhMmSs(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
+  int h, m, s;
+  double ms = 0.0;
+  if( getDigits(zDate, 2, 0, 24, ':', &h, 2, 0, 59, 0, &m)!=2 ){
+    return 1;
+  }
+  zDate += 5;
+  if( *zDate==':' ){
+    zDate++;
+    if( getDigits(zDate, 2, 0, 59, 0, &s)!=1 ){
+      return 1;
+    }
+    zDate += 2;
+    if( *zDate=='.' && isdigit((u8)zDate[1]) ){
+      double rScale = 1.0;
+      zDate++;
+      while( isdigit(*(u8*)zDate) ){
+        ms = ms*10.0 + *zDate - '0';
+        rScale *= 10.0;
+        zDate++;
+      }
+      ms /= rScale;
+    }
+  }else{
+    s = 0;
+  }
+  p->validJD = 0;
+  p->validHMS = 1;
+  p->h = h;
+  p->m = m;
+  p->s = s + ms;
+  if( parseTimezone(zDate, p) ) return 1;
+  p->validTZ = p->tz!=0;
+  return 0;
+** Convert from YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS to julian day.  We always assume
+** that the YYYY-MM-DD is according to the Gregorian calendar.
+** Reference:  Meeus page 61
+static void computeJD(DateTime *p){
+  int Y, M, D, A, B, X1, X2;
+  if( p->validJD ) return;
+  if( p->validYMD ){
+    Y = p->Y;
+    M = p->M;
+    D = p->D;
+  }else{
+    Y = 2000;  /* If no YMD specified, assume 2000-Jan-01 */
+    M = 1;
+    D = 1;
+  }
+  if( M<=2 ){
+    Y--;
+    M += 12;
+  }
+  A = Y/100;
+  B = 2 - A + (A/4);
+  X1 = 365.25*(Y+4716);
+  X2 = 30.6001*(M+1);
+  p->rJD = X1 + X2 + D + B - 1524.5;
+  p->validJD = 1;
+  if( p->validHMS ){
+    p->rJD += (p->h*3600.0 + p->m*60.0 + p->s)/86400.0;
+    if( p->validTZ ){
+      p->rJD -= p->tz*60/86400.0;
+      p->validYMD = 0;
+      p->validHMS = 0;
+      p->validTZ = 0;
+    }
+  }
+** Parse dates of the form
+**     YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
+**     YYYY-MM-DD
+** Write the result into the DateTime structure and return 0
+** on success and 1 if the input string is not a well-formed
+** date.
+static int parseYyyyMmDd(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
+  int Y, M, D, neg;
+  if( zDate[0]=='-' ){
+    zDate++;
+    neg = 1;
+  }else{
+    neg = 0;
+  }
+  if( getDigits(zDate,4,0,9999,'-',&Y,2,1,12,'-',&M,2,1,31,0,&D)!=3 ){
+    return 1;
+  }
+  zDate += 10;
+  while( isspace(*(u8*)zDate) || 'T'==*(u8*)zDate ){ zDate++; }
+  if( parseHhMmSs(zDate, p)==0 ){
+    /* We got the time */
+  }else if( *zDate==0 ){
+    p->validHMS = 0;
+  }else{
+    return 1;
+  }
+  p->validJD = 0;
+  p->validYMD = 1;
+  p->Y = neg ? -Y : Y;
+  p->M = M;
+  p->D = D;
+  if( p->validTZ ){
+    computeJD(p);
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Attempt to parse the given string into a Julian Day Number.  Return
+** the number of errors.
+** The following are acceptable forms for the input string:
+**      YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFF  +/-HH:MM
+**      DDDD.DD 
+**      now
+** In the first form, the +/-HH:MM is always optional.  The fractional
+** seconds extension (the ".FFF") is optional.  The seconds portion
+** (":SS.FFF") is option.  The year and date can be omitted as long
+** as there is a time string.  The time string can be omitted as long
+** as there is a year and date.
+static int parseDateOrTime(const char *zDate, DateTime *p){
+  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
+  if( parseYyyyMmDd(zDate,p)==0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }else if( parseHhMmSs(zDate, p)==0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }else if( sqlite3StrICmp(zDate,"now")==0){
+    double r;
+    sqlite3OsCurrentTime(&r);
+    p->rJD = r;
+    p->validJD = 1;
+    return 0;
+  }else if( sqlite3IsNumber(zDate, 0, SQLITE_UTF8) ){
+    getValue(zDate, &p->rJD);
+    p->validJD = 1;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  return 1;
+** Compute the Year, Month, and Day from the julian day number.
+static void computeYMD(DateTime *p){
+  int Z, A, B, C, D, E, X1;
+  if( p->validYMD ) return;
+  if( !p->validJD ){
+    p->Y = 2000;
+    p->M = 1;
+    p->D = 1;
+  }else{
+    Z = p->rJD + 0.5;
+    A = (Z - 1867216.25)/36524.25;
+    A = Z + 1 + A - (A/4);
+    B = A + 1524;
+    C = (B - 122.1)/365.25;
+    D = 365.25*C;
+    E = (B-D)/30.6001;
+    X1 = 30.6001*E;
+    p->D = B - D - X1;
+    p->M = E<14 ? E-1 : E-13;
+    p->Y = p->M>2 ? C - 4716 : C - 4715;
+  }
+  p->validYMD = 1;
+** Compute the Hour, Minute, and Seconds from the julian day number.
+static void computeHMS(DateTime *p){
+  int Z, s;
+  if( p->validHMS ) return;
+  computeJD(p);
+  Z = p->rJD + 0.5;
+  s = (p->rJD + 0.5 - Z)*86400000.0 + 0.5;
+  p->s = 0.001*s;
+  s = p->s;
+  p->s -= s;
+  p->h = s/3600;
+  s -= p->h*3600;
+  p->m = s/60;
+  p->s += s - p->m*60;
+  p->validHMS = 1;
+** Compute both YMD and HMS
+static void computeYMD_HMS(DateTime *p){
+  computeYMD(p);
+  computeHMS(p);
+** Clear the YMD and HMS and the TZ
+static void clearYMD_HMS_TZ(DateTime *p){
+  p->validYMD = 0;
+  p->validHMS = 0;
+  p->validTZ = 0;
+** Compute the difference (in days) between localtime and UTC (a.k.a. GMT)
+** for the time value p where p is in UTC.
+static double localtimeOffset(DateTime *p){
+  DateTime x, y;
+  time_t t;
+  x = *p;
+  computeYMD_HMS(&x);
+  if( x.Y<1971 || x.Y>=2038 ){
+    x.Y = 2000;
+    x.M = 1;
+    x.D = 1;
+    x.h = 0;
+    x.m = 0;
+    x.s = 0.0;
+  } else {
+    int s = x.s + 0.5;
+    x.s = s;
+  }
+  x.tz = 0;
+  x.validJD = 0;
+  computeJD(&x);
+  t = (x.rJD-2440587.5)*86400.0 + 0.5;
+  {
+    struct tm sLocal;
+    localtime_r(&t, &sLocal);
+    y.Y = sLocal.tm_year + 1900;
+    y.M = sLocal.tm_mon + 1;
+    y.D = sLocal.tm_mday;
+    y.h = sLocal.tm_hour;
+    y.m = sLocal.tm_min;
+    y.s = sLocal.tm_sec;
+  }
+  {
+    struct tm *pTm;
+    sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+    pTm = localtime(&t);
+    y.Y = pTm->tm_year + 1900;
+    y.M = pTm->tm_mon + 1;
+    y.D = pTm->tm_mday;
+    y.h = pTm->tm_hour;
+    y.m = pTm->tm_min;
+    y.s = pTm->tm_sec;
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  }
+  y.validYMD = 1;
+  y.validHMS = 1;
+  y.validJD = 0;
+  y.validTZ = 0;
+  computeJD(&y);
+  return y.rJD - x.rJD;
+** Process a modifier to a date-time stamp.  The modifiers are
+** as follows:
+**     NNN days
+**     NNN hours
+**     NNN minutes
+**     NNN.NNNN seconds
+**     NNN months
+**     NNN years
+**     start of month
+**     start of year
+**     start of week
+**     start of day
+**     weekday N
+**     unixepoch
+**     localtime
+**     utc
+** Return 0 on success and 1 if there is any kind of error.
+static int parseModifier(const char *zMod, DateTime *p){
+  int rc = 1;
+  int n;
+  double r;
+  char *z, zBuf[30];
+  z = zBuf;
+  for(n=0; n<sizeof(zBuf)-1 && zMod[n]; n++){
+    z[n] = tolower(zMod[n]);
+  }
+  z[n] = 0;
+  switch( z[0] ){
+    case 'l': {
+      /*    localtime
+      **
+      ** Assuming the current time value is UTC (a.k.a. GMT), shift it to
+      ** show local time.
+      */
+      if( strcmp(z, "localtime")==0 ){
+        computeJD(p);
+        p->rJD += localtimeOffset(p);
+        clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
+        rc = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case 'u': {
+      /*
+      **    unixepoch
+      **
+      ** Treat the current value of p->rJD as the number of
+      ** seconds since 1970.  Convert to a real julian day number.
+      */
+      if( strcmp(z, "unixepoch")==0 && p->validJD ){
+        p->rJD = p->rJD/86400.0 + 2440587.5;
+        clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
+        rc = 0;
+      }else if( strcmp(z, "utc")==0 ){
+        double c1;
+        computeJD(p);
+        c1 = localtimeOffset(p);
+        p->rJD -= c1;
+        clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
+        p->rJD += c1 - localtimeOffset(p);
+        rc = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case 'w': {
+      /*
+      **    weekday N
+      **
+      ** Move the date to the same time on the next occurrence of
+      ** weekday N where 0==Sunday, 1==Monday, and so forth.  If the
+      ** date is already on the appropriate weekday, this is a no-op.
+      */
+      if( strncmp(z, "weekday ", 8)==0 && getValue(&z[8],&r)>0
+                 && (n=r)==r && n>=0 && r<7 ){
+        int Z;
+        computeYMD_HMS(p);
+        p->validTZ = 0;
+        p->validJD = 0;
+        computeJD(p);
+        Z = p->rJD + 1.5;
+        Z %= 7;
+        if( Z>n ) Z -= 7;
+        p->rJD += n - Z;
+        clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
+        rc = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case 's': {
+      /*
+      **    start of TTTTT
+      **
+      ** Move the date backwards to the beginning of the current day,
+      ** or month or year.
+      */
+      if( strncmp(z, "start of ", 9)!=0 ) break;
+      z += 9;
+      computeYMD(p);
+      p->validHMS = 1;
+      p->h = p->m = 0;
+      p->s = 0.0;
+      p->validTZ = 0;
+      p->validJD = 0;
+      if( strcmp(z,"month")==0 ){
+        p->D = 1;
+        rc = 0;
+      }else if( strcmp(z,"year")==0 ){
+        computeYMD(p);
+        p->M = 1;
+        p->D = 1;
+        rc = 0;
+      }else if( strcmp(z,"day")==0 ){
+        rc = 0;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case '+':
+    case '-':
+    case '0':
+    case '1':
+    case '2':
+    case '3':
+    case '4':
+    case '5':
+    case '6':
+    case '7':
+    case '8':
+    case '9': {
+      n = getValue(z, &r);
+      if( n<=0 ) break;
+      if( z[n]==':' ){
+        /* A modifier of the form (+|-)HH:MM:SS.FFF adds (or subtracts) the
+        ** specified number of hours, minutes, seconds, and fractional seconds
+        ** to the time.  The ".FFF" may be omitted.  The ":SS.FFF" may be
+        ** omitted.
+        */
+        const char *z2 = z;
+        DateTime tx;
+        int day;
+        if( !isdigit(*(u8*)z2) ) z2++;
+        memset(&tx, 0, sizeof(tx));
+        if( parseHhMmSs(z2, &tx) ) break;
+        computeJD(&tx);
+        tx.rJD -= 0.5;
+        day = (int)tx.rJD;
+        tx.rJD -= day;
+        if( z[0]=='-' ) tx.rJD = -tx.rJD;
+        computeJD(p);
+        clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
+        p->rJD += tx.rJD;
+        rc = 0;
+        break;
+      }
+      z += n;
+      while( isspace(*(u8*)z) ) z++;
+      n = strlen(z);
+      if( n>10 || n<3 ) break;
+      if( z[n-1]=='s' ){ z[n-1] = 0; n--; }
+      computeJD(p);
+      rc = 0;
+      if( n==3 && strcmp(z,"day")==0 ){
+        p->rJD += r;
+      }else if( n==4 && strcmp(z,"hour")==0 ){
+        p->rJD += r/24.0;
+      }else if( n==6 && strcmp(z,"minute")==0 ){
+        p->rJD += r/(24.0*60.0);
+      }else if( n==6 && strcmp(z,"second")==0 ){
+        p->rJD += r/(24.0*60.0*60.0);
+      }else if( n==5 && strcmp(z,"month")==0 ){
+        int x, y;
+        computeYMD_HMS(p);
+        p->M += r;
+        x = p->M>0 ? (p->M-1)/12 : (p->M-12)/12;
+        p->Y += x;
+        p->M -= x*12;
+        p->validJD = 0;
+        computeJD(p);
+        y = r;
+        if( y!=r ){
+          p->rJD += (r - y)*30.0;
+        }
+      }else if( n==4 && strcmp(z,"year")==0 ){
+        computeYMD_HMS(p);
+        p->Y += r;
+        p->validJD = 0;
+        computeJD(p);
+      }else{
+        rc = 1;
+      }
+      clearYMD_HMS_TZ(p);
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Process time function arguments.  argv[0] is a date-time stamp.
+** argv[1] and following are modifiers.  Parse them all and write
+** the resulting time into the DateTime structure p.  Return 0
+** on success and 1 if there are any errors.
+static int isDate(int argc, sqlite3_value **argv, DateTime *p){
+  int i;
+  if( argc==0 ) return 1;
+  if( SQLITE_NULL==sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) || 
+      parseDateOrTime((char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]), p) ) return 1;
+  for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
+    if( SQLITE_NULL==sqlite3_value_type(argv[i]) || 
+        parseModifier((char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[i]), p) ) return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** The following routines implement the various date and time functions
+** of SQLite.
+**    julianday( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
+** Return the julian day number of the date specified in the arguments
+static void juliandayFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  DateTime x;
+  if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
+    computeJD(&x);
+    sqlite3_result_double(context, x.rJD);
+  }
+**    datetime( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
+** Return YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
+static void datetimeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  DateTime x;
+  if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
+    char zBuf[100];
+    computeYMD_HMS(&x);
+    sprintf(zBuf, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",x.Y, x.M, x.D, x.h, x.m,
+           (int)(x.s));
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, zBuf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  }
+**    time( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
+** Return HH:MM:SS
+static void timeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  DateTime x;
+  if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
+    char zBuf[100];
+    computeHMS(&x);
+    sprintf(zBuf, "%02d:%02d:%02d", x.h, x.m, (int)x.s);
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, zBuf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  }
+**    date( TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
+** Return YYYY-MM-DD
+static void dateFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  DateTime x;
+  if( isDate(argc, argv, &x)==0 ){
+    char zBuf[100];
+    computeYMD(&x);
+    sprintf(zBuf, "%04d-%02d-%02d", x.Y, x.M, x.D);
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, zBuf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  }
+**    strftime( FORMAT, TIMESTRING, MOD, MOD, ...)
+** Return a string described by FORMAT.  Conversions as follows:
+**   %d  day of month
+**   %f  ** fractional seconds  SS.SSS
+**   %H  hour 00-24
+**   %j  day of year 000-366
+**   %J  ** Julian day number
+**   %m  month 01-12
+**   %M  minute 00-59
+**   %s  seconds since 1970-01-01
+**   %S  seconds 00-59
+**   %w  day of week 0-6  sunday==0
+**   %W  week of year 00-53
+**   %Y  year 0000-9999
+**   %%  %
+static void strftimeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  DateTime x;
+  int n, i, j;
+  char *z;
+  const char *zFmt = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  char zBuf[100];
+  if( zFmt==0 || isDate(argc-1, argv+1, &x) ) return;
+  for(i=0, n=1; zFmt[i]; i++, n++){
+    if( zFmt[i]=='%' ){
+      switch( zFmt[i+1] ){
+        case 'd':
+        case 'H':
+        case 'm':
+        case 'M':
+        case 'S':
+        case 'W':
+          n++;
+          /* fall thru */
+        case 'w':
+        case '%':
+          break;
+        case 'f':
+          n += 8;
+          break;
+        case 'j':
+          n += 3;
+          break;
+        case 'Y':
+          n += 8;
+          break;
+        case 's':
+        case 'J':
+          n += 50;
+          break;
+        default:
+          return;  /* ERROR.  return a NULL */
+      }
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  if( n<sizeof(zBuf) ){
+    z = zBuf;
+  }else{
+    z = sqliteMalloc( n );
+    if( z==0 ) return;
+  }
+  computeJD(&x);
+  computeYMD_HMS(&x);
+  for(i=j=0; zFmt[i]; i++){
+    if( zFmt[i]!='%' ){
+      z[j++] = zFmt[i];
+    }else{
+      i++;
+      switch( zFmt[i] ){
+        case 'd':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.D); j+=2; break;
+        case 'f': {
+          double s = x.s;
+          if( s>59.999 ) s = 59.999;
+          sqlite3_snprintf(7, &z[j],"%02.3f", s);
+          j += strlen(&z[j]);
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'H':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.h); j+=2; break;
+        case 'W': /* Fall thru */
+        case 'j': {
+          int nDay;             /* Number of days since 1st day of year */
+          DateTime y = x;
+          y.validJD = 0;
+          y.M = 1;
+          y.D = 1;
+          computeJD(&y);
+          nDay = x.rJD - y.rJD + 0.5;
+          if( zFmt[i]=='W' ){
+            int wd;   /* 0=Monday, 1=Tuesday, ... 6=Sunday */
+            wd = ((int)(x.rJD+0.5)) % 7;
+            sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",(nDay+7-wd)/7);
+            j += 2;
+          }else{
+            sprintf(&z[j],"%03d",nDay+1);
+            j += 3;
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'J':  sprintf(&z[j],"%.16g",x.rJD); j+=strlen(&z[j]); break;
+        case 'm':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.M); j+=2; break;
+        case 'M':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",x.m); j+=2; break;
+        case 's': {
+          sprintf(&z[j],"%d",(int)((x.rJD-2440587.5)*86400.0 + 0.5));
+          j += strlen(&z[j]);
+          break;
+        }
+        case 'S':  sprintf(&z[j],"%02d",(int)x.s); j+=2; break;
+        case 'w':  z[j++] = (((int)(x.rJD+1.5)) % 7) + '0'; break;
+        case 'Y':  sprintf(&z[j],"%04d",x.Y); j+=strlen(&z[j]); break;
+        case '%':  z[j++] = '%'; break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  z[j] = 0;
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  if( z!=zBuf ){
+    sqliteFree(z);
+  }
+** current_time()
+** This function returns the same value as time('now').
+static void ctimeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3_value *pVal = sqlite3ValueNew();
+  if( pVal ){
+    sqlite3ValueSetStr(pVal, -1, "now", SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);
+    timeFunc(context, 1, &pVal);
+    sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+  }
+** current_date()
+** This function returns the same value as date('now').
+static void cdateFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3_value *pVal = sqlite3ValueNew();
+  if( pVal ){
+    sqlite3ValueSetStr(pVal, -1, "now", SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);
+    dateFunc(context, 1, &pVal);
+    sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+  }
+** current_timestamp()
+** This function returns the same value as datetime('now').
+static void ctimestampFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3_value *pVal = sqlite3ValueNew();
+  if( pVal ){
+    sqlite3ValueSetStr(pVal, -1, "now", SQLITE_UTF8, SQLITE_STATIC);
+    datetimeFunc(context, 1, &pVal);
+    sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+  }
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_DATETIME_FUNCS) */
+** If the library is compiled to omit the full-scale date and time
+** handling (to get a smaller binary), the following minimal version
+** of the functions current_time(), current_date() and current_timestamp()
+** are included instead. This is to support column declarations that
+** include "DEFAULT CURRENT_TIME" etc.
+** This function uses the C-library functions time(), gmtime()
+** and strftime(). The format string to pass to strftime() is supplied
+** as the user-data for the function.
+static void currentTimeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  time_t t;
+  char *zFormat = (char *)sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  char zBuf[20];
+  time(&t);
+  {
+    extern int sqlite3_current_time;  /* See os_XXX.c */
+    if( sqlite3_current_time ){
+      t = sqlite3_current_time;
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    struct tm sNow;
+    gmtime_r(&t, &sNow);
+    strftime(zBuf, 20, zFormat, &sNow);
+  }
+  {
+    struct tm *pTm;
+    sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+    pTm = gmtime(&t);
+    strftime(zBuf, 20, zFormat, pTm);
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, zBuf, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+** This function registered all of the above C functions as SQL
+** functions.  This should be the only routine in this file with
+** external linkage.
+void sqlite3RegisterDateTimeFunctions(sqlite3 *db){
+  static const struct {
+     char *zName;
+     int nArg;
+     void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
+  } aFuncs[] = {
+    { "julianday", -1, juliandayFunc   },
+    { "date",      -1, dateFunc        },
+    { "time",      -1, timeFunc        },
+    { "datetime",  -1, datetimeFunc    },
+    { "strftime",  -1, strftimeFunc    },
+    { "current_time",       0, ctimeFunc      },
+    { "current_timestamp",  0, ctimestampFunc },
+    { "current_date",       0, cdateFunc      },
+  };
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aFuncs)/sizeof(aFuncs[0]); i++){
+    sqlite3CreateFunc(db, aFuncs[i].zName, aFuncs[i].nArg,
+        SQLITE_UTF8, 0, aFuncs[i].xFunc, 0, 0);
+  }
+  static const struct {
+     char *zName;
+     char *zFormat;
+  } aFuncs[] = {
+    { "current_time", "%H:%M:%S" },
+    { "current_date", "%Y-%m-%d" },
+    { "current_timestamp", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" }
+  };
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aFuncs)/sizeof(aFuncs[0]); i++){
+    sqlite3CreateFunc(db, aFuncs[i].zName, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 
+        aFuncs[i].zFormat, currentTimeFunc, 0, 0);
+  }

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/delete.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/delete.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/delete.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains C code routines that are called by the parser
+** in order to generate code for DELETE FROM statements.
+** $Id: delete.c,v 1.128 2007/02/07 01:06:53 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** Look up every table that is named in pSrc.  If any table is not found,
+** add an error message to pParse->zErrMsg and return NULL.  If all tables
+** are found, return a pointer to the last table.
+Table *sqlite3SrcListLookup(Parse *pParse, SrcList *pSrc){
+  Table *pTab = 0;
+  int i;
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  for(i=0, pItem=pSrc->a; i<pSrc->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+    pTab = sqlite3LocateTable(pParse, pItem->zName, pItem->zDatabase);
+    sqlite3DeleteTable(pParse->db, pItem->pTab);
+    pItem->pTab = pTab;
+    if( pTab ){
+      pTab->nRef++;
+    }
+  }
+  return pTab;
+** Check to make sure the given table is writable.  If it is not
+** writable, generate an error message and return 1.  If it is
+** writable return 0;
+int sqlite3IsReadOnly(Parse *pParse, Table *pTab, int viewOk){
+  if( (pTab->readOnly && (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_WriteSchema)==0
+        && pParse->nested==0) 
+      || (pTab->pMod && pTab->pMod->pModule->xUpdate==0)
+  ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %s may not be modified", pTab->zName);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  if( !viewOk && pTab->pSelect ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,"cannot modify %s because it is a view",pTab->zName);
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Generate code that will open a table for reading.
+void sqlite3OpenTable(
+  Parse *p,       /* Generate code into this VDBE */
+  int iCur,       /* The cursor number of the table */
+  int iDb,        /* The database index in sqlite3.aDb[] */
+  Table *pTab,    /* The table to be opened */
+  int opcode      /* OP_OpenRead or OP_OpenWrite */
+  Vdbe *v;
+  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ) return;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(p);
+  assert( opcode==OP_OpenWrite || opcode==OP_OpenRead );
+  sqlite3TableLock(p, iDb, pTab->tnum, (opcode==OP_OpenWrite), pTab->zName);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+  VdbeComment((v, "# %s", pTab->zName));
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, opcode, iCur, pTab->tnum);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, iCur, pTab->nCol);
+** Generate code for a DELETE FROM statement.
+**     DELETE FROM table_wxyz WHERE a<5 AND b NOT NULL;
+**                 \________/       \________________/
+**                  pTabList              pWhere
+void sqlite3DeleteFrom(
+  Parse *pParse,         /* The parser context */
+  SrcList *pTabList,     /* The table from which we should delete things */
+  Expr *pWhere           /* The WHERE clause.  May be null */
+  Vdbe *v;               /* The virtual database engine */
+  Table *pTab;           /* The table from which records will be deleted */
+  const char *zDb;       /* Name of database holding pTab */
+  int end, addr = 0;     /* A couple addresses of generated code */
+  int i;                 /* Loop counter */
+  WhereInfo *pWInfo;     /* Information about the WHERE clause */
+  Index *pIdx;           /* For looping over indices of the table */
+  int iCur;              /* VDBE Cursor number for pTab */
+  sqlite3 *db;           /* Main database structure */
+  AuthContext sContext;  /* Authorization context */
+  int oldIdx = -1;       /* Cursor for the OLD table of AFTER triggers */
+  NameContext sNC;       /* Name context to resolve expressions in */
+  int iDb;               /* Database number */
+  int memCnt = 0;        /* Memory cell used for change counting */
+  int isView;                  /* True if attempting to delete from a view */
+  int triggers_exist = 0;      /* True if any triggers exist */
+  sContext.pParse = 0;
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  }
+  db = pParse->db;
+  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );
+  /* Locate the table which we want to delete.  This table has to be
+  ** put in an SrcList structure because some of the subroutines we
+  ** will be calling are designed to work with multiple tables and expect
+  ** an SrcList* parameter instead of just a Table* parameter.
+  */
+  pTab = sqlite3SrcListLookup(pParse, pTabList);
+  if( pTab==0 )  goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  /* Figure out if we have any triggers and if the table being
+  ** deleted from is a view
+  */
+  triggers_exist = sqlite3TriggersExist(pParse, pTab, TK_DELETE, 0);
+  isView = pTab->pSelect!=0;
+# define triggers_exist 0
+# define isView 0
+# undef isView
+# define isView 0
+  if( sqlite3IsReadOnly(pParse, pTab, triggers_exist) ){
+    goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+  assert( iDb<db->nDb );
+  zDb = db->aDb[iDb].zName;
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_DELETE, pTab->zName, 0, zDb) ){
+    goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  }
+  /* If pTab is really a view, make sure it has been initialized.
+  */
+  if( sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
+    goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  }
+  /* Allocate a cursor used to store the old.* data for a trigger.
+  */
+  if( triggers_exist ){ 
+    oldIdx = pParse->nTab++;
+  }
+  /* Resolve the column names in the WHERE clause.
+  */
+  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );
+  iCur = pTabList->a[0].iCursor = pParse->nTab++;
+  memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
+  sNC.pParse = pParse;
+  sNC.pSrcList = pTabList;
+  if( sqlite3ExprResolveNames(&sNC, pWhere) ){
+    goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  }
+  /* Start the view context
+  */
+  if( isView ){
+    sqlite3AuthContextPush(pParse, &sContext, pTab->zName);
+  }
+  /* Begin generating code.
+  */
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ){
+    goto delete_from_cleanup;
+  }
+  if( pParse->nested==0 ) sqlite3VdbeCountChanges(v);
+  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, triggers_exist, iDb);
+  /* If we are trying to delete from a view, realize that view into
+  ** a ephemeral table.
+  */
+  if( isView ){
+    Select *pView = sqlite3SelectDup(pTab->pSelect);
+    sqlite3Select(pParse, pView, SRT_EphemTab, iCur, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3SelectDelete(pView);
+  }
+  /* Initialize the counter of the number of rows deleted, if
+  ** we are counting rows.
+  */
+  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
+    memCnt = pParse->nMem++;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemInt, 0, memCnt);
+  }
+  /* Special case: A DELETE without a WHERE clause deletes everything.
+  ** It is easier just to erase the whole table.  Note, however, that
+  ** this means that the row change count will be incorrect.
+  */
+  if( pWhere==0 && !triggers_exist && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+    if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
+      /* If counting rows deleted, just count the total number of
+      ** entries in the table. */
+      int endOfLoop = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+      int addr2;
+      if( !isView ){
+        sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, iCur, iDb, pTab, OP_OpenRead);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, iCur, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+2);
+      addr2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemIncr, 1, memCnt);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, iCur, addr2);
+      sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endOfLoop);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
+    }
+    if( !isView ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pTab->tnum, iDb);
+      if( !pParse->nested ){
+        sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, pTab->zName, P3_STATIC);
+      }
+      for(pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+        assert( pIdx->pSchema==pTab->pSchema );
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Clear, pIdx->tnum, iDb);
+      }
+    }
+  } 
+  /* The usual case: There is a WHERE clause so we have to scan through
+  ** the table and pick which records to delete.
+  */
+  else{
+    /* Begin the database scan
+    */
+    pWInfo = sqlite3WhereBegin(pParse, pTabList, pWhere, 0);
+    if( pWInfo==0 ) goto delete_from_cleanup;
+    /* Remember the rowid of every item to be deleted.
+    */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, IsVirtual(pTab) ? OP_VRowid : OP_Rowid, iCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_FifoWrite, 0, 0);
+    if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemIncr, 1, memCnt);
+    }
+    /* End the database scan loop.
+    */
+    sqlite3WhereEnd(pWInfo);
+    /* Open the pseudo-table used to store OLD if there are triggers.
+    */
+    if( triggers_exist ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenPseudo, oldIdx, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, oldIdx, pTab->nCol);
+    }
+    /* Delete every item whose key was written to the list during the
+    ** database scan.  We have to delete items after the scan is complete
+    ** because deleting an item can change the scan order.
+    */
+    end = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    /* This is the beginning of the delete loop when there are
+    ** row triggers.
+    */
+    if( triggers_exist ){
+      addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_FifoRead, 0, end);
+      if( !isView ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
+        sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, iCur, iDb, pTab, OP_OpenRead);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveGe, iCur, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rowid, iCur, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_RowData, iCur, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, oldIdx, 0);
+      if( !isView ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
+      }
+      (void)sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_DELETE, 0, TRIGGER_BEFORE, pTab,
+          -1, oldIdx, (pParse->trigStack)?pParse->trigStack->orconf:OE_Default,
+          addr);
+    }
+    if( !isView ){
+      /* Open cursors for the table we are deleting from and all its
+      ** indices.  If there are row triggers, this happens inside the
+      ** OP_FifoRead loop because the cursor have to all be closed
+      ** before the trigger fires.  If there are no row triggers, the
+      ** cursors are opened only once on the outside the loop.
+      */
+      sqlite3OpenTableAndIndices(pParse, pTab, iCur, OP_OpenWrite);
+      /* This is the beginning of the delete loop when there are no
+      ** row triggers */
+      if( !triggers_exist ){ 
+        addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_FifoRead, 0, end);
+      }
+      /* Delete the row */
+      if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+        pParse->pVirtualLock = pTab;
+        sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_VUpdate, 0, 1, (const char*)pTab->pVtab, P3_VTAB);
+      }else
+      {
+        sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(db, v, pTab, iCur, pParse->nested==0);
+      }
+    }
+    /* If there are row triggers, close all cursors then invoke
+    ** the AFTER triggers
+    */
+    if( triggers_exist ){
+      if( !isView ){
+        for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur + i, pIdx->tnum);
+        }
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
+      }
+      (void)sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_DELETE, 0, TRIGGER_AFTER, pTab, -1,
+          oldIdx, (pParse->trigStack)?pParse->trigStack->orconf:OE_Default,
+          addr);
+    }
+    /* End of the delete loop */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr);
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, end);
+    /* Close the cursors after the loop if there are no row triggers */
+    if( !triggers_exist && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur + i, pIdx->tnum);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Return the number of rows that were deleted. If this routine is 
+  ** generating code because of a call to sqlite3NestedParse(), do not
+  ** invoke the callback function.
+  */
+  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows && pParse->nested==0 && !pParse->trigStack ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, memCnt, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Callback, 1, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "rows deleted", P3_STATIC);
+  }
+  sqlite3AuthContextPop(&sContext);
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pTabList);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pWhere);
+  return;
+** This routine generates VDBE code that causes a single row of a
+** single table to be deleted.
+** The VDBE must be in a particular state when this routine is called.
+** These are the requirements:
+**   1.  A read/write cursor pointing to pTab, the table containing the row
+**       to be deleted, must be opened as cursor number "base".
+**   2.  Read/write cursors for all indices of pTab must be open as
+**       cursor number base+i for the i-th index.
+**   3.  The record number of the row to be deleted must be on the top
+**       of the stack.
+** This routine pops the top of the stack to remove the record number
+** and then generates code to remove both the table record and all index
+** entries that point to that record.
+void sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(
+  sqlite3 *db,       /* The database containing the index */
+  Vdbe *v,           /* Generate code into this VDBE */
+  Table *pTab,       /* Table containing the row to be deleted */
+  int iCur,          /* Cursor number for the table */
+  int count          /* Increment the row change counter */
+  int addr;
+  addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotExists, iCur, 0);
+  sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(v, pTab, iCur, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Delete, iCur, (count?OPFLAG_NCHANGE:0));
+  if( count ){
+    sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, pTab->zName, P3_STATIC);
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
+** This routine generates VDBE code that causes the deletion of all
+** index entries associated with a single row of a single table.
+** The VDBE must be in a particular state when this routine is called.
+** These are the requirements:
+**   1.  A read/write cursor pointing to pTab, the table containing the row
+**       to be deleted, must be opened as cursor number "iCur".
+**   2.  Read/write cursors for all indices of pTab must be open as
+**       cursor number iCur+i for the i-th index.
+**   3.  The "iCur" cursor must be pointing to the row that is to be
+**       deleted.
+void sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(
+  Vdbe *v,           /* Generate code into this VDBE */
+  Table *pTab,       /* Table containing the row to be deleted */
+  int iCur,          /* Cursor number for the table */
+  char *aIdxUsed     /* Only delete if aIdxUsed!=0 && aIdxUsed[i]!=0 */
+  int i;
+  Index *pIdx;
+  for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; i++, pIdx=pIdx->pNext){
+    if( aIdxUsed!=0 && aIdxUsed[i-1]==0 ) continue;
+    sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(v, pIdx, iCur);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IdxDelete, iCur+i, 0);
+  }
+** Generate code that will assemble an index key and put it on the top
+** of the tack.  The key with be for index pIdx which is an index on pTab.
+** iCur is the index of a cursor open on the pTab table and pointing to
+** the entry that needs indexing.
+void sqlite3GenerateIndexKey(
+  Vdbe *v,           /* Generate code into this VDBE */
+  Index *pIdx,       /* The index for which to generate a key */
+  int iCur           /* Cursor number for the pIdx->pTable table */
+  int j;
+  Table *pTab = pIdx->pTable;
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rowid, iCur, 0);
+  for(j=0; j<pIdx->nColumn; j++){
+    int idx = pIdx->aiColumn[j];
+    if( idx==pTab->iPKey ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, j, 0);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iCur, idx);
+      sqlite3ColumnDefault(v, pTab, idx);
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeIdxRec, pIdx->nColumn, 0);
+  sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx);

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/expr.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/expr.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/expr.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,2401 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains routines used for analyzing expressions and
+** for generating VDBE code that evaluates expressions in SQLite.
+** $Id: expr.c,v 1.275 2007/02/07 13:09:46 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+** Return the 'affinity' of the expression pExpr if any.
+** If pExpr is a column, a reference to a column via an 'AS' alias,
+** or a sub-select with a column as the return value, then the 
+** affinity of that column is returned. Otherwise, 0x00 is returned,
+** indicating no affinity for the expression.
+** i.e. the WHERE clause expresssions in the following statements all
+** have an affinity:
+** CREATE TABLE t1(a);
+** SELECT a AS b FROM t1 WHERE b;
+** SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE (select a from t1);
+char sqlite3ExprAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
+  int op = pExpr->op;
+  if( op==TK_AS ){
+    return sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr->pLeft);
+  }
+  if( op==TK_SELECT ){
+    return sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr->pSelect->pEList->a[0].pExpr);
+  }
+  if( op==TK_CAST ){
+    return sqlite3AffinityType(&pExpr->token);
+  }
+  return pExpr->affinity;
+** Set the collating sequence for expression pExpr to be the collating
+** sequence named by pToken.   Return a pointer to the revised expression.
+** The collating sequence is marked as "explicit" using the EP_ExpCollate
+** flag.  An explicit collating sequence will override implicit
+** collating sequences.
+Expr *sqlite3ExprSetColl(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, Token *pName){
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  if( pExpr==0 ) return 0;
+  pColl = sqlite3LocateCollSeq(pParse, (char*)pName->z, pName->n);
+  if( pColl ){
+    pExpr->pColl = pColl;
+    pExpr->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
+  }
+  return pExpr;
+** Return the default collation sequence for the expression pExpr. If
+** there is no default collation type, return 0.
+CollSeq *sqlite3ExprCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  CollSeq *pColl = 0;
+  if( pExpr ){
+    pColl = pExpr->pColl;
+    if( (pExpr->op==TK_AS || pExpr->op==TK_CAST) && !pColl ){
+      return sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+    }
+  }
+  if( sqlite3CheckCollSeq(pParse, pColl) ){ 
+    pColl = 0;
+  }
+  return pColl;
+** pExpr is an operand of a comparison operator.  aff2 is the
+** type affinity of the other operand.  This routine returns the
+** type affinity that should be used for the comparison operator.
+char sqlite3CompareAffinity(Expr *pExpr, char aff2){
+  char aff1 = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr);
+  if( aff1 && aff2 ){
+    /* Both sides of the comparison are columns. If one has numeric
+    ** affinity, use that. Otherwise use no affinity.
+    */
+    if( sqlite3IsNumericAffinity(aff1) || sqlite3IsNumericAffinity(aff2) ){
+      return SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC;
+    }else{
+      return SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
+    }
+  }else if( !aff1 && !aff2 ){
+    /* Neither side of the comparison is a column.  Compare the
+    ** results directly.
+    */
+    return SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
+  }else{
+    /* One side is a column, the other is not. Use the columns affinity. */
+    assert( aff1==0 || aff2==0 );
+    return (aff1 + aff2);
+  }
+** pExpr is a comparison operator.  Return the type affinity that should
+** be applied to both operands prior to doing the comparison.
+static char comparisonAffinity(Expr *pExpr){
+  char aff;
+  assert( pExpr->op==TK_EQ || pExpr->op==TK_IN || pExpr->op==TK_LT ||
+          pExpr->op==TK_GT || pExpr->op==TK_GE || pExpr->op==TK_LE ||
+          pExpr->op==TK_NE );
+  assert( pExpr->pLeft );
+  aff = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr->pLeft);
+  if( pExpr->pRight ){
+    aff = sqlite3CompareAffinity(pExpr->pRight, aff);
+  }
+  else if( pExpr->pSelect ){
+    aff = sqlite3CompareAffinity(pExpr->pSelect->pEList->a[0].pExpr, aff);
+  }
+  else if( !aff ){
+  }
+  return aff;
+** pExpr is a comparison expression, eg. '=', '<', IN(...) etc.
+** idx_affinity is the affinity of an indexed column. Return true
+** if the index with affinity idx_affinity may be used to implement
+** the comparison in pExpr.
+int sqlite3IndexAffinityOk(Expr *pExpr, char idx_affinity){
+  char aff = comparisonAffinity(pExpr);
+  switch( aff ){
+    case SQLITE_AFF_NONE:
+      return 1;
+    case SQLITE_AFF_TEXT:
+      return idx_affinity==SQLITE_AFF_TEXT;
+    default:
+      return sqlite3IsNumericAffinity(idx_affinity);
+  }
+** Return the P1 value that should be used for a binary comparison
+** opcode (OP_Eq, OP_Ge etc.) used to compare pExpr1 and pExpr2.
+** If jumpIfNull is true, then set the low byte of the returned
+** P1 value to tell the opcode to jump if either expression
+** evaluates to NULL.
+static int binaryCompareP1(Expr *pExpr1, Expr *pExpr2, int jumpIfNull){
+  char aff = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr2);
+  return ((int)sqlite3CompareAffinity(pExpr1, aff))+(jumpIfNull?0x100:0);
+** Return a pointer to the collation sequence that should be used by
+** a binary comparison operator comparing pLeft and pRight.
+** If the left hand expression has a collating sequence type, then it is
+** used. Otherwise the collation sequence for the right hand expression
+** is used, or the default (BINARY) if neither expression has a collating
+** type.
+static CollSeq* binaryCompareCollSeq(Parse *pParse, Expr *pLeft, Expr *pRight){
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  assert( pLeft );
+  assert( pRight );
+  if( pLeft->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
+    assert( pLeft->pColl );
+    pColl = pLeft->pColl;
+  }else if( pRight->flags & EP_ExpCollate ){
+    assert( pRight->pColl );
+    pColl = pRight->pColl;
+  }else{
+    pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pLeft);
+    if( !pColl ){
+      pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pRight);
+    }
+  }
+  return pColl;
+** Generate code for a comparison operator.
+static int codeCompare(
+  Parse *pParse,    /* The parsing (and code generating) context */
+  Expr *pLeft,      /* The left operand */
+  Expr *pRight,     /* The right operand */
+  int opcode,       /* The comparison opcode */
+  int dest,         /* Jump here if true.  */
+  int jumpIfNull    /* If true, jump if either operand is NULL */
+  int p1 = binaryCompareP1(pLeft, pRight, jumpIfNull);
+  CollSeq *p3 = binaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pLeft, pRight);
+  return sqlite3VdbeOp3(pParse->pVdbe, opcode, p1, dest, (void*)p3, P3_COLLSEQ);
+** Construct a new expression node and return a pointer to it.  Memory
+** for this node is obtained from sqliteMalloc().  The calling function
+** is responsible for making sure the node eventually gets freed.
+Expr *sqlite3Expr(int op, Expr *pLeft, Expr *pRight, const Token *pToken){
+  Expr *pNew;
+  pNew = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(Expr) );
+  if( pNew==0 ){
+    /* When malloc fails, delete pLeft and pRight. Expressions passed to 
+    ** this function must always be allocated with sqlite3Expr() for this 
+    ** reason. 
+    */
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pLeft);
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pRight);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  pNew->op = op;
+  pNew->pLeft = pLeft;
+  pNew->pRight = pRight;
+  pNew->iAgg = -1;
+  if( pToken ){
+    assert( pToken->dyn==0 );
+    pNew->span = pNew->token = *pToken;
+  }else if( pLeft ){
+    if( pRight ){
+      sqlite3ExprSpan(pNew, &pLeft->span, &pRight->span);
+      if( pRight->flags && EP_ExpCollate ){
+        pNew->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
+        pNew->pColl = pRight->pColl;
+      }
+    }
+    if( pLeft->flags && EP_ExpCollate ){
+      pNew->flags |= EP_ExpCollate;
+      pNew->pColl = pLeft->pColl;
+    }
+  }
+  return pNew;
+** Works like sqlite3Expr() but frees its pLeft and pRight arguments
+** if it fails due to a malloc problem.
+Expr *sqlite3ExprOrFree(int op, Expr *pLeft, Expr *pRight, const Token *pToken){
+  Expr *pNew = sqlite3Expr(op, pLeft, pRight, pToken);
+  if( pNew==0 ){
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pLeft);
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pRight);
+  }
+  return pNew;
+** When doing a nested parse, you can include terms in an expression
+** that look like this:   #0 #1 #2 ...  These terms refer to elements
+** on the stack.  "#0" means the top of the stack.
+** "#1" means the next down on the stack.  And so forth.
+** This routine is called by the parser to deal with on of those terms.
+** It immediately generates code to store the value in a memory location.
+** The returns an expression that will code to extract the value from
+** that memory location as needed.
+Expr *sqlite3RegisterExpr(Parse *pParse, Token *pToken){
+  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+  Expr *p;
+  int depth;
+  if( pParse->nested==0 ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "near \"%T\": syntax error", pToken);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if( v==0 ) return 0;
+  p = sqlite3Expr(TK_REGISTER, 0, 0, pToken);
+  if( p==0 ){
+    return 0;  /* Malloc failed */
+  }
+  depth = atoi((char*)&pToken->z[1]);
+  p->iTable = pParse->nMem++;
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, depth, 0);
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemStore, p->iTable, 1);
+  return p;
+** Join two expressions using an AND operator.  If either expression is
+** NULL, then just return the other expression.
+Expr *sqlite3ExprAnd(Expr *pLeft, Expr *pRight){
+  if( pLeft==0 ){
+    return pRight;
+  }else if( pRight==0 ){
+    return pLeft;
+  }else{
+    return sqlite3Expr(TK_AND, pLeft, pRight, 0);
+  }
+** Set the Expr.span field of the given expression to span all
+** text between the two given tokens.
+void sqlite3ExprSpan(Expr *pExpr, Token *pLeft, Token *pRight){
+  assert( pRight!=0 );
+  assert( pLeft!=0 );
+  if( !sqlite3MallocFailed() && pRight->z && pLeft->z ){
+    assert( pLeft->dyn==0 || pLeft->z[pLeft->n]==0 );
+    if( pLeft->dyn==0 && pRight->dyn==0 ){
+      pExpr->span.z = pLeft->z;
+      pExpr->span.n = pRight->n + (pRight->z - pLeft->z);
+    }else{
+      pExpr->span.z = 0;
+    }
+  }
+** Construct a new expression node for a function with multiple
+** arguments.
+Expr *sqlite3ExprFunction(ExprList *pList, Token *pToken){
+  Expr *pNew;
+  assert( pToken );
+  pNew = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(Expr) );
+  if( pNew==0 ){
+    sqlite3ExprListDelete(pList); /* Avoid leaking memory when malloc fails */
+    return 0;
+  }
+  pNew->op = TK_FUNCTION;
+  pNew->pList = pList;
+  assert( pToken->dyn==0 );
+  pNew->token = *pToken;
+  pNew->span = pNew->token;
+  return pNew;
+** Assign a variable number to an expression that encodes a wildcard
+** in the original SQL statement.  
+** Wildcards consisting of a single "?" are assigned the next sequential
+** variable number.
+** Wildcards of the form "?nnn" are assigned the number "nnn".  We make
+** sure "nnn" is not too be to avoid a denial of service attack when
+** the SQL statement comes from an external source.
+** Wildcards of the form ":aaa" or "$aaa" are assigned the same number
+** as the previous instance of the same wildcard.  Or if this is the first
+** instance of the wildcard, the next sequenial variable number is
+** assigned.
+void sqlite3ExprAssignVarNumber(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  Token *pToken;
+  if( pExpr==0 ) return;
+  pToken = &pExpr->token;
+  assert( pToken->n>=1 );
+  assert( pToken->z!=0 );
+  assert( pToken->z[0]!=0 );
+  if( pToken->n==1 ){
+    /* Wildcard of the form "?".  Assign the next variable number */
+    pExpr->iTable = ++pParse->nVar;
+  }else if( pToken->z[0]=='?' ){
+    /* Wildcard of the form "?nnn".  Convert "nnn" to an integer and
+    ** use it as the variable number */
+    int i;
+    pExpr->iTable = i = atoi((char*)&pToken->z[1]);
+    if( i<1 || i>SQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER ){
+      sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "variable number must be between ?1 and ?%d",
+    }
+    if( i>pParse->nVar ){
+      pParse->nVar = i;
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* Wildcards of the form ":aaa" or "$aaa".  Reuse the same variable
+    ** number as the prior appearance of the same name, or if the name
+    ** has never appeared before, reuse the same variable number
+    */
+    int i, n;
+    n = pToken->n;
+    for(i=0; i<pParse->nVarExpr; i++){
+      Expr *pE;
+      if( (pE = pParse->apVarExpr[i])!=0
+          && pE->token.n==n
+          && memcmp(pE->token.z, pToken->z, n)==0 ){
+        pExpr->iTable = pE->iTable;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if( i>=pParse->nVarExpr ){
+      pExpr->iTable = ++pParse->nVar;
+      if( pParse->nVarExpr>=pParse->nVarExprAlloc-1 ){
+        pParse->nVarExprAlloc += pParse->nVarExprAlloc + 10;
+        sqliteReallocOrFree((void**)&pParse->apVarExpr,
+                       pParse->nVarExprAlloc*sizeof(pParse->apVarExpr[0]) );
+      }
+      if( !sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+        assert( pParse->apVarExpr!=0 );
+        pParse->apVarExpr[pParse->nVarExpr++] = pExpr;
+      }
+    }
+  } 
+** Recursively delete an expression tree.
+void sqlite3ExprDelete(Expr *p){
+  if( p==0 ) return;
+  if( p->span.dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)p->span.z);
+  if( p->token.dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)p->token.z);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(p->pLeft);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(p->pRight);
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(p->pList);
+  sqlite3SelectDelete(p->pSelect);
+  sqliteFree(p);
+** The Expr.token field might be a string literal that is quoted.
+** If so, remove the quotation marks.
+void sqlite3DequoteExpr(Expr *p){
+  if( ExprHasAnyProperty(p, EP_Dequoted) ){
+    return;
+  }
+  ExprSetProperty(p, EP_Dequoted);
+  if( p->token.dyn==0 ){
+    sqlite3TokenCopy(&p->token, &p->token);
+  }
+  sqlite3Dequote((char*)p->token.z);
+** The following group of routines make deep copies of expressions,
+** expression lists, ID lists, and select statements.  The copies can
+** be deleted (by being passed to their respective ...Delete() routines)
+** without effecting the originals.
+** The expression list, ID, and source lists return by sqlite3ExprListDup(),
+** sqlite3IdListDup(), and sqlite3SrcListDup() can not be further expanded 
+** by subsequent calls to sqlite*ListAppend() routines.
+** Any tables that the SrcList might point to are not duplicated.
+Expr *sqlite3ExprDup(Expr *p){
+  Expr *pNew;
+  if( p==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew = sqliteMallocRaw( sizeof(*p) );
+  if( pNew==0 ) return 0;
+  memcpy(pNew, p, sizeof(*pNew));
+  if( p->token.z!=0 ){
+    pNew->token.z = (u8*)sqliteStrNDup((char*)p->token.z, p->token.n);
+    pNew->token.dyn = 1;
+  }else{
+    assert( pNew->token.z==0 );
+  }
+  pNew->span.z = 0;
+  pNew->pLeft = sqlite3ExprDup(p->pLeft);
+  pNew->pRight = sqlite3ExprDup(p->pRight);
+  pNew->pList = sqlite3ExprListDup(p->pList);
+  pNew->pSelect = sqlite3SelectDup(p->pSelect);
+  pNew->pTab = p->pTab;
+  return pNew;
+void sqlite3TokenCopy(Token *pTo, Token *pFrom){
+  if( pTo->dyn ) sqliteFree((char*)pTo->z);
+  if( pFrom->z ){
+    pTo->n = pFrom->n;
+    pTo->z = (u8*)sqliteStrNDup((char*)pFrom->z, pFrom->n);
+    pTo->dyn = 1;
+  }else{
+    pTo->z = 0;
+  }
+ExprList *sqlite3ExprListDup(ExprList *p){
+  ExprList *pNew;
+  struct ExprList_item *pItem, *pOldItem;
+  int i;
+  if( p==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(*pNew) );
+  if( pNew==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew->nExpr = pNew->nAlloc = p->nExpr;
+  pNew->a = pItem = sqliteMalloc( p->nExpr*sizeof(p->a[0]) );
+  if( pItem==0 ){
+    sqliteFree(pNew);
+    return 0;
+  } 
+  pOldItem = p->a;
+  for(i=0; i<p->nExpr; i++, pItem++, pOldItem++){
+    Expr *pNewExpr, *pOldExpr;
+    pItem->pExpr = pNewExpr = sqlite3ExprDup(pOldExpr = pOldItem->pExpr);
+    if( pOldExpr->span.z!=0 && pNewExpr ){
+      /* Always make a copy of the span for top-level expressions in the
+      ** expression list.  The logic in SELECT processing that determines
+      ** the names of columns in the result set needs this information */
+      sqlite3TokenCopy(&pNewExpr->span, &pOldExpr->span);
+    }
+    assert( pNewExpr==0 || pNewExpr->span.z!=0 
+            || pOldExpr->span.z==0
+            || sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+    pItem->zName = sqliteStrDup(pOldItem->zName);
+    pItem->sortOrder = pOldItem->sortOrder;
+    pItem->isAgg = pOldItem->isAgg;
+    pItem->done = 0;
+  }
+  return pNew;
+** If cursors, triggers, views and subqueries are all omitted from
+** the build, then none of the following routines, except for 
+** sqlite3SelectDup(), can be called. sqlite3SelectDup() is sometimes
+** called with a NULL argument.
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_VIEW) || !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER) \
+SrcList *sqlite3SrcListDup(SrcList *p){
+  SrcList *pNew;
+  int i;
+  int nByte;
+  if( p==0 ) return 0;
+  nByte = sizeof(*p) + (p->nSrc>0 ? sizeof(p->a[0]) * (p->nSrc-1) : 0);
+  pNew = sqliteMallocRaw( nByte );
+  if( pNew==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew->nSrc = pNew->nAlloc = p->nSrc;
+  for(i=0; i<p->nSrc; i++){
+    struct SrcList_item *pNewItem = &pNew->a[i];
+    struct SrcList_item *pOldItem = &p->a[i];
+    Table *pTab;
+    pNewItem->zDatabase = sqliteStrDup(pOldItem->zDatabase);
+    pNewItem->zName = sqliteStrDup(pOldItem->zName);
+    pNewItem->zAlias = sqliteStrDup(pOldItem->zAlias);
+    pNewItem->jointype = pOldItem->jointype;
+    pNewItem->iCursor = pOldItem->iCursor;
+    pNewItem->isPopulated = pOldItem->isPopulated;
+    pTab = pNewItem->pTab = pOldItem->pTab;
+    if( pTab ){
+      pTab->nRef++;
+    }
+    pNewItem->pSelect = sqlite3SelectDup(pOldItem->pSelect);
+    pNewItem->pOn = sqlite3ExprDup(pOldItem->pOn);
+    pNewItem->pUsing = sqlite3IdListDup(pOldItem->pUsing);
+    pNewItem->colUsed = pOldItem->colUsed;
+  }
+  return pNew;
+IdList *sqlite3IdListDup(IdList *p){
+  IdList *pNew;
+  int i;
+  if( p==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew = sqliteMallocRaw( sizeof(*pNew) );
+  if( pNew==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew->nId = pNew->nAlloc = p->nId;
+  pNew->a = sqliteMallocRaw( p->nId*sizeof(p->a[0]) );
+  if( pNew->a==0 ){
+    sqliteFree(pNew);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<p->nId; i++){
+    struct IdList_item *pNewItem = &pNew->a[i];
+    struct IdList_item *pOldItem = &p->a[i];
+    pNewItem->zName = sqliteStrDup(pOldItem->zName);
+    pNewItem->idx = pOldItem->idx;
+  }
+  return pNew;
+Select *sqlite3SelectDup(Select *p){
+  Select *pNew;
+  if( p==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew = sqliteMallocRaw( sizeof(*p) );
+  if( pNew==0 ) return 0;
+  pNew->isDistinct = p->isDistinct;
+  pNew->pEList = sqlite3ExprListDup(p->pEList);
+  pNew->pSrc = sqlite3SrcListDup(p->pSrc);
+  pNew->pWhere = sqlite3ExprDup(p->pWhere);
+  pNew->pGroupBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(p->pGroupBy);
+  pNew->pHaving = sqlite3ExprDup(p->pHaving);
+  pNew->pOrderBy = sqlite3ExprListDup(p->pOrderBy);
+  pNew->op = p->op;
+  pNew->pPrior = sqlite3SelectDup(p->pPrior);
+  pNew->pLimit = sqlite3ExprDup(p->pLimit);
+  pNew->pOffset = sqlite3ExprDup(p->pOffset);
+  pNew->iLimit = -1;
+  pNew->iOffset = -1;
+  pNew->isResolved = p->isResolved;
+  pNew->isAgg = p->isAgg;
+  pNew->usesEphm = 0;
+  pNew->disallowOrderBy = 0;
+  pNew->pRightmost = 0;
+  pNew->addrOpenEphm[0] = -1;
+  pNew->addrOpenEphm[1] = -1;
+  pNew->addrOpenEphm[2] = -1;
+  return pNew;
+Select *sqlite3SelectDup(Select *p){
+  assert( p==0 );
+  return 0;
+** Add a new element to the end of an expression list.  If pList is
+** initially NULL, then create a new expression list.
+ExprList *sqlite3ExprListAppend(ExprList *pList, Expr *pExpr, Token *pName){
+  if( pList==0 ){
+    pList = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(ExprList) );
+    if( pList==0 ){
+      goto no_mem;
+    }
+    assert( pList->nAlloc==0 );
+  }
+  if( pList->nAlloc<=pList->nExpr ){
+    struct ExprList_item *a;
+    int n = pList->nAlloc*2 + 4;
+    a = sqliteRealloc(pList->a, n*sizeof(pList->a[0]));
+    if( a==0 ){
+      goto no_mem;
+    }
+    pList->a = a;
+    pList->nAlloc = n;
+  }
+  assert( pList->a!=0 );
+  if( pExpr || pName ){
+    struct ExprList_item *pItem = &pList->a[pList->nExpr++];
+    memset(pItem, 0, sizeof(*pItem));
+    pItem->zName = sqlite3NameFromToken(pName);
+    pItem->pExpr = pExpr;
+  }
+  return pList;
+  /* Avoid leaking memory if malloc has failed. */
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pExpr);
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(pList);
+  return 0;
+** Delete an entire expression list.
+void sqlite3ExprListDelete(ExprList *pList){
+  int i;
+  struct ExprList_item *pItem;
+  if( pList==0 ) return;
+  assert( pList->a!=0 || (pList->nExpr==0 && pList->nAlloc==0) );
+  assert( pList->nExpr<=pList->nAlloc );
+  for(pItem=pList->a, i=0; i<pList->nExpr; i++, pItem++){
+    sqlite3ExprDelete(pItem->pExpr);
+    sqliteFree(pItem->zName);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(pList->a);
+  sqliteFree(pList);
+** Walk an expression tree.  Call xFunc for each node visited.
+** The return value from xFunc determines whether the tree walk continues.
+** 0 means continue walking the tree.  1 means do not walk children
+** of the current node but continue with siblings.  2 means abandon
+** the tree walk completely.
+** The return value from this routine is 1 to abandon the tree walk
+** and 0 to continue.
+** NOTICE:  This routine does *not* descend into subqueries.
+static int walkExprList(ExprList *, int (*)(void *, Expr*), void *);
+static int walkExprTree(Expr *pExpr, int (*xFunc)(void*,Expr*), void *pArg){
+  int rc;
+  if( pExpr==0 ) return 0;
+  rc = (*xFunc)(pArg, pExpr);
+  if( rc==0 ){
+    if( walkExprTree(pExpr->pLeft, xFunc, pArg) ) return 1;
+    if( walkExprTree(pExpr->pRight, xFunc, pArg) ) return 1;
+    if( walkExprList(pExpr->pList, xFunc, pArg) ) return 1;
+  }
+  return rc>1;
+** Call walkExprTree() for every expression in list p.
+static int walkExprList(ExprList *p, int (*xFunc)(void *, Expr*), void *pArg){
+  int i;
+  struct ExprList_item *pItem;
+  if( !p ) return 0;
+  for(i=p->nExpr, pItem=p->a; i>0; i--, pItem++){
+    if( walkExprTree(pItem->pExpr, xFunc, pArg) ) return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Call walkExprTree() for every expression in Select p, not including
+** expressions that are part of sub-selects in any FROM clause or the LIMIT
+** or OFFSET expressions..
+static int walkSelectExpr(Select *p, int (*xFunc)(void *, Expr*), void *pArg){
+  walkExprList(p->pEList, xFunc, pArg);
+  walkExprTree(p->pWhere, xFunc, pArg);
+  walkExprList(p->pGroupBy, xFunc, pArg);
+  walkExprTree(p->pHaving, xFunc, pArg);
+  walkExprList(p->pOrderBy, xFunc, pArg);
+  return 0;
+** This routine is designed as an xFunc for walkExprTree().
+** pArg is really a pointer to an integer.  If we can tell by looking
+** at pExpr that the expression that contains pExpr is not a constant
+** expression, then set *pArg to 0 and return 2 to abandon the tree walk.
+** If pExpr does does not disqualify the expression from being a constant
+** then do nothing.
+** After walking the whole tree, if no nodes are found that disqualify
+** the expression as constant, then we assume the whole expression
+** is constant.  See sqlite3ExprIsConstant() for additional information.
+static int exprNodeIsConstant(void *pArg, Expr *pExpr){
+  switch( pExpr->op ){
+    /* Consider functions to be constant if all their arguments are constant
+    ** and *pArg==2 */
+    case TK_FUNCTION:
+      if( *((int*)pArg)==2 ) return 0;
+      /* Fall through */
+    case TK_ID:
+    case TK_COLUMN:
+    case TK_DOT:
+    case TK_AGG_FUNCTION:
+    case TK_AGG_COLUMN:
+    case TK_SELECT:
+    case TK_EXISTS:
+      *((int*)pArg) = 0;
+      return 2;
+    case TK_IN:
+      if( pExpr->pSelect ){
+        *((int*)pArg) = 0;
+        return 2;
+      }
+    default:
+      return 0;
+  }
+** Walk an expression tree.  Return 1 if the expression is constant
+** and 0 if it involves variables or function calls.
+** For the purposes of this function, a double-quoted string (ex: "abc")
+** is considered a variable but a single-quoted string (ex: 'abc') is
+** a constant.
+int sqlite3ExprIsConstant(Expr *p){
+  int isConst = 1;
+  walkExprTree(p, exprNodeIsConstant, &isConst);
+  return isConst;
+** Walk an expression tree.  Return 1 if the expression is constant
+** or a function call with constant arguments.  Return and 0 if there
+** are any variables.
+** For the purposes of this function, a double-quoted string (ex: "abc")
+** is considered a variable but a single-quoted string (ex: 'abc') is
+** a constant.
+int sqlite3ExprIsConstantOrFunction(Expr *p){
+  int isConst = 2;
+  walkExprTree(p, exprNodeIsConstant, &isConst);
+  return isConst!=0;
+** If the expression p codes a constant integer that is small enough
+** to fit in a 32-bit integer, return 1 and put the value of the integer
+** in *pValue.  If the expression is not an integer or if it is too big
+** to fit in a signed 32-bit integer, return 0 and leave *pValue unchanged.
+int sqlite3ExprIsInteger(Expr *p, int *pValue){
+  switch( p->op ){
+    case TK_INTEGER: {
+      if( sqlite3GetInt32((char*)p->token.z, pValue) ){
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_UPLUS: {
+      return sqlite3ExprIsInteger(p->pLeft, pValue);
+    }
+    case TK_UMINUS: {
+      int v;
+      if( sqlite3ExprIsInteger(p->pLeft, &v) ){
+        *pValue = -v;
+        return 1;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default: break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Return TRUE if the given string is a row-id column name.
+int sqlite3IsRowid(const char *z){
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(z, "_ROWID_")==0 ) return 1;
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(z, "ROWID")==0 ) return 1;
+  if( sqlite3StrICmp(z, "OID")==0 ) return 1;
+  return 0;
+** Given the name of a column of the form X.Y.Z or Y.Z or just Z, look up
+** that name in the set of source tables in pSrcList and make the pExpr 
+** expression node refer back to that source column.  The following changes
+** are made to pExpr:
+**    pExpr->iDb           Set the index in db->aDb[] of the database holding
+**                         the table.
+**    pExpr->iTable        Set to the cursor number for the table obtained
+**                         from pSrcList.
+**    pExpr->iColumn       Set to the column number within the table.
+**    pExpr->op            Set to TK_COLUMN.
+**    pExpr->pLeft         Any expression this points to is deleted
+**    pExpr->pRight        Any expression this points to is deleted.
+** The pDbToken is the name of the database (the "X").  This value may be
+** NULL meaning that name is of the form Y.Z or Z.  Any available database
+** can be used.  The pTableToken is the name of the table (the "Y").  This
+** value can be NULL if pDbToken is also NULL.  If pTableToken is NULL it
+** means that the form of the name is Z and that columns from any table
+** can be used.
+** If the name cannot be resolved unambiguously, leave an error message
+** in pParse and return non-zero.  Return zero on success.
+static int lookupName(
+  Parse *pParse,       /* The parsing context */
+  Token *pDbToken,     /* Name of the database containing table, or NULL */
+  Token *pTableToken,  /* Name of table containing column, or NULL */
+  Token *pColumnToken, /* Name of the column. */
+  NameContext *pNC,    /* The name context used to resolve the name */
+  Expr *pExpr          /* Make this EXPR node point to the selected column */
+  char *zDb = 0;       /* Name of the database.  The "X" in X.Y.Z */
+  char *zTab = 0;      /* Name of the table.  The "Y" in X.Y.Z or Y.Z */
+  char *zCol = 0;      /* Name of the column.  The "Z" */
+  int i, j;            /* Loop counters */
+  int cnt = 0;         /* Number of matching column names */
+  int cntTab = 0;      /* Number of matching table names */
+  sqlite3 *db = pParse->db;  /* The database */
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;       /* Use for looping over pSrcList items */
+  struct SrcList_item *pMatch = 0;  /* The matching pSrcList item */
+  NameContext *pTopNC = pNC;        /* First namecontext in the list */
+  assert( pColumnToken && pColumnToken->z ); /* The Z in X.Y.Z cannot be NULL */
+  zDb = sqlite3NameFromToken(pDbToken);
+  zTab = sqlite3NameFromToken(pTableToken);
+  zCol = sqlite3NameFromToken(pColumnToken);
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    goto lookupname_end;
+  }
+  pExpr->iTable = -1;
+  while( pNC && cnt==0 ){
+    ExprList *pEList;
+    SrcList *pSrcList = pNC->pSrcList;
+    if( pSrcList ){
+      for(i=0, pItem=pSrcList->a; i<pSrcList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+        Table *pTab;
+        int iDb;
+        Column *pCol;
+        pTab = pItem->pTab;
+        assert( pTab!=0 );
+        iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+        assert( pTab->nCol>0 );
+        if( zTab ){
+          if( pItem->zAlias ){
+            char *zTabName = pItem->zAlias;
+            if( sqlite3StrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ) continue;
+          }else{
+            char *zTabName = pTab->zName;
+            if( zTabName==0 || sqlite3StrICmp(zTabName, zTab)!=0 ) continue;
+            if( zDb!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(db->aDb[iDb].zName, zDb)!=0 ){
+              continue;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if( 0==(cntTab++) ){
+          pExpr->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
+          pExpr->pSchema = pTab->pSchema;
+          pMatch = pItem;
+        }
+        for(j=0, pCol=pTab->aCol; j<pTab->nCol; j++, pCol++){
+          if( sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
+            const char *zColl = pTab->aCol[j].zColl;
+            IdList *pUsing;
+            cnt++;
+            pExpr->iTable = pItem->iCursor;
+            pMatch = pItem;
+            pExpr->pSchema = pTab->pSchema;
+            /* Substitute the rowid (column -1) for the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY */
+            pExpr->iColumn = j==pTab->iPKey ? -1 : j;
+            pExpr->affinity = pTab->aCol[j].affinity;
+            if( (pExpr->flags & EP_ExpCollate)==0 ){
+              pExpr->pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, ENC(db), zColl,-1, 0);
+            }
+            if( i<pSrcList->nSrc-1 ){
+              if( pItem[1].jointype & JT_NATURAL ){
+                /* If this match occurred in the left table of a natural join,
+                ** then skip the right table to avoid a duplicate match */
+                pItem++;
+                i++;
+              }else if( (pUsing = pItem[1].pUsing)!=0 ){
+                /* If this match occurs on a column that is in the USING clause
+                ** of a join, skip the search of the right table of the join
+                ** to avoid a duplicate match there. */
+                int k;
+                for(k=0; k<pUsing->nId; k++){
+                  if( sqlite3StrICmp(pUsing->a[k].zName, zCol)==0 ){
+                    pItem++;
+                    i++;
+                    break;
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* If we have not already resolved the name, then maybe 
+    ** it is a new.* or old.* trigger argument reference
+    */
+    if( zDb==0 && zTab!=0 && cnt==0 && pParse->trigStack!=0 ){
+      TriggerStack *pTriggerStack = pParse->trigStack;
+      Table *pTab = 0;
+      if( pTriggerStack->newIdx != -1 && sqlite3StrICmp("new", zTab) == 0 ){
+        pExpr->iTable = pTriggerStack->newIdx;
+        assert( pTriggerStack->pTab );
+        pTab = pTriggerStack->pTab;
+      }else if( pTriggerStack->oldIdx != -1 && sqlite3StrICmp("old", zTab)==0 ){
+        pExpr->iTable = pTriggerStack->oldIdx;
+        assert( pTriggerStack->pTab );
+        pTab = pTriggerStack->pTab;
+      }
+      if( pTab ){ 
+        int iCol;
+        Column *pCol = pTab->aCol;
+        pExpr->pSchema = pTab->pSchema;
+        cntTab++;
+        for(iCol=0; iCol < pTab->nCol; iCol++, pCol++) {
+          if( sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zCol)==0 ){
+            const char *zColl = pTab->aCol[iCol].zColl;
+            cnt++;
+            pExpr->iColumn = iCol==pTab->iPKey ? -1 : iCol;
+            pExpr->affinity = pTab->aCol[iCol].affinity;
+            if( (pExpr->flags & EP_ExpCollate)==0 ){
+              pExpr->pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, ENC(db), zColl,-1, 0);
+            }
+            pExpr->pTab = pTab;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_TRIGGER) */
+    /*
+    ** Perhaps the name is a reference to the ROWID
+    */
+    if( cnt==0 && cntTab==1 && sqlite3IsRowid(zCol) ){
+      cnt = 1;
+      pExpr->iColumn = -1;
+      pExpr->affinity = SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER;
+    }
+    /*
+    ** If the input is of the form Z (not Y.Z or X.Y.Z) then the name Z
+    ** might refer to an result-set alias.  This happens, for example, when
+    ** we are resolving names in the WHERE clause of the following command:
+    **
+    **     SELECT a+b AS x FROM table WHERE x<10;
+    **
+    ** In cases like this, replace pExpr with a copy of the expression that
+    ** forms the result set entry ("a+b" in the example) and return immediately.
+    ** Note that the expression in the result set should have already been
+    ** resolved by the time the WHERE clause is resolved.
+    */
+    if( cnt==0 && (pEList = pNC->pEList)!=0 && zTab==0 ){
+      for(j=0; j<pEList->nExpr; j++){
+        char *zAs = pEList->a[j].zName;
+        if( zAs!=0 && sqlite3StrICmp(zAs, zCol)==0 ){
+          assert( pExpr->pLeft==0 && pExpr->pRight==0 );
+          pExpr->op = TK_AS;
+          pExpr->iColumn = j;
+          pExpr->pLeft = sqlite3ExprDup(pEList->a[j].pExpr);
+          cnt = 1;
+          assert( zTab==0 && zDb==0 );
+          goto lookupname_end_2;
+        }
+      } 
+    }
+    /* Advance to the next name context.  The loop will exit when either
+    ** we have a match (cnt>0) or when we run out of name contexts.
+    */
+    if( cnt==0 ){
+      pNC = pNC->pNext;
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+  ** If X and Y are NULL (in other words if only the column name Z is
+  ** supplied) and the value of Z is enclosed in double-quotes, then
+  ** Z is a string literal if it doesn't match any column names.  In that
+  ** case, we need to return right away and not make any changes to
+  ** pExpr.
+  **
+  ** Because no reference was made to outer contexts, the pNC->nRef
+  ** fields are not changed in any context.
+  */
+  if( cnt==0 && zTab==0 && pColumnToken->z[0]=='"' ){
+    sqliteFree(zCol);
+    return 0;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** cnt==0 means there was not match.  cnt>1 means there were two or
+  ** more matches.  Either way, we have an error.
+  */
+  if( cnt!=1 ){
+    char *z = 0;
+    char *zErr;
+    zErr = cnt==0 ? "no such column: %s" : "ambiguous column name: %s";
+    if( zDb ){
+      sqlite3SetString(&z, zDb, ".", zTab, ".", zCol, (char*)0);
+    }else if( zTab ){
+      sqlite3SetString(&z, zTab, ".", zCol, (char*)0);
+    }else{
+      z = sqliteStrDup(zCol);
+    }
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, zErr, z);
+    sqliteFree(z);
+    pTopNC->nErr++;
+  }
+  /* If a column from a table in pSrcList is referenced, then record
+  ** this fact in the pSrcList.a[].colUsed bitmask.  Column 0 causes
+  ** bit 0 to be set.  Column 1 sets bit 1.  And so forth.  If the
+  ** column number is greater than the number of bits in the bitmask
+  ** then set the high-order bit of the bitmask.
+  */
+  if( pExpr->iColumn>=0 && pMatch!=0 ){
+    int n = pExpr->iColumn;
+    if( n>=sizeof(Bitmask)*8 ){
+      n = sizeof(Bitmask)*8-1;
+    }
+    assert( pMatch->iCursor==pExpr->iTable );
+    pMatch->colUsed |= ((Bitmask)1)<<n;
+  }
+  /* Clean up and return
+  */
+  sqliteFree(zDb);
+  sqliteFree(zTab);
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pExpr->pLeft);
+  pExpr->pLeft = 0;
+  sqlite3ExprDelete(pExpr->pRight);
+  pExpr->pRight = 0;
+  pExpr->op = TK_COLUMN;
+  sqliteFree(zCol);
+  if( cnt==1 ){
+    assert( pNC!=0 );
+    sqlite3AuthRead(pParse, pExpr, pNC->pSrcList);
+    if( pMatch && !pMatch->pSelect ){
+      pExpr->pTab = pMatch->pTab;
+    }
+    /* Increment the nRef value on all name contexts from TopNC up to
+    ** the point where the name matched. */
+    for(;;){
+      assert( pTopNC!=0 );
+      pTopNC->nRef++;
+      if( pTopNC==pNC ) break;
+      pTopNC = pTopNC->pNext;
+    }
+    return 0;
+  } else {
+    return 1;
+  }
+** This routine is designed as an xFunc for walkExprTree().
+** Resolve symbolic names into TK_COLUMN operators for the current
+** node in the expression tree.  Return 0 to continue the search down
+** the tree or 2 to abort the tree walk.
+** This routine also does error checking and name resolution for
+** function names.  The operator for aggregate functions is changed
+static int nameResolverStep(void *pArg, Expr *pExpr){
+  NameContext *pNC = (NameContext*)pArg;
+  Parse *pParse;
+  if( pExpr==0 ) return 1;
+  assert( pNC!=0 );
+  pParse = pNC->pParse;
+  if( ExprHasAnyProperty(pExpr, EP_Resolved) ) return 1;
+  ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Resolved);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  if( pNC->pSrcList && pNC->pSrcList->nAlloc>0 ){
+    SrcList *pSrcList = pNC->pSrcList;
+    int i;
+    for(i=0; i<pNC->pSrcList->nSrc; i++){
+      assert( pSrcList->a[i].iCursor>=0 && pSrcList->a[i].iCursor<pParse->nTab);
+    }
+  }
+  switch( pExpr->op ){
+    /* Double-quoted strings (ex: "abc") are used as identifiers if
+    ** possible.  Otherwise they remain as strings.  Single-quoted
+    ** strings (ex: 'abc') are always string literals.
+    */
+    case TK_STRING: {
+      if( pExpr->token.z[0]=='\'' ) break;
+      /* Fall thru into the TK_ID case if this is a double-quoted string */
+    }
+    /* A lone identifier is the name of a column.
+    */
+    case TK_ID: {
+      lookupName(pParse, 0, 0, &pExpr->token, pNC, pExpr);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    /* A table name and column name:     ID.ID
+    ** Or a database, table and column:  ID.ID.ID
+    */
+    case TK_DOT: {
+      Token *pColumn;
+      Token *pTable;
+      Token *pDb;
+      Expr *pRight;
+      /* if( pSrcList==0 ) break; */
+      pRight = pExpr->pRight;
+      if( pRight->op==TK_ID ){
+        pDb = 0;
+        pTable = &pExpr->pLeft->token;
+        pColumn = &pRight->token;
+      }else{
+        assert( pRight->op==TK_DOT );
+        pDb = &pExpr->pLeft->token;
+        pTable = &pRight->pLeft->token;
+        pColumn = &pRight->pRight->token;
+      }
+      lookupName(pParse, pDb, pTable, pColumn, pNC, pExpr);
+      return 1;
+    }
+    /* Resolve function names
+    */
+    case TK_CONST_FUNC:
+    case TK_FUNCTION: {
+      ExprList *pList = pExpr->pList;    /* The argument list */
+      int n = pList ? pList->nExpr : 0;  /* Number of arguments */
+      int no_such_func = 0;       /* True if no such function exists */
+      int wrong_num_args = 0;     /* True if wrong number of arguments */
+      int is_agg = 0;             /* True if is an aggregate function */
+      int i;
+      int auth;                   /* Authorization to use the function */
+      int nId;                    /* Number of characters in function name */
+      const char *zId;            /* The function name. */
+      FuncDef *pDef;              /* Information about the function */
+      int enc = ENC(pParse->db);  /* The database encoding */
+      zId = (char*)pExpr->token.z;
+      nId = pExpr->token.n;
+      pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(pParse->db, zId, nId, n, enc, 0);
+      if( pDef==0 ){
+        pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(pParse->db, zId, nId, -1, enc, 0);
+        if( pDef==0 ){
+          no_such_func = 1;
+        }else{
+          wrong_num_args = 1;
+        }
+      }else{
+        is_agg = pDef->xFunc==0;
+      }
+      if( pDef ){
+        auth = sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_FUNCTION, 0, pDef->zName, 0);
+        if( auth!=SQLITE_OK ){
+          if( auth==SQLITE_DENY ){
+            sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "not authorized to use function: %s",
+                                    pDef->zName);
+            pNC->nErr++;
+          }
+          pExpr->op = TK_NULL;
+          return 1;
+        }
+      }
+      if( is_agg && !pNC->allowAgg ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aggregate function %.*s()", nId,zId);
+        pNC->nErr++;
+        is_agg = 0;
+      }else if( no_such_func ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "no such function: %.*s", nId, zId);
+        pNC->nErr++;
+      }else if( wrong_num_args ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,"wrong number of arguments to function %.*s()",
+             nId, zId);
+        pNC->nErr++;
+      }
+      if( is_agg ){
+        pExpr->op = TK_AGG_FUNCTION;
+        pNC->hasAgg = 1;
+      }
+      if( is_agg ) pNC->allowAgg = 0;
+      for(i=0; pNC->nErr==0 && i<n; i++){
+        walkExprTree(pList->a[i].pExpr, nameResolverStep, pNC);
+      }
+      if( is_agg ) pNC->allowAgg = 1;
+      /* FIX ME:  Compute pExpr->affinity based on the expected return
+      ** type of the function 
+      */
+      return is_agg;
+    }
+    case TK_SELECT:
+    case TK_EXISTS:
+    case TK_IN: {
+      if( pExpr->pSelect ){
+        int nRef = pNC->nRef;
+        if( pNC->isCheck ){
+          sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,"subqueries prohibited in CHECK constraints");
+        }
+        sqlite3SelectResolve(pParse, pExpr->pSelect, pNC);
+        assert( pNC->nRef>=nRef );
+        if( nRef!=pNC->nRef ){
+          ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_VarSelect);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_VARIABLE: {
+      if( pNC->isCheck ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,"parameters prohibited in CHECK constraints");
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+** This routine walks an expression tree and resolves references to
+** table columns.  Nodes of the form ID.ID or ID resolve into an
+** index to the table in the table list and a column offset.  The 
+** Expr.opcode for such nodes is changed to TK_COLUMN.  The Expr.iTable
+** value is changed to the index of the referenced table in pTabList
+** plus the "base" value.  The base value will ultimately become the
+** VDBE cursor number for a cursor that is pointing into the referenced
+** table.  The Expr.iColumn value is changed to the index of the column 
+** of the referenced table.  The Expr.iColumn value for the special
+** ROWID column is -1.  Any INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column is tried as an
+** alias for ROWID.
+** Also resolve function names and check the functions for proper
+** usage.  Make sure all function names are recognized and all functions
+** have the correct number of arguments.  Leave an error message
+** in pParse->zErrMsg if anything is amiss.  Return the number of errors.
+** If the expression contains aggregate functions then set the EP_Agg
+** property on the expression.
+int sqlite3ExprResolveNames(
+  NameContext *pNC,       /* Namespace to resolve expressions in. */
+  Expr *pExpr             /* The expression to be analyzed. */
+  int savedHasAgg;
+  if( pExpr==0 ) return 0;
+  savedHasAgg = pNC->hasAgg;
+  pNC->hasAgg = 0;
+  walkExprTree(pExpr, nameResolverStep, pNC);
+  if( pNC->nErr>0 ){
+    ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Error);
+  }
+  if( pNC->hasAgg ){
+    ExprSetProperty(pExpr, EP_Agg);
+  }else if( savedHasAgg ){
+    pNC->hasAgg = 1;
+  }
+  return ExprHasProperty(pExpr, EP_Error);
+** A pointer instance of this structure is used to pass information
+** through walkExprTree into codeSubqueryStep().
+typedef struct QueryCoder QueryCoder;
+struct QueryCoder {
+  Parse *pParse;       /* The parsing context */
+  NameContext *pNC;    /* Namespace of first enclosing query */
+** Generate code for scalar subqueries used as an expression
+** and IN operators.  Examples:
+**     (SELECT a FROM b)          -- subquery
+**     EXISTS (SELECT a FROM b)   -- EXISTS subquery
+**     x IN (4,5,11)              -- IN operator with list on right-hand side
+**     x IN (SELECT a FROM b)     -- IN operator with subquery on the right
+** The pExpr parameter describes the expression that contains the IN
+** operator or subquery.
+void sqlite3CodeSubselect(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  int testAddr = 0;                       /* One-time test address */
+  Vdbe *v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ) return;
+  /* This code must be run in its entirety every time it is encountered
+  ** if any of the following is true:
+  **
+  **    *  The right-hand side is a correlated subquery
+  **    *  The right-hand side is an expression list containing variables
+  **    *  We are inside a trigger
+  **
+  ** If all of the above are false, then we can run this code just once
+  ** save the results, and reuse the same result on subsequent invocations.
+  */
+  if( !ExprHasAnyProperty(pExpr, EP_VarSelect) && !pParse->trigStack ){
+    int mem = pParse->nMem++;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, mem, 0);
+    testAddr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_If, 0, 0);
+    assert( testAddr>0 || sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemInt, 1, mem);
+  }
+  switch( pExpr->op ){
+    case TK_IN: {
+      char affinity;
+      KeyInfo keyInfo;
+      int addr;        /* Address of OP_OpenEphemeral instruction */
+      affinity = sqlite3ExprAffinity(pExpr->pLeft);
+      /* Whether this is an 'x IN(SELECT...)' or an 'x IN(<exprlist>)'
+      ** expression it is handled the same way. A virtual table is 
+      ** filled with single-field index keys representing the results
+      ** from the SELECT or the <exprlist>.
+      **
+      ** If the 'x' expression is a column value, or the SELECT...
+      ** statement returns a column value, then the affinity of that
+      ** column is used to build the index keys. If both 'x' and the
+      ** SELECT... statement are columns, then numeric affinity is used
+      ** if either column has NUMERIC or INTEGER affinity. If neither
+      ** 'x' nor the SELECT... statement are columns, then numeric affinity
+      ** is used.
+      */
+      pExpr->iTable = pParse->nTab++;
+      addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, pExpr->iTable, 0);
+      memset(&keyInfo, 0, sizeof(keyInfo));
+      keyInfo.nField = 1;
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, pExpr->iTable, 1);
+      if( pExpr->pSelect ){
+        /* Case 1:     expr IN (SELECT ...)
+        **
+        ** Generate code to write the results of the select into the temporary
+        ** table allocated and opened above.
+        */
+        int iParm = pExpr->iTable +  (((int)affinity)<<16);
+        ExprList *pEList;
+        assert( (pExpr->iTable&0x0000FFFF)==pExpr->iTable );
+        sqlite3Select(pParse, pExpr->pSelect, SRT_Set, iParm, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+        pEList = pExpr->pSelect->pEList;
+        if( pEList && pEList->nExpr>0 ){ 
+          keyInfo.aColl[0] = binaryCompareCollSeq(pParse, pExpr->pLeft,
+              pEList->a[0].pExpr);
+        }
+      }else if( pExpr->pList ){
+        /* Case 2:     expr IN (exprlist)
+        **
+	** For each expression, build an index key from the evaluation and
+        ** store it in the temporary table. If <expr> is a column, then use
+        ** that columns affinity when building index keys. If <expr> is not
+        ** a column, use numeric affinity.
+        */
+        int i;
+        ExprList *pList = pExpr->pList;
+        struct ExprList_item *pItem;
+        if( !affinity ){
+          affinity = SQLITE_AFF_NONE;
+        }
+        keyInfo.aColl[0] = pExpr->pLeft->pColl;
+        /* Loop through each expression in <exprlist>. */
+        for(i=pList->nExpr, pItem=pList->a; i>0; i--, pItem++){
+          Expr *pE2 = pItem->pExpr;
+          /* If the expression is not constant then we will need to
+          ** disable the test that was generated above that makes sure
+          ** this code only executes once.  Because for a non-constant
+          ** expression we need to rerun this code each time.
+          */
+          if( testAddr>0 && !sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pE2) ){
+            sqlite3VdbeChangeToNoop(v, testAddr-1, 3);
+            testAddr = 0;
+          }
+          /* Evaluate the expression and insert it into the temp table */
+          sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pE2);
+          sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, 1, 0, &affinity, 1);
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IdxInsert, pExpr->iTable, 0);
+        }
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, addr, (void *)&keyInfo, P3_KEYINFO);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_EXISTS:
+    case TK_SELECT: {
+      /* This has to be a scalar SELECT.  Generate code to put the
+      ** value of this select in a memory cell and record the number
+      ** of the memory cell in iColumn.
+      */
+      static const Token one = { (u8*)"1", 0, 1 };
+      Select *pSel;
+      int iMem;
+      int sop;
+      pExpr->iColumn = iMem = pParse->nMem++;
+      pSel = pExpr->pSelect;
+      if( pExpr->op==TK_SELECT ){
+        sop = SRT_Mem;
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemNull, iMem, 0);
+        VdbeComment((v, "# Init subquery result"));
+      }else{
+        sop = SRT_Exists;
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemInt, 0, iMem);
+        VdbeComment((v, "# Init EXISTS result"));
+      }
+      sqlite3ExprDelete(pSel->pLimit);
+      pSel->pLimit = sqlite3Expr(TK_INTEGER, 0, 0, &one);
+      sqlite3Select(pParse, pSel, sop, iMem, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if( testAddr ){
+    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, testAddr);
+  }
+  return;
+** Generate an instruction that will put the integer describe by
+** text z[0..n-1] on the stack.
+static void codeInteger(Vdbe *v, const char *z, int n){
+  int i;
+  if( sqlite3GetInt32(z, &i) ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, i, 0);
+  }else if( sqlite3FitsIn64Bits(z) ){
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Int64, 0, 0, z, n);
+  }else{
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Real, 0, 0, z, n);
+  }
+** Generate code into the current Vdbe to evaluate the given
+** expression and leave the result on the top of stack.
+** This code depends on the fact that certain token values (ex: TK_EQ)
+** are the same as opcode values (ex: OP_Eq) that implement the corresponding
+** operation.  Special comments in vdbe.c and the mkopcodeh.awk script in
+** the make process cause these values to align.  Assert()s in the code
+** below verify that the numbers are aligned correctly.
+void sqlite3ExprCode(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+  int op;
+  int stackChng = 1;    /* Amount of change to stack depth */
+  if( v==0 ) return;
+  if( pExpr==0 ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+    return;
+  }
+  op = pExpr->op;
+  switch( op ){
+    case TK_AGG_COLUMN: {
+      AggInfo *pAggInfo = pExpr->pAggInfo;
+      struct AggInfo_col *pCol = &pAggInfo->aCol[pExpr->iAgg];
+      if( !pAggInfo->directMode ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, pCol->iMem, 0);
+        break;
+      }else if( pAggInfo->useSortingIdx ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, pAggInfo->sortingIdx,
+                              pCol->iSorterColumn);
+        break;
+      }
+      /* Otherwise, fall thru into the TK_COLUMN case */
+    }
+    case TK_COLUMN: {
+      if( pExpr->iTable<0 ){
+        /* This only happens when coding check constraints */
+        assert( pParse->ckOffset>0 );
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, pParse->ckOffset-pExpr->iColumn-1, 1);
+      }else if( pExpr->iColumn>=0 ){
+        Table *pTab = pExpr->pTab;
+        int iCol = pExpr->iColumn;
+        int op = (pTab && IsVirtual(pTab)) ? OP_VColumn : OP_Column;
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, pExpr->iTable, iCol);
+        sqlite3ColumnDefault(v, pTab, iCol);
+        if( pTab && pTab->aCol[iCol].affinity==SQLITE_AFF_REAL ){
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_RealAffinity, 0, 0);
+        }
+      }else{
+        Table *pTab = pExpr->pTab;
+        int op = (pTab && IsVirtual(pTab)) ? OP_VRowid : OP_Rowid;
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, pExpr->iTable, 0);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_INTEGER: {
+      codeInteger(v, (char*)pExpr->token.z, pExpr->token.n);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_FLOAT:
+    case TK_STRING: {
+      assert( TK_FLOAT==OP_Real );
+      assert( TK_STRING==OP_String8 );
+      sqlite3DequoteExpr(pExpr);
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, op, 0, 0, (char*)pExpr->token.z, pExpr->token.n);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_NULL: {
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_BLOB: {
+      int n;
+      const char *z;
+      assert( TK_BLOB==OP_HexBlob );
+      n = pExpr->token.n - 3;
+      z = (char*)pExpr->token.z + 2;
+      assert( n>=0 );
+      if( n==0 ){
+        z = "";
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, op, 0, 0, z, n);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_VARIABLE: {
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Variable, pExpr->iTable, 0);
+      if( pExpr->token.n>1 ){
+        sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, (char*)pExpr->token.z, pExpr->token.n);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_REGISTER: {
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, pExpr->iTable, 0);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_CAST: {
+      /* Expressions of the form:   CAST(pLeft AS token) */
+      int aff, to_op;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      aff = sqlite3AffinityType(&pExpr->token);
+      to_op = aff - SQLITE_AFF_TEXT + OP_ToText;
+      assert( to_op==OP_ToText    || aff!=SQLITE_AFF_TEXT    );
+      assert( to_op==OP_ToBlob    || aff!=SQLITE_AFF_NONE    );
+      assert( to_op==OP_ToNumeric || aff!=SQLITE_AFF_NUMERIC );
+      assert( to_op==OP_ToInt     || aff!=SQLITE_AFF_INTEGER );
+      assert( to_op==OP_ToReal    || aff!=SQLITE_AFF_REAL    );
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, to_op, 0, 0);
+      stackChng = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_CAST */
+    case TK_LT:
+    case TK_LE:
+    case TK_GT:
+    case TK_GE:
+    case TK_NE:
+    case TK_EQ: {
+      assert( TK_LT==OP_Lt );
+      assert( TK_LE==OP_Le );
+      assert( TK_GT==OP_Gt );
+      assert( TK_GE==OP_Ge );
+      assert( TK_EQ==OP_Eq );
+      assert( TK_NE==OP_Ne );
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight, op, 0, 0);
+      stackChng = -1;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_AND:
+    case TK_OR:
+    case TK_PLUS:
+    case TK_STAR:
+    case TK_MINUS:
+    case TK_REM:
+    case TK_BITAND:
+    case TK_BITOR:
+    case TK_SLASH:
+    case TK_LSHIFT:
+    case TK_RSHIFT: 
+    case TK_CONCAT: {
+      assert( TK_AND==OP_And );
+      assert( TK_OR==OP_Or );
+      assert( TK_PLUS==OP_Add );
+      assert( TK_MINUS==OP_Subtract );
+      assert( TK_REM==OP_Remainder );
+      assert( TK_BITAND==OP_BitAnd );
+      assert( TK_BITOR==OP_BitOr );
+      assert( TK_SLASH==OP_Divide );
+      assert( TK_LSHIFT==OP_ShiftLeft );
+      assert( TK_RSHIFT==OP_ShiftRight );
+      assert( TK_CONCAT==OP_Concat );
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pRight);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, 0, 0);
+      stackChng = -1;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_UMINUS: {
+      Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
+      assert( pLeft );
+      if( pLeft->op==TK_FLOAT || pLeft->op==TK_INTEGER ){
+        Token *p = &pLeft->token;
+        char *z = sqlite3MPrintf("-%.*s", p->n, p->z);
+        if( pLeft->op==TK_FLOAT ){
+          sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Real, 0, 0, z, p->n+1);
+        }else{
+          codeInteger(v, z, p->n+1);
+        }
+        sqliteFree(z);
+        break;
+      }
+      /* Fall through into TK_NOT */
+    }
+    case TK_BITNOT:
+    case TK_NOT: {
+      assert( TK_BITNOT==OP_BitNot );
+      assert( TK_NOT==OP_Not );
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, 0, 0);
+      stackChng = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_ISNULL:
+    case TK_NOTNULL: {
+      int dest;
+      assert( TK_ISNULL==OP_IsNull );
+      assert( TK_NOTNULL==OP_NotNull );
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 1, 0);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      dest = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v) + 2;
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, 1, dest);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, -1, 0);
+      stackChng = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_AGG_FUNCTION: {
+      AggInfo *pInfo = pExpr->pAggInfo;
+      if( pInfo==0 ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "misuse of aggregate: %T",
+            &pExpr->span);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, pInfo->aFunc[pExpr->iAgg].iMem, 0);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_CONST_FUNC:
+    case TK_FUNCTION: {
+      ExprList *pList = pExpr->pList;
+      int nExpr = pList ? pList->nExpr : 0;
+      FuncDef *pDef;
+      int nId;
+      const char *zId;
+      int constMask = 0;
+      int i;
+      u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db);
+      CollSeq *pColl = 0;
+      zId = (char*)pExpr->token.z;
+      nId = pExpr->token.n;
+      pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(pParse->db, zId, nId, nExpr, enc, 0);
+      assert( pDef!=0 );
+      nExpr = sqlite3ExprCodeExprList(pParse, pList);
+      /* Possibly overload the function if the first argument is
+      ** a virtual table column.
+      **
+      ** For infix functions (LIKE, GLOB, REGEXP, and MATCH) use the
+      ** second argument, not the first, as the argument to test to
+      ** see if it is a column in a virtual table.  This is done because
+      ** the left operand of infix functions (the operand we want to
+      ** control overloading) ends up as the second argument to the
+      ** function.  The expression "A glob B" is equivalent to 
+      ** "glob(B,A).  We want to use the A in "A glob B" to test
+      ** for function overloading.  But we use the B term in "glob(B,A)".
+      */
+      if( nExpr>=2 && (pExpr->flags & EP_InfixFunc) ){
+        pDef = sqlite3VtabOverloadFunction(pDef, nExpr, pList->a[1].pExpr);
+      }else if( nExpr>0 ){
+        pDef = sqlite3VtabOverloadFunction(pDef, nExpr, pList->a[0].pExpr);
+      }
+      for(i=0; i<nExpr && i<32; i++){
+        if( sqlite3ExprIsConstant(pList->a[i].pExpr) ){
+          constMask |= (1<<i);
+        }
+        if( pDef->needCollSeq && !pColl ){
+          pColl = sqlite3ExprCollSeq(pParse, pList->a[i].pExpr);
+        }
+      }
+      if( pDef->needCollSeq ){
+        if( !pColl ) pColl = pParse->db->pDfltColl; 
+        sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_CollSeq, 0, 0, (char *)pColl, P3_COLLSEQ);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Function, constMask, nExpr, (char*)pDef, P3_FUNCDEF);
+      stackChng = 1-nExpr;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_EXISTS:
+    case TK_SELECT: {
+      if( pExpr->iColumn==0 ){
+        sqlite3CodeSubselect(pParse, pExpr);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, pExpr->iColumn, 0);
+      VdbeComment((v, "# load subquery result"));
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_IN: {
+      int addr;
+      char affinity;
+      int ckOffset = pParse->ckOffset;
+      sqlite3CodeSubselect(pParse, pExpr);
+      /* Figure out the affinity to use to create a key from the results
+      ** of the expression. affinityStr stores a static string suitable for
+      ** P3 of OP_MakeRecord.
+      */
+      affinity = comparisonAffinity(pExpr);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 1, 0);
+      pParse->ckOffset = ckOffset+1;
+      /* Code the <expr> from "<expr> IN (...)". The temporary table
+      ** pExpr->iTable contains the values that make up the (...) set.
+      */
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotNull, -1, addr+4);            /* addr + 0 */
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 2, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr+7);
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_MakeRecord, 1, 0, &affinity, 1);   /* addr + 4 */
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Found, pExpr->iTable, addr+7);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_AddImm, -1, 0);                  /* addr + 6 */
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_BETWEEN: {
+      Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
+      struct ExprList_item *pLItem = pExpr->pList->a;
+      Expr *pRight = pLItem->pExpr;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pLeft);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pRight, OP_Ge, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pull, 1, 0);
+      pLItem++;
+      pRight = pLItem->pExpr;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pRight, OP_Le, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_And, 0, 0);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_UPLUS:
+    case TK_AS: {
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      stackChng = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_CASE: {
+      int expr_end_label;
+      int jumpInst;
+      int nExpr;
+      int i;
+      ExprList *pEList;
+      struct ExprList_item *aListelem;
+      assert(pExpr->pList);
+      assert((pExpr->pList->nExpr % 2) == 0);
+      assert(pExpr->pList->nExpr > 0);
+      pEList = pExpr->pList;
+      aListelem = pEList->a;
+      nExpr = pEList->nExpr;
+      expr_end_label = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+      if( pExpr->pLeft ){
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      }
+      for(i=0; i<nExpr; i=i+2){
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, aListelem[i].pExpr);
+        if( pExpr->pLeft ){
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 1, 1);
+          jumpInst = codeCompare(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, aListelem[i].pExpr,
+                                 OP_Ne, 0, 1);
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+        }else{
+          jumpInst = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IfNot, 1, 0);
+        }
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, aListelem[i+1].pExpr);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, expr_end_label);
+        sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jumpInst);
+      }
+      if( pExpr->pLeft ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+      }
+      if( pExpr->pRight ){
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pRight);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+      }
+      sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, expr_end_label);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_RAISE: {
+      if( !pParse->trigStack ){
+        sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse,
+                       "RAISE() may only be used within a trigger-program");
+	return;
+      }
+      if( pExpr->iColumn!=OE_Ignore ){
+         assert( pExpr->iColumn==OE_Rollback ||
+                 pExpr->iColumn == OE_Abort ||
+                 pExpr->iColumn == OE_Fail );
+         sqlite3DequoteExpr(pExpr);
+         sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, pExpr->iColumn,
+                        (char*)pExpr->token.z, pExpr->token.n);
+      } else {
+         assert( pExpr->iColumn == OE_Ignore );
+         sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_ContextPop, 0, 0);
+         sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, pParse->trigStack->ignoreJump);
+         VdbeComment((v, "# raise(IGNORE)"));
+      }
+      stackChng = 0;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pParse->ckOffset ){
+    pParse->ckOffset += stackChng;
+    assert( pParse->ckOffset );
+  }
+** Generate code that evalutes the given expression and leaves the result
+** on the stack.  See also sqlite3ExprCode().
+** This routine might also cache the result and modify the pExpr tree
+** so that it will make use of the cached result on subsequent evaluations
+** rather than evaluate the whole expression again.  Trivial expressions are
+** not cached.  If the expression is cached, its result is stored in a 
+** memory location.
+void sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr){
+  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+  int iMem;
+  int addr1, addr2;
+  if( v==0 ) return;
+  addr1 = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+  sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr);
+  addr2 = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+  if( addr2>addr1+1 || sqlite3VdbeGetOp(v, addr1)->opcode==OP_Function ){
+    iMem = pExpr->iTable = pParse->nMem++;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemStore, iMem, 0);
+    pExpr->op = TK_REGISTER;
+  }
+** Generate code that pushes the value of every element of the given
+** expression list onto the stack.
+** Return the number of elements pushed onto the stack.
+int sqlite3ExprCodeExprList(
+  Parse *pParse,     /* Parsing context */
+  ExprList *pList    /* The expression list to be coded */
+  struct ExprList_item *pItem;
+  int i, n;
+  if( pList==0 ) return 0;
+  n = pList->nExpr;
+  for(pItem=pList->a, i=n; i>0; i--, pItem++){
+    sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pItem->pExpr);
+  }
+  return n;
+** Generate code for a boolean expression such that a jump is made
+** to the label "dest" if the expression is true but execution
+** continues straight thru if the expression is false.
+** If the expression evaluates to NULL (neither true nor false), then
+** take the jump if the jumpIfNull flag is true.
+** This code depends on the fact that certain token values (ex: TK_EQ)
+** are the same as opcode values (ex: OP_Eq) that implement the corresponding
+** operation.  Special comments in vdbe.c and the mkopcodeh.awk script in
+** the make process cause these values to align.  Assert()s in the code
+** below verify that the numbers are aligned correctly.
+void sqlite3ExprIfTrue(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int dest, int jumpIfNull){
+  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+  int op = 0;
+  int ckOffset = pParse->ckOffset;
+  if( v==0 || pExpr==0 ) return;
+  op = pExpr->op;
+  switch( op ){
+    case TK_AND: {
+      int d2 = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+      sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, d2, !jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pExpr->pRight, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, d2);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_OR: {
+      sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pExpr->pRight, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_NOT: {
+      sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_LT:
+    case TK_LE:
+    case TK_GT:
+    case TK_GE:
+    case TK_NE:
+    case TK_EQ: {
+      assert( TK_LT==OP_Lt );
+      assert( TK_LE==OP_Le );
+      assert( TK_GT==OP_Gt );
+      assert( TK_GE==OP_Ge );
+      assert( TK_EQ==OP_Eq );
+      assert( TK_NE==OP_Ne );
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight, op, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_ISNULL:
+    case TK_NOTNULL: {
+      assert( TK_ISNULL==OP_IsNull );
+      assert( TK_NOTNULL==OP_NotNull );
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, 1, dest);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_BETWEEN: {
+      /* The expression "x BETWEEN y AND z" is implemented as:
+      **
+      ** 1 IF (x < y) GOTO 3
+      ** 2 IF (x <= z) GOTO <dest>
+      ** 3 ...
+      */
+      int addr;
+      Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
+      Expr *pRight = pExpr->pList->a[0].pExpr;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pLeft);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight);
+      addr = codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pRight, OP_Lt, 0, !jumpIfNull);
+      pRight = pExpr->pList->a[1].pExpr;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pRight, OP_Le, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_If, jumpIfNull, dest);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  pParse->ckOffset = ckOffset;
+** Generate code for a boolean expression such that a jump is made
+** to the label "dest" if the expression is false but execution
+** continues straight thru if the expression is true.
+** If the expression evaluates to NULL (neither true nor false) then
+** jump if jumpIfNull is true or fall through if jumpIfNull is false.
+void sqlite3ExprIfFalse(Parse *pParse, Expr *pExpr, int dest, int jumpIfNull){
+  Vdbe *v = pParse->pVdbe;
+  int op = 0;
+  int ckOffset = pParse->ckOffset;
+  if( v==0 || pExpr==0 ) return;
+  /* The value of pExpr->op and op are related as follows:
+  **
+  **       pExpr->op            op
+  **       ---------          ----------
+  **       TK_ISNULL          OP_NotNull
+  **       TK_NOTNULL         OP_IsNull
+  **       TK_NE              OP_Eq
+  **       TK_EQ              OP_Ne
+  **       TK_GT              OP_Le
+  **       TK_LE              OP_Gt
+  **       TK_GE              OP_Lt
+  **       TK_LT              OP_Ge
+  **
+  ** For other values of pExpr->op, op is undefined and unused.
+  ** The value of TK_ and OP_ constants are arranged such that we
+  ** can compute the mapping above using the following expression.
+  ** Assert()s verify that the computation is correct.
+  */
+  op = ((pExpr->op+(TK_ISNULL&1))^1)-(TK_ISNULL&1);
+  /* Verify correct alignment of TK_ and OP_ constants
+  */
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_ISNULL || op==OP_NotNull );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_NOTNULL || op==OP_IsNull );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_NE || op==OP_Eq );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_EQ || op==OP_Ne );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_LT || op==OP_Ge );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_LE || op==OP_Gt );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_GT || op==OP_Le );
+  assert( pExpr->op!=TK_GE || op==OP_Lt );
+  switch( pExpr->op ){
+    case TK_AND: {
+      sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pExpr->pRight, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_OR: {
+      int d2 = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+      sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, d2, !jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3ExprIfFalse(pParse, pExpr->pRight, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, d2);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_NOT: {
+      sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_LT:
+    case TK_LE:
+    case TK_GT:
+    case TK_GE:
+    case TK_NE:
+    case TK_EQ: {
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pExpr->pLeft, pExpr->pRight, op, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_ISNULL:
+    case TK_NOTNULL: {
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr->pLeft);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, op, 1, dest);
+      break;
+    }
+    case TK_BETWEEN: {
+      /* The expression is "x BETWEEN y AND z". It is implemented as:
+      **
+      ** 1 IF (x >= y) GOTO 3
+      ** 2 GOTO <dest>
+      ** 3 IF (x > z) GOTO <dest>
+      */
+      int addr;
+      Expr *pLeft = pExpr->pLeft;
+      Expr *pRight = pExpr->pList->a[0].pExpr;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pLeft);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 0, 0);
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight);
+      addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pRight, OP_Ge, addr+3, !jumpIfNull);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, dest);
+      pRight = pExpr->pList->a[1].pExpr;
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pRight);
+      codeCompare(pParse, pLeft, pRight, OP_Gt, dest, jumpIfNull);
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pExpr);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IfNot, jumpIfNull, dest);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  pParse->ckOffset = ckOffset;
+** Do a deep comparison of two expression trees.  Return TRUE (non-zero)
+** if they are identical and return FALSE if they differ in any way.
+int sqlite3ExprCompare(Expr *pA, Expr *pB){
+  int i;
+  if( pA==0||pB==0 ){
+    return pB==pA;
+  }
+  if( pA->op!=pB->op ) return 0;
+  if( (pA->flags & EP_Distinct)!=(pB->flags & EP_Distinct) ) return 0;
+  if( !sqlite3ExprCompare(pA->pLeft, pB->pLeft) ) return 0;
+  if( !sqlite3ExprCompare(pA->pRight, pB->pRight) ) return 0;
+  if( pA->pList ){
+    if( pB->pList==0 ) return 0;
+    if( pA->pList->nExpr!=pB->pList->nExpr ) return 0;
+    for(i=0; i<pA->pList->nExpr; i++){
+      if( !sqlite3ExprCompare(pA->pList->a[i].pExpr, pB->pList->a[i].pExpr) ){
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }else if( pB->pList ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if( pA->pSelect || pB->pSelect ) return 0;
+  if( pA->iTable!=pB->iTable || pA->iColumn!=pB->iColumn ) return 0;
+  if( pA->token.z ){
+    if( pB->token.z==0 ) return 0;
+    if( pB->token.n!=pA->token.n ) return 0;
+    if( sqlite3StrNICmp((char*)pA->token.z,(char*)pB->token.z,pB->token.n)!=0 ){
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return 1;
+** Add a new element to the pAggInfo->aCol[] array.  Return the index of
+** the new element.  Return a negative number if malloc fails.
+static int addAggInfoColumn(AggInfo *pInfo){
+  int i;
+  i = sqlite3ArrayAllocate((void**)&pInfo->aCol, sizeof(pInfo->aCol[0]), 3);
+  if( i<0 ){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  return i;
+** Add a new element to the pAggInfo->aFunc[] array.  Return the index of
+** the new element.  Return a negative number if malloc fails.
+static int addAggInfoFunc(AggInfo *pInfo){
+  int i;
+  i = sqlite3ArrayAllocate((void**)&pInfo->aFunc, sizeof(pInfo->aFunc[0]), 2);
+  if( i<0 ){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  return i;
+** This is an xFunc for walkExprTree() used to implement 
+** sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates().  See sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates
+** for additional information.
+** This routine analyzes the aggregate function at pExpr.
+static int analyzeAggregate(void *pArg, Expr *pExpr){
+  int i;
+  NameContext *pNC = (NameContext *)pArg;
+  Parse *pParse = pNC->pParse;
+  SrcList *pSrcList = pNC->pSrcList;
+  AggInfo *pAggInfo = pNC->pAggInfo;
+  switch( pExpr->op ){
+    case TK_AGG_COLUMN:
+    case TK_COLUMN: {
+      /* Check to see if the column is in one of the tables in the FROM
+      ** clause of the aggregate query */
+      if( pSrcList ){
+        struct SrcList_item *pItem = pSrcList->a;
+        for(i=0; i<pSrcList->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+          struct AggInfo_col *pCol;
+          if( pExpr->iTable==pItem->iCursor ){
+            /* If we reach this point, it means that pExpr refers to a table
+            ** that is in the FROM clause of the aggregate query.  
+            **
+            ** Make an entry for the column in pAggInfo->aCol[] if there
+            ** is not an entry there already.
+            */
+            pCol = pAggInfo->aCol;
+            for(i=0; i<pAggInfo->nColumn; i++, pCol++){
+              if( pCol->iTable==pExpr->iTable &&
+                  pCol->iColumn==pExpr->iColumn ){
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+            if( i>=pAggInfo->nColumn && (i = addAggInfoColumn(pAggInfo))>=0 ){
+              pCol = &pAggInfo->aCol[i];
+              pCol->iTable = pExpr->iTable;
+              pCol->iColumn = pExpr->iColumn;
+              pCol->iMem = pParse->nMem++;
+              pCol->iSorterColumn = -1;
+              pCol->pExpr = pExpr;
+              if( pAggInfo->pGroupBy ){
+                int j, n;
+                ExprList *pGB = pAggInfo->pGroupBy;
+                struct ExprList_item *pTerm = pGB->a;
+                n = pGB->nExpr;
+                for(j=0; j<n; j++, pTerm++){
+                  Expr *pE = pTerm->pExpr;
+                  if( pE->op==TK_COLUMN && pE->iTable==pExpr->iTable &&
+                      pE->iColumn==pExpr->iColumn ){
+                    pCol->iSorterColumn = j;
+                    break;
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              if( pCol->iSorterColumn<0 ){
+                pCol->iSorterColumn = pAggInfo->nSortingColumn++;
+              }
+            }
+            /* There is now an entry for pExpr in pAggInfo->aCol[] (either
+            ** because it was there before or because we just created it).
+            ** Convert the pExpr to be a TK_AGG_COLUMN referring to that
+            ** pAggInfo->aCol[] entry.
+            */
+            pExpr->pAggInfo = pAggInfo;
+            pExpr->op = TK_AGG_COLUMN;
+            pExpr->iAgg = i;
+            break;
+          } /* endif pExpr->iTable==pItem->iCursor */
+        } /* end loop over pSrcList */
+      }
+      return 1;
+    }
+    case TK_AGG_FUNCTION: {
+      /* The pNC->nDepth==0 test causes aggregate functions in subqueries
+      ** to be ignored */
+      if( pNC->nDepth==0 ){
+        /* Check to see if pExpr is a duplicate of another aggregate 
+        ** function that is already in the pAggInfo structure
+        */
+        struct AggInfo_func *pItem = pAggInfo->aFunc;
+        for(i=0; i<pAggInfo->nFunc; i++, pItem++){
+          if( sqlite3ExprCompare(pItem->pExpr, pExpr) ){
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        if( i>=pAggInfo->nFunc ){
+          /* pExpr is original.  Make a new entry in pAggInfo->aFunc[]
+          */
+          u8 enc = ENC(pParse->db);
+          i = addAggInfoFunc(pAggInfo);
+          if( i>=0 ){
+            pItem = &pAggInfo->aFunc[i];
+            pItem->pExpr = pExpr;
+            pItem->iMem = pParse->nMem++;
+            pItem->pFunc = sqlite3FindFunction(pParse->db,
+                   (char*)pExpr->token.z, pExpr->token.n,
+                   pExpr->pList ? pExpr->pList->nExpr : 0, enc, 0);
+            if( pExpr->flags & EP_Distinct ){
+              pItem->iDistinct = pParse->nTab++;
+            }else{
+              pItem->iDistinct = -1;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        /* Make pExpr point to the appropriate pAggInfo->aFunc[] entry
+        */
+        pExpr->iAgg = i;
+        pExpr->pAggInfo = pAggInfo;
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Recursively walk subqueries looking for TK_COLUMN nodes that need
+  ** to be changed to TK_AGG_COLUMN.  But increment nDepth so that
+  ** TK_AGG_FUNCTION nodes in subqueries will be unchanged.
+  */
+  if( pExpr->pSelect ){
+    pNC->nDepth++;
+    walkSelectExpr(pExpr->pSelect, analyzeAggregate, pNC);
+    pNC->nDepth--;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Analyze the given expression looking for aggregate functions and
+** for variables that need to be added to the pParse->aAgg[] array.
+** Make additional entries to the pParse->aAgg[] array as necessary.
+** This routine should only be called after the expression has been
+** analyzed by sqlite3ExprResolveNames().
+** If errors are seen, leave an error message in zErrMsg and return
+** the number of errors.
+int sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates(NameContext *pNC, Expr *pExpr){
+  int nErr = pNC->pParse->nErr;
+  walkExprTree(pExpr, analyzeAggregate, pNC);
+  return pNC->pParse->nErr - nErr;
+** Call sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates() for every expression in an
+** expression list.  Return the number of errors.
+** If an error is found, the analysis is cut short.
+int sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggList(NameContext *pNC, ExprList *pList){
+  struct ExprList_item *pItem;
+  int i;
+  int nErr = 0;
+  if( pList ){
+    for(pItem=pList->a, i=0; nErr==0 && i<pList->nExpr; i++, pItem++){
+      nErr += sqlite3ExprAnalyzeAggregates(pNC, pItem->pExpr);
+    }
+  }
+  return nErr;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,3283 @@
+/* The author disclaims copyright to this source code.
+ *
+ * This is an SQLite module implementing full-text search.
+ */
+** The code in this file is only compiled if:
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built as an extension
+**       (in which case SQLITE_CORE is not defined), or
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built into the core of
+**       SQLite (in which case SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1 is defined).
+#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1)
+#if defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1) && !defined(SQLITE_CORE)
+# define SQLITE_CORE 1
+#include <assert.h>
+#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "fts1.h"
+#include "fts1_hash.h"
+#include "fts1_tokenizer.h"
+#include "sqlite3.h"
+#include "sqlite3ext.h"
+#if 0
+# define TRACE(A)  printf A; fflush(stdout)
+# define TRACE(A)
+/* utility functions */
+typedef struct StringBuffer {
+  int len;      /* length, not including null terminator */
+  int alloced;  /* Space allocated for s[] */ 
+  char *s;      /* Content of the string */
+} StringBuffer;
+static void initStringBuffer(StringBuffer *sb){
+  sb->len = 0;
+  sb->alloced = 100;
+  sb->s = malloc(100);
+  sb->s[0] = '\0';
+static void nappend(StringBuffer *sb, const char *zFrom, int nFrom){
+  if( sb->len + nFrom >= sb->alloced ){
+    sb->alloced = sb->len + nFrom + 100;
+    sb->s = realloc(sb->s, sb->alloced+1);
+    if( sb->s==0 ){
+      initStringBuffer(sb);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  memcpy(sb->s + sb->len, zFrom, nFrom);
+  sb->len += nFrom;
+  sb->s[sb->len] = 0;
+static void append(StringBuffer *sb, const char *zFrom){
+  nappend(sb, zFrom, strlen(zFrom));
+/* We encode variable-length integers in little-endian order using seven bits
+ * per byte as follows:
+** KEY:
+**         A = 0xxxxxxx    7 bits of data and one flag bit
+**         B = 1xxxxxxx    7 bits of data and one flag bit
+**  7 bits - A
+** 14 bits - BA
+** 21 bits - BBA
+** and so on.
+/* We may need up to VARINT_MAX bytes to store an encoded 64-bit integer. */
+#define VARINT_MAX 10
+/* Write a 64-bit variable-length integer to memory starting at p[0].
+ * The length of data written will be between 1 and VARINT_MAX bytes.
+ * The number of bytes written is returned. */
+static int putVarint(char *p, sqlite_int64 v){
+  unsigned char *q = (unsigned char *) p;
+  sqlite_uint64 vu = v;
+  do{
+    *q++ = (unsigned char) ((vu & 0x7f) | 0x80);
+    vu >>= 7;
+  }while( vu!=0 );
+  q[-1] &= 0x7f;  /* turn off high bit in final byte */
+  assert( q - (unsigned char *)p <= VARINT_MAX );
+  return (int) (q - (unsigned char *)p);
+/* Read a 64-bit variable-length integer from memory starting at p[0].
+ * Return the number of bytes read, or 0 on error.
+ * The value is stored in *v. */
+static int getVarint(const char *p, sqlite_int64 *v){
+  const unsigned char *q = (const unsigned char *) p;
+  sqlite_uint64 x = 0, y = 1;
+  while( (*q & 0x80) == 0x80 ){
+    x += y * (*q++ & 0x7f);
+    y <<= 7;
+    if( q - (unsigned char *)p >= VARINT_MAX ){  /* bad data */
+      assert( 0 );
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }
+  x += y * (*q++);
+  *v = (sqlite_int64) x;
+  return (int) (q - (unsigned char *)p);
+static int getVarint32(const char *p, int *pi){
+ sqlite_int64 i;
+ int ret = getVarint(p, &i);
+ *pi = (int) i;
+ assert( *pi==i );
+ return ret;
+/*** Document lists ***
+ *
+ * A document list holds a sorted list of varint-encoded document IDs.
+ *
+ * A doclist with type DL_POSITIONS_OFFSETS is stored like this:
+ *
+ * array {
+ *   varint docid;
+ *   array {
+ *     varint position;     (delta from previous position plus POS_BASE)
+ *     varint startOffset;  (delta from previous startOffset)
+ *     varint endOffset;    (delta from startOffset)
+ *   }
+ * }
+ *
+ * Here, array { X } means zero or more occurrences of X, adjacent in memory.
+ *
+ * A position list may hold positions for text in multiple columns.  A position
+ * POS_COLUMN is followed by a varint containing the index of the column for
+ * following positions in the list.  Any positions appearing before any
+ * occurrences of POS_COLUMN are for column 0.
+ *
+ * A doclist with type DL_POSITIONS is like the above, but holds only docids
+ * and positions without offset information.
+ *
+ * A doclist with type DL_DOCIDS is like the above, but holds only docids
+ * without positions or offset information.
+ *
+ * On disk, every document list has positions and offsets, so we don't bother
+ * to serialize a doclist's type.
+ * 
+ * We don't yet delta-encode document IDs; doing so will probably be a
+ * modest win.
+ *
+ * NOTE(shess) I've thought of a slightly (1%) better offset encoding.
+ * After the first offset, estimate the next offset by using the
+ * current token position and the previous token position and offset,
+ * offset to handle some variance.  So the estimate would be
+ * (iPosition*w->iStartOffset/w->iPosition-64), which is delta-encoded
+ * as normal.  Offsets more than 64 chars from the estimate are
+ * encoded as the delta to the previous start offset + 128.  An
+ * additional tiny increment can be gained by using the end offset of
+ * the previous token to make the estimate a tiny bit more precise.
+typedef enum DocListType {
+  DL_DOCIDS,              /* docids only */
+  DL_POSITIONS,           /* docids + positions */
+  DL_POSITIONS_OFFSETS    /* docids + positions + offsets */
+} DocListType;
+** By default, only positions and not offsets are stored in the doclists.
+** To change this so that offsets are stored too, compile with
+#ifndef DL_DEFAULT
+typedef struct DocList {
+  char *pData;
+  int nData;
+  DocListType iType;
+  int iLastColumn;    /* the last column written */
+  int iLastPos;       /* the last position written */
+  int iLastOffset;    /* the last start offset written */
+} DocList;
+enum {
+  POS_END = 0,        /* end of this position list */
+  POS_COLUMN,         /* followed by new column number */
+/* Initialize a new DocList to hold the given data. */
+static void docListInit(DocList *d, DocListType iType,
+                        const char *pData, int nData){
+  d->nData = nData;
+  if( nData>0 ){
+    d->pData = malloc(nData);
+    memcpy(d->pData, pData, nData);
+  } else {
+    d->pData = NULL;
+  }
+  d->iType = iType;
+  d->iLastColumn = 0;
+  d->iLastPos = d->iLastOffset = 0;
+/* Create a new dynamically-allocated DocList. */
+static DocList *docListNew(DocListType iType){
+  DocList *d = (DocList *) malloc(sizeof(DocList));
+  docListInit(d, iType, 0, 0);
+  return d;
+static void docListDestroy(DocList *d){
+  free(d->pData);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+  memset(d, 0x55, sizeof(*d));
+static void docListDelete(DocList *d){
+  docListDestroy(d);
+  free(d);
+static char *docListEnd(DocList *d){
+  return d->pData + d->nData;
+/* Append a varint to a DocList's data. */
+static void appendVarint(DocList *d, sqlite_int64 i){
+  char c[VARINT_MAX];
+  int n = putVarint(c, i);
+  d->pData = realloc(d->pData, d->nData + n);
+  memcpy(d->pData + d->nData, c, n);
+  d->nData += n;
+static void docListAddDocid(DocList *d, sqlite_int64 iDocid){
+  appendVarint(d, iDocid);
+  if( d->iType>=DL_POSITIONS ){
+    appendVarint(d, POS_END);  /* initially empty position list */
+    d->iLastColumn = 0;
+    d->iLastPos = d->iLastOffset = 0;
+  }
+/* helper function for docListAddPos and docListAddPosOffset */
+static void addPos(DocList *d, int iColumn, int iPos){
+  assert( d->nData>0 );
+  --d->nData;  /* remove previous terminator */
+  if( iColumn!=d->iLastColumn ){
+    assert( iColumn>d->iLastColumn );
+    appendVarint(d, POS_COLUMN);
+    appendVarint(d, iColumn);
+    d->iLastColumn = iColumn;
+    d->iLastPos = d->iLastOffset = 0;
+  }
+  assert( iPos>=d->iLastPos );
+  appendVarint(d, iPos-d->iLastPos+POS_BASE);
+  d->iLastPos = iPos;
+/* Add a position to the last position list in a doclist. */
+static void docListAddPos(DocList *d, int iColumn, int iPos){
+  assert( d->iType==DL_POSITIONS );
+  addPos(d, iColumn, iPos);
+  appendVarint(d, POS_END);  /* add new terminator */
+** Add a position and starting and ending offsets to a doclist.
+** If the doclist is setup to handle only positions, then insert
+** the position only and ignore the offsets.
+static void docListAddPosOffset(
+  DocList *d,             /* Doclist under construction */
+  int iColumn,            /* Column the inserted term is part of */
+  int iPos,               /* Position of the inserted term */
+  int iStartOffset,       /* Starting offset of inserted term */
+  int iEndOffset          /* Ending offset of inserted term */
+  assert( d->iType>=DL_POSITIONS );
+  addPos(d, iColumn, iPos);
+  if( d->iType==DL_POSITIONS_OFFSETS ){
+    assert( iStartOffset>=d->iLastOffset );
+    appendVarint(d, iStartOffset-d->iLastOffset);
+    d->iLastOffset = iStartOffset;
+    assert( iEndOffset>=iStartOffset );
+    appendVarint(d, iEndOffset-iStartOffset);
+  }
+  appendVarint(d, POS_END);  /* add new terminator */
+** A DocListReader object is a cursor into a doclist.  Initialize
+** the cursor to the beginning of the doclist by calling readerInit().
+** Then use routines
+**      peekDocid()
+**      readDocid()
+**      readPosition()
+**      skipPositionList()
+**      and so forth...
+** to read information out of the doclist.  When we reach the end
+** of the doclist, atEnd() returns TRUE.
+typedef struct DocListReader {
+  DocList *pDoclist;  /* The document list we are stepping through */
+  char *p;            /* Pointer to next unread byte in the doclist */
+  int iLastColumn;
+  int iLastPos;  /* the last position read, or -1 when not in a position list */
+} DocListReader;
+** Initialize the DocListReader r to point to the beginning of pDoclist.
+static void readerInit(DocListReader *r, DocList *pDoclist){
+  r->pDoclist = pDoclist;
+  if( pDoclist!=NULL ){
+    r->p = pDoclist->pData;
+  }
+  r->iLastColumn = -1;
+  r->iLastPos = -1;
+** Return TRUE if we have reached then end of pReader and there is
+** nothing else left to read.
+static int atEnd(DocListReader *pReader){
+  return pReader->pDoclist==0 || (pReader->p >= docListEnd(pReader->pDoclist));
+/* Peek at the next docid without advancing the read pointer. 
+static sqlite_int64 peekDocid(DocListReader *pReader){
+  sqlite_int64 ret;
+  assert( !atEnd(pReader) );
+  assert( pReader->iLastPos==-1 );
+  getVarint(pReader->p, &ret);
+  return ret;
+/* Read the next docid.   See also nextDocid().
+static sqlite_int64 readDocid(DocListReader *pReader){
+  sqlite_int64 ret;
+  assert( !atEnd(pReader) );
+  assert( pReader->iLastPos==-1 );
+  pReader->p += getVarint(pReader->p, &ret);
+  if( pReader->pDoclist->iType>=DL_POSITIONS ){
+    pReader->iLastColumn = 0;
+    pReader->iLastPos = 0;
+  }
+  return ret;
+/* Read the next position and column index from a position list.
+ * Returns the position, or -1 at the end of the list. */
+static int readPosition(DocListReader *pReader, int *iColumn){
+  int i;
+  int iType = pReader->pDoclist->iType;
+  if( pReader->iLastPos==-1 ){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  assert( !atEnd(pReader) );
+  if( iType<DL_POSITIONS ){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &i);
+  if( i==POS_END ){
+    pReader->iLastColumn = pReader->iLastPos = -1;
+    *iColumn = -1;
+    return -1;
+  }
+  if( i==POS_COLUMN ){
+    pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &pReader->iLastColumn);
+    pReader->iLastPos = 0;
+    pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &i);
+    assert( i>=POS_BASE );
+  }
+  pReader->iLastPos += ((int) i)-POS_BASE;
+    /* Skip over offsets, ignoring them for now. */
+    int iStart, iEnd;
+    pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &iStart);
+    pReader->p += getVarint32(pReader->p, &iEnd);
+  }
+  *iColumn = pReader->iLastColumn;
+  return pReader->iLastPos;
+/* Skip past the end of a position list. */
+static void skipPositionList(DocListReader *pReader){
+  DocList *p = pReader->pDoclist;
+  if( p && p->iType>=DL_POSITIONS ){
+    int iColumn;
+    while( readPosition(pReader, &iColumn)!=-1 ){}
+  }
+/* Skip over a docid, including its position list if the doclist has
+ * positions. */
+static void skipDocument(DocListReader *pReader){
+  readDocid(pReader);
+  skipPositionList(pReader);
+/* Skip past all docids which are less than [iDocid].  Returns 1 if a docid
+ * matching [iDocid] was found.  */
+static int skipToDocid(DocListReader *pReader, sqlite_int64 iDocid){
+  sqlite_int64 d = 0;
+  while( !atEnd(pReader) && (d=peekDocid(pReader))<iDocid ){
+    skipDocument(pReader);
+  }
+  return !atEnd(pReader) && d==iDocid;
+/* Return the first document in a document list.
+static sqlite_int64 firstDocid(DocList *d){
+  DocListReader r;
+  readerInit(&r, d);
+  return readDocid(&r);
+** This routine is used for debugging purpose only.
+** Write the content of a doclist to standard output.
+static void printDoclist(DocList *p){
+  DocListReader r;
+  const char *zSep = "";
+  readerInit(&r, p);
+  while( !atEnd(&r) ){
+    sqlite_int64 docid = readDocid(&r);
+    if( docid==0 ){
+      skipPositionList(&r);
+      continue;
+    }
+    printf("%s%lld", zSep, docid);
+    zSep =  ",";
+    if( p->iType>=DL_POSITIONS ){
+      int iPos, iCol;
+      const char *zDiv = "";
+      printf("(");
+      while( (iPos = readPosition(&r, &iCol))>=0 ){
+        printf("%s%d:%d", zDiv, iCol, iPos);
+        zDiv = ":";
+      }
+      printf(")");
+    }
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+  fflush(stdout);
+#endif /* SQLITE_DEBUG */
+/* Trim the given doclist to contain only positions in column
+ * [iRestrictColumn]. */
+static void docListRestrictColumn(DocList *in, int iRestrictColumn){
+  DocListReader r;
+  DocList out;
+  assert( in->iType>=DL_POSITIONS );
+  readerInit(&r, in);
+  docListInit(&out, DL_POSITIONS, NULL, 0);
+  while( !atEnd(&r) ){
+    sqlite_int64 iDocid = readDocid(&r);
+    int iPos, iColumn;
+    docListAddDocid(&out, iDocid);
+    while( (iPos = readPosition(&r, &iColumn)) != -1 ){
+      if( iColumn==iRestrictColumn ){
+        docListAddPos(&out, iColumn, iPos);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  docListDestroy(in);
+  *in = out;
+/* Trim the given doclist by discarding any docids without any remaining
+ * positions. */
+static void docListDiscardEmpty(DocList *in) {
+  DocListReader r;
+  DocList out;
+  /* TODO: It would be nice to implement this operation in place; that
+   * could save a significant amount of memory in queries with long doclists. */
+  assert( in->iType>=DL_POSITIONS );
+  readerInit(&r, in);
+  docListInit(&out, DL_POSITIONS, NULL, 0);
+  while( !atEnd(&r) ){
+    sqlite_int64 iDocid = readDocid(&r);
+    int match = 0;
+    int iPos, iColumn;
+    while( (iPos = readPosition(&r, &iColumn)) != -1 ){
+      if( !match ){
+        docListAddDocid(&out, iDocid);
+        match = 1;
+      }
+      docListAddPos(&out, iColumn, iPos);
+    }
+  }
+  docListDestroy(in);
+  *in = out;
+/* Helper function for docListUpdate() and docListAccumulate().
+** Splices a doclist element into the doclist represented by r,
+** leaving r pointing after the newly spliced element.
+static void docListSpliceElement(DocListReader *r, sqlite_int64 iDocid,
+                                 const char *pSource, int nSource){
+  DocList *d = r->pDoclist;
+  char *pTarget;
+  int nTarget, found;
+  found = skipToDocid(r, iDocid);
+  /* Describe slice in d to place pSource/nSource. */
+  pTarget = r->p;
+  if( found ){
+    skipDocument(r);
+    nTarget = r->p-pTarget;
+  }else{
+    nTarget = 0;
+  }
+  /* The sense of the following is that there are three possibilities.
+  ** If nTarget==nSource, we should not move any memory nor realloc.
+  ** If nTarget>nSource, trim target and realloc.
+  ** If nTarget<nSource, realloc then expand target.
+  */
+  if( nTarget>nSource ){
+    memmove(pTarget+nSource, pTarget+nTarget, docListEnd(d)-(pTarget+nTarget));
+  }
+  if( nTarget!=nSource ){
+    int iDoclist = pTarget-d->pData;
+    d->pData = realloc(d->pData, d->nData+nSource-nTarget);
+    pTarget = d->pData+iDoclist;
+  }
+  if( nTarget<nSource ){
+    memmove(pTarget+nSource, pTarget+nTarget, docListEnd(d)-(pTarget+nTarget));
+  }
+  memcpy(pTarget, pSource, nSource);
+  d->nData += nSource-nTarget;
+  r->p = pTarget+nSource;
+/* Insert/update pUpdate into the doclist. */
+static void docListUpdate(DocList *d, DocList *pUpdate){
+  DocListReader reader;
+  assert( d!=NULL && pUpdate!=NULL );
+  assert( d->iType==pUpdate->iType);
+  readerInit(&reader, d);
+  docListSpliceElement(&reader, firstDocid(pUpdate),
+                       pUpdate->pData, pUpdate->nData);
+/* Propagate elements from pUpdate to pAcc, overwriting elements with
+** matching docids.
+static void docListAccumulate(DocList *pAcc, DocList *pUpdate){
+  DocListReader accReader, updateReader;
+  /* Handle edge cases where one doclist is empty. */
+  assert( pAcc!=NULL );
+  if( pUpdate==NULL || pUpdate->nData==0 ) return;
+  if( pAcc->nData==0 ){
+    pAcc->pData = malloc(pUpdate->nData);
+    memcpy(pAcc->pData, pUpdate->pData, pUpdate->nData);
+    pAcc->nData = pUpdate->nData;
+    return;
+  }
+  readerInit(&accReader, pAcc);
+  readerInit(&updateReader, pUpdate);
+  while( !atEnd(&updateReader) ){
+    char *pSource = updateReader.p;
+    sqlite_int64 iDocid = readDocid(&updateReader);
+    skipPositionList(&updateReader);
+    docListSpliceElement(&accReader, iDocid, pSource, updateReader.p-pSource);
+  }
+** Read the next docid off of pIn.  Return 0 if we reach the end.
+* TODO: This assumes that docids are never 0, but they may actually be 0 since
+* users can choose docids when inserting into a full-text table.  Fix this.
+static sqlite_int64 nextDocid(DocListReader *pIn){
+  skipPositionList(pIn);
+  return atEnd(pIn) ? 0 : readDocid(pIn);
+** pLeft and pRight are two DocListReaders that are pointing to
+** positions lists of the same document: iDocid. 
+** If there are no instances in pLeft or pRight where the position
+** of pLeft is one less than the position of pRight, then this
+** routine adds nothing to pOut.
+** If there are one or more instances where positions from pLeft
+** are exactly one less than positions from pRight, then add a new
+** document record to pOut.  If pOut wants to hold positions, then
+** include the positions from pRight that are one more than a
+** position in pLeft.  In other words:  pRight.iPos==pLeft.iPos+1.
+** pLeft and pRight are left pointing at the next document record.
+static void mergePosList(
+  DocListReader *pLeft,    /* Left position list */
+  DocListReader *pRight,   /* Right position list */
+  sqlite_int64 iDocid,     /* The docid from pLeft and pRight */
+  DocList *pOut            /* Write the merged document record here */
+  int iLeftCol, iLeftPos = readPosition(pLeft, &iLeftCol);
+  int iRightCol, iRightPos = readPosition(pRight, &iRightCol);
+  int match = 0;
+  /* Loop until we've reached the end of both position lists. */
+  while( iLeftPos!=-1 && iRightPos!=-1 ){
+    if( iLeftCol==iRightCol && iLeftPos+1==iRightPos ){
+      if( !match ){
+        docListAddDocid(pOut, iDocid);
+        match = 1;
+      }
+      if( pOut->iType>=DL_POSITIONS ){
+        docListAddPos(pOut, iRightCol, iRightPos);
+      }
+      iLeftPos = readPosition(pLeft, &iLeftCol);
+      iRightPos = readPosition(pRight, &iRightCol);
+    }else if( iRightCol<iLeftCol ||
+              (iRightCol==iLeftCol && iRightPos<iLeftPos+1) ){
+      iRightPos = readPosition(pRight, &iRightCol);
+    }else{
+      iLeftPos = readPosition(pLeft, &iLeftCol);
+    }
+  }
+  if( iLeftPos>=0 ) skipPositionList(pLeft);
+  if( iRightPos>=0 ) skipPositionList(pRight);
+/* We have two doclists:  pLeft and pRight.
+** Write the phrase intersection of these two doclists into pOut.
+** A phrase intersection means that two documents only match
+** if pLeft.iPos+1==pRight.iPos.
+** The output pOut may or may not contain positions.  If pOut
+** does contain positions, they are the positions of pRight.
+static void docListPhraseMerge(
+  DocList *pLeft,    /* Doclist resulting from the words on the left */
+  DocList *pRight,   /* Doclist for the next word to the right */
+  DocList *pOut      /* Write the combined doclist here */
+  DocListReader left, right;
+  sqlite_int64 docidLeft, docidRight;
+  readerInit(&left, pLeft);
+  readerInit(&right, pRight);
+  docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+  docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+  while( docidLeft>0 && docidRight>0 ){
+    if( docidLeft<docidRight ){
+      docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+    }else if( docidRight<docidLeft ){
+      docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+    }else{
+      mergePosList(&left, &right, docidLeft, pOut);
+      docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+      docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+    }
+  }
+/* We have two doclists:  pLeft and pRight.
+** Write the intersection of these two doclists into pOut.
+** Only docids are matched.  Position information is ignored.
+** The output pOut never holds positions.
+static void docListAndMerge(
+  DocList *pLeft,    /* Doclist resulting from the words on the left */
+  DocList *pRight,   /* Doclist for the next word to the right */
+  DocList *pOut      /* Write the combined doclist here */
+  DocListReader left, right;
+  sqlite_int64 docidLeft, docidRight;
+  assert( pOut->iType<DL_POSITIONS );
+  readerInit(&left, pLeft);
+  readerInit(&right, pRight);
+  docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+  docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+  while( docidLeft>0 && docidRight>0 ){
+    if( docidLeft<docidRight ){
+      docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+    }else if( docidRight<docidLeft ){
+      docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+    }else{
+      docListAddDocid(pOut, docidLeft);
+      docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+      docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+    }
+  }
+/* We have two doclists:  pLeft and pRight.
+** Write the union of these two doclists into pOut.
+** Only docids are matched.  Position information is ignored.
+** The output pOut never holds positions.
+static void docListOrMerge(
+  DocList *pLeft,    /* Doclist resulting from the words on the left */
+  DocList *pRight,   /* Doclist for the next word to the right */
+  DocList *pOut      /* Write the combined doclist here */
+  DocListReader left, right;
+  sqlite_int64 docidLeft, docidRight, priorLeft;
+  readerInit(&left, pLeft);
+  readerInit(&right, pRight);
+  docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+  docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+  while( docidLeft>0 && docidRight>0 ){
+    if( docidLeft<=docidRight ){
+      docListAddDocid(pOut, docidLeft);
+    }else{
+      docListAddDocid(pOut, docidRight);
+    }
+    priorLeft = docidLeft;
+    if( docidLeft<=docidRight ){
+      docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+    }
+    if( docidRight>0 && docidRight<=priorLeft ){
+      docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+    }
+  }
+  while( docidLeft>0 ){
+    docListAddDocid(pOut, docidLeft);
+    docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+  }
+  while( docidRight>0 ){
+    docListAddDocid(pOut, docidRight);
+    docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+  }
+/* We have two doclists:  pLeft and pRight.
+** Write into pOut all documents that occur in pLeft but not
+** in pRight.
+** Only docids are matched.  Position information is ignored.
+** The output pOut never holds positions.
+static void docListExceptMerge(
+  DocList *pLeft,    /* Doclist resulting from the words on the left */
+  DocList *pRight,   /* Doclist for the next word to the right */
+  DocList *pOut      /* Write the combined doclist here */
+  DocListReader left, right;
+  sqlite_int64 docidLeft, docidRight, priorLeft;
+  readerInit(&left, pLeft);
+  readerInit(&right, pRight);
+  docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+  docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+  while( docidLeft>0 && docidRight>0 ){
+    priorLeft = docidLeft;
+    if( docidLeft<docidRight ){
+      docListAddDocid(pOut, docidLeft);
+    }
+    if( docidLeft<=docidRight ){
+      docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+    }
+    if( docidRight>0 && docidRight<=priorLeft ){
+      docidRight = nextDocid(&right);
+    }
+  }
+  while( docidLeft>0 ){
+    docListAddDocid(pOut, docidLeft);
+    docidLeft = nextDocid(&left);
+  }
+static char *string_dup_n(const char *s, int n){
+  char *str = malloc(n + 1);
+  memcpy(str, s, n);
+  str[n] = '\0';
+  return str;
+/* Duplicate a string; the caller must free() the returned string.
+ * (We don't use strdup() since it's not part of the standard C library and
+ * may not be available everywhere.) */
+static char *string_dup(const char *s){
+  return string_dup_n(s, strlen(s));
+/* Format a string, replacing each occurrence of the % character with
+ * zDb.zName.  This may be more convenient than sqlite_mprintf()
+ * when one string is used repeatedly in a format string.
+ * The caller must free() the returned string. */
+static char *string_format(const char *zFormat,
+                           const char *zDb, const char *zName){
+  const char *p;
+  size_t len = 0;
+  size_t nDb = strlen(zDb);
+  size_t nName = strlen(zName);
+  size_t nFullTableName = nDb+1+nName;
+  char *result;
+  char *r;
+  /* first compute length needed */
+  for(p = zFormat ; *p ; ++p){
+    len += (*p=='%' ? nFullTableName : 1);
+  }
+  len += 1;  /* for null terminator */
+  r = result = malloc(len);
+  for(p = zFormat; *p; ++p){
+    if( *p=='%' ){
+      memcpy(r, zDb, nDb);
+      r += nDb;
+      *r++ = '.';
+      memcpy(r, zName, nName);
+      r += nName;
+    } else {
+      *r++ = *p;
+    }
+  }
+  *r++ = '\0';
+  assert( r == result + len );
+  return result;
+static int sql_exec(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, const char *zName,
+                    const char *zFormat){
+  char *zCommand = string_format(zFormat, zDb, zName);
+  int rc;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 sql: %s\n", zCommand));
+  rc = sqlite3_exec(db, zCommand, NULL, 0, NULL);
+  free(zCommand);
+  return rc;
+static int sql_prepare(sqlite3 *db, const char *zDb, const char *zName,
+                       sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt, const char *zFormat){
+  char *zCommand = string_format(zFormat, zDb, zName);
+  int rc;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 prepare: %s\n", zCommand));
+  rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, zCommand, -1, ppStmt, NULL);
+  free(zCommand);
+  return rc;
+/* end utility functions */
+/* Forward reference */
+typedef struct fulltext_vtab fulltext_vtab;
+/* A single term in a query is represented by an instances of
+** the following structure.
+typedef struct QueryTerm {
+  short int nPhrase; /* How many following terms are part of the same phrase */
+  short int iPhrase; /* This is the i-th term of a phrase. */
+  short int iColumn; /* Column of the index that must match this term */
+  signed char isOr;  /* this term is preceded by "OR" */
+  signed char isNot; /* this term is preceded by "-" */
+  char *pTerm;       /* text of the term.  '\000' terminated.  malloced */
+  int nTerm;         /* Number of bytes in pTerm[] */
+} QueryTerm;
+/* A query string is parsed into a Query structure.
+ *
+ * We could, in theory, allow query strings to be complicated
+ * nested expressions with precedence determined by parentheses.
+ * But none of the major search engines do this.  (Perhaps the
+ * feeling is that an parenthesized expression is two complex of
+ * an idea for the average user to grasp.)  Taking our lead from
+ * the major search engines, we will allow queries to be a list
+ * of terms (with an implied AND operator) or phrases in double-quotes,
+ * with a single optional "-" before each non-phrase term to designate
+ * negation and an optional OR connector.
+ *
+ * OR binds more tightly than the implied AND, which is what the
+ * major search engines seem to do.  So, for example:
+ * 
+ *    [one two OR three]     ==>    one AND (two OR three)
+ *    [one OR two three]     ==>    (one OR two) AND three
+ *
+ * A "-" before a term matches all entries that lack that term.
+ * The "-" must occur immediately before the term with in intervening
+ * space.  This is how the search engines do it.
+ *
+ * A NOT term cannot be the right-hand operand of an OR.  If this
+ * occurs in the query string, the NOT is ignored:
+ *
+ *    [one OR -two]          ==>    one OR two
+ *
+ */
+typedef struct Query {
+  fulltext_vtab *pFts;  /* The full text index */
+  int nTerms;           /* Number of terms in the query */
+  QueryTerm *pTerms;    /* Array of terms.  Space obtained from malloc() */
+  int nextIsOr;         /* Set the isOr flag on the next inserted term */
+  int nextColumn;       /* Next word parsed must be in this column */
+  int dfltColumn;       /* The default column */
+} Query;
+** An instance of the following structure keeps track of generated
+** matching-word offset information and snippets.
+typedef struct Snippet {
+  int nMatch;     /* Total number of matches */
+  int nAlloc;     /* Space allocated for aMatch[] */
+  struct snippetMatch { /* One entry for each matching term */
+    char snStatus;       /* Status flag for use while constructing snippets */
+    short int iCol;      /* The column that contains the match */
+    short int iTerm;     /* The index in Query.pTerms[] of the matching term */
+    short int nByte;     /* Number of bytes in the term */
+    int iStart;          /* The offset to the first character of the term */
+  } *aMatch;      /* Points to space obtained from malloc */
+  char *zOffset;  /* Text rendering of aMatch[] */
+  int nOffset;    /* strlen(zOffset) */
+  char *zSnippet; /* Snippet text */
+  int nSnippet;   /* strlen(zSnippet) */
+} Snippet;
+typedef enum QueryType {
+  QUERY_GENERIC,   /* table scan */
+  QUERY_ROWID,     /* lookup by rowid */
+  QUERY_FULLTEXT   /* QUERY_FULLTEXT + [i] is a full-text search for column i*/
+} QueryType;
+/* TODO(shess) CHUNK_MAX controls how much data we allow in segment 0
+** before we start aggregating into larger segments.  Lower CHUNK_MAX
+** means that for a given input we have more individual segments per
+** term, which means more rows in the table and a bigger index (due to
+** both more rows and bigger rowids).  But it also reduces the average
+** cost of adding new elements to the segment 0 doclist, and it seems
+** to reduce the number of pages read and written during inserts.  256
+** was chosen by measuring insertion times for a certain input (first
+** 10k documents of Enron corpus), though including query performance
+** in the decision may argue for a larger value.
+#define CHUNK_MAX 256
+typedef enum fulltext_statement {
+  MAX_STMT                     /* Always at end! */
+} fulltext_statement;
+/* These must exactly match the enum above. */
+/* TODO(adam): Is there some risk that a statement (in particular,
+** pTermSelectStmt) will be used in two cursors at once, e.g.  if a
+** query joins a virtual table to itself?  If so perhaps we should
+** move some of these to the cursor object.
+static const char *const fulltext_zStatement[MAX_STMT] = {
+  /* CONTENT_INSERT */ NULL,  /* generated in contentInsertStatement() */
+  /* CONTENT_SELECT */ "select * from %_content where rowid = ?",
+  /* CONTENT_UPDATE */ NULL,  /* generated in contentUpdateStatement() */
+  /* CONTENT_DELETE */ "delete from %_content where rowid = ?",
+  /* TERM_SELECT */
+  "select rowid, doclist from %_term where term = ? and segment = ?",
+  "select doclist from %_term where term = ? order by segment",
+  /* TERM_INSERT */
+  "insert into %_term (rowid, term, segment, doclist) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+  /* TERM_UPDATE */ "update %_term set doclist = ? where rowid = ?",
+  /* TERM_DELETE */ "delete from %_term where rowid = ?",
+** A connection to a fulltext index is an instance of the following
+** structure.  The xCreate and xConnect methods create an instance
+** of this structure and xDestroy and xDisconnect free that instance.
+** All other methods receive a pointer to the structure as one of their
+** arguments.
+struct fulltext_vtab {
+  sqlite3_vtab base;               /* Base class used by SQLite core */
+  sqlite3 *db;                     /* The database connection */
+  const char *zDb;                 /* logical database name */
+  const char *zName;               /* virtual table name */
+  int nColumn;                     /* number of columns in virtual table */
+  char **azColumn;                 /* column names.  malloced */
+  char **azContentColumn;          /* column names in content table; malloced */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer;   /* tokenizer for inserts and queries */
+  /* Precompiled statements which we keep as long as the table is
+  ** open.
+  */
+  sqlite3_stmt *pFulltextStatements[MAX_STMT];
+** When the core wants to do a query, it create a cursor using a
+** call to xOpen.  This structure is an instance of a cursor.  It
+** is destroyed by xClose.
+typedef struct fulltext_cursor {
+  sqlite3_vtab_cursor base;        /* Base class used by SQLite core */
+  QueryType iCursorType;           /* Copy of sqlite3_index_info.idxNum */
+  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;             /* Prepared statement in use by the cursor */
+  int eof;                         /* True if at End Of Results */
+  Query q;                         /* Parsed query string */
+  Snippet snippet;                 /* Cached snippet for the current row */
+  int iColumn;                     /* Column being searched */
+  DocListReader result;  /* used when iCursorType == QUERY_FULLTEXT */ 
+} fulltext_cursor;
+static struct fulltext_vtab *cursor_vtab(fulltext_cursor *c){
+  return (fulltext_vtab *) c->base.pVtab;
+static const sqlite3_module fulltextModule;   /* forward declaration */
+/* Append a list of strings separated by commas to a StringBuffer. */
+static void appendList(StringBuffer *sb, int nString, char **azString){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<nString; ++i){
+    if( i>0 ) append(sb, ", ");
+    append(sb, azString[i]);
+  }
+/* Return a dynamically generated statement of the form
+ *   insert into %_content (rowid, ...) values (?, ...)
+ */
+static const char *contentInsertStatement(fulltext_vtab *v){
+  StringBuffer sb;
+  int i;
+  initStringBuffer(&sb);
+  append(&sb, "insert into %_content (rowid, ");
+  appendList(&sb, v->nColumn, v->azContentColumn);
+  append(&sb, ") values (?");
+  for(i=0; i<v->nColumn; ++i)
+    append(&sb, ", ?");
+  append(&sb, ")");
+  return sb.s;
+/* Return a dynamically generated statement of the form
+ *   update %_content set [col_0] = ?, [col_1] = ?, ...
+ *                    where rowid = ?
+ */
+static const char *contentUpdateStatement(fulltext_vtab *v){
+  StringBuffer sb;
+  int i;
+  initStringBuffer(&sb);
+  append(&sb, "update %_content set ");
+  for(i=0; i<v->nColumn; ++i) {
+    if( i>0 ){
+      append(&sb, ", ");
+    }
+    append(&sb, v->azContentColumn[i]);
+    append(&sb, " = ?");
+  }
+  append(&sb, " where rowid = ?");
+  return sb.s;
+/* Puts a freshly-prepared statement determined by iStmt in *ppStmt.
+** If the indicated statement has never been prepared, it is prepared
+** and cached, otherwise the cached version is reset.
+static int sql_get_statement(fulltext_vtab *v, fulltext_statement iStmt,
+                             sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt){
+  assert( iStmt<MAX_STMT );
+  if( v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt]==NULL ){
+    const char *zStmt;
+    int rc;
+    switch( iStmt ){
+        zStmt = contentInsertStatement(v); break;
+        zStmt = contentUpdateStatement(v); break;
+      default:
+        zStmt = fulltext_zStatement[iStmt];
+    }
+    rc = sql_prepare(v->db, v->zDb, v->zName, &v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt],
+                         zStmt);
+    if( zStmt != fulltext_zStatement[iStmt]) free((void *) zStmt);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  } else {
+    int rc = sqlite3_reset(v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt]);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  }
+  *ppStmt = v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt];
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Step the indicated statement, handling errors SQLITE_BUSY (by
+** retrying) and SQLITE_SCHEMA (by re-preparing and transferring
+** bindings to the new statement).
+** TODO(adam): We should extend this function so that it can work with
+** statements declared locally, not only globally cached statements.
+static int sql_step_statement(fulltext_vtab *v, fulltext_statement iStmt,
+                              sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt){
+  int rc;
+  sqlite3_stmt *s = *ppStmt;
+  assert( iStmt<MAX_STMT );
+  assert( s==v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt] );
+  while( (rc=sqlite3_step(s))!=SQLITE_DONE && rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
+    sqlite3_stmt *pNewStmt;
+    if( rc==SQLITE_BUSY ) continue;
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_ERROR ) return rc;
+    rc = sqlite3_reset(s);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_SCHEMA ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
+    v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt] = NULL;   /* Still in s */
+    rc = sql_get_statement(v, iStmt, &pNewStmt);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto err;
+    *ppStmt = pNewStmt;
+    rc = sqlite3_transfer_bindings(s, pNewStmt);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto err;
+    rc = sqlite3_finalize(s);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    s = pNewStmt;
+  }
+  return rc;
+ err:
+  sqlite3_finalize(s);
+  return rc;
+/* Like sql_step_statement(), but convert SQLITE_DONE to SQLITE_OK.
+** Useful for statements like UPDATE, where we expect no results.
+static int sql_single_step_statement(fulltext_vtab *v,
+                                     fulltext_statement iStmt,
+                                     sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt){
+  int rc = sql_step_statement(v, iStmt, ppStmt);
+  return (rc==SQLITE_DONE) ? SQLITE_OK : rc;
+/* insert into %_content (rowid, ...) values ([rowid], [pValues]) */
+static int content_insert(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite3_value *rowid,
+                          sqlite3_value **pValues){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int i;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, CONTENT_INSERT_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_value(s, 1, rowid);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  for(i=0; i<v->nColumn; ++i){
+    rc = sqlite3_bind_value(s, 2+i, pValues[i]);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  }
+  return sql_single_step_statement(v, CONTENT_INSERT_STMT, &s);
+/* update %_content set col0 = pValues[0], col1 = pValues[1], ...
+ *                  where rowid = [iRowid] */
+static int content_update(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite3_value **pValues,
+                          sqlite_int64 iRowid){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int i;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, CONTENT_UPDATE_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  for(i=0; i<v->nColumn; ++i){
+    rc = sqlite3_bind_value(s, 1+i, pValues[i]);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  }
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 1+v->nColumn, iRowid);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return sql_single_step_statement(v, CONTENT_UPDATE_STMT, &s);
+static void freeStringArray(int nString, const char **pString){
+  int i;
+  for (i=0 ; i < nString ; ++i) {
+    free((void *) pString[i]);
+  }
+  free((void *) pString);
+/* select * from %_content where rowid = [iRow]
+ * The caller must delete the returned array and all strings in it.
+ *
+ * TODO: Perhaps we should return pointer/length strings here for consistency
+ * with other code which uses pointer/length. */
+static int content_select(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow,
+                          const char ***pValues){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  const char **values;
+  int i;
+  int rc;
+  *pValues = NULL;
+  rc = sql_get_statement(v, CONTENT_SELECT_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 1, iRow);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sql_step_statement(v, CONTENT_SELECT_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) return rc;
+  values = (const char **) malloc(v->nColumn * sizeof(const char *));
+  for(i=0; i<v->nColumn; ++i){
+    values[i] = string_dup((char*)sqlite3_column_text(s, i));
+  }
+  /* We expect only one row.  We must execute another sqlite3_step()
+   * to complete the iteration; otherwise the table will remain locked. */
+  rc = sqlite3_step(s);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
+    *pValues = values;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  freeStringArray(v->nColumn, values);
+  return rc;
+/* delete from %_content where rowid = [iRow ] */
+static int content_delete(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, CONTENT_DELETE_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 1, iRow);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return sql_single_step_statement(v, CONTENT_DELETE_STMT, &s);
+/* select rowid, doclist from %_term
+ *  where term = [pTerm] and segment = [iSegment]
+ * If found, returns SQLITE_ROW; the caller must free the
+ * returned doclist.  If no rows found, returns SQLITE_DONE. */
+static int term_select(fulltext_vtab *v, const char *pTerm, int nTerm,
+                       int iSegment,
+                       sqlite_int64 *rowid, DocList *out){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, TERM_SELECT_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_text(s, 1, pTerm, nTerm, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int(s, 2, iSegment);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sql_step_statement(v, TERM_SELECT_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) return rc;
+  *rowid = sqlite3_column_int64(s, 0);
+  docListInit(out, DL_DEFAULT,
+              sqlite3_column_blob(s, 1), sqlite3_column_bytes(s, 1));
+  /* We expect only one row.  We must execute another sqlite3_step()
+   * to complete the iteration; otherwise the table will remain locked. */
+  rc = sqlite3_step(s);
+  return rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_ROW : rc;
+/* Load the segment doclists for term pTerm and merge them in
+** appropriate order into out.  Returns SQLITE_OK if successful.  If
+** there are no segments for pTerm, successfully returns an empty
+** doclist in out.
+** Each document consists of 1 or more "columns".  The number of
+** columns is v->nColumn.  If iColumn==v->nColumn, then return
+** position information about all columns.  If iColumn<v->nColumn,
+** then only return position information about the iColumn-th column
+** (where the first column is 0).
+static int term_select_all(
+  fulltext_vtab *v,     /* The fulltext index we are querying against */
+  int iColumn,          /* If <nColumn, only look at the iColumn-th column */
+  const char *pTerm,    /* The term whose posting lists we want */
+  int nTerm,            /* Number of bytes in pTerm */
+  DocList *out          /* Write the resulting doclist here */
+  DocList doclist;
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, TERM_SELECT_ALL_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_text(s, 1, pTerm, nTerm, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  docListInit(&doclist, DL_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
+  /* TODO(shess) Handle schema and busy errors. */
+  while( (rc=sql_step_statement(v, TERM_SELECT_ALL_STMT, &s))==SQLITE_ROW ){
+    DocList old;
+    /* TODO(shess) If we processed doclists from oldest to newest, we
+    ** could skip the malloc() involved with the following call.  For
+    ** now, I'd rather keep this logic similar to index_insert_term().
+    ** We could additionally drop elements when we see deletes, but
+    ** that would require a distinct version of docListAccumulate().
+    */
+    docListInit(&old, DL_DEFAULT,
+                sqlite3_column_blob(s, 0), sqlite3_column_bytes(s, 0));
+    if( iColumn<v->nColumn ){   /* querying a single column */
+      docListRestrictColumn(&old, iColumn);
+    }
+    /* doclist contains the newer data, so write it over old.  Then
+    ** steal accumulated result for doclist.
+    */
+    docListAccumulate(&old, &doclist);
+    docListDestroy(&doclist);
+    doclist = old;
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_DONE ){
+    docListDestroy(&doclist);
+    return rc;
+  }
+  docListDiscardEmpty(&doclist);
+  *out = doclist;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* insert into %_term (rowid, term, segment, doclist)
+               values ([piRowid], [pTerm], [iSegment], [doclist])
+** Lets sqlite select rowid if piRowid is NULL, else uses *piRowid.
+** NOTE(shess) piRowid is IN, with values of "space of int64" plus
+** null, it is not used to pass data back to the caller.
+static int term_insert(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 *piRowid,
+                       const char *pTerm, int nTerm,
+                       int iSegment, DocList *doclist){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, TERM_INSERT_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  if( piRowid==NULL ){
+    rc = sqlite3_bind_null(s, 1);
+  }else{
+    rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 1, *piRowid);
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_text(s, 2, pTerm, nTerm, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int(s, 3, iSegment);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(s, 4, doclist->pData, doclist->nData, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return sql_single_step_statement(v, TERM_INSERT_STMT, &s);
+/* update %_term set doclist = [doclist] where rowid = [rowid] */
+static int term_update(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 rowid,
+                       DocList *doclist){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, TERM_UPDATE_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_blob(s, 1, doclist->pData, doclist->nData, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 2, rowid);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return sql_single_step_statement(v, TERM_UPDATE_STMT, &s);
+static int term_delete(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 rowid){
+  sqlite3_stmt *s;
+  int rc = sql_get_statement(v, TERM_DELETE_STMT, &s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(s, 1, rowid);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return sql_single_step_statement(v, TERM_DELETE_STMT, &s);
+** Free the memory used to contain a fulltext_vtab structure.
+static void fulltext_vtab_destroy(fulltext_vtab *v){
+  int iStmt, i;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Destroy %p\n", v));
+  for( iStmt=0; iStmt<MAX_STMT; iStmt++ ){
+    if( v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt]!=NULL ){
+      sqlite3_finalize(v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt]);
+      v->pFulltextStatements[iStmt] = NULL;
+    }
+  }
+  if( v->pTokenizer!=NULL ){
+    v->pTokenizer->pModule->xDestroy(v->pTokenizer);
+    v->pTokenizer = NULL;
+  }
+  free(v->azColumn);
+  for(i = 0; i < v->nColumn; ++i) {
+    sqlite3_free(v->azContentColumn[i]);
+  }
+  free(v->azContentColumn);
+  free(v);
+** Token types for parsing the arguments to xConnect or xCreate.
+#define TOKEN_EOF         0    /* End of file */
+#define TOKEN_SPACE       1    /* Any kind of whitespace */
+#define TOKEN_ID          2    /* An identifier */
+#define TOKEN_STRING      3    /* A string literal */
+#define TOKEN_PUNCT       4    /* A single punctuation character */
+** If X is a character that can be used in an identifier then
+** IdChar(X) will be true.  Otherwise it is false.
+** For ASCII, any character with the high-order bit set is
+** allowed in an identifier.  For 7-bit characters, 
+** sqlite3IsIdChar[X] must be 1.
+** Ticket #1066.  the SQL standard does not allow '$' in the
+** middle of identfiers.  But many SQL implementations do. 
+** SQLite will allow '$' in identifiers for compatibility.
+** But the feature is undocumented.
+static const char isIdChar[] = {
+/* x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF */
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  /* 2x */
+    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  /* 3x */
+    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  /* 4x */
+    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,  /* 5x */
+    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  /* 6x */
+    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  /* 7x */
+#define IdChar(C)  (((c=C)&0x80)!=0 || (c>0x1f && isIdChar[c-0x20]))
+** Return the length of the token that begins at z[0]. 
+** Store the token type in *tokenType before returning.
+static int getToken(const char *z, int *tokenType){
+  int i, c;
+  switch( *z ){
+    case 0: {
+      *tokenType = TOKEN_EOF;
+      return 0;
+    }
+    case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\f': case '\r': {
+      for(i=1; isspace(z[i]); i++){}
+      *tokenType = TOKEN_SPACE;
+      return i;
+    }
+    case '\'':
+    case '"': {
+      int delim = z[0];
+      for(i=1; (c=z[i])!=0; i++){
+        if( c==delim ){
+          if( z[i+1]==delim ){
+            i++;
+          }else{
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      *tokenType = TOKEN_STRING;
+      return i + (c!=0);
+    }
+    case '[': {
+      for(i=1, c=z[0]; c!=']' && (c=z[i])!=0; i++){}
+      *tokenType = TOKEN_ID;
+      return i;
+    }
+    default: {
+      if( !IdChar(*z) ){
+        break;
+      }
+      for(i=1; IdChar(z[i]); i++){}
+      *tokenType = TOKEN_ID;
+      return i;
+    }
+  }
+  *tokenType = TOKEN_PUNCT;
+  return 1;
+** A token extracted from a string is an instance of the following
+** structure.
+typedef struct Token {
+  const char *z;       /* Pointer to token text.  Not '\000' terminated */
+  short int n;         /* Length of the token text in bytes. */
+} Token;
+** Given a input string (which is really one of the argv[] parameters
+** passed into xConnect or xCreate) split the string up into tokens.
+** Return an array of pointers to '\000' terminated strings, one string
+** for each non-whitespace token.
+** The returned array is terminated by a single NULL pointer.
+** Space to hold the returned array is obtained from a single
+** malloc and should be freed by passing the return value to free().
+** The individual strings within the token list are all a part of
+** the single memory allocation and will all be freed at once.
+static char **tokenizeString(const char *z, int *pnToken){
+  int nToken = 0;
+  Token *aToken = malloc( strlen(z) * sizeof(aToken[0]) );
+  int n = 1;
+  int e, i;
+  int totalSize = 0;
+  char **azToken;
+  char *zCopy;
+  while( n>0 ){
+    n = getToken(z, &e);
+    if( e!=TOKEN_SPACE ){
+      aToken[nToken].z = z;
+      aToken[nToken].n = n;
+      nToken++;
+      totalSize += n+1;
+    }
+    z += n;
+  }
+  azToken = (char**)malloc( nToken*sizeof(char*) + totalSize );
+  zCopy = (char*)&azToken[nToken];
+  nToken--;
+  for(i=0; i<nToken; i++){
+    azToken[i] = zCopy;
+    n = aToken[i].n;
+    memcpy(zCopy, aToken[i].z, n);
+    zCopy[n] = 0;
+    zCopy += n+1;
+  }
+  azToken[nToken] = 0;
+  free(aToken);
+  *pnToken = nToken;
+  return azToken;
+** Convert an SQL-style quoted string into a normal string by removing
+** the quote characters.  The conversion is done in-place.  If the
+** input does not begin with a quote character, then this routine
+** is a no-op.
+** Examples:
+**     "abc"   becomes   abc
+**     'xyz'   becomes   xyz
+**     [pqr]   becomes   pqr
+**     `mno`   becomes   mno
+static void dequoteString(char *z){
+  int quote;
+  int i, j;
+  if( z==0 ) return;
+  quote = z[0];
+  switch( quote ){
+    case '\'':  break;
+    case '"':   break;
+    case '`':   break;                /* For MySQL compatibility */
+    case '[':   quote = ']';  break;  /* For MS SqlServer compatibility */
+    default:    return;
+  }
+  for(i=1, j=0; z[i]; i++){
+    if( z[i]==quote ){
+      if( z[i+1]==quote ){
+        z[j++] = quote;
+        i++;
+      }else{
+        z[j++] = 0;
+        break;
+      }
+    }else{
+      z[j++] = z[i];
+    }
+  }
+** The input azIn is a NULL-terminated list of tokens.  Remove the first
+** token and all punctuation tokens.  Remove the quotes from
+** around string literal tokens.
+** Example:
+**     input:      tokenize chinese ( 'simplifed' , 'mixed' )
+**     output:     chinese simplifed mixed
+** Another example:
+**     input:      delimiters ( '[' , ']' , '...' )
+**     output:     [ ] ...
+static void tokenListToIdList(char **azIn){
+  int i, j;
+  if( azIn ){
+    for(i=0, j=-1; azIn[i]; i++){
+      if( isalnum(azIn[i][0]) || azIn[i][1] ){
+        dequoteString(azIn[i]);
+        if( j>=0 ){
+          azIn[j] = azIn[i];
+        }
+        j++;
+      }
+    }
+    azIn[j] = 0;
+  }
+** Find the first alphanumeric token in the string zIn.  Null-terminate
+** this token.  Remove any quotation marks.  And return a pointer to
+** the result.
+static char *firstToken(char *zIn, char **pzTail){
+  int n, ttype;
+  while(1){
+    n = getToken(zIn, &ttype);
+    if( ttype==TOKEN_SPACE ){
+      zIn += n;
+    }else if( ttype==TOKEN_EOF ){
+      *pzTail = zIn;
+      return 0;
+    }else{
+      zIn[n] = 0;
+      *pzTail = &zIn[1];
+      dequoteString(zIn);
+      return zIn;
+    }
+  }
+/* Return true if...
+**   *  s begins with the string t, ignoring case
+**   *  s is longer than t
+**   *  The first character of s beyond t is not a alphanumeric
+** Ignore leading space in *s.
+** To put it another way, return true if the first token of
+** s[] is t[].
+static int startsWith(const char *s, const char *t){
+  while( isspace(*s) ){ s++; }
+  while( *t ){
+    if( tolower(*s++)!=tolower(*t++) ) return 0;
+  }
+  return *s!='_' && !isalnum(*s);
+** An instance of this structure defines the "spec" of a
+** full text index.  This structure is populated by parseSpec
+** and use by fulltextConnect and fulltextCreate.
+typedef struct TableSpec {
+  const char *zDb;         /* Logical database name */
+  const char *zName;       /* Name of the full-text index */
+  int nColumn;             /* Number of columns to be indexed */
+  char **azColumn;         /* Original names of columns to be indexed */
+  char **azContentColumn;  /* Column names for %_content */
+  char **azTokenizer;      /* Name of tokenizer and its arguments */
+} TableSpec;
+** Reclaim all of the memory used by a TableSpec
+static void clearTableSpec(TableSpec *p) {
+  free(p->azColumn);
+  free(p->azContentColumn);
+  free(p->azTokenizer);
+/* Parse a CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE statement, which looks like this:
+ *
+ *        USING fts1(subject, body, tokenize mytokenizer(myarg))
+ *
+ * We return parsed information in a TableSpec structure.
+ * 
+ */
+static int parseSpec(TableSpec *pSpec, int argc, const char *const*argv,
+                     char**pzErr){
+  int i, n;
+  char *z, *zDummy;
+  char **azArg;
+  const char *zTokenizer = 0;    /* argv[] entry describing the tokenizer */
+  assert( argc>=3 );
+  /* Current interface:
+  ** argv[0] - module name
+  ** argv[1] - database name
+  ** argv[2] - table name
+  ** argv[3..] - columns, optionally followed by tokenizer specification
+  **             and snippet delimiters specification.
+  */
+  /* Make a copy of the complete argv[][] array in a single allocation.
+  ** The argv[][] array is read-only and transient.  We can write to the
+  ** copy in order to modify things and the copy is persistent.
+  */
+  memset(pSpec, 0, sizeof(*pSpec));
+  for(i=n=0; i<argc; i++){
+    n += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
+  }
+  azArg = malloc( sizeof(char*)*argc + n );
+  if( azArg==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  z = (char*)&azArg[argc];
+  for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
+    azArg[i] = z;
+    strcpy(z, argv[i]);
+    z += strlen(z)+1;
+  }
+  /* Identify the column names and the tokenizer and delimiter arguments
+  ** in the argv[][] array.
+  */
+  pSpec->zDb = azArg[1];
+  pSpec->zName = azArg[2];
+  pSpec->nColumn = 0;
+  pSpec->azColumn = azArg;
+  zTokenizer = "tokenize simple";
+  for(i=3; i<argc; ++i){
+    if( startsWith(azArg[i],"tokenize") ){
+      zTokenizer = azArg[i];
+    }else{
+      z = azArg[pSpec->nColumn] = firstToken(azArg[i], &zDummy);
+      pSpec->nColumn++;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pSpec->nColumn==0 ){
+    azArg[0] = "content";
+    pSpec->nColumn = 1;
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Construct the list of content column names.
+  **
+  ** Each content column name will be of the form cNNAAAA
+  ** where NN is the column number and AAAA is the sanitized
+  ** column name.  "sanitized" means that special characters are
+  ** converted to "_".  The cNN prefix guarantees that all column
+  ** names are unique.
+  **
+  ** The AAAA suffix is not strictly necessary.  It is included
+  ** for the convenience of people who might examine the generated
+  ** %_content table and wonder what the columns are used for.
+  */
+  pSpec->azContentColumn = malloc( pSpec->nColumn * sizeof(char *) );
+  if( pSpec->azContentColumn==0 ){
+    clearTableSpec(pSpec);
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<pSpec->nColumn; i++){
+    char *p;
+    pSpec->azContentColumn[i] = sqlite3_mprintf("c%d%s", i, azArg[i]);
+    for (p = pSpec->azContentColumn[i]; *p ; ++p) {
+      if( !isalnum(*p) ) *p = '_';
+    }
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Parse the tokenizer specification string.
+  */
+  pSpec->azTokenizer = tokenizeString(zTokenizer, &n);
+  tokenListToIdList(pSpec->azTokenizer);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Generate a CREATE TABLE statement that describes the schema of
+** the virtual table.  Return a pointer to this schema string.
+** Space is obtained from sqlite3_mprintf() and should be freed
+** using sqlite3_free().
+static char *fulltextSchema(
+  int nColumn,                  /* Number of columns */
+  const char *const* azColumn,  /* List of columns */
+  const char *zTableName        /* Name of the table */
+  int i;
+  char *zSchema, *zNext;
+  const char *zSep = "(";
+  zSchema = sqlite3_mprintf("CREATE TABLE x");
+  for(i=0; i<nColumn; i++){
+    zNext = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%s%Q", zSchema, zSep, azColumn[i]);
+    sqlite3_free(zSchema);
+    zSchema = zNext;
+    zSep = ",";
+  }
+  zNext = sqlite3_mprintf("%s,%Q)", zSchema, zTableName);
+  sqlite3_free(zSchema);
+  return zNext;
+** Build a new sqlite3_vtab structure that will describe the
+** fulltext index defined by spec.
+static int constructVtab(
+  sqlite3 *db,              /* The SQLite database connection */
+  TableSpec *spec,          /* Parsed spec information from parseSpec() */
+  sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab,    /* Write the resulting vtab structure here */
+  char **pzErr              /* Write any error message here */
+  int rc;
+  int n;
+  fulltext_vtab *v = 0;
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *m = NULL;
+  char *schema;
+  v = (fulltext_vtab *) malloc(sizeof(fulltext_vtab));
+  if( v==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  memset(v, 0, sizeof(*v));
+  /* sqlite will initialize v->base */
+  v->db = db;
+  v->zDb = spec->zDb;       /* Freed when azColumn is freed */
+  v->zName = spec->zName;   /* Freed when azColumn is freed */
+  v->nColumn = spec->nColumn;
+  v->azContentColumn = spec->azContentColumn;
+  spec->azContentColumn = 0;
+  v->azColumn = spec->azColumn;
+  spec->azColumn = 0;
+  if( spec->azTokenizer==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  /* TODO(shess) For now, add new tokenizers as else if clauses. */
+  if( spec->azTokenizer[0]==0 || startsWith(spec->azTokenizer[0], "simple") ){
+    sqlite3Fts1SimpleTokenizerModule(&m);
+  }else if( startsWith(spec->azTokenizer[0], "porter") ){
+    sqlite3Fts1PorterTokenizerModule(&m);
+  }else{
+    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unknown tokenizer: %s", spec->azTokenizer[0]);
+    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+    goto err;
+  }
+  for(n=0; spec->azTokenizer[n]; n++){}
+  if( n ){
+    rc = m->xCreate(n-1, (const char*const*)&spec->azTokenizer[1],
+                    &v->pTokenizer);
+  }else{
+    rc = m->xCreate(0, 0, &v->pTokenizer);
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto err;
+  v->pTokenizer->pModule = m;
+  /* TODO: verify the existence of backing tables foo_content, foo_term */
+  schema = fulltextSchema(v->nColumn, (const char*const*)v->azColumn,
+                          spec->zName);
+  rc = sqlite3_declare_vtab(db, schema);
+  sqlite3_free(schema);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto err;
+  memset(v->pFulltextStatements, 0, sizeof(v->pFulltextStatements));
+  *ppVTab = &v->base;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Connect %p\n", v));
+  return rc;
+  fulltext_vtab_destroy(v);
+  return rc;
+static int fulltextConnect(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  void *pAux,
+  int argc, const char *const*argv,
+  sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab,
+  char **pzErr
+  TableSpec spec;
+  int rc = parseSpec(&spec, argc, argv, pzErr);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = constructVtab(db, &spec, ppVTab, pzErr);
+  clearTableSpec(&spec);
+  return rc;
+  /* The %_content table holds the text of each document, with
+  ** the rowid used as the docid.
+  **
+  ** The %_term table maps each term to a document list blob
+  ** containing elements sorted by ascending docid, each element
+  ** encoded as:
+  **
+  **   docid varint-encoded
+  **   token elements:
+  **     position+1 varint-encoded as delta from previous position
+  **     start offset varint-encoded as delta from previous start offset
+  **     end offset varint-encoded as delta from start offset
+  **
+  ** The sentinel position of 0 indicates the end of the token list.
+  **
+  ** Additionally, doclist blobs are chunked into multiple segments,
+  ** using segment to order the segments.  New elements are added to
+  ** the segment at segment 0, until it exceeds CHUNK_MAX.  Then
+  ** segment 0 is deleted, and the doclist is inserted at segment 1.
+  ** If there is already a doclist at segment 1, the segment 0 doclist
+  ** is merged with it, the segment 1 doclist is deleted, and the
+  ** merged doclist is inserted at segment 2, repeating those
+  ** operations until an insert succeeds.
+  **
+  ** Since this structure doesn't allow us to update elements in place
+  ** in case of deletion or update, these are simply written to
+  ** segment 0 (with an empty token list in case of deletion), with
+  ** docListAccumulate() taking care to retain lower-segment
+  ** information in preference to higher-segment information.
+  */
+  /* TODO(shess) Provide a VACUUM type operation which both removes
+  ** deleted elements which are no longer necessary, and duplicated
+  ** elements.  I suspect this will probably not be necessary in
+  ** practice, though.
+  */
+static int fulltextCreate(sqlite3 *db, void *pAux,
+                          int argc, const char * const *argv,
+                          sqlite3_vtab **ppVTab, char **pzErr){
+  int rc;
+  TableSpec spec;
+  StringBuffer schema;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Create\n"));
+  rc = parseSpec(&spec, argc, argv, pzErr);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  initStringBuffer(&schema);
+  append(&schema, "CREATE TABLE %_content(");
+  appendList(&schema, spec.nColumn, spec.azContentColumn);
+  append(&schema, ")");
+  rc = sql_exec(db, spec.zDb, spec.zName, schema.s);
+  free(schema.s);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto out;
+  rc = sql_exec(db, spec.zDb, spec.zName,
+    "create table %_term(term text, segment integer, doclist blob, "
+                        "primary key(term, segment));");
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto out;
+  rc = constructVtab(db, &spec, ppVTab, pzErr);
+  clearTableSpec(&spec);
+  return rc;
+/* Decide how to handle an SQL query. */
+static int fulltextBestIndex(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_index_info *pInfo){
+  int i;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 BestIndex\n"));
+  for(i=0; i<pInfo->nConstraint; ++i){
+    const struct sqlite3_index_constraint *pConstraint;
+    pConstraint = &pInfo->aConstraint[i];
+    if( pConstraint->usable ) {
+      if( pConstraint->iColumn==-1 &&
+          pConstraint->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_EQ ){
+        pInfo->idxNum = QUERY_ROWID;      /* lookup by rowid */
+        TRACE(("FTS1 QUERY_ROWID\n"));
+      } else if( pConstraint->iColumn>=0 &&
+                 pConstraint->op==SQLITE_INDEX_CONSTRAINT_MATCH ){
+        /* full-text search */
+        pInfo->idxNum = QUERY_FULLTEXT + pConstraint->iColumn;
+        TRACE(("FTS1 QUERY_FULLTEXT %d\n", pConstraint->iColumn));
+      } else continue;
+      pInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].argvIndex = 1;
+      pInfo->aConstraintUsage[i].omit = 1;
+      /* An arbitrary value for now.
+       * TODO: Perhaps rowid matches should be considered cheaper than
+       * full-text searches. */
+      pInfo->estimatedCost = 1.0;   
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  pInfo->idxNum = QUERY_GENERIC;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+static int fulltextDisconnect(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab){
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Disconnect %p\n", pVTab));
+  fulltext_vtab_destroy((fulltext_vtab *)pVTab);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+static int fulltextDestroy(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab){
+  fulltext_vtab *v = (fulltext_vtab *)pVTab;
+  int rc;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Destroy %p\n", pVTab));
+  rc = sql_exec(v->db, v->zDb, v->zName,
+                "drop table if exists %_content;"
+                "drop table if exists %_term;"
+                );
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  fulltext_vtab_destroy((fulltext_vtab *)pVTab);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+static int fulltextOpen(sqlite3_vtab *pVTab, sqlite3_vtab_cursor **ppCursor){
+  fulltext_cursor *c;
+  c = (fulltext_cursor *) calloc(sizeof(fulltext_cursor), 1);
+  /* sqlite will initialize c->base */
+  *ppCursor = &c->base;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Open %p: %p\n", pVTab, c));
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Free all of the dynamically allocated memory held by *q
+static void queryClear(Query *q){
+  int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < q->nTerms; ++i){
+    free(q->pTerms[i].pTerm);
+  }
+  free(q->pTerms);
+  memset(q, 0, sizeof(*q));
+/* Free all of the dynamically allocated memory held by the
+** Snippet
+static void snippetClear(Snippet *p){
+  free(p->aMatch);
+  free(p->zOffset);
+  free(p->zSnippet);
+  memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p));
+** Append a single entry to the p->aMatch[] log.
+static void snippetAppendMatch(
+  Snippet *p,               /* Append the entry to this snippet */
+  int iCol, int iTerm,      /* The column and query term */
+  int iStart, int nByte     /* Offset and size of the match */
+  int i;
+  struct snippetMatch *pMatch;
+  if( p->nMatch+1>=p->nAlloc ){
+    p->nAlloc = p->nAlloc*2 + 10;
+    p->aMatch = realloc(p->aMatch, p->nAlloc*sizeof(p->aMatch[0]) );
+    if( p->aMatch==0 ){
+      p->nMatch = 0;
+      p->nAlloc = 0;
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  i = p->nMatch++;
+  pMatch = &p->aMatch[i];
+  pMatch->iCol = iCol;
+  pMatch->iTerm = iTerm;
+  pMatch->iStart = iStart;
+  pMatch->nByte = nByte;
+** Sizing information for the circular buffer used in snippetOffsetsOfColumn()
+#define FTS1_ROTOR_SZ   (32)
+** Add entries to pSnippet->aMatch[] for every match that occurs against
+** document zDoc[0..nDoc-1] which is stored in column iColumn.
+static void snippetOffsetsOfColumn(
+  Query *pQuery,
+  Snippet *pSnippet,
+  int iColumn,
+  const char *zDoc,
+  int nDoc
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pTModule;  /* The tokenizer module */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer;             /* The specific tokenizer */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pTCursor;        /* Tokenizer cursor */
+  fulltext_vtab *pVtab;                /* The full text index */
+  int nColumn;                         /* Number of columns in the index */
+  const QueryTerm *aTerm;              /* Query string terms */
+  int nTerm;                           /* Number of query string terms */  
+  int i, j;                            /* Loop counters */
+  int rc;                              /* Return code */
+  unsigned int match, prevMatch;       /* Phrase search bitmasks */
+  const char *zToken;                  /* Next token from the tokenizer */
+  int nToken;                          /* Size of zToken */
+  int iBegin, iEnd, iPos;              /* Offsets of beginning and end */
+  /* The following variables keep a circular buffer of the last
+  ** few tokens */
+  unsigned int iRotor = 0;             /* Index of current token */
+  int iRotorBegin[FTS1_ROTOR_SZ];      /* Beginning offset of token */
+  int iRotorLen[FTS1_ROTOR_SZ];        /* Length of token */
+  pVtab = pQuery->pFts;
+  nColumn = pVtab->nColumn;
+  pTokenizer = pVtab->pTokenizer;
+  pTModule = pTokenizer->pModule;
+  rc = pTModule->xOpen(pTokenizer, zDoc, nDoc, &pTCursor);
+  if( rc ) return;
+  pTCursor->pTokenizer = pTokenizer;
+  aTerm = pQuery->pTerms;
+  nTerm = pQuery->nTerms;
+  if( nTerm>=FTS1_ROTOR_SZ ){
+    nTerm = FTS1_ROTOR_SZ - 1;
+  }
+  prevMatch = 0;
+  while(1){
+    rc = pTModule->xNext(pTCursor, &zToken, &nToken, &iBegin, &iEnd, &iPos);
+    if( rc ) break;
+    iRotorBegin[iRotor&FTS1_ROTOR_MASK] = iBegin;
+    iRotorLen[iRotor&FTS1_ROTOR_MASK] = iEnd-iBegin;
+    match = 0;
+    for(i=0; i<nTerm; i++){
+      int iCol;
+      iCol = aTerm[i].iColumn;
+      if( iCol>=0 && iCol<nColumn && iCol!=iColumn ) continue;
+      if( aTerm[i].nTerm!=nToken ) continue;
+      if( memcmp(aTerm[i].pTerm, zToken, nToken) ) continue;
+      if( aTerm[i].iPhrase>1 && (prevMatch & (1<<i))==0 ) continue;
+      match |= 1<<i;
+      if( i==nTerm-1 || aTerm[i+1].iPhrase==1 ){
+        for(j=aTerm[i].iPhrase-1; j>=0; j--){
+          int k = (iRotor-j) & FTS1_ROTOR_MASK;
+          snippetAppendMatch(pSnippet, iColumn, i-j,
+                iRotorBegin[k], iRotorLen[k]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    prevMatch = match<<1;
+    iRotor++;
+  }
+  pTModule->xClose(pTCursor);  
+** Compute all offsets for the current row of the query.  
+** If the offsets have already been computed, this routine is a no-op.
+static void snippetAllOffsets(fulltext_cursor *p){
+  int nColumn;
+  int iColumn, i;
+  int iFirst, iLast;
+  fulltext_vtab *pFts;
+  if( p->snippet.nMatch ) return;
+  if( p->q.nTerms==0 ) return;
+  pFts = p->q.pFts;
+  nColumn = pFts->nColumn;
+  iColumn = p->iCursorType;
+  if( iColumn<0 || iColumn>=nColumn ){
+    iFirst = 0;
+    iLast = nColumn-1;
+  }else{
+    iFirst = iColumn;
+    iLast = iColumn;
+  }
+  for(i=iFirst; i<=iLast; i++){
+    const char *zDoc;
+    int nDoc;
+    zDoc = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(p->pStmt, i+1);
+    nDoc = sqlite3_column_bytes(p->pStmt, i+1);
+    snippetOffsetsOfColumn(&p->q, &p->snippet, i, zDoc, nDoc);
+  }
+** Convert the information in the aMatch[] array of the snippet
+** into the string zOffset[0..nOffset-1].
+static void snippetOffsetText(Snippet *p){
+  int i;
+  int cnt = 0;
+  StringBuffer sb;
+  char zBuf[200];
+  if( p->zOffset ) return;
+  initStringBuffer(&sb);
+  for(i=0; i<p->nMatch; i++){
+    struct snippetMatch *pMatch = &p->aMatch[i];
+    zBuf[0] = ' ';
+    sprintf(&zBuf[cnt>0], "%d %d %d %d", pMatch->iCol,
+        pMatch->iTerm, pMatch->iStart, pMatch->nByte);
+    append(&sb, zBuf);
+    cnt++;
+  }
+  p->zOffset = sb.s;
+  p->nOffset = sb.len;
+** zDoc[0..nDoc-1] is phrase of text.  aMatch[0..nMatch-1] are a set
+** of matching words some of which might be in zDoc.  zDoc is column
+** number iCol.
+** iBreak is suggested spot in zDoc where we could begin or end an
+** excerpt.  Return a value similar to iBreak but possibly adjusted
+** to be a little left or right so that the break point is better.
+static int wordBoundary(
+  int iBreak,                   /* The suggested break point */
+  const char *zDoc,             /* Document text */
+  int nDoc,                     /* Number of bytes in zDoc[] */
+  struct snippetMatch *aMatch,  /* Matching words */
+  int nMatch,                   /* Number of entries in aMatch[] */
+  int iCol                      /* The column number for zDoc[] */
+  int i;
+  if( iBreak<=10 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if( iBreak>=nDoc-10 ){
+    return nDoc;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<nMatch && aMatch[i].iCol<iCol; i++){}
+  while( i<nMatch && aMatch[i].iStart+aMatch[i].nByte<iBreak ){ i++; }
+  if( i<nMatch ){
+    if( aMatch[i].iStart<iBreak+10 ){
+      return aMatch[i].iStart;
+    }
+    if( i>0 && aMatch[i-1].iStart+aMatch[i-1].nByte>=iBreak ){
+      return aMatch[i-1].iStart;
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=1; i<=10; i++){
+    if( isspace(zDoc[iBreak-i]) ){
+      return iBreak - i + 1;
+    }
+    if( isspace(zDoc[iBreak+i]) ){
+      return iBreak + i + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return iBreak;
+** If the StringBuffer does not end in white space, add a single
+** space character to the end.
+static void appendWhiteSpace(StringBuffer *p){
+  if( p->len==0 ) return;
+  if( isspace(p->s[p->len-1]) ) return;
+  append(p, " ");
+** Remove white space from teh end of the StringBuffer
+static void trimWhiteSpace(StringBuffer *p){
+  while( p->len>0 && isspace(p->s[p->len-1]) ){
+    p->len--;
+  }
+** Allowed values for Snippet.aMatch[].snStatus
+#define SNIPPET_IGNORE  0   /* It is ok to omit this match from the snippet */
+#define SNIPPET_DESIRED 1   /* We want to include this match in the snippet */
+** Generate the text of a snippet.
+static void snippetText(
+  fulltext_cursor *pCursor,   /* The cursor we need the snippet for */
+  const char *zStartMark,     /* Markup to appear before each match */
+  const char *zEndMark,       /* Markup to appear after each match */
+  const char *zEllipsis       /* Ellipsis mark */
+  int i, j;
+  struct snippetMatch *aMatch;
+  int nMatch;
+  int nDesired;
+  StringBuffer sb;
+  int tailCol;
+  int tailOffset;
+  int iCol;
+  int nDoc;
+  const char *zDoc;
+  int iStart, iEnd;
+  int tailEllipsis = 0;
+  int iMatch;
+  free(pCursor->snippet.zSnippet);
+  pCursor->snippet.zSnippet = 0;
+  aMatch = pCursor->snippet.aMatch;
+  nMatch = pCursor->snippet.nMatch;
+  initStringBuffer(&sb);
+  for(i=0; i<nMatch; i++){
+    aMatch[i].snStatus = SNIPPET_IGNORE;
+  }
+  nDesired = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<pCursor->q.nTerms; i++){
+    for(j=0; j<nMatch; j++){
+      if( aMatch[j].iTerm==i ){
+        aMatch[j].snStatus = SNIPPET_DESIRED;
+        nDesired++;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  iMatch = 0;
+  tailCol = -1;
+  tailOffset = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<nMatch && nDesired>0; i++){
+    if( aMatch[i].snStatus!=SNIPPET_DESIRED ) continue;
+    nDesired--;
+    iCol = aMatch[i].iCol;
+    zDoc = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pCursor->pStmt, iCol+1);
+    nDoc = sqlite3_column_bytes(pCursor->pStmt, iCol+1);
+    iStart = aMatch[i].iStart - 40;
+    iStart = wordBoundary(iStart, zDoc, nDoc, aMatch, nMatch, iCol);
+    if( iStart<=10 ){
+      iStart = 0;
+    }
+    if( iCol==tailCol && iStart<=tailOffset+20 ){
+      iStart = tailOffset;
+    }
+    if( (iCol!=tailCol && tailCol>=0) || iStart!=tailOffset ){
+      trimWhiteSpace(&sb);
+      appendWhiteSpace(&sb);
+      append(&sb, zEllipsis);
+      appendWhiteSpace(&sb);
+    }
+    iEnd = aMatch[i].iStart + aMatch[i].nByte + 40;
+    iEnd = wordBoundary(iEnd, zDoc, nDoc, aMatch, nMatch, iCol);
+    if( iEnd>=nDoc-10 ){
+      iEnd = nDoc;
+      tailEllipsis = 0;
+    }else{
+      tailEllipsis = 1;
+    }
+    while( iMatch<nMatch && aMatch[iMatch].iCol<iCol ){ iMatch++; }
+    while( iStart<iEnd ){
+      while( iMatch<nMatch && aMatch[iMatch].iStart<iStart
+             && aMatch[iMatch].iCol<=iCol ){
+        iMatch++;
+      }
+      if( iMatch<nMatch && aMatch[iMatch].iStart<iEnd
+             && aMatch[iMatch].iCol==iCol ){
+        nappend(&sb, &zDoc[iStart], aMatch[iMatch].iStart - iStart);
+        iStart = aMatch[iMatch].iStart;
+        append(&sb, zStartMark);
+        nappend(&sb, &zDoc[iStart], aMatch[iMatch].nByte);
+        append(&sb, zEndMark);
+        iStart += aMatch[iMatch].nByte;
+        for(j=iMatch+1; j<nMatch; j++){
+          if( aMatch[j].iTerm==aMatch[iMatch].iTerm
+              && aMatch[j].snStatus==SNIPPET_DESIRED ){
+            nDesired--;
+            aMatch[j].snStatus = SNIPPET_IGNORE;
+          }
+        }
+      }else{
+        nappend(&sb, &zDoc[iStart], iEnd - iStart);
+        iStart = iEnd;
+      }
+    }
+    tailCol = iCol;
+    tailOffset = iEnd;
+  }
+  trimWhiteSpace(&sb);
+  if( tailEllipsis ){
+    appendWhiteSpace(&sb);
+    append(&sb, zEllipsis);
+  }
+  pCursor->snippet.zSnippet = sb.s;
+  pCursor->snippet.nSnippet = sb.len;  
+** Close the cursor.  For additional information see the documentation
+** on the xClose method of the virtual table interface.
+static int fulltextClose(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
+  fulltext_cursor *c = (fulltext_cursor *) pCursor;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Close %p\n", c));
+  sqlite3_finalize(c->pStmt);
+  queryClear(&c->q);
+  snippetClear(&c->snippet);
+  if( c->result.pDoclist!=NULL ){
+    docListDelete(c->result.pDoclist);
+  }
+  free(c);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+static int fulltextNext(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
+  fulltext_cursor *c = (fulltext_cursor *) pCursor;
+  sqlite_int64 iDocid;
+  int rc;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Next %p\n", pCursor));
+  snippetClear(&c->snippet);
+  if( c->iCursorType < QUERY_FULLTEXT ){
+    /* TODO(shess) Handle SQLITE_SCHEMA AND SQLITE_BUSY. */
+    rc = sqlite3_step(c->pStmt);
+    switch( rc ){
+      case SQLITE_ROW:
+        c->eof = 0;
+        return SQLITE_OK;
+      case SQLITE_DONE:
+        c->eof = 1;
+        return SQLITE_OK;
+      default:
+        c->eof = 1;
+        return rc;
+    }
+  } else {  /* full-text query */
+    rc = sqlite3_reset(c->pStmt);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    iDocid = nextDocid(&c->result);
+    if( iDocid==0 ){
+      c->eof = 1;
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(c->pStmt, 1, iDocid);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    /* TODO(shess) Handle SQLITE_SCHEMA AND SQLITE_BUSY. */
+    rc = sqlite3_step(c->pStmt);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){   /* the case we expect */
+      c->eof = 0;
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+    /* an error occurred; abort */
+    return rc==SQLITE_DONE ? SQLITE_ERROR : rc;
+  }
+/* Return a DocList corresponding to the query term *pTerm.  If *pTerm
+** is the first term of a phrase query, go ahead and evaluate the phrase
+** query and return the doclist for the entire phrase query.
+** The result is stored in pTerm->doclist.
+static int docListOfTerm(
+  fulltext_vtab *v,     /* The full text index */
+  int iColumn,          /* column to restrict to.  No restrition if >=nColumn */
+  QueryTerm *pQTerm,    /* Term we are looking for, or 1st term of a phrase */
+  DocList **ppResult    /* Write the result here */
+  DocList *pLeft, *pRight, *pNew;
+  int i, rc;
+  pLeft = docListNew(DL_POSITIONS);
+  rc = term_select_all(v, iColumn, pQTerm->pTerm, pQTerm->nTerm, pLeft);
+  if( rc ) return rc;
+  for(i=1; i<=pQTerm->nPhrase; i++){
+    pRight = docListNew(DL_POSITIONS);
+    rc = term_select_all(v, iColumn, pQTerm[i].pTerm, pQTerm[i].nTerm, pRight);
+    if( rc ){
+      docListDelete(pLeft);
+      return rc;
+    }
+    pNew = docListNew(i<pQTerm->nPhrase ? DL_POSITIONS : DL_DOCIDS);
+    docListPhraseMerge(pLeft, pRight, pNew);
+    docListDelete(pLeft);
+    docListDelete(pRight);
+    pLeft = pNew;
+  }
+  *ppResult = pLeft;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Add a new term pTerm[0..nTerm-1] to the query *q.
+static void queryAdd(Query *q, const char *pTerm, int nTerm){
+  QueryTerm *t;
+  ++q->nTerms;
+  q->pTerms = realloc(q->pTerms, q->nTerms * sizeof(q->pTerms[0]));
+  if( q->pTerms==0 ){
+    q->nTerms = 0;
+    return;
+  }
+  t = &q->pTerms[q->nTerms - 1];
+  memset(t, 0, sizeof(*t));
+  t->pTerm = malloc(nTerm+1);
+  memcpy(t->pTerm, pTerm, nTerm);
+  t->pTerm[nTerm] = 0;
+  t->nTerm = nTerm;
+  t->isOr = q->nextIsOr;
+  q->nextIsOr = 0;
+  t->iColumn = q->nextColumn;
+  q->nextColumn = q->dfltColumn;
+** Check to see if the string zToken[0...nToken-1] matches any
+** column name in the virtual table.   If it does,
+** return the zero-indexed column number.  If not, return -1.
+static int checkColumnSpecifier(
+  fulltext_vtab *pVtab,    /* The virtual table */
+  const char *zToken,      /* Text of the token */
+  int nToken               /* Number of characters in the token */
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<pVtab->nColumn; i++){
+    if( memcmp(pVtab->azColumn[i], zToken, nToken)==0
+        && pVtab->azColumn[i][nToken]==0 ){
+      return i;
+    }
+  }
+  return -1;
+** Parse the text at pSegment[0..nSegment-1].  Add additional terms
+** to the query being assemblied in pQuery.
+** inPhrase is true if pSegment[0..nSegement-1] is contained within
+** double-quotes.  If inPhrase is true, then the first term
+** is marked with the number of terms in the phrase less one and
+** OR and "-" syntax is ignored.  If inPhrase is false, then every
+** term found is marked with nPhrase=0 and OR and "-" syntax is significant.
+static int tokenizeSegment(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,          /* The tokenizer to use */
+  const char *pSegment, int nSegment,     /* Query expression being parsed */
+  int inPhrase,                           /* True if within "..." */
+  Query *pQuery                           /* Append results here */
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pModule = pTokenizer->pModule;
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor;
+  int firstIndex = pQuery->nTerms;
+  int iCol;
+  int nTerm = 1;
+  int rc = pModule->xOpen(pTokenizer, pSegment, nSegment, &pCursor);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  pCursor->pTokenizer = pTokenizer;
+  while( 1 ){
+    const char *pToken;
+    int nToken, iBegin, iEnd, iPos;
+    rc = pModule->xNext(pCursor,
+                        &pToken, &nToken,
+                        &iBegin, &iEnd, &iPos);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
+    if( !inPhrase &&
+        pSegment[iEnd]==':' &&
+         (iCol = checkColumnSpecifier(pQuery->pFts, pToken, nToken))>=0 ){
+      pQuery->nextColumn = iCol;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( !inPhrase && pQuery->nTerms>0 && nToken==2
+         && pSegment[iBegin]=='O' && pSegment[iBegin+1]=='R' ){
+      pQuery->nextIsOr = 1;
+      continue;
+    }
+    queryAdd(pQuery, pToken, nToken);
+    if( !inPhrase && iBegin>0 && pSegment[iBegin-1]=='-' ){
+      pQuery->pTerms[pQuery->nTerms-1].isNot = 1;
+    }
+    pQuery->pTerms[pQuery->nTerms-1].iPhrase = nTerm;
+    if( inPhrase ){
+      nTerm++;
+    }
+  }
+  if( inPhrase && pQuery->nTerms>firstIndex ){
+    pQuery->pTerms[firstIndex].nPhrase = pQuery->nTerms - firstIndex - 1;
+  }
+  return pModule->xClose(pCursor);
+/* Parse a query string, yielding a Query object pQuery.
+** The calling function will need to queryClear() to clean up
+** the dynamically allocated memory held by pQuery.
+static int parseQuery(
+  fulltext_vtab *v,        /* The fulltext index */
+  const char *zInput,      /* Input text of the query string */
+  int nInput,              /* Size of the input text */
+  int dfltColumn,          /* Default column of the index to match against */
+  Query *pQuery            /* Write the parse results here. */
+  int iInput, inPhrase = 0;
+  if( zInput==0 ) nInput = 0;
+  if( nInput<0 ) nInput = strlen(zInput);
+  pQuery->nTerms = 0;
+  pQuery->pTerms = NULL;
+  pQuery->nextIsOr = 0;
+  pQuery->nextColumn = dfltColumn;
+  pQuery->dfltColumn = dfltColumn;
+  pQuery->pFts = v;
+  for(iInput=0; iInput<nInput; ++iInput){
+    int i;
+    for(i=iInput; i<nInput && zInput[i]!='"'; ++i){}
+    if( i>iInput ){
+      tokenizeSegment(v->pTokenizer, zInput+iInput, i-iInput, inPhrase,
+                       pQuery);
+    }
+    iInput = i;
+    if( i<nInput ){
+      assert( zInput[i]=='"' );
+      inPhrase = !inPhrase;
+    }
+  }
+  if( inPhrase ){
+    /* unmatched quote */
+    queryClear(pQuery);
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Perform a full-text query using the search expression in
+** zInput[0..nInput-1].  Return a list of matching documents
+** in pResult.
+** Queries must match column iColumn.  Or if iColumn>=nColumn
+** they are allowed to match against any column.
+static int fulltextQuery(
+  fulltext_vtab *v,      /* The full text index */
+  int iColumn,           /* Match against this column by default */
+  const char *zInput,    /* The query string */
+  int nInput,            /* Number of bytes in zInput[] */
+  DocList **pResult,     /* Write the result doclist here */
+  Query *pQuery          /* Put parsed query string here */
+  int i, iNext, rc;
+  DocList *pLeft = NULL;
+  DocList *pRight, *pNew, *pOr;
+  int nNot = 0;
+  QueryTerm *aTerm;
+  rc = parseQuery(v, zInput, nInput, iColumn, pQuery);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  /* Merge AND terms. */
+  aTerm = pQuery->pTerms;
+  for(i = 0; i<pQuery->nTerms; i=iNext){
+    if( aTerm[i].isNot ){
+      /* Handle all NOT terms in a separate pass */
+      nNot++;
+      iNext = i + aTerm[i].nPhrase+1;
+      continue;
+    }
+    iNext = i + aTerm[i].nPhrase + 1;
+    rc = docListOfTerm(v, aTerm[i].iColumn, &aTerm[i], &pRight);
+    if( rc ){
+      queryClear(pQuery);
+      return rc;
+    }
+    while( iNext<pQuery->nTerms && aTerm[iNext].isOr ){
+      rc = docListOfTerm(v, aTerm[iNext].iColumn, &aTerm[iNext], &pOr);
+      iNext += aTerm[iNext].nPhrase + 1;
+      if( rc ){
+        queryClear(pQuery);
+        return rc;
+      }
+      pNew = docListNew(DL_DOCIDS);
+      docListOrMerge(pRight, pOr, pNew);
+      docListDelete(pRight);
+      docListDelete(pOr);
+      pRight = pNew;
+    }
+    if( pLeft==0 ){
+      pLeft = pRight;
+    }else{
+      pNew = docListNew(DL_DOCIDS);
+      docListAndMerge(pLeft, pRight, pNew);
+      docListDelete(pRight);
+      docListDelete(pLeft);
+      pLeft = pNew;
+    }
+  }
+  if( nNot && pLeft==0 ){
+    /* We do not yet know how to handle a query of only NOT terms */
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Do the EXCEPT terms */
+  for(i=0; i<pQuery->nTerms;  i += aTerm[i].nPhrase + 1){
+    if( !aTerm[i].isNot ) continue;
+    rc = docListOfTerm(v, aTerm[i].iColumn, &aTerm[i], &pRight);
+    if( rc ){
+      queryClear(pQuery);
+      docListDelete(pLeft);
+      return rc;
+    }
+    pNew = docListNew(DL_DOCIDS);
+    docListExceptMerge(pLeft, pRight, pNew);
+    docListDelete(pRight);
+    docListDelete(pLeft);
+    pLeft = pNew;
+  }
+  *pResult = pLeft;
+  return rc;
+** This is the xFilter interface for the virtual table.  See
+** the virtual table xFilter method documentation for additional
+** information.
+** If idxNum==QUERY_GENERIC then do a full table scan against
+** the %_content table.
+** If idxNum==QUERY_ROWID then do a rowid lookup for a single entry
+** in the %_content table.
+** If idxNum>=QUERY_FULLTEXT then use the full text index.  The
+** column on the left-hand side of the MATCH operator is column
+** number idxNum-QUERY_FULLTEXT, 0 indexed.  argv[0] is the right-hand
+** side of the MATCH operator.
+/* TODO(shess) Upgrade the cursor initialization and destruction to
+** account for fulltextFilter() being called multiple times on the
+** same cursor.  The current solution is very fragile.  Apply fix to
+** fts2 as appropriate.
+static int fulltextFilter(
+  sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,     /* The cursor used for this query */
+  int idxNum, const char *idxStr,   /* Which indexing scheme to use */
+  int argc, sqlite3_value **argv    /* Arguments for the indexing scheme */
+  fulltext_cursor *c = (fulltext_cursor *) pCursor;
+  fulltext_vtab *v = cursor_vtab(c);
+  int rc;
+  char *zSql;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Filter %p\n",pCursor));
+  zSql = sqlite3_mprintf("select rowid, * from %%_content %s",
+                          idxNum==QUERY_GENERIC ? "" : "where rowid=?");
+  sqlite3_finalize(c->pStmt);
+  rc = sql_prepare(v->db, v->zDb, v->zName, &c->pStmt, zSql);
+  sqlite3_free(zSql);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  c->iCursorType = idxNum;
+  switch( idxNum ){
+    case QUERY_GENERIC:
+      break;
+    case QUERY_ROWID:
+      rc = sqlite3_bind_int64(c->pStmt, 1, sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]));
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+      break;
+    default:   /* full-text search */
+    {
+      const char *zQuery = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+      DocList *pResult;
+      assert( idxNum<=QUERY_FULLTEXT+v->nColumn);
+      assert( argc==1 );
+      queryClear(&c->q);
+      rc = fulltextQuery(v, idxNum-QUERY_FULLTEXT, zQuery, -1, &pResult, &c->q);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+      if( c->result.pDoclist!=NULL ) docListDelete(c->result.pDoclist);
+      readerInit(&c->result, pResult);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  return fulltextNext(pCursor);
+/* This is the xEof method of the virtual table.  The SQLite core
+** calls this routine to find out if it has reached the end of
+** a query's results set.
+static int fulltextEof(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor){
+  fulltext_cursor *c = (fulltext_cursor *) pCursor;
+  return c->eof;
+/* This is the xColumn method of the virtual table.  The SQLite
+** core calls this method during a query when it needs the value
+** of a column from the virtual table.  This method needs to use
+** one of the sqlite3_result_*() routines to store the requested
+** value back in the pContext.
+static int fulltextColumn(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor,
+                          sqlite3_context *pContext, int idxCol){
+  fulltext_cursor *c = (fulltext_cursor *) pCursor;
+  fulltext_vtab *v = cursor_vtab(c);
+  if( idxCol<v->nColumn ){
+    sqlite3_value *pVal = sqlite3_column_value(c->pStmt, idxCol+1);
+    sqlite3_result_value(pContext, pVal);
+  }else if( idxCol==v->nColumn ){
+    /* The extra column whose name is the same as the table.
+    ** Return a blob which is a pointer to the cursor
+    */
+    sqlite3_result_blob(pContext, &c, sizeof(c), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* This is the xRowid method.  The SQLite core calls this routine to
+** retrive the rowid for the current row of the result set.  The
+** rowid should be written to *pRowid.
+static int fulltextRowid(sqlite3_vtab_cursor *pCursor, sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
+  fulltext_cursor *c = (fulltext_cursor *) pCursor;
+  *pRowid = sqlite3_column_int64(c->pStmt, 0);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Add all terms in [zText] to the given hash table.  If [iColumn] > 0,
+ * we also store positions and offsets in the hash table using the given
+ * column number. */
+static int buildTerms(fulltext_vtab *v, fts1Hash *terms, sqlite_int64 iDocid,
+                      const char *zText, int iColumn){
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer = v->pTokenizer;
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor;
+  const char *pToken;
+  int nTokenBytes;
+  int iStartOffset, iEndOffset, iPosition;
+  int rc;
+  rc = pTokenizer->pModule->xOpen(pTokenizer, zText, -1, &pCursor);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  pCursor->pTokenizer = pTokenizer;
+  while( SQLITE_OK==pTokenizer->pModule->xNext(pCursor,
+                                               &pToken, &nTokenBytes,
+                                               &iStartOffset, &iEndOffset,
+                                               &iPosition) ){
+    DocList *p;
+    /* Positions can't be negative; we use -1 as a terminator internally. */
+    if( iPosition<0 ){
+      pTokenizer->pModule->xClose(pCursor);
+      return SQLITE_ERROR;
+    }
+    p = fts1HashFind(terms, pToken, nTokenBytes);
+    if( p==NULL ){
+      p = docListNew(DL_DEFAULT);
+      docListAddDocid(p, iDocid);
+      fts1HashInsert(terms, pToken, nTokenBytes, p);
+    }
+    if( iColumn>=0 ){
+      docListAddPosOffset(p, iColumn, iPosition, iStartOffset, iEndOffset);
+    }
+  }
+  /* TODO(shess) Check return?  Should this be able to cause errors at
+  ** this point?  Actually, same question about sqlite3_finalize(),
+  ** though one could argue that failure there means that the data is
+  ** not durable.  *ponder*
+  */
+  pTokenizer->pModule->xClose(pCursor);
+  return rc;
+/* Update the %_terms table to map the term [pTerm] to the given rowid. */
+static int index_insert_term(fulltext_vtab *v, const char *pTerm, int nTerm,
+                             DocList *d){
+  sqlite_int64 iIndexRow;
+  DocList doclist;
+  int iSegment = 0, rc;
+  rc = term_select(v, pTerm, nTerm, iSegment, &iIndexRow, &doclist);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){
+    docListInit(&doclist, DL_DEFAULT, 0, 0);
+    docListUpdate(&doclist, d);
+    /* TODO(shess) Consider length(doclist)>CHUNK_MAX? */
+    rc = term_insert(v, NULL, pTerm, nTerm, iSegment, &doclist);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  docListUpdate(&doclist, d);
+  if( doclist.nData<=CHUNK_MAX ){
+    rc = term_update(v, iIndexRow, &doclist);
+    goto err;
+  }
+  /* Doclist doesn't fit, delete what's there, and accumulate
+  ** forward.
+  */
+  rc = term_delete(v, iIndexRow);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto err;
+  /* Try to insert the doclist into a higher segment bucket.  On
+  ** failure, accumulate existing doclist with the doclist from that
+  ** bucket, and put results in the next bucket.
+  */
+  iSegment++;
+  while( (rc=term_insert(v, &iIndexRow, pTerm, nTerm, iSegment,
+                         &doclist))!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite_int64 iSegmentRow;
+    DocList old;
+    int rc2;
+    /* Retain old error in case the term_insert() error was really an
+    ** error rather than a bounced insert.
+    */
+    rc2 = term_select(v, pTerm, nTerm, iSegment, &iSegmentRow, &old);
+    if( rc2!=SQLITE_ROW ) goto err;
+    rc = term_delete(v, iSegmentRow);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) goto err;
+    /* Reusing lowest-number deleted row keeps the index smaller. */
+    if( iSegmentRow<iIndexRow ) iIndexRow = iSegmentRow;
+    /* doclist contains the newer data, so accumulate it over old.
+    ** Then steal accumulated data for doclist.
+    */
+    docListAccumulate(&old, &doclist);
+    docListDestroy(&doclist);
+    doclist = old;
+    iSegment++;
+  }
+ err:
+  docListDestroy(&doclist);
+  return rc;
+/* Add doclists for all terms in [pValues] to the hash table [terms]. */
+static int insertTerms(fulltext_vtab *v, fts1Hash *terms, sqlite_int64 iRowid,
+                sqlite3_value **pValues){
+  int i;
+  for(i = 0; i < v->nColumn ; ++i){
+    char *zText = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(pValues[i]);
+    int rc = buildTerms(v, terms, iRowid, zText, i);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Add empty doclists for all terms in the given row's content to the hash
+ * table [pTerms]. */
+static int deleteTerms(fulltext_vtab *v, fts1Hash *pTerms, sqlite_int64 iRowid){
+  const char **pValues;
+  int i;
+  int rc = content_select(v, iRowid, &pValues);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  for(i = 0 ; i < v->nColumn; ++i) {
+    rc = buildTerms(v, pTerms, iRowid, pValues[i], -1);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
+  }
+  freeStringArray(v->nColumn, pValues);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+/* Insert a row into the %_content table; set *piRowid to be the ID of the
+ * new row.  Fill [pTerms] with new doclists for the %_term table. */
+static int index_insert(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite3_value *pRequestRowid,
+                        sqlite3_value **pValues,
+                        sqlite_int64 *piRowid, fts1Hash *pTerms){
+  int rc;
+  rc = content_insert(v, pRequestRowid, pValues);  /* execute an SQL INSERT */
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  *piRowid = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(v->db);
+  return insertTerms(v, pTerms, *piRowid, pValues);
+/* Delete a row from the %_content table; fill [pTerms] with empty doclists
+ * to be written to the %_term table. */
+static int index_delete(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow, fts1Hash *pTerms){
+  int rc = deleteTerms(v, pTerms, iRow);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  return content_delete(v, iRow);  /* execute an SQL DELETE */
+/* Update a row in the %_content table; fill [pTerms] with new doclists for the
+ * %_term table. */
+static int index_update(fulltext_vtab *v, sqlite_int64 iRow,
+                        sqlite3_value **pValues, fts1Hash *pTerms){
+  /* Generate an empty doclist for each term that previously appeared in this
+   * row. */
+  int rc = deleteTerms(v, pTerms, iRow);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  rc = content_update(v, pValues, iRow);  /* execute an SQL UPDATE */
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+  /* Now add positions for terms which appear in the updated row. */
+  return insertTerms(v, pTerms, iRow, pValues);
+/* This function implements the xUpdate callback; it's the top-level entry
+ * point for inserting, deleting or updating a row in a full-text table. */
+static int fulltextUpdate(sqlite3_vtab *pVtab, int nArg, sqlite3_value **ppArg,
+                   sqlite_int64 *pRowid){
+  fulltext_vtab *v = (fulltext_vtab *) pVtab;
+  fts1Hash terms;   /* maps term string -> PosList */
+  int rc;
+  fts1HashElem *e;
+  TRACE(("FTS1 Update %p\n", pVtab));
+  fts1HashInit(&terms, FTS1_HASH_STRING, 1);
+  if( nArg<2 ){
+    rc = index_delete(v, sqlite3_value_int64(ppArg[0]), &terms);
+  } else if( sqlite3_value_type(ppArg[0]) != SQLITE_NULL ){
+    /* An update:
+     * ppArg[0] = old rowid
+     * ppArg[1] = new rowid
+     * ppArg[2..2+v->nColumn-1] = values
+     * ppArg[2+v->nColumn] = value for magic column (we ignore this)
+     */
+    sqlite_int64 rowid = sqlite3_value_int64(ppArg[0]);
+    if( sqlite3_value_type(ppArg[1]) != SQLITE_INTEGER ||
+      sqlite3_value_int64(ppArg[1]) != rowid ){
+      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;  /* we don't allow changing the rowid */
+    } else {
+      assert( nArg==2+v->nColumn+1);
+      rc = index_update(v, rowid, &ppArg[2], &terms);
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* An insert:
+     * ppArg[1] = requested rowid
+     * ppArg[2..2+v->nColumn-1] = values
+     * ppArg[2+v->nColumn] = value for magic column (we ignore this)
+     */
+    assert( nArg==2+v->nColumn+1);
+    rc = index_insert(v, ppArg[1], &ppArg[2], pRowid, &terms);
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    /* Write updated doclists to disk. */
+    for(e=fts1HashFirst(&terms); e; e=fts1HashNext(e)){
+      DocList *p = fts1HashData(e);
+      rc = index_insert_term(v, fts1HashKey(e), fts1HashKeysize(e), p);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* clean up */
+  for(e=fts1HashFirst(&terms); e; e=fts1HashNext(e)){
+    DocList *p = fts1HashData(e);
+    docListDelete(p);
+  }
+  fts1HashClear(&terms);
+  return rc;
+** Implementation of the snippet() function for FTS1
+static void snippetFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *pContext,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  fulltext_cursor *pCursor;
+  if( argc<1 ) return;
+  if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])!=SQLITE_BLOB ||
+      sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])!=sizeof(pCursor) ){
+    sqlite3_result_error(pContext, "illegal first argument to html_snippet",-1);
+  }else{
+    const char *zStart = "<b>";
+    const char *zEnd = "</b>";
+    const char *zEllipsis = "<b>...</b>";
+    memcpy(&pCursor, sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]), sizeof(pCursor));
+    if( argc>=2 ){
+      zStart = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+      if( argc>=3 ){
+        zEnd = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[2]);
+        if( argc>=4 ){
+          zEllipsis = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[3]);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    snippetAllOffsets(pCursor);
+    snippetText(pCursor, zStart, zEnd, zEllipsis);
+    sqlite3_result_text(pContext, pCursor->snippet.zSnippet,
+                        pCursor->snippet.nSnippet, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  }
+** Implementation of the offsets() function for FTS1
+static void snippetOffsetsFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *pContext,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  fulltext_cursor *pCursor;
+  if( argc<1 ) return;
+  if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])!=SQLITE_BLOB ||
+      sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])!=sizeof(pCursor) ){
+    sqlite3_result_error(pContext, "illegal first argument to offsets",-1);
+  }else{
+    memcpy(&pCursor, sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]), sizeof(pCursor));
+    snippetAllOffsets(pCursor);
+    snippetOffsetText(&pCursor->snippet);
+    sqlite3_result_text(pContext,
+                        pCursor->snippet.zOffset, pCursor->snippet.nOffset,
+                        SQLITE_STATIC);
+  }
+** This routine implements the xFindFunction method for the FTS1
+** virtual table.
+static int fulltextFindFunction(
+  sqlite3_vtab *pVtab,
+  int nArg,
+  const char *zName,
+  void (**pxFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
+  void **ppArg
+  if( strcmp(zName,"snippet")==0 ){
+    *pxFunc = snippetFunc;
+    return 1;
+  }else if( strcmp(zName,"offsets")==0 ){
+    *pxFunc = snippetOffsetsFunc;
+    return 1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static const sqlite3_module fulltextModule = {
+  /* iVersion      */ 0,
+  /* xCreate       */ fulltextCreate,
+  /* xConnect      */ fulltextConnect,
+  /* xBestIndex    */ fulltextBestIndex,
+  /* xDisconnect   */ fulltextDisconnect,
+  /* xDestroy      */ fulltextDestroy,
+  /* xOpen         */ fulltextOpen,
+  /* xClose        */ fulltextClose,
+  /* xFilter       */ fulltextFilter,
+  /* xNext         */ fulltextNext,
+  /* xEof          */ fulltextEof,
+  /* xColumn       */ fulltextColumn,
+  /* xRowid        */ fulltextRowid,
+  /* xUpdate       */ fulltextUpdate,
+  /* xBegin        */ 0, 
+  /* xSync         */ 0,
+  /* xCommit       */ 0,
+  /* xRollback     */ 0,
+  /* xFindFunction */ fulltextFindFunction,
+int sqlite3Fts1Init(sqlite3 *db){
+  sqlite3_overload_function(db, "snippet", -1);
+  sqlite3_overload_function(db, "offsets", -1);
+  return sqlite3_create_module(db, "fts1", &fulltextModule, 0);
+int sqlite3_extension_init(sqlite3 *db, char **pzErrMsg,
+                           const sqlite3_api_routines *pApi){
+  return sqlite3Fts1Init(db);
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1) */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#include "sqlite3.h"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */
+int sqlite3Fts1Init(sqlite3 *db);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+}  /* extern "C" */
+#endif  /* __cplusplus */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_hash.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_hash.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_hash.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+** 2001 September 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This is the implementation of generic hash-tables used in SQLite.
+** We've modified it slightly to serve as a standalone hash table
+** implementation for the full-text indexing module.
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+** The code in this file is only compiled if:
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built as an extension
+**       (in which case SQLITE_CORE is not defined), or
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built into the core of
+**       SQLite (in which case SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1 is defined).
+#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1)
+#include "fts1_hash.h"
+static void *malloc_and_zero(int n){
+  void *p = malloc(n);
+  if( p ){
+    memset(p, 0, n);
+  }
+  return p;
+/* Turn bulk memory into a hash table object by initializing the
+** fields of the Hash structure.
+** "pNew" is a pointer to the hash table that is to be initialized.
+** keyClass is one of the constants 
+** FTS1_HASH_BINARY or FTS1_HASH_STRING.  The value of keyClass 
+** determines what kind of key the hash table will use.  "copyKey" is
+** true if the hash table should make its own private copy of keys and
+** false if it should just use the supplied pointer.
+void sqlite3Fts1HashInit(fts1Hash *pNew, int keyClass, int copyKey){
+  assert( pNew!=0 );
+  assert( keyClass>=FTS1_HASH_STRING && keyClass<=FTS1_HASH_BINARY );
+  pNew->keyClass = keyClass;
+  pNew->copyKey = copyKey;
+  pNew->first = 0;
+  pNew->count = 0;
+  pNew->htsize = 0;
+  pNew->ht = 0;
+  pNew->xMalloc = malloc_and_zero;
+  pNew->xFree = free;
+/* Remove all entries from a hash table.  Reclaim all memory.
+** Call this routine to delete a hash table or to reset a hash table
+** to the empty state.
+void sqlite3Fts1HashClear(fts1Hash *pH){
+  fts1HashElem *elem;         /* For looping over all elements of the table */
+  assert( pH!=0 );
+  elem = pH->first;
+  pH->first = 0;
+  if( pH->ht ) pH->xFree(pH->ht);
+  pH->ht = 0;
+  pH->htsize = 0;
+  while( elem ){
+    fts1HashElem *next_elem = elem->next;
+    if( pH->copyKey && elem->pKey ){
+      pH->xFree(elem->pKey);
+    }
+    pH->xFree(elem);
+    elem = next_elem;
+  }
+  pH->count = 0;
+** Hash and comparison functions when the mode is FTS1_HASH_STRING
+static int strHash(const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  const char *z = (const char *)pKey;
+  int h = 0;
+  if( nKey<=0 ) nKey = (int) strlen(z);
+  while( nKey > 0  ){
+    h = (h<<3) ^ h ^ *z++;
+    nKey--;
+  }
+  return h & 0x7fffffff;
+static int strCompare(const void *pKey1, int n1, const void *pKey2, int n2){
+  if( n1!=n2 ) return 1;
+  return strncmp((const char*)pKey1,(const char*)pKey2,n1);
+** Hash and comparison functions when the mode is FTS1_HASH_BINARY
+static int binHash(const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  int h = 0;
+  const char *z = (const char *)pKey;
+  while( nKey-- > 0 ){
+    h = (h<<3) ^ h ^ *(z++);
+  }
+  return h & 0x7fffffff;
+static int binCompare(const void *pKey1, int n1, const void *pKey2, int n2){
+  if( n1!=n2 ) return 1;
+  return memcmp(pKey1,pKey2,n1);
+** Return a pointer to the appropriate hash function given the key class.
+** The C syntax in this function definition may be unfamilar to some 
+** programmers, so we provide the following additional explanation:
+** The name of the function is "hashFunction".  The function takes a
+** single parameter "keyClass".  The return value of hashFunction()
+** is a pointer to another function.  Specifically, the return value
+** of hashFunction() is a pointer to a function that takes two parameters
+** with types "const void*" and "int" and returns an "int".
+static int (*hashFunction(int keyClass))(const void*,int){
+  if( keyClass==FTS1_HASH_STRING ){
+    return &strHash;
+  }else{
+    assert( keyClass==FTS1_HASH_BINARY );
+    return &binHash;
+  }
+** Return a pointer to the appropriate hash function given the key class.
+** For help in interpreted the obscure C code in the function definition,
+** see the header comment on the previous function.
+static int (*compareFunction(int keyClass))(const void*,int,const void*,int){
+  if( keyClass==FTS1_HASH_STRING ){
+    return &strCompare;
+  }else{
+    assert( keyClass==FTS1_HASH_BINARY );
+    return &binCompare;
+  }
+/* Link an element into the hash table
+static void insertElement(
+  fts1Hash *pH,            /* The complete hash table */
+  struct _fts1ht *pEntry,  /* The entry into which pNew is inserted */
+  fts1HashElem *pNew       /* The element to be inserted */
+  fts1HashElem *pHead;     /* First element already in pEntry */
+  pHead = pEntry->chain;
+  if( pHead ){
+    pNew->next = pHead;
+    pNew->prev = pHead->prev;
+    if( pHead->prev ){ pHead->prev->next = pNew; }
+    else             { pH->first = pNew; }
+    pHead->prev = pNew;
+  }else{
+    pNew->next = pH->first;
+    if( pH->first ){ pH->first->prev = pNew; }
+    pNew->prev = 0;
+    pH->first = pNew;
+  }
+  pEntry->count++;
+  pEntry->chain = pNew;
+/* Resize the hash table so that it cantains "new_size" buckets.
+** "new_size" must be a power of 2.  The hash table might fail 
+** to resize if sqliteMalloc() fails.
+static void rehash(fts1Hash *pH, int new_size){
+  struct _fts1ht *new_ht;          /* The new hash table */
+  fts1HashElem *elem, *next_elem;  /* For looping over existing elements */
+  int (*xHash)(const void*,int);   /* The hash function */
+  assert( (new_size & (new_size-1))==0 );
+  new_ht = (struct _fts1ht *)pH->xMalloc( new_size*sizeof(struct _fts1ht) );
+  if( new_ht==0 ) return;
+  if( pH->ht ) pH->xFree(pH->ht);
+  pH->ht = new_ht;
+  pH->htsize = new_size;
+  xHash = hashFunction(pH->keyClass);
+  for(elem=pH->first, pH->first=0; elem; elem = next_elem){
+    int h = (*xHash)(elem->pKey, elem->nKey) & (new_size-1);
+    next_elem = elem->next;
+    insertElement(pH, &new_ht[h], elem);
+  }
+/* This function (for internal use only) locates an element in an
+** hash table that matches the given key.  The hash for this key has
+** already been computed and is passed as the 4th parameter.
+static fts1HashElem *findElementGivenHash(
+  const fts1Hash *pH, /* The pH to be searched */
+  const void *pKey,   /* The key we are searching for */
+  int nKey,
+  int h               /* The hash for this key. */
+  fts1HashElem *elem;            /* Used to loop thru the element list */
+  int count;                     /* Number of elements left to test */
+  int (*xCompare)(const void*,int,const void*,int);  /* comparison function */
+  if( pH->ht ){
+    struct _fts1ht *pEntry = &pH->ht[h];
+    elem = pEntry->chain;
+    count = pEntry->count;
+    xCompare = compareFunction(pH->keyClass);
+    while( count-- && elem ){
+      if( (*xCompare)(elem->pKey,elem->nKey,pKey,nKey)==0 ){ 
+        return elem;
+      }
+      elem = elem->next;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+/* Remove a single entry from the hash table given a pointer to that
+** element and a hash on the element's key.
+static void removeElementGivenHash(
+  fts1Hash *pH,         /* The pH containing "elem" */
+  fts1HashElem* elem,   /* The element to be removed from the pH */
+  int h                 /* Hash value for the element */
+  struct _fts1ht *pEntry;
+  if( elem->prev ){
+    elem->prev->next = elem->next; 
+  }else{
+    pH->first = elem->next;
+  }
+  if( elem->next ){
+    elem->next->prev = elem->prev;
+  }
+  pEntry = &pH->ht[h];
+  if( pEntry->chain==elem ){
+    pEntry->chain = elem->next;
+  }
+  pEntry->count--;
+  if( pEntry->count<=0 ){
+    pEntry->chain = 0;
+  }
+  if( pH->copyKey && elem->pKey ){
+    pH->xFree(elem->pKey);
+  }
+  pH->xFree( elem );
+  pH->count--;
+  if( pH->count<=0 ){
+    assert( pH->first==0 );
+    assert( pH->count==0 );
+    fts1HashClear(pH);
+  }
+/* Attempt to locate an element of the hash table pH with a key
+** that matches pKey,nKey.  Return the data for this element if it is
+** found, or NULL if there is no match.
+void *sqlite3Fts1HashFind(const fts1Hash *pH, const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  int h;                 /* A hash on key */
+  fts1HashElem *elem;    /* The element that matches key */
+  int (*xHash)(const void*,int);  /* The hash function */
+  if( pH==0 || pH->ht==0 ) return 0;
+  xHash = hashFunction(pH->keyClass);
+  assert( xHash!=0 );
+  h = (*xHash)(pKey,nKey);
+  assert( (pH->htsize & (pH->htsize-1))==0 );
+  elem = findElementGivenHash(pH,pKey,nKey, h & (pH->htsize-1));
+  return elem ? elem->data : 0;
+/* Insert an element into the hash table pH.  The key is pKey,nKey
+** and the data is "data".
+** If no element exists with a matching key, then a new
+** element is created.  A copy of the key is made if the copyKey
+** flag is set.  NULL is returned.
+** If another element already exists with the same key, then the
+** new data replaces the old data and the old data is returned.
+** The key is not copied in this instance.  If a malloc fails, then
+** the new data is returned and the hash table is unchanged.
+** If the "data" parameter to this function is NULL, then the
+** element corresponding to "key" is removed from the hash table.
+void *sqlite3Fts1HashInsert(
+  fts1Hash *pH,        /* The hash table to insert into */
+  const void *pKey,    /* The key */
+  int nKey,            /* Number of bytes in the key */
+  void *data           /* The data */
+  int hraw;                 /* Raw hash value of the key */
+  int h;                    /* the hash of the key modulo hash table size */
+  fts1HashElem *elem;       /* Used to loop thru the element list */
+  fts1HashElem *new_elem;   /* New element added to the pH */
+  int (*xHash)(const void*,int);  /* The hash function */
+  assert( pH!=0 );
+  xHash = hashFunction(pH->keyClass);
+  assert( xHash!=0 );
+  hraw = (*xHash)(pKey, nKey);
+  assert( (pH->htsize & (pH->htsize-1))==0 );
+  h = hraw & (pH->htsize-1);
+  elem = findElementGivenHash(pH,pKey,nKey,h);
+  if( elem ){
+    void *old_data = elem->data;
+    if( data==0 ){
+      removeElementGivenHash(pH,elem,h);
+    }else{
+      elem->data = data;
+    }
+    return old_data;
+  }
+  if( data==0 ) return 0;
+  new_elem = (fts1HashElem*)pH->xMalloc( sizeof(fts1HashElem) );
+  if( new_elem==0 ) return data;
+  if( pH->copyKey && pKey!=0 ){
+    new_elem->pKey = pH->xMalloc( nKey );
+    if( new_elem->pKey==0 ){
+      pH->xFree(new_elem);
+      return data;
+    }
+    memcpy((void*)new_elem->pKey, pKey, nKey);
+  }else{
+    new_elem->pKey = (void*)pKey;
+  }
+  new_elem->nKey = nKey;
+  pH->count++;
+  if( pH->htsize==0 ){
+    rehash(pH,8);
+    if( pH->htsize==0 ){
+      pH->count = 0;
+      pH->xFree(new_elem);
+      return data;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pH->count > pH->htsize ){
+    rehash(pH,pH->htsize*2);
+  }
+  assert( pH->htsize>0 );
+  assert( (pH->htsize & (pH->htsize-1))==0 );
+  h = hraw & (pH->htsize-1);
+  insertElement(pH, &pH->ht[h], new_elem);
+  new_elem->data = data;
+  return 0;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1) */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_hash.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_hash.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_hash.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+** 2001 September 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implemenation
+** used in SQLite.  We've modified it slightly to serve as a standalone
+** hash table implementation for the full-text indexing module.
+#ifndef _FTS1_HASH_H_
+#define _FTS1_HASH_H_
+/* Forward declarations of structures. */
+typedef struct fts1Hash fts1Hash;
+typedef struct fts1HashElem fts1HashElem;
+/* A complete hash table is an instance of the following structure.
+** The internals of this structure are intended to be opaque -- client
+** code should not attempt to access or modify the fields of this structure
+** directly.  Change this structure only by using the routines below.
+** However, many of the "procedures" and "functions" for modifying and
+** accessing this structure are really macros, so we can't really make
+** this structure opaque.
+struct fts1Hash {
+  char keyClass;          /* HASH_INT, _POINTER, _STRING, _BINARY */
+  char copyKey;           /* True if copy of key made on insert */
+  int count;              /* Number of entries in this table */
+  fts1HashElem *first;    /* The first element of the array */
+  void *(*xMalloc)(int);  /* malloc() function to use */
+  void (*xFree)(void *);  /* free() function to use */
+  int htsize;             /* Number of buckets in the hash table */
+  struct _fts1ht {        /* the hash table */
+    int count;               /* Number of entries with this hash */
+    fts1HashElem *chain;     /* Pointer to first entry with this hash */
+  } *ht;
+/* Each element in the hash table is an instance of the following 
+** structure.  All elements are stored on a single doubly-linked list.
+** Again, this structure is intended to be opaque, but it can't really
+** be opaque because it is used by macros.
+struct fts1HashElem {
+  fts1HashElem *next, *prev; /* Next and previous elements in the table */
+  void *data;                /* Data associated with this element */
+  void *pKey; int nKey;      /* Key associated with this element */
+** There are 2 different modes of operation for a hash table:
+**   FTS1_HASH_STRING        pKey points to a string that is nKey bytes long
+**                           (including the null-terminator, if any).  Case
+**                           is respected in comparisons.
+**   FTS1_HASH_BINARY        pKey points to binary data nKey bytes long. 
+**                           memcmp() is used to compare keys.
+** A copy of the key is made if the copyKey parameter to fts1HashInit is 1.  
+#define FTS1_HASH_STRING    1
+#define FTS1_HASH_BINARY    2
+** Access routines.  To delete, insert a NULL pointer.
+void sqlite3Fts1HashInit(fts1Hash*, int keytype, int copyKey);
+void *sqlite3Fts1HashInsert(fts1Hash*, const void *pKey, int nKey, void *pData);
+void *sqlite3Fts1HashFind(const fts1Hash*, const void *pKey, int nKey);
+void sqlite3Fts1HashClear(fts1Hash*);
+** Shorthand for the functions above
+#define fts1HashInit   sqlite3Fts1HashInit
+#define fts1HashInsert sqlite3Fts1HashInsert
+#define fts1HashFind   sqlite3Fts1HashFind
+#define fts1HashClear  sqlite3Fts1HashClear
+** Macros for looping over all elements of a hash table.  The idiom is
+** like this:
+**   fts1Hash h;
+**   fts1HashElem *p;
+**   ...
+**   for(p=fts1HashFirst(&h); p; p=fts1HashNext(p)){
+**     SomeStructure *pData = fts1HashData(p);
+**     // do something with pData
+**   }
+#define fts1HashFirst(H)  ((H)->first)
+#define fts1HashNext(E)   ((E)->next)
+#define fts1HashData(E)   ((E)->data)
+#define fts1HashKey(E)    ((E)->pKey)
+#define fts1HashKeysize(E) ((E)->nKey)
+** Number of entries in a hash table
+#define fts1HashCount(H)  ((H)->count)
+#endif /* _FTS1_HASH_H_ */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_porter.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_porter.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_porter.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+** 2006 September 30
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** Implementation of the full-text-search tokenizer that implements
+** a Porter stemmer.
+** The code in this file is only compiled if:
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built as an extension
+**       (in which case SQLITE_CORE is not defined), or
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built into the core of
+**       SQLite (in which case SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1 is defined).
+#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1)
+#include <assert.h>
+#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "fts1_tokenizer.h"
+** Class derived from sqlite3_tokenizer
+typedef struct porter_tokenizer {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer base;      /* Base class */
+} porter_tokenizer;
+** Class derived from sqlit3_tokenizer_cursor
+typedef struct porter_tokenizer_cursor {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor base;
+  const char *zInput;          /* input we are tokenizing */
+  int nInput;                  /* size of the input */
+  int iOffset;                 /* current position in zInput */
+  int iToken;                  /* index of next token to be returned */
+  char *zToken;                /* storage for current token */
+  int nAllocated;              /* space allocated to zToken buffer */
+} porter_tokenizer_cursor;
+/* Forward declaration */
+static const sqlite3_tokenizer_module porterTokenizerModule;
+** Create a new tokenizer instance.
+static int porterCreate(
+  int argc, const char * const *argv,
+  sqlite3_tokenizer **ppTokenizer
+  porter_tokenizer *t;
+  t = (porter_tokenizer *) calloc(sizeof(porter_tokenizer), 1);
+  *ppTokenizer = &t->base;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Destroy a tokenizer
+static int porterDestroy(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer){
+  free(pTokenizer);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Prepare to begin tokenizing a particular string.  The input
+** string to be tokenized is zInput[0..nInput-1].  A cursor
+** used to incrementally tokenize this string is returned in 
+** *ppCursor.
+static int porterOpen(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,         /* The tokenizer */
+  const char *zInput, int nInput,        /* String to be tokenized */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor **ppCursor    /* OUT: Tokenization cursor */
+  porter_tokenizer_cursor *c;
+  c = (porter_tokenizer_cursor *) malloc(sizeof(porter_tokenizer_cursor));
+  c->zInput = zInput;
+  if( zInput==0 ){
+    c->nInput = 0;
+  }else if( nInput<0 ){
+    c->nInput = (int)strlen(zInput);
+  }else{
+    c->nInput = nInput;
+  }
+  c->iOffset = 0;                 /* start tokenizing at the beginning */
+  c->iToken = 0;
+  c->zToken = NULL;               /* no space allocated, yet. */
+  c->nAllocated = 0;
+  *ppCursor = &c->base;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Close a tokenization cursor previously opened by a call to
+** porterOpen() above.
+static int porterClose(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor){
+  porter_tokenizer_cursor *c = (porter_tokenizer_cursor *) pCursor;
+  free(c->zToken);
+  free(c);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Vowel or consonant
+static const char cType[] = {
+   0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0,
+   1, 1, 1, 2, 1
+** isConsonant() and isVowel() determine if their first character in
+** the string they point to is a consonant or a vowel, according
+** to Porter ruls.  
+** A consonate is any letter other than 'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', or 'u'.
+** 'Y' is a consonant unless it follows another consonant,
+** in which case it is a vowel.
+** In these routine, the letters are in reverse order.  So the 'y' rule
+** is that 'y' is a consonant unless it is followed by another
+** consonent.
+static int isVowel(const char*);
+static int isConsonant(const char *z){
+  int j;
+  char x = *z;
+  if( x==0 ) return 0;
+  assert( x>='a' && x<='z' );
+  j = cType[x-'a'];
+  if( j<2 ) return j;
+  return z[1]==0 || isVowel(z + 1);
+static int isVowel(const char *z){
+  int j;
+  char x = *z;
+  if( x==0 ) return 0;
+  assert( x>='a' && x<='z' );
+  j = cType[x-'a'];
+  if( j<2 ) return 1-j;
+  return isConsonant(z + 1);
+** Let any sequence of one or more vowels be represented by V and let
+** C be sequence of one or more consonants.  Then every word can be
+** represented as:
+**           [C] (VC){m} [V]
+** In prose:  A word is an optional consonant followed by zero or
+** vowel-consonant pairs followed by an optional vowel.  "m" is the
+** number of vowel consonant pairs.  This routine computes the value
+** of m for the first i bytes of a word.
+** Return true if the m-value for z is 1 or more.  In other words,
+** return true if z contains at least one vowel that is followed
+** by a consonant.
+** In this routine z[] is in reverse order.  So we are really looking
+** for an instance of of a consonant followed by a vowel.
+static int m_gt_0(const char *z){
+  while( isVowel(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 0;
+  while( isConsonant(z) ){ z++; }
+  return *z!=0;
+/* Like mgt0 above except we are looking for a value of m which is
+** exactly 1
+static int m_eq_1(const char *z){
+  while( isVowel(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 0;
+  while( isConsonant(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 0;
+  while( isVowel(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 1;
+  while( isConsonant(z) ){ z++; }
+  return *z==0;
+/* Like mgt0 above except we are looking for a value of m>1 instead
+** or m>0
+static int m_gt_1(const char *z){
+  while( isVowel(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 0;
+  while( isConsonant(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 0;
+  while( isVowel(z) ){ z++; }
+  if( *z==0 ) return 0;
+  while( isConsonant(z) ){ z++; }
+  return *z!=0;
+** Return TRUE if there is a vowel anywhere within z[0..n-1]
+static int hasVowel(const char *z){
+  while( isConsonant(z) ){ z++; }
+  return *z!=0;
+** Return TRUE if the word ends in a double consonant.
+** The text is reversed here. So we are really looking at
+** the first two characters of z[].
+static int doubleConsonant(const char *z){
+  return isConsonant(z) && z[0]==z[1] && isConsonant(z+1);
+** Return TRUE if the word ends with three letters which
+** are consonant-vowel-consonent and where the final consonant
+** is not 'w', 'x', or 'y'.
+** The word is reversed here.  So we are really checking the
+** first three letters and the first one cannot be in [wxy].
+static int star_oh(const char *z){
+  return
+    z[0]!=0 && isConsonant(z) &&
+    z[0]!='w' && z[0]!='x' && z[0]!='y' &&
+    z[1]!=0 && isVowel(z+1) &&
+    z[2]!=0 && isConsonant(z+2);
+** If the word ends with zFrom and xCond() is true for the stem
+** of the word that preceeds the zFrom ending, then change the 
+** ending to zTo.
+** The input word *pz and zFrom are both in reverse order.  zTo
+** is in normal order. 
+** Return TRUE if zFrom matches.  Return FALSE if zFrom does not
+** match.  Not that TRUE is returned even if xCond() fails and
+** no substitution occurs.
+static int stem(
+  char **pz,             /* The word being stemmed (Reversed) */
+  const char *zFrom,     /* If the ending matches this... (Reversed) */
+  const char *zTo,       /* ... change the ending to this (not reversed) */
+  int (*xCond)(const char*)   /* Condition that must be true */
+  char *z = *pz;
+  while( *zFrom && *zFrom==*z ){ z++; zFrom++; }
+  if( *zFrom!=0 ) return 0;
+  if( xCond && !xCond(z) ) return 1;
+  while( *zTo ){
+    *(--z) = *(zTo++);
+  }
+  *pz = z;
+  return 1;
+** This is the fallback stemmer used when the porter stemmer is
+** inappropriate.  The input word is copied into the output with
+** US-ASCII case folding.  If the input word is too long (more
+** than 20 bytes if it contains no digits or more than 6 bytes if
+** it contains digits) then word is truncated to 20 or 6 bytes
+** by taking 10 or 3 bytes from the beginning and end.
+static void copy_stemmer(const char *zIn, int nIn, char *zOut, int *pnOut){
+  int i, mx, j;
+  int hasDigit = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<nIn; i++){
+    int c = zIn[i];
+    if( c>='A' && c<='Z' ){
+      zOut[i] = c - 'A' + 'a';
+    }else{
+      if( c>='0' && c<='9' ) hasDigit = 1;
+      zOut[i] = c;
+    }
+  }
+  mx = hasDigit ? 3 : 10;
+  if( nIn>mx*2 ){
+    for(j=mx, i=nIn-mx; i<nIn; i++, j++){
+      zOut[j] = zOut[i];
+    }
+    i = j;
+  }
+  zOut[i] = 0;
+  *pnOut = i;
+** Stem the input word zIn[0..nIn-1].  Store the output in zOut.
+** zOut is at least big enough to hold nIn bytes.  Write the actual
+** size of the output word (exclusive of the '\0' terminator) into *pnOut.
+** Any upper-case characters in the US-ASCII character set ([A-Z])
+** are converted to lower case.  Upper-case UTF characters are
+** unchanged.
+** Words that are longer than about 20 bytes are stemmed by retaining
+** a few bytes from the beginning and the end of the word.  If the
+** word contains digits, 3 bytes are taken from the beginning and
+** 3 bytes from the end.  For long words without digits, 10 bytes
+** are taken from each end.  US-ASCII case folding still applies.
+** If the input word contains not digits but does characters not 
+** in [a-zA-Z] then no stemming is attempted and this routine just 
+** copies the input into the input into the output with US-ASCII
+** case folding.
+** Stemming never increases the length of the word.  So there is
+** no chance of overflowing the zOut buffer.
+static void porter_stemmer(const char *zIn, int nIn, char *zOut, int *pnOut){
+  int i, j, c;
+  char zReverse[28];
+  char *z, *z2;
+  if( nIn<3 || nIn>=sizeof(zReverse)-7 ){
+    /* The word is too big or too small for the porter stemmer.
+    ** Fallback to the copy stemmer */
+    copy_stemmer(zIn, nIn, zOut, pnOut);
+    return;
+  }
+  for(i=0, j=sizeof(zReverse)-6; i<nIn; i++, j--){
+    c = zIn[i];
+    if( c>='A' && c<='Z' ){
+      zReverse[j] = c + 'a' - 'A';
+    }else if( c>='a' && c<='z' ){
+      zReverse[j] = c;
+    }else{
+      /* The use of a character not in [a-zA-Z] means that we fallback
+      ** to the copy stemmer */
+      copy_stemmer(zIn, nIn, zOut, pnOut);
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  memset(&zReverse[sizeof(zReverse)-5], 0, 5);
+  z = &zReverse[j+1];
+  /* Step 1a */
+  if( z[0]=='s' ){
+    if(
+     !stem(&z, "sess", "ss", 0) &&
+     !stem(&z, "sei", "i", 0)  &&
+     !stem(&z, "ss", "ss", 0)
+    ){
+      z++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Step 1b */  
+  z2 = z;
+  if( stem(&z, "dee", "ee", m_gt_0) ){
+    /* Do nothing.  The work was all in the test */
+  }else if( 
+     (stem(&z, "gni", "", hasVowel) || stem(&z, "de", "", hasVowel))
+      && z!=z2
+  ){
+     if( stem(&z, "ta", "ate", 0) ||
+         stem(&z, "lb", "ble", 0) ||
+         stem(&z, "zi", "ize", 0) ){
+       /* Do nothing.  The work was all in the test */
+     }else if( doubleConsonant(z) && (*z!='l' && *z!='s' && *z!='z') ){
+       z++;
+     }else if( m_eq_1(z) && star_oh(z) ){
+       *(--z) = 'e';
+     }
+  }
+  /* Step 1c */
+  if( z[0]=='y' && hasVowel(z+1) ){
+    z[0] = 'i';
+  }
+  /* Step 2 */
+  switch( z[1] ){
+   case 'a':
+     stem(&z, "lanoita", "ate", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "lanoit", "tion", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'c':
+     stem(&z, "icne", "ence", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "icna", "ance", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'e':
+     stem(&z, "rezi", "ize", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'g':
+     stem(&z, "igol", "log", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'l':
+     stem(&z, "ilb", "ble", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "illa", "al", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "iltne", "ent", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "ile", "e", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "ilsuo", "ous", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'o':
+     stem(&z, "noitazi", "ize", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "noita", "ate", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "rota", "ate", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 's':
+     stem(&z, "msila", "al", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "ssenevi", "ive", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "ssenluf", "ful", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "ssensuo", "ous", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 't':
+     stem(&z, "itila", "al", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "itivi", "ive", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "itilib", "ble", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+  }
+  /* Step 3 */
+  switch( z[0] ){
+   case 'e':
+     stem(&z, "etaci", "ic", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "evita", "", m_gt_0)   ||
+     stem(&z, "ezila", "al", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'i':
+     stem(&z, "itici", "ic", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 'l':
+     stem(&z, "laci", "ic", m_gt_0) ||
+     stem(&z, "luf", "", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+   case 's':
+     stem(&z, "ssen", "", m_gt_0);
+     break;
+  }
+  /* Step 4 */
+  switch( z[1] ){
+   case 'a':
+     if( z[0]=='l' && m_gt_1(z+2) ){
+       z += 2;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'c':
+     if( z[0]=='e' && z[2]=='n' && (z[3]=='a' || z[3]=='e')  && m_gt_1(z+4)  ){
+       z += 4;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'e':
+     if( z[0]=='r' && m_gt_1(z+2) ){
+       z += 2;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'i':
+     if( z[0]=='c' && m_gt_1(z+2) ){
+       z += 2;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'l':
+     if( z[0]=='e' && z[2]=='b' && (z[3]=='a' || z[3]=='i') && m_gt_1(z+4) ){
+       z += 4;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'n':
+     if( z[0]=='t' ){
+       if( z[2]=='a' ){
+         if( m_gt_1(z+3) ){
+           z += 3;
+         }
+       }else if( z[2]=='e' ){
+         stem(&z, "tneme", "", m_gt_1) ||
+         stem(&z, "tnem", "", m_gt_1) ||
+         stem(&z, "tne", "", m_gt_1);
+       }
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'o':
+     if( z[0]=='u' ){
+       if( m_gt_1(z+2) ){
+         z += 2;
+       }
+     }else if( z[3]=='s' || z[3]=='t' ){
+       stem(&z, "noi", "", m_gt_1);
+     }
+     break;
+   case 's':
+     if( z[0]=='m' && z[2]=='i' && m_gt_1(z+3) ){
+       z += 3;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 't':
+     stem(&z, "eta", "", m_gt_1) ||
+     stem(&z, "iti", "", m_gt_1);
+     break;
+   case 'u':
+     if( z[0]=='s' && z[2]=='o' && m_gt_1(z+3) ){
+       z += 3;
+     }
+     break;
+   case 'v':
+   case 'z':
+     if( z[0]=='e' && z[2]=='i' && m_gt_1(z+3) ){
+       z += 3;
+     }
+     break;
+  }
+  /* Step 5a */
+  if( z[0]=='e' ){
+    if( m_gt_1(z+1) ){
+      z++;
+    }else if( m_eq_1(z+1) && !star_oh(z+1) ){
+      z++;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Step 5b */
+  if( m_gt_1(z) && z[0]=='l' && z[1]=='l' ){
+    z++;
+  }
+  /* z[] is now the stemmed word in reverse order.  Flip it back
+  ** around into forward order and return.
+  */
+  *pnOut = i = strlen(z);
+  zOut[i] = 0;
+  while( *z ){
+    zOut[--i] = *(z++);
+  }
+** Characters that can be part of a token.  We assume any character
+** whose value is greater than 0x80 (any UTF character) can be
+** part of a token.  In other words, delimiters all must have
+** values of 0x7f or lower.
+static const char isIdChar[] = {
+/* x0 x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 xA xB xC xD xE xF */
+    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  /* 3x */
+    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  /* 4x */
+    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1,  /* 5x */
+    0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  /* 6x */
+    1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  /* 7x */
+#define idChar(C)  (((ch=C)&0x80)!=0 || (ch>0x2f && isIdChar[ch-0x30]))
+#define isDelim(C) (((ch=C)&0x80)==0 && (ch<0x30 || !isIdChar[ch-0x30]))
+** Extract the next token from a tokenization cursor.  The cursor must
+** have been opened by a prior call to porterOpen().
+static int porterNext(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor,  /* Cursor returned by porterOpen */
+  const char **pzToken,               /* OUT: *pzToken is the token text */
+  int *pnBytes,                       /* OUT: Number of bytes in token */
+  int *piStartOffset,                 /* OUT: Starting offset of token */
+  int *piEndOffset,                   /* OUT: Ending offset of token */
+  int *piPosition                     /* OUT: Position integer of token */
+  porter_tokenizer_cursor *c = (porter_tokenizer_cursor *) pCursor;
+  const char *z = c->zInput;
+  while( c->iOffset<c->nInput ){
+    int iStartOffset, ch;
+    /* Scan past delimiter characters */
+    while( c->iOffset<c->nInput && isDelim(z[c->iOffset]) ){
+      c->iOffset++;
+    }
+    /* Count non-delimiter characters. */
+    iStartOffset = c->iOffset;
+    while( c->iOffset<c->nInput && !isDelim(z[c->iOffset]) ){
+      c->iOffset++;
+    }
+    if( c->iOffset>iStartOffset ){
+      int n = c->iOffset-iStartOffset;
+      if( n>c->nAllocated ){
+        c->nAllocated = n+20;
+        c->zToken = realloc(c->zToken, c->nAllocated);
+      }
+      porter_stemmer(&z[iStartOffset], n, c->zToken, pnBytes);
+      *pzToken = c->zToken;
+      *piStartOffset = iStartOffset;
+      *piEndOffset = c->iOffset;
+      *piPosition = c->iToken++;
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_DONE;
+** The set of routines that implement the porter-stemmer tokenizer
+static const sqlite3_tokenizer_module porterTokenizerModule = {
+  0,
+  porterCreate,
+  porterDestroy,
+  porterOpen,
+  porterClose,
+  porterNext,
+** Allocate a new porter tokenizer.  Return a pointer to the new
+** tokenizer in *ppModule
+void sqlite3Fts1PorterTokenizerModule(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule
+  *ppModule = &porterTokenizerModule;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1) */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_tokenizer.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_tokenizer.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_tokenizer.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+** 2006 July 10
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.
+** Defines the interface to tokenizers used by fulltext-search.  There
+** are three basic components:
+** sqlite3_tokenizer_module is a singleton defining the tokenizer
+** interface functions.  This is essentially the class structure for
+** tokenizers.
+** sqlite3_tokenizer is used to define a particular tokenizer, perhaps
+** including customization information defined at creation time.
+** sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor is generated by a tokenizer to generate
+** tokens from a particular input.
+#ifndef _FTS1_TOKENIZER_H_
+#define _FTS1_TOKENIZER_H_
+/* TODO(shess) Only used for SQLITE_OK and SQLITE_DONE at this time.
+** If tokenizers are to be allowed to call sqlite3_*() functions, then
+** we will need a way to register the API consistently.
+#include "sqlite3.h"
+** Structures used by the tokenizer interface.
+typedef struct sqlite3_tokenizer sqlite3_tokenizer;
+typedef struct sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor;
+typedef struct sqlite3_tokenizer_module sqlite3_tokenizer_module;
+struct sqlite3_tokenizer_module {
+  int iVersion;                  /* currently 0 */
+  /*
+  ** Create and destroy a tokenizer.  argc/argv are passed down from
+  ** the fulltext virtual table creation to allow customization.
+  */
+  int (*xCreate)(int argc, const char *const*argv,
+                 sqlite3_tokenizer **ppTokenizer);
+  int (*xDestroy)(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer);
+  /*
+  ** Tokenize a particular input.  Call xOpen() to prepare to
+  ** tokenize, xNext() repeatedly until it returns SQLITE_DONE, then
+  ** xClose() to free any internal state.  The pInput passed to
+  ** xOpen() must exist until the cursor is closed.  The ppToken
+  ** result from xNext() is only valid until the next call to xNext()
+  ** or until xClose() is called.
+  */
+  /* TODO(shess) current implementation requires pInput to be
+  ** nul-terminated.  This should either be fixed, or pInput/nBytes
+  ** should be converted to zInput.
+  */
+  int (*xOpen)(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,
+               const char *pInput, int nBytes,
+               sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor **ppCursor);
+  int (*xClose)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor);
+  int (*xNext)(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor,
+               const char **ppToken, int *pnBytes,
+               int *piStartOffset, int *piEndOffset, int *piPosition);
+struct sqlite3_tokenizer {
+  const sqlite3_tokenizer_module *pModule;  /* The module for this tokenizer */
+  /* Tokenizer implementations will typically add additional fields */
+struct sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer;       /* Tokenizer for this cursor. */
+  /* Tokenizer implementations will typically add additional fields */
+** Get the module for a tokenizer which generates tokens based on a
+** set of non-token characters.  The default is to break tokens at any
+** non-alnum character, though the set of delimiters can also be
+** specified by the first argv argument to xCreate().
+/* TODO(shess) This doesn't belong here.  Need some sort of
+** registration process.
+void sqlite3Fts1SimpleTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
+void sqlite3Fts1PorterTokenizerModule(sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule);
+#endif /* _FTS1_TOKENIZER_H_ */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_tokenizer1.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_tokenizer1.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/fts1_tokenizer1.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.
+** Implementation of the "simple" full-text-search tokenizer.
+** The code in this file is only compiled if:
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built as an extension
+**       (in which case SQLITE_CORE is not defined), or
+**     * The FTS1 module is being built into the core of
+**       SQLite (in which case SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1 is defined).
+#if !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1)
+#include <assert.h>
+#if !defined(__APPLE__)
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "fts1_tokenizer.h"
+typedef struct simple_tokenizer {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer base;
+  char delim[128];             /* flag ASCII delimiters */
+} simple_tokenizer;
+typedef struct simple_tokenizer_cursor {
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor base;
+  const char *pInput;          /* input we are tokenizing */
+  int nBytes;                  /* size of the input */
+  int iOffset;                 /* current position in pInput */
+  int iToken;                  /* index of next token to be returned */
+  char *pToken;                /* storage for current token */
+  int nTokenAllocated;         /* space allocated to zToken buffer */
+} simple_tokenizer_cursor;
+/* Forward declaration */
+static const sqlite3_tokenizer_module simpleTokenizerModule;
+static int isDelim(simple_tokenizer *t, unsigned char c){
+  return c<0x80 && t->delim[c];
+** Create a new tokenizer instance.
+static int simpleCreate(
+  int argc, const char * const *argv,
+  sqlite3_tokenizer **ppTokenizer
+  simple_tokenizer *t;
+  t = (simple_tokenizer *) calloc(sizeof(simple_tokenizer), 1);
+  /* TODO(shess) Delimiters need to remain the same from run to run,
+  ** else we need to reindex.  One solution would be a meta-table to
+  ** track such information in the database, then we'd only want this
+  ** information on the initial create.
+  */
+  if( argc>1 ){
+    int i, n = strlen(argv[1]);
+    for(i=0; i<n; i++){
+      unsigned char ch = argv[1][i];
+      /* We explicitly don't support UTF-8 delimiters for now. */
+      if( ch>=0x80 ){
+        free(t);
+        return SQLITE_ERROR;
+      }
+      t->delim[ch] = 1;
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* Mark non-alphanumeric ASCII characters as delimiters */
+    int i;
+    for(i=1; i<0x80; i++){
+      t->delim[i] = !isalnum(i);
+    }
+  }
+  *ppTokenizer = &t->base;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Destroy a tokenizer
+static int simpleDestroy(sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer){
+  free(pTokenizer);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Prepare to begin tokenizing a particular string.  The input
+** string to be tokenized is pInput[0..nBytes-1].  A cursor
+** used to incrementally tokenize this string is returned in 
+** *ppCursor.
+static int simpleOpen(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer *pTokenizer,         /* The tokenizer */
+  const char *pInput, int nBytes,        /* String to be tokenized */
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor **ppCursor    /* OUT: Tokenization cursor */
+  simple_tokenizer_cursor *c;
+  c = (simple_tokenizer_cursor *) malloc(sizeof(simple_tokenizer_cursor));
+  c->pInput = pInput;
+  if( pInput==0 ){
+    c->nBytes = 0;
+  }else if( nBytes<0 ){
+    c->nBytes = (int)strlen(pInput);
+  }else{
+    c->nBytes = nBytes;
+  }
+  c->iOffset = 0;                 /* start tokenizing at the beginning */
+  c->iToken = 0;
+  c->pToken = NULL;               /* no space allocated, yet. */
+  c->nTokenAllocated = 0;
+  *ppCursor = &c->base;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Close a tokenization cursor previously opened by a call to
+** simpleOpen() above.
+static int simpleClose(sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor){
+  simple_tokenizer_cursor *c = (simple_tokenizer_cursor *) pCursor;
+  free(c->pToken);
+  free(c);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Extract the next token from a tokenization cursor.  The cursor must
+** have been opened by a prior call to simpleOpen().
+static int simpleNext(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_cursor *pCursor,  /* Cursor returned by simpleOpen */
+  const char **ppToken,               /* OUT: *ppToken is the token text */
+  int *pnBytes,                       /* OUT: Number of bytes in token */
+  int *piStartOffset,                 /* OUT: Starting offset of token */
+  int *piEndOffset,                   /* OUT: Ending offset of token */
+  int *piPosition                     /* OUT: Position integer of token */
+  simple_tokenizer_cursor *c = (simple_tokenizer_cursor *) pCursor;
+  simple_tokenizer *t = (simple_tokenizer *) pCursor->pTokenizer;
+  unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)c->pInput;
+  while( c->iOffset<c->nBytes ){
+    int iStartOffset;
+    /* Scan past delimiter characters */
+    while( c->iOffset<c->nBytes && isDelim(t, p[c->iOffset]) ){
+      c->iOffset++;
+    }
+    /* Count non-delimiter characters. */
+    iStartOffset = c->iOffset;
+    while( c->iOffset<c->nBytes && !isDelim(t, p[c->iOffset]) ){
+      c->iOffset++;
+    }
+    if( c->iOffset>iStartOffset ){
+      int i, n = c->iOffset-iStartOffset;
+      if( n>c->nTokenAllocated ){
+        c->nTokenAllocated = n+20;
+        c->pToken = realloc(c->pToken, c->nTokenAllocated);
+      }
+      for(i=0; i<n; i++){
+        /* TODO(shess) This needs expansion to handle UTF-8
+        ** case-insensitivity.
+        */
+        unsigned char ch = p[iStartOffset+i];
+        c->pToken[i] = ch<0x80 ? tolower(ch) : ch;
+      }
+      *ppToken = c->pToken;
+      *pnBytes = n;
+      *piStartOffset = iStartOffset;
+      *piEndOffset = c->iOffset;
+      *piPosition = c->iToken++;
+      return SQLITE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_DONE;
+** The set of routines that implement the simple tokenizer
+static const sqlite3_tokenizer_module simpleTokenizerModule = {
+  0,
+  simpleCreate,
+  simpleDestroy,
+  simpleOpen,
+  simpleClose,
+  simpleNext,
+** Allocate a new simple tokenizer.  Return a pointer to the new
+** tokenizer in *ppModule
+void sqlite3Fts1SimpleTokenizerModule(
+  sqlite3_tokenizer_module const**ppModule
+  *ppModule = &simpleTokenizerModule;
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_CORE) || defined(SQLITE_ENABLE_FTS1) */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/func.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/func.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/func.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+** 2002 February 23
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains the C functions that implement various SQL
+** functions of SQLite.  
+** There is only one exported symbol in this file - the function
+** sqliteRegisterBuildinFunctions() found at the bottom of the file.
+** All other code has file scope.
+** $Id: func.c,v 1.136 2007/01/29 17:58:28 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+/* #include <math.h> */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "vdbeInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+** Return the collating function associated with a function.
+static CollSeq *sqlite3GetFuncCollSeq(sqlite3_context *context){
+  return context->pColl;
+** Implementation of the non-aggregate min() and max() functions
+static void minmaxFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int i;
+  int mask;    /* 0 for min() or 0xffffffff for max() */
+  int iBest;
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  if( argc==0 ) return;
+  mask = sqlite3_user_data(context)==0 ? 0 : -1;
+  pColl = sqlite3GetFuncCollSeq(context);
+  assert( pColl );
+  assert( mask==-1 || mask==0 );
+  iBest = 0;
+  if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
+  for(i=1; i<argc; i++){
+    if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[i])==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
+    if( (sqlite3MemCompare(argv[iBest], argv[i], pColl)^mask)>=0 ){
+      iBest = i;
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[iBest]);
+** Return the type of the argument.
+static void typeofFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  const char *z = 0;
+  switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){
+    case SQLITE_NULL:    z = "null";    break;
+    case SQLITE_INTEGER: z = "integer"; break;
+    case SQLITE_TEXT:    z = "text";    break;
+    case SQLITE_FLOAT:   z = "real";    break;
+    case SQLITE_BLOB:    z = "blob";    break;
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, z, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+** Implementation of the length() function
+static void lengthFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int len;
+  assert( argc==1 );
+  switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){
+    case SQLITE_BLOB:
+    case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
+      sqlite3_result_int(context, sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]));
+      break;
+    }
+    case SQLITE_TEXT: {
+      const unsigned char *z = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+      for(len=0; *z; z++){ if( (0xc0&*z)!=0x80 ) len++; }
+      sqlite3_result_int(context, len);
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      sqlite3_result_null(context);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+** Implementation of the abs() function
+static void absFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  assert( argc==1 );
+  switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){
+    case SQLITE_INTEGER: {
+      i64 iVal = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]);
+      if( iVal<0 ){
+        if( (iVal<<1)==0 ){
+          sqlite3_result_error(context, "integer overflow", -1);
+          return;
+        }
+        iVal = -iVal;
+      } 
+      sqlite3_result_int64(context, iVal);
+      break;
+    }
+    case SQLITE_NULL: {
+      sqlite3_result_null(context);
+      break;
+    }
+    default: {
+      double rVal = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]);
+      if( rVal<0 ) rVal = -rVal;
+      sqlite3_result_double(context, rVal);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+** Implementation of the substr() function
+static void substrFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  const unsigned char *z;
+  const unsigned char *z2;
+  int i;
+  int p1, p2, len;
+  assert( argc==3 );
+  z = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  if( z==0 ) return;
+  p1 = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
+  p2 = sqlite3_value_int(argv[2]);
+  for(len=0, z2=z; *z2; z2++){ if( (0xc0&*z2)!=0x80 ) len++; }
+  if( p1<0 ){
+    p1 += len;
+    if( p1<0 ){
+      p2 += p1;
+      p1 = 0;
+    }
+  }else if( p1>0 ){
+    p1--;
+  }
+  if( p1+p2>len ){
+    p2 = len-p1;
+  }
+  for(i=0; i<p1 && z[i]; i++){
+    if( (z[i]&0xc0)==0x80 ) p1++;
+  }
+  while( z[i] && (z[i]&0xc0)==0x80 ){ i++; p1++; }
+  for(; i<p1+p2 && z[i]; i++){
+    if( (z[i]&0xc0)==0x80 ) p2++;
+  }
+  while( z[i] && (z[i]&0xc0)==0x80 ){ i++; p2++; }
+  if( p2<0 ) p2 = 0;
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, (char*)&z[p1], p2, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+** Implementation of the round() function
+static void roundFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  int n = 0;
+  double r;
+  char zBuf[500];  /* larger than the %f representation of the largest double */
+  assert( argc==1 || argc==2 );
+  if( argc==2 ){
+    if( SQLITE_NULL==sqlite3_value_type(argv[1]) ) return;
+    n = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
+    if( n>30 ) n = 30;
+    if( n<0 ) n = 0;
+  }
+  if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
+  r = sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]);
+  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf),zBuf,"%.*f",n,r);
+  sqlite3AtoF(zBuf, &r);
+  sqlite3_result_double(context, r);
+** Implementation of the upper() and lower() SQL functions.
+static void upperFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  unsigned char *z;
+  int i;
+  if( argc<1 || SQLITE_NULL==sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ) return;
+  z = sqliteMalloc(sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])+1);
+  if( z==0 ) return;
+  strcpy((char*)z, (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]));
+  for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
+    z[i] = toupper(z[i]);
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, (char*)z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  sqliteFree(z);
+static void lowerFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  unsigned char *z;
+  int i;
+  if( argc<1 || SQLITE_NULL==sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ) return;
+  z = sqliteMalloc(sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0])+1);
+  if( z==0 ) return;
+  strcpy((char*)z, (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]));
+  for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
+    z[i] = tolower(z[i]);
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, (char*)z, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  sqliteFree(z);
+** Implementation of the IFNULL(), NVL(), and COALESCE() functions.  
+** All three do the same thing.  They return the first non-NULL
+** argument.
+static void ifnullFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
+    if( SQLITE_NULL!=sqlite3_value_type(argv[i]) ){
+      sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[i]);
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+** Implementation of random().  Return a random integer.  
+static void randomFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite_int64 r;
+  sqlite3Randomness(sizeof(r), &r);
+  if( (r<<1)==0 ) r = 0;  /* Prevent 0x8000.... as the result so that we */
+                          /* can always do abs() of the result */
+  sqlite3_result_int64(context, r);
+** Implementation of randomblob(N).  Return a random blob
+** that is N bytes long.
+static void randomBlob(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int n;
+  unsigned char *p;
+  assert( argc==1 );
+  n = sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]);
+  if( n<1 ) n = 1;
+  p = sqlite3_malloc(n);
+  sqlite3Randomness(n, p);
+  sqlite3_result_blob(context, (char*)p, n, sqlite3_free);
+** Implementation of the last_insert_rowid() SQL function.  The return
+** value is the same as the sqlite3_last_insert_rowid() API function.
+static void last_insert_rowid(
+  sqlite3_context *context, 
+  int arg, 
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  sqlite3_result_int64(context, sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(db));
+** Implementation of the changes() SQL function.  The return value is the
+** same as the sqlite3_changes() API function.
+static void changes(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int arg,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  sqlite3_result_int(context, sqlite3_changes(db));
+** Implementation of the total_changes() SQL function.  The return value is
+** the same as the sqlite3_total_changes() API function.
+static void total_changes(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int arg,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  sqlite3_result_int(context, sqlite3_total_changes(db));
+** A structure defining how to do GLOB-style comparisons.
+struct compareInfo {
+  u8 matchAll;
+  u8 matchOne;
+  u8 matchSet;
+  u8 noCase;
+static const struct compareInfo globInfo = { '*', '?', '[', 0 };
+/* The correct SQL-92 behavior is for the LIKE operator to ignore
+** case.  Thus  'a' LIKE 'A' would be true. */
+static const struct compareInfo likeInfoNorm = { '%', '_',   0, 1 };
+/* If SQLITE_CASE_SENSITIVE_LIKE is defined, then the LIKE operator
+** is case sensitive causing 'a' LIKE 'A' to be false */
+static const struct compareInfo likeInfoAlt = { '%', '_',   0, 0 };
+** X is a pointer to the first byte of a UTF-8 character.  Increment
+** X so that it points to the next character.  This only works right
+** if X points to a well-formed UTF-8 string.
+#define sqliteNextChar(X)  while( (0xc0&*++(X))==0x80 ){}
+#define sqliteCharVal(X)   sqlite3ReadUtf8(X)
+** Compare two UTF-8 strings for equality where the first string can
+** potentially be a "glob" expression.  Return true (1) if they
+** are the same and false (0) if they are different.
+** Globbing rules:
+**      '*'       Matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
+**      '?'       Matches exactly one character.
+**     [...]      Matches one character from the enclosed list of
+**                characters.
+**     [^...]     Matches one character not in the enclosed list.
+** With the [...] and [^...] matching, a ']' character can be included
+** in the list by making it the first character after '[' or '^'.  A
+** range of characters can be specified using '-'.  Example:
+** "[a-z]" matches any single lower-case letter.  To match a '-', make
+** it the last character in the list.
+** This routine is usually quick, but can be N**2 in the worst case.
+** Hints: to match '*' or '?', put them in "[]".  Like this:
+**         abc[*]xyz        Matches "abc*xyz" only
+static int patternCompare(
+  const u8 *zPattern,              /* The glob pattern */
+  const u8 *zString,               /* The string to compare against the glob */
+  const struct compareInfo *pInfo, /* Information about how to do the compare */
+  const int esc                    /* The escape character */
+  register int c;
+  int invert;
+  int seen;
+  int c2;
+  u8 matchOne = pInfo->matchOne;
+  u8 matchAll = pInfo->matchAll;
+  u8 matchSet = pInfo->matchSet;
+  u8 noCase = pInfo->noCase; 
+  int prevEscape = 0;     /* True if the previous character was 'escape' */
+  while( (c = *zPattern)!=0 ){
+    if( !prevEscape && c==matchAll ){
+      while( (c=zPattern[1]) == matchAll || c == matchOne ){
+        if( c==matchOne ){
+          if( *zString==0 ) return 0;
+          sqliteNextChar(zString);
+        }
+        zPattern++;
+      }
+      if( c && esc && sqlite3ReadUtf8(&zPattern[1])==esc ){
+        u8 const *zTemp = &zPattern[1];
+        sqliteNextChar(zTemp);
+        c = *zTemp;
+      }
+      if( c==0 ) return 1;
+      if( c==matchSet ){
+        assert( esc==0 );   /* This is GLOB, not LIKE */
+        while( *zString && patternCompare(&zPattern[1],zString,pInfo,esc)==0 ){
+          sqliteNextChar(zString);
+        }
+        return *zString!=0;
+      }else{
+        while( (c2 = *zString)!=0 ){
+          if( noCase ){
+            c2 = sqlite3UpperToLower[c2];
+            c = sqlite3UpperToLower[c];
+            while( c2 != 0 && c2 != c ){ c2 = sqlite3UpperToLower[*++zString]; }
+          }else{
+            while( c2 != 0 && c2 != c ){ c2 = *++zString; }
+          }
+          if( c2==0 ) return 0;
+          if( patternCompare(&zPattern[1],zString,pInfo,esc) ) return 1;
+          sqliteNextChar(zString);
+        }
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }else if( !prevEscape && c==matchOne ){
+      if( *zString==0 ) return 0;
+      sqliteNextChar(zString);
+      zPattern++;
+    }else if( c==matchSet ){
+      int prior_c = 0;
+      assert( esc==0 );    /* This only occurs for GLOB, not LIKE */
+      seen = 0;
+      invert = 0;
+      c = sqliteCharVal(zString);
+      if( c==0 ) return 0;
+      c2 = *++zPattern;
+      if( c2=='^' ){ invert = 1; c2 = *++zPattern; }
+      if( c2==']' ){
+        if( c==']' ) seen = 1;
+        c2 = *++zPattern;
+      }
+      while( (c2 = sqliteCharVal(zPattern))!=0 && c2!=']' ){
+        if( c2=='-' && zPattern[1]!=']' && zPattern[1]!=0 && prior_c>0 ){
+          zPattern++;
+          c2 = sqliteCharVal(zPattern);
+          if( c>=prior_c && c<=c2 ) seen = 1;
+          prior_c = 0;
+        }else if( c==c2 ){
+          seen = 1;
+          prior_c = c2;
+        }else{
+          prior_c = c2;
+        }
+        sqliteNextChar(zPattern);
+      }
+      if( c2==0 || (seen ^ invert)==0 ) return 0;
+      sqliteNextChar(zString);
+      zPattern++;
+    }else if( esc && !prevEscape && sqlite3ReadUtf8(zPattern)==esc){
+      prevEscape = 1;
+      sqliteNextChar(zPattern);
+    }else{
+      if( noCase ){
+        if( sqlite3UpperToLower[c] != sqlite3UpperToLower[*zString] ) return 0;
+      }else{
+        if( c != *zString ) return 0;
+      }
+      zPattern++;
+      zString++;
+      prevEscape = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  return *zString==0;
+** Count the number of times that the LIKE operator (or GLOB which is
+** just a variation of LIKE) gets called.  This is used for testing
+** only.
+int sqlite3_like_count = 0;
+** Implementation of the like() SQL function.  This function implements
+** the build-in LIKE operator.  The first argument to the function is the
+** pattern and the second argument is the string.  So, the SQL statements:
+**       A LIKE B
+** is implemented as like(B,A).
+** This same function (with a different compareInfo structure) computes
+** the GLOB operator.
+static void likeFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context, 
+  int argc, 
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  const unsigned char *zA = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  const unsigned char *zB = sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+  int escape = 0;
+  if( argc==3 ){
+    /* The escape character string must consist of a single UTF-8 character.
+    ** Otherwise, return an error.
+    */
+    const unsigned char *zEsc = sqlite3_value_text(argv[2]);
+    if( sqlite3utf8CharLen((char*)zEsc, -1)!=1 ){
+      sqlite3_result_error(context, 
+          "ESCAPE expression must be a single character", -1);
+      return;
+    }
+    escape = sqlite3ReadUtf8(zEsc);
+  }
+  if( zA && zB ){
+    struct compareInfo *pInfo = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+    sqlite3_like_count++;
+    sqlite3_result_int(context, patternCompare(zA, zB, pInfo, escape));
+  }
+** Implementation of the NULLIF(x,y) function.  The result is the first
+** argument if the arguments are different.  The result is NULL if the
+** arguments are equal to each other.
+static void nullifFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  CollSeq *pColl = sqlite3GetFuncCollSeq(context);
+  if( sqlite3MemCompare(argv[0], argv[1], pColl)!=0 ){
+    sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
+  }
+** Implementation of the VERSION(*) function.  The result is the version
+** of the SQLite library that is running.
+static void versionFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, sqlite3_version, -1, SQLITE_STATIC);
+/* Array for converting from half-bytes (nybbles) into ASCII hex
+** digits. */
+static const char hexdigits[] = {
+  '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7',
+  '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' 
+** EXPERIMENTAL - This is not an official function.  The interface may
+** change.  This function may disappear.  Do not write code that depends
+** on this function.
+** Implementation of the QUOTE() function.  This function takes a single
+** argument.  If the argument is numeric, the return value is the same as
+** the argument.  If the argument is NULL, the return value is the string
+** "NULL".  Otherwise, the argument is enclosed in single quotes with
+** single-quote escapes.
+static void quoteFunc(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  if( argc<1 ) return;
+  switch( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0]) ){
+    case SQLITE_NULL: {
+      sqlite3_result_text(context, "NULL", 4, SQLITE_STATIC);
+      break;
+    }
+    case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
+      sqlite3_result_value(context, argv[0]);
+      break;
+    }
+    case SQLITE_BLOB: {
+      char *zText = 0;
+      int nBlob = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
+      char const *zBlob = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
+      zText = (char *)sqliteMalloc((2*nBlob)+4); 
+      if( !zText ){
+        sqlite3_result_error(context, "out of memory", -1);
+      }else{
+        int i;
+        for(i=0; i<nBlob; i++){
+          zText[(i*2)+2] = hexdigits[(zBlob[i]>>4)&0x0F];
+          zText[(i*2)+3] = hexdigits[(zBlob[i])&0x0F];
+        }
+        zText[(nBlob*2)+2] = '\'';
+        zText[(nBlob*2)+3] = '\0';
+        zText[0] = 'X';
+        zText[1] = '\'';
+        sqlite3_result_text(context, zText, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+        sqliteFree(zText);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case SQLITE_TEXT: {
+      int i,j,n;
+      const unsigned char *zArg = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+      char *z;
+      for(i=n=0; zArg[i]; i++){ if( zArg[i]=='\'' ) n++; }
+      z = sqliteMalloc( i+n+3 );
+      if( z==0 ) return;
+      z[0] = '\'';
+      for(i=0, j=1; zArg[i]; i++){
+        z[j++] = zArg[i];
+        if( zArg[i]=='\'' ){
+          z[j++] = '\'';
+        }
+      }
+      z[j++] = '\'';
+      z[j] = 0;
+      sqlite3_result_text(context, z, j, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+      sqliteFree(z);
+    }
+  }
+** The hex() function.  Interpret the argument as a blob.  Return
+** a hexadecimal rendering as text.
+static void hexFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int i, n;
+  const unsigned char *pBlob;
+  char *zHex, *z;
+  assert( argc==1 );
+  pBlob = sqlite3_value_blob(argv[0]);
+  n = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]);
+  z = zHex = sqlite3_malloc(n*2 + 1);
+  if( zHex==0 ) return;
+  for(i=0; i<n; i++, pBlob++){
+    unsigned char c = *pBlob;
+    *(z++) = hexdigits[(c>>4)&0xf];
+    *(z++) = hexdigits[c&0xf];
+  }
+  *z = 0;
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, zHex, n*2, sqlite3_free);
+** Compute the soundex encoding of a word.
+static void soundexFunc(
+  sqlite3_context *context,
+  int argc,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  char zResult[8];
+  const u8 *zIn;
+  int i, j;
+  static const unsigned char iCode[] = {
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 0,
+    1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+    0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 0,
+    1, 2, 6, 2, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+  };
+  assert( argc==1 );
+  zIn = (u8*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  if( zIn==0 ) zIn = (u8*)"";
+  for(i=0; zIn[i] && !isalpha(zIn[i]); i++){}
+  if( zIn[i] ){
+    u8 prevcode = iCode[zIn[i]&0x7f];
+    zResult[0] = toupper(zIn[i]);
+    for(j=1; j<4 && zIn[i]; i++){
+      int code = iCode[zIn[i]&0x7f];
+      if( code>0 ){
+        if( code!=prevcode ){
+          prevcode = code;
+          zResult[j++] = code + '0';
+        }
+      }else{
+        prevcode = 0;
+      }
+    }
+    while( j<4 ){
+      zResult[j++] = '0';
+    }
+    zResult[j] = 0;
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, zResult, 4, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+  }else{
+    sqlite3_result_text(context, "?000", 4, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  }
+** A function that loads a shared-library extension then returns NULL.
+static void loadExt(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  const char *zFile = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
+  const char *zProc = 0;
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(context);
+  char *zErrMsg = 0;
+  if( argc==2 ){
+    zProc = (const char *)sqlite3_value_text(argv[1]);
+  }
+  if( sqlite3_load_extension(db, zFile, zProc, &zErrMsg) ){
+    sqlite3_result_error(context, zErrMsg, -1);
+    sqlite3_free(zErrMsg);
+  }
+** This function generates a string of random characters.  Used for
+** generating test data.
+static void randStr(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  static const unsigned char zSrc[] = 
+     "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+     "0123456789"
+     ".-!,:*^+=_|?/<> ";
+  int iMin, iMax, n, r, i;
+  unsigned char zBuf[1000];
+  if( argc>=1 ){
+    iMin = sqlite3_value_int(argv[0]);
+    if( iMin<0 ) iMin = 0;
+    if( iMin>=sizeof(zBuf) ) iMin = sizeof(zBuf)-1;
+  }else{
+    iMin = 1;
+  }
+  if( argc>=2 ){
+    iMax = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]);
+    if( iMax<iMin ) iMax = iMin;
+    if( iMax>=sizeof(zBuf) ) iMax = sizeof(zBuf)-1;
+  }else{
+    iMax = 50;
+  }
+  n = iMin;
+  if( iMax>iMin ){
+    sqlite3Randomness(sizeof(r), &r);
+    r &= 0x7fffffff;
+    n += r%(iMax + 1 - iMin);
+  }
+  assert( n<sizeof(zBuf) );
+  sqlite3Randomness(n, zBuf);
+  for(i=0; i<n; i++){
+    zBuf[i] = zSrc[zBuf[i]%(sizeof(zSrc)-1)];
+  }
+  zBuf[n] = 0;
+  sqlite3_result_text(context, (char*)zBuf, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
+#endif /* SQLITE_TEST */
+** The following two SQL functions are used to test returning a text
+** result with a destructor. Function 'test_destructor' takes one argument
+** and returns the same argument interpreted as TEXT. A destructor is
+** passed with the sqlite3_result_text() call.
+** SQL function 'test_destructor_count' returns the number of outstanding 
+** allocations made by 'test_destructor';
+** WARNING: Not threadsafe.
+static int test_destructor_count_var = 0;
+static void destructor(void *p){
+  char *zVal = (char *)p;
+  assert(zVal);
+  zVal--;
+  sqliteFree(zVal);
+  test_destructor_count_var--;
+static void test_destructor(
+  sqlite3_context *pCtx, 
+  int nArg,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  char *zVal;
+  int len;
+  sqlite3 *db = sqlite3_user_data(pCtx);
+  test_destructor_count_var++;
+  assert( nArg==1 );
+  if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
+  len = sqlite3ValueBytes(argv[0], ENC(db)); 
+  zVal = sqliteMalloc(len+3);
+  zVal[len] = 0;
+  zVal[len-1] = 0;
+  assert( zVal );
+  zVal++;
+  memcpy(zVal, sqlite3ValueText(argv[0], ENC(db)), len);
+  if( ENC(db)==SQLITE_UTF8 ){
+    sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, zVal, -1, destructor);
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+  }else if( ENC(db)==SQLITE_UTF16LE ){
+    sqlite3_result_text16le(pCtx, zVal, -1, destructor);
+  }else{
+    sqlite3_result_text16be(pCtx, zVal, -1, destructor);
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
+  }
+static void test_destructor_count(
+  sqlite3_context *pCtx, 
+  int nArg,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3_result_int(pCtx, test_destructor_count_var);
+#endif /* SQLITE_TEST */
+** Routines for testing the sqlite3_get_auxdata() and sqlite3_set_auxdata()
+** interface.
+** The test_auxdata() SQL function attempts to register each of its arguments
+** as auxiliary data.  If there are no prior registrations of aux data for
+** that argument (meaning the argument is not a constant or this is its first
+** call) then the result for that argument is 0.  If there is a prior
+** registration, the result for that argument is 1.  The overall result
+** is the individual argument results separated by spaces.
+static void free_test_auxdata(void *p) {sqliteFree(p);}
+static void test_auxdata(
+  sqlite3_context *pCtx, 
+  int nArg,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  int i;
+  char *zRet = sqliteMalloc(nArg*2);
+  if( !zRet ) return;
+  for(i=0; i<nArg; i++){
+    char const *z = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[i]);
+    if( z ){
+      char *zAux = sqlite3_get_auxdata(pCtx, i);
+      if( zAux ){
+        zRet[i*2] = '1';
+        if( strcmp(zAux, z) ){
+          sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, "Auxilary data corruption", -1);
+          return;
+        }
+      }else{
+        zRet[i*2] = '0';
+        zAux = sqliteStrDup(z);
+        sqlite3_set_auxdata(pCtx, i, zAux, free_test_auxdata);
+      }
+      zRet[i*2+1] = ' ';
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3_result_text(pCtx, zRet, 2*nArg-1, free_test_auxdata);
+#endif /* SQLITE_TEST */
+** A function to test error reporting from user functions. This function
+** returns a copy of it's first argument as an error.
+static void test_error(
+  sqlite3_context *pCtx, 
+  int nArg,
+  sqlite3_value **argv
+  sqlite3_result_error(pCtx, (char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]), 0);
+#endif /* SQLITE_TEST */
+** An instance of the following structure holds the context of a
+** sum() or avg() aggregate computation.
+typedef struct SumCtx SumCtx;
+struct SumCtx {
+  double rSum;      /* Floating point sum */
+  i64 iSum;         /* Integer sum */   
+  i64 cnt;          /* Number of elements summed */
+  u8 overflow;      /* True if integer overflow seen */
+  u8 approx;        /* True if non-integer value was input to the sum */
+** Routines used to compute the sum, average, and total.
+** The SUM() function follows the (broken) SQL standard which means
+** that it returns NULL if it sums over no inputs.  TOTAL returns
+** 0.0 in that case.  In addition, TOTAL always returns a float where
+** SUM might return an integer if it never encounters a floating point
+** value.  TOTAL never fails, but SUM might through an exception if
+** it overflows an integer.
+static void sumStep(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  SumCtx *p;
+  int type;
+  assert( argc==1 );
+  p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(*p));
+  type = sqlite3_value_numeric_type(argv[0]);
+  if( p && type!=SQLITE_NULL ){
+    p->cnt++;
+    if( type==SQLITE_INTEGER ){
+      i64 v = sqlite3_value_int64(argv[0]);
+      p->rSum += v;
+      if( (p->approx|p->overflow)==0 ){
+        i64 iNewSum = p->iSum + v;
+        int s1 = p->iSum >> (sizeof(i64)*8-1);
+        int s2 = v       >> (sizeof(i64)*8-1);
+        int s3 = iNewSum >> (sizeof(i64)*8-1);
+        p->overflow = (s1&s2&~s3) | (~s1&~s2&s3);
+        p->iSum = iNewSum;
+      }
+    }else{
+      p->rSum += sqlite3_value_double(argv[0]);
+      p->approx = 1;
+    }
+  }
+static void sumFinalize(sqlite3_context *context){
+  SumCtx *p;
+  p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0);
+  if( p && p->cnt>0 ){
+    if( p->overflow ){
+      sqlite3_result_error(context,"integer overflow",-1);
+    }else if( p->approx ){
+      sqlite3_result_double(context, p->rSum);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3_result_int64(context, p->iSum);
+    }
+  }
+static void avgFinalize(sqlite3_context *context){
+  SumCtx *p;
+  p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0);
+  if( p && p->cnt>0 ){
+    sqlite3_result_double(context, p->rSum/(double)p->cnt);
+  }
+static void totalFinalize(sqlite3_context *context){
+  SumCtx *p;
+  p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0);
+  sqlite3_result_double(context, p ? p->rSum : 0.0);
+** The following structure keeps track of state information for the
+** count() aggregate function.
+typedef struct CountCtx CountCtx;
+struct CountCtx {
+  i64 n;
+** Routines to implement the count() aggregate function.
+static void countStep(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  CountCtx *p;
+  p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(*p));
+  if( (argc==0 || SQLITE_NULL!=sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])) && p ){
+    p->n++;
+  }
+static void countFinalize(sqlite3_context *context){
+  CountCtx *p;
+  p = sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0);
+  sqlite3_result_int64(context, p ? p->n : 0);
+** Routines to implement min() and max() aggregate functions.
+static void minmaxStep(sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv){
+  Mem *pArg  = (Mem *)argv[0];
+  Mem *pBest;
+  if( sqlite3_value_type(argv[0])==SQLITE_NULL ) return;
+  pBest = (Mem *)sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, sizeof(*pBest));
+  if( !pBest ) return;
+  if( pBest->flags ){
+    int max;
+    int cmp;
+    CollSeq *pColl = sqlite3GetFuncCollSeq(context);
+    /* This step function is used for both the min() and max() aggregates,
+    ** the only difference between the two being that the sense of the
+    ** comparison is inverted. For the max() aggregate, the
+    ** sqlite3_user_data() function returns (void *)-1. For min() it
+    ** returns (void *)db, where db is the sqlite3* database pointer.
+    ** Therefore the next statement sets variable 'max' to 1 for the max()
+    ** aggregate, or 0 for min().
+    */
+    max = ((sqlite3_user_data(context)==(void *)-1)?1:0);
+    cmp = sqlite3MemCompare(pBest, pArg, pColl);
+    if( (max && cmp<0) || (!max && cmp>0) ){
+      sqlite3VdbeMemCopy(pBest, pArg);
+    }
+  }else{
+    sqlite3VdbeMemCopy(pBest, pArg);
+  }
+static void minMaxFinalize(sqlite3_context *context){
+  sqlite3_value *pRes;
+  pRes = (sqlite3_value *)sqlite3_aggregate_context(context, 0);
+  if( pRes ){
+    if( pRes->flags ){
+      sqlite3_result_value(context, pRes);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeMemRelease(pRes);
+  }
+** This function registered all of the above C functions as SQL
+** functions.  This should be the only routine in this file with
+** external linkage.
+void sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(sqlite3 *db){
+  static const struct {
+     char *zName;
+     signed char nArg;
+     u8 argType;           /* 0: none.  1: db  2: (-1) */
+     u8 eTextRep;          /* 1: UTF-16.  0: UTF-8 */
+     u8 needCollSeq;
+     void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **);
+  } aFuncs[] = {
+    { "min",               -1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    1, minmaxFunc },
+    { "min",                0, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    1, 0          },
+    { "max",               -1, 2, SQLITE_UTF8,    1, minmaxFunc },
+    { "max",                0, 2, SQLITE_UTF8,    1, 0          },
+    { "typeof",             1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, typeofFunc },
+    { "length",             1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, lengthFunc },
+    { "substr",             3, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, substrFunc },
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+    { "substr",             3, 0, SQLITE_UTF16LE, 0, sqlite3utf16Substr },
+    { "abs",                1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, absFunc    },
+    { "round",              1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, roundFunc  },
+    { "round",              2, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, roundFunc  },
+    { "upper",              1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, upperFunc  },
+    { "lower",              1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, lowerFunc  },
+    { "coalesce",          -1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, ifnullFunc },
+    { "coalesce",           0, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, 0          },
+    { "coalesce",           1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, 0          },
+    { "hex",                1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, hexFunc    },
+    { "ifnull",             2, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    1, ifnullFunc },
+    { "random",            -1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, randomFunc },
+    { "randomblob",         1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, randomBlob },
+    { "nullif",             2, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    1, nullifFunc },
+    { "sqlite_version",     0, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, versionFunc},
+    { "quote",              1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, quoteFunc  },
+    { "last_insert_rowid",  0, 1, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, last_insert_rowid },
+    { "changes",            0, 1, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, changes    },
+    { "total_changes",      0, 1, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, total_changes },
+    { "soundex",            1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, soundexFunc},
+    { "load_extension",     1, 1, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, loadExt },
+    { "load_extension",     2, 1, SQLITE_UTF8,    0, loadExt },
+    { "randstr",               2, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, randStr    },
+    { "test_destructor",       1, 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, test_destructor},
+    { "test_destructor_count", 0, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, test_destructor_count},
+    { "test_auxdata",         -1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, test_auxdata},
+    { "test_error",            1, 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, test_error},
+  };
+  static const struct {
+    char *zName;
+    signed char nArg;
+    u8 argType;
+    u8 needCollSeq;
+    void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**);
+    void (*xFinalize)(sqlite3_context*);
+  } aAggs[] = {
+    { "min",    1, 0, 1, minmaxStep,   minMaxFinalize },
+    { "max",    1, 2, 1, minmaxStep,   minMaxFinalize },
+    { "sum",    1, 0, 0, sumStep,      sumFinalize    },
+    { "total",  1, 0, 0, sumStep,      totalFinalize    },
+    { "avg",    1, 0, 0, sumStep,      avgFinalize    },
+    { "count",  0, 0, 0, countStep,    countFinalize  },
+    { "count",  1, 0, 0, countStep,    countFinalize  },
+  };
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aFuncs)/sizeof(aFuncs[0]); i++){
+    void *pArg = 0;
+    switch( aFuncs[i].argType ){
+      case 1: pArg = db; break;
+      case 2: pArg = (void *)(-1); break;
+    }
+    sqlite3CreateFunc(db, aFuncs[i].zName, aFuncs[i].nArg,
+        aFuncs[i].eTextRep, pArg, aFuncs[i].xFunc, 0, 0);
+    if( aFuncs[i].needCollSeq ){
+      FuncDef *pFunc = sqlite3FindFunction(db, aFuncs[i].zName, 
+          strlen(aFuncs[i].zName), aFuncs[i].nArg, aFuncs[i].eTextRep, 0);
+      if( pFunc && aFuncs[i].needCollSeq ){
+        pFunc->needCollSeq = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3AlterFunctions(db);
+  sqlite3AttachFunctions(db);
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(aAggs)/sizeof(aAggs[0]); i++){
+    void *pArg = 0;
+    switch( aAggs[i].argType ){
+      case 1: pArg = db; break;
+      case 2: pArg = (void *)(-1); break;
+    }
+    sqlite3CreateFunc(db, aAggs[i].zName, aAggs[i].nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, 
+        pArg, 0, aAggs[i].xStep, aAggs[i].xFinalize);
+    if( aAggs[i].needCollSeq ){
+      FuncDef *pFunc = sqlite3FindFunction( db, aAggs[i].zName,
+          strlen(aAggs[i].zName), aAggs[i].nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, 0);
+      if( pFunc && aAggs[i].needCollSeq ){
+        pFunc->needCollSeq = 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3RegisterDateTimeFunctions(db);
+  sqlite3_overload_function(db, "MATCH", 2);
+#ifdef SQLITE_SSE
+  (void)sqlite3SseFunctions(db);
+  sqlite3RegisterLikeFunctions(db, 1);
+  sqlite3RegisterLikeFunctions(db, 0);
+** Set the LIKEOPT flag on the 2-argument function with the given name.
+static void setLikeOptFlag(sqlite3 *db, const char *zName, int flagVal){
+  FuncDef *pDef;
+  pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zName, strlen(zName), 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0);
+  if( pDef ){
+    pDef->flags = flagVal;
+  }
+** Register the built-in LIKE and GLOB functions.  The caseSensitive
+** parameter determines whether or not the LIKE operator is case
+** sensitive.  GLOB is always case sensitive.
+void sqlite3RegisterLikeFunctions(sqlite3 *db, int caseSensitive){
+  struct compareInfo *pInfo;
+  if( caseSensitive ){
+    pInfo = (struct compareInfo*)&likeInfoAlt;
+  }else{
+    pInfo = (struct compareInfo*)&likeInfoNorm;
+  }
+  sqlite3CreateFunc(db, "like", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, pInfo, likeFunc, 0, 0);
+  sqlite3CreateFunc(db, "like", 3, SQLITE_UTF8, pInfo, likeFunc, 0, 0);
+  sqlite3CreateFunc(db, "glob", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 
+      (struct compareInfo*)&globInfo, likeFunc, 0,0);
+  setLikeOptFlag(db, "glob", SQLITE_FUNC_LIKE | SQLITE_FUNC_CASE);
+  setLikeOptFlag(db, "like", 
+** pExpr points to an expression which implements a function.  If
+** it is appropriate to apply the LIKE optimization to that function
+** then set aWc[0] through aWc[2] to the wildcard characters and
+** return TRUE.  If the function is not a LIKE-style function then
+** return FALSE.
+int sqlite3IsLikeFunction(sqlite3 *db, Expr *pExpr, int *pIsNocase, char *aWc){
+  FuncDef *pDef;
+  if( pExpr->op!=TK_FUNCTION ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  if( pExpr->pList->nExpr!=2 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  pDef = sqlite3FindFunction(db, (char*)pExpr->token.z, pExpr->token.n, 2,
+                             SQLITE_UTF8, 0);
+  if( pDef==0 || (pDef->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_LIKE)==0 ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  /* The memcpy() statement assumes that the wildcard characters are
+  ** the first three statements in the compareInfo structure.  The
+  ** asserts() that follow verify that assumption
+  */
+  memcpy(aWc, pDef->pUserData, 3);
+  assert( (char*)&likeInfoAlt == (char*)&likeInfoAlt.matchAll );
+  assert( &((char*)&likeInfoAlt)[1] == (char*)&likeInfoAlt.matchOne );
+  assert( &((char*)&likeInfoAlt)[2] == (char*)&likeInfoAlt.matchSet );
+  *pIsNocase = (pDef->flags & SQLITE_FUNC_CASE)==0;
+  return 1;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/hash.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/hash.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/hash.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+** 2001 September 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This is the implementation of generic hash-tables
+** used in SQLite.
+** $Id: hash.c,v 1.18 2006/02/14 10:48:39 danielk1977 Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include <assert.h>
+/* Turn bulk memory into a hash table object by initializing the
+** fields of the Hash structure.
+** "pNew" is a pointer to the hash table that is to be initialized.
+** keyClass is one of the constants SQLITE_HASH_INT, SQLITE_HASH_POINTER,
+** SQLITE_HASH_BINARY, or SQLITE_HASH_STRING.  The value of keyClass 
+** determines what kind of key the hash table will use.  "copyKey" is
+** true if the hash table should make its own private copy of keys and
+** false if it should just use the supplied pointer.  CopyKey only makes
+** sense for SQLITE_HASH_STRING and SQLITE_HASH_BINARY and is ignored
+** for other key classes.
+void sqlite3HashInit(Hash *pNew, int keyClass, int copyKey){
+  assert( pNew!=0 );
+  assert( keyClass>=SQLITE_HASH_STRING && keyClass<=SQLITE_HASH_BINARY );
+  pNew->keyClass = keyClass;
+#if 0
+  if( keyClass==SQLITE_HASH_POINTER || keyClass==SQLITE_HASH_INT ) copyKey = 0;
+  pNew->copyKey = copyKey;
+  pNew->first = 0;
+  pNew->count = 0;
+  pNew->htsize = 0;
+  pNew->ht = 0;
+  pNew->xMalloc = sqlite3MallocX;
+  pNew->xFree = sqlite3FreeX;
+/* Remove all entries from a hash table.  Reclaim all memory.
+** Call this routine to delete a hash table or to reset a hash table
+** to the empty state.
+void sqlite3HashClear(Hash *pH){
+  HashElem *elem;         /* For looping over all elements of the table */
+  assert( pH!=0 );
+  elem = pH->first;
+  pH->first = 0;
+  if( pH->ht ) pH->xFree(pH->ht);
+  pH->ht = 0;
+  pH->htsize = 0;
+  while( elem ){
+    HashElem *next_elem = elem->next;
+    if( pH->copyKey && elem->pKey ){
+      pH->xFree(elem->pKey);
+    }
+    pH->xFree(elem);
+    elem = next_elem;
+  }
+  pH->count = 0;
+#if 0 /* NOT USED */
+** Hash and comparison functions when the mode is SQLITE_HASH_INT
+static int intHash(const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  return nKey ^ (nKey<<8) ^ (nKey>>8);
+static int intCompare(const void *pKey1, int n1, const void *pKey2, int n2){
+  return n2 - n1;
+#if 0 /* NOT USED */
+** Hash and comparison functions when the mode is SQLITE_HASH_POINTER
+static int ptrHash(const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  uptr x = Addr(pKey);
+  return x ^ (x<<8) ^ (x>>8);
+static int ptrCompare(const void *pKey1, int n1, const void *pKey2, int n2){
+  if( pKey1==pKey2 ) return 0;
+  if( pKey1<pKey2 ) return -1;
+  return 1;
+** Hash and comparison functions when the mode is SQLITE_HASH_STRING
+static int strHash(const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  const char *z = (const char *)pKey;
+  int h = 0;
+  if( nKey<=0 ) nKey = strlen(z);
+  while( nKey > 0  ){
+    h = (h<<3) ^ h ^ sqlite3UpperToLower[(unsigned char)*z++];
+    nKey--;
+  }
+  return h & 0x7fffffff;
+static int strCompare(const void *pKey1, int n1, const void *pKey2, int n2){
+  if( n1!=n2 ) return 1;
+  return sqlite3StrNICmp((const char*)pKey1,(const char*)pKey2,n1);
+** Hash and comparison functions when the mode is SQLITE_HASH_BINARY
+static int binHash(const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  int h = 0;
+  const char *z = (const char *)pKey;
+  while( nKey-- > 0 ){
+    h = (h<<3) ^ h ^ *(z++);
+  }
+  return h & 0x7fffffff;
+static int binCompare(const void *pKey1, int n1, const void *pKey2, int n2){
+  if( n1!=n2 ) return 1;
+  return memcmp(pKey1,pKey2,n1);
+** Return a pointer to the appropriate hash function given the key class.
+** The C syntax in this function definition may be unfamilar to some 
+** programmers, so we provide the following additional explanation:
+** The name of the function is "hashFunction".  The function takes a
+** single parameter "keyClass".  The return value of hashFunction()
+** is a pointer to another function.  Specifically, the return value
+** of hashFunction() is a pointer to a function that takes two parameters
+** with types "const void*" and "int" and returns an "int".
+static int (*hashFunction(int keyClass))(const void*,int){
+#if 0  /* HASH_INT and HASH_POINTER are never used */
+  switch( keyClass ){
+    case SQLITE_HASH_INT:     return &intHash;
+    case SQLITE_HASH_POINTER: return &ptrHash;
+    case SQLITE_HASH_STRING:  return &strHash;
+    case SQLITE_HASH_BINARY:  return &binHash;;
+    default: break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+  if( keyClass==SQLITE_HASH_STRING ){
+    return &strHash;
+  }else{
+    assert( keyClass==SQLITE_HASH_BINARY );
+    return &binHash;
+  }
+** Return a pointer to the appropriate hash function given the key class.
+** For help in interpreted the obscure C code in the function definition,
+** see the header comment on the previous function.
+static int (*compareFunction(int keyClass))(const void*,int,const void*,int){
+#if 0 /* HASH_INT and HASH_POINTER are never used */
+  switch( keyClass ){
+    case SQLITE_HASH_INT:     return &intCompare;
+    case SQLITE_HASH_POINTER: return &ptrCompare;
+    case SQLITE_HASH_STRING:  return &strCompare;
+    case SQLITE_HASH_BINARY:  return &binCompare;
+    default: break;
+  }
+  return 0;
+  if( keyClass==SQLITE_HASH_STRING ){
+    return &strCompare;
+  }else{
+    assert( keyClass==SQLITE_HASH_BINARY );
+    return &binCompare;
+  }
+/* Link an element into the hash table
+static void insertElement(
+  Hash *pH,              /* The complete hash table */
+  struct _ht *pEntry,    /* The entry into which pNew is inserted */
+  HashElem *pNew         /* The element to be inserted */
+  HashElem *pHead;       /* First element already in pEntry */
+  pHead = pEntry->chain;
+  if( pHead ){
+    pNew->next = pHead;
+    pNew->prev = pHead->prev;
+    if( pHead->prev ){ pHead->prev->next = pNew; }
+    else             { pH->first = pNew; }
+    pHead->prev = pNew;
+  }else{
+    pNew->next = pH->first;
+    if( pH->first ){ pH->first->prev = pNew; }
+    pNew->prev = 0;
+    pH->first = pNew;
+  }
+  pEntry->count++;
+  pEntry->chain = pNew;
+/* Resize the hash table so that it cantains "new_size" buckets.
+** "new_size" must be a power of 2.  The hash table might fail 
+** to resize if sqliteMalloc() fails.
+static void rehash(Hash *pH, int new_size){
+  struct _ht *new_ht;            /* The new hash table */
+  HashElem *elem, *next_elem;    /* For looping over existing elements */
+  int (*xHash)(const void*,int); /* The hash function */
+  assert( (new_size & (new_size-1))==0 );
+  new_ht = (struct _ht *)pH->xMalloc( new_size*sizeof(struct _ht) );
+  if( new_ht==0 ) return;
+  if( pH->ht ) pH->xFree(pH->ht);
+  pH->ht = new_ht;
+  pH->htsize = new_size;
+  xHash = hashFunction(pH->keyClass);
+  for(elem=pH->first, pH->first=0; elem; elem = next_elem){
+    int h = (*xHash)(elem->pKey, elem->nKey) & (new_size-1);
+    next_elem = elem->next;
+    insertElement(pH, &new_ht[h], elem);
+  }
+/* This function (for internal use only) locates an element in an
+** hash table that matches the given key.  The hash for this key has
+** already been computed and is passed as the 4th parameter.
+static HashElem *findElementGivenHash(
+  const Hash *pH,     /* The pH to be searched */
+  const void *pKey,   /* The key we are searching for */
+  int nKey,
+  int h               /* The hash for this key. */
+  HashElem *elem;                /* Used to loop thru the element list */
+  int count;                     /* Number of elements left to test */
+  int (*xCompare)(const void*,int,const void*,int);  /* comparison function */
+  if( pH->ht ){
+    struct _ht *pEntry = &pH->ht[h];
+    elem = pEntry->chain;
+    count = pEntry->count;
+    xCompare = compareFunction(pH->keyClass);
+    while( count-- && elem ){
+      if( (*xCompare)(elem->pKey,elem->nKey,pKey,nKey)==0 ){ 
+        return elem;
+      }
+      elem = elem->next;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+/* Remove a single entry from the hash table given a pointer to that
+** element and a hash on the element's key.
+static void removeElementGivenHash(
+  Hash *pH,         /* The pH containing "elem" */
+  HashElem* elem,   /* The element to be removed from the pH */
+  int h             /* Hash value for the element */
+  struct _ht *pEntry;
+  if( elem->prev ){
+    elem->prev->next = elem->next; 
+  }else{
+    pH->first = elem->next;
+  }
+  if( elem->next ){
+    elem->next->prev = elem->prev;
+  }
+  pEntry = &pH->ht[h];
+  if( pEntry->chain==elem ){
+    pEntry->chain = elem->next;
+  }
+  pEntry->count--;
+  if( pEntry->count<=0 ){
+    pEntry->chain = 0;
+  }
+  if( pH->copyKey && elem->pKey ){
+    pH->xFree(elem->pKey);
+  }
+  pH->xFree( elem );
+  pH->count--;
+  if( pH->count<=0 ){
+    assert( pH->first==0 );
+    assert( pH->count==0 );
+    sqlite3HashClear(pH);
+  }
+/* Attempt to locate an element of the hash table pH with a key
+** that matches pKey,nKey.  Return the data for this element if it is
+** found, or NULL if there is no match.
+void *sqlite3HashFind(const Hash *pH, const void *pKey, int nKey){
+  int h;             /* A hash on key */
+  HashElem *elem;    /* The element that matches key */
+  int (*xHash)(const void*,int);  /* The hash function */
+  if( pH==0 || pH->ht==0 ) return 0;
+  xHash = hashFunction(pH->keyClass);
+  assert( xHash!=0 );
+  h = (*xHash)(pKey,nKey);
+  assert( (pH->htsize & (pH->htsize-1))==0 );
+  elem = findElementGivenHash(pH,pKey,nKey, h & (pH->htsize-1));
+  return elem ? elem->data : 0;
+/* Insert an element into the hash table pH.  The key is pKey,nKey
+** and the data is "data".
+** If no element exists with a matching key, then a new
+** element is created.  A copy of the key is made if the copyKey
+** flag is set.  NULL is returned.
+** If another element already exists with the same key, then the
+** new data replaces the old data and the old data is returned.
+** The key is not copied in this instance.  If a malloc fails, then
+** the new data is returned and the hash table is unchanged.
+** If the "data" parameter to this function is NULL, then the
+** element corresponding to "key" is removed from the hash table.
+void *sqlite3HashInsert(Hash *pH, const void *pKey, int nKey, void *data){
+  int hraw;             /* Raw hash value of the key */
+  int h;                /* the hash of the key modulo hash table size */
+  HashElem *elem;       /* Used to loop thru the element list */
+  HashElem *new_elem;   /* New element added to the pH */
+  int (*xHash)(const void*,int);  /* The hash function */
+  assert( pH!=0 );
+  xHash = hashFunction(pH->keyClass);
+  assert( xHash!=0 );
+  hraw = (*xHash)(pKey, nKey);
+  assert( (pH->htsize & (pH->htsize-1))==0 );
+  h = hraw & (pH->htsize-1);
+  elem = findElementGivenHash(pH,pKey,nKey,h);
+  if( elem ){
+    void *old_data = elem->data;
+    if( data==0 ){
+      removeElementGivenHash(pH,elem,h);
+    }else{
+      elem->data = data;
+    }
+    return old_data;
+  }
+  if( data==0 ) return 0;
+  new_elem = (HashElem*)pH->xMalloc( sizeof(HashElem) );
+  if( new_elem==0 ) return data;
+  if( pH->copyKey && pKey!=0 ){
+    new_elem->pKey = pH->xMalloc( nKey );
+    if( new_elem->pKey==0 ){
+      pH->xFree(new_elem);
+      return data;
+    }
+    memcpy((void*)new_elem->pKey, pKey, nKey);
+  }else{
+    new_elem->pKey = (void*)pKey;
+  }
+  new_elem->nKey = nKey;
+  pH->count++;
+  if( pH->htsize==0 ){
+    rehash(pH,8);
+    if( pH->htsize==0 ){
+      pH->count = 0;
+      pH->xFree(new_elem);
+      return data;
+    }
+  }
+  if( pH->count > pH->htsize ){
+    rehash(pH,pH->htsize*2);
+  }
+  assert( pH->htsize>0 );
+  assert( (pH->htsize & (pH->htsize-1))==0 );
+  h = hraw & (pH->htsize-1);
+  insertElement(pH, &pH->ht[h], new_elem);
+  new_elem->data = data;
+  return 0;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/hash.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/hash.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/hash.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+** 2001 September 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This is the header file for the generic hash-table implemenation
+** used in SQLite.
+** $Id: hash.h,v 1.9 2006/02/14 10:48:39 danielk1977 Exp $
+#ifndef _SQLITE_HASH_H_
+#define _SQLITE_HASH_H_
+/* Forward declarations of structures. */
+typedef struct Hash Hash;
+typedef struct HashElem HashElem;
+/* A complete hash table is an instance of the following structure.
+** The internals of this structure are intended to be opaque -- client
+** code should not attempt to access or modify the fields of this structure
+** directly.  Change this structure only by using the routines below.
+** However, many of the "procedures" and "functions" for modifying and
+** accessing this structure are really macros, so we can't really make
+** this structure opaque.
+struct Hash {
+  char keyClass;          /* SQLITE_HASH_INT, _POINTER, _STRING, _BINARY */
+  char copyKey;           /* True if copy of key made on insert */
+  int count;              /* Number of entries in this table */
+  HashElem *first;        /* The first element of the array */
+  void *(*xMalloc)(int);  /* malloc() function to use */
+  void (*xFree)(void *);  /* free() function to use */
+  int htsize;             /* Number of buckets in the hash table */
+  struct _ht {            /* the hash table */
+    int count;               /* Number of entries with this hash */
+    HashElem *chain;         /* Pointer to first entry with this hash */
+  } *ht;
+/* Each element in the hash table is an instance of the following 
+** structure.  All elements are stored on a single doubly-linked list.
+** Again, this structure is intended to be opaque, but it can't really
+** be opaque because it is used by macros.
+struct HashElem {
+  HashElem *next, *prev;   /* Next and previous elements in the table */
+  void *data;              /* Data associated with this element */
+  void *pKey; int nKey;    /* Key associated with this element */
+** There are 4 different modes of operation for a hash table:
+**   SQLITE_HASH_INT         nKey is used as the key and pKey is ignored.
+**   SQLITE_HASH_POINTER     pKey is used as the key and nKey is ignored.
+**   SQLITE_HASH_STRING      pKey points to a string that is nKey bytes long
+**                           (including the null-terminator, if any).  Case
+**                           is ignored in comparisons.
+**   SQLITE_HASH_BINARY      pKey points to binary data nKey bytes long. 
+**                           memcmp() is used to compare keys.
+** A copy of the key is made for SQLITE_HASH_STRING and SQLITE_HASH_BINARY
+** if the copyKey parameter to HashInit is 1.  
+/* #define SQLITE_HASH_INT       1 // NOT USED */
+/* #define SQLITE_HASH_POINTER   2 // NOT USED */
+#define SQLITE_HASH_STRING    3
+#define SQLITE_HASH_BINARY    4
+** Access routines.  To delete, insert a NULL pointer.
+void sqlite3HashInit(Hash*, int keytype, int copyKey);
+void *sqlite3HashInsert(Hash*, const void *pKey, int nKey, void *pData);
+void *sqlite3HashFind(const Hash*, const void *pKey, int nKey);
+void sqlite3HashClear(Hash*);
+** Macros for looping over all elements of a hash table.  The idiom is
+** like this:
+**   Hash h;
+**   HashElem *p;
+**   ...
+**   for(p=sqliteHashFirst(&h); p; p=sqliteHashNext(p)){
+**     SomeStructure *pData = sqliteHashData(p);
+**     // do something with pData
+**   }
+#define sqliteHashFirst(H)  ((H)->first)
+#define sqliteHashNext(E)   ((E)->next)
+#define sqliteHashData(E)   ((E)->data)
+#define sqliteHashKey(E)    ((E)->pKey)
+#define sqliteHashKeysize(E) ((E)->nKey)
+** Number of entries in a hash table
+#define sqliteHashCount(H)  ((H)->count)
+#endif /* _SQLITE_HASH_H_ */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/insert.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/insert.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/insert.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,1142 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains C code routines that are called by the parser
+** to handle INSERT statements in SQLite.
+** $Id: insert.c,v 1.172 2006/08/29 18:46:14 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+** Set P3 of the most recently inserted opcode to a column affinity
+** string for index pIdx. A column affinity string has one character
+** for each column in the table, according to the affinity of the column:
+**  Character      Column affinity
+**  ------------------------------
+**  'a'            TEXT
+**  'b'            NONE
+**  'c'            NUMERIC
+**  'd'            INTEGER
+**  'e'            REAL
+void sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(Vdbe *v, Index *pIdx){
+  if( !pIdx->zColAff ){
+    /* The first time a column affinity string for a particular index is
+    ** required, it is allocated and populated here. It is then stored as
+    ** a member of the Index structure for subsequent use.
+    **
+    ** The column affinity string will eventually be deleted by
+    ** sqliteDeleteIndex() when the Index structure itself is cleaned
+    ** up.
+    */
+    int n;
+    Table *pTab = pIdx->pTable;
+    pIdx->zColAff = (char *)sqliteMalloc(pIdx->nColumn+1);
+    if( !pIdx->zColAff ){
+      return;
+    }
+    for(n=0; n<pIdx->nColumn; n++){
+      pIdx->zColAff[n] = pTab->aCol[pIdx->aiColumn[n]].affinity;
+    }
+    pIdx->zColAff[pIdx->nColumn] = '\0';
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, pIdx->zColAff, 0);
+** Set P3 of the most recently inserted opcode to a column affinity
+** string for table pTab. A column affinity string has one character
+** for each column indexed by the index, according to the affinity of the
+** column:
+**  Character      Column affinity
+**  ------------------------------
+**  'a'            TEXT
+**  'b'            NONE
+**  'c'            NUMERIC
+**  'd'            INTEGER
+**  'e'            REAL
+void sqlite3TableAffinityStr(Vdbe *v, Table *pTab){
+  /* The first time a column affinity string for a particular table
+  ** is required, it is allocated and populated here. It is then 
+  ** stored as a member of the Table structure for subsequent use.
+  **
+  ** The column affinity string will eventually be deleted by
+  ** sqlite3DeleteTable() when the Table structure itself is cleaned up.
+  */
+  if( !pTab->zColAff ){
+    char *zColAff;
+    int i;
+    zColAff = (char *)sqliteMalloc(pTab->nCol+1);
+    if( !zColAff ){
+      return;
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
+      zColAff[i] = pTab->aCol[i].affinity;
+    }
+    zColAff[pTab->nCol] = '\0';
+    pTab->zColAff = zColAff;
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, pTab->zColAff, 0);
+** Return non-zero if SELECT statement p opens the table with rootpage
+** iTab in database iDb.  This is used to see if a statement of the form 
+** "INSERT INTO <iDb, iTab> SELECT ..." can run without using temporary
+** table for the results of the SELECT. 
+** No checking is done for sub-selects that are part of expressions.
+static int selectReadsTable(Select *p, Schema *pSchema, int iTab){
+  int i;
+  struct SrcList_item *pItem;
+  if( p->pSrc==0 ) return 0;
+  for(i=0, pItem=p->pSrc->a; i<p->pSrc->nSrc; i++, pItem++){
+    if( pItem->pSelect ){
+      if( selectReadsTable(pItem->pSelect, pSchema, iTab) ) return 1;
+    }else{
+      if( pItem->pTab->pSchema==pSchema && pItem->pTab->tnum==iTab ) return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+** This routine is call to handle SQL of the following forms:
+**    insert into TABLE (IDLIST) values(EXPRLIST)
+**    insert into TABLE (IDLIST) select
+** The IDLIST following the table name is always optional.  If omitted,
+** then a list of all columns for the table is substituted.  The IDLIST
+** appears in the pColumn parameter.  pColumn is NULL if IDLIST is omitted.
+** The pList parameter holds EXPRLIST in the first form of the INSERT
+** statement above, and pSelect is NULL.  For the second form, pList is
+** NULL and pSelect is a pointer to the select statement used to generate
+** data for the insert.
+** The code generated follows one of three templates.  For a simple
+** select with data coming from a VALUES clause, the code executes
+** once straight down through.  The template looks like this:
+**         open write cursor to <table> and its indices
+**         puts VALUES clause expressions onto the stack
+**         write the resulting record into <table>
+**         cleanup
+** If the statement is of the form
+**   INSERT INTO <table> SELECT ...
+** And the SELECT clause does not read from <table> at any time, then
+** the generated code follows this template:
+**         goto B
+**      A: setup for the SELECT
+**         loop over the tables in the SELECT
+**           gosub C
+**         end loop
+**         cleanup after the SELECT
+**         goto D
+**      B: open write cursor to <table> and its indices
+**         goto A
+**      C: insert the select result into <table>
+**         return
+**      D: cleanup
+** The third template is used if the insert statement takes its
+** values from a SELECT but the data is being inserted into a table
+** that is also read as part of the SELECT.  In the third form,
+** we have to use a intermediate table to store the results of
+** the select.  The template is like this:
+**         goto B
+**      A: setup for the SELECT
+**         loop over the tables in the SELECT
+**           gosub C
+**         end loop
+**         cleanup after the SELECT
+**         goto D
+**      C: insert the select result into the intermediate table
+**         return
+**      B: open a cursor to an intermediate table
+**         goto A
+**      D: open write cursor to <table> and its indices
+**         loop over the intermediate table
+**           transfer values form intermediate table into <table>
+**         end the loop
+**         cleanup
+void sqlite3Insert(
+  Parse *pParse,        /* Parser context */
+  SrcList *pTabList,    /* Name of table into which we are inserting */
+  ExprList *pList,      /* List of values to be inserted */
+  Select *pSelect,      /* A SELECT statement to use as the data source */
+  IdList *pColumn,      /* Column names corresponding to IDLIST. */
+  int onError           /* How to handle constraint errors */
+  Table *pTab;          /* The table to insert into */
+  char *zTab;           /* Name of the table into which we are inserting */
+  const char *zDb;      /* Name of the database holding this table */
+  int i, j, idx;        /* Loop counters */
+  Vdbe *v;              /* Generate code into this virtual machine */
+  Index *pIdx;          /* For looping over indices of the table */
+  int nColumn;          /* Number of columns in the data */
+  int base = 0;         /* VDBE Cursor number for pTab */
+  int iCont=0,iBreak=0; /* Beginning and end of the loop over srcTab */
+  sqlite3 *db;          /* The main database structure */
+  int keyColumn = -1;   /* Column that is the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY */
+  int endOfLoop;        /* Label for the end of the insertion loop */
+  int useTempTable = 0; /* Store SELECT results in intermediate table */
+  int srcTab = 0;       /* Data comes from this temporary cursor if >=0 */
+  int iSelectLoop = 0;  /* Address of code that implements the SELECT */
+  int iCleanup = 0;     /* Address of the cleanup code */
+  int iInsertBlock = 0; /* Address of the subroutine used to insert data */
+  int iCntMem = 0;      /* Memory cell used for the row counter */
+  int newIdx = -1;      /* Cursor for the NEW table */
+  Db *pDb;              /* The database containing table being inserted into */
+  int counterMem = 0;   /* Memory cell holding AUTOINCREMENT counter */
+  int iDb;
+  int isView;                 /* True if attempting to insert into a view */
+  int triggers_exist = 0;     /* True if there are FOR EACH ROW triggers */
+  int counterRowid = 0;  /* Memory cell holding rowid of autoinc counter */
+  if( pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  db = pParse->db;
+  /* Locate the table into which we will be inserting new information.
+  */
+  assert( pTabList->nSrc==1 );
+  zTab = pTabList->a[0].zName;
+  if( zTab==0 ) goto insert_cleanup;
+  pTab = sqlite3SrcListLookup(pParse, pTabList);
+  if( pTab==0 ){
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(db, pTab->pSchema);
+  assert( iDb<db->nDb );
+  pDb = &db->aDb[iDb];
+  zDb = pDb->zName;
+  if( sqlite3AuthCheck(pParse, SQLITE_INSERT, pTab->zName, 0, zDb) ){
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  /* Figure out if we have any triggers and if the table being
+  ** inserted into is a view
+  */
+  triggers_exist = sqlite3TriggersExist(pParse, pTab, TK_INSERT, 0);
+  isView = pTab->pSelect!=0;
+# define triggers_exist 0
+# define isView 0
+# undef isView
+# define isView 0
+  /* Ensure that:
+  *  (a) the table is not read-only, 
+  *  (b) that if it is a view then ON INSERT triggers exist
+  */
+  if( sqlite3IsReadOnly(pParse, pTab, triggers_exist) ){
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  assert( pTab!=0 );
+  /* If pTab is really a view, make sure it has been initialized.
+  ** ViewGetColumnNames() is a no-op if pTab is not a view (or virtual 
+  ** module table).
+  */
+  if( sqlite3ViewGetColumnNames(pParse, pTab) ){
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  /* Allocate a VDBE
+  */
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  if( v==0 ) goto insert_cleanup;
+  if( pParse->nested==0 ) sqlite3VdbeCountChanges(v);
+  sqlite3BeginWriteOperation(pParse, pSelect || triggers_exist, iDb);
+  /* if there are row triggers, allocate a temp table for new.* references. */
+  if( triggers_exist ){
+    newIdx = pParse->nTab++;
+  }
+  /* If this is an AUTOINCREMENT table, look up the sequence number in the
+  ** sqlite_sequence table and store it in memory cell counterMem.  Also
+  ** remember the rowid of the sqlite_sequence table entry in memory cell
+  ** counterRowid.
+  */
+  if( pTab->autoInc ){
+    int iCur = pParse->nTab;
+    int addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+    counterRowid = pParse->nMem++;
+    counterMem = pParse->nMem++;
+    sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, iCur, iDb, pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab, OP_OpenRead);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, iCur, addr+13);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_String8, 0, 0, pTab->zName, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Ne, 0x100, addr+12);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rowid, iCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemStore, counterRowid, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, iCur, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemStore, counterMem, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, addr+13);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, iCur, addr+4);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
+  }
+  /* Figure out how many columns of data are supplied.  If the data
+  ** is coming from a SELECT statement, then this step also generates
+  ** all the code to implement the SELECT statement and invoke a subroutine
+  ** to process each row of the result. (Template 2.) If the SELECT
+  ** statement uses the the table that is being inserted into, then the
+  ** subroutine is also coded here.  That subroutine stores the SELECT
+  ** results in a temporary table. (Template 3.)
+  */
+  if( pSelect ){
+    /* Data is coming from a SELECT.  Generate code to implement that SELECT
+    */
+    int rc, iInitCode;
+    iInitCode = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, 0);
+    iSelectLoop = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+    iInsertBlock = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    /* Resolve the expressions in the SELECT statement and execute it. */
+    rc = sqlite3Select(pParse, pSelect, SRT_Subroutine, iInsertBlock,0,0,0,0);
+    if( rc || pParse->nErr || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+      goto insert_cleanup;
+    }
+    iCleanup = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, iCleanup);
+    assert( pSelect->pEList );
+    nColumn = pSelect->pEList->nExpr;
+    /* Set useTempTable to TRUE if the result of the SELECT statement
+    ** should be written into a temporary table.  Set to FALSE if each
+    ** row of the SELECT can be written directly into the result table.
+    **
+    ** A temp table must be used if the table being updated is also one
+    ** of the tables being read by the SELECT statement.  Also use a 
+    ** temp table in the case of row triggers.
+    */
+    if( triggers_exist || selectReadsTable(pSelect,pTab->pSchema,pTab->tnum) ){
+      useTempTable = 1;
+    }
+    if( useTempTable ){
+      /* Generate the subroutine that SELECT calls to process each row of
+      ** the result.  Store the result in a temporary table
+      */
+      srcTab = pParse->nTab++;
+      sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iInsertBlock);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeRecord, nColumn, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NewRowid, srcTab, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pull, 1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, srcTab, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Return, 0, 0);
+      /* The following code runs first because the GOTO at the very top
+      ** of the program jumps to it.  Create the temporary table, then jump
+      ** back up and execute the SELECT code above.
+      */
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iInitCode);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenEphemeral, srcTab, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, srcTab, nColumn);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, iSelectLoop);
+      sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iCleanup);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, iInitCode);
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* This is the case if the data for the INSERT is coming from a VALUES
+    ** clause
+    */
+    NameContext sNC;
+    memset(&sNC, 0, sizeof(sNC));
+    sNC.pParse = pParse;
+    srcTab = -1;
+    useTempTable = 0;
+    nColumn = pList ? pList->nExpr : 0;
+    for(i=0; i<nColumn; i++){
+      if( sqlite3ExprResolveNames(&sNC, pList->a[i].pExpr) ){
+        goto insert_cleanup;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Make sure the number of columns in the source data matches the number
+  ** of columns to be inserted into the table.
+  */
+  if( pColumn==0 && nColumn && nColumn!=pTab->nCol ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, 
+       "table %S has %d columns but %d values were supplied",
+       pTabList, 0, pTab->nCol, nColumn);
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  if( pColumn!=0 && nColumn!=pColumn->nId ){
+    sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "%d values for %d columns", nColumn, pColumn->nId);
+    goto insert_cleanup;
+  }
+  /* If the INSERT statement included an IDLIST term, then make sure
+  ** all elements of the IDLIST really are columns of the table and 
+  ** remember the column indices.
+  **
+  ** If the table has an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column and that column
+  ** is named in the IDLIST, then record in the keyColumn variable
+  ** the index into IDLIST of the primary key column.  keyColumn is
+  ** the index of the primary key as it appears in IDLIST, not as
+  ** is appears in the original table.  (The index of the primary
+  ** key in the original table is pTab->iPKey.)
+  */
+  if( pColumn ){
+    for(i=0; i<pColumn->nId; i++){
+      pColumn->a[i].idx = -1;
+    }
+    for(i=0; i<pColumn->nId; i++){
+      for(j=0; j<pTab->nCol; j++){
+        if( sqlite3StrICmp(pColumn->a[i].zName, pTab->aCol[j].zName)==0 ){
+          pColumn->a[i].idx = j;
+          if( j==pTab->iPKey ){
+            keyColumn = i;
+          }
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if( j>=pTab->nCol ){
+        if( sqlite3IsRowid(pColumn->a[i].zName) ){
+          keyColumn = i;
+        }else{
+          sqlite3ErrorMsg(pParse, "table %S has no column named %s",
+              pTabList, 0, pColumn->a[i].zName);
+          pParse->nErr++;
+          goto insert_cleanup;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* If there is no IDLIST term but the table has an integer primary
+  ** key, the set the keyColumn variable to the primary key column index
+  ** in the original table definition.
+  */
+  if( pColumn==0 && nColumn>0 ){
+    keyColumn = pTab->iPKey;
+  }
+  /* Open the temp table for FOR EACH ROW triggers
+  */
+  if( triggers_exist ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_OpenPseudo, newIdx, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_SetNumColumns, newIdx, pTab->nCol);
+  }
+  /* Initialize the count of rows to be inserted
+  */
+  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows ){
+    iCntMem = pParse->nMem++;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemInt, 0, iCntMem);
+  }
+  /* Open tables and indices if there are no row triggers */
+  if( !triggers_exist ){
+    base = pParse->nTab;
+    sqlite3OpenTableAndIndices(pParse, pTab, base, OP_OpenWrite);
+  }
+  /* If the data source is a temporary table, then we have to create
+  ** a loop because there might be multiple rows of data.  If the data
+  ** source is a subroutine call from the SELECT statement, then we need
+  ** to launch the SELECT statement processing.
+  */
+  if( useTempTable ){
+    iBreak = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Rewind, srcTab, iBreak);
+    iCont = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+  }else if( pSelect ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, iSelectLoop);
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iInsertBlock);
+  }
+  /* Run the BEFORE and INSTEAD OF triggers, if there are any
+  */
+  endOfLoop = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+  if( triggers_exist & TRIGGER_BEFORE ){
+    /* build the NEW.* reference row.  Note that if there is an INTEGER
+    ** PRIMARY KEY into which a NULL is being inserted, that NULL will be
+    ** translated into a unique ID for the row.  But on a BEFORE trigger,
+    ** we do not know what the unique ID will be (because the insert has
+    ** not happened yet) so we substitute a rowid of -1
+    */
+    if( keyColumn<0 ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, -1, 0);
+    }else if( useTempTable ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, srcTab, keyColumn);
+    }else{
+      assert( pSelect==0 );  /* Otherwise useTempTable is true */
+      sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pList->a[keyColumn].pExpr);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotNull, -1, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, -1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MustBeInt, 0, 0);
+    }
+    /* Create the new column data
+    */
+    for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
+      if( pColumn==0 ){
+        j = i;
+      }else{
+        for(j=0; j<pColumn->nId; j++){
+          if( pColumn->a[j].idx==i ) break;
+        }
+      }
+      if( pColumn && j>=pColumn->nId ){
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt);
+      }else if( useTempTable ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, srcTab, j); 
+      }else{
+        assert( pSelect==0 ); /* Otherwise useTempTable is true */
+        sqlite3ExprCodeAndCache(pParse, pList->a[j].pExpr);
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeRecord, pTab->nCol, 0);
+    /* If this is an INSERT on a view with an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger,
+    ** do not attempt any conversions before assembling the record.
+    ** If this is a real table, attempt conversions as required by the
+    ** table column affinities.
+    */
+    if( !isView ){
+      sqlite3TableAffinityStr(v, pTab);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, newIdx, 0);
+    /* Fire BEFORE or INSTEAD OF triggers */
+    if( sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_INSERT, 0, TRIGGER_BEFORE, pTab, 
+        newIdx, -1, onError, endOfLoop) ){
+      goto insert_cleanup;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If any triggers exists, the opening of tables and indices is deferred
+  ** until now.
+  */
+  if( triggers_exist && !isView ){
+    base = pParse->nTab;
+    sqlite3OpenTableAndIndices(pParse, pTab, base, OP_OpenWrite);
+  }
+  /* Push the record number for the new entry onto the stack.  The
+  ** record number is a randomly generate integer created by NewRowid
+  ** except when the table has an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column, in which
+  ** case the record number is the same as that column. 
+  */
+  if( !isView ){
+    if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      /* The row that the VUpdate opcode will delete:  none */
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+    }
+    if( keyColumn>=0 ){
+      if( useTempTable ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, srcTab, keyColumn);
+      }else if( pSelect ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nColumn - keyColumn - 1, 1);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pList->a[keyColumn].pExpr);
+      }
+      /* If the PRIMARY KEY expression is NULL, then use OP_NewRowid
+      ** to generate a unique primary key value.
+      */
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotNull, -1, sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v)+3);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NewRowid, base, counterMem);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MustBeInt, 0, 0);
+    }else if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NewRowid, base, counterMem);
+    }
+    if( pTab->autoInc ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemMax, counterMem, 0);
+    }
+    /* Push onto the stack, data for all columns of the new entry, beginning
+    ** with the first column.
+    */
+    for(i=0; i<pTab->nCol; i++){
+      if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
+        /* The value of the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY column is always a NULL.
+        ** Whenever this column is read, the record number will be substituted
+        ** in its place.  So will fill this column with a NULL to avoid
+        ** taking up data space with information that will never be used. */
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Null, 0, 0);
+        continue;
+      }
+      if( pColumn==0 ){
+        j = i;
+      }else{
+        for(j=0; j<pColumn->nId; j++){
+          if( pColumn->a[j].idx==i ) break;
+        }
+      }
+      if( nColumn==0 || (pColumn && j>=pColumn->nId) ){
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt);
+      }else if( useTempTable ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Column, srcTab, j); 
+      }else if( pSelect ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, i+nColumn-j+IsVirtual(pTab), 1);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pList->a[j].pExpr);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Generate code to check constraints and generate index keys and
+    ** do the insertion.
+    */
+    if( IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+      pParse->pVirtualLock = pTab;
+      sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_VUpdate, 1, pTab->nCol+2,
+                     (const char*)pTab->pVtab, P3_VTAB);
+    }else
+    {
+      sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(pParse, pTab, base, 0, keyColumn>=0,
+                                     0, onError, endOfLoop);
+      sqlite3CompleteInsertion(pParse, pTab, base, 0,0,0,
+                            (triggers_exist & TRIGGER_AFTER)!=0 ? newIdx : -1);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Update the count of rows that are inserted
+  */
+  if( (db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows)!=0 ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemIncr, 1, iCntMem);
+  }
+  if( triggers_exist ){
+    /* Close all tables opened */
+    if( !isView ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, base, 0);
+      for(idx=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, idx++){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, idx+base, 0);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Code AFTER triggers */
+    if( sqlite3CodeRowTrigger(pParse, TK_INSERT, 0, TRIGGER_AFTER, pTab,
+          newIdx, -1, onError, endOfLoop) ){
+      goto insert_cleanup;
+    }
+  }
+  /* The bottom of the loop, if the data source is a SELECT statement
+  */
+  sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, endOfLoop);
+  if( useTempTable ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Next, srcTab, iCont);
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iBreak);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, srcTab, 0);
+  }else if( pSelect ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nColumn, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Return, 0, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, iCleanup);
+  }
+  if( !triggers_exist && !IsVirtual(pTab) ){
+    /* Close all tables opened */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, base, 0);
+    for(idx=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, idx++){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, idx+base, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Update the sqlite_sequence table by storing the content of the
+  ** counter value in memory counterMem back into the sqlite_sequence
+  ** table.
+  */
+  if( pTab->autoInc ){
+    int iCur = pParse->nTab;
+    int addr = sqlite3VdbeCurrentAddr(v);
+    sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, iCur, iDb, pDb->pSchema->pSeqTab, OP_OpenWrite);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, counterRowid, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotNull, -1, addr+7);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NewRowid, iCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_String8, 0, 0, pTab->zName, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, counterMem, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeRecord, 2, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, iCur, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Close, iCur, 0);
+  }
+  /*
+  ** Return the number of rows inserted. If this routine is 
+  ** generating code because of a call to sqlite3NestedParse(), do not
+  ** invoke the callback function.
+  */
+  if( db->flags & SQLITE_CountRows && pParse->nested==0 && !pParse->trigStack ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MemLoad, iCntMem, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Callback, 1, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetNumCols(v, 1);
+    sqlite3VdbeSetColName(v, 0, COLNAME_NAME, "rows inserted", P3_STATIC);
+  }
+  sqlite3SrcListDelete(pTabList);
+  sqlite3ExprListDelete(pList);
+  sqlite3SelectDelete(pSelect);
+  sqlite3IdListDelete(pColumn);
+** Generate code to do a constraint check prior to an INSERT or an UPDATE.
+** When this routine is called, the stack contains (from bottom to top)
+** the following values:
+**    1.  The rowid of the row to be updated before the update.  This
+**        value is omitted unless we are doing an UPDATE that involves a
+**        change to the record number.
+**    2.  The rowid of the row after the update.
+**    3.  The data in the first column of the entry after the update.
+**    i.  Data from middle columns...
+**    N.  The data in the last column of the entry after the update.
+** The old rowid shown as entry (1) above is omitted unless both isUpdate
+** and rowidChng are 1.  isUpdate is true for UPDATEs and false for
+** INSERTs and rowidChng is true if the record number is being changed.
+** The code generated by this routine pushes additional entries onto
+** the stack which are the keys for new index entries for the new record.
+** The order of index keys is the same as the order of the indices on
+** the pTable->pIndex list.  A key is only created for index i if 
+** aIdxUsed!=0 and aIdxUsed[i]!=0.
+** This routine also generates code to check constraints.  NOT NULL,
+** CHECK, and UNIQUE constraints are all checked.  If a constraint fails,
+** then the appropriate action is performed.  There are five possible
+**  Constraint type  Action       What Happens
+**  ---------------  ----------   ----------------------------------------
+**  any              ROLLBACK     The current transaction is rolled back and
+**                                sqlite3_exec() returns immediately with a
+**                                return code of SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.
+**  any              ABORT        Back out changes from the current command
+**                                only (do not do a complete rollback) then
+**                                cause sqlite3_exec() to return immediately
+**                                with SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.
+**  any              FAIL         Sqlite_exec() returns immediately with a
+**                                return code of SQLITE_CONSTRAINT.  The
+**                                transaction is not rolled back and any
+**                                prior changes are retained.
+**  any              IGNORE       The record number and data is popped from
+**                                the stack and there is an immediate jump
+**                                to label ignoreDest.
+**  NOT NULL         REPLACE      The NULL value is replace by the default
+**                                value for that column.  If the default value
+**                                is NULL, the action is the same as ABORT.
+**  UNIQUE           REPLACE      The other row that conflicts with the row
+**                                being inserted is removed.
+**  CHECK            REPLACE      Illegal.  The results in an exception.
+** Which action to take is determined by the overrideError parameter.
+** Or if overrideError==OE_Default, then the pParse->onError parameter
+** is used.  Or if pParse->onError==OE_Default then the onError value
+** for the constraint is used.
+** The calling routine must open a read/write cursor for pTab with
+** cursor number "base".  All indices of pTab must also have open
+** read/write cursors with cursor number base+i for the i-th cursor.
+** Except, if there is no possibility of a REPLACE action then
+** cursors do not need to be open for indices where aIdxUsed[i]==0.
+** If the isUpdate flag is true, it means that the "base" cursor is
+** initially pointing to an entry that is being updated.  The isUpdate
+** flag causes extra code to be generated so that the "base" cursor
+** is still pointing at the same entry after the routine returns.
+** Without the isUpdate flag, the "base" cursor might be moved.
+void sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks(
+  Parse *pParse,      /* The parser context */
+  Table *pTab,        /* the table into which we are inserting */
+  int base,           /* Index of a read/write cursor pointing at pTab */
+  char *aIdxUsed,     /* Which indices are used.  NULL means all are used */
+  int rowidChng,      /* True if the record number will change */
+  int isUpdate,       /* True for UPDATE, False for INSERT */
+  int overrideError,  /* Override onError to this if not OE_Default */
+  int ignoreDest      /* Jump to this label on an OE_Ignore resolution */
+  int i;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  int nCol;
+  int onError;
+  int addr;
+  int extra;
+  int iCur;
+  Index *pIdx;
+  int seenReplace = 0;
+  int jumpInst1=0, jumpInst2;
+  int hasTwoRowids = (isUpdate && rowidChng);
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  assert( v!=0 );
+  assert( pTab->pSelect==0 );  /* This table is not a VIEW */
+  nCol = pTab->nCol;
+  /* Test all NOT NULL constraints.
+  */
+  for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+    if( i==pTab->iPKey ){
+      continue;
+    }
+    onError = pTab->aCol[i].notNull;
+    if( onError==OE_None ) continue;
+    if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
+      onError = overrideError;
+    }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
+      onError = OE_Abort;
+    }
+    if( onError==OE_Replace && pTab->aCol[i].pDflt==0 ){
+      onError = OE_Abort;
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol-1-i, 1);
+    addr = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotNull, 1, 0);
+    assert( onError==OE_Rollback || onError==OE_Abort || onError==OE_Fail
+        || onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace );
+    switch( onError ){
+      case OE_Rollback:
+      case OE_Abort:
+      case OE_Fail: {
+        char *zMsg = 0;
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError);
+        sqlite3SetString(&zMsg, pTab->zName, ".", pTab->aCol[i].zName,
+                        " may not be NULL", (char*)0);
+        sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, zMsg, P3_DYNAMIC);
+        break;
+      }
+      case OE_Ignore: {
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+1+hasTwoRowids, 0);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
+        break;
+      }
+      case OE_Replace: {
+        sqlite3ExprCode(pParse, pTab->aCol[i].pDflt);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Push, nCol-i, 0);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, addr);
+  }
+  /* Test all CHECK constraints
+  */
+  if( pTab->pCheck && (pParse->db->flags & SQLITE_IgnoreChecks)==0 ){
+    int allOk = sqlite3VdbeMakeLabel(v);
+    assert( pParse->ckOffset==0 );
+    pParse->ckOffset = nCol;
+    sqlite3ExprIfTrue(pParse, pTab->pCheck, allOk, 1);
+    assert( pParse->ckOffset==nCol );
+    pParse->ckOffset = 0;
+    onError = overrideError!=OE_Default ? overrideError : OE_Abort;
+    if( onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+1+hasTwoRowids, 0);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeResolveLabel(v, allOk);
+  }
+#endif /* !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_CHECK) */
+  /* If we have an INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, make sure the primary key
+  ** of the new record does not previously exist.  Except, if this
+  ** is an UPDATE and the primary key is not changing, that is OK.
+  */
+  if( rowidChng ){
+    onError = pTab->keyConf;
+    if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
+      onError = overrideError;
+    }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
+      onError = OE_Abort;
+    }
+    if( isUpdate ){
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+1, 1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+1, 1);
+      jumpInst1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Eq, 0, 0);
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol, 1);
+    jumpInst2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_NotExists, base, 0);
+    switch( onError ){
+      default: {
+        onError = OE_Abort;
+        /* Fall thru into the next case */
+      }
+      case OE_Rollback:
+      case OE_Abort:
+      case OE_Fail: {
+        sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError,
+                         "PRIMARY KEY must be unique", P3_STATIC);
+        break;
+      }
+      case OE_Replace: {
+        sqlite3GenerateRowIndexDelete(v, pTab, base, 0);
+        if( isUpdate ){
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+hasTwoRowids, 1);
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveGe, base, 0);
+        }
+        seenReplace = 1;
+        break;
+      }
+      case OE_Ignore: {
+        assert( seenReplace==0 );
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+1+hasTwoRowids, 0);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jumpInst2);
+    if( isUpdate ){
+      sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jumpInst1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+1, 1);
+      sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveGe, base, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Test all UNIQUE constraints by creating entries for each UNIQUE
+  ** index and making sure that duplicate entries do not already exist.
+  ** Add the new records to the indices as we go.
+  */
+  extra = -1;
+  for(iCur=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, iCur++){
+    if( aIdxUsed && aIdxUsed[iCur]==0 ) continue;  /* Skip unused indices */
+    extra++;
+    /* Create a key for accessing the index entry */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+extra, 1);
+    for(i=0; i<pIdx->nColumn; i++){
+      int idx = pIdx->aiColumn[i];
+      if( idx==pTab->iPKey ){
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, i+extra+nCol+1, 1);
+      }else{
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, i+extra+nCol-idx, 1);
+      }
+    }
+    jumpInst1 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeIdxRec, pIdx->nColumn, 0);
+    sqlite3IndexAffinityStr(v, pIdx);
+    /* Find out what action to take in case there is an indexing conflict */
+    onError = pIdx->onError;
+    if( onError==OE_None ) continue;  /* pIdx is not a UNIQUE index */
+    if( overrideError!=OE_Default ){
+      onError = overrideError;
+    }else if( onError==OE_Default ){
+      onError = OE_Abort;
+    }
+    if( seenReplace ){
+      if( onError==OE_Ignore ) onError = OE_Replace;
+      else if( onError==OE_Fail ) onError = OE_Abort;
+    }
+    /* Check to see if the new index entry will be unique */
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, extra+nCol+1+hasTwoRowids, 1);
+    jumpInst2 = sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IsUnique, base+iCur+1, 0);
+    /* Generate code that executes if the new index entry is not unique */
+    assert( onError==OE_Rollback || onError==OE_Abort || onError==OE_Fail
+        || onError==OE_Ignore || onError==OE_Replace );
+    switch( onError ){
+      case OE_Rollback:
+      case OE_Abort:
+      case OE_Fail: {
+        int j, n1, n2;
+        char zErrMsg[200];
+        strcpy(zErrMsg, pIdx->nColumn>1 ? "columns " : "column ");
+        n1 = strlen(zErrMsg);
+        for(j=0; j<pIdx->nColumn && n1<sizeof(zErrMsg)-30; j++){
+          char *zCol = pTab->aCol[pIdx->aiColumn[j]].zName;
+          n2 = strlen(zCol);
+          if( j>0 ){
+            strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], ", ");
+            n1 += 2;
+          }
+          if( n1+n2>sizeof(zErrMsg)-30 ){
+            strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], "...");
+            n1 += 3;
+            break;
+          }else{
+            strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], zCol);
+            n1 += n2;
+          }
+        }
+        strcpy(&zErrMsg[n1], 
+            pIdx->nColumn>1 ? " are not unique" : " is not unique");
+        sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, OP_Halt, SQLITE_CONSTRAINT, onError, zErrMsg, 0);
+        break;
+      }
+      case OE_Ignore: {
+        assert( seenReplace==0 );
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, nCol+extra+3+hasTwoRowids, 0);
+        sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Goto, 0, ignoreDest);
+        break;
+      }
+      case OE_Replace: {
+        sqlite3GenerateRowDelete(pParse->db, v, pTab, base, 0);
+        if( isUpdate ){
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, nCol+extra+1+hasTwoRowids, 1);
+          sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MoveGe, base, 0);
+        }
+        seenReplace = 1;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jumpInst1);
+    sqlite3VdbeJumpHere(v, jumpInst2);
+  }
+** This routine generates code to finish the INSERT or UPDATE operation
+** that was started by a prior call to sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks.
+** The stack must contain keys for all active indices followed by data
+** and the rowid for the new entry.  This routine creates the new
+** entries in all indices and in the main table.
+** The arguments to this routine should be the same as the first six
+** arguments to sqlite3GenerateConstraintChecks.
+void sqlite3CompleteInsertion(
+  Parse *pParse,      /* The parser context */
+  Table *pTab,        /* the table into which we are inserting */
+  int base,           /* Index of a read/write cursor pointing at pTab */
+  char *aIdxUsed,     /* Which indices are used.  NULL means all are used */
+  int rowidChng,      /* True if the record number will change */
+  int isUpdate,       /* True for UPDATE, False for INSERT */
+  int newIdx          /* Index of NEW table for triggers.  -1 if none */
+  int i;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  int nIdx;
+  Index *pIdx;
+  int pik_flags;
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  assert( v!=0 );
+  assert( pTab->pSelect==0 );  /* This table is not a VIEW */
+  for(nIdx=0, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, nIdx++){}
+  for(i=nIdx-1; i>=0; i--){
+    if( aIdxUsed && aIdxUsed[i]==0 ) continue;
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_IdxInsert, base+i+1, 0);
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_MakeRecord, pTab->nCol, 0);
+  sqlite3TableAffinityStr(v, pTab);
+  if( newIdx>=0 ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 1, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Dup, 1, 0);
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, newIdx, 0);
+  }
+  if( pParse->nested ){
+    pik_flags = 0;
+  }else{
+    pik_flags = OPFLAG_NCHANGE;
+    pik_flags |= (isUpdate?OPFLAG_ISUPDATE:OPFLAG_LASTROWID);
+  }
+  sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Insert, base, pik_flags);
+  if( !pParse->nested ){
+    sqlite3VdbeChangeP3(v, -1, pTab->zName, P3_STATIC);
+  }
+  if( isUpdate && rowidChng ){
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Pop, 1, 0);
+  }
+** Generate code that will open cursors for a table and for all
+** indices of that table.  The "base" parameter is the cursor number used
+** for the table.  Indices are opened on subsequent cursors.
+void sqlite3OpenTableAndIndices(
+  Parse *pParse,   /* Parsing context */
+  Table *pTab,     /* Table to be opened */
+  int base,        /* Cursor number assigned to the table */
+  int op           /* OP_OpenRead or OP_OpenWrite */
+  int i;
+  int iDb;
+  Index *pIdx;
+  Vdbe *v;
+  if( IsVirtual(pTab) ) return;
+  iDb = sqlite3SchemaToIndex(pParse->db, pTab->pSchema);
+  v = sqlite3GetVdbe(pParse);
+  assert( v!=0 );
+  sqlite3OpenTable(pParse, base, iDb, pTab, op);
+  for(i=1, pIdx=pTab->pIndex; pIdx; pIdx=pIdx->pNext, i++){
+    KeyInfo *pKey = sqlite3IndexKeyinfo(pParse, pIdx);
+    assert( pIdx->pSchema==pTab->pSchema );
+    sqlite3VdbeAddOp(v, OP_Integer, iDb, 0);
+    VdbeComment((v, "# %s", pIdx->zName));
+    sqlite3VdbeOp3(v, op, i+base, pIdx->tnum, (char*)pKey, P3_KEYINFO_HANDOFF);
+  }
+  if( pParse->nTab<=base+i ){
+    pParse->nTab = base+i;
+  }

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/keywordhash.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/keywordhash.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/keywordhash.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+/* Hash score: 167 */
+static int keywordCode(const char *z, int n){
+  static const char zText[544] =
+  static const unsigned char aHash[127] = {
+      92,  80, 107,  91,   0,   4,   0,   0, 114,   0,  83,   0,   0,
+      95,  44,  76,  93,   0, 106, 109,  97,  90,   0,  10,   0,   0,
+     113,   0, 117, 103,   0,  28,  48,   0,  41,   0,   0,  65,  71,
+       0,  63,  19,   0, 105,  36, 104,   0, 108,  74,   0,   0,  33,
+       0,  61,  37,   0,   8,   0, 115,  38,  12,   0,  77,  40,  25,
+      66,   0,   0,  31,  81,  53,  30,  50,  20,  88,   0,  34,   0,
+      75,  26,   0,  72,   0,   0,   0,  64,  47,  67,  22,  87,  29,
+      69,  86,   0,   1,   0,   9, 101,  58,  18,   0, 112,  82,  99,
+      54,   6,  85,   0,   0,  49,  94,   0, 102,   0,  70,   0,   0,
+      15,   0, 116,  51,  56,   0,   2,  55,   0, 111,
+  };
+  static const unsigned char aNext[117] = {
+       0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   3,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+       0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  17,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+       0,  11,   0,   0,   0,   0,   5,  13,   0,   7,   0,   0,   0,
+       0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  43,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,
+       0,   0,  16,   0,  23,  52,   0,   0,   0,   0,  45,   0,  59,
+       0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  73,  42,   0,  24,  60,
+      21,   0,  79,   0,   0,  68,   0,   0,  84,  46,   0,   0,   0,
+       0,   0,   0,   0,   0,  39,  96,  98,   0,   0, 100,   0,  32,
+       0,  14,  27,  78,   0,  57,  89,   0,  35,   0,  62,   0, 110,
+  };
+  static const unsigned char aLen[117] = {
+       5,   5,   4,   4,   9,   2,   3,   8,   2,   6,   4,   3,   7,
+      11,   2,   7,   5,   5,   4,   5,   3,   5,  10,   6,   4,   6,
+       7,   6,   7,   9,   3,   7,   9,   6,   9,   3,  10,   6,   6,
+       4,   6,   3,   7,   6,   7,   5,  13,   2,   2,   5,   5,   6,
+       7,   3,   7,   4,   4,   2,   7,   3,   8,   6,   4,   4,   7,
+       6,   6,   8,  10,   9,   6,   5,  12,  12,  17,   4,   4,   6,
+       8,   2,   4,   6,   5,   4,   5,   4,   4,   5,   6,   2,   9,
+       6,   7,   4,   2,   6,   3,   6,   4,   5,   7,   5,   8,   7,
+       5,   5,   8,   3,   4,   5,   6,   5,   6,   6,   4,   5,   7,
+  };
+  static const unsigned short int aOffset[117] = {
+       0,   4,   7,  10,  10,  14,  19,  21,  26,  27,  32,  34,  36,
+      42,  51,  52,  57,  61,  65,  67,  71,  74,  78,  86,  91,  94,
+      99, 105, 108, 113, 118, 122, 128, 136, 141, 150, 152, 162, 167,
+     172, 175, 177, 177, 181, 185, 187, 192, 194, 196, 205, 208, 212,
+     218, 224, 224, 227, 230, 234, 236, 237, 241, 248, 254, 258, 262,
+     269, 275, 281, 289, 296, 305, 311, 316, 328, 328, 344, 348, 352,
+     358, 359, 366, 369, 373, 378, 381, 386, 390, 394, 397, 403, 405,
+     414, 420, 427, 430, 430, 433, 436, 442, 446, 450, 457, 461, 469,
+     476, 481, 486, 494, 496, 500, 505, 511, 516, 522, 528, 531, 536,
+  };
+  static const unsigned char aCode[117] = {
+    TK_ABORT,      TK_TABLE,      TK_JOIN_KW,    TK_TEMP,       TK_TEMP,       
+    TK_OR,         TK_ADD,        TK_DATABASE,   TK_AS,         TK_SELECT,     
+    TK_THEN,       TK_END,        TK_DEFAULT,    TK_TRANSACTION,TK_ON,         
+    TK_JOIN_KW,    TK_ALTER,      TK_RAISE,      TK_EACH,       TK_CHECK,      
+    TK_KEY,        TK_AFTER,      TK_REFERENCES, TK_ESCAPE,     TK_ELSE,       
+    TK_BEFORE,     TK_FOR,        TK_FOREIGN,    TK_IGNORE,     TK_REINDEX,    
+    TK_INDEX,      TK_AUTOINCR,   TK_TO,         TK_IN,         TK_BEGIN,      
+    TK_JOIN_KW,    TK_RENAME,     TK_BETWEEN,    TK_NOT,        TK_NOTNULL,    
+    TK_NULL,       TK_LIKE_KW,    TK_BY,         TK_CASCADE,    TK_ASC,        
+    TK_DEFERRED,   TK_DELETE,     TK_CASE,       TK_CAST,       TK_COLLATE,    
+    TK_PLAN,       TK_DESC,       TK_DETACH,     TK_DISTINCT,   TK_IS,         
+    TK_DROP,       TK_PRAGMA,     TK_MATCH,      TK_FAIL,       TK_LIMIT,      
+    TK_FROM,       TK_JOIN_KW,    TK_GROUP,      TK_UPDATE,     TK_IF,         
+    TK_IMMEDIATE,  TK_INSERT,     TK_INSTEAD,    TK_INTO,       TK_OF,         
+    TK_OFFSET,     TK_SET,        TK_ISNULL,     TK_JOIN,       TK_ORDER,      
+    TK_JOIN_KW,    TK_ROLLBACK,   TK_ROW,        TK_WHEN,       TK_UNION,      
+    TK_UNIQUE,     TK_USING,      TK_VACUUM,     TK_VALUES,     TK_VIEW,       
+    TK_WHERE,      TK_VIRTUAL,    
+  };
+  int h, i;
+  if( n<2 ) return TK_ID;
+  h = ((charMap(z[0])*4) ^
+      (charMap(z[n-1])*3) ^
+      n) % 127;
+  for(i=((int)aHash[h])-1; i>=0; i=((int)aNext[i])-1){
+    if( aLen[i]==n && sqlite3StrNICmp(&zText[aOffset[i]],z,n)==0 ){
+      return aCode[i];
+    }
+  }
+  return TK_ID;
+int sqlite3KeywordCode(const unsigned char *z, int n){
+  return keywordCode((char*)z, n);

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/legacy.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/legacy.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/legacy.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** Main file for the SQLite library.  The routines in this file
+** implement the programmer interface to the library.  Routines in
+** other files are for internal use by SQLite and should not be
+** accessed by users of the library.
+** $Id: legacy.c,v 1.16 2006/09/15 07:28:50 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+** Execute SQL code.  Return one of the SQLITE_ success/failure
+** codes.  Also write an error message into memory obtained from
+** malloc() and make *pzErrMsg point to that message.
+** If the SQL is a query, then for each row in the query result
+** the xCallback() function is called.  pArg becomes the first
+** argument to xCallback().  If xCallback=NULL then no callback
+** is invoked, even for queries.
+int sqlite3_exec(
+  sqlite3 *db,                /* The database on which the SQL executes */
+  const char *zSql,           /* The SQL to be executed */
+  sqlite3_callback xCallback, /* Invoke this callback routine */
+  void *pArg,                 /* First argument to xCallback() */
+  char **pzErrMsg             /* Write error messages here */
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  const char *zLeftover;
+  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
+  char **azCols = 0;
+  int nRetry = 0;
+  int nChange = 0;
+  int nCallback;
+  if( zSql==0 ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  while( (rc==SQLITE_OK || (rc==SQLITE_SCHEMA && (++nRetry)<2)) && zSql[0] ){
+    int nCol;
+    char **azVals = 0;
+    pStmt = 0;
+    rc = sqlite3_prepare(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, &zLeftover);
+    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK || pStmt==0 );
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+      continue;
+    }
+    if( !pStmt ){
+      /* this happens for a comment or white-space */
+      zSql = zLeftover;
+      continue;
+    }
+    db->nChange += nChange;
+    nCallback = 0;
+    nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt);
+    azCols = sqliteMalloc(2*nCol*sizeof(const char *) + 1);
+    if( azCols==0 ){
+      goto exec_out;
+    }
+    while( 1 ){
+      int i;
+      rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
+      /* Invoke the callback function if required */
+      if( xCallback && (SQLITE_ROW==rc || 
+          (SQLITE_DONE==rc && !nCallback && db->flags&SQLITE_NullCallback)) ){
+        if( 0==nCallback ){
+          for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+            azCols[i] = (char *)sqlite3_column_name(pStmt, i);
+          }
+          nCallback++;
+        }
+        if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
+          azVals = &azCols[nCol];
+          for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
+            azVals[i] = (char *)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i);
+          }
+        }
+        if( xCallback(pArg, nCol, azVals, azCols) ){
+          rc = SQLITE_ABORT;
+          goto exec_out;
+        }
+      }
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ){
+        rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
+        pStmt = 0;
+        if( db->pVdbe==0 ){
+          nChange = db->nChange;
+        }
+        if( rc!=SQLITE_SCHEMA ){
+          nRetry = 0;
+          zSql = zLeftover;
+          while( isspace((unsigned char)zSql[0]) ) zSql++;
+        }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    sqliteFree(azCols);
+    azCols = 0;
+  }
+  if( pStmt ) sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
+  if( azCols ) sqliteFree(azCols);
+  rc = sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK && rc==sqlite3_errcode(db) && pzErrMsg ){
+    *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_malloc(1+strlen(sqlite3_errmsg(db)));
+    if( *pzErrMsg ){
+      strcpy(*pzErrMsg, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
+    }
+  }else if( pzErrMsg ){
+    *pzErrMsg = 0;
+  }
+  assert( (rc&db->errMask)==rc );
+  return rc;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/loadext.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/loadext.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/loadext.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+** 2006 June 7
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code used to dynamically load extensions into
+** the SQLite library.
+#define SQLITE_CORE 1  /* Disable the API redefinition in sqlite3ext.h */
+#include "sqlite3ext.h"
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+** Some API routines are omitted when various features are
+** excluded from a build of SQLite.  Substitute a NULL pointer
+** for any missing APIs.
+# define sqlite3_column_database_name   0
+# define sqlite3_column_database_name16 0
+# define sqlite3_column_table_name      0
+# define sqlite3_column_table_name16    0
+# define sqlite3_column_origin_name     0
+# define sqlite3_column_origin_name16   0
+# define sqlite3_table_column_metadata  0
+# define sqlite3_set_authorizer     0
+# define sqlite3_bind_text16        0
+# define sqlite3_collation_needed16 0
+# define sqlite3_column_decltype16  0
+# define sqlite3_column_name16      0
+# define sqlite3_column_text16      0
+# define sqlite3_complete16         0
+# define sqlite3_create_collation16 0
+# define sqlite3_create_function16  0
+# define sqlite3_errmsg16           0
+# define sqlite3_open16             0
+# define sqlite3_prepare16          0
+# define sqlite3_result_error16     0
+# define sqlite3_result_text16      0
+# define sqlite3_result_text16be    0
+# define sqlite3_result_text16le    0
+# define sqlite3_value_text16       0
+# define sqlite3_value_text16be     0
+# define sqlite3_value_text16le     0
+# define sqlite3_complete 0
+# define sqlite3_complete16 0
+# define sqlite3_progress_handler 0
+# define sqlite3_create_module 0
+# define sqlite3_declare_vtab 0
+# define sqlite3_enable_shared_cache 0
+# define sqlite3_profile       0
+# define sqlite3_trace         0
+# define sqlite3_free_table    0
+# define sqlite3_get_table     0
+** The following structure contains pointers to all SQLite API routines.
+** A pointer to this structure is passed into extensions when they are
+** loaded so that the extension can make calls back into the SQLite
+** library.
+** When adding new APIs, add them to the bottom of this structure
+** in order to preserve backwards compatibility.
+** Extensions that use newer APIs should first call the
+** sqlite3_libversion_number() to make sure that the API they
+** intend to use is supported by the library.  Extensions should
+** also check to make sure that the pointer to the function is
+** not NULL before calling it.
+const sqlite3_api_routines sqlite3_apis = {
+  sqlite3_aggregate_context,
+  sqlite3_aggregate_count,
+  sqlite3_bind_blob,
+  sqlite3_bind_double,
+  sqlite3_bind_int,
+  sqlite3_bind_int64,
+  sqlite3_bind_null,
+  sqlite3_bind_parameter_count,
+  sqlite3_bind_parameter_index,
+  sqlite3_bind_parameter_name,
+  sqlite3_bind_text,
+  sqlite3_bind_text16,
+  sqlite3_bind_value,
+  sqlite3_busy_handler,
+  sqlite3_busy_timeout,
+  sqlite3_changes,
+  sqlite3_close,
+  sqlite3_collation_needed,
+  sqlite3_collation_needed16,
+  sqlite3_column_blob,
+  sqlite3_column_bytes,
+  sqlite3_column_bytes16,
+  sqlite3_column_count,
+  sqlite3_column_database_name,
+  sqlite3_column_database_name16,
+  sqlite3_column_decltype,
+  sqlite3_column_decltype16,
+  sqlite3_column_double,
+  sqlite3_column_int,
+  sqlite3_column_int64,
+  sqlite3_column_name,
+  sqlite3_column_name16,
+  sqlite3_column_origin_name,
+  sqlite3_column_origin_name16,
+  sqlite3_column_table_name,
+  sqlite3_column_table_name16,
+  sqlite3_column_text,
+  sqlite3_column_text16,
+  sqlite3_column_type,
+  sqlite3_column_value,
+  sqlite3_commit_hook,
+  sqlite3_complete,
+  sqlite3_complete16,
+  sqlite3_create_collation,
+  sqlite3_create_collation16,
+  sqlite3_create_function,
+  sqlite3_create_function16,
+  sqlite3_create_module,
+  sqlite3_data_count,
+  sqlite3_db_handle,
+  sqlite3_declare_vtab,
+  sqlite3_enable_shared_cache,
+  sqlite3_errcode,
+  sqlite3_errmsg,
+  sqlite3_errmsg16,
+  sqlite3_exec,
+  sqlite3_expired,
+  sqlite3_finalize,
+  sqlite3_free,
+  sqlite3_free_table,
+  sqlite3_get_autocommit,
+  sqlite3_get_auxdata,
+  sqlite3_get_table,
+  0,     /* Was sqlite3_global_recover(), but that function is deprecated */
+  sqlite3_interrupt,
+  sqlite3_last_insert_rowid,
+  sqlite3_libversion,
+  sqlite3_libversion_number,
+  sqlite3_malloc,
+  sqlite3_mprintf,
+  sqlite3_open,
+  sqlite3_open16,
+  sqlite3_prepare,
+  sqlite3_prepare16,
+  sqlite3_profile,
+  sqlite3_progress_handler,
+  sqlite3_realloc,
+  sqlite3_reset,
+  sqlite3_result_blob,
+  sqlite3_result_double,
+  sqlite3_result_error,
+  sqlite3_result_error16,
+  sqlite3_result_int,
+  sqlite3_result_int64,
+  sqlite3_result_null,
+  sqlite3_result_text,
+  sqlite3_result_text16,
+  sqlite3_result_text16be,
+  sqlite3_result_text16le,
+  sqlite3_result_value,
+  sqlite3_rollback_hook,
+  sqlite3_set_authorizer,
+  sqlite3_set_auxdata,
+  sqlite3_snprintf,
+  sqlite3_step,
+  sqlite3_table_column_metadata,
+  sqlite3_thread_cleanup,
+  sqlite3_total_changes,
+  sqlite3_trace,
+  sqlite3_transfer_bindings,
+  sqlite3_update_hook,
+  sqlite3_user_data,
+  sqlite3_value_blob,
+  sqlite3_value_bytes,
+  sqlite3_value_bytes16,
+  sqlite3_value_double,
+  sqlite3_value_int,
+  sqlite3_value_int64,
+  sqlite3_value_numeric_type,
+  sqlite3_value_text,
+  sqlite3_value_text16,
+  sqlite3_value_text16be,
+  sqlite3_value_text16le,
+  sqlite3_value_type,
+  sqlite3_vmprintf,
+  /*
+  ** The original API set ends here.  All extensions can call any
+  ** of the APIs above provided that the pointer is not NULL.  But
+  ** before calling APIs that follow, extension should check the
+  ** sqlite3_libversion_number() to make sure they are dealing with
+  ** a library that is new enough to support that API.
+  *************************************************************************
+  */
+  sqlite3_overload_function,
+** Attempt to load an SQLite extension library contained in the file
+** zFile.  The entry point is zProc.  zProc may be 0 in which case a
+** default entry point name (sqlite3_extension_init) is used.  Use
+** of the default name is recommended.
+** Return SQLITE_OK on success and SQLITE_ERROR if something goes wrong.
+** If an error occurs and pzErrMsg is not 0, then fill *pzErrMsg with 
+** error message text.  The calling function should free this memory
+** by calling sqlite3_free().
+int sqlite3_load_extension(
+  sqlite3 *db,          /* Load the extension into this database connection */
+  const char *zFile,    /* Name of the shared library containing extension */
+  const char *zProc,    /* Entry point.  Use "sqlite3_extension_init" if 0 */
+  char **pzErrMsg       /* Put error message here if not 0 */
+  void *handle;
+  int (*xInit)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*);
+  char *zErrmsg = 0;
+  void **aHandle;
+  /* Ticket #1863.  To avoid a creating security problems for older
+  ** applications that relink against newer versions of SQLite, the
+  ** ability to run load_extension is turned off by default.  One
+  ** must call sqlite3_enable_load_extension() to turn on extension
+  ** loading.  Otherwise you get the following error.
+  */
+  if( (db->flags & SQLITE_LoadExtension)==0 ){
+    if( pzErrMsg ){
+      *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("not authorized");
+    }
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  if( zProc==0 ){
+    zProc = "sqlite3_extension_init";
+  }
+  handle = sqlite3OsDlopen(zFile);
+  if( handle==0 ){
+    if( pzErrMsg ){
+      *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("unable to open shared library [%s]", zFile);
+    }
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  xInit = (int(*)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*))
+                   sqlite3OsDlsym(handle, zProc);
+  if( xInit==0 ){
+    if( pzErrMsg ){
+       *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("no entry point [%s] in shared library [%s]",
+                                   zProc, zFile);
+    }
+    sqlite3OsDlclose(handle);
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }else if( xInit(db, &zErrmsg, &sqlite3_apis) ){
+    if( pzErrMsg ){
+      *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("error during initialization: %s", zErrmsg);
+    }
+    sqlite3_free(zErrmsg);
+    sqlite3OsDlclose(handle);
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Append the new shared library handle to the db->aExtension array. */
+  db->nExtension++;
+  aHandle = sqliteMalloc(sizeof(handle)*db->nExtension);
+  if( aHandle==0 ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  if( db->nExtension>0 ){
+    memcpy(aHandle, db->aExtension, sizeof(handle)*(db->nExtension-1));
+  }
+  sqliteFree(db->aExtension);
+  db->aExtension = aHandle;
+  db->aExtension[db->nExtension-1] = handle;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Call this routine when the database connection is closing in order
+** to clean up loaded extensions
+void sqlite3CloseExtensions(sqlite3 *db){
+  int i;
+  for(i=0; i<db->nExtension; i++){
+    sqlite3OsDlclose(db->aExtension[i]);
+  }
+  sqliteFree(db->aExtension);
+** Enable or disable extension loading.  Extension loading is disabled by
+** default so as not to open security holes in older applications.
+int sqlite3_enable_load_extension(sqlite3 *db, int onoff){
+  if( onoff ){
+    db->flags |= SQLITE_LoadExtension;
+  }else{
+    db->flags &= ~SQLITE_LoadExtension;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** A list of automatically loaded extensions.
+** This list is shared across threads, so be sure to hold the
+** mutex while accessing or changing it.
+static int nAutoExtension = 0;
+static void **aAutoExtension = 0;
+** Register a statically linked extension that is automatically
+** loaded by every new database connection.
+int sqlite3_auto_extension(void *xInit){
+  int i;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  for(i=0; i<nAutoExtension; i++){
+    if( aAutoExtension[i]==xInit ) break;
+  }
+  if( i==nAutoExtension ){
+    nAutoExtension++;
+    aAutoExtension = sqlite3Realloc( aAutoExtension,
+                                     nAutoExtension*sizeof(aAutoExtension[0]) );
+    if( aAutoExtension==0 ){
+      nAutoExtension = 0;
+      rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
+    }else{
+      aAutoExtension[nAutoExtension-1] = xInit;
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  assert( (rc&0xff)==rc );
+  return rc;
+** Reset the automatic extension loading mechanism.
+void sqlite3_reset_auto_extension(void){
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  sqliteFree(aAutoExtension);
+  aAutoExtension = 0;
+  nAutoExtension = 0;
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+** Load all automatic extensions.
+int sqlite3AutoLoadExtensions(sqlite3 *db){
+  int i;
+  int go = 1;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  int (*xInit)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*);
+  if( nAutoExtension==0 ){
+    /* Common case: early out without every having to acquire a mutex */
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  for(i=0; go; i++){
+    char *zErrmsg = 0;
+    sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+    if( i>=nAutoExtension ){
+      xInit = 0;
+      go = 0;
+    }else{
+      xInit = (int(*)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*))
+              aAutoExtension[i];
+    }
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+    if( xInit && xInit(db, &zErrmsg, &sqlite3_apis) ){
+      sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR,
+            "automatic extension loading failed: %s", zErrmsg);
+      go = 0;
+      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+    }
+  }
+  return rc;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/main.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/main.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/main.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,1342 @@
+** 2001 September 15
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** Main file for the SQLite library.  The routines in this file
+** implement the programmer interface to the library.  Routines in
+** other files are for internal use by SQLite and should not be
+** accessed by users of the library.
+** $Id: main.c,v 1.360 2006/12/19 18:57:11 drh Exp $
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+** The following constant value is used by the SQLITE_BIGENDIAN and
+const int sqlite3one = 1;
+** The version of the library
+const char sqlite3_version[] = SQLITE_VERSION;
+const char *sqlite3_libversion(void){ return sqlite3_version; }
+int sqlite3_libversion_number(void){ return SQLITE_VERSION_NUMBER; }
+** This is the default collating function named "BINARY" which is always
+** available.
+static int binCollFunc(
+  void *NotUsed,
+  int nKey1, const void *pKey1,
+  int nKey2, const void *pKey2
+  int rc, n;
+  n = nKey1<nKey2 ? nKey1 : nKey2;
+  rc = memcmp(pKey1, pKey2, n);
+  if( rc==0 ){
+    rc = nKey1 - nKey2;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Another built-in collating sequence: NOCASE. 
+** This collating sequence is intended to be used for "case independant
+** comparison". SQLite's knowledge of upper and lower case equivalents
+** extends only to the 26 characters used in the English language.
+** At the moment there is only a UTF-8 implementation.
+static int nocaseCollatingFunc(
+  void *NotUsed,
+  int nKey1, const void *pKey1,
+  int nKey2, const void *pKey2
+  int r = sqlite3StrNICmp(
+      (const char *)pKey1, (const char *)pKey2, (nKey1<nKey2)?nKey1:nKey2);
+  if( 0==r ){
+    r = nKey1-nKey2;
+  }
+  return r;
+** Return the ROWID of the most recent insert
+sqlite_int64 sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(sqlite3 *db){
+  return db->lastRowid;
+** Return the number of changes in the most recent call to sqlite3_exec().
+int sqlite3_changes(sqlite3 *db){
+  return db->nChange;
+** Return the number of changes since the database handle was opened.
+int sqlite3_total_changes(sqlite3 *db){
+  return db->nTotalChange;
+** Close an existing SQLite database
+int sqlite3_close(sqlite3 *db){
+  HashElem *i;
+  int j;
+  if( !db ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+#ifdef SQLITE_SSE
+  {
+    extern void sqlite3SseCleanup(sqlite3*);
+    sqlite3SseCleanup(db);
+  }
+  /* If there are any outstanding VMs, return SQLITE_BUSY. */
+  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
+  if( db->pVdbe ){
+    sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
+        "Unable to close due to unfinalised statements");
+    return SQLITE_BUSY;
+  }
+  assert( !sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) );
+  /* FIX ME: db->magic may be set to SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED if the database
+  ** cannot be opened for some reason. So this routine needs to run in
+  ** that case. But maybe there should be an extra magic value for the
+  ** "failed to open" state.
+  */
+  if( db->magic!=SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED && sqlite3SafetyOn(db) ){
+    /* printf("DID NOT CLOSE\n"); fflush(stdout); */
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  sqlite3VtabRollback(db);
+  for(j=0; j<db->nDb; j++){
+    struct Db *pDb = &db->aDb[j];
+    if( pDb->pBt ){
+      sqlite3BtreeClose(pDb->pBt);
+      pDb->pBt = 0;
+      if( j!=1 ){
+        pDb->pSchema = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
+  assert( db->nDb<=2 );
+  assert( db->aDb==db->aDbStatic );
+  for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aFunc); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
+    FuncDef *pFunc, *pNext;
+    for(pFunc = (FuncDef*)sqliteHashData(i); pFunc; pFunc=pNext){
+      pNext = pFunc->pNext;
+      sqliteFree(pFunc);
+    }
+  }
+  for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aCollSeq); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
+    CollSeq *pColl = (CollSeq *)sqliteHashData(i);
+    sqliteFree(pColl);
+  }
+  sqlite3HashClear(&db->aCollSeq);
+  for(i=sqliteHashFirst(&db->aModule); i; i=sqliteHashNext(i)){
+    Module *pMod = (Module *)sqliteHashData(i);
+    sqliteFree(pMod);
+  }
+  sqlite3HashClear(&db->aModule);
+  sqlite3HashClear(&db->aFunc);
+  sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0); /* Deallocates any cached error strings. */
+  if( db->pErr ){
+    sqlite3ValueFree(db->pErr);
+  }
+  sqlite3CloseExtensions(db);
+  db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_ERROR;
+  /* The temp-database schema is allocated differently from the other schema
+  ** objects (using sqliteMalloc() directly, instead of sqlite3BtreeSchema()).
+  ** So it needs to be freed here. Todo: Why not roll the temp schema into
+  ** the same sqliteMalloc() as the one that allocates the database 
+  ** structure?
+  */
+  sqliteFree(db->aDb[1].pSchema);
+  sqliteFree(db);
+  sqlite3ReleaseThreadData();
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Rollback all database files.
+void sqlite3RollbackAll(sqlite3 *db){
+  int i;
+  int inTrans = 0;
+  for(i=0; i<db->nDb; i++){
+    if( db->aDb[i].pBt ){
+      if( sqlite3BtreeIsInTrans(db->aDb[i].pBt) ){
+        inTrans = 1;
+      }
+      sqlite3BtreeRollback(db->aDb[i].pBt);
+      db->aDb[i].inTrans = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3VtabRollback(db);
+  if( db->flags&SQLITE_InternChanges ){
+    sqlite3ResetInternalSchema(db, 0);
+  }
+  /* If one has been configured, invoke the rollback-hook callback */
+  if( db->xRollbackCallback && (inTrans || !db->autoCommit) ){
+    db->xRollbackCallback(db->pRollbackArg);
+  }
+** Return a static string that describes the kind of error specified in the
+** argument.
+const char *sqlite3ErrStr(int rc){
+  const char *z;
+  switch( rc & 0xff ){
+    case SQLITE_ROW:
+    case SQLITE_DONE:
+    case SQLITE_OK:         z = "not an error";                          break;
+    case SQLITE_ERROR:      z = "SQL logic error or missing database";   break;
+    case SQLITE_PERM:       z = "access permission denied";              break;
+    case SQLITE_ABORT:      z = "callback requested query abort";        break;
+    case SQLITE_BUSY:       z = "database is locked";                    break;
+    case SQLITE_LOCKED:     z = "database table is locked";              break;
+    case SQLITE_NOMEM:      z = "out of memory";                         break;
+    case SQLITE_READONLY:   z = "attempt to write a readonly database";  break;
+    case SQLITE_INTERRUPT:  z = "interrupted";                           break;
+    case SQLITE_IOERR:      z = "disk I/O error";                        break;
+    case SQLITE_CORRUPT:    z = "database disk image is malformed";      break;
+    case SQLITE_FULL:       z = "database or disk is full";              break;
+    case SQLITE_CANTOPEN:   z = "unable to open database file";          break;
+    case SQLITE_PROTOCOL:   z = "database locking protocol failure";     break;
+    case SQLITE_EMPTY:      z = "table contains no data";                break;
+    case SQLITE_SCHEMA:     z = "database schema has changed";           break;
+    case SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: z = "constraint failed";                     break;
+    case SQLITE_MISMATCH:   z = "datatype mismatch";                     break;
+    case SQLITE_MISUSE:     z = "library routine called out of sequence";break;
+    case SQLITE_NOLFS:      z = "kernel lacks large file support";       break;
+    case SQLITE_AUTH:       z = "authorization denied";                  break;
+    case SQLITE_FORMAT:     z = "auxiliary database format error";       break;
+    case SQLITE_RANGE:      z = "bind or column index out of range";     break;
+    case SQLITE_NOTADB:     z = "file is encrypted or is not a database";break;
+    default:                z = "unknown error";                         break;
+  }
+  return z;
+** This routine implements a busy callback that sleeps and tries
+** again until a timeout value is reached.  The timeout value is
+** an integer number of milliseconds passed in as the first
+** argument.
+static int sqliteDefaultBusyCallback(
+ void *ptr,               /* Database connection */
+ int count                /* Number of times table has been busy */
+#if OS_WIN || (defined(HAVE_USLEEP) && HAVE_USLEEP)
+  static const u8 delays[] =
+     { 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 25,  25,  50,  50, 100 };
+  static const u8 totals[] =
+     { 0, 1, 3,  8, 18, 33, 53, 78, 103, 128, 178, 228 };
+# define NDELAY (sizeof(delays)/sizeof(delays[0]))
+  int timeout = ((sqlite3 *)ptr)->busyTimeout;
+  int delay, prior;
+  assert( count>=0 );
+  if( count < NDELAY ){
+    delay = delays[count];
+    prior = totals[count];
+  }else{
+    delay = delays[NDELAY-1];
+    prior = totals[NDELAY-1] + delay*(count-(NDELAY-1));
+  }
+  if( prior + delay > timeout ){
+    delay = timeout - prior;
+    if( delay<=0 ) return 0;
+  }
+  sqlite3OsSleep(delay);
+  return 1;
+  int timeout = ((sqlite3 *)ptr)->busyTimeout;
+  if( (count+1)*1000 > timeout ){
+    return 0;
+  }
+  sqlite3OsSleep(1000);
+  return 1;
+** Invoke the given busy handler.
+** This routine is called when an operation failed with a lock.
+** If this routine returns non-zero, the lock is retried.  If it
+** returns 0, the operation aborts with an SQLITE_BUSY error.
+int sqlite3InvokeBusyHandler(BusyHandler *p){
+  int rc;
+  if( p==0 || p->xFunc==0 || p->nBusy<0 ) return 0;
+  rc = p->xFunc(p->pArg, p->nBusy);
+  if( rc==0 ){
+    p->nBusy = -1;
+  }else{
+    p->nBusy++;
+  }
+  return rc; 
+** This routine sets the busy callback for an Sqlite database to the
+** given callback function with the given argument.
+int sqlite3_busy_handler(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  int (*xBusy)(void*,int),
+  void *pArg
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  db->busyHandler.xFunc = xBusy;
+  db->busyHandler.pArg = pArg;
+  db->busyHandler.nBusy = 0;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** This routine sets the progress callback for an Sqlite database to the
+** given callback function with the given argument. The progress callback will
+** be invoked every nOps opcodes.
+void sqlite3_progress_handler(
+  sqlite3 *db, 
+  int nOps,
+  int (*xProgress)(void*), 
+  void *pArg
+  if( !sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    if( nOps>0 ){
+      db->xProgress = xProgress;
+      db->nProgressOps = nOps;
+      db->pProgressArg = pArg;
+    }else{
+      db->xProgress = 0;
+      db->nProgressOps = 0;
+      db->pProgressArg = 0;
+    }
+  }
+** This routine installs a default busy handler that waits for the
+** specified number of milliseconds before returning 0.
+int sqlite3_busy_timeout(sqlite3 *db, int ms){
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  if( ms>0 ){
+    db->busyTimeout = ms;
+    sqlite3_busy_handler(db, sqliteDefaultBusyCallback, (void*)db);
+  }else{
+    sqlite3_busy_handler(db, 0, 0);
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Cause any pending operation to stop at its earliest opportunity.
+void sqlite3_interrupt(sqlite3 *db){
+  if( db && (db->magic==SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN || db->magic==SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY) ){
+    db->u1.isInterrupted = 1;
+  }
+** Memory allocation routines that use SQLites internal memory
+** memory allocator.  Depending on how SQLite is compiled, the
+** internal memory allocator might be just an alias for the
+** system default malloc/realloc/free.  Or the built-in allocator
+** might do extra stuff like put sentinals around buffers to 
+** check for overruns or look for memory leaks.
+** Use sqlite3_free() to free memory returned by sqlite3_mprintf().
+void sqlite3_free(void *p){ if( p ) sqlite3OsFree(p); }
+void *sqlite3_malloc(int nByte){ return nByte>0 ? sqlite3OsMalloc(nByte) : 0; }
+void *sqlite3_realloc(void *pOld, int nByte){ 
+  if( pOld ){
+    if( nByte>0 ){
+      return sqlite3OsRealloc(pOld, nByte);
+    }else{
+      sqlite3OsFree(pOld);
+      return 0;
+    }
+  }else{
+    return sqlite3_malloc(nByte);
+  }
+** This function is exactly the same as sqlite3_create_function(), except
+** that it is designed to be called by internal code. The difference is
+** that if a malloc() fails in sqlite3_create_function(), an error code
+** is returned and the mallocFailed flag cleared. 
+int sqlite3CreateFunc(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  const char *zFunctionName,
+  int nArg,
+  int enc,
+  void *pUserData,
+  void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
+  void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
+  void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
+  FuncDef *p;
+  int nName;
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  if( zFunctionName==0 ||
+      (xFunc && (xFinal || xStep)) || 
+      (!xFunc && (xFinal && !xStep)) ||
+      (!xFunc && (!xFinal && xStep)) ||
+      (nArg<-1 || nArg>127) ||
+      (255<(nName = strlen(zFunctionName))) ){
+    sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR, "bad parameters");
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+  /* If SQLITE_UTF16 is specified as the encoding type, transform this
+  ** to one of SQLITE_UTF16LE or SQLITE_UTF16BE using the
+  ** SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE macro. SQLITE_UTF16 is not used internally.
+  **
+  ** If SQLITE_ANY is specified, add three versions of the function
+  ** to the hash table.
+  */
+  if( enc==SQLITE_UTF16 ){
+    enc = SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE;
+  }else if( enc==SQLITE_ANY ){
+    int rc;
+    rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF8,
+         pUserData, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF16LE,
+        pUserData, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
+    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
+    enc = SQLITE_UTF16BE;
+  }
+  enc = SQLITE_UTF8;
+  /* Check if an existing function is being overridden or deleted. If so,
+  ** and there are active VMs, then return SQLITE_BUSY. If a function
+  ** is being overridden/deleted but there are no active VMs, allow the
+  ** operation to continue but invalidate all precompiled statements.
+  */
+  p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, enc, 0);
+  if( p && p->iPrefEnc==enc && p->nArg==nArg ){
+    if( db->activeVdbeCnt ){
+      sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
+        "Unable to delete/modify user-function due to active statements");
+      assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+      return SQLITE_BUSY;
+    }else{
+      sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db);
+    }
+  }
+  p = sqlite3FindFunction(db, zFunctionName, nName, nArg, enc, 1);
+  if( p ){
+    p->flags = 0;
+    p->xFunc = xFunc;
+    p->xStep = xStep;
+    p->xFinalize = xFinal;
+    p->pUserData = pUserData;
+    p->nArg = nArg;
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Create new user functions.
+int sqlite3_create_function(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  const char *zFunctionName,
+  int nArg,
+  int enc,
+  void *p,
+  void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
+  void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value **),
+  void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
+  int rc;
+  assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunctionName, nArg, enc, p, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+int sqlite3_create_function16(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  const void *zFunctionName,
+  int nArg,
+  int eTextRep,
+  void *p,
+  void (*xFunc)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
+  void (*xStep)(sqlite3_context*,int,sqlite3_value**),
+  void (*xFinal)(sqlite3_context*)
+  int rc;
+  char *zFunc8;
+  assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  zFunc8 = sqlite3utf16to8(zFunctionName, -1);
+  rc = sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zFunc8, nArg, eTextRep, p, xFunc, xStep, xFinal);
+  sqliteFree(zFunc8);
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
+** Declare that a function has been overloaded by a virtual table.
+** If the function already exists as a regular global function, then
+** this routine is a no-op.  If the function does not exist, then create
+** a new one that always throws a run-time error.  
+** When virtual tables intend to provide an overloaded function, they
+** should call this routine to make sure the global function exists.
+** A global function must exist in order for name resolution to work
+** properly.
+int sqlite3_overload_function(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  const char *zName,
+  int nArg
+  int nName = strlen(zName);
+  if( sqlite3FindFunction(db, zName, nName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, 0)==0 ){
+    sqlite3CreateFunc(db, zName, nArg, SQLITE_UTF8,
+                      0, sqlite3InvalidFunction, 0, 0);
+  }
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(db, SQLITE_OK);
+** Register a trace function.  The pArg from the previously registered trace
+** is returned.  
+** A NULL trace function means that no tracing is executes.  A non-NULL
+** trace is a pointer to a function that is invoked at the start of each
+** SQL statement.
+void *sqlite3_trace(sqlite3 *db, void (*xTrace)(void*,const char*), void *pArg){
+  void *pOld = db->pTraceArg;
+  db->xTrace = xTrace;
+  db->pTraceArg = pArg;
+  return pOld;
+** Register a profile function.  The pArg from the previously registered 
+** profile function is returned.  
+** A NULL profile function means that no profiling is executes.  A non-NULL
+** profile is a pointer to a function that is invoked at the conclusion of
+** each SQL statement that is run.
+void *sqlite3_profile(
+  sqlite3 *db,
+  void (*xProfile)(void*,const char*,sqlite_uint64),
+  void *pArg
+  void *pOld = db->pProfileArg;
+  db->xProfile = xProfile;
+  db->pProfileArg = pArg;
+  return pOld;
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_TRACE */
+** Register a function to be invoked when a transaction comments.
+** If the invoked function returns non-zero, then the commit becomes a
+** rollback.
+void *sqlite3_commit_hook(
+  sqlite3 *db,              /* Attach the hook to this database */
+  int (*xCallback)(void*),  /* Function to invoke on each commit */
+  void *pArg                /* Argument to the function */
+  void *pOld = db->pCommitArg;
+  db->xCommitCallback = xCallback;
+  db->pCommitArg = pArg;
+  return pOld;
+** Register a callback to be invoked each time a row is updated,
+** inserted or deleted using this database connection.
+void *sqlite3_update_hook(
+  sqlite3 *db,              /* Attach the hook to this database */
+  void (*xCallback)(void*,int,char const *,char const *,sqlite_int64),
+  void *pArg                /* Argument to the function */
+  void *pRet = db->pUpdateArg;
+  db->xUpdateCallback = xCallback;
+  db->pUpdateArg = pArg;
+  return pRet;
+** Register a callback to be invoked each time a transaction is rolled
+** back by this database connection.
+void *sqlite3_rollback_hook(
+  sqlite3 *db,              /* Attach the hook to this database */
+  void (*xCallback)(void*), /* Callback function */
+  void *pArg                /* Argument to the function */
+  void *pRet = db->pRollbackArg;
+  db->xRollbackCallback = xCallback;
+  db->pRollbackArg = pArg;
+  return pRet;
+** This routine is called to create a connection to a database BTree
+** driver.  If zFilename is the name of a file, then that file is
+** opened and used.  If zFilename is the magic name ":memory:" then
+** the database is stored in memory (and is thus forgotten as soon as
+** the connection is closed.)  If zFilename is NULL then the database
+** is a "virtual" database for transient use only and is deleted as
+** soon as the connection is closed.
+** A virtual database can be either a disk file (that is automatically
+** deleted when the file is closed) or it an be held entirely in memory,
+** depending on the values of the TEMP_STORE compile-time macro and the
+** db->temp_store variable, according to the following chart:
+**       TEMP_STORE     db->temp_store     Location of temporary database
+**       ----------     --------------     ------------------------------
+**           0               any             file
+**           1                1              file
+**           1                2              memory
+**           1                0              file
+**           2                1              file
+**           2                2              memory
+**           2                0              memory
+**           3               any             memory
+int sqlite3BtreeFactory(
+  const sqlite3 *db,        /* Main database when opening aux otherwise 0 */
+  const char *zFilename,    /* Name of the file containing the BTree database */
+  int omitJournal,          /* if TRUE then do not journal this file */
+  int nCache,               /* How many pages in the page cache */
+  Btree **ppBtree           /* Pointer to new Btree object written here */
+  int btree_flags = 0;
+  int rc;
+  assert( ppBtree != 0);
+  if( omitJournal ){
+    btree_flags |= BTREE_OMIT_JOURNAL;
+  }
+  if( db->flags & SQLITE_NoReadlock ){
+    btree_flags |= BTREE_NO_READLOCK;
+  }
+  if( zFilename==0 ){
+#if TEMP_STORE==0
+    /* Do nothing */
+#if TEMP_STORE==1
+    if( db->temp_store==2 ) zFilename = ":memory:";
+#if TEMP_STORE==2
+    if( db->temp_store!=1 ) zFilename = ":memory:";
+#if TEMP_STORE==3
+    zFilename = ":memory:";
+  }
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeOpen(zFilename, (sqlite3 *)db, ppBtree, btree_flags);
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3BtreeSetBusyHandler(*ppBtree, (void*)&db->busyHandler);
+    sqlite3BtreeSetCacheSize(*ppBtree, nCache);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Return UTF-8 encoded English language explanation of the most recent
+** error.
+const char *sqlite3_errmsg(sqlite3 *db){
+  const char *z;
+  if( !db || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    return sqlite3ErrStr(SQLITE_NOMEM);
+  }
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) || db->errCode==SQLITE_MISUSE ){
+    return sqlite3ErrStr(SQLITE_MISUSE);
+  }
+  z = (char*)sqlite3_value_text(db->pErr);
+  if( z==0 ){
+    z = sqlite3ErrStr(db->errCode);
+  }
+  return z;
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+** Return UTF-16 encoded English language explanation of the most recent
+** error.
+const void *sqlite3_errmsg16(sqlite3 *db){
+  /* Because all the characters in the string are in the unicode
+  ** range 0x00-0xFF, if we pad the big-endian string with a 
+  ** zero byte, we can obtain the little-endian string with
+  ** &big_endian[1].
+  */
+  static const char outOfMemBe[] = {
+    0, 'o', 0, 'u', 0, 't', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 'o', 0, 'f', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 'm', 0, 'e', 0, 'm', 0, 'o', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0, 0, 0
+  };
+  static const char misuseBe [] = {
+    0, 'l', 0, 'i', 0, 'b', 0, 'r', 0, 'a', 0, 'r', 0, 'y', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 'r', 0, 'o', 0, 'u', 0, 't', 0, 'i', 0, 'n', 0, 'e', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 'c', 0, 'a', 0, 'l', 0, 'l', 0, 'e', 0, 'd', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 'o', 0, 'u', 0, 't', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 'o', 0, 'f', 0, ' ', 
+    0, 's', 0, 'e', 0, 'q', 0, 'u', 0, 'e', 0, 'n', 0, 'c', 0, 'e', 0, 0, 0
+  };
+  const void *z;
+  if( sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    return (void *)(&outOfMemBe[SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE==SQLITE_UTF16LE?1:0]);
+  }
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) || db->errCode==SQLITE_MISUSE ){
+    return (void *)(&misuseBe[SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE==SQLITE_UTF16LE?1:0]);
+  }
+  z = sqlite3_value_text16(db->pErr);
+  if( z==0 ){
+    sqlite3ValueSetStr(db->pErr, -1, sqlite3ErrStr(db->errCode),
+    z = sqlite3_value_text16(db->pErr);
+  }
+  sqlite3ApiExit(0, 0);
+  return z;
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
+** Return the most recent error code generated by an SQLite routine. If NULL is
+** passed to this function, we assume a malloc() failed during sqlite3_open().
+int sqlite3_errcode(sqlite3 *db){
+  if( !db || sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  return db->errCode & db->errMask;
+** Create a new collating function for database "db".  The name is zName
+** and the encoding is enc.
+static int createCollation(
+  sqlite3* db, 
+  const char *zName, 
+  int enc, 
+  void* pCtx,
+  int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  int enc2;
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  /* If SQLITE_UTF16 is specified as the encoding type, transform this
+  ** to one of SQLITE_UTF16LE or SQLITE_UTF16BE using the
+  ** SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE macro. SQLITE_UTF16 is not used internally.
+  */
+  enc2 = enc & ~SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED;
+  if( enc2==SQLITE_UTF16 ){
+    enc2 = SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE;
+  }
+  if( (enc2&~3)!=0 ){
+    sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_ERROR, "unknown encoding");
+    return SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  /* Check if this call is removing or replacing an existing collation 
+  ** sequence. If so, and there are active VMs, return busy. If there
+  ** are no active VMs, invalidate any pre-compiled statements.
+  */
+  pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, strlen(zName), 0);
+  if( pColl && pColl->xCmp ){
+    if( db->activeVdbeCnt ){
+      sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_BUSY, 
+        "Unable to delete/modify collation sequence due to active statements");
+      return SQLITE_BUSY;
+    }
+    sqlite3ExpirePreparedStatements(db);
+  }
+  pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, (u8)enc2, zName, strlen(zName), 1);
+  if( pColl ){
+    pColl->xCmp = xCompare;
+    pColl->pUser = pCtx;
+    pColl->enc = enc2 | (enc & SQLITE_UTF16_ALIGNED);
+  }
+  sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** This routine does the work of opening a database on behalf of
+** sqlite3_open() and sqlite3_open16(). The database filename "zFilename"  
+** is UTF-8 encoded.
+static int openDatabase(
+  const char *zFilename, /* Database filename UTF-8 encoded */
+  sqlite3 **ppDb         /* OUT: Returned database handle */
+  sqlite3 *db;
+  int rc;
+  CollSeq *pColl;
+  assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  /* Allocate the sqlite data structure */
+  db = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(sqlite3) );
+  if( db==0 ) goto opendb_out;
+  db->errMask = 0xff;
+  db->priorNewRowid = 0;
+  db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_BUSY;
+  db->nDb = 2;
+  db->aDb = db->aDbStatic;
+  db->autoCommit = 1;
+  db->flags |= SQLITE_ShortColNames
+                 | SQLITE_LegacyFileFmt
+      ;
+  sqlite3HashInit(&db->aFunc, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+  sqlite3HashInit(&db->aCollSeq, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+  sqlite3HashInit(&db->aModule, SQLITE_HASH_STRING, 0);
+  /* Add the default collation sequence BINARY. BINARY works for both UTF-8
+  ** and UTF-16, so add a version for each to avoid any unnecessary
+  ** conversions. The only error that can occur here is a malloc() failure.
+  */
+  if( createCollation(db, "BINARY", SQLITE_UTF8, 0, binCollFunc) ||
+      createCollation(db, "BINARY", SQLITE_UTF16BE, 0, binCollFunc) ||
+      createCollation(db, "BINARY", SQLITE_UTF16LE, 0, binCollFunc) ||
+      (db->pDfltColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, "BINARY", 6, 0))==0 
+  ){
+    assert( sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+    db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED;
+    goto opendb_out;
+  }
+  /* Also add a UTF-8 case-insensitive collation sequence. */
+  createCollation(db, "NOCASE", SQLITE_UTF8, 0, nocaseCollatingFunc);
+  /* Set flags on the built-in collating sequences */
+  db->pDfltColl->type = SQLITE_COLL_BINARY;
+  pColl = sqlite3FindCollSeq(db, SQLITE_UTF8, "NOCASE", 6, 0);
+  if( pColl ){
+    pColl->type = SQLITE_COLL_NOCASE;
+  }
+  /* Open the backend database driver */
+  rc = sqlite3BtreeFactory(db, zFilename, 0, MAX_PAGES, &db->aDb[0].pBt);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3Error(db, rc, 0);
+    db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_CLOSED;
+    goto opendb_out;
+  }
+  db->aDb[0].pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(db->aDb[0].pBt);
+  db->aDb[1].pSchema = sqlite3SchemaGet(0);
+  /* The default safety_level for the main database is 'full'; for the temp
+  ** database it is 'NONE'. This matches the pager layer defaults.  
+  */
+  db->aDb[0].zName = "main";
+  db->aDb[0].safety_level = 3;
+  db->aDb[1].zName = "temp";
+  db->aDb[1].safety_level = 1;
+  /* Register all built-in functions, but do not attempt to read the
+  ** database schema yet. This is delayed until the first time the database
+  ** is accessed.
+  */
+  if( !sqlite3MallocFailed() ){
+    sqlite3Error(db, SQLITE_OK, 0);
+    sqlite3RegisterBuiltinFunctions(db);
+  }
+  db->magic = SQLITE_MAGIC_OPEN;
+  /* Load automatic extensions - extensions that have been registered
+  ** using the sqlite3_automatic_extension() API.
+  */
+  (void)sqlite3AutoLoadExtensions(db);
+  {
+    extern int sqlite3Fts1Init(sqlite3*);
+    sqlite3Fts1Init(db);
+  }
+  {
+    extern int sqlite3Fts2Init(sqlite3*);
+    sqlite3Fts2Init(db);
+  }
+  if( SQLITE_NOMEM==(rc = sqlite3_errcode(db)) ){
+    sqlite3_close(db);
+    db = 0;
+  }
+  *ppDb = db;
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
+** Open a new database handle.
+int sqlite3_open(
+  const char *zFilename, 
+  sqlite3 **ppDb 
+  return openDatabase(zFilename, ppDb);
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+** Open a new database handle.
+int sqlite3_open16(
+  const void *zFilename, 
+  sqlite3 **ppDb
+  char const *zFilename8;   /* zFilename encoded in UTF-8 instead of UTF-16 */
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  sqlite3_value *pVal;
+  assert( zFilename );
+  assert( ppDb );
+  *ppDb = 0;
+  pVal = sqlite3ValueNew();
+  sqlite3ValueSetStr(pVal, -1, zFilename, SQLITE_UTF16NATIVE, SQLITE_STATIC);
+  zFilename8 = sqlite3ValueText(pVal, SQLITE_UTF8);
+  if( zFilename8 ){
+    rc = openDatabase(zFilename8, ppDb);
+    if( rc==SQLITE_OK && *ppDb ){
+      rc = sqlite3_exec(*ppDb, "PRAGMA encoding = 'UTF-16'", 0, 0, 0);
+      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+        sqlite3_close(*ppDb);
+        *ppDb = 0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3ValueFree(pVal);
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(0, rc);
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
+** The following routine destroys a virtual machine that is created by
+** the sqlite3_compile() routine. The integer returned is an SQLITE_
+** success/failure code that describes the result of executing the virtual
+** machine.
+** This routine sets the error code and string returned by
+** sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16().
+int sqlite3_finalize(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
+  int rc;
+  if( pStmt==0 ){
+    rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  }else{
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeFinalize((Vdbe*)pStmt);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Terminate the current execution of an SQL statement and reset it
+** back to its starting state so that it can be reused. A success code from
+** the prior execution is returned.
+** This routine sets the error code and string returned by
+** sqlite3_errcode(), sqlite3_errmsg() and sqlite3_errmsg16().
+int sqlite3_reset(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
+  int rc;
+  if( pStmt==0 ){
+    rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  }else{
+    rc = sqlite3VdbeReset((Vdbe*)pStmt);
+    sqlite3VdbeMakeReady((Vdbe*)pStmt, -1, 0, 0, 0);
+    assert( (rc & (sqlite3_db_handle(pStmt)->errMask))==rc );
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Register a new collation sequence with the database handle db.
+int sqlite3_create_collation(
+  sqlite3* db, 
+  const char *zName, 
+  int enc, 
+  void* pCtx,
+  int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
+  int rc;
+  assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  rc = createCollation(db, zName, enc, pCtx, xCompare);
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+** Register a new collation sequence with the database handle db.
+int sqlite3_create_collation16(
+  sqlite3* db, 
+  const char *zName, 
+  int enc, 
+  void* pCtx,
+  int(*xCompare)(void*,int,const void*,int,const void*)
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  char *zName8; 
+  assert( !sqlite3MallocFailed() );
+  zName8 = sqlite3utf16to8(zName, -1);
+  if( zName8 ){
+    rc = createCollation(db, zName8, enc, pCtx, xCompare);
+    sqliteFree(zName8);
+  }
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
+** Register a collation sequence factory callback with the database handle
+** db. Replace any previously installed collation sequence factory.
+int sqlite3_collation_needed(
+  sqlite3 *db, 
+  void *pCollNeededArg, 
+  void(*xCollNeeded)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const char*)
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  db->xCollNeeded = xCollNeeded;
+  db->xCollNeeded16 = 0;
+  db->pCollNeededArg = pCollNeededArg;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+#ifndef SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16
+** Register a collation sequence factory callback with the database handle
+** db. Replace any previously installed collation sequence factory.
+int sqlite3_collation_needed16(
+  sqlite3 *db, 
+  void *pCollNeededArg, 
+  void(*xCollNeeded16)(void*,sqlite3*,int eTextRep,const void*)
+  if( sqlite3SafetyCheck(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  db->xCollNeeded = 0;
+  db->xCollNeeded16 = xCollNeeded16;
+  db->pCollNeededArg = pCollNeededArg;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_UTF16 */
+** This function is now an anachronism. It used to be used to recover from a
+** malloc() failure, but SQLite now does this automatically.
+int sqlite3_global_recover(){
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Test to see whether or not the database connection is in autocommit
+** mode.  Return TRUE if it is and FALSE if not.  Autocommit mode is on
+** by default.  Autocommit is disabled by a BEGIN statement and reenabled
+** by the next COMMIT or ROLLBACK.
+int sqlite3_get_autocommit(sqlite3 *db){
+  return db->autoCommit;
+** The following routine is subtituted for constant SQLITE_CORRUPT in
+** debugging builds.  This provides a way to set a breakpoint for when
+** corruption is first detected.
+int sqlite3Corrupt(void){
+** Enable or disable the shared pager and schema features for the
+** current thread.
+** This routine should only be called when there are no open
+** database connections.
+int sqlite3_enable_shared_cache(int enable){
+  ThreadData *pTd = sqlite3ThreadData();
+  if( pTd ){
+    /* It is only legal to call sqlite3_enable_shared_cache() when there
+    ** are no currently open b-trees that were opened by the calling thread.
+    ** This condition is only easy to detect if the shared-cache were 
+    ** previously enabled (and is being disabled). 
+    */
+    if( pTd->pBtree && !enable ){
+      assert( pTd->useSharedData );
+      return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+    }
+    pTd->useSharedData = enable;
+    sqlite3ReleaseThreadData();
+  }
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(0, SQLITE_OK);
+** This is a convenience routine that makes sure that all thread-specific
+** data for this thread has been deallocated.
+void sqlite3_thread_cleanup(void){
+  ThreadData *pTd = sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData(0);
+  if( pTd ){
+    memset(pTd, 0, sizeof(*pTd));
+    sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData(-1);
+  }
+** Return meta information about a specific column of a database table.
+** See comment in sqlite3.h (sqlite.h.in) for details.
+int sqlite3_table_column_metadata(
+  sqlite3 *db,                /* Connection handle */
+  const char *zDbName,        /* Database name or NULL */
+  const char *zTableName,     /* Table name */
+  const char *zColumnName,    /* Column name */
+  char const **pzDataType,    /* OUTPUT: Declared data type */
+  char const **pzCollSeq,     /* OUTPUT: Collation sequence name */
+  int *pNotNull,              /* OUTPUT: True if NOT NULL constraint exists */
+  int *pPrimaryKey,           /* OUTPUT: True if column part of PK */
+  int *pAutoinc               /* OUTPUT: True if colums is auto-increment */
+  int rc;
+  char *zErrMsg = 0;
+  Table *pTab = 0;
+  Column *pCol = 0;
+  int iCol;
+  char const *zDataType = 0;
+  char const *zCollSeq = 0;
+  int notnull = 0;
+  int primarykey = 0;
+  int autoinc = 0;
+  /* Ensure the database schema has been loaded */
+  if( sqlite3SafetyOn(db) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  rc = sqlite3Init(db, &zErrMsg);
+  if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
+    goto error_out;
+  }
+  /* Locate the table in question */
+  pTab = sqlite3FindTable(db, zTableName, zDbName);
+  if( !pTab || pTab->pSelect ){
+    pTab = 0;
+    goto error_out;
+  }
+  /* Find the column for which info is requested */
+  if( sqlite3IsRowid(zColumnName) ){
+    iCol = pTab->iPKey;
+    if( iCol>=0 ){
+      pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
+    }
+  }else{
+    for(iCol=0; iCol<pTab->nCol; iCol++){
+      pCol = &pTab->aCol[iCol];
+      if( 0==sqlite3StrICmp(pCol->zName, zColumnName) ){
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if( iCol==pTab->nCol ){
+      pTab = 0;
+      goto error_out;
+    }
+  }
+  /* The following block stores the meta information that will be returned
+  ** to the caller in local variables zDataType, zCollSeq, notnull, primarykey
+  ** and autoinc. At this point there are two possibilities:
+  ** 
+  **     1. The specified column name was rowid", "oid" or "_rowid_" 
+  **        and there is no explicitly declared IPK column. 
+  **
+  **     2. The table is not a view and the column name identified an 
+  **        explicitly declared column. Copy meta information from *pCol.
+  */ 
+  if( pCol ){
+    zDataType = pCol->zType;
+    zCollSeq = pCol->zColl;
+    notnull = (pCol->notNull?1:0);
+    primarykey  = (pCol->isPrimKey?1:0);
+    autoinc = ((pTab->iPKey==iCol && pTab->autoInc)?1:0);
+  }else{
+    zDataType = "INTEGER";
+    primarykey = 1;
+  }
+  if( !zCollSeq ){
+    zCollSeq = "BINARY";
+  }
+  if( sqlite3SafetyOff(db) ){
+    rc = SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  /* Whether the function call succeeded or failed, set the output parameters
+  ** to whatever their local counterparts contain. If an error did occur,
+  ** this has the effect of zeroing all output parameters.
+  */
+  if( pzDataType ) *pzDataType = zDataType;
+  if( pzCollSeq ) *pzCollSeq = zCollSeq;
+  if( pNotNull ) *pNotNull = notnull;
+  if( pPrimaryKey ) *pPrimaryKey = primarykey;
+  if( pAutoinc ) *pAutoinc = autoinc;
+  if( SQLITE_OK==rc && !pTab ){
+    sqlite3SetString(&zErrMsg, "no such table column: ", zTableName, ".", 
+        zColumnName, 0);
+    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
+  }
+  sqlite3Error(db, rc, (zErrMsg?"%s":0), zErrMsg);
+  sqliteFree(zErrMsg);
+  return sqlite3ApiExit(db, rc);
+** Set all the parameters in the compiled SQL statement to NULL.
+int sqlite3_clear_bindings(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt){
+  int i;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  for(i=1; rc==SQLITE_OK && i<=sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(pStmt); i++){
+    rc = sqlite3_bind_null(pStmt, i);
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Sleep for a little while.  Return the amount of time slept.
+int sqlite3_sleep(int ms){
+  return sqlite3OsSleep(ms);
+** Enable or disable the extended result codes.
+int sqlite3_extended_result_codes(sqlite3 *db, int onoff){
+  db->errMask = onoff ? 0xffffffff : 0xff;
+  return SQLITE_OK;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/opcodes.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/opcodes.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/opcodes.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+/* Automatically generated.  Do not edit */
+/* See the mkopcodec.awk script for details. */
+#if !defined(SQLITE_OMIT_EXPLAIN) || !defined(NDEBUG) || defined(VDBE_PROFILE) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+const char *const sqlite3OpcodeNames[] = { "?",
+ /*   1 */ "MemLoad",
+ /*   2 */ "VNext",
+ /*   3 */ "Column",
+ /*   4 */ "SetCookie",
+ /*   5 */ "IfMemPos",
+ /*   6 */ "Sequence",
+ /*   7 */ "MoveGt",
+ /*   8 */ "RowKey",
+ /*   9 */ "OpenWrite",
+ /*  10 */ "If",
+ /*  11 */ "Pop",
+ /*  12 */ "VRowid",
+ /*  13 */ "CollSeq",
+ /*  14 */ "OpenRead",
+ /*  15 */ "Expire",
+ /*  16 */ "Not",
+ /*  17 */ "AutoCommit",
+ /*  18 */ "IntegrityCk",
+ /*  19 */ "Sort",
+ /*  20 */ "Function",
+ /*  21 */ "Noop",
+ /*  22 */ "Return",
+ /*  23 */ "NewRowid",
+ /*  24 */ "IfMemNeg",
+ /*  25 */ "Variable",
+ /*  26 */ "String",
+ /*  27 */ "RealAffinity",
+ /*  28 */ "ParseSchema",
+ /*  29 */ "VOpen",
+ /*  30 */ "Close",
+ /*  31 */ "CreateIndex",
+ /*  32 */ "IsUnique",
+ /*  33 */ "NotFound",
+ /*  34 */ "Int64",
+ /*  35 */ "MustBeInt",
+ /*  36 */ "Halt",
+ /*  37 */ "Rowid",
+ /*  38 */ "IdxLT",
+ /*  39 */ "AddImm",
+ /*  40 */ "Statement",
+ /*  41 */ "RowData",
+ /*  42 */ "MemMax",
+ /*  43 */ "Push",
+ /*  44 */ "NotExists",
+ /*  45 */ "MemIncr",
+ /*  46 */ "Gosub",
+ /*  47 */ "Integer",
+ /*  48 */ "MemInt",
+ /*  49 */ "Prev",
+ /*  50 */ "VColumn",
+ /*  51 */ "CreateTable",
+ /*  52 */ "Last",
+ /*  53 */ "IdxRowid",
+ /*  54 */ "MakeIdxRec",
+ /*  55 */ "ResetCount",
+ /*  56 */ "FifoWrite",
+ /*  57 */ "Callback",
+ /*  58 */ "ContextPush",
+ /*  59 */ "DropTrigger",
+ /*  60 */ "DropIndex",
+ /*  61 */ "Or",
+ /*  62 */ "And",
+ /*  63 */ "IdxGE",
+ /*  64 */ "IdxDelete",
+ /*  65 */ "Vacuum",
+ /*  66 */ "IsNull",
+ /*  67 */ "NotNull",
+ /*  68 */ "Ne",
+ /*  69 */ "Eq",
+ /*  70 */ "Gt",
+ /*  71 */ "Le",
+ /*  72 */ "Lt",
+ /*  73 */ "Ge",
+ /*  74 */ "MoveLe",
+ /*  75 */ "BitAnd",
+ /*  76 */ "BitOr",
+ /*  77 */ "ShiftLeft",
+ /*  78 */ "ShiftRight",
+ /*  79 */ "Add",
+ /*  80 */ "Subtract",
+ /*  81 */ "Multiply",
+ /*  82 */ "Divide",
+ /*  83 */ "Remainder",
+ /*  84 */ "Concat",
+ /*  85 */ "IfNot",
+ /*  86 */ "Negative",
+ /*  87 */ "DropTable",
+ /*  88 */ "BitNot",
+ /*  89 */ "String8",
+ /*  90 */ "MakeRecord",
+ /*  91 */ "Delete",
+ /*  92 */ "AggFinal",
+ /*  93 */ "Dup",
+ /*  94 */ "Goto",
+ /*  95 */ "TableLock",
+ /*  96 */ "FifoRead",
+ /*  97 */ "Clear",
+ /*  98 */ "IdxGT",
+ /*  99 */ "MoveLt",
+ /* 100 */ "VerifyCookie",
+ /* 101 */ "AggStep",
+ /* 102 */ "Pull",
+ /* 103 */ "SetNumColumns",
+ /* 104 */ "AbsValue",
+ /* 105 */ "Transaction",
+ /* 106 */ "VFilter",
+ /* 107 */ "VDestroy",
+ /* 108 */ "ContextPop",
+ /* 109 */ "Next",
+ /* 110 */ "IdxInsert",
+ /* 111 */ "Distinct",
+ /* 112 */ "Insert",
+ /* 113 */ "Destroy",
+ /* 114 */ "ReadCookie",
+ /* 115 */ "ForceInt",
+ /* 116 */ "LoadAnalysis",
+ /* 117 */ "Explain",
+ /* 118 */ "IfMemZero",
+ /* 119 */ "OpenPseudo",
+ /* 120 */ "OpenEphemeral",
+ /* 121 */ "Null",
+ /* 122 */ "Blob",
+ /* 123 */ "MemStore",
+ /* 124 */ "Rewind",
+ /* 125 */ "MoveGe",
+ /* 126 */ "Real",
+ /* 127 */ "HexBlob",
+ /* 128 */ "VBegin",
+ /* 129 */ "VUpdate",
+ /* 130 */ "VCreate",
+ /* 131 */ "MemMove",
+ /* 132 */ "MemNull",
+ /* 133 */ "Found",
+ /* 134 */ "NullRow",
+ /* 135 */ "NotUsed_135",
+ /* 136 */ "NotUsed_136",
+ /* 137 */ "NotUsed_137",
+ /* 138 */ "NotUsed_138",
+ /* 139 */ "ToText",
+ /* 140 */ "ToBlob",
+ /* 141 */ "ToNumeric",
+ /* 142 */ "ToInt",
+ /* 143 */ "ToReal",

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/opcodes.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/opcodes.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/opcodes.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+/* Automatically generated.  Do not edit */
+/* See the mkopcodeh.awk script for details */
+#define OP_MemLoad                              1
+#define OP_VNext                                2
+#define OP_HexBlob                            127   /* same as TK_BLOB     */
+#define OP_Column                               3
+#define OP_SetCookie                            4
+#define OP_IfMemPos                             5
+#define OP_Real                               126   /* same as TK_FLOAT    */
+#define OP_Sequence                             6
+#define OP_MoveGt                               7
+#define OP_Ge                                  73   /* same as TK_GE       */
+#define OP_RowKey                               8
+#define OP_Eq                                  69   /* same as TK_EQ       */
+#define OP_OpenWrite                            9
+#define OP_NotNull                             67   /* same as TK_NOTNULL  */
+#define OP_If                                  10
+#define OP_ToInt                              142   /* same as TK_TO_INT   */
+#define OP_String8                             89   /* same as TK_STRING   */
+#define OP_Pop                                 11
+#define OP_VRowid                              12
+#define OP_CollSeq                             13
+#define OP_OpenRead                            14
+#define OP_Expire                              15
+#define OP_AutoCommit                          17
+#define OP_Gt                                  70   /* same as TK_GT       */
+#define OP_IntegrityCk                         18
+#define OP_Sort                                19
+#define OP_Function                            20
+#define OP_And                                 62   /* same as TK_AND      */
+#define OP_Subtract                            80   /* same as TK_MINUS    */
+#define OP_Noop                                21
+#define OP_Return                              22
+#define OP_Remainder                           83   /* same as TK_REM      */
+#define OP_NewRowid                            23
+#define OP_Multiply                            81   /* same as TK_STAR     */
+#define OP_IfMemNeg                            24
+#define OP_Variable                            25
+#define OP_String                              26
+#define OP_RealAffinity                        27
+#define OP_ParseSchema                         28
+#define OP_VOpen                               29
+#define OP_Close                               30
+#define OP_CreateIndex                         31
+#define OP_IsUnique                            32
+#define OP_NotFound                            33
+#define OP_Int64                               34
+#define OP_MustBeInt                           35
+#define OP_Halt                                36
+#define OP_Rowid                               37
+#define OP_IdxLT                               38
+#define OP_AddImm                              39
+#define OP_Statement                           40
+#define OP_RowData                             41
+#define OP_MemMax                              42
+#define OP_Push                                43
+#define OP_Or                                  61   /* same as TK_OR       */
+#define OP_NotExists                           44
+#define OP_MemIncr                             45
+#define OP_Gosub                               46
+#define OP_Divide                              82   /* same as TK_SLASH    */
+#define OP_Integer                             47
+#define OP_ToNumeric                          141   /* same as TK_TO_NUMERIC*/
+#define OP_MemInt                              48
+#define OP_Prev                                49
+#define OP_Concat                              84   /* same as TK_CONCAT   */
+#define OP_BitAnd                              75   /* same as TK_BITAND   */
+#define OP_VColumn                             50
+#define OP_CreateTable                         51
+#define OP_Last                                52
+#define OP_IsNull                              66   /* same as TK_ISNULL   */
+#define OP_IdxRowid                            53
+#define OP_MakeIdxRec                          54
+#define OP_ShiftRight                          78   /* same as TK_RSHIFT   */
+#define OP_ResetCount                          55
+#define OP_FifoWrite                           56
+#define OP_Callback                            57
+#define OP_ContextPush                         58
+#define OP_DropTrigger                         59
+#define OP_DropIndex                           60
+#define OP_IdxGE                               63
+#define OP_IdxDelete                           64
+#define OP_Vacuum                              65
+#define OP_MoveLe                              74
+#define OP_IfNot                               85
+#define OP_DropTable                           87
+#define OP_MakeRecord                          90
+#define OP_ToBlob                             140   /* same as TK_TO_BLOB  */
+#define OP_Delete                              91
+#define OP_AggFinal                            92
+#define OP_ShiftLeft                           77   /* same as TK_LSHIFT   */
+#define OP_Dup                                 93
+#define OP_Goto                                94
+#define OP_TableLock                           95
+#define OP_FifoRead                            96
+#define OP_Clear                               97
+#define OP_IdxGT                               98
+#define OP_MoveLt                              99
+#define OP_Le                                  71   /* same as TK_LE       */
+#define OP_VerifyCookie                       100
+#define OP_AggStep                            101
+#define OP_Pull                               102
+#define OP_ToText                             139   /* same as TK_TO_TEXT  */
+#define OP_Not                                 16   /* same as TK_NOT      */
+#define OP_ToReal                             143   /* same as TK_TO_REAL  */
+#define OP_SetNumColumns                      103
+#define OP_AbsValue                           104
+#define OP_Transaction                        105
+#define OP_VFilter                            106
+#define OP_Negative                            86   /* same as TK_UMINUS   */
+#define OP_Ne                                  68   /* same as TK_NE       */
+#define OP_VDestroy                           107
+#define OP_ContextPop                         108
+#define OP_BitOr                               76   /* same as TK_BITOR    */
+#define OP_Next                               109
+#define OP_IdxInsert                          110
+#define OP_Distinct                           111
+#define OP_Lt                                  72   /* same as TK_LT       */
+#define OP_Insert                             112
+#define OP_Destroy                            113
+#define OP_ReadCookie                         114
+#define OP_ForceInt                           115
+#define OP_LoadAnalysis                       116
+#define OP_Explain                            117
+#define OP_IfMemZero                          118
+#define OP_OpenPseudo                         119
+#define OP_OpenEphemeral                      120
+#define OP_Null                               121
+#define OP_Blob                               122
+#define OP_Add                                 79   /* same as TK_PLUS     */
+#define OP_MemStore                           123
+#define OP_Rewind                             124
+#define OP_MoveGe                             125
+#define OP_VBegin                             128
+#define OP_VUpdate                            129
+#define OP_BitNot                              88   /* same as TK_BITNOT   */
+#define OP_VCreate                            130
+#define OP_MemMove                            131
+#define OP_MemNull                            132
+#define OP_Found                              133
+#define OP_NullRow                            134
+/* The following opcode values are never used */
+#define OP_NotUsed_135                        135
+#define OP_NotUsed_136                        136
+#define OP_NotUsed_137                        137
+#define OP_NotUsed_138                        138
+/* Opcodes that are guaranteed to never push a value onto the stack
+** contain a 1 their corresponding position of the following mask
+** set.  See the opcodeNoPush() function in vdbeaux.c  */
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_0 0xeeb4
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_1 0x796b
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_2 0x7ddb
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_3 0xff92
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_4 0xffff
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_5 0xd9ef
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_6 0xfefe
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_7 0x39d9
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_8 0xf867
+#define NOPUSH_MASK_9 0x0000

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+** 2005 November 29
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains OS interface code that is common to all
+** architectures.
+#define _SQLITE_OS_C_ 1
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+** The following routines are convenience wrappers around methods
+** of the OsFile object.  This is mostly just syntactic sugar.  All
+** of this would be completely automatic if SQLite were coded using
+** C++ instead of plain old C.
+int sqlite3OsClose(OsFile **pId){
+  OsFile *id;
+  if( pId!=0 && (id = *pId)!=0 ){
+    return id->pMethod->xClose(pId);
+  }else{
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+int sqlite3OsOpenDirectory(OsFile *id, const char *zName){
+  return id->pMethod->xOpenDirectory(id, zName);
+int sqlite3OsRead(OsFile *id, void *pBuf, int amt){
+  return id->pMethod->xRead(id, pBuf, amt);
+int sqlite3OsWrite(OsFile *id, const void *pBuf, int amt){
+  return id->pMethod->xWrite(id, pBuf, amt);
+int sqlite3OsSeek(OsFile *id, i64 offset){
+  return id->pMethod->xSeek(id, offset);
+int sqlite3OsTruncate(OsFile *id, i64 size){
+  return id->pMethod->xTruncate(id, size);
+int sqlite3OsSync(OsFile *id, int fullsync){
+  return id->pMethod->xSync(id, fullsync);
+void sqlite3OsSetFullSync(OsFile *id, int value){
+  id->pMethod->xSetFullSync(id, value);
+#if defined(SQLITE_TEST) || defined(SQLITE_DEBUG)
+/* This method is currently only used while interactively debugging the 
+** pager. More specificly, it can only be used when sqlite3DebugPrintf() is
+** included in the build. */
+int sqlite3OsFileHandle(OsFile *id){
+  return id->pMethod->xFileHandle(id);
+int sqlite3OsFileSize(OsFile *id, i64 *pSize){
+  return id->pMethod->xFileSize(id, pSize);
+int sqlite3OsLock(OsFile *id, int lockType){
+  return id->pMethod->xLock(id, lockType);
+int sqlite3OsUnlock(OsFile *id, int lockType){
+  return id->pMethod->xUnlock(id, lockType);
+int sqlite3OsLockState(OsFile *id){
+  return id->pMethod->xLockState(id);
+int sqlite3OsCheckReservedLock(OsFile *id){
+  return id->pMethod->xCheckReservedLock(id);
+** A function to return a pointer to the virtual function table.
+** This routine really does not accomplish very much since the
+** virtual function table is a global variable and anybody who
+** can call this function can just as easily access the variable
+** for themselves.  Nevertheless, we include this routine for
+** backwards compatibility with an earlier redefinable I/O
+** interface design.
+struct sqlite3OsVtbl *sqlite3_os_switch(void){
+  return &sqlite3Os;

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+** 2001 September 16
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This header file (together with is companion C source-code file
+** "os.c") attempt to abstract the underlying operating system so that
+** the SQLite library will work on both POSIX and windows systems.
+#ifndef _SQLITE_OS_H_
+#define _SQLITE_OS_H_
+** Figure out if we are dealing with Unix, Windows, or some other
+** operating system.
+#if !defined(OS_UNIX) && !defined(OS_OTHER)
+# define OS_OTHER 0
+# ifndef OS_WIN
+#   if defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__MINGW32__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#     define OS_WIN 1
+#     define OS_UNIX 0
+#     define OS_OS2 0
+#   elif defined(_EMX_) || defined(_OS2) || defined(OS2) || defined(_OS2_) || defined(__OS2__)
+#     define OS_WIN 0
+#     define OS_UNIX 0
+#     define OS_OS2 1
+#   else
+#     define OS_WIN 0
+#     define OS_UNIX 1
+#     define OS_OS2 0
+#  endif
+# else
+#  define OS_UNIX 0
+#  define OS_OS2 0
+# endif
+# ifndef OS_WIN
+#  define OS_WIN 0
+# endif
+** Define the maximum size of a temporary filename
+#if OS_WIN
+# include <windows.h>
+#elif OS_OS2
+# define INCL_DOSMISC
+# include <os2.h>
+/* If the SET_FULLSYNC macro is not defined above, then make it
+** a no-op
+# define SET_FULLSYNC(x,y)
+** Temporary files are named starting with this prefix followed by 16 random
+** alphanumeric characters, and no file extension. They are stored in the
+** OS's standard temporary file directory, and are deleted prior to exit.
+** If sqlite is being embedded in another program, you may wish to change the
+** prefix to reflect your program's name, so that if your program exits
+** prematurely, old temporary files can be easily identified. This can be done
+** using -DTEMP_FILE_PREFIX=myprefix_ on the compiler command line.
+** 2006-10-31:  The default prefix used to be "sqlite_".  But then
+** Mcafee started using SQLite in their anti-virus product and it
+** started putting files with the "sqlite" name in the c:/temp folder.
+** This annoyed many windows users.  Those users would then do a 
+** Google search for "sqlite", find the telephone numbers of the
+** developers and call to wake them up at night and complain.
+** For this reason, the default name prefix is changed to be "sqlite" 
+** spelled backwards.  So the temp files are still identified, but
+** anybody smart enough to figure out the code is also likely smart
+** enough to know that calling the developer will not help get rid
+** of the file.
+# define TEMP_FILE_PREFIX "etilqs_"
+** Define the interfaces for Unix, Windows, and OS/2.
+#if OS_UNIX
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite      sqlite3UnixOpenReadWrite
+#define sqlite3OsOpenExclusive      sqlite3UnixOpenExclusive
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly       sqlite3UnixOpenReadOnly
+#define sqlite3OsDelete             sqlite3UnixDelete
+#define sqlite3OsFileExists         sqlite3UnixFileExists
+#define sqlite3OsFullPathname       sqlite3UnixFullPathname
+#define sqlite3OsIsDirWritable      sqlite3UnixIsDirWritable
+#define sqlite3OsSyncDirectory      sqlite3UnixSyncDirectory
+#define sqlite3OsTempFileName       sqlite3UnixTempFileName
+#define sqlite3OsRandomSeed         sqlite3UnixRandomSeed
+#define sqlite3OsSleep              sqlite3UnixSleep
+#define sqlite3OsCurrentTime        sqlite3UnixCurrentTime
+#define sqlite3OsEnterMutex         sqlite3UnixEnterMutex
+#define sqlite3OsLeaveMutex         sqlite3UnixLeaveMutex
+#define sqlite3OsInMutex            sqlite3UnixInMutex
+#define sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData sqlite3UnixThreadSpecificData
+#define sqlite3OsMalloc             sqlite3GenericMalloc
+#define sqlite3OsRealloc            sqlite3GenericRealloc
+#define sqlite3OsFree               sqlite3GenericFree
+#define sqlite3OsAllocationSize     sqlite3GenericAllocationSize
+#define sqlite3OsDlopen             sqlite3UnixDlopen
+#define sqlite3OsDlsym              sqlite3UnixDlsym
+#define sqlite3OsDlclose            sqlite3UnixDlclose
+#if OS_WIN
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite      sqlite3WinOpenReadWrite
+#define sqlite3OsOpenExclusive      sqlite3WinOpenExclusive
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly       sqlite3WinOpenReadOnly
+#define sqlite3OsDelete             sqlite3WinDelete
+#define sqlite3OsFileExists         sqlite3WinFileExists
+#define sqlite3OsFullPathname       sqlite3WinFullPathname
+#define sqlite3OsIsDirWritable      sqlite3WinIsDirWritable
+#define sqlite3OsSyncDirectory      sqlite3WinSyncDirectory
+#define sqlite3OsTempFileName       sqlite3WinTempFileName
+#define sqlite3OsRandomSeed         sqlite3WinRandomSeed
+#define sqlite3OsSleep              sqlite3WinSleep
+#define sqlite3OsCurrentTime        sqlite3WinCurrentTime
+#define sqlite3OsEnterMutex         sqlite3WinEnterMutex
+#define sqlite3OsLeaveMutex         sqlite3WinLeaveMutex
+#define sqlite3OsInMutex            sqlite3WinInMutex
+#define sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData sqlite3WinThreadSpecificData
+#define sqlite3OsMalloc             sqlite3GenericMalloc
+#define sqlite3OsRealloc            sqlite3GenericRealloc
+#define sqlite3OsFree               sqlite3GenericFree
+#define sqlite3OsAllocationSize     sqlite3GenericAllocationSize
+#define sqlite3OsDlopen             sqlite3WinDlopen
+#define sqlite3OsDlsym              sqlite3WinDlsym
+#define sqlite3OsDlclose            sqlite3WinDlclose
+#if OS_OS2
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite      sqlite3Os2OpenReadWrite
+#define sqlite3OsOpenExclusive      sqlite3Os2OpenExclusive
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly       sqlite3Os2OpenReadOnly
+#define sqlite3OsDelete             sqlite3Os2Delete
+#define sqlite3OsFileExists         sqlite3Os2FileExists
+#define sqlite3OsFullPathname       sqlite3Os2FullPathname
+#define sqlite3OsIsDirWritable      sqlite3Os2IsDirWritable
+#define sqlite3OsSyncDirectory      sqlite3Os2SyncDirectory
+#define sqlite3OsTempFileName       sqlite3Os2TempFileName
+#define sqlite3OsRandomSeed         sqlite3Os2RandomSeed
+#define sqlite3OsSleep              sqlite3Os2Sleep
+#define sqlite3OsCurrentTime        sqlite3Os2CurrentTime
+#define sqlite3OsEnterMutex         sqlite3Os2EnterMutex
+#define sqlite3OsLeaveMutex         sqlite3Os2LeaveMutex
+#define sqlite3OsInMutex            sqlite3Os2InMutex
+#define sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData sqlite3Os2ThreadSpecificData
+#define sqlite3OsMalloc             sqlite3GenericMalloc
+#define sqlite3OsRealloc            sqlite3GenericRealloc
+#define sqlite3OsFree               sqlite3GenericFree
+#define sqlite3OsAllocationSize     sqlite3GenericAllocationSize
+#define sqlite3OsDlopen             sqlite3Os2Dlopen
+#define sqlite3OsDlsym              sqlite3Os2Dlsym
+#define sqlite3OsDlclose            sqlite3Os2Dlclose
+** If using an alternative OS interface, then we must have an "os_other.h"
+** header file available for that interface.  Presumably the "os_other.h"
+** header file contains #defines similar to those above.
+# include "os_other.h"
+** Forward declarations
+typedef struct OsFile OsFile;
+typedef struct IoMethod IoMethod;
+** An instance of the following structure contains pointers to all
+** methods on an OsFile object.
+struct IoMethod {
+  int (*xClose)(OsFile**);
+  int (*xOpenDirectory)(OsFile*, const char*);
+  int (*xRead)(OsFile*, void*, int amt);
+  int (*xWrite)(OsFile*, const void*, int amt);
+  int (*xSeek)(OsFile*, i64 offset);
+  int (*xTruncate)(OsFile*, i64 size);
+  int (*xSync)(OsFile*, int);
+  void (*xSetFullSync)(OsFile *id, int setting);
+  int (*xFileHandle)(OsFile *id);
+  int (*xFileSize)(OsFile*, i64 *pSize);
+  int (*xLock)(OsFile*, int);
+  int (*xUnlock)(OsFile*, int);
+  int (*xLockState)(OsFile *id);
+  int (*xCheckReservedLock)(OsFile *id);
+** The OsFile object describes an open disk file in an OS-dependent way.
+** The version of OsFile defined here is a generic version.  Each OS
+** implementation defines its own subclass of this structure that contains
+** additional information needed to handle file I/O.  But the pMethod
+** entry (pointing to the virtual function table) always occurs first
+** so that we can always find the appropriate methods.
+struct OsFile {
+  IoMethod const *pMethod;
+** The following values may be passed as the second argument to
+** sqlite3OsLock(). The various locks exhibit the following semantics:
+** SHARED:    Any number of processes may hold a SHARED lock simultaneously.
+** RESERVED:  A single process may hold a RESERVED lock on a file at
+**            any time. Other processes may hold and obtain new SHARED locks.
+** PENDING:   A single process may hold a PENDING lock on a file at
+**            any one time. Existing SHARED locks may persist, but no new
+**            SHARED locks may be obtained by other processes.
+** EXCLUSIVE: An EXCLUSIVE lock precludes all other locks.
+** PENDING_LOCK may not be passed directly to sqlite3OsLock(). Instead, a
+** process that requests an EXCLUSIVE lock may actually obtain a PENDING
+** lock. This can be upgraded to an EXCLUSIVE lock by a subsequent call to
+** sqlite3OsLock().
+#define NO_LOCK         0
+#define SHARED_LOCK     1
+#define RESERVED_LOCK   2
+#define PENDING_LOCK    3
+#define EXCLUSIVE_LOCK  4
+** File Locking Notes:  (Mostly about windows but also some info for Unix)
+** We cannot use LockFileEx() or UnlockFileEx() on Win95/98/ME because
+** those functions are not available.  So we use only LockFile() and
+** UnlockFile().
+** LockFile() prevents not just writing but also reading by other processes.
+** A SHARED_LOCK is obtained by locking a single randomly-chosen 
+** byte out of a specific range of bytes. The lock byte is obtained at 
+** random so two separate readers can probably access the file at the 
+** same time, unless they are unlucky and choose the same lock byte.
+** An EXCLUSIVE_LOCK is obtained by locking all bytes in the range.
+** There can only be one writer.  A RESERVED_LOCK is obtained by locking
+** a single byte of the file that is designated as the reserved lock byte.
+** A PENDING_LOCK is obtained by locking a designated byte different from
+** the RESERVED_LOCK byte.
+** On WinNT/2K/XP systems, LockFileEx() and UnlockFileEx() are available,
+** which means we can use reader/writer locks.  When reader/writer locks
+** are used, the lock is placed on the same range of bytes that is used
+** for probabilistic locking in Win95/98/ME.  Hence, the locking scheme
+** will support two or more Win95 readers or two or more WinNT readers.
+** But a single Win95 reader will lock out all WinNT readers and a single
+** WinNT reader will lock out all other Win95 readers.
+** The following #defines specify the range of bytes used for locking.
+** SHARED_SIZE is the number of bytes available in the pool from which
+** a random byte is selected for a shared lock.  The pool of bytes for
+** shared locks begins at SHARED_FIRST. 
+** These #defines are available in sqlite_aux.h so that adaptors for
+** connecting SQLite to other operating systems can use the same byte
+** ranges for locking.  In particular, the same locking strategy and
+** byte ranges are used for Unix.  This leaves open the possiblity of having
+** clients on win95, winNT, and unix all talking to the same shared file
+** and all locking correctly.  To do so would require that samba (or whatever
+** tool is being used for file sharing) implements locks correctly between
+** windows and unix.  I'm guessing that isn't likely to happen, but by
+** using the same locking range we are at least open to the possibility.
+** Locking in windows is manditory.  For this reason, we cannot store
+** actual data in the bytes used for locking.  The pager never allocates
+** the pages involved in locking therefore.  SHARED_SIZE is selected so
+** that all locks will fit on a single page even at the minimum page size.
+** PENDING_BYTE defines the beginning of the locks.  By default PENDING_BYTE
+** is set high so that we don't have to allocate an unused page except
+** for very large databases.  But one should test the page skipping logic 
+** by setting PENDING_BYTE low and running the entire regression suite.
+** Changing the value of PENDING_BYTE results in a subtly incompatible
+** file format.  Depending on how it is changed, you might not notice
+** the incompatibility right away, even running a full regression test.
+** The default location of PENDING_BYTE is the first byte past the
+** 1GB boundary.
+#ifndef SQLITE_TEST
+#define PENDING_BYTE      0x40000000  /* First byte past the 1GB boundary */
+extern unsigned int sqlite3_pending_byte;
+#define PENDING_BYTE sqlite3_pending_byte
+#define SHARED_SIZE       510
+** Prototypes for operating system interface routines.
+int sqlite3OsClose(OsFile**);
+int sqlite3OsOpenDirectory(OsFile*, const char*);
+int sqlite3OsRead(OsFile*, void*, int amt);
+int sqlite3OsWrite(OsFile*, const void*, int amt);
+int sqlite3OsSeek(OsFile*, i64 offset);
+int sqlite3OsTruncate(OsFile*, i64 size);
+int sqlite3OsSync(OsFile*, int);
+void sqlite3OsSetFullSync(OsFile *id, int setting);
+int sqlite3OsFileHandle(OsFile *id);
+int sqlite3OsFileSize(OsFile*, i64 *pSize);
+int sqlite3OsLock(OsFile*, int);
+int sqlite3OsUnlock(OsFile*, int);
+int sqlite3OsLockState(OsFile *id);
+int sqlite3OsCheckReservedLock(OsFile *id);
+int sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite(const char*, OsFile**, int*);
+int sqlite3OsOpenExclusive(const char*, OsFile**, int);
+int sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly(const char*, OsFile**);
+int sqlite3OsDelete(const char*);
+int sqlite3OsFileExists(const char*);
+char *sqlite3OsFullPathname(const char*);
+int sqlite3OsIsDirWritable(char*);
+int sqlite3OsSyncDirectory(const char*);
+int sqlite3OsTempFileName(char*);
+int sqlite3OsRandomSeed(char*);
+int sqlite3OsSleep(int ms);
+int sqlite3OsCurrentTime(double*);
+void sqlite3OsEnterMutex(void);
+void sqlite3OsLeaveMutex(void);
+int sqlite3OsInMutex(int);
+ThreadData *sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData(int);
+void *sqlite3OsMalloc(int);
+void *sqlite3OsRealloc(void *, int);
+void sqlite3OsFree(void *);
+int sqlite3OsAllocationSize(void *);
+void *sqlite3OsDlopen(const char*);
+void *sqlite3OsDlsym(void*, const char*);
+int sqlite3OsDlclose(void*);
+** If the SQLITE_ENABLE_REDEF_IO macro is defined, then the OS-layer
+** interface routines are not called directly but are invoked using
+** pointers to functions.  This allows the implementation of various
+** OS-layer interface routines to be modified at run-time.  There are
+** obscure but legitimate reasons for wanting to do this.  But for
+** most users, a direct call to the underlying interface is preferable
+** so the the redefinable I/O interface is turned off by default.
+** When redefinable I/O is enabled, a single global instance of the
+** following structure holds pointers to the routines that SQLite 
+** uses to talk with the underlying operating system.  Modify this
+** structure (before using any SQLite API!) to accomodate perculiar
+** operating system interfaces or behaviors.
+struct sqlite3OsVtbl {
+  int (*xOpenReadWrite)(const char*, OsFile**, int*);
+  int (*xOpenExclusive)(const char*, OsFile**, int);
+  int (*xOpenReadOnly)(const char*, OsFile**);
+  int (*xDelete)(const char*);
+  int (*xFileExists)(const char*);
+  char *(*xFullPathname)(const char*);
+  int (*xIsDirWritable)(char*);
+  int (*xSyncDirectory)(const char*);
+  int (*xTempFileName)(char*);
+  int (*xRandomSeed)(char*);
+  int (*xSleep)(int ms);
+  int (*xCurrentTime)(double*);
+  void (*xEnterMutex)(void);
+  void (*xLeaveMutex)(void);
+  int (*xInMutex)(int);
+  ThreadData *(*xThreadSpecificData)(int);
+  void *(*xMalloc)(int);
+  void *(*xRealloc)(void *, int);
+  void (*xFree)(void *);
+  int (*xAllocationSize)(void *);
+  void *(*xDlopen)(const char*);
+  void *(*xDlsym)(void*, const char*);
+  int (*xDlclose)(void*);
+/* Macro used to comment out routines that do not exists when there is
+** no disk I/O or extension loading
+# define IF_DISKIO(X)  0
+# define IF_DISKIO(X)  X
+# define IF_DLOPEN(X)  0
+# define IF_DLOPEN(X)  X
+#ifdef _SQLITE_OS_C_
+  /*
+  ** The os.c file implements the global virtual function table.
+  */
+  struct sqlite3OsVtbl sqlite3Os = {
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsOpenExclusive ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsDelete ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsFileExists ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsFullPathname ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsIsDirWritable ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsSyncDirectory ),
+    IF_DISKIO( sqlite3OsTempFileName ),
+    sqlite3OsRandomSeed,
+    sqlite3OsSleep,
+    sqlite3OsCurrentTime,
+    sqlite3OsEnterMutex,
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex,
+    sqlite3OsInMutex,
+    sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData,
+    sqlite3OsMalloc,
+    sqlite3OsRealloc,
+    sqlite3OsFree,
+    sqlite3OsAllocationSize,
+    IF_DLOPEN( sqlite3OsDlopen ),
+    IF_DLOPEN( sqlite3OsDlsym ),
+    IF_DLOPEN( sqlite3OsDlclose ),
+  };
+  /*
+  ** Files other than os.c just reference the global virtual function table. 
+  */
+  extern struct sqlite3OsVtbl sqlite3Os;
+#endif /* _SQLITE_OS_C_ */
+/* This additional API routine is available with redefinable I/O */
+struct sqlite3OsVtbl *sqlite3_os_switch(void);
+** Redefine the OS interface to go through the virtual function table
+** rather than calling routines directly.
+#undef sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite
+#undef sqlite3OsOpenExclusive
+#undef sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly
+#undef sqlite3OsDelete
+#undef sqlite3OsFileExists
+#undef sqlite3OsFullPathname
+#undef sqlite3OsIsDirWritable
+#undef sqlite3OsSyncDirectory
+#undef sqlite3OsTempFileName
+#undef sqlite3OsRandomSeed
+#undef sqlite3OsSleep
+#undef sqlite3OsCurrentTime
+#undef sqlite3OsEnterMutex
+#undef sqlite3OsLeaveMutex
+#undef sqlite3OsInMutex
+#undef sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData
+#undef sqlite3OsMalloc
+#undef sqlite3OsRealloc
+#undef sqlite3OsFree
+#undef sqlite3OsAllocationSize
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadWrite      sqlite3Os.xOpenReadWrite
+#define sqlite3OsOpenExclusive      sqlite3Os.xOpenExclusive
+#define sqlite3OsOpenReadOnly       sqlite3Os.xOpenReadOnly
+#define sqlite3OsDelete             sqlite3Os.xDelete
+#define sqlite3OsFileExists         sqlite3Os.xFileExists
+#define sqlite3OsFullPathname       sqlite3Os.xFullPathname
+#define sqlite3OsIsDirWritable      sqlite3Os.xIsDirWritable
+#define sqlite3OsSyncDirectory      sqlite3Os.xSyncDirectory
+#define sqlite3OsTempFileName       sqlite3Os.xTempFileName
+#define sqlite3OsRandomSeed         sqlite3Os.xRandomSeed
+#define sqlite3OsSleep              sqlite3Os.xSleep
+#define sqlite3OsCurrentTime        sqlite3Os.xCurrentTime
+#define sqlite3OsEnterMutex         sqlite3Os.xEnterMutex
+#define sqlite3OsLeaveMutex         sqlite3Os.xLeaveMutex
+#define sqlite3OsInMutex            sqlite3Os.xInMutex
+#define sqlite3OsThreadSpecificData sqlite3Os.xThreadSpecificData
+#define sqlite3OsMalloc             sqlite3Os.xMalloc
+#define sqlite3OsRealloc            sqlite3Os.xRealloc
+#define sqlite3OsFree               sqlite3Os.xFree
+#define sqlite3OsAllocationSize     sqlite3Os.xAllocationSize
+#endif /* _SQLITE_OS_H_ */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_common.h
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_common.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_common.h	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+** 2004 May 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains macros and a little bit of code that is common to
+** all of the platform-specific files (os_*.c) and is #included into those
+** files.
+** This file should be #included by the os_*.c files only.  It is not a
+** general purpose header file.
+** At least two bugs have slipped in because we changed the MEMORY_DEBUG
+** macro to SQLITE_DEBUG and some older makefiles have not yet made the
+** switch.  The following code should catch this problem at compile-time.
+# error "The MEMORY_DEBUG macro is obsolete.  Use SQLITE_DEBUG instead."
+ * When testing, this global variable stores the location of the
+ * pending-byte in the database file.
+ */
+unsigned int sqlite3_pending_byte = 0x40000000;
+int sqlite3_os_trace = 0;
+static int last_page = 0;
+#define SEEK(X)           last_page=(X)
+#define TRACE1(X)         if( sqlite3_os_trace ) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X)
+#define TRACE2(X,Y)       if( sqlite3_os_trace ) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X,Y)
+#define TRACE3(X,Y,Z)     if( sqlite3_os_trace ) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X,Y,Z)
+#define TRACE4(X,Y,Z,A)   if( sqlite3_os_trace ) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X,Y,Z,A)
+#define TRACE5(X,Y,Z,A,B) if( sqlite3_os_trace ) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X,Y,Z,A,B)
+#define TRACE6(X,Y,Z,A,B,C) if(sqlite3_os_trace) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X,Y,Z,A,B,C)
+#define TRACE7(X,Y,Z,A,B,C,D) \
+    if(sqlite3_os_trace) sqlite3DebugPrintf(X,Y,Z,A,B,C,D)
+#define SEEK(X)
+#define TRACE1(X)
+#define TRACE2(X,Y)
+#define TRACE3(X,Y,Z)
+#define TRACE4(X,Y,Z,A)
+#define TRACE5(X,Y,Z,A,B)
+#define TRACE6(X,Y,Z,A,B,C)
+#define TRACE7(X,Y,Z,A,B,C,D)
+** Macros for performance tracing.  Normally turned off.  Only works
+** on i486 hardware.
+__inline__ unsigned long long int hwtime(void){
+  unsigned long long int x;
+  __asm__("rdtsc\n\t"
+          "mov %%edx, %%ecx\n\t"
+          :"=A" (x));
+  return x;
+static unsigned long long int g_start;
+static unsigned int elapse;
+#define TIMER_START       g_start=hwtime()
+#define TIMER_END         elapse=hwtime()-g_start
+#define TIMER_ELAPSED     elapse
+#define TIMER_START
+#define TIMER_END
+#define TIMER_ELAPSED     0
+** If we compile with the SQLITE_TEST macro set, then the following block
+** of code will give us the ability to simulate a disk I/O error.  This
+** is used for testing the I/O recovery logic.
+int sqlite3_io_error_hit = 0;
+int sqlite3_io_error_pending = 0;
+int sqlite3_diskfull_pending = 0;
+int sqlite3_diskfull = 0;
+#define SimulateIOError(CODE)  \
+   if( sqlite3_io_error_pending ) \
+     if( sqlite3_io_error_pending-- == 1 ){ local_ioerr(); CODE; }
+static void local_ioerr(){
+  sqlite3_io_error_hit = 1;  /* Really just a place to set a breakpoint */
+#define SimulateDiskfullError(CODE) \
+   if( sqlite3_diskfull_pending ){ \
+     if( sqlite3_diskfull_pending == 1 ){ \
+       local_ioerr(); \
+       sqlite3_diskfull = 1; \
+       CODE; \
+     }else{ \
+       sqlite3_diskfull_pending--; \
+     } \
+   }
+#define SimulateIOError(A)
+#define SimulateDiskfullError(A)
+** When testing, keep a count of the number of open files.
+int sqlite3_open_file_count = 0;
+#define OpenCounter(X)  sqlite3_open_file_count+=(X)
+#define OpenCounter(X)
+** sqlite3GenericMalloc
+** sqlite3GenericRealloc
+** sqlite3GenericOsFree
+** sqlite3GenericAllocationSize
+** Implementation of the os level dynamic memory allocation interface in terms
+** of the standard malloc(), realloc() and free() found in many operating
+** systems. No rocket science here.
+** There are two versions of these four functions here. The version
+** implemented here is only used if memory-management or memory-debugging is
+** enabled. This version allocates an extra 8-bytes at the beginning of each
+** block and stores the size of the allocation there.
+** If neither memory-management or debugging is enabled, the second
+** set of implementations is used instead.
+void *sqlite3GenericMalloc(int n){
+  char *p = (char *)malloc(n+8);
+  assert(n>0);
+  assert(sizeof(int)<=8);
+  if( p ){
+    *(int *)p = n;
+    p += 8;
+  }
+  return (void *)p;
+void *sqlite3GenericRealloc(void *p, int n){
+  char *p2 = ((char *)p - 8);
+  assert(n>0);
+  p2 = (char*)realloc(p2, n+8);
+  if( p2 ){
+    *(int *)p2 = n;
+    p2 += 8;
+  }
+  return (void *)p2;
+void sqlite3GenericFree(void *p){
+  assert(p);
+  free((void *)((char *)p - 8));
+int sqlite3GenericAllocationSize(void *p){
+  return p ? *(int *)((char *)p - 8) : 0;
+void *sqlite3GenericMalloc(int n){
+  char *p = (char *)malloc(n);
+  return (void *)p;
+void *sqlite3GenericRealloc(void *p, int n){
+  assert(n>0);
+  p = realloc(p, n);
+  return p;
+void sqlite3GenericFree(void *p){
+  assert(p);
+  free(p);
+/* Never actually used, but needed for the linker */
+int sqlite3GenericAllocationSize(void *p){ return 0; }

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_os2.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_os2.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_os2.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,1015 @@
+** 2006 Feb 14
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code that is specific to OS/2.
+#if (__GNUC__ > 3 || __GNUC__ == 3 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 3) && defined(OS2_HIGH_MEMORY)
+/* os2safe.h has to be included before os2.h, needed for high mem */
+#include <os2safe.h>
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#if OS_OS2
+** Macros used to determine whether or not to use threads.
+# define SQLITE_OS2_THREADS 1
+** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files
+#include "os_common.h"
+** The os2File structure is subclass of OsFile specific for the OS/2
+** protability layer.
+typedef struct os2File os2File;
+struct os2File {
+  IoMethod const *pMethod;  /* Always the first entry */
+  HFILE h;                  /* Handle for accessing the file */
+  int delOnClose;           /* True if file is to be deleted on close */
+  char* pathToDel;          /* Name of file to delete on close */
+  unsigned char locktype;   /* Type of lock currently held on this file */
+** Do not include any of the File I/O interface procedures if the
+** SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO macro is defined (indicating that there database
+** will be in-memory only)
+** Delete the named file
+int sqlite3Os2Delete( const char *zFilename ){
+  rc = DosDelete( (PSZ)zFilename );
+  TRACE2( "DELETE \"%s\"\n", zFilename );
+  return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+** Return TRUE if the named file exists.
+int sqlite3Os2FileExists( const char *zFilename ){
+  FILESTATUS3 fsts3ConfigInfo;
+  memset(&fsts3ConfigInfo, 0, sizeof(fsts3ConfigInfo));
+  return DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zFilename, FIL_STANDARD,
+        &fsts3ConfigInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) ) == NO_ERROR;
+/* Forward declaration */
+int allocateOs2File( os2File *pInit, OsFile **pld );
+** Attempt to open a file for both reading and writing.  If that
+** fails, try opening it read-only.  If the file does not exist,
+** try to create it.
+** On success, a handle for the open file is written to *id
+** and *pReadonly is set to 0 if the file was opened for reading and
+** writing or 1 if the file was opened read-only.  The function returns
+** On failure, the function returns SQLITE_CANTOPEN and leaves
+** *id and *pReadonly unchanged.
+int sqlite3Os2OpenReadWrite(
+  const char *zFilename,
+  OsFile **pld,
+  int *pReadonly
+  os2File  f;
+  HFILE    hf;
+  ULONG    ulAction;
+  APIRET   rc = NO_ERROR;
+  assert( *pld == 0 );
+  rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zFilename, &hf, &ulAction, 0L,
+  if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
+    rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zFilename, &hf, &ulAction, 0L,
+    if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
+        return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+    }
+    *pReadonly = 1;
+  }
+  else{
+    *pReadonly = 0;
+  }
+  f.h = hf;
+  f.locktype = NO_LOCK;
+  f.delOnClose = 0;
+  f.pathToDel = NULL;
+  OpenCounter(+1);
+  TRACE3( "OPEN R/W %d \"%s\"\n", hf, zFilename );
+  return allocateOs2File( &f, pld );
+** Attempt to open a new file for exclusive access by this process.
+** The file will be opened for both reading and writing.  To avoid
+** a potential security problem, we do not allow the file to have
+** previously existed.  Nor do we allow the file to be a symbolic
+** link.
+** If delFlag is true, then make arrangements to automatically delete
+** the file when it is closed.
+** On success, write the file handle into *id and return SQLITE_OK.
+** On failure, return SQLITE_CANTOPEN.
+int sqlite3Os2OpenExclusive( const char *zFilename, OsFile **pld, int delFlag ){
+  os2File  f;
+  HFILE    hf;
+  ULONG    ulAction;
+  APIRET   rc = NO_ERROR;
+  assert( *pld == 0 );
+  rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zFilename, &hf, &ulAction, 0L, FILE_NORMAL,
+  if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+  }
+  f.h = hf;
+  f.locktype = NO_LOCK;
+  f.delOnClose = delFlag ? 1 : 0;
+  f.pathToDel = delFlag ? sqlite3OsFullPathname( zFilename ) : NULL;
+  OpenCounter( +1 );
+  if( delFlag ) DosForceDelete( sqlite3OsFullPathname( zFilename ) );
+  TRACE3( "OPEN EX %d \"%s\"\n", hf, sqlite3OsFullPathname ( zFilename ) );
+  return allocateOs2File( &f, pld );
+** Attempt to open a new file for read-only access.
+** On success, write the file handle into *id and return SQLITE_OK.
+** On failure, return SQLITE_CANTOPEN.
+int sqlite3Os2OpenReadOnly( const char *zFilename, OsFile **pld ){
+  os2File  f;
+  HFILE    hf;
+  ULONG    ulAction;
+  APIRET   rc = NO_ERROR;
+  assert( *pld == 0 );
+  rc = DosOpen( (PSZ)zFilename, &hf, &ulAction, 0L,
+  if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+  }
+  f.h = hf;
+  f.locktype = NO_LOCK;
+  f.delOnClose = 0;
+  f.pathToDel = NULL;
+  OpenCounter( +1 );
+  TRACE3( "OPEN RO %d \"%s\"\n", hf, zFilename );
+  return allocateOs2File( &f, pld );
+** Attempt to open a file descriptor for the directory that contains a
+** file.  This file descriptor can be used to fsync() the directory
+** in order to make sure the creation of a new file is actually written
+** to disk.
+** This routine is only meaningful for Unix.  It is a no-op under
+** OS/2 since OS/2 does not support hard links.
+** On success, a handle for a previously open file is at *id is
+** updated with the new directory file descriptor and SQLITE_OK is
+** returned.
+** On failure, the function returns SQLITE_CANTOPEN and leaves
+** *id unchanged.
+int os2OpenDirectory(
+  OsFile *id,
+  const char *zDirname
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** If the following global variable points to a string which is the
+** name of a directory, then that directory will be used to store
+** temporary files.
+char *sqlite3_temp_directory = 0;
+** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
+** hold at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE characters.
+int sqlite3Os2TempFileName( char *zBuf ){
+  static const unsigned char zChars[] =
+    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+    "0123456789";
+  int i, j;
+  PSZ zTempPath = 0;
+  if( DosScanEnv( "TEMP", &zTempPath ) ){
+    if( DosScanEnv( "TMP", &zTempPath ) ){
+      if( DosScanEnv( "TMPDIR", &zTempPath ) ){
+           ULONG ulDriveNum = 0, ulDriveMap = 0;
+           DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap );
+           sprintf( zTempPath, "%c:", (char)( 'A' + ulDriveNum - 1 ) );
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for(;;){
+      sprintf( zBuf, "%s\\"TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zTempPath );
+      j = strlen( zBuf );
+      sqlite3Randomness( 15, &zBuf[j] );
+      for( i = 0; i < 15; i++, j++ ){
+        zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
+      }
+      zBuf[j] = 0;
+      if( !sqlite3OsFileExists( zBuf ) ) break;
+  }
+  TRACE2( "TEMP FILENAME: %s\n", zBuf );
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Close a file.
+int os2Close( OsFile **pld ){
+  os2File *pFile;
+  if( pld && (pFile = (os2File*)*pld) != 0 ){
+    TRACE2( "CLOSE %d\n", pFile->h );
+    rc = DosClose( pFile->h );
+    pFile->locktype = NO_LOCK;
+    if( pFile->delOnClose != 0 ){
+        rc = DosForceDelete( pFile->pathToDel );
+    }
+    *pld = 0;
+    OpenCounter( -1 );
+  }
+  return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+** Read data from a file into a buffer.  Return SQLITE_OK if all
+** bytes were read successfully and SQLITE_IOERR if anything goes
+** wrong.
+int os2Read( OsFile *id, void *pBuf, int amt ){
+  ULONG got;
+  assert( id!=0 );
+  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
+  TRACE3( "READ %d lock=%d\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, ((os2File*)id)->locktype );
+  DosRead( ((os2File*)id)->h, pBuf, amt, &got );
+  if (got == (ULONG)amt)
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  else if (got < 0)
+    return SQLITE_IOERR_READ;
+  else {
+    memset(&((char*)pBuf)[got], 0, amt-got);
+  }
+** Write data from a buffer into a file.  Return SQLITE_OK on success
+** or some other error code on failure.
+int os2Write( OsFile *id, const void *pBuf, int amt ){
+  ULONG wrote;
+  assert( id!=0 );
+  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
+  SimulateDiskfullError( return SQLITE_FULL );
+  TRACE3( "WRITE %d lock=%d\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, ((os2File*)id)->locktype );
+  while( amt > 0 &&
+      (rc = DosWrite( ((os2File*)id)->h, (PVOID)pBuf, amt, &wrote )) && wrote > 0 ){
+      amt -= wrote;
+      pBuf = &((char*)pBuf)[wrote];
+  }
+  return ( rc != NO_ERROR || amt > (int)wrote ) ? SQLITE_FULL : SQLITE_OK;
+** Move the read/write pointer in a file.
+int os2Seek( OsFile *id, i64 offset ){
+  ULONG filePointer = 0L;
+  assert( id!=0 );
+  rc = DosSetFilePtr( ((os2File*)id)->h, offset, FILE_BEGIN, &filePointer );
+  TRACE3( "SEEK %d %lld\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, offset );
+  return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+** Make sure all writes to a particular file are committed to disk.
+int os2Sync( OsFile *id, int dataOnly ){
+  assert( id!=0 );
+  TRACE3( "SYNC %d lock=%d\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, ((os2File*)id)->locktype );
+  return DosResetBuffer( ((os2File*)id)->h ) == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+** Sync the directory zDirname. This is a no-op on operating systems other
+** than UNIX.
+int sqlite3Os2SyncDirectory( const char *zDirname ){
+  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Truncate an open file to a specified size
+int os2Truncate( OsFile *id, i64 nByte ){
+  ULONG upperBits = nByte>>32;
+  assert( id!=0 );
+  TRACE3( "TRUNCATE %d %lld\n", ((os2File*)id)->h, nByte );
+  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
+  rc = DosSetFilePtr( ((os2File*)id)->h, nByte, FILE_BEGIN, &upperBits );
+  if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
+    return SQLITE_IOERR;
+  }
+  rc = DosSetFilePtr( ((os2File*)id)->h, 0L, FILE_END, &upperBits );
+  return rc == NO_ERROR ? SQLITE_OK : SQLITE_IOERR;
+** Determine the current size of a file in bytes
+int os2FileSize( OsFile *id, i64 *pSize ){
+  FILESTATUS3 fsts3FileInfo;
+  memset(&fsts3FileInfo, 0, sizeof(fsts3FileInfo));
+  assert( id!=0 );
+  SimulateIOError( return SQLITE_IOERR );
+  rc = DosQueryFileInfo( ((os2File*)id)->h, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3FileInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) );
+  if( rc == NO_ERROR ){
+    *pSize = fsts3FileInfo.cbFile;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  else{
+    return SQLITE_IOERR;
+  }
+** Acquire a reader lock.
+static int getReadLock( os2File *id ){
+  FILELOCK  LockArea,
+            UnlockArea;
+  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
+  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
+  LockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
+  LockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
+  UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+  UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
+  return DosSetFileLocks( id->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+** Undo a readlock
+static int unlockReadLock( os2File *id ){
+  FILELOCK  LockArea,
+            UnlockArea;
+  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
+  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
+  LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+  LockArea.lRange = 0L;
+  UnlockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
+  UnlockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
+  return DosSetFileLocks( id->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+** Check that a given pathname is a directory and is writable
+int sqlite3Os2IsDirWritable( char *zDirname ){
+  FILESTATUS3 fsts3ConfigInfo;
+  memset(&fsts3ConfigInfo, 0, sizeof(fsts3ConfigInfo));
+  if( zDirname==0 ) return 0;
+  if( strlen(zDirname)>CCHMAXPATH ) return 0;
+  rc = DosQueryPathInfo( (PSZ)zDirname, FIL_STANDARD, &fsts3ConfigInfo, sizeof(FILESTATUS3) );
+  if( rc != NO_ERROR ) return 0;
+  if( (fsts3ConfigInfo.attrFile & FILE_DIRECTORY) != FILE_DIRECTORY ) return 0;
+  return 1;
+** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter locktype - one
+** of the following:
+**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
+**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
+**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
+**     (4) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK
+** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
+** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
+** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
+** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
+** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
+** This routine will only increase a lock.  The os2Unlock() routine
+** erases all locks at once and returns us immediately to locking level 0.
+** It is not possible to lower the locking level one step at a time.  You
+** must go straight to locking level 0.
+int os2Lock( OsFile *id, int locktype ){
+  APIRET rc = SQLITE_OK;    /* Return code from subroutines */
+  APIRET res = NO_ERROR;    /* Result of an OS/2 lock call */
+  int newLocktype;       /* Set id->locktype to this value before exiting */
+  int gotPendingLock = 0;/* True if we acquired a PENDING lock this time */
+  FILELOCK  LockArea,
+            UnlockArea;
+  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
+  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
+  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
+  assert( pFile!=0 );
+  TRACE4( "LOCK %d %d was %d\n", pFile->h, locktype, pFile->locktype );
+  /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
+  ** OsFile, do nothing. Don't use the end_lock: exit path, as
+  ** sqlite3OsEnterMutex() hasn't been called yet.
+  */
+  if( pFile->locktype>=locktype ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* Make sure the locking sequence is correct
+  */
+  assert( pFile->locktype!=NO_LOCK || locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  assert( locktype!=PENDING_LOCK );
+  assert( locktype!=RESERVED_LOCK || pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  /* Lock the PENDING_LOCK byte if we need to acquire a PENDING lock or
+  ** a SHARED lock.  If we are acquiring a SHARED lock, the acquisition of
+  ** the PENDING_LOCK byte is temporary.
+  */
+  newLocktype = pFile->locktype;
+  if( pFile->locktype==NO_LOCK
+   || (locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->locktype==RESERVED_LOCK)
+  ){
+    int cnt = 3;
+    LockArea.lOffset = PENDING_BYTE;
+    LockArea.lRange = 1L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    while( cnt-->0 && (res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L) )!=NO_ERROR ){
+      /* Try 3 times to get the pending lock.  The pending lock might be
+      ** held by another reader process who will release it momentarily.
+      */
+      TRACE2( "could not get a PENDING lock. cnt=%d\n", cnt );
+      DosSleep(1);
+    }
+    gotPendingLock = res;
+  }
+  /* Acquire a shared lock
+  */
+  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK && res ){
+    assert( pFile->locktype==NO_LOCK );
+    res = getReadLock(pFile);
+    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
+      newLocktype = SHARED_LOCK;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Acquire a RESERVED lock
+  */
+  if( locktype==RESERVED_LOCK && res ){
+    assert( pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+    LockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
+    LockArea.lRange = 1L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
+      newLocktype = RESERVED_LOCK;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Acquire a PENDING lock
+  */
+  if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && res ){
+    newLocktype = PENDING_LOCK;
+    gotPendingLock = 0;
+  }
+  /* Acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock
+  */
+  if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && res ){
+    assert( pFile->locktype>=SHARED_LOCK );
+    res = unlockReadLock(pFile);
+    TRACE2( "unreadlock = %d\n", res );
+    LockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
+    LockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    res = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+    if( res == NO_ERROR ){
+      newLocktype = EXCLUSIVE_LOCK;
+    }else{
+      TRACE2( "error-code = %d\n", res );
+    }
+  }
+  /* If we are holding a PENDING lock that ought to be released, then
+  ** release it now.
+  */
+  if( gotPendingLock && locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
+    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = PENDING_BYTE;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
+    DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+  }
+  /* Update the state of the lock has held in the file descriptor then
+  ** return the appropriate result code.
+  */
+  if( res == NO_ERROR ){
+    rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  }else{
+    TRACE4( "LOCK FAILED %d trying for %d but got %d\n", pFile->h,
+           locktype, newLocktype );
+    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+  }
+  pFile->locktype = newLocktype;
+  return rc;
+** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
+** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, return
+** non-zero, otherwise zero.
+int os2CheckReservedLock( OsFile *id ){
+  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
+  assert( pFile!=0 );
+  if( pFile->locktype>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
+    rc = 1;
+    TRACE3( "TEST WR-LOCK %d %d (local)\n", pFile->h, rc );
+  }else{
+    FILELOCK  LockArea,
+              UnlockArea;
+    memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
+    memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
+    LockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
+    LockArea.lRange = 1L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    rc = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+    if( rc == NO_ERROR ){
+      LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+      LockArea.lRange = 0L;
+      UnlockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
+      UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
+      rc = DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+    }
+    TRACE3( "TEST WR-LOCK %d %d (remote)\n", pFile->h, rc );
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Lower the locking level on file descriptor id to locktype.  locktype
+** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
+** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
+** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
+** It is not possible for this routine to fail if the second argument
+** is NO_LOCK.  If the second argument is SHARED_LOCK then this routine
+** might return SQLITE_IOERR;
+int os2Unlock( OsFile *id, int locktype ){
+  int type;
+  os2File *pFile = (os2File*)id;
+  FILELOCK  LockArea,
+            UnlockArea;
+  memset(&LockArea, 0, sizeof(LockArea));
+  memset(&UnlockArea, 0, sizeof(UnlockArea));
+  assert( pFile!=0 );
+  assert( locktype<=SHARED_LOCK );
+  TRACE4( "UNLOCK %d to %d was %d\n", pFile->h, locktype, pFile->locktype );
+  type = pFile->locktype;
+  if( type>=EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
+    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = SHARED_FIRST;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = SHARED_SIZE;
+    DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+    if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK && getReadLock(pFile) != NO_ERROR ){
+      /* This should never happen.  We should always be able to
+      ** reacquire the read lock */
+      rc = SQLITE_IOERR;
+    }
+  }
+  if( type>=RESERVED_LOCK ){
+    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = RESERVED_BYTE;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
+    DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+  }
+  if( locktype==NO_LOCK && type>=SHARED_LOCK ){
+    unlockReadLock(pFile);
+  }
+  if( type>=PENDING_LOCK ){
+    LockArea.lOffset = 0L;
+    LockArea.lRange = 0L;
+    UnlockArea.lOffset = PENDING_BYTE;
+    UnlockArea.lRange = 1L;
+    DosSetFileLocks( pFile->h, &UnlockArea, &LockArea, 2000L, 1L );
+  }
+  pFile->locktype = locktype;
+  return rc;
+** Turn a relative pathname into a full pathname.  Return a pointer
+** to the full pathname stored in space obtained from sqliteMalloc().
+** The calling function is responsible for freeing this space once it
+** is no longer needed.
+char *sqlite3Os2FullPathname( const char *zRelative ){
+  char *zFull = 0;
+  if( strchr(zRelative, ':') ){
+    sqlite3SetString( &zFull, zRelative, (char*)0 );
+  }else{
+    char zBuff[SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE - 2] = {0};
+    char zDrive[1] = {0};
+    ULONG ulDriveNum = 0;
+    ULONG ulDriveMap = 0;
+    DosQueryCurrentDisk( &ulDriveNum, &ulDriveMap );
+    DosQueryCurrentDir( 0L, zBuff, &cbzFullLen );
+    zFull = sqliteMalloc( cbzFullLen );
+    sprintf( zDrive, "%c", (char)('A' + ulDriveNum - 1) );
+    sqlite3SetString( &zFull, zDrive, ":\\", zBuff, "\\", zRelative, (char*)0 );
+  }
+  return zFull;
+** The fullSync option is meaningless on os2, or correct me if I'm wrong.  This is a no-op.
+** From os_unix.c: Change the value of the fullsync flag in the given file descriptor.
+** From os_unix.c: ((unixFile*)id)->fullSync = v;
+static void os2SetFullSync( OsFile *id, int v ){
+  return;
+** Return the underlying file handle for an OsFile
+static int os2FileHandle( OsFile *id ){
+  return (int)((os2File*)id)->h;
+** Return an integer that indices the type of lock currently held
+** by this handle.  (Used for testing and analysis only.)
+static int os2LockState( OsFile *id ){
+  return ((os2File*)id)->locktype;
+** This vector defines all the methods that can operate on an OsFile
+** for os2.
+static const IoMethod sqlite3Os2IoMethod = {
+  os2Close,
+  os2OpenDirectory,
+  os2Read,
+  os2Write,
+  os2Seek,
+  os2Truncate,
+  os2Sync,
+  os2SetFullSync,
+  os2FileHandle,
+  os2FileSize,
+  os2Lock,
+  os2Unlock,
+  os2LockState,
+  os2CheckReservedLock,
+** Allocate memory for an OsFile.  Initialize the new OsFile
+** to the value given in pInit and return a pointer to the new
+** OsFile.  If we run out of memory, close the file and return NULL.
+int allocateOs2File( os2File *pInit, OsFile **pld ){
+  os2File *pNew;
+  pNew = sqliteMalloc( sizeof(*pNew) );
+  if( pNew==0 ){
+    DosClose( pInit->h );
+    *pld = 0;
+    return SQLITE_NOMEM;
+  }else{
+    *pNew = *pInit;
+    pNew->pMethod = &sqlite3Os2IoMethod;
+    pNew->locktype = NO_LOCK;
+    *pld = (OsFile*)pNew;
+    OpenCounter(+1);
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+#endif /* SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO */
+** Everything above deals with file I/O.  Everything that follows deals
+** with other miscellanous aspects of the operating system interface
+** Interfaces for opening a shared library, finding entry points
+** within the shared library, and closing the shared library.
+void *sqlite3Os2Dlopen(const char *zFilename){
+  UCHAR loadErr[256];
+  HMODULE hmod;
+  APIRET rc;
+  rc = DosLoadModule(loadErr, sizeof(loadErr), zFilename, &hmod);
+  if (rc != NO_ERROR) return 0;
+  return (void*)hmod;
+void *sqlite3Os2Dlsym(void *pHandle, const char *zSymbol){
+  PFN pfn;
+  APIRET rc;
+  rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, zSymbol, &pfn);
+  if (rc != NO_ERROR) {
+    /* if the symbol itself was not found, search again for the same
+     * symbol with an extra underscore, that might be needed depending
+     * on the calling convention */
+    char _zSymbol[256] = "_";
+    strncat(_zSymbol, zSymbol, 255);
+    rc = DosQueryProcAddr((HMODULE)pHandle, 0L, _zSymbol, &pfn);
+  }
+  if (rc != NO_ERROR) return 0;
+  return pfn;
+int sqlite3Os2Dlclose(void *pHandle){
+  return DosFreeModule((HMODULE)pHandle);
+** Get information to seed the random number generator.  The seed
+** is written into the buffer zBuf[256].  The calling function must
+** supply a sufficiently large buffer.
+int sqlite3Os2RandomSeed( char *zBuf ){
+  /* We have to initialize zBuf to prevent valgrind from reporting
+  ** errors.  The reports issued by valgrind are incorrect - we would
+  ** prefer that the randomness be increased by making use of the
+  ** uninitialized space in zBuf - but valgrind errors tend to worry
+  ** some users.  Rather than argue, it seems easier just to initialize
+  ** the whole array and silence valgrind, even if that means less randomness
+  ** in the random seed.
+  **
+  ** When testing, initializing zBuf[] to zero is all we do.  That means
+  ** that we always use the same random number sequence. This makes the
+  ** tests repeatable.
+  */
+  memset( zBuf, 0, 256 );
+  DosGetDateTime( (PDATETIME)zBuf );
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Sleep for a little while.  Return the amount of time slept.
+int sqlite3Os2Sleep( int ms ){
+  DosSleep( ms );
+  return ms;
+** Static variables used for thread synchronization
+static int inMutex = 0;
+static ULONG mutexOwner;
+** The following pair of routines implement mutual exclusion for
+** multi-threaded processes.  Only a single thread is allowed to
+** executed code that is surrounded by EnterMutex() and LeaveMutex().
+** SQLite uses only a single Mutex.  There is not much critical
+** code and what little there is executes quickly and without blocking.
+void sqlite3Os2EnterMutex(){
+  PTIB ptib;
+  DosEnterCritSec();
+  DosGetInfoBlocks( &ptib, NULL );
+  mutexOwner = ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid;
+  assert( !inMutex );
+  inMutex = 1;
+void sqlite3Os2LeaveMutex(){
+  PTIB ptib;
+  assert( inMutex );
+  inMutex = 0;
+  DosGetInfoBlocks( &ptib, NULL );
+  assert( mutexOwner == ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid );
+  DosExitCritSec();
+** Return TRUE if the mutex is currently held.
+** If the thisThreadOnly parameter is true, return true if and only if the
+** calling thread holds the mutex.  If the parameter is false, return
+** true if any thread holds the mutex.
+int sqlite3Os2InMutex( int thisThreadOnly ){
+  PTIB ptib;
+  DosGetInfoBlocks( &ptib, NULL );
+  return inMutex>0 && (thisThreadOnly==0 || mutexOwner==ptib->tib_ptib2->tib2_ultid);
+  return inMutex>0;
+** The following variable, if set to a non-zero value, becomes the result
+** returned from sqlite3OsCurrentTime().  This is used for testing.
+int sqlite3_current_time = 0;
+** Find the current time (in Universal Coordinated Time).  Write the
+** current time and date as a Julian Day number into *prNow and
+** return 0.  Return 1 if the time and date cannot be found.
+int sqlite3Os2CurrentTime( double *prNow ){
+  double now;
+  USHORT second, minute, hour,
+         day, month, year;
+  DosGetDateTime( &dt );
+  second = (USHORT)dt.seconds;
+  minute = (USHORT)dt.minutes + dt.timezone;
+  hour = (USHORT)dt.hours;
+  day = (USHORT)dt.day;
+  month = (USHORT)dt.month;
+  year = (USHORT)dt.year;
+  /* Calculations from http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~rno/Astronomy/hjd.html
+     http://www.astro.keele.ac.uk/~rno/Astronomy/hjd-0.1.c */
+  /* Calculate the Julian days */
+  now = day - 32076 +
+    1461*(year + 4800 + (month - 14)/12)/4 +
+    367*(month - 2 - (month - 14)/12*12)/12 -
+    3*((year + 4900 + (month - 14)/12)/100)/4;
+  /* Add the fractional hours, mins and seconds */
+  now += (hour + 12.0)/24.0;
+  now += minute/1440.0;
+  now += second/86400.0;
+  *prNow = now;
+  if( sqlite3_current_time ){
+    *prNow = sqlite3_current_time/86400.0 + 2440587.5;
+  }
+  return 0;
+** Remember the number of thread-specific-data blocks allocated.
+** Use this to verify that we are not leaking thread-specific-data.
+** Ticket #1601
+int sqlite3_tsd_count = 0;
+# define TSD_COUNTER_INCR InterlockedIncrement( &sqlite3_tsd_count )
+# define TSD_COUNTER_DECR InterlockedDecrement( &sqlite3_tsd_count )
+# define TSD_COUNTER_INCR  /* no-op */
+# define TSD_COUNTER_DECR  /* no-op */
+** If called with allocateFlag>1, then return a pointer to thread
+** specific data for the current thread.  Allocate and zero the
+** thread-specific data if it does not already exist necessary.
+** If called with allocateFlag==0, then check the current thread
+** specific data.  Return it if it exists.  If it does not exist,
+** then return NULL.
+** If called with allocateFlag<0, check to see if the thread specific
+** data is allocated and is all zero.  If it is then deallocate it.
+** Return a pointer to the thread specific data or NULL if it is
+** unallocated or gets deallocated.
+ThreadData *sqlite3Os2ThreadSpecificData( int allocateFlag ){
+  static ThreadData **s_ppTsd = NULL;
+  static const ThreadData zeroData = {0, 0, 0};
+  ThreadData *pTsd;
+  if( !s_ppTsd ){
+    sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+    if( !s_ppTsd ){
+      PULONG pul;
+      APIRET rc = DosAllocThreadLocalMemory(1, &pul);
+      if( rc != NO_ERROR ){
+        sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+        return 0;
+      }
+      s_ppTsd = (ThreadData **)pul;
+    }
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  }
+  pTsd = *s_ppTsd;
+  if( allocateFlag>0 ){
+    if( !pTsd ){
+      pTsd = sqlite3OsMalloc( sizeof(zeroData) );
+      if( pTsd ){
+        *pTsd = zeroData;
+        *s_ppTsd = pTsd;
+      }
+    }
+  }else if( pTsd!=0 && allocateFlag<0
+              && memcmp( pTsd, &zeroData, sizeof(ThreadData) )==0 ){
+    sqlite3OsFree(pTsd);
+    *s_ppTsd = NULL;
+    pTsd = 0;
+  }
+  return pTsd;
+#endif /* OS_OS2 */

Added: trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_unix.c
--- trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_unix.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Thirdparty/Sqlite3.3.13/Src/os_unix.c	2007-03-26 19:54:03 UTC (rev 2714)
@@ -0,0 +1,2914 @@
+** 2004 May 22
+** The author disclaims copyright to this source code.  In place of
+** a legal notice, here is a blessing:
+**    May you do good and not evil.
+**    May you find forgiveness for yourself and forgive others.
+**    May you share freely, never taking more than you give.
+** This file contains code that is specific to Unix systems.
+#include "sqliteInt.h"
+#include "os.h"
+#if OS_UNIX              /* This file is used on unix only */
+** These #defines should enable >2GB file support on Posix if the
+** underlying operating system supports it.  If the OS lacks
+** large file support, these should be no-ops.
+** Large file support can be disabled using the -DSQLITE_DISABLE_LFS switch
+** on the compiler command line.  This is necessary if you are compiling
+** on a recent machine (ex: RedHat 7.2) but you want your code to work
+** on an older machine (ex: RedHat 6.0).  If you compile on RedHat 7.2
+** without this option, LFS is enable.  But LFS does not exist in the kernel
+** in RedHat 6.0, so the code won't work.  Hence, for maximum binary
+** portability you should omit LFS.
+# define _LARGE_FILE       1
+#   define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
+# endif
+** standard include files.
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+** If we are to be thread-safe, include the pthreads header and define
+** the SQLITE_UNIX_THREADS macro.
+# include <pthread.h>
+** Default permissions when creating a new file
+** The unixFile structure is subclass of OsFile specific for the unix
+** protability layer.
+typedef struct unixFile unixFile;
+struct unixFile {
+  IoMethod const *pMethod;  /* Always the first entry */
+  struct openCnt *pOpen;    /* Info about all open fd's on this inode */
+  struct lockInfo *pLock;   /* Info about locks on this inode */
+  void *lockingContext;     /* Locking style specific state */
+  int h;                    /* The file descriptor */
+  unsigned char locktype;   /* The type of lock held on this fd */
+  unsigned char isOpen;     /* True if needs to be closed */
+  unsigned char fullSync;   /* Use F_FULLSYNC if available */
+  int dirfd;                /* File descriptor for the directory */
+  i64 offset;               /* Seek offset */
+  pthread_t tid;            /* The thread that "owns" this OsFile */
+** Provide the ability to override some OS-layer functions during
+** testing.  This is used to simulate OS crashes to verify that 
+** commits are atomic even in the event of an OS crash.
+  extern int sqlite3CrashTestEnable;
+  extern int sqlite3CrashOpenReadWrite(const char*, OsFile**, int*);
+  extern int sqlite3CrashOpenExclusive(const char*, OsFile**, int);
+  extern int sqlite3CrashOpenReadOnly(const char*, OsFile**, int);
+    if(sqlite3CrashTestEnable){ return X(A,B,C); }
+# define CRASH_TEST_OVERRIDE(X,A,B,C)  /* no-op */
+** Include code that is common to all os_*.c files
+#include "os_common.h"
+** Do not include any of the File I/O interface procedures if the
+** SQLITE_OMIT_DISKIO macro is defined (indicating that the database
+** will be in-memory only)
+** Define various macros that are missing from some systems.
+#ifndef O_LARGEFILE
+# define O_LARGEFILE 0
+# undef O_LARGEFILE
+# define O_LARGEFILE 0
+#ifndef O_NOFOLLOW
+# define O_NOFOLLOW 0
+#ifndef O_BINARY
+# define O_BINARY 0
+** The DJGPP compiler environment looks mostly like Unix, but it
+** lacks the fcntl() system call.  So redefine fcntl() to be something
+** that always succeeds.  This means that locking does not occur under
+** DJGPP.  But it's DOS - what did you expect?
+#ifdef __DJGPP__
+# define fcntl(A,B,C) 0
+** The threadid macro resolves to the thread-id or to 0.  Used for
+** testing and debugging only.
+#define threadid pthread_self()
+#define threadid 0
+** Set or check the OsFile.tid field.  This field is set when an OsFile
+** is first opened.  All subsequent uses of the OsFile verify that the
+** same thread is operating on the OsFile.  Some operating systems do
+** not allow locks to be overridden by other threads and that restriction
+** means that sqlite3* database handles cannot be moved from one thread
+** to another.  This logic makes sure a user does not try to do that
+** by mistake.
+** Version 3.3.1 (2006-01-15):  OsFiles can be moved from one thread to
+** another as long as we are running on a system that supports threads
+** overriding each others locks (which now the most common behavior)
+** or if no locks are held.  But the OsFile.pLock field needs to be
+** recomputed because its key includes the thread-id.  See the 
+** transferOwnership() function below for additional information
+# define SET_THREADID(X)   (X)->tid = pthread_self()
+# define CHECK_THREADID(X) (threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks==0 && \
+                            !pthread_equal((X)->tid, pthread_self()))
+# define SET_THREADID(X)
+# define CHECK_THREADID(X) 0
+** Here is the dirt on POSIX advisory locks:  ANSI STD 1003.1 (1996)
+** section lines 483 through 490 specify that when a process
+** sets or clears a lock, that operation overrides any prior locks set
+** by the same process.  It does not explicitly say so, but this implies
+** that it overrides locks set by the same process using a different
+** file descriptor.  Consider this test case:
+**       int fd1 = open("./file1", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
+**       int fd2 = open("./file2", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0644);
+** Suppose ./file1 and ./file2 are really the same file (because
+** one is a hard or symbolic link to the other) then if you set
+** an exclusive lock on fd1, then try to get an exclusive lock
+** on fd2, it works.  I would have expected the second lock to
+** fail since there was already a lock on the file due to fd1.
+** But not so.  Since both locks came from the same process, the
+** second overrides the first, even though they were on different
+** file descriptors opened on different file names.
+** Bummer.  If you ask me, this is broken.  Badly broken.  It means
+** that we cannot use POSIX locks to synchronize file access among
+** competing threads of the same process.  POSIX locks will work fine
+** to synchronize access for threads in separate processes, but not
+** threads within the same process.
+** To work around the problem, SQLite has to manage file locks internally
+** on its own.  Whenever a new database is opened, we have to find the
+** specific inode of the database file (the inode is determined by the
+** st_dev and st_ino fields of the stat structure that fstat() fills in)
+** and check for locks already existing on that inode.  When locks are
+** created or removed, we have to look at our own internal record of the
+** locks to see if another thread has previously set a lock on that same
+** inode.
+** The OsFile structure for POSIX is no longer just an integer file
+** descriptor.  It is now a structure that holds the integer file
+** descriptor and a pointer to a structure that describes the internal
+** locks on the corresponding inode.  There is one locking structure
+** per inode, so if the same inode is opened twice, both OsFile structures
+** point to the same locking structure.  The locking structure keeps
+** a reference count (so we will know when to delete it) and a "cnt"
+** field that tells us its internal lock status.  cnt==0 means the
+** file is unlocked.  cnt==-1 means the file has an exclusive lock.
+** cnt>0 means there are cnt shared locks on the file.
+** Any attempt to lock or unlock a file first checks the locking
+** structure.  The fcntl() system call is only invoked to set a 
+** POSIX lock if the internal lock structure transitions between
+** a locked and an unlocked state.
+** 2004-Jan-11:
+** More recent discoveries about POSIX advisory locks.  (The more
+** I discover, the more I realize the a POSIX advisory locks are
+** an abomination.)
+** If you close a file descriptor that points to a file that has locks,
+** all locks on that file that are owned by the current process are
+** released.  To work around this problem, each OsFile structure contains
+** a pointer to an openCnt structure.  There is one openCnt structure
+** per open inode, which means that multiple OsFiles can point to a single
+** openCnt.  When an attempt is made to close an OsFile, if there are
+** other OsFiles open on the same inode that are holding locks, the call
+** to close() the file descriptor is deferred until all of the locks clear.
+** The openCnt structure keeps a list of file descriptors that need to
+** be closed and that list is walked (and cleared) when the last lock
+** clears.
+** First, under Linux threads, because each thread has a separate
+** process ID, lock operations in one thread do not override locks
+** to the same file in other threads.  Linux threads behave like
+** separate processes in this respect.  But, if you close a file
+** descriptor in linux threads, all locks are cleared, even locks
+** on other threads and even though the other threads have different
+** process IDs.  Linux threads is inconsistent in this respect.
+** (I'm beginning to think that linux threads is an abomination too.)
+** The consequence of this all is that the hash table for the lockInfo
+** structure has to include the process id as part of its key because
+** locks in different threads are treated as distinct.  But the 
+** openCnt structure should not include the process id in its
+** key because close() clears lock on all threads, not just the current
+** thread.  Were it not for this goofiness in linux threads, we could
+** combine the lockInfo and openCnt structures into a single structure.
+** 2004-Jun-28:
+** On some versions of linux, threads can override each others locks.
+** On others not.  Sometimes you can change the behavior on the same
+** system by setting the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable.  The
+** POSIX standard is silent as to which behavior is correct, as far
+** as I can tell, so other versions of unix might show the same
+** inconsistency.  There is no little doubt in my mind that posix
+** advisory locks and linux threads are profoundly broken.
+** To work around the inconsistencies, we have to test at runtime 
+** whether or not threads can override each others locks.  This test
+** is run once, the first time any lock is attempted.  A static 
+** variable is set to record the results of this test for future
+** use.
+** An instance of the following structure serves as the key used
+** to locate a particular lockInfo structure given its inode.
+** If threads cannot override each others locks, then we set the
+** lockKey.tid field to the thread ID.  If threads can override
+** each others locks then tid is always set to zero.  tid is omitted
+** if we compile without threading support.
+struct lockKey {
+  dev_t dev;       /* Device number */
+  ino_t ino;       /* Inode number */
+  pthread_t tid;   /* Thread ID or zero if threads can override each other */
+** An instance of the following structure is allocated for each open
+** inode on each thread with a different process ID.  (Threads have
+** different process IDs on linux, but not on most other unixes.)
+** A single inode can have multiple file descriptors, so each OsFile
+** structure contains a pointer to an instance of this object and this
+** object keeps a count of the number of OsFiles pointing to it.
+struct lockInfo {
+  struct lockKey key;  /* The lookup key */
+  int cnt;             /* Number of SHARED locks held */
+  int locktype;        /* One of SHARED_LOCK, RESERVED_LOCK etc. */
+  int nRef;            /* Number of pointers to this structure */
+** An instance of the following structure serves as the key used
+** to locate a particular openCnt structure given its inode.  This
+** is the same as the lockKey except that the thread ID is omitted.
+struct openKey {
+  dev_t dev;   /* Device number */
+  ino_t ino;   /* Inode number */
+** An instance of the following structure is allocated for each open
+** inode.  This structure keeps track of the number of locks on that
+** inode.  If a close is attempted against an inode that is holding
+** locks, the close is deferred until all locks clear by adding the
+** file descriptor to be closed to the pending list.
+struct openCnt {
+  struct openKey key;   /* The lookup key */
+  int nRef;             /* Number of pointers to this structure */
+  int nLock;            /* Number of outstanding locks */
+  int nPending;         /* Number of pending close() operations */
+  int *aPending;        /* Malloced space holding fd's awaiting a close() */
+** These hash tables map inodes and file descriptors (really, lockKey and
+** openKey structures) into lockInfo and openCnt structures.  Access to 
+** these hash tables must be protected by a mutex.
+static Hash lockHash = {SQLITE_HASH_BINARY, 0, 0, 0, 
+    sqlite3ThreadSafeMalloc, sqlite3ThreadSafeFree, 0, 0};
+static Hash openHash = {SQLITE_HASH_BINARY, 0, 0, 0, 
+    sqlite3ThreadSafeMalloc, sqlite3ThreadSafeFree, 0, 0};
+** The locking styles are associated with the different file locking
+** capabilities supported by different file systems.  
+** POSIX locking style fully supports shared and exclusive byte-range locks 
+** ADP locking only supports exclusive byte-range locks
+** FLOCK only supports a single file-global exclusive lock
+** DOTLOCK isn't a true locking style, it refers to the use of a special
+**   file named the same as the database file with a '.lock' extension, this
+**   can be used on file systems that do not offer any reliable file locking
+** NO locking means that no locking will be attempted, this is only used for
+**   read-only file systems currently
+** UNSUPPORTED means that no locking will be attempted, this is only used for
+**   file systems that are known to be unsupported
+typedef enum {
+	posixLockingStyle = 0,       /* standard posix-advisory locks */
+	afpLockingStyle,             /* use afp locks */
+	flockLockingStyle,           /* use flock() */
+	dotlockLockingStyle,         /* use <file>.lock files */
+	noLockingStyle,              /* useful for read-only file system */
+	unsupportedLockingStyle      /* indicates unsupported file system */
+} sqlite3LockingStyle;
+** This variable records whether or not threads can override each others
+** locks.
+**    0:  No.  Threads cannot override each others locks.
+**    1:  Yes.  Threads can override each others locks.
+**   -1:  We don't know yet.
+** On some systems, we know at compile-time if threads can override each
+** others locks.  On those systems, the SQLITE_THREAD_OVERRIDE_LOCK macro
+** will be set appropriately.  On other systems, we have to check at
+** runtime.  On these latter systems, SQLTIE_THREAD_OVERRIDE_LOCK is
+** undefined.
+** This variable normally has file scope only.  But during testing, we make
+** it a global so that the test code can change its value in order to verify
+** that the right stuff happens in either case.
+int threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks = SQLITE_THREAD_OVERRIDE_LOCK;
+static int threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks = SQLITE_THREAD_OVERRIDE_LOCK;
+** This structure holds information passed into individual test
+** threads by the testThreadLockingBehavior() routine.
+struct threadTestData {
+  int fd;                /* File to be locked */
+  struct flock lock;     /* The locking operation */
+  int result;            /* Result of the locking operation */
+** Print out information about all locking operations.
+** This routine is used for troubleshooting locks on multithreaded
+** platforms.  Enable by compiling with the -DSQLITE_LOCK_TRACE
+** command-line option on the compiler.  This code is normally
+** turned off.
+static int lockTrace(int fd, int op, struct flock *p){
+  char *zOpName, *zType;
+  int s;
+  int savedErrno;
+  if( op==F_GETLK ){
+    zOpName = "GETLK";
+  }else if( op==F_SETLK ){
+    zOpName = "SETLK";
+  }else{
+    s = fcntl(fd, op, p);
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl unknown %d %d %d\n", fd, op, s);
+    return s;
+  }
+  if( p->l_type==F_RDLCK ){
+    zType = "RDLCK";
+  }else if( p->l_type==F_WRLCK ){
+    zType = "WRLCK";
+  }else if( p->l_type==F_UNLCK ){
+    zType = "UNLCK";
+  }else{
+    assert( 0 );
+  }
+  assert( p->l_whence==SEEK_SET );
+  s = fcntl(fd, op, p);
+  savedErrno = errno;
+  sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl %d %d %s %s %d %d %d %d\n",
+     threadid, fd, zOpName, zType, (int)p->l_start, (int)p->l_len,
+     (int)p->l_pid, s);
+  if( s && op==F_SETLK && (p->l_type==F_RDLCK || p->l_type==F_WRLCK) ){
+    struct flock l2;
+    l2 = *p;
+    fcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &l2);
+    if( l2.l_type==F_RDLCK ){
+      zType = "RDLCK";
+    }else if( l2.l_type==F_WRLCK ){
+      zType = "WRLCK";
+    }else if( l2.l_type==F_UNLCK ){
+      zType = "UNLCK";
+    }else{
+      assert( 0 );
+    }
+    sqlite3DebugPrintf("fcntl-failure-reason: %s %d %d %d\n",
+       zType, (int)l2.l_start, (int)l2.l_len, (int)l2.l_pid);
+  }
+  errno = savedErrno;
+  return s;
+#define fcntl lockTrace
+#endif /* SQLITE_LOCK_TRACE */
+** The testThreadLockingBehavior() routine launches two separate
+** threads on this routine.  This routine attempts to lock a file
+** descriptor then returns.  The success or failure of that attempt
+** allows the testThreadLockingBehavior() procedure to determine
+** whether or not threads can override each others locks.
+static void *threadLockingTest(void *pArg){
+  struct threadTestData *pData = (struct threadTestData*)pArg;
+  pData->result = fcntl(pData->fd, F_SETLK, &pData->lock);
+  return pArg;
+** This procedure attempts to determine whether or not threads
+** can override each others locks then sets the 
+** threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks variable appropriately.
+static void testThreadLockingBehavior(int fd_orig){
+  int fd;
+  struct threadTestData d[2];
+  pthread_t t[2];
+  fd = dup(fd_orig);
+  if( fd<0 ) return;
+  memset(d, 0, sizeof(d));
+  d[0].fd = fd;
+  d[0].lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
+  d[0].lock.l_len = 1;
+  d[0].lock.l_start = 0;
+  d[0].lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+  d[1] = d[0];
+  d[1].lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+  pthread_create(&t[0], 0, threadLockingTest, &d[0]);
+  pthread_create(&t[1], 0, threadLockingTest, &d[1]);
+  pthread_join(t[0], 0);
+  pthread_join(t[1], 0);
+  close(fd);
+  threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks =  d[0].result==0 && d[1].result==0;
+** Release a lockInfo structure previously allocated by findLockInfo().
+static void releaseLockInfo(struct lockInfo *pLock){
+  assert( sqlite3OsInMutex(1) );
+  if (pLock == NULL)
+    return;
+  pLock->nRef--;
+  if( pLock->nRef==0 ){
+    sqlite3HashInsert(&lockHash, &pLock->key, sizeof(pLock->key), 0);
+    sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(pLock);
+  }
+** Release a openCnt structure previously allocated by findLockInfo().
+static void releaseOpenCnt(struct openCnt *pOpen){
+  assert( sqlite3OsInMutex(1) );
+  if (pOpen == NULL)
+    return;
+  pOpen->nRef--;
+  if( pOpen->nRef==0 ){
+    sqlite3HashInsert(&openHash, &pOpen->key, sizeof(pOpen->key), 0);
+    free(pOpen->aPending);
+    sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(pOpen);
+  }
+** Tests a byte-range locking query to see if byte range locks are 
+** supported, if not we fall back to dotlockLockingStyle.
+static sqlite3LockingStyle sqlite3TestLockingStyle(const char *filePath, 
+  int fd) {
+  /* test byte-range lock using fcntl */
+  struct flock lockInfo;
+  lockInfo.l_len = 1;
+  lockInfo.l_start = 0;
+  lockInfo.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+  lockInfo.l_type = F_RDLCK;
+  if (fcntl(fd, F_GETLK, &lockInfo) != -1) {
+    return posixLockingStyle;
+  } 
+  /* testing for flock can give false positives.  So if if the above test
+  ** fails, then we fall back to using dot-lock style locking.
+  */  
+  return dotlockLockingStyle;
+** Examines the f_fstypename entry in the statfs structure as returned by 
+** stat() for the file system hosting the database file, assigns the 
+** appropriate locking style based on it's value.  These values and 
+** assignments are based on Darwin/OSX behavior and have not been tested on 
+** other systems.
+static sqlite3LockingStyle sqlite3DetectLockingStyle(const char *filePath, 
+  int fd) {
+  return (sqlite3LockingStyle)SQLITE_FIXED_LOCKING_STYLE;
+  struct statfs fsInfo;
+  if (statfs(filePath, &fsInfo) == -1)
+    return sqlite3TestLockingStyle(filePath, fd);
+  if (fsInfo.f_flags & MNT_RDONLY)
+    return noLockingStyle;
+  if( (!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "hfs")) ||
+    (!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "ufs")) )
+		return posixLockingStyle;
+  if(!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "afpfs"))
+    return afpLockingStyle;
+  if(!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "nfs")) 
+    return sqlite3TestLockingStyle(filePath, fd);
+  if(!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "smbfs"))
+    return flockLockingStyle;
+  if(!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "msdos"))
+    return dotlockLockingStyle;
+  if(!strcmp(fsInfo.f_fstypename, "webdav"))
+    return unsupportedLockingStyle;
+  return sqlite3TestLockingStyle(filePath, fd);  
+** Given a file descriptor, locate lockInfo and openCnt structures that
+** describes that file descriptor.  Create new ones if necessary.  The
+** return values might be uninitialized if an error occurs.
+** Return the number of errors.
+static int findLockInfo(
+  int fd,                      /* The file descriptor used in the key */
+  struct lockInfo **ppLock,    /* Return the lockInfo structure here */
+  struct openCnt **ppOpen      /* Return the openCnt structure here */
+  int rc;
+  struct lockKey key1;
+  struct openKey key2;
+  struct stat statbuf;
+  struct lockInfo *pLock;
+  struct openCnt *pOpen;
+  rc = fstat(fd, &statbuf);
+  if( rc!=0 ) return 1;
+  assert( sqlite3OsInMutex(1) );
+  memset(&key1, 0, sizeof(key1));
+  key1.dev = statbuf.st_dev;
+  key1.ino = statbuf.st_ino;
+  if( threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks<0 ){
+    testThreadLockingBehavior(fd);
+  }
+  key1.tid = threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks ? 0 : pthread_self();
+  memset(&key2, 0, sizeof(key2));
+  key2.dev = statbuf.st_dev;
+  key2.ino = statbuf.st_ino;
+  pLock = (struct lockInfo*)sqlite3HashFind(&lockHash, &key1, sizeof(key1));
+  if( pLock==0 ){
+    struct lockInfo *pOld;
+    pLock = sqlite3ThreadSafeMalloc( sizeof(*pLock) );
+    if( pLock==0 ){
+      rc = 1;
+      goto exit_findlockinfo;
+    }
+    pLock->key = key1;
+    pLock->nRef = 1;
+    pLock->cnt = 0;
+    pLock->locktype = 0;
+    pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&lockHash, &pLock->key, sizeof(key1), pLock);
+    if( pOld!=0 ){
+      assert( pOld==pLock );
+      sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(pLock);
+      rc = 1;
+      goto exit_findlockinfo;
+    }
+  }else{
+    pLock->nRef++;
+  }
+  *ppLock = pLock;
+  if( ppOpen!=0 ){
+    pOpen = (struct openCnt*)sqlite3HashFind(&openHash, &key2, sizeof(key2));
+    if( pOpen==0 ){
+      struct openCnt *pOld;
+      pOpen = sqlite3ThreadSafeMalloc( sizeof(*pOpen) );
+      if( pOpen==0 ){
+        releaseLockInfo(pLock);
+        rc = 1;
+        goto exit_findlockinfo;
+      }
+      pOpen->key = key2;
+      pOpen->nRef = 1;
+      pOpen->nLock = 0;
+      pOpen->nPending = 0;
+      pOpen->aPending = 0;
+      pOld = sqlite3HashInsert(&openHash, &pOpen->key, sizeof(key2), pOpen);
+      if( pOld!=0 ){
+        assert( pOld==pOpen );
+        sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(pOpen);
+        releaseLockInfo(pLock);
+        rc = 1;
+        goto exit_findlockinfo;
+      }
+    }else{
+      pOpen->nRef++;
+    }
+    *ppOpen = pOpen;
+  }
+  return rc;
+** Helper function for printing out trace information from debugging
+** binaries. This returns the string represetation of the supplied
+** integer lock-type.
+static const char *locktypeName(int locktype){
+  switch( locktype ){
+  case NO_LOCK: return "NONE";
+  case SHARED_LOCK: return "SHARED";
+  case RESERVED_LOCK: return "RESERVED";
+  case PENDING_LOCK: return "PENDING";
+  }
+  return "ERROR";
+** If we are currently in a different thread than the thread that the
+** unixFile argument belongs to, then transfer ownership of the unixFile
+** over to the current thread.
+** A unixFile is only owned by a thread on systems where one thread is
+** unable to override locks created by a different thread.  RedHat9 is
+** an example of such a system.
+** Ownership transfer is only allowed if the unixFile is currently unlocked.
+** If the unixFile is locked and an ownership is wrong, then return
+** SQLITE_MISUSE.  SQLITE_OK is returned if everything works.
+static int transferOwnership(unixFile *pFile){
+  int rc;
+  pthread_t hSelf;
+  if( threadsOverrideEachOthersLocks ){
+    /* Ownership transfers not needed on this system */
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  hSelf = pthread_self();
+  if( pthread_equal(pFile->tid, hSelf) ){
+    /* We are still in the same thread */
+    TRACE1("No-transfer, same thread\n");
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  if( pFile->locktype!=NO_LOCK ){
+    /* We cannot change ownership while we are holding a lock! */
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  TRACE4("Transfer ownership of %d from %d to %d\n", pFile->h,pFile->tid,hSelf);
+  pFile->tid = hSelf;
+  if (pFile->pLock != NULL) {
+    releaseLockInfo(pFile->pLock);
+    rc = findLockInfo(pFile->h, &pFile->pLock, 0);
+    TRACE5("LOCK    %d is now %s(%s,%d)\n", pFile->h,
+           locktypeName(pFile->locktype),
+           locktypeName(pFile->pLock->locktype), pFile->pLock->cnt);
+    return rc;
+  } else {
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* On single-threaded builds, ownership transfer is a no-op */
+# define transferOwnership(X) SQLITE_OK
+** Delete the named file
+int sqlite3UnixDelete(const char *zFilename){
+  unlink(zFilename);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Return TRUE if the named file exists.
+int sqlite3UnixFileExists(const char *zFilename){
+  return access(zFilename, 0)==0;
+/* Forward declaration */
+static int allocateUnixFile(
+  int h,                    /* File descriptor of the open file */
+  OsFile **pId,             /* Write the real file descriptor here */
+  const char *zFilename,    /* Name of the file being opened */
+  int delFlag               /* If true, make sure the file deletes on close */
+** Attempt to open a file for both reading and writing.  If that
+** fails, try opening it read-only.  If the file does not exist,
+** try to create it.
+** On success, a handle for the open file is written to *id
+** and *pReadonly is set to 0 if the file was opened for reading and
+** writing or 1 if the file was opened read-only.  The function returns
+** On failure, the function returns SQLITE_CANTOPEN and leaves
+** *id and *pReadonly unchanged.
+int sqlite3UnixOpenReadWrite(
+  const char *zFilename,
+  OsFile **pId,
+  int *pReadonly
+  int h;
+  CRASH_TEST_OVERRIDE(sqlite3CrashOpenReadWrite, zFilename, pId, pReadonly);
+  assert( 0==*pId );
+  h = open(zFilename, O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_LARGEFILE|O_BINARY,
+                        SQLITE_DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS);
+  if( h<0 ){
+#ifdef EISDIR
+    if( errno==EISDIR ){
+      return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+    }
+    h = open(zFilename, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE|O_BINARY);
+    if( h<0 ){
+      return SQLITE_CANTOPEN; 
+    }
+    *pReadonly = 1;
+  }else{
+    *pReadonly = 0;
+  }
+  return allocateUnixFile(h, pId, zFilename, 0);
+** Attempt to open a new file for exclusive access by this process.
+** The file will be opened for both reading and writing.  To avoid
+** a potential security problem, we do not allow the file to have
+** previously existed.  Nor do we allow the file to be a symbolic
+** link.
+** If delFlag is true, then make arrangements to automatically delete
+** the file when it is closed.
+** On success, write the file handle into *id and return SQLITE_OK.
+** On failure, return SQLITE_CANTOPEN.
+int sqlite3UnixOpenExclusive(const char *zFilename, OsFile **pId, int delFlag){
+  int h;
+  CRASH_TEST_OVERRIDE(sqlite3CrashOpenExclusive, zFilename, pId, delFlag);
+  assert( 0==*pId );
+  h = open(zFilename,
+  if( h<0 ){
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+  }
+  return allocateUnixFile(h, pId, zFilename, delFlag);
+** Attempt to open a new file for read-only access.
+** On success, write the file handle into *id and return SQLITE_OK.
+** On failure, return SQLITE_CANTOPEN.
+int sqlite3UnixOpenReadOnly(const char *zFilename, OsFile **pId){
+  int h;
+  CRASH_TEST_OVERRIDE(sqlite3CrashOpenReadOnly, zFilename, pId, 0);
+  assert( 0==*pId );
+  h = open(zFilename, O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE|O_BINARY);
+  if( h<0 ){
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+  }
+  return allocateUnixFile(h, pId, zFilename, 0);
+** Attempt to open a file descriptor for the directory that contains a
+** file.  This file descriptor can be used to fsync() the directory
+** in order to make sure the creation of a new file is actually written
+** to disk.
+** This routine is only meaningful for Unix.  It is a no-op under
+** windows since windows does not support hard links.
+** If FULL_FSYNC is enabled, this function is not longer useful, 
+** a FULL_FSYNC sync applies to all pending disk operations.
+** On success, a handle for a previously open file at *id is
+** updated with the new directory file descriptor and SQLITE_OK is
+** returned.
+** On failure, the function returns SQLITE_CANTOPEN and leaves
+** *id unchanged.
+static int unixOpenDirectory(
+  OsFile *id,
+  const char *zDirname
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  if( pFile==0 ){
+    /* Do not open the directory if the corresponding file is not already
+    ** open. */
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN;
+  }
+  assert( pFile->dirfd<0 );
+  pFile->dirfd = open(zDirname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
+  if( pFile->dirfd<0 ){
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN; 
+  }
+  TRACE3("OPENDIR %-3d %s\n", pFile->dirfd, zDirname);
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** If the following global variable points to a string which is the
+** name of a directory, then that directory will be used to store
+** temporary files.
+** See also the "PRAGMA temp_store_directory" SQL command.
+char *sqlite3_temp_directory = 0;
+** Create a temporary file name in zBuf.  zBuf must be big enough to
+** hold at least SQLITE_TEMPNAME_SIZE characters.
+int sqlite3UnixTempFileName(char *zBuf){
+  static const char *azDirs[] = {
+     0,
+     "/var/tmp",
+     "/usr/tmp",
+     "/tmp",
+     ".",
+  };
+  static const unsigned char zChars[] =
+    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+    "0123456789";
+  int i, j;
+  struct stat buf;
+  const char *zDir = ".";
+  azDirs[0] = sqlite3_temp_directory;
+  for(i=0; i<sizeof(azDirs)/sizeof(azDirs[0]); i++){
+    if( azDirs[i]==0 ) continue;
+    if( stat(azDirs[i], &buf) ) continue;
+    if( !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) continue;
+    if( access(azDirs[i], 07) ) continue;
+    zDir = azDirs[i];
+    break;
+  }
+  do{
+    sprintf(zBuf, "%s/"TEMP_FILE_PREFIX, zDir);
+    j = strlen(zBuf);
+    sqlite3Randomness(15, &zBuf[j]);
+    for(i=0; i<15; i++, j++){
+      zBuf[j] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zBuf[j])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
+    }
+    zBuf[j] = 0;
+  }while( access(zBuf,0)==0 );
+  return SQLITE_OK; 
+** Check that a given pathname is a directory and is writable 
+int sqlite3UnixIsDirWritable(char *zBuf){
+  struct stat buf;
+  if( zBuf==0 ) return 0;
+  if( zBuf[0]==0 ) return 0;
+  if( stat(zBuf, &buf) ) return 0;
+  if( !S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode) ) return 0;
+  if( access(zBuf, 07) ) return 0;
+  return 1;
+** Seek to the offset in id->offset then read cnt bytes into pBuf.
+** Return the number of bytes actually read.  Update the offset.
+static int seekAndRead(unixFile *id, void *pBuf, int cnt){
+  int got;
+  i64 newOffset;
+#ifdef USE_PREAD
+  got = pread(id->h, pBuf, cnt, id->offset);
+  newOffset = lseek(id->h, id->offset, SEEK_SET);
+  if( newOffset!=id->offset ){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  got = read(id->h, pBuf, cnt);
+  if( got>0 ){
+    id->offset += got;
+  }
+  return got;
+** Read data from a file into a buffer.  Return SQLITE_OK if all
+** bytes were read successfully and SQLITE_IOERR if anything goes
+** wrong.
+static int unixRead(OsFile *id, void *pBuf, int amt){
+  int got;
+  assert( id );
+  got = seekAndRead((unixFile*)id, pBuf, amt);
+  TRACE5("READ    %-3d %5d %7d %d\n", ((unixFile*)id)->h, got,
+          last_page, TIMER_ELAPSED);
+  SEEK(0);
+  SimulateIOError( got = -1 );
+  if( got==amt ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }else if( got<0 ){
+    return SQLITE_IOERR_READ;
+  }else{
+    memset(&((char*)pBuf)[got], 0, amt-got);
+  }
+** Seek to the offset in id->offset then read cnt bytes into pBuf.
+** Return the number of bytes actually read.  Update the offset.
+static int seekAndWrite(unixFile *id, const void *pBuf, int cnt){
+  int got;
+  i64 newOffset;
+#ifdef USE_PREAD
+  got = pwrite(id->h, pBuf, cnt, id->offset);
+  newOffset = lseek(id->h, id->offset, SEEK_SET);
+  if( newOffset!=id->offset ){
+    return -1;
+  }
+  got = write(id->h, pBuf, cnt);
+  if( got>0 ){
+    id->offset += got;
+  }
+  return got;
+** Write data from a buffer into a file.  Return SQLITE_OK on success
+** or some other error code on failure.
+static int unixWrite(OsFile *id, const void *pBuf, int amt){
+  int wrote = 0;
+  assert( id );
+  assert( amt>0 );
+  while( amt>0 && (wrote = seekAndWrite((unixFile*)id, pBuf, amt))>0 ){
+    amt -= wrote;
+    pBuf = &((char*)pBuf)[wrote];
+  }
+  TRACE5("WRITE   %-3d %5d %7d %d\n", ((unixFile*)id)->h, wrote,
+          last_page, TIMER_ELAPSED);
+  SEEK(0);
+  SimulateIOError(( wrote=(-1), amt=1 ));
+  SimulateDiskfullError(( wrote=0, amt=1 ));
+  if( amt>0 ){
+    if( wrote<0 ){
+      return SQLITE_IOERR_WRITE;
+    }else{
+      return SQLITE_FULL;
+    }
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Move the read/write pointer in a file.
+static int unixSeek(OsFile *id, i64 offset){
+  assert( id );
+  SEEK(offset/1024 + 1);
+  if( offset ) SimulateDiskfullError(return SQLITE_FULL);
+  ((unixFile*)id)->offset = offset;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Count the number of fullsyncs and normal syncs.  This is used to test
+** that syncs and fullsyncs are occuring at the right times.
+int sqlite3_sync_count = 0;
+int sqlite3_fullsync_count = 0;
+** Use the fdatasync() API only if the HAVE_FDATASYNC macro is defined.
+** Otherwise use fsync() in its place.
+# define fdatasync fsync
+** Define HAVE_FULLFSYNC to 0 or 1 depending on whether or not
+** the F_FULLFSYNC macro is defined.  F_FULLFSYNC is currently
+** only available on Mac OS X.  But that could change.
+# define HAVE_FULLFSYNC 1
+# define HAVE_FULLFSYNC 0
+** The fsync() system call does not work as advertised on many
+** unix systems.  The following procedure is an attempt to make
+** it work better.
+** The SQLITE_NO_SYNC macro disables all fsync()s.  This is useful
+** for testing when we want to run through the test suite quickly.
+** You are strongly advised *not* to deploy with SQLITE_NO_SYNC
+** enabled, however, since with SQLITE_NO_SYNC enabled, an OS crash
+** or power failure will likely corrupt the database file.
+static int full_fsync(int fd, int fullSync, int dataOnly){
+  int rc;
+  /* Record the number of times that we do a normal fsync() and 
+  ** FULLSYNC.  This is used during testing to verify that this procedure
+  ** gets called with the correct arguments.
+  */
+  if( fullSync ) sqlite3_fullsync_count++;
+  sqlite3_sync_count++;
+  /* If we compiled with the SQLITE_NO_SYNC flag, then syncing is a
+  ** no-op
+  */
+  rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  if( fullSync ){
+    rc = fcntl(fd, F_FULLFSYNC, 0);
+  }else{
+    rc = 1;
+  }
+  /* If the FULLFSYNC failed, fall back to attempting an fsync().
+   * It shouldn't be possible for fullfsync to fail on the local 
+   * file system (on OSX), so failure indicates that FULLFSYNC
+   * isn't supported for this file system. So, attempt an fsync 
+   * and (for now) ignore the overhead of a superfluous fcntl call.  
+   * It'd be better to detect fullfsync support once and avoid 
+   * the fcntl call every time sync is called.
+   */
+  if( rc ) rc = fsync(fd);
+  if( dataOnly ){
+    rc = fdatasync(fd);
+  }else{
+    rc = fsync(fd);
+  }
+#endif /* HAVE_FULLFSYNC */
+#endif /* defined(SQLITE_NO_SYNC) */
+  return rc;
+** Make sure all writes to a particular file are committed to disk.
+** If dataOnly==0 then both the file itself and its metadata (file
+** size, access time, etc) are synced.  If dataOnly!=0 then only the
+** file data is synced.
+** Under Unix, also make sure that the directory entry for the file
+** has been created by fsync-ing the directory that contains the file.
+** If we do not do this and we encounter a power failure, the directory
+** entry for the journal might not exist after we reboot.  The next
+** SQLite to access the file will not know that the journal exists (because
+** the directory entry for the journal was never created) and the transaction
+** will not roll back - possibly leading to database corruption.
+static int unixSync(OsFile *id, int dataOnly){
+  int rc;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  assert( pFile );
+  TRACE2("SYNC    %-3d\n", pFile->h);
+  rc = full_fsync(pFile->h, pFile->fullSync, dataOnly);
+  SimulateIOError( rc=1 );
+  if( rc ){
+  }
+  if( pFile->dirfd>=0 ){
+    TRACE4("DIRSYNC %-3d (have_fullfsync=%d fullsync=%d)\n", pFile->dirfd,
+            HAVE_FULLFSYNC, pFile->fullSync);
+    /* The directory sync is only attempted if full_fsync is
+    ** turned off or unavailable.  If a full_fsync occurred above,
+    ** then the directory sync is superfluous.
+    */
+    if( (!HAVE_FULLFSYNC || !pFile->fullSync) && full_fsync(pFile->dirfd,0,0) ){
+       /*
+       ** We have received multiple reports of fsync() returning
+       ** errors when applied to directories on certain file systems.
+       ** A failed directory sync is not a big deal.  So it seems
+       ** better to ignore the error.  Ticket #1657
+       */
+       /* return SQLITE_IOERR; */
+    }
+    close(pFile->dirfd);  /* Only need to sync once, so close the directory */
+    pFile->dirfd = -1;    /* when we are done. */
+  }
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** Sync the directory zDirname. This is a no-op on operating systems other
+** than UNIX.
+** This is used to make sure the master journal file has truely been deleted
+** before making changes to individual journals on a multi-database commit.
+** The F_FULLFSYNC option is not needed here.
+int sqlite3UnixSyncDirectory(const char *zDirname){
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+  int fd;
+  int r;
+  fd = open(zDirname, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
+  TRACE3("DIRSYNC %-3d (%s)\n", fd, zDirname);
+  if( fd<0 ){
+    return SQLITE_CANTOPEN; 
+  }
+  r = fsync(fd);
+  close(fd);
+  SimulateIOError( r=1 );
+  if( r ){
+  }else{
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+** Truncate an open file to a specified size
+static int unixTruncate(OsFile *id, i64 nByte){
+  int rc;
+  assert( id );
+  rc = ftruncate(((unixFile*)id)->h, nByte);
+  SimulateIOError( rc=1 );
+  if( rc ){
+  }else{
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+** Determine the current size of a file in bytes
+static int unixFileSize(OsFile *id, i64 *pSize){
+  int rc;
+  struct stat buf;
+  assert( id );
+  rc = fstat(((unixFile*)id)->h, &buf);
+  SimulateIOError( rc=1 );
+  if( rc!=0 ){
+  }
+  *pSize = buf.st_size;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
+** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, return
+** non-zero.  If the file is unlocked or holds only SHARED locks, then
+** return zero.
+static int unixCheckReservedLock(OsFile *id){
+  int r = 0;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  assert( pFile );
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex(); /* Because pFile->pLock is shared across threads */
+  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
+  if( pFile->pLock->locktype>SHARED_LOCK ){
+    r = 1;
+  }
+  /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it.
+  */
+  if( !r ){
+    struct flock lock;
+    lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+    lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE;
+    lock.l_len = 1;
+    lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+    fcntl(pFile->h, F_GETLK, &lock);
+    if( lock.l_type!=F_UNLCK ){
+      r = 1;
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  TRACE3("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d\n", pFile->h, r);
+  return r;
+** Lock the file with the lock specified by parameter locktype - one
+** of the following:
+**     (1) SHARED_LOCK
+**     (2) RESERVED_LOCK
+**     (3) PENDING_LOCK
+**     (4) EXCLUSIVE_LOCK
+** Sometimes when requesting one lock state, additional lock states
+** are inserted in between.  The locking might fail on one of the later
+** transitions leaving the lock state different from what it started but
+** still short of its goal.  The following chart shows the allowed
+** transitions and the inserted intermediate states:
+** This routine will only increase a lock.  Use the sqlite3OsUnlock()
+** routine to lower a locking level.
+static int unixLock(OsFile *id, int locktype){
+  /* The following describes the implementation of the various locks and
+  ** lock transitions in terms of the POSIX advisory shared and exclusive
+  ** lock primitives (called read-locks and write-locks below, to avoid
+  ** confusion with SQLite lock names). The algorithms are complicated
+  ** slightly in order to be compatible with windows systems simultaneously
+  ** accessing the same database file, in case that is ever required.
+  **
+  ** Symbols defined in os.h indentify the 'pending byte' and the 'reserved
+  ** byte', each single bytes at well known offsets, and the 'shared byte
+  ** range', a range of 510 bytes at a well known offset.
+  **
+  ** To obtain a SHARED lock, a read-lock is obtained on the 'pending
+  ** byte'.  If this is successful, a random byte from the 'shared byte
+  ** range' is read-locked and the lock on the 'pending byte' released.
+  **
+  ** A process may only obtain a RESERVED lock after it has a SHARED lock.
+  ** A RESERVED lock is implemented by grabbing a write-lock on the
+  ** 'reserved byte'. 
+  **
+  ** A process may only obtain a PENDING lock after it has obtained a
+  ** SHARED lock. A PENDING lock is implemented by obtaining a write-lock
+  ** on the 'pending byte'. This ensures that no new SHARED locks can be
+  ** obtained, but existing SHARED locks are allowed to persist. A process
+  ** does not have to obtain a RESERVED lock on the way to a PENDING lock.
+  ** This property is used by the algorithm for rolling back a journal file
+  ** after a crash.
+  **
+  ** An EXCLUSIVE lock, obtained after a PENDING lock is held, is
+  ** implemented by obtaining a write-lock on the entire 'shared byte
+  ** range'. Since all other locks require a read-lock on one of the bytes
+  ** within this range, this ensures that no other locks are held on the
+  ** database. 
+  **
+  ** The reason a single byte cannot be used instead of the 'shared byte
+  ** range' is that some versions of windows do not support read-locks. By
+  ** locking a random byte from a range, concurrent SHARED locks may exist
+  ** even if the locking primitive used is always a write-lock.
+  */
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  struct lockInfo *pLock = pFile->pLock;
+  struct flock lock;
+  int s;
+  assert( pFile );
+  TRACE7("LOCK    %d %s was %s(%s,%d) pid=%d\n", pFile->h,
+      locktypeName(locktype), locktypeName(pFile->locktype),
+      locktypeName(pLock->locktype), pLock->cnt , getpid());
+  /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
+  ** OsFile, do nothing. Don't use the end_lock: exit path, as
+  ** sqlite3OsEnterMutex() hasn't been called yet.
+  */
+  if( pFile->locktype>=locktype ){
+    TRACE3("LOCK    %d %s ok (already held)\n", pFile->h,
+            locktypeName(locktype));
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* Make sure the locking sequence is correct
+  */
+  assert( pFile->locktype!=NO_LOCK || locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  assert( locktype!=PENDING_LOCK );
+  assert( locktype!=RESERVED_LOCK || pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  /* This mutex is needed because pFile->pLock is shared across threads
+  */
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  /* Make sure the current thread owns the pFile.
+  */
+  rc = transferOwnership(pFile);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+    return rc;
+  }
+  pLock = pFile->pLock;
+  /* If some thread using this PID has a lock via a different OsFile*
+  ** handle that precludes the requested lock, return BUSY.
+  */
+  if( (pFile->locktype!=pLock->locktype && 
+          (pLock->locktype>=PENDING_LOCK || locktype>SHARED_LOCK))
+  ){
+    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+    goto end_lock;
+  }
+  /* If a SHARED lock is requested, and some thread using this PID already
+  ** has a SHARED or RESERVED lock, then increment reference counts and
+  ** return SQLITE_OK.
+  */
+  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK && 
+      (pLock->locktype==SHARED_LOCK || pLock->locktype==RESERVED_LOCK) ){
+    assert( locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+    assert( pFile->locktype==0 );
+    assert( pLock->cnt>0 );
+    pFile->locktype = SHARED_LOCK;
+    pLock->cnt++;
+    pFile->pOpen->nLock++;
+    goto end_lock;
+  }
+  lock.l_len = 1L;
+  lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+  /* A PENDING lock is needed before acquiring a SHARED lock and before
+  ** acquiring an EXCLUSIVE lock.  For the SHARED lock, the PENDING will
+  ** be released.
+  */
+  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK 
+      || (locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->locktype<PENDING_LOCK)
+  ){
+    lock.l_type = (locktype==SHARED_LOCK?F_RDLCK:F_WRLCK);
+    lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE;
+    s = fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock);
+    if( s ){
+      rc = (errno==EINVAL) ? SQLITE_NOLFS : SQLITE_BUSY;
+      goto end_lock;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If control gets to this point, then actually go ahead and make
+  ** operating system calls for the specified lock.
+  */
+  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
+    assert( pLock->cnt==0 );
+    assert( pLock->locktype==0 );
+    /* Now get the read-lock */
+    lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
+    lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;
+    s = fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock);
+    /* Drop the temporary PENDING lock */
+    lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE;
+    lock.l_len = 1L;
+    lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+    if( fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock)!=0 ){
+      rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;  /* This should never happen */
+      goto end_lock;
+    }
+    if( s ){
+      rc = (errno==EINVAL) ? SQLITE_NOLFS : SQLITE_BUSY;
+    }else{
+      pFile->locktype = SHARED_LOCK;
+      pFile->pOpen->nLock++;
+      pLock->cnt = 1;
+    }
+  }else if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pLock->cnt>1 ){
+    /* We are trying for an exclusive lock but another thread in this
+    ** same process is still holding a shared lock. */
+    rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+  }else{
+    /* The request was for a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock.  It is
+    ** assumed that there is a SHARED or greater lock on the file
+    ** already.
+    */
+    assert( 0!=pFile->locktype );
+    lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;
+    switch( locktype ){
+      case RESERVED_LOCK:
+        lock.l_start = RESERVED_BYTE;
+        break;
+      case EXCLUSIVE_LOCK:
+        lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
+        lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;
+        break;
+      default:
+        assert(0);
+    }
+    s = fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock);
+    if( s ){
+      rc = (errno==EINVAL) ? SQLITE_NOLFS : SQLITE_BUSY;
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    pFile->locktype = locktype;
+    pLock->locktype = locktype;
+  }else if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
+    pFile->locktype = PENDING_LOCK;
+    pLock->locktype = PENDING_LOCK;
+  }
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  TRACE4("LOCK    %d %s %s\n", pFile->h, locktypeName(locktype), 
+      rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed");
+  return rc;
+** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to locktype.  locktype
+** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
+** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
+** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
+static int unixUnlock(OsFile *id, int locktype){
+  struct lockInfo *pLock;
+  struct flock lock;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  assert( pFile );
+  TRACE7("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d(%d,%d) pid=%d\n", pFile->h, locktype,
+      pFile->locktype, pFile->pLock->locktype, pFile->pLock->cnt, getpid());
+  assert( locktype<=SHARED_LOCK );
+  if( pFile->locktype<=locktype ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  if( CHECK_THREADID(pFile) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  pLock = pFile->pLock;
+  assert( pLock->cnt!=0 );
+  if( pFile->locktype>SHARED_LOCK ){
+    assert( pLock->locktype==pFile->locktype );
+    if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
+      lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
+      lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+      lock.l_start = SHARED_FIRST;
+      lock.l_len = SHARED_SIZE;
+      if( fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock)!=0 ){
+        /* This should never happen */
+        rc = SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK;
+      }
+    }
+    lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+    lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+    lock.l_start = PENDING_BYTE;
+    lock.l_len = 2L;  assert( PENDING_BYTE+1==RESERVED_BYTE );
+    if( fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock)==0 ){
+      pLock->locktype = SHARED_LOCK;
+    }else{
+      rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;  /* This should never happen */
+    }
+  }
+  if( locktype==NO_LOCK ){
+    struct openCnt *pOpen;
+    /* Decrement the shared lock counter.  Release the lock using an
+    ** OS call only when all threads in this same process have released
+    ** the lock.
+    */
+    pLock->cnt--;
+    if( pLock->cnt==0 ){
+      lock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
+      lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
+      lock.l_start = lock.l_len = 0L;
+      if( fcntl(pFile->h, F_SETLK, &lock)==0 ){
+        pLock->locktype = NO_LOCK;
+      }else{
+        rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;  /* This should never happen */
+      }
+    }
+    /* Decrement the count of locks against this same file.  When the
+    ** count reaches zero, close any other file descriptors whose close
+    ** was deferred because of outstanding locks.
+    */
+    pOpen = pFile->pOpen;
+    pOpen->nLock--;
+    assert( pOpen->nLock>=0 );
+    if( pOpen->nLock==0 && pOpen->nPending>0 ){
+      int i;
+      for(i=0; i<pOpen->nPending; i++){
+        close(pOpen->aPending[i]);
+      }
+      free(pOpen->aPending);
+      pOpen->nPending = 0;
+      pOpen->aPending = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  pFile->locktype = locktype;
+  return rc;
+** Close a file.
+static int unixClose(OsFile **pId){
+  unixFile *id = (unixFile*)*pId;
+  if( !id ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  unixUnlock(*pId, NO_LOCK);
+  if( id->dirfd>=0 ) close(id->dirfd);
+  id->dirfd = -1;
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  if( id->pOpen->nLock ){
+    /* If there are outstanding locks, do not actually close the file just
+    ** yet because that would clear those locks.  Instead, add the file
+    ** descriptor to pOpen->aPending.  It will be automatically closed when
+    ** the last lock is cleared.
+    */
+    int *aNew;
+    struct openCnt *pOpen = id->pOpen;
+    aNew = realloc( pOpen->aPending, (pOpen->nPending+1)*sizeof(int) );
+    if( aNew==0 ){
+      /* If a malloc fails, just leak the file descriptor */
+    }else{
+      pOpen->aPending = aNew;
+      pOpen->aPending[pOpen->nPending] = id->h;
+      pOpen->nPending++;
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* There are no outstanding locks so we can close the file immediately */
+    close(id->h);
+  }
+  releaseLockInfo(id->pLock);
+  releaseOpenCnt(id->pOpen);
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  id->isOpen = 0;
+  TRACE2("CLOSE   %-3d\n", id->h);
+  OpenCounter(-1);
+  sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(id);
+  *pId = 0;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+#pragma mark AFP Support
+ ** The afpLockingContext structure contains all afp lock specific state
+ */
+typedef struct afpLockingContext afpLockingContext;
+struct afpLockingContext {
+  unsigned long long sharedLockByte;
+  char *filePath;
+struct ByteRangeLockPB2
+  unsigned long long offset;        /* offset to first byte to lock */
+  unsigned long long length;        /* nbr of bytes to lock */
+  unsigned long long retRangeStart; /* nbr of 1st byte locked if successful */
+  unsigned char unLockFlag;         /* 1 = unlock, 0 = lock */
+  unsigned char startEndFlag;       /* 1=rel to end of fork, 0=rel to start */
+  int fd;                           /* file desc to assoc this lock with */
+#define afpfsByteRangeLock2FSCTL	_IOWR('z', 23, struct ByteRangeLockPB2)
+/* return 0 on success, 1 on failure.  To match the behavior of the 
+  normal posix file locking (used in unixLock for example), we should 
+  provide 'richer' return codes - specifically to differentiate between
+  'file busy' and 'file system error' results */
+static int _AFPFSSetLock(const char *path, int fd, unsigned long long offset, 
+                         unsigned long long length, int setLockFlag)
+  struct ByteRangeLockPB2	pb;
+  int                     err;
+  pb.unLockFlag = setLockFlag ? 0 : 1;
+  pb.startEndFlag = 0;
+  pb.offset = offset;
+  pb.length = length; 
+  pb.fd = fd;
+  TRACE5("AFPLOCK setting lock %s for %d in range %llx:%llx\n", 
+    (setLockFlag?"ON":"OFF"), fd, offset, length);
+  err = fsctl(path, afpfsByteRangeLock2FSCTL, &pb, 0);
+  if ( err==-1 ) {
+    TRACE4("AFPLOCK failed to fsctl() '%s' %d %s\n", path, errno, 
+      strerror(errno));
+    return 1; // error
+  } else {
+    return 0;
+  }
+ ** This routine checks if there is a RESERVED lock held on the specified
+ ** file by this or any other process. If such a lock is held, return
+ ** non-zero.  If the file is unlocked or holds only SHARED locks, then
+ ** return zero.
+ */
+static int afpUnixCheckReservedLock(OsFile *id){
+  int r = 0;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  assert( pFile ); 
+  afpLockingContext *context = (afpLockingContext *) pFile->lockingContext;
+  /* Check if a thread in this process holds such a lock */
+  if( pFile->locktype>SHARED_LOCK ){
+    r = 1;
+  }
+  /* Otherwise see if some other process holds it.
+   */
+  if ( !r ) {
+    // lock the byte
+    int failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 1,1);  
+    if (failed) {
+      /* if we failed to get the lock then someone else must have it */
+      r = 1;
+    } else {
+      /* if we succeeded in taking the reserved lock, unlock it to restore
+      ** the original state */
+      _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 1, 0);
+    }
+  }
+  TRACE3("TEST WR-LOCK %d %d\n", pFile->h, r);
+  return r;
+/* AFP-style locking following the behavior of unixLock, see the unixLock 
+** function comments for details of lock management. */
+static int afpUnixLock(OsFile *id, int locktype)
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  afpLockingContext *context = (afpLockingContext *) pFile->lockingContext;
+  int gotPendingLock = 0;
+  assert( pFile );
+  TRACE5("LOCK    %d %s was %s pid=%d\n", pFile->h,
+         locktypeName(locktype), locktypeName(pFile->locktype), getpid());  
+  /* If there is already a lock of this type or more restrictive on the
+    ** OsFile, do nothing. Don't use the afp_end_lock: exit path, as
+    ** sqlite3OsEnterMutex() hasn't been called yet.
+    */
+  if( pFile->locktype>=locktype ){
+    TRACE3("LOCK    %d %s ok (already held)\n", pFile->h,
+           locktypeName(locktype));
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  /* Make sure the locking sequence is correct
+    */
+  assert( pFile->locktype!=NO_LOCK || locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  assert( locktype!=PENDING_LOCK );
+  assert( locktype!=RESERVED_LOCK || pFile->locktype==SHARED_LOCK );
+  /* This mutex is needed because pFile->pLock is shared across threads
+    */
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  /* Make sure the current thread owns the pFile.
+    */
+  rc = transferOwnership(pFile);
+  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+    return rc;
+  }
+  /* A PENDING lock is needed before acquiring a SHARED lock and before
+    ** acquiring an EXCLUSIVE lock.  For the SHARED lock, the PENDING will
+    ** be released.
+    */
+  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK 
+      || (locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK && pFile->locktype<PENDING_LOCK)
+      ){
+    int failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, 
+      PENDING_BYTE, 1, 1);
+    if (failed) {
+      rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+      goto afp_end_lock;
+    }
+  }
+  /* If control gets to this point, then actually go ahead and make
+    ** operating system calls for the specified lock.
+    */
+  if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
+    int lk, failed;
+    int tries = 0;
+    /* Now get the read-lock */
+    /* note that the quality of the randomness doesn't matter that much */
+    lk = random(); 
+    context->sharedLockByte = (lk & 0x7fffffff)%(SHARED_SIZE - 1);
+    failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, 
+      SHARED_FIRST+context->sharedLockByte, 1, 1);
+    /* Drop the temporary PENDING lock */
+    if (_AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 1, 0)) {
+      rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;  /* This should never happen */
+      goto afp_end_lock;
+    }
+    if( failed ){
+      rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+    } else {
+      pFile->locktype = SHARED_LOCK;
+    }
+  }else{
+    /* The request was for a RESERVED or EXCLUSIVE lock.  It is
+    ** assumed that there is a SHARED or greater lock on the file
+    ** already.
+    */
+    int failed = 0;
+    assert( 0!=pFile->locktype );
+    if (locktype >= RESERVED_LOCK && pFile->locktype < RESERVED_LOCK) {
+        /* Acquire a RESERVED lock */
+        failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 1,1);
+    }
+    if (!failed && locktype == EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) {
+      /* Acquire an EXCLUSIVE lock */
+      /* Remove the shared lock before trying the range.  we'll need to 
+      ** reestablish the shared lock if we can't get the  afpUnixUnlock
+      */
+      if (!_AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST +
+                         context->sharedLockByte, 1, 0)) {
+        /* now attemmpt to get the exclusive lock range */
+        failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 
+                               SHARED_SIZE, 1);
+        if (failed && _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST +
+                                    context->sharedLockByte, 1, 1)) {
+          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK; /* this should never happen */
+        }
+      } else {
+        /* */
+        rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; /* this should never happen */
+      }
+    }
+    if( failed && rc == SQLITE_OK){
+      rc = SQLITE_BUSY;
+    }
+  }
+  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
+    pFile->locktype = locktype;
+  }else if( locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK ){
+    pFile->locktype = PENDING_LOCK;
+  }
+    sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  TRACE4("LOCK    %d %s %s\n", pFile->h, locktypeName(locktype), 
+         rc==SQLITE_OK ? "ok" : "failed");
+  return rc;
+ ** Lower the locking level on file descriptor pFile to locktype.  locktype
+ ** must be either NO_LOCK or SHARED_LOCK.
+ **
+ ** If the locking level of the file descriptor is already at or below
+ ** the requested locking level, this routine is a no-op.
+ */
+static int afpUnixUnlock(OsFile *id, int locktype) {
+  struct flock lock;
+  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  afpLockingContext *context = (afpLockingContext *) pFile->lockingContext;
+  assert( pFile );
+  TRACE5("UNLOCK  %d %d was %d pid=%d\n", pFile->h, locktype,
+         pFile->locktype, getpid());
+  assert( locktype<=SHARED_LOCK );
+  if( pFile->locktype<=locktype ){
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  if( CHECK_THREADID(pFile) ){
+    return SQLITE_MISUSE;
+  }
+  sqlite3OsEnterMutex();
+  if( pFile->locktype>SHARED_LOCK ){
+    if( locktype==SHARED_LOCK ){
+      int failed = 0;
+      /* unlock the exclusive range - then re-establish the shared lock */
+      if (pFile->locktype==EXCLUSIVE_LOCK) {
+        failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST, 
+                                 SHARED_SIZE, 0);
+        if (!failed) {
+          /* successfully removed the exclusive lock */
+          if (_AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, SHARED_FIRST+
+                            context->sharedLockByte, 1, 1)) {
+            /* failed to re-establish our shared lock */
+            rc = SQLITE_IOERR_RDLOCK; /* This should never happen */
+          }
+        } else {
+          /* This should never happen - failed to unlock the exclusive range */
+          rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;
+        } 
+      }
+    }
+    if (rc == SQLITE_OK && pFile->locktype>=PENDING_LOCK) {
+      if (_AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, PENDING_BYTE, 1, 0)){
+        /* failed to release the pending lock */
+        rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK; /* This should never happen */
+      }
+    } 
+    if (rc == SQLITE_OK && pFile->locktype>=RESERVED_LOCK) {
+      if (_AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, RESERVED_BYTE, 1, 0)) {
+        /* failed to release the reserved lock */
+        rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;  /* This should never happen */
+      }
+    } 
+  }
+  if( locktype==NO_LOCK ){
+    int failed = _AFPFSSetLock(context->filePath, pFile->h, 
+                               SHARED_FIRST + context->sharedLockByte, 1, 0);
+    if (failed) {
+      rc = SQLITE_IOERR_UNLOCK;  /* This should never happen */
+    }
+  }
+  if (rc == SQLITE_OK)
+    pFile->locktype = locktype;
+  sqlite3OsLeaveMutex();
+  return rc;
+ ** Close a file & cleanup AFP specific locking context 
+ */
+static int afpUnixClose(OsFile **pId) {
+  unixFile *id = (unixFile*)*pId;
+  if( !id ) return SQLITE_OK;
+  afpUnixUnlock(*pId, NO_LOCK);
+  /* free the AFP locking structure */
+  if (id->lockingContext != NULL) {
+    if (((afpLockingContext *)id->lockingContext)->filePath != NULL)
+      sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(((afpLockingContext*)id->lockingContext)->filePath);
+    sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(id->lockingContext);
+  }
+  if( id->dirfd>=0 ) close(id->dirfd);
+  id->dirfd = -1;
+  close(id->h);
+  id->isOpen = 0;
+  TRACE2("CLOSE   %-3d\n", id->h);
+  OpenCounter(-1);
+  sqlite3ThreadSafeFree(id);
+  *pId = 0;
+  return SQLITE_OK;
+#pragma mark flock() style locking
+ ** The flockLockingContext is not used
+ */
+typedef void flockLockingContext;
+static int flockUnixCheckReservedLock(OsFile *id) {
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  if (pFile->locktype == RESERVED_LOCK) {
+    return 1; // already have a reserved lock
+  } else {
+    // attempt to get the lock
+    int rc = flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
+    if (!rc) {
+      // got the lock, unlock it
+      flock(pFile->h, LOCK_UN);
+      return 0;  // no one has it reserved
+    }
+    return 1; // someone else might have it reserved
+  }
+static int flockUnixLock(OsFile *id, int locktype) {
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  // if we already have a lock, it is exclusive.  
+  // Just adjust level and punt on outta here.
+  if (pFile->locktype > NO_LOCK) {
+    pFile->locktype = locktype;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+  // grab an exclusive lock
+  int rc = flock(pFile->h, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB);
+  if (rc) {
+    // didn't get, must be busy
+    return SQLITE_BUSY;
+  } else {
+    // got it, set the type and return ok
+    pFile->locktype = locktype;
+    return SQLITE_OK;
+  }
+static int flockUnixUnlock(OsFile *id, int locktype) {
+  unixFile *pFile = (unixFile*)id;
+  assert( locktype<=SHAR