Doxygen docs for fdocore + fdordbms

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at
Sun Aug 13 20:20:49 EDT 2006

Hi All,

For all of you interested, finally I've managed to generate
doxygen docs for fdocore + fdordbms with Thirdpary and other garbage
excluded. So, these docs are as best as possible to familiarize with
fdocore and fdordbms source trees.

If anyone is insterested, please give me a note on my e-mail.
The whole packages (.tar.gz) is a weights 100MB (130 unpacked).

I'm sending this announce because generating those docs
is a bit tricky and it took > 2 hours (!) on my Linux box
with 1.7GHz CPU + 512 RAM, so I believe it may be good to
get it ready to use :-)

Best regards
Mateusz Loskot
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