[fdo-dev] [UnitTest] More detailed log

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Aug 28 10:49:41 EDT 2006

Pierre Dalcourt wrote:
> FYI: I will be dropping some changes this week to the cppunit code in
> the SVN at fdocore.osgeo.org.


OK, thanks.

> These changes which cause cppunit (when
> running in text mode, as opposed to GUI mode) to output the name of each
> unit test before it is run and the date/time it started running.

BTW, is it possible to use the GUI mode on Unix?

> This will help isolate crashes which prevent you from getting cppunit's
> informative summary at the end.

That's great, thanks!

Mateusz Loskot

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