[fdo-internals] Use of SQL pass through

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Wed Jun 3 19:59:54 EDT 2009

Hi Orest,

I am happy that this issue is finally being addressed. It has been an
absolute pain to not be able to treat feature and sql query results the same

On a somewhat unrelated note, are we able to fix up the FdoISQLDataReader
interface? It shares the same method interface as FdoIFeatureReader
(FdoIReader), yet it does not inherit from FdoIReader. So I have to treat
these readers separately even though they should have a common FdoIReader
base interface. (ref: http://trac.osgeo.org/fdo/ticket/359)

- Jackie

Orest Halustchak wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to solicit feedback, discussion, and suggestions on
> requirements and issues that we are seeing with the FdoISQLCommand which
> is used for the purpose of SQL pass through for some of the RDBMS-based
> providers.
> Please see the discussion below.
> Thanks,
> Orest.
> Enhanced SQL Command Support Discussion
> Overview
> The FDO API currently defines support for a SQL command that allows for
> pass-through execution of SQL statements either through a non-query
> execution of the SQL statement directly in the underlying Data Store, or
> through a query mechanism that returns a simple data reader listing the
> properties returned as a result of the SQL execution. The definition of
> the SQL command has remained fairly static over the last number of
> releases as primary development efforts have focused on extending other
> aspects of the FDO API, implementing new providers, etc. However,
> requirements for change to the SQL command have accumulated for us as
> RDBMS providers have implemented SQL pass through support and clients have
> attempted to integrate use SQL pass through into their applications in a
> seamless manner. While we generally expect applications to be using the
> generic FDO Select and other commands using FDO expressions, application
> still need to execute direct SQL against RDBMS-based providers on an
> exception basis for things that cannot do through FDO. While we hope to
> improve the FDO expression capabilities over time, there will always be
> this need for direct SQL processing for exception cases.
> This email is meant to start discussion on how to handle the requirements
> that we've been seeing and to get feedback on how to modify the FDO api to
> handle these requirements. We have some ideas as described below, but
> would like to get other feedback. We'll draft an RFC once we get close to
> a consensus on how it should look.
> Requirements
> One key request has been the desire to have the FDO API support SQL
> pass-through commands that return an FDO feature reader, referencing a
> proper FDO schema, not simply an FDO data reader. The feature reader will
> contain proper geometry properties, relations and associations. This
> enhancement is also intended to allow client applications that use FDO
> Feature Readers to code their applications in a generic manner so that
> data coming back from Select or SQL Pass Through statements can be
> processed in a uniform manner, thus reducing complexity, costs and time to
> implement.
> Other more SQL specific requirements related to this have also arisen,
> including:
>  *   A need to allow a client to set the size of the fetch array an FDO
> provider will use when executing SQL statements ([OH] I still have an
> issue with this one. Fetch sizes are internal tuning parameters and are
> not FDO api concepts. Other providers that deal with select or insert
> buffering have default internal sizes.)
>  *   A need to specify bind variables for the SQL command, including
> arrays of bind variables. Since SQL commands may include stored procedure
> execution, bind variables need indication of whether they are input,
> output, or return parameters.
> Discussion
> In general, the intent of SQL pass-through is to deal with physical
> schemas. There is no parsing of the SQL statements, and what are
> identified are physical schema tables, columns, functions, commands, etc.
> The SQL statement can be any SQL command, not just select, but any DML
> (select, insert, update, delete) or any DDL (create, drop, alter, ...).
> However, FDO feature readers deal with FDO logical schemas, which is at a
> different conceptual level. It's the mixing of these levels that causes
> difficulty for applications using the FDO API. Applications are required
> to use different code pathways to handle select statement as opposed to
> direct SQL execution. If clients could use the result of either of these
> types of operations in a generic routine or component, such as a Data
> Table or Symbolization packages, applications would be provided a much
> more seamless and dynamic mechanism on which they can build and extend
> their applications.
> To a certain degree, the current FDO feature reader implementation assumes
> an FDO class definition is directly related to the properties being
> returned. With physical schema SQL (let's say just Select command), there
> isn't necessarily any FDO class definition that applies. This is why
> currently the SQL command's Execute method returns a data reader, which
> handles any generically returned data. Note that the FDO select aggregates
> command doesn't return a feature reader either, since it's returning
> computed data.
> One response to this issue has been to suggest that providers reverse
> engineer the select results and attempt to find the FDO class definition
> (coming from a describe schema request) that matches it. Other suggestions
> have been to construct a class definition on the fly, one that would not
> result from a call to describe schema. If the select is from a single
> table, providers would find the class definition that is based on that
> table and use it. However, then matching up the columns being selected
> with the properties in the logical schema, there may be some slight
> differences. This would result in the mixing of physical schema and
> logical schema elements together. For example, class names that are not
> the same as table names, property names that are not the same as column
> names, the use of additional computed columns, inclusion of pkey columns,
> etc. Granted that in many cases, the logical and physical views would be
> virtually identical. However, since that cannot be guaranteed, the design
> that is adopted will have to be able to handle the general case.
> To account for these scenarios, providers will need to be modified to
> reverse engineer class definitions from the selected data and not attempt
> to match the select request to an existing FDO class. In reality, FDO
> Providers will be required to handle this in any case since a generic SQL
> select may not match up at all with an existing FDO class. An example of
> this can be found when selecting from a table with an owner that is
> different from the connected data store. For example, Connect to data
> store called Denver and select from Boulder.Roads - the schema may or may
> not be similar to Denver.Roads. In these types of circumstances, providers
> should manufacture a new class definition.
> In cases where the resulting columns come from an existing FDO feature
> table, a provider can return the class definition corresponding to that
> table. In cases where the columns come from an unknown table, a class
> definition can be constructed on the fly. By definition, the FDO class
> definition returned by a feature reader does not necessarily correspond
> exactly to an existing FDO class definition. Existing class definitions
> may contain the properties that were asked for in the Select command, plus
> additional computed properties. It is perfectly legal to return a
> constructed class definition, which is only valid for the select that was
> executed, and not usable for further updates or inserts.
> In the circumstance that a computed class is generated, the FDO class
> definition's IsComputed property will return true. In this manner,
> applications are able to distinguish the content of the feature reader
> responses coming from the providers and tailor their implementation
> accordingly. In such a situation, some care will also need to be given to
> the name of the generated FDO schema and class definitions. At this point
> no standards exist for naming auto-generated schema, class and property
> names. It would be beneficial if, as a result of this RFC, some uniform
> naming conventions could be adopted.
> Providers that do return feature readers from SQL commands will need to
> come up with the appropriate class definition that the feature reader
> could expose. Here are a few general use cases:
>  *   Select is against a table that has an existing class definition and
> the select returns the same information as defined by the class definition
> (e.g. select * from roads).
>  *   Select is against a table that has an existing class definition, but
> the select returns other information such as a subset of properties or
> additional computed properties. The FDO select command handles this type
> of case as well. The class definition returned by the feature reader
> includes the specific properties for that select.
>  *   Select is against a table that doesn't have an existing class
> definition. Providers will be required to generate a temporary class
> definition.
>  *   Select is against a table that has an existing class definition, but
> the select is an aggregation that doesn't return actual objects (e.g.
> select count(*), max(length) from roads). In this case it doesn't make
> sense for the provider to return the same class name as for the underlying
> table since it is not actually returning road objects at all. This is
> basically another temporary class definition.
> FDO API Ideas
> In order to support the SQL pass-through objective outlined above, the FDO
> API will need to be modified to provide a new capability function to state
> that this is supported, and to provide a way to return an explicit FDO
> Feature Reader. Two possibilities have been identified for returning the
> feature reader. One idea is to add a new ExecuteFeatureReader (or similar
> name) method to FdoISQLCommand. The existing ExecuteReader method will
> remain as is for backwards compatibility. Another possibility is to keep
> the SQL pass through interface unchanged but provide a utility that will
> convert the returned SQL Data Reader into a Feature Reader after the fact.
> A related question is around the class definition that would be generated
> from the SQL since it often would be a temporary class definition for the
> command and not something found from the FDO Describe Schema command. The
> feature reader would expose that class definition, but would applications
> need to get that earlier, e.g. with a new method on FdoISQLCommand to
> describe the generated class definition prior to getting the reader?
> Parameter Direction
> FDO already includes API's for defining and using parameters (bind
> variables). However, there is no indication of direction (input versus
> output) and if an application is planning to use stored procedure calls in
> the SQL pass through, they would need to provide some indication of input,
> output, or return parameters. A possibility is to add a new
> FdoParameterDirection enumeration and add set/get methods to the
> FdoParameterValue or FdoParameterValueCollection interface.
> A related question is whether FdoISQLCommand needs the application to tell
> it whether the SQL command being executed is a stored procedure call or
> some other type of SQL? We want to avoid having providers be forced to
> parse SQL where currently they probably all just send the SQL directly to
> the underlying server. The ExecuteNonQuery versus ExecuteReader methods
> that the application uses already tell the provider whether to expect
> results back from the SQL or not. A stored procedure call is a "non-query"
> but can return results, so is it another case?
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