[fdo-internals] Oracle Linux instant client

Trevor Wekel trevor_wekel at otxsystems.com
Tue Mar 9 09:48:28 EST 2010

Hi everyone,

I have been doing some .so dependency checking on Linux and have noticed that the Oracle instant client used to compile the King.Oracle Provider contains shared lib references to libstdc++.so.5.  This is the c++ library for GCC 3.4.  However, we compile Fdo under GCC 4.1 so we end up referencing both libstdc++.so.5 and libstdc++.so.6.

From a previous discussion, mixing headers from different C++ libs is problematic.  Will this mix of c++ libraries cause problematic behaviour (memory leaks, etc) with the King.Oracle Provider?  If so, do we need to upgrade the Oracle instant client?  I downloaded the 11.2 instant client and it correctly links to libstdc++.so.6.  I do not know if King.Oracle will compile against it though.

Please note, this would not a problem when compiling under CentOS/Redhat 4 since the default compiler was gcc/g++ 3.4.


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