[fdo-trac] #693: linux build scripts have bad line endings

FDO trac_fdo at osgeo.org
Fri Sep 10 07:34:02 EDT 2010

#693: linux build scripts have bad line endings
   Reporter:  jng           |       Owner:  gregboone
       Type:  defect        |      Status:  new      
   Priority:  major         |   Milestone:  3.6.0    
  Component:  Build System  |     Version:           
   Severity:  3             |    Keywords:           
External_id:                |  
 A fresh checkout of the fdo trunk reveals the build scripts have DOS line
 endings, which trip up bash.

 Attached is a patch to clean up these line endings

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/fdo/ticket/693>
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