[fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
Brad Nesom
kidsmake6 at msn.com
Fri Jun 1 09:08:22 EDT 2007
I responded on the list but apparently something changed and it went to
your email address instead of to the list. I will capsulate those two email
here for posterity.
I am in hopes that someone can add support for nvarchar2 to the arcsde
provider(I added a new ticket), as this is an important function for me. I
discovered from esri support that functionality has been changed in 9.2 and
now is described below...
>From esri support
If you use ArcGIS 9.2 to load anything into ArcSDE 9.2, by default, it is
going create all the columns with Unicode Datatypes (denoted with a 'N').
If you do not want your data created with Unicode Datatypes, you need to
place the UNICODE_STRING FALSE parameter in your %SDEHOME\etc\dbtune.sde
files' keyword. You can create a new keyword then specify that keyword each
time you are loading data - this will give you the flexibility of creating
data with or without Unicode Datatypes - depending if you specify the
keyword or not. Or you can place UNICODE_STRING FALSE parameter in your
##DEFAULTS keyword which will ensure that no data will ever be created with
Unicode Datatypes.
Here is an example of a keyword you could create :
UI_TEXT "User Interface text for DEFAULTS"
Once you modify the dbtune.sde file, you need to write the changes
to the SDE.DBTUNE table by executing the 'sdedbtune -o import ...' command.
C:\>sdedbtune -o import -f C:\arcgis\ArcSDE\ora10gexe\etc\dbtune.sde -i 5151
-u sde -p sde10g -N
ArcSDE 9.2 for Oracle10g Build 1137 Mon Mar 5 15:52:01 2007
Attribute Administration Utility
Successfully imported from file
For more information on the UNICODE_STRING parameter, please ref ere
to the following link :
DBTUNE configuration parameter name-configuration string pairs
ration_parameter_name-configuration_string_pairs&anchor=cplist > scroll
An also somewhat related issue (because you will have to update dbtune table
in order to incorporate the Unicode_string false parameter) is another
change in 9.2 see below...
I hope this information is helpful
>From esri support
regarding sdedbtune -o import command is not updating the keywords that are
removed from the exported dbtune file.
We observed that sdedbtune -o import command is updating the parameters
properly which are newly added in dbtune file. However, if we delete any
parameters or keywords in dbtune file are not reflecting in dbtune table
while importing. For this operation we no need to restart sde service.
This command sdedbtune -o import is working fine in ArcSDE 9.1. However,
starting from ArcSDE 9.2 we need to use different operations with the
sdedbtune command, depending on what you want to change.
Please consider the following:
Starting at ArcSDE 9.2, if you want to change the value of a parameter that
already exists in the DBTUNE table, use the alter operation.
sdedbtune -o alter -k <configuration keyword> -P <parameter_name> -v
<configuration_string_value> [-i <service>] [-D <database>] -u <user_name>
[-p <password>] [-N] [-q]
To delete one parameter from a parameter group or delete a configuration
keyword and all its parameters, you must use the delete_data operation.
Before deleting a configuration keyword, be sure other users or applications
truly no longer need the keyword, such as an ArcIMS map service.
sdedbtune -o delete_data -k <keyword> [-P <parameter_name>] [-i <service>]
[-s <server_name>][-D <database>] -u <user_name> [-p <password>] [-N] [-q]
To delete one parameter from a configuration keyword, you would specify both
the keyword and the parameter in the command string (provide values for both
-k and -P). To delete a configuration keyword and all the parameters that
are part of that keyword, you only need to specify the keyword in the
Please refer the below web help link for more details.
-----Original Message-----
From: Romica Dascalescu [mailto:Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 3:46 PM
To: Brad Nesom
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
Hi Brad,
Yes, you can create a ticket and we will try to fix it in the future.
Thank you also for digging into the issue.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Nesom [mailto:kidsmake6 at msn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 4:26 PM
To: Romica Dascalescu
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
I sent two pretty small files but since then have discovered the main
problem. Somehow my database is set up for utf-8 I think. Any text field
that esri creates is defaulted to nvarchar2 (this supports
internationalization). That is the difference between being able to read
text field with the arcsde fdo and not. I created a new field in oracle
using alter table (mytable) add myfield varchar2(75) null;
That I am able to now read with fdo.
Thanks for the prodding Romy.
I can go through all my tables and convert (five step process for me).
1. Create a temp
2. calculate to the temp
3. drop the original and
4. re-create original as varchar2 correctly
5. calculate temp back to new original and drop temp.
Would it be feasible to add nvarchar2 (and perhaps nchar / see link
support to the fdo provider? If you say yes I can create a ticket.
-----Original Message-----
From: Romica Dascalescu [mailto:Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2007 1:01 PM
To: Brad Nesom
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
Hi Brad,
You can send it (as zip file) and I will see what I can do.
-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Nesom [mailto:kidsmake6 at msn.com]
Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 10:04 PM
To: Romica Dascalescu
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
I could send my dbtune file if that would help. maybe a small dmp?
Hi Brad,
I'm not sure how I can help you regarding this issue.
In my tests I was not able to reproduce your problem. I can't test the
issue because I don't have a server with this problem.
Lately I tried connections to 4 ArcSDE servers and there was no problem,
I was able to get text fields.
Could you tell me the type of the text fields from Oracle?
From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brad Nesom
Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 11:17 AM
To: 'FDO Users Mail List'
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
I wish the arcsde fdo would be fixed for 9.2. Can anyone help?
From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brad Nesom
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 11:32 AM
To: 'FDO Users Mail List'
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
Foloowing your direction I have atteache dscreeen shots of each step
Fdo60text92.jp is step one and shows the data and table with only
numeric fields.
Fdo60text91.jpg is step two and shows no change.
Fdo60textarcmap.jpg shows that there are many fileds in the feature
class in arcsde.
Not sure what to look at to determine where the problem lies.
I also noticed just now that I cannot see a feature class that was
loaded via arcatalog (this registers it with sde automatically) as
spatial data objects (SDO_GEOMETRY) data type. Again not sure if this is
relevant but worth mentioning.
From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Romica
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:04 PM
To: FDO Users Mail List
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
First of all please can you tell me if ArcSDEProvider.dll,
ArcSDEProvider91.dll and ArcSDEProvider92.dll are in the FDO\bin folder?
If yes, you could try something:
1) Remove pe91.dll, sde91.dll and sg91.dll from FDO\bin folder and
try to see the result. - doing that you will force ArcSDE provider to
use arcsde 92
2) Remove pe.dll, sde.dll and sg.dll from FDO\bin and copy back
pe91.dll, sde91.dll and sg91.dll folder and try to see the result. -
doing that you will force ArcSDE provider to use arcsde 91
Please let me know the result.
From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brad Nesom
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 5:53 PM
To: 'FDO Users Mail List'
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
Hi Romy,
I don't know what you mean by the 9.1 libraries? I have 9.2
I have applied the esri service pack for 9.2 on both my client and on
I attached a screenshot of my bin folder. I do have the old 91 files in
there sde91.dll, sg91.dll and pe91.dll. I also have the newer sg, sde
and pe dlls.
You may notice that I am using map to make these connections. I was
using the mapguide OS to accomplish until my studio trial ran out and I
can't get the web studio to do anything.
Thanks for you help!
From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Romica
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:24 PM
To: FDO Users Mail List
Subject: RE: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
Hi Brad,
I did not have this issue when I tested.
Do you use arcsde 9.2 libraries (do you have also the 9.1 client)? Did
you apply the service pack from ESRI?
From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
[mailto:fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Brad Nesom
Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2007 4:53 PM
To: 'FDO Users Mail List'
Subject: [fdo-users] ArcSDE 92
I am still having an issue with arcsde 9.2 data in fdo I can
see all numeric fields but there are no text fields. I am trying to
figure out if this is specific to my install or if anyone else has the
same issue?
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