[fdo-users] FDOPostGIS 3.4L Check In of New generated PointFeature causes ErrorMessage

Hermann Karl Karl.Hermann at dornbirn.at
Tue Aug 4 12:30:11 EDT 2009

Dear List,

CREATE TABLE "blocktest3" (gid serial PRIMARY KEY,
"blockname" varchar(255),
"layer" varchar(255),
"rotation" numeric,
"s" varchar(255),
"u" varchar(255));
SELECT AddGeometryColumn('','blocktest3','the_geom','-1','POINT',2);
INSERT INTO "blocktest3"
("blockname","layer","rotation","s","u",the_geom) VALUES
INSERT INTO "blocktest3"
("blockname","layer","rotation","s","u",the_geom) VALUES

New Feature with

Generate Point-blocktest3
open datatable and fill in the new record the values for blockname =
'GN2', layer = 'GN', rotation = 0, s = '3464', u = '6'

try to check and you will get this warning

-FdoPostGIS:blocktest3(),Rev# <0>
-Object could not be inserted
-1=FDO-Command could not be executed
-2=invalide PropertyValueName
Some Objects could not be saved

the fdo driver log shows

INSERT INTO "public"."blocktest3"
(the_geom,blockname,layer,rotation,s,u) VALUES

the insert in postgis is ok


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