[fdo-users] FDO Compile error (libxalan-c)

kernel_panic sudoaptgetinstalld00d3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 12:24:49 EDT 2009

> Did you use the "internal" cppunit library or the one that comes by doing
> apt-get -- i.e. what did you pass to cmake on the command line when you
> first called it?

Yes, I used the internal cppunit library, as instructed in the cmake
readme file.

BTW, I forgot to post the command line that I used :p :


(I was already root)

If I run make (not cmake) for a second time, this is what I get:

[  0%] Built target mkcatdefs
[  3%] Built target sqlite3fdo
[  3%] Built target FileToHdr
[  3%] Built target SchemaFromInternal
[  3%] Built target McToMsf
[  3%] Built target FDOMessage
[  3%] Built target ProcessedFiles
[ 20%] Built target FDO
[ 20%] Built target XsdInstallPaths
[ 20%] Built target Internal_Cppunit
[ 22%] Built target UnitTest
[ 23%] Built target ProvidersCommon
[ 24%] Built target TestCommon
[ 29%] Built target ExpressionEngine
[ 31%] Built target FdoOws
[ 31%] Built target SMMessage
[ 32%] Built target SmPhRd
[ 32%] Built target SmOverrides
[ 34%] Built target SmLogicalPhysical
[ 34%] Built target SmPhCfg
[ 34%] Built target SmPhMt
[ 35%] Built target SmPhRb
[ 41%] Built target SmPhysical
[ 41%] Built target SchemaMgr
[ 42%] Built target SQLiteInterface
[ 42%] Built target fdordbmsmsg
[ 47%] Built target FdoRdbms
[ 48%] Built target Gdbi
[ 48%] Built target LTManager
[ 49%] Built target LockManager
[ 49%] Built target geometry_fgf
[ 51%] Built target mysqldr
[ 51%] Built target FdoRdbmsMySQL_Fdo
[ 51%] Built target FdoRdbmsMySQL_SchemaMgr_Lp
[ 53%] Built target FdoRdbmsMySQL_SchemaMgr_Ov
[ 54%] Built target FdoRdbmsMySQL_SchemaMgr
[ 55%] Built target FdoRdbmsMySQL_SchemaMgr_Ph_Rd
[ 56%] Built target FdoRdbmsMySQL_SchemaMgr_Ph
[ 59%] Built target rdbi
[ 60%] Built target SmLpGrd
[ 61%] Built target SchemaMgr_OV
[ 61%] Built target SmGrd
[ 61%] Built target SmPhCfgGrd
[ 61%] Built target SmPhRdGrd
[ 62%] Built target SmPhGrd
[ 63%] Built target genericrdbms_util
[ 63%] Built target FdoMySQL
[ 66%] Built target FdoODBCDriver
[ 66%] Built target FdoRdbmsODBC_SchemaMgr
[ 67%] Built target FdoRdbmsODBC_Fdo
[ 67%] Built target FdoRdbmsODBC_SchemaMgr_Lp
[ 68%] Built target FdoRdbmsODBC_SchemaMgr_Ov
[ 70%] Built target FdoRdbmsODBC_SchemaMgr_Ph
[ 70%] Built target FdoODBC
[ 70%] Built target PostGisMessage
[ 71%] Built target PostGISOverrides
[ 74%] Built target PostGISProvider
[ 74%] Built target ShpMessage
[ 74%] Built target SHPOverrides
[ 76%] Built target SHPRead
[ 77%] Built target SHPSpatialIndex
[ 80%] Built target SHPProvider
Linking CXX executable UnitTest

And after that, "the puke" comes on...

> The SHP provider in trunk as compiled by cmake works fine for me on Ubuntu
> 9.04 64 bit. I assume 32 bit works as well, since that's better tested than
> the 64 bit. For reading SHP files you can also use the OGR provider, which
> also works fine for me on 9.04 64 bit.

If the OGR provider can deal with SHP files, then, why is there a SHP
provider? :P Are there any limitations? :p

> ________________________________________
> From: fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [fdo-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org]
> On Behalf Of kernel_panic [sudoaptgetinstalld00d3 at gmail.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2009 7:55 PM
> To: FDO Users Mail List
> Subject: Re: [fdo-users] FDO Compile error (libxalan-c)
> Well, I tried what you suggested about using cmake instead of automake.
> I followed instructions from Cmake_readme, but encountered a few
> problems regarding to GDAL libraries being linked by OGR, GDAL and WMS
> that werent found. I fixed that by editing the cmake files on ogr and
> gdal/src/provider/, adding libgdal1.5.0.so to each linked library
> section, like this:
> target_link_libraries( GRFPProvider
>         GRFPOverrides
>         ProvidersCommon
>         FDO
>         libgdal1.5.0.so
> )
> After that, the cmake command ran with no errors, but when I ran the
> make command I get A LOT of this:
> CMakeFiles/SHPUnitTest.dir/FdoExpressionFunctionTest.cpp.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN7CppUnit10TestCallerI25FdoExpressionFunctionTestNS_19NoExceptionExpectedEEE[vtable
> for CppUnit::TestCaller<FdoExpressionFunctionTest,
> CppUnit::NoExceptionExpected>]+0x34): undefined reference to
> `CppUnit::Test::checkIsValidIndex(int) const'
> CMakeFiles/SHPUnitTest.dir/FdoExpressionFunctionTest.cpp.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTVN7CppUnit10TestCallerI25FdoExpressionFunctionTestNS_19NoExceptionExpectedEEE[vtable
> for CppUnit::TestCaller<FdoExpressionFunctionTest,
> CppUnit::NoExceptionExpected>]+0x38): undefined reference to
> `CppUnit::TestLeaf::doGetChildTestAt(int) const'
> CMakeFiles/SHPUnitTest.dir/FdoExpressionFunctionTest.cpp.o:(.data.rel.ro._ZTIN7CppUnit10TestCallerI25FdoExpressionFunctionTestNS_19NoExceptionExpectedEEE[typeinfo
> for CppUnit::TestCaller<FdoExpressionFunctionTest,
> CppUnit::NoExceptionExpected>]+0x8): undefined reference to `typeinfo
> for CppUnit::TestCase'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Test::findTestPath(CppUnit::Test const*,
> CppUnit::TestPath&) const'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Test::findTestPath(std::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&,
> CppUnit::TestPath&) const'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Message::Message(std::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&,
> std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
> const&)'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Asserter::fail(CppUnit::Message const&,
> CppUnit::SourceLine const&)'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Message::Message(std::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&,
> std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >
> const&, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
> std::allocator<char> > const&)'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Asserter::failIf(bool, CppUnit::Message const&,
> CppUnit::SourceLine const&)'
> ../../../../Utilities/TestCommon/libTestCommon.so.3.5.0: undefined
> reference to `CppUnit::Test::resolveTestPath(std::basic_string<char,
> std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const'
> collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
> make[2]: *** [Providers/SHP/Src/UnitTest/UnitTest] Error 1
> make[1]: *** [Providers/SHP/Src/UnitTest/CMakeFiles/SHPUnitTest.dir/all]
> Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2
> As long as the terminal screen can "remember" :p
> Did it happen to you? (both) What do you think the problem may be with SHP?
> :P

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