FGF and spatial context

Haris Kurtagic haris at sl-king.com
Thu Nov 2 06:52:12 EST 2006

I came across issue converting a FGF format to provider specific (
Oracle ).
To convert it properly provider needs to know Spatial Context, and when
I am doing it for feature class queries it is ok in a sense that I can
get spatial context (and SRID) from geometry property.
But, I came across problem, when I wanted to use FGF as parameter in
FdoISQLCommnad, then from FGF itself I can't get spatial context.
I can imagine that concept of ActiveSpatialContext can help, but once I
asked here about it I got replied that this concept of Active Spatial
Context is going out.
Regardless of Active Spatial Context that I think it would be benefit if
in FGF could hold spatial context association in it ( perhaps to add a
kind of id for spatial context  which would be provider specific ) .
If there is a chance of extending a FGF format I would like to point on
issue of repeating of data in that format, for example: for every point
in multipoint there is again gtype saying it is a point and
dimensionality .
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