[fdo-dev] [fdordbms] UnitTest segmentation fault

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Oct 12 12:02:59 EDT 2006

Romica Dascalescu wrote:
> Hi Mateusz,
> I will fix the unit tests by changing UnitTestUtil::GetEnviron() to
> return "" and not NULL.



> You will be able to send an empty password by:
>  - Using a string like service=mysqlserver;username=root;password=;
>  - Not setting the password in init file e.g.
> service=mysqlserver;username=root;
> The default value for password is "".


> There is no rule to fill up these parameters. If you want to be able to
> connect to a server you must set the data which the server needs (at
> least service and username) otherwise the connection will fail.

OK, I do expect it will fail if my parameters are incomplete,
but I expect it will fail gracefully, with some meaningful message,
instead of throwing segmentation fault.
That's what is my first long message all about.

> The parameters from initfiletest take set values or if missing take the
> default values.
> As main rule is better to consider all parameters are required.

OK, I'll stick to it.

Mateusz Loskot

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