[fdo-dev] FW: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO

Romica Dascalescu Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com
Tue Oct 17 11:07:59 EDT 2006

Hi Rajneesh,


For that version of Map which you have, is no open source code for MySQL provider available.

For that version of Map you have only FDO, SHP and SDF providers available.




	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Rajneesh Verma [mailto:rajneesh at klgsystel.com] 
	Sent: Tue 10/17/2006 9:34 AM 
	To: Romica Dascalescu; 'Manjeet Sharma'; dev at fdo.osgeo.org 
	Cc: ganesh.bansal at daffodildb.com; parveen.agarwal at daffodildb.com 
	Subject: RE: [fdo-dev] FW: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO

	What versions does it support?







	From: Romica Dascalescu [mailto:Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com] 
	Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 6:21 PM
	To: Manjeet Sharma; dev at fdo.osgeo.org
	Cc: Rajneesh Verma; ganesh.bansal at daffodildb.com; parveen.agarwal at daffodildb.com
	Subject: RE: [fdo-dev] FW: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO


	Hi Manjeet,


	Latest FDO is not supported by the version of Map which you having.



		-----Original Message----- 
		From: Manjeet Sharma [mailto:manjeet.sharma at daffodildb.com] 
		Sent: Tue 10/17/2006 1:07 AM 
		To: Romica Dascalescu 
		Cc: Rajneesh Verma; ganesh.bansal at daffodildb.com; parveen.agarwal at daffodildb.com 
		Subject: Re: [fdo-dev] FW: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO

		Hi Romica,
		I am sending you the following configuration details for FDO provider :
		Product name: Autodesk Map 3D 2007
		Product version: A.54.0 (UNICODE)
		Product service pack: 0
		License type: Standalone - Locked
		License behavior: Unregistered Version
		License usage type: In Trial
		FDO provider version:
		and we could not find the library file MgFdoMySQLOverrides.dll  after
		build process at the following locations:
		 \\Providers\GenericRdbms\Managed\bin\debug\ and
		but we have another library file
		OSGeo.FDO.Providers.MySQL.Overrides.dll at the same path. we tried to
		use the same but the error message during autodesk startup is same as
		i have told you earlier.
		i have also tried all the newly build fdo core dll file (including
		debug dependencies (Xalan-C_1_7_0D.dll, XalanMessages_1_7_0D.dll,
		xerces-c_2_5_0D.dll) by placing all those files.
		Right now i am trying to build the FDO provider  using FDO version
		On 10/16/06, Romica Dascalescu <Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com> wrote:
		> Hi Manjeet,
		> Please can you provide me the next information?
		> In the menu Help -> About Autodesk Map 3D
		>         -> Click on Product Information
		> I need to tell me: Product Name, Product version, Product Service pack.
		> It's very important if your Map version supports the latest version of
		> FDO.
		> Also in you install folder you have FDO\Bin and inside providers.xml.
		> Please tell me the value of version node from providers (is it,
		> or
		> About MgFdoMySQLOverrides.dll you should find this library after build
		> in: \\Providers\GenericRdbms\Managed\bin\debug\ or
		> \\Providers\GenericRdbms\Managed\bin\release\
		> If you have build errors please let me know.
		> Usually as rule, after you build one provider and you want to replace
		> the dll in Map you must copy also FDO libraries
		> (\\Fdo\Unmanaged\bin\win32\debug\)
		> If you want to use the debug libraries do not forget about debug
		> dependencies (Xalan-C_1_7_0D.dll, XalanMessages_1_7_0D.dll,
		> xerces-c_2_5_0D.dll and boost_thread-vc80-mt-gd-1_32.dll <last one is
		> only for WMS and WFS providers>)
		> Best Regards,
		> Romica.
		> -----Original Message-----
		> From: Manjeet Sharma [mailto:manjeet.sharma at daffodildb.com]
		> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 6:12 AM
		> To: Romica Dascalescu
		> Cc: Rajneesh Verma
		> Subject: Re: [fdo-dev] FW: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW:
		> [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO
		> Dear Romica,
		>                           Thanks for your nice support. The build
		> process for MySQL provider is succssfull without any error.But it does
		> not produce MgFdoMySQLOverrides.dll files. But when i replace these
		> newly build     .dll files (only three)  with existing ones in
		> Autodesk map 2007 at the path " C:\Program Files\Autodesk Map 3D
		> 2007\FDO\bin ", the FDO  provider for Mysql does not work. It gives
		> the error message during Autodesk map 2007 startup.
		> C:\Program Files\Autodesk Map 3D 2007\AcMapWorkspace.arx cannot find a
		> dll or
		> other file that it needs.
		> .Failed.
		> AcMapWorkspace.arx Load FailedRegenerating model.
		> AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
		> AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
		> Command: COMMANDLINE
		> The names of the newly created three dll files are :
		> MySQLProvider.dll
		> MySQLOverrides.dll
		> RdbmsOverrides.dll
		> but still we could not create MgFdoMySQLOverrides.dll file.
		> waiting for your reply.
		> Thanks
		> On 10/13/06, Romica Dascalescu <Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com> wrote:
		> >
		> > Hi Rajneesh,
		> >
		> > I had a look at the project Fdo\UnitTest\UnitTest.vcproj
		> >         - UseOfMFC="0" - ok
		> >         - PreprocessorDefinitions does not contains __CPPUNIT_MFC_APP
		> -
		> > ok
		> >         - The File Fdo\UnitTest\Pch.h does not contains define
		> > __CPPUNIT_MFC_APP - ok
		> > Everything looks ok. I tried a full build on a clean machine (with
		> VC++
		> > and VC# Express 2005 and it worked + SDK).
		> > Maybe your problem is coming from file
		> > Thirdparty\cppunit\HostApp\StdAfx.h
		> > In this file you should have next part of code (it's the only place
		> > where an afx (MFC) header file can be included):
		> > #ifdef __CPPUNIT_MFC_APP
		> >         #define _AFXDLL
		> >         #include <afxwin.h>         // MFC core and standard
		> components
		> >         #include <afxext.h>         // MFC extensions
		> >         #ifndef _AFX_NO_AFXCMN_SUPPORT
		> >                 #include <afxcmn.h>
		> >         #endif // _AFX_NO_AFXCMN_SUPPORT
		> > #else
		> >         #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
		> >         #include <stdio.h>
		> >         #include <tchar.h>
		> >         #include <Windows.h>
		> > #endif // __CPPUNITMFCAPP
		> >
		> > Can you check please if you have the last version of Thirdparty
		> folder?
		> > Can you make an update on this folder and if something changed make a
		> > build?
		> > Also can you check for __CPPUNIT_MFC_APP if you defined?
		> > __CPPUNIT_MFC_APP must be undefined.
		> >
		> > Regards,
		> > Romica
		> >
		> > -----Original Message-----
		> > From: Rajneesh Verma [mailto:rajneesh at klgsystel.com]
		> > Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 1:06 AM
		> > To: Romica Dascalescu
		> > Cc: dev at fdo.osgeo.org; users at fdo.osgeo.org; 'Manjeet Sharma'
		> > Subject: [fdo-dev] FW: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW:
		> [fdo-users]
		> > RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO
		> >
		> > Hi Romica,
		> >
		> > We are getting these error messages during build process of both "Core
		> > FDO and  MySql FDO provider ".
		> >
		> > The project names that we are trying to build are:
		> >
		> > FDO.sln
		> > MYSQL.sln
		> >
		> > and we are getting these errors during the build process of subproject
		> > "unittest.sln" (FDO project) and "unittestmysql.sln" (MySQL project).
		> >
		> > Please mark your response to Manjeet also as he is working with us on
		> > this
		> > project.
		> >
		> > Thanks
		> > Rajneesh
		> >
		> > >
		> > > -----Original Message-----
		> > > From: Romica Dascalescu [mailto:Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com]
		> > > Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 8:11 PM
		> > > To: dev at fdo.osgeo.org
		> > > Cc: users at fdo.osgeo.org; Rajneesh Verma
		> > > Subject: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Re: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev]
		> > Query
		> > > on MySQL FDO
		> > >
		> > >
		> > > Hi Rajneesh,
		> > >
		> > > Could you please tell me on which project (.sln and .vcproj) do you
		> > have
		> > > this error?
		> > > Could you please provide me more information?
		> > >
		> > > Thanks,
		> > > Romica.
		> > >
		> > >
		> > > -----Original Message-----
		> > > From: Rajneesh Verma [mailto:rajneesh at klgsystel.com]
		> > > Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2006 2:34 AM
		> > > To: Romica Dascalescu
		> > > Cc: dev at fdo.osgeo.org; users at fdo.osgeo.org
		> > > Subject: [fdo-dev] Re: FW: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL
		> > FDO
		> > >
		> > > Hi Romica,
		> > >
		> > > Thanks for the guidance. However, we are still facing problem as
		> given
		> > > below:
		> > >
		> > > We have already done checkout of utilities folder and are getting
		> the
		> > > error
		> > > message as below:
		> > >
		> > > c:\program files\microsoft visual studio
		> 8\vc\atlmfc\include\afx.h(24)
		> > > : fatal error C1189: #error :  Building MFC application with /MD[d]
		> > (CRT
		> > > dll
		> > > version) requires MFC shared dll version. Please #define _AFXDLL or
		> do
		> > > not
		> > > use /MD[d]
		> > >
		> > >
		> > > Regards
		> > >
		> > > Rajneesh
		> > >
		> > >
		> > >
		> > > > -----Original Message-----
		> > > > From: Romica Dascalescu [mailto:Romica.Dascalescu at autodesk.com]
		> > > > Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:44 PM
		> > > > To: dev at fdo.osgeo.org; users at fdo.osgeo.org
		> > > > Cc: Rajneesh Verma
		> > > > Subject: [fdo-users] RE: [fdo-dev] Query on MySQL FDO
		> > > >
		> > > >
		> > > > Hi,
		> > > >
		> > > > Because '[FDO Open Source]\Utilities' directory is not on your
		> local
		> > > > disk I think you took from SVN only fdo, thirdparty and rdbms. You
		> > > need
		> > > > also the utilities for providers.
		> > > > You can use checkoutsvn.bat to get/update your working folder by
		> > using
		> > > > -w command e.g.:
		> > > > checkoutsvn.bat -w=fdocore -w=rdbms -u=xxx -p=xxx -o=xxx -s=xxx
		> > > > Or
		> > > > checkoutsvn.bat -w=fdo -w=utilities -w=rdbms -u=xxx -p=xxx -o=xxx
		> > > -s=xxx
		> > > >
		> > > > The option fdocore include utilities option.
		> > > > Before running checkoutsvn.bat, please update it from SVN.
		> > > > After this command you should have and build the utilities without
		> > any
		> > > > problems.
		> > > > If you still have problems please let me know.
		> > > >
		> > > > Regards,
		> > > > Romica.
		> > > >
		> > > >
		> > > >
		> > > >
		> > > >
		> > >
		> > >
		> > > --
		> > > Manjeet Sharma
		> > > Software Engineer
		> > > Daffodil Software Ltd.
		> > >
		> > >
		> > >
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		> >
		> > --
		> > Manjeet Sharma
		> > Software Engineer
		> > Daffodil Software Ltd.
		> >
		> >
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		> >
		> --
		> Manjeet Sharma
		> Software Engineer
		> Daffodil Software Ltd.
		Manjeet Sharma
		Software Engineer
		Daffodil Software Ltd.

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