[fdo-dev] using dot '.' in schema element name

Traian Stanev traian.stanev at autodesk.com
Fri Sep 29 11:47:57 EDT 2006

Hi Orest, 
I actually had the same ideas as Haris a few weeks ago when working on the OGR provider. I wanted to treat a fully qualified Oracle table name as the name of a feature class. This had "." in it, so FDO didn't accept it. My workaround was to replace . by ~ in these names in order to get the string past the FDO schema APIs. 
I can imagine one advantage of allowing this in the case of Oracle would be that you can connect to a specific feature class, which would probably save time on processing a whole schema. In my case, it was simply because that's how OGR names feature classes, though.

	-----Original Message----- 
	From: Orest Halustchak 
	Sent: Fri 9/29/2006 8:44 AM 
	To: dev at fdo.osgeo.org 
	Subject: RE: [fdo-dev] using dot '.' in schema element name
	Hi Haris,
	I'm not sure about your example of DbSchema.TableName.ColumnName. There is an existing delimeter to separate schema name from class name, which seems to be the first part of your example. Why would the column name be part of the class name rather than the column name being a property name? Are you trying to handle a case where a column is an object type?


	From: Haris Kurtagic [mailto:haris at sl-king.com] 
	Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 8:13 AM
	To: dev at fdo.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [fdo-dev] using dot '.' in schema element name
	Yes, of course. 
	I wanted to open discussion if that can be changed or extended, so the class name could have dot as delimiter.


	From: Orest Halustchak [mailto:orest.halustchak at autodesk.com] 
	Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 1:56 PM
	To: dev at fdo.osgeo.org
	Subject: RE: [fdo-dev] using dot '.' in schema element name
	Hi Haris,
	Dot and colon are reserved and cannot be used for scheme element names. Colon is used as a delimeter between schema name and class name (e.g. LandBase:Road) and dot is used for accessing object properties (e.g. Address.StreetNumber) or for associations.


	From: Haris Kurtagic [mailto:haris at sl-king.com] 
	Sent: Friday, September 29, 2006 7:21 AM
	To: dev at fdo.osgeo.org
	Subject: [fdo-dev] using dot '.' in schema element name
	I am wondering is it possible to allow '.' dot character to be part of FdoSchemaElement name ?
	I realized that '.' is hard coded and used as scope delimiter for fdoidentifer's but
	I think it is important to be able to have class name  like: 'DbSchema.TableName.ColumnName'.
	Right now I am using ~ character but more intuitive would be to use '.'

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