[fdo][FDO127][New] Prepare GenericRdbms unit tests for open source

Romica Dascalescu romica.dascalescu at autodesk.com
Mon Aug 21 14:48:00 EDT 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 FDO127 (Prepare GenericRdbms unit tests for open source)

Reported by
 Romica Dascalescu
 romicadascalescu (romica.dascalescu at autodesk.com)

New artifact details:

- Summary set to new value
  Prepare GenericRdbms unit tests for open source
- Artifact Status set to new value
- Artifact created
- Description set to new value
  Changed the modality to configure the unit tests:

Each unit test is looking after a default configuration file, as following:
 - MySql by default looks for MySqlInit.txt
 - Odbc by default looks for OdbcInit.txt

If you want to provide a different configuration file (with a different name, 
e.g. MyOdbcInit.txt) you can set the environment variable "initfiletest" 
with the name of the file before running the test, or you can provide the file 
name as parameter e.g. "UnitTestMySql.exe initfiletest=MyOdbcInitEx.txt"

You will need to modify in a configuration file some of the settings as follows:
 - For MySql:
service=<service name>;
username=<user name>;
password=<user password>;
clean=<true/false - if all generated files will be erased at the end of test>;

 - For Odbc - it has multiple groups of parameters depending of which ODBC units 
you want to run: 

serviceOracle=<Oracle service name used>;
usernameOracle=<Oracle user name>;
passwordOracle=<Oracle user password>;
DSNOracle=<Oracle DSN ODBC name>;
ODBC Oracle tests name is OdbcOracleTests

serviceMySql=<MySql service name used>;
usernameMySql=<MySql user name>;
passwordMySql=<MySql user password>;
DSNMySql=<MySql DSN ODBC name>;
ODBC MySql tests name is OdbcMySqlTests

serviceSqlServer=<SqlServer service name used>;
usernameSqlServer=<SqlServer user name>;
passwordSqlServer=<SqlServer user password>;
DSNSqlServer=<SqlServer DSN ODBC name>;
ODBC SqlServer tests name is OdbcSqlServerTests

DSNAccess=<SqlServer DSN ODBC name>;
ODBC Access tests name is OdbcAccessTests

DSNExcel=<SqlServer DSN ODBC name>;
ODBC Excel tests name is OdbcExcelTests

DSNText=<SqlServer DSN ODBC name>;
ODBC Text tests name is OdbcTextTests

clean=<true/false - if all generated files will be erased at the end of test>;

Note: all parameters are optional, if a parameter is missing then the hard-coded 
value will be used.

- Submission Reviewed set to new value
- Task Priority set to new value

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