[fdo][FDO337][New] Redundant break in FdoRdbmsMySqlConnection::CreateCommand

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Wed Dec 6 15:23:13 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 FDO337 (Redundant break in FdoRdbmsMySqlConnection::CreateCommand)

Reported by
 Mateusz Loskot
 mloskot (mateusz at loskot.net)

New artifact details:

- Summary set to new value
  Redundant break in FdoRdbmsMySqlConnection::CreateCommand
- Artifact created
- Description set to new value
  It's just a code cleaning suggestion.

In file FdoRdbmsMySqlConnection.cpp, lines 89-91 look as follows:

case FdoCommandType_RollbackLongTransaction:
throw FdoConnectionException::Create(NlsMsgGet(FDORDBMS_10, "Command not supported"));
break; // <---- NEVER CALLED

Above, the marked line will never be executed.

- Artifact Status set to new value

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