[fdo][FDO239][New] GDAL: FdoIRaster::GetNullPixelValue returns NULL value

Greg Boone greg.boone at autodesk.com
Mon Oct 30 10:31:42 EST 2006

You can view the artifact detail at the following URL:



Artifact ID
 FDO239 (GDAL: FdoIRaster::GetNullPixelValue returns NULL value)

Reported by
 Greg Boone
 gregboone (greg.boone at autodesk.com)

New artifact details:

- Artifact Status set to new value
- Defect Severity set to new value
- Summary set to new value
  GDAL: FdoIRaster::GetNullPixelValue returns NULL value
- Description set to new value
  I am running the following test...

void RfpTestBandConfig::testGetNullValue1()
	FdoPtr<FdoIConnection> connection = CreateConnection();
	FdoPtr<FdoIoStream> stream = FdoIoFileStream::Create(L"../../TestData/band/getnullvalue1.xml", L"r");


When debugging this test I see that the return value 'val' is never assigned a value and is returned as NULL. This is because bGotNoData is false as returned from GDALGetRasterNoDataValue. Can you elaborate on the expected behaviour?

FdoDataValue* FdoRfpBandRaster::GetNullPixelValue ()
    FdoPtr<FdoDataValue> val;
    FdoRasterDataModel* dataModel = GetDataModel ();
    FdoPtr<FdoRfpImage> image = m_geoBandRaster->GetImage();

    int bGotNoData;
    double dfNoData;
    dfNoData = GDALGetRasterNoDataValue( image->m_redBand, &bGotNoData );

    if( image->m_components == 1 && bGotNoData )
        if( image->m_gdalDataType == GDT_Byte )
            val = FdoDataValue::Create((FdoInt8) dfNoData);
        else if( image->m_gdalDataType == GDT_Int16 )
            val = FdoDataValue::Create((FdoInt16) dfNoData);
        else if( image->m_gdalDataType == GDT_Int32 )
            val = FdoDataValue::Create((FdoInt32) dfNoData);
        else if( image->m_gdalDataType == GDT_Float32 )
            val = FdoDataValue::Create((float) dfNoData);
        else // TODO: How important is it to return the right type?  What about unsigned?
            val = FdoDoubleValue::Create(dfNoData);

    // TODO: Add support for NODATA_VALUES metadata, like the png&mrsid drivers return.

    return FDO_SAFE_ADDREF(val.p); <<<<< !!!!!!!!!!!!!! <<<<<<< }

Local Variables.....

		dfNoData	-10000000000.000000	double
+		val	{p=0x00000000 }	FdoPtr<FdoDataValue>
		bGotNoData	0	int

Call Stack.....

>	GRFPProvider.dll!FdoRfpBandRaster::GetNullPixelValue()  Line 432	C++
 	GRFPProvider.dll!FdoRfpRaster::GetNullPixelValue()  Line 109 + 0xf bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!RfpTestBandConfig::testGetNullValue1()  Line 327 + 0x23 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!RfpTestBandConfig::UNITTEST_testGetNullValue1()  Line 32 + 0x55 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TestCaller<RfpTestBandConfig,CppUnit::NoExceptionExpected>::runTest()  Line 166 + 0x16 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TestCase::run()  + 0x94 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TestSuite::run()  + 0xd9 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TestSuite::run()  + 0xd9 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner::runTest()  + 0x8a bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner::runTestByName()  + 0x75 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!CppUnit::TextUi::TestRunner::run()  + 0x79 bytes	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!UnitTestMainProc()  Line 161	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!main(int argc=1, char * * argv=0x0112ca50)  Line 30	C++
 	UnitTest.exe!__tmainCRTStartup()  Line 586 + 0x19 bytes	C
 	UnitTest.exe!mainCRTStartup()  Line 403	C
 	[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for kernel32.dll]	

- Priority set to new value
- Artifact created

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