[Featureserver] Can I have arbitrary HTML on top of the map?

Alex Quinn senorsaru at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 18 15:24:10 EDT 2007

I'd like to have something like this on top of an
OpenLayers map, and have it linked to locations.  Is
this possible?

  <img id="image1" src="..">
  <img id="next" onclick="loadNextImage1();" src="..">
  Lorem ipsum...
      <td>a tiny bit more content</td>

Basically, we're trying to implement a geographic
search interface.  You start with a map.  On the map
are some thumbnail images of things you can search
for.  Next to each icon is a "next" link which uses
asynchronous HTTP (AJAX) to load in a new image.  If
the map is dragged, these DIVs should move with the

Is this possible with FeatureServer?  How difficult
would it be?

I saw this demo, which seems to indicate that it's


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