[Featureserver] Minor bugs/requests in featureserver 1.09

Kurt Schwehr schwehr at ccom.unh.edu
Sat Oct 13 01:02:23 EDT 2007


I'm running into a couple small bugs in working on packaging
featureserver for Mac OSX w/ fink (a debian pkg addon -
http://finkproject.net).  Any chance of getting a quick fix released
for at least the 1st item?

* The mkdist.sh script misses the fcgi that is in the svn tree

* The version number in setup.py is 1.07 whereas the tar lists 1.09

* You might want to consider using a MANFEST.in for the list of files.
   This allows a single command to make non-full tar:

   ./setup.py sdist --formats=bztar,gztar

* setup.py has a #!/usr/bin/env python but is not executable.  A quick

   svn propset svn:executable ON setup.py

  * Would it be possible to have a try of psycopg2 before using psycopg
    for the postgis layer?


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