[Featureserver] FeatureServer error reading from mapserver WFS

Ed Fialkowski edfialk at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 12:43:56 EDT 2007

Okay, I finally, finally got gdal built with xerces support.

[root at niceguy ogr]# ./ogrinfo wfs.gml
Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `wfs.gml'
      using driver `GML' successful.
1: GIS

Tada, so I check my featureserver request and I get:

An error occurred: libxerces-c.so.27: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory
  File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 200, in cgiHandler
    service = Server.load(*cfgfiles)
  File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 44, in _load
    datasources[section] = cls.loadFromSection(
  File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 22, in _loadFromSection
    module = __import__("%s.%s" % (module_type, type), globals(),
locals(), type)
  File "./FeatureServer/DataSource/PostGIS.py", line 2, in ?
    from OGR import OGR
  File "./FeatureServer/DataSource/OGR.py", line 2, in ?
    import ogr, osr
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/site-packages/ogr.py", line 33, in ?
    import _gdal

so I run /sbin/ldconfig to reload the shared libararies and I get:

An error occurred: OGR could not read the WFS result. Result was:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
  File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 232, in cgiHandler
    format, content = service.dispatchRequest( params, path_info,
host, post_data, request_method, accepts )
  File "./FeatureServer/Server.py", line 109, in dispatchRequest
    result = method(action)
  File "./FeatureServer/DataSource/WFS.py", line 39, in select
    raise Exception("OGR could not read the WFS result. Result was:
%s" % open(tmpfile).read())

which was the original error I got.  So I go back to ogrinfo and check the
gml again:

[root at niceguy ogr]# ./ogrinfo wfs.gml
ERROR 1: Unable to create Xerces C++ based GML reader, Xerces support
not configured into GDAL/OGR.
ERROR 1: File wfs.gml appears to be GML but the GML reader can't
be instantiated, likely because Xerces support wasn't
configured in.
Unable to open datasource `wfs.gml' with the following drivers.

!!! All of a sudden it doesn't work.  so, I can run make install from gdal
(again) and then check ogrinfo and get right back to the beginning:

[root at niceguy ogr]# ./ogrinfo wfs.gml
Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `wfs.gml'
      using driver `GML' successful.
1: GIS

!!! i'm stuck in a loop! after make install, shared libararies aren't found,
but loading the shared libraries makes ogr think it doesn't have xerces
support, even though it does RIGHT before reloading shared libraries.

I'm totally floored.
Anyone want to take a crack at that?

I couldn't thank you enough.
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