[Featureserver] Errors settings up feature server?

Rob Dunfey rob at gisconsultancy.com
Wed Feb 6 09:51:10 EST 2008

Hi Chris, Dane & List,

Dane suggested trying to access the index.html file instead, and moving the
featureserver folder to a standard web-accessible location, so I moved it
into the root directory


and now I can load the index.html file (before it was giving a Internal
Server Error 500) but it still gives some errors when I try and save a

When I try and access...


...it now asks me if I want to save the featureserver.cgi file?  I think
this is because it needs to create a scribble file?

Dane suggested checking that I've uploaded the cfg file, I have. Although
I've modified it slightly so that it creates the 'scribble file' in the same
directory as featureserver.cgi, at least that was my intention, cgf file
contents below:

# Metadata section allows you to define the default
# service type to be created

# each additional section is a 'layer', which can be accessed.
# see DataSources.txt for more info on configuring.

Thanks for your suggestions, I'm also pinging my web host to see if its
something to do with their cgi support.


On 06/02/2008, Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 01:24:34PM +0000, Rob Dunfey wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm trying to set up feature server on my web hosting account.  I tried
> at
> > the weekend, but I don't think my cgi was enabled on my web host, I
> think
> > I've solved this now and my simple cgi script works.
> >
> > http://www.gisconsultancy.com/cgi-bin/test.cgi
> >
> > However, when I try the following url I get the message below:
> >
> >
> http://gisconsultancy.com/cgi-bin/featureserver/featureserver.cgi/scribble/all.atm
> I'll point out that this URL doesn't work for me at all, but the problem
> is that you want '.atom', not '.atm'.
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta
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