[Featureserver] problem w/ example on webpage

John Cartwright john.c.cartwright at comcast.net
Wed Feb 6 15:56:08 EST 2008

Hello All,

I'm trying to run the examples on the main featureserver.org page to 
verify a new 1.11 installation.

The retrieve data request works fine:

however, trying to load data as described fails:
 echo '{"id":1, "geometry":{"type":"Point", "coordinates":0,5}}' | curl 
-d @- 

complaining that "Service type does not support adding features" which 
makes sense given the GML service is later described as  output-only. 

I tried switching to the JSON service and modified the input to match 
what I understood the GeoJSON format to be:
'{"id":1, "geometryType": "point","spatialCoordinates":[[-105.0, 40.0, 
0.0]],"srs":"EPSG:4326"}' but now I get a "Unable to determine bounding 
box for feature with geometry".

Could someone please correct me on how to execute the load example 
listed on the web page? I must have the GeoJSON format wrong.

Thanks so much for the help!

-- john


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