[Featureserver] Fwd: [udig-users] WFS layer from FeatureServer

Paolo Corti pcorti at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 12:01:37 EST 2008

Hi Christopher,

I understand that a schema has not sense for not some datasource (DBM,
BerkleyDB, SQLite), but would be a big plus for the others (OGR,
PostGIS, WFS, Flickr, Twitter, OSM).

The possibility for FeatureServer user to display some WFS in desktop
client like uDig, QGIS, gvSIG... would be a nice add

I do not think implementing the DataSource-level "schema" method would
be so hard if provided only for the data sources for which would be
useful and for which wouldn't be necessary to iterate every single
feature to collect the attributes

Anyway, I like very much this project, great job! ;-)


On Feb 15, 2008 6:15 PM, Christopher Schmidt <crschmidt at metacarta.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 05:56:07PM +0100, Paolo Corti wrote:
> > Hi
> > maybe now something is not obvious to me, but:
> > is there any way to get a DescribeFeatureType request? Looking at
> > source code seems not.
> Nope.  What's it do?  Ah, it describes a schema. FeatureServer doesn't
> have schemas. There's no way to establish a valid DescribeFeatureType
> request for some datasources short of iterating over every feature in
> the database and finding all the attributes, and even then, we don't
> have fixed types for the attributes...
> Anyway, if one wanted to do something like this they could create a
> DataSource-level "schema" method, which would return some standardized
> feature type information, which could then be implemented in the various
> services to return the data needed.
> It's a non-trivial task, but if someone is really interested in it, I'd
> be glad to walk them through it.
> Regards,
> --
> Christopher Schmidt
> MetaCarta

Paolo Corti

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