[Featureserver] featureserver and dynamic layers?

Bud P. Bruegger bud at comune.grosseto.it
Thu Mar 13 10:41:41 EDT 2008

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to understand whether feature server meets my needs.  I have
some data in PostGIS and would like to create some web client
interfaces (using OpenLayers) to access the data.  

For this, I'd like a combination of potentially complex queries to
select the features and CRUD functionality to create/modify/delete

I have understood (correctly so?) that featureserver allows to query by
a bbox and an simple attribute values.  Are more complex queries
something to integrate into featureserver or is it better to implement
some REST service separately that say outputs GeoJSON?

thanks in advance for any input


Bud P. Bruegger, Ph.D.          +39-0564-488577 (voice),  -21139 (fax) 
   European Chair, Global Collaboration Forum on eID
   Chair, Porvoo Subgroup on collab. govs/operating systems
   Leader of the Permanent eID Status Observatory (PESO) project
Servizio Elaborazione Dati       e-mail:  bud at comune.grosseto.it
Comune di Grosseto               jabber:  bud at jabber.no
Via Ginori, 43                   http://www.comune.grosseto.it/
58100 Grosseto (Tuscany, Italy)

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