[Featureserver] Q on AtomPub Demo

Bud P. Bruegger bud at comune.grosseto.it
Fri May 9 04:57:18 EDT 2008


I'm finally getting back to featureserver after being absorbed in
totally different things.  

I'm looking to setting up a "geoCRUD" app based on featureserver and
thought that the AtomPub demo at http://labs.metacarta.com/atompub/ was
the closest to what I wanted.  

I have started to play around and noted that the demo seems to require
a modified version of OpenLayers.  Can anyone tell me more on the plans
of development of this?  Are the additions of the demo version going
to be added to the OpenLayers code?  How experimental is this?  Would
it be better to base my work on the demo at
http://www.featureserver.org/demo.html instead?

Many thanks in advance for any advice!


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