[Featureserver] How to save polylines/linestrings from OL?

Frederik Ramm frederik at remote.org
Mon Oct 13 20:04:49 EDT 2008


    I've been using OpenLayers for a while and am now starting to play 
with FeatureServer.

I have two layers in OpenLayers, each with one Polyline on it. I want
to save this full picture to FeatureServer. I generate an array 
containing the two polylines from the two layers:

var feature_array = new Array();

and let this run through OpenLayer's GeoJSON formatter, yielding:


If I try to save this to FeatureServer, I get an error message about the 
geometry type "LineString" that was created by OpenLayers:

Unable to determine bounding box for feature with geometry LineString

(this is from Feature.py). I then modified Feature.py to also accept 
LineString instead of Line, but then the same problem occurs again in 
the storage backends:

An error occurred: Couldn't create WKT from geometry of type LineString 
({u'type': u'LineString', u'coordinates': ... ). Only Point, Line, 
Polygon are supported.

(this is from the SQLite backend but I have verified that neither does 
the PostGIS backend support the a GeoJSON type of "Linestring").

Somehow this must work - http://featureserver.org/demo.html perfectly
manages to upload polylines! So where is my mistake? (My FeatureServer 
installation is a few months old but I have confirmed that current SVN 
versions don't expect to receive LineString either. I'm using OpenLayers 
directly from http://openlayers.org/api/OpenLayers.js.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frederik at remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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