[Featureserver] simplejson version
Yves Moisan
yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Tue Mar 10 12:34:42 EDT 2009
> fwiw,
> in my exp recent versions of simplejson are at least "nearly as fast"
> as cjson (within 10%) --using the c extensions in both.
Hi Brent,
This means I have to compile _cspeedups.c right ?
> for the import, you can see how it's done in vector formats:
> http://svn.featureserver.org/trunk/vectorformats/vectorformats/Formats/GeoJSON.py
I see so cjson is used if it's on the system. I'm not set with a C
compiler on the windows box I'm working with, so I guess I need to
install MingW and compile cjson ? Pointers appreciated.
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