[FeatureServer] query using tsvector

Gery . gamejihou at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 19 13:16:40 PST 2012

Hi Michel,

Many thanks for your answer, that session.query works well in GA, for that I had to define a class TsVector for the tsvector type first, and after assigning it to my tsvector column (ts in my table), I run that line as part of my model.py (python my_model.py). I just tried your suggestion, but with no much luck:



*** GeoAlchemy.py.bk    2012-12-15 23:15:46.000000000 +0100
--- GeoAlchemy.py       2012-12-19 20:41:32.000000000 +0100
*** 57,65 ****
      def feature_predicate(self, key, operator_name, value):
          if operator_name == 'like':
!             return key.like('%'+value+'%')
          elif operator_name == 'ilike':
!             return key.ilike('%'+value+'%')
              return self.query_operators[operator_name](key,value)
--- 57,65 ----
      def feature_predicate(self, key, operator_name, value):
          if operator_name == 'like':
!             return key.ts.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("value"))
          elif operator_name == 'ilike':
!             return key.ts.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("value"))
              return self.query_operators[operator_name](key,value)

the error is similar to the one in my last email:An error occurred: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object associated with Boreholes.ts has an attribute 'ts'
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/web_request/handlers.py", line 230, in cgi
    accepts = accepts )
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/FeatureServer/Server.py", line 245, in dispatchRequest
    result = method(action)
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/FeatureServer/DataSource/GeoAlchemy.py", line 159, in select
    for k, v in action.attributes.iteritems()]
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/FeatureServer/DataSource/GeoAlchemy.py", line 62, in feature_predicate
    return key.ts.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("value"))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py", line 211, in __getattr__

{'queryable': 'ts', 'ts__ilike': 'ODP', 'format': 'GeoJSON'}
I think something else is necessary but no idea what it is. Thanks for putting this in your todo list, one question, do you have a date for FS 2.0?



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Subject: Re: [FeatureServer] query using tsvector
From: michel.ott at me.com
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2012 14:12:30 +0100
CC: featureserver at lists.osgeo.org
To: gamejihou at hotmail.com

Hi Gery
Your wrote that in GA it should look like this:session.query(Boreholes).filter(Boreholes.tsvector.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("ODP"))).all()"
what if you change your plainto_tsquery to the same appearance as in your filter() example above? Something like the following line:key.tsvector.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("value"))
P.S.: I should put this on my todo list for release 2.0

On Dec 19, 2012, at 12:22 PM, Gery . <gamejihou at hotmail.com> wrote:I've been changing the GeoAlchemy.py a bit in this way,in order to keep using the operator 'ilike' but as plainto_tsquery:

*** GeoAlchemy.py.bk    2012-12-15 23:15:46.000000000 +0100
--- GeoAlchemy.py       2012-12-19 12:00:13.000000000 +0100
*** 57,65 ****
      def feature_predicate(self, key, operator_name, value):
          if operator_name == 'like':
!             return key.like('%'+value+'%')
          elif operator_name == 'ilike':
!             return key.ilike('%'+value+'%')
              return self.query_operators[operator_name](key,value)
--- 57,65 ----
      def feature_predicate(self, key, operator_name, value):
          if operator_name == 'like':
!             return key.plainto_tsquery(''+value+'')
          elif operator_name == 'ilike':
!             return key.plainto_tsquery(''+value+'')
              return self.query_operators[operator_name](key,value)

and using the same call but with the tsvector column (ie. http://www.myweb.web/fs/Boreholes?format=GeoJSON&ts__ilike=ODP&queryable=ts), I get this:An error occurred: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' object associated with Boreholes.ts has an attribute 'plainto_tsquery'
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/web_request/handlers.py", line 230, in cgi
    accepts = accepts )
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/FeatureServer/Server.py", line 245, in dispatchRequest
    result = method(action)
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/FeatureServer/DataSource/GeoAlchemy.py", line 159, in select
    for k, v in action.attributes.iteritems()]
  File "/var/www/html/mop/fs/FeatureServer/DataSource/GeoAlchemy.py", line 62, in feature_predicate
    return key.plainto_tsquery(''+value+'')
  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/sqlalchemy/orm/attributes.py", line 211, in __getattr__

{'queryable': 'ts', 'ts__ilike': 'ODP', 'format': 'GeoJSON'}
if I add "@@ plainto_tsquery" instead, it gives a syntax error in the fs_error.log. My idea is to replace only the return of the'ilike' or 'like' operators (and not the name itself) and use instead the '@@ plainto_tsquery', so I can keep using the same call, ie:



it calls in SQL (actually this doesn't work in postgresql/postgis for tsvector type "ERROR:  operator does not exist: tsvector ~~* unknown):
select * from boreholes_table where ts ilike '%ODP%';

and with the change above (doesn't work so far), should call (this works in postgresql/postgis):
select * from boreholes_table where ts @@ plainto_tsquery('ODP');

Thanks in advance for any hint on this,

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From: gamejihou at hotmail.com
To: featureserver at lists.osgeo.org; iocast at me.com
Subject: query using tsvector
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 16:02:17 +0000


I've been testing FS with GA and found something that don't get how to put it.

For instance, this call works very well in FS:

First example:
in FS: http://www.myweb.web/fs/Boreholes?format=GeoJSON&source__ilike=ODP&queryable=source
in SQL: SELECT * FROM boreholes_table where source ilike '%ODP%'

and what I'm looking for is querying this table but using the tsvector column, so this works in SQL but don't know how to put it in FS:

Second example:
in FS: ??
in SQL: select * from boreholes_table where tsvector @@ plainto_tsquery('ODP');
(in any case this is for GA: "session.query(Boreholes).filter(Boreholes.tsvector.op('@@')(func.to_tsquery("ODP"))).all()")

based on the first SQL (and FS) example, how could I put it for the second SQL example?

Any hint is appreciated, thanks in advance,

Best regards,

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