[FeatureServer] Congratulations for the new website!

Gery . gamejihou at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 10 03:09:15 PST 2012

Hi Michel,

Thanks for your answer, thanks also for the explanation. One quick question about the installation (new?) of featureserver, it only works with virtualenv or can also be installed in the "old" fashion? (ie. http://www.paolocorti.net/2008/02/21/a-day-with-featureserver-1/). I can test it in a linux box (rhel 64-bit).



Piensa en el medio ambiente - mantenlo en la pantalla. NO lo imprimas si NO es necesario.
Think green - keep it on the screen. Do NOT print if it is NOT necessary.
Denken Sie an die Umwelt - bewahren Sie es auf dem Bildschirm. Drucken Sie NICHT, wenn es NICHT notwendig ist.

Subject: Re: [FeatureServer] Congratulations for the new website!
From: iocast at me.com
Date: Sat, 10 Nov 2012 10:08:53 +0100
CC: featureserver at lists.osgeo.org
To: gamejihou at hotmail.com

Hi Gery,
Many thanks for your lines.The counter has nothing to do with the launch of the demo, it indicates when the database will be reset. More examples will be coming once the the next release is out.

On Nov 9, 2012, at 2:21 PM, Gery . <gamejihou at hotmail.com> wrote:Hello guys,

Just to give a very big congratulations for the new website, it's really cool the new http://featureserver.org/, so just waiting 18:39 hours for the launch of the demo!!!

Best regards,


Piensa en el medio ambiente - mantenlo en la pantalla. NO lo imprimas si NO es necesario.
Think green - keep it on the screen. Do NOT print if it is NOT necessary.
Denken Sie an die Umwelt - bewahren Sie es auf dem Bildschirm. Drucken Sie NICHT, wenn es NICHT notwendig ist.
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