[OSGeo Finance] Changing Banks

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Wed Apr 23 16:56:59 EDT 2008

On 23-Apr-08, at 12:36 PM, jo at frot.org wrote:
> It does raise the question in my mind of why does OSGeo remain a
> US-registered company (whether or not in good repute), would it
> simplify matters to migrate the whole corporation into a Canadian
> non-profit.

I'm not sure of any dis/advantages in doing so at this point, but  
it's an interesting question.  As a big aside, it's becoming more and  
more difficult for people like me to even get into the US for  
business reasons.

> Will also asked about the payroll company OSGeo is now using to handle
> Tyler's contract - is it US or Canada based - if it is US based
> what are the arrangements for paying the employer's half of the CPP,
> the pension plan contribution? (And is a shift in our banking facility
> going to affect how funds are managed with the payroll company?)

Good question.  Payroll company is Canadian and they remit the  
required CPP, employment insurance, etc to a Canadian business number  
I registered.  So we do have a business name/number in Canada already  
but it has no staff, no money, etc.  Purely a shell for payroll  
purposes and not otherwise related to the US org.


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