[OSGeo Finance] Motion: Adopt Financial Reports

Ken Tamura ken.tamura at autodesk.com
Thu Aug 7 16:25:13 EDT 2008

Here are my minor comments:

1.  Annual and Quarterly Summary reports and PDF document:  It may be more easier to read taking the cents (.00) off the reports.

2.  PDF document:  Usually there are no totals for Income statements over years.  The summary annual income statement for 2006 and 2007 should stand by itself with no total column.  If you are trying to give a position of cash/assets, then you should be showing a summary balance sheet. Maybe next year's objective is to include a balance sheet in the financial statement package.

Ken Tamura
Geospatial Solutions of Autodesk, Inc.
415-507-8313 (w)    415-299-1704 (c)

-----Original Message-----
From: finance-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:finance-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo)
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2008 1:10 PM
To: Finance List
Subject: [OSGeo Finance] Motion: Adopt Financial Reports

Hi all,

I've made the requested adjustments to accommodate the accrual
approach.  It didn't change too much in the end but it sure helped me
improve the bookkeeping process.  The final reports are now available

I would like to make a motion that the committee adopt these as our
official financial statements.

Let the discussion begin, if any, and then we can vote on it.  As
outgoing Treasurer, Dave, is there anything else you'd like to see?

Once approved, I'll include this page in the Annual Report:

By the way, these statements are the only thing holding back the
final publication of the annual report, so I hope we can wrap up any
changes/discussion shortly.

Take care,
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Finance at lists.osgeo.org

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