[OSGeo Finance] Recent invoices (receivables)

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Fri May 9 12:38:38 EDT 2008

FYI - Here is a brief summary of some of recent invoices I've been  
sending out.

Foundation Sponsors
* Astun Technology - New Associate Sponsor
* IGN France - New Associate Sponsor
* PCI Geomatics - New Associate Sponsor
* First Base Solutions - Associate Sponsor Renewal
* 1Spatial - Associate Sponsor Renewal
* LizardTech - Associate Sponsor Renewal
* Autodesk - Sustaining Sponsors, quarterly

Frank and I have started discussing invoices for the GDAL/OGR project  
sponsors as well.

I've also started billing for sponsors of the upcoming Open Source  
Boot Camp event:
* Ingres - Platinum
* Autodesk - Silver
* DM Solutions Group - Silver
* PCI Geomatics - Silver

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