[OSGeo Finance] Quickbooks, reserve funds...

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Wed Oct 15 17:53:05 EDT 2008

On 15-Oct-08, at 2:35 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> If not equity, then perhaps it should be listed as a liability?  I
> see the quickbooks interface supports creating a liability register
> for funds held in trust which is roughly what we are doing.

I think the current trouble is that the GDAL account is considered an  
income account for tracking the sponsorships.  At some point it seems  
the funds need to get moved into a different account that fits that  
"trust" model a bit better.

The current approach was set up before I was using "classes" to track  
stuff on another dimension.  For now, though, you can do almost any  
report (even balance sheet) and then customise it to only show the  
CLASS=GDAL.  Or better yet, the quarterly summary is a good example too.

I'll keep digging.

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