[OSGeo Finance] Third Quarter Reports for Review

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Oct 28 01:40:14 EDT 2008

Finance Committee,

I am attaching proposed 3rd quarter financial reports.  My intention is that
there would be two "official" documents we forward to the board each quarter.
One is a balance sheet detailing the asset position at the end of the quarter
and one is an income and expense summary for the quarter.

I have generated these reports from Quickbooks (see memorized reports), but
the balance sheet is manually altered currently to mark the project restricted
funds as liabilities per our discussion in previous weeks.  I'd love to have
the system handle this automatically, but I don't mind having to hand alter
the reports for this as long as the process and meaning is well understood.

Anyways, this distribution is for preliminary comment. I'll raise a motion
to the finance committee to recommend these reports to the board tomorrow if
there are no serious issues raised.

Please feel free to use quickbooks online to do a more indepth review of
these somewhat summarized reports.  I would stress it is our responsibility
to do more in depth research.  The board will basically be rubber stamping
based on our approval.

In the future I hope to also provide year to date information and to
summarize against the annual budget but I think these two documents are
the core.

One extra note, the accounts recievable include at least $15K of GDAL
sponsor invoices that are unlikely to be paid since we just invoiced all
existing sponsors rather than asking for a renewal before invoicing.  The
invoices that don't get paid will presumably be nulled out within a few

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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