[OSGeo Suomi] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] Any gurus available?
janne kovanen
janne.lists at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 04:58:12 EST 2009
> I have GRASS GIS knowledge and would be willing and able to hold a GRASS
> presentation. Also I'm local as you know ;)
> --Wolf
Wolf, how about having a combined presentation of the new PHP WPS and the
WPS client for OpenLayers? We could do that in conjunction. That would be
good practice for instance for the AGILE conference.
There could be three parts in the presentation, like
1) The idea of WPS in short
2) The PHP WPS service
3) The WPS client for OpenLayers
Of course you should also show your skills concerning GRASS :)
Then just on my own I could tell for example about FOSS mobile applications,
like the Maemo-Mappper.
Btw. Ari, what is the focus of the seminar (theme)? Server side, client
side, desktop, mobile, Web Applications, Web Services, ...?
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