[OSGeo Suomi] devALPO 2016

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Sep 8 05:29:33 PDT 2016

Hi Pekka,

There are no real guidelines for a local FOSS4G event, other than to 
make sure to include the ribbon somehow in the logo for your event (you 
already know of the ribbon's use, but for others reading this, notice 
how there is a ribbon in every past FOSS4G logo http://foss4g.org).  The 
ribbon symbolizes the flow of ideas, sharing, and innovation within the 

Other than that, I am sure that your existing event already follows the 
spirit of FOSS4G, so likely the logo is the only change needed.

Thank you for sharing the passion!


On 2016-09-07 1:55 AM, Pekka Sarkola wrote:
> Hi!
> When I start these ALPO events we didn't have OSGeo chapter (at least
> official ;-)
> So, we might make change for next year. Is there any guidelines for
> these local FOSS4G events?
> Pekka Sarkola
> pekka.sarkola at gispo.fi <mailto:pekka.sarkola at gispo.fi> - +358 40 725 2042
> from my mobile device
> 6.9.2016 3.16 ip. "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
> <mailto:jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>> kirjoitti:
>     Hi Ari, Pekka, Kari, all,
>     I wonder if you have considered using the FOSS4G brand for your
>     local event.  The benefits are that instantly your event is part of
>     a world-wide network, where people and leaders share news of
>     upcoming FOSS4G events all around the world.  I just thought I would
>     ask here directly :)  But I can understand if there are legacy
>     reasons to not.
>     Thanks,
>     -jeff
>     On 2016-09-06 8:16 AM, Ari Jolma wrote:
>         Hei,
>         Tänne ei kai ole mainittu vielä, että devALPO on siirretty
>         ensimmäisen
>         ilmoitukseni jälkeen. Se pidetään 26.10. kello 13-16 CSC:n tiloissa.
>         Esityksiä ei ole vielä lyöty lukkoon mutta tuossa kolmessa tunnissa
>         ehditään kuusi kappaletta.
>         Toistaiseksi näitä aiheita on tarjottu:
>         - QField ja Geopaparazzi
>         - OpenJUMPin GeoJSON-tuki
>         - Järvien syvyysdata OSM-periaatteella
>         - Valuma-alueet pilvipalvelusta Leaflet+Zoo+GeoServer -kombolla
>         - Rasterilaskenta GDAL:iin C++:lla
>         Terveisin,
>         Ari Jolma
>         http://www.osgeo.fi/

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