[ForestryTools] Objectives / Plan / Outline

Abdoul O. Dia dia.abdoul at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 19:56:29 PDT 2013

Yes, I do. Here, it's: diaAbdoul

Le 2013-06-02 22:20, Lee a écrit :
> Yes. I am currently the owner of the github forestry group. Ideally, 
> I'd like to add other owners to the forestry tools repository. 
> Probably starting with you, Abdoul. Do you have a user account already 
> that I can add?
> Once given access, you could probably start by getting that readme up 
> and going. I'm in the process of cleaning up my R-code before 
> transitioning it to Python (it's a mess of loops, rather than 
> functions -- fixing that as we speak).
> --
> All the best,
> Lee
> ISA Certified Arborist MI-4148A
> Registered Forester #46043
> On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:08 PM, Abdoul O. Dia <dia.abdoul at gmail.com 
> <mailto:dia.abdoul at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Tyler,
>     Can you get in touch so we can prepare a one-pager on a work flow
>     protocol for gitHub commit if you are available. In the meanwhile
>     any idea is welcome to help move on.
>     Abdoul
>     Le 2013-05-28 19:59, Lee a écrit :
>>     I've got github going at https://github.com/Forestry/ for an
>>     organization. I've created a repo for this project
>>     "forestry-toolkit", but haven't yet put anything in it. I'm happy
>>     to add some other "owners" to this group to keep things flowing.
>>     So, who needs added?
>>     Abdoul or Tyler, would you mind putting together a one-pager on
>>     some protocol for work flow and committing to github so we're all
>>     on the same page? I think this is better left to someone more
>>     familiar with other projects to keep things as standard as
>>     possible. Essentially, we just need a bit of framework for moving
>>     forward and reduce as many barriers as possible for future
>>     contributors.
>>     I'll start putting together some messy python functions for
>>     various forestry operations this week. We're also going to need
>>     to begin figuring out how to access some of the QGIS operations
>>     we'll need through python.
>>     --
>>     All the best,
>>     Lee
>>     ISA Certified Arborist MI-4148A
>>     Registered Forester #46043
>>     On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Abdoul O. Dia
>>     <dia.abdoul at gmail.com <mailto:dia.abdoul at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Hi Lee,
>>         Thanks for the effort you've done. The framework is a good
>>         starting point. I agree with you as well Tyler on choosing
>>         spatialite and setting up a github. So I can understand that
>>         Tyler will be in charge of starting it? Am I wrong?
>>         I've had a glance on the link mentioned by Tyler (/"forestry"
>>         (https://github.com/mbask?tab=repositories))/ and it seems
>>         quite interesting. I'll go bit in depth to it./
>>         /We are on truck...
>>         All the best
>>         Abdoul
>>         /
>>         /
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