[FOSS-GPS] High accuracy positioning with low cost GPS devices:a
FOSS project
Michael Tandy
m.j.tandy at warwick.ac.uk
Wed Feb 4 04:35:02 EST 2009
The key feature of the LEA-4T which makes it interesting for high
precision applications is that its binary protocol includes a message
giving raw observables - that is, code and carrier phase pseudorange
and doppler shift. This is documented in U-blox's protocol
specification as UBX-RXM-RAW (
http://www.u-blox.com/customersupport/antaris4_doc.html ). Carrier
phase information, in particular, is what's interesting.
I have heard the SIRF-II chipset also offered this raw data; but those
have largely been replaced with SIRF-III which doesn't offer the right
raw data - Sparkfun does have a few SIRF-II modules in stock though; I
don't know if sparkfun have a source for new SIRF-II modules after
those are out of stock. I've dropped Sparkfun an e-mail to ask - if
they have a source for SIRF-II modules that would be a pretty neat
find, as $60 for SIRF-II modules is a lot more affordable than $350
for an AEK-4T evaluation kit from U-blox.
The Trimble Copernicus chip on Sparkfun also got my hopes up with its
report packet 0x5A - but it doesn't offer carrier phase information
either. Most of the other GPS modules I can see on Sparkfun either
don't offer raw data, or at least don't say anything about raw data in
their documentation, which is as good as not offering it.
2009/2/3 Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) <tmitchell at osgeo.org>:
> Anyone happened to tried any of these modules before?
> http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/categories.php?c=4
> They also have some receivers listed with a combined cellular module. Or
> are all of these out of the league for doing higher accuracy stuff?
> Tyler
> On 17-Oct-08, at 2:20 AM, John Morris wrote:
>> If your LEA-4T has early firmware and you want "fix" solutions, then you
>> should upgrade. U-blox used to do free upgrades. It involved sending the
>> unit to their office for a week or so. The newer firmware does full-cycle
>> phase just fine.
>> One way to think of it ... with half cycles, you have to know your
>> position
>> to double the accuracy. This will take at least 4X the measurements,
>> assuming the measurements don't have any bias to them. If they do, then
>> you
>> can only handle half the bias; you have to stay closer to the reference
>> station.
>> - John
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: foss-gps-bounces at lists.osgeo.org
>> [mailto:foss-gps-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Martin Vermeer
>> Sent: Friday, October 17, 2008 12:30 AM
>> To: Open Source GPS-related discussion and support
>> Cc: eugenio.realini at gmail.com
>> Subject: Re: [FOSS-GPS] High accuracy positioning with low cost GPS
>> devices:a FOSS project
>> On Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:20:28 +0200
>> Eugenio Realini <eugenio.realini at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> We have written something on goGPS here:
>>> http://geomatica.como.polimi.it/elab/goGPS/index.php?lang=en
>>> John Morris wrote:
>> ...
>>>> I sort of got burned out trying to implement a kinematic float solution.
>> I
>>>> eventually concluded it is very difficult to detect or correct phase
>> errors
>>>> with float solutions. You either have to be stationary and use a Kalman
>>>> filter, or you have to "fix" your solution so you know your position
>> well
>>>> enough to catch the inconsistencies. I'm curious to know your approach -
>> and
>>>> I'm really, really glad you've taken on this piece of work.
>>> Do you mean cycle slips when you say "phase errors"?
>>> At the moment, we set ambiguities as state variables in the Kalman
>>> filter, so that they evolve "dynamically" with the system... we
>>> initialize them as float values by comparing code and phase measurements
>>> and they converge in not so much time (with good conditions of sky
>>> visibility).
>>> Then we detect cycle slips by comparing subsequent epochs and when they
>>> occur we just re-initialize the affected ambiguities.
>>> ---
>>> We have a couple of doubts we'd like to ask the community:
>>> 1. up to now we didn't worry about the "half-cycle
>>> ambiguities resolved" that appear in the LEA-4T data sheet... do they
>>> impact significantly on the receiver performance?
>> I suppose so, in the sense that the "wavelength" for ambiguity
>> resolution will be only half, so it gets harder to do. But when
>> successful it shouldn't affect performance.
>> So this receiver apparently uses a Costas discriminator which doesn't
>> "see" a 180 deg phase shift.
>>> 2. We noticed that the same phase values read from RINEX and from RTCM
>>> (same permanent station: RINEX taken directly from it, RTCM 3.0 stream
>>> sent by the GNSS positioning service it belongs to) differ by a constant
>>> value. The results are not affected by it because it goes away in the
>>> differential positioning, but we do not understand why it's there.
>>> Eugenio
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