[FOSS-GPS] Decoding UBX data

Degerman Pär par.degerman at scania.com
Tue Mar 12 06:29:33 PDT 2013

I have a ublox 5t receiver and I would like to decode the pseudoranges and Doppler shift that is included in the ubx output. I checked briefly through the rtklib source, and realize that everything is in there, but unfortunately a bit poorly documented.

The situation I have is that I'm using rtklibs strsvr to read the data from the receiver or a log file, this is then published using the TCP server output and my application uses another TCP socket to read the data. Now I'm trying to decode the data using the input_raw functions, but I'm apparently using them wrong since I get segmentation faults.

Can anyone provide me with a working code example on how to decode the data for this setup?

Best regards from Sweden
Pär Degerman

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