julio menezes yjmenezes at yahoo.com.br
Wed May 13 13:41:54 PDT 2015

Stefan Weber,

Em qua, 13/5/15, Stefan Weber BFH <webes14 at bfh.ch> escreveu:

 Assunto: [FOSS-GPS] Ublox NEO-M8N no GLONASS in RTKRCV
 Para: foss-gps at lists.osgeo.org
 Data: Quarta-feira, 13 de Maio de 2015, 15:25
 Hello everyone
 I am trying to get a Ublox NEO-M8N working with rtkrcv on
 Connected over USB, I like to get GPS and GLONASS working in
 Single mode 
 and later in kinematic mode.
 I set the "pos1-navsys  =5  #
 for GPS and GLONASS, but I only get GPS Satellites.
 I used on the same time, with the same antenna, at the same
 place a 
 second Ublox NEO-M8N also connected over USB on a
 WIN7 PC with RTKNAVI, and there I got with similar settings
 GPS and 
 GLONASS Satellites.

check your linux devices
there are some wrong settings, try fix this lines, check devices, serial baudrate, receiver cmd..:

inpstr1-type       =serial
inpstr1-path       =ttyACM0:230400:8:n:1:off
inpstr1-format     =ubx       # 

outstr1-type       =serial  
outstr1-path       =ttyUSB0:115200:8:n:1:off
outstr1-format     =nmea        # (0:llh,1:xyz,2:enu,3:nmea)
pos1-posmode       =single     # 
file-cmdfile1      =../data/ubx_m8n_glo_raw_1hz.cmd

inpstr2-type       =serial     # 
inpstr2-path       =ttyUSB2:115200:8:n:1:off
inpstr2-format     =rtcm3       # ubx

i hope it helps.

julio menezes
file-cmdfile2      =

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