[FOSS-GPS] Android Nougat and raw GNSS capability

Glenn glenn at thorpies.com
Mon Sep 19 02:30:43 PDT 2016


Android Nougat has now been released with its ability to utilize raw 
GNSS data.The api for the GnssMeasurement class is at 

Details of the next Google phone, the Pixel that replaces the Nexus 
moniker, will be announced on October 4 and the Pixel phones are 
expected to be available on October 20.

One can but presume that the GNSS chips included in the Pixel phones 
will allow raw output so that the GnssMeasurement class can be utilized.

One can also only presume that an app to utilize the GnssMeasurement 
output will be included.We can but speculate what the capabilities of 
the app will be, will it permit RTK streamed input? PPP streamed input? 
satellite provided augmentation including SBAS, QZSS, Baidou, Galileo 
and IRNSS?Will it flexible enough to automagically swap between RTK 
“over the phone” mode and PPP “satellite augmentation” mode if the phone 
data connection drops for some time?Alternately will it be smart enough 
to swap in and out of Gyroscope utilization to keep position?Will it be 
smart enough to retain and utilize the best information available if it 
swaps between modes, such as in Australia hold & utilize the downloaded 
Ionospheric correction for some time whilst utilizing the QZSS 
augmentation information for satellite positions and clocks?

If anyone with an ear closer to the manufacturers/developers hears 
anything I am sure we would all appreciate any titbits of info that can 
be shared.


Glenn Thorpe

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