<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Dear Nur !<br><br>--- Em <b>ter, 30/10/12, Nur Ainiey <i><nur.ainiey90@gmail.com></i></b> escreveu:<br><blockquote style="border-left: 2px solid rgb(16, 16, 255); margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 5px;"><br>De: Nur Ainiey <nur.ainiey90@gmail.com><br>Assunto: [FOSS-GPS] Dear all,<br>Para: foss-gps@lists.osgeo.org<br>Data: Terça-feira, 30 de Outubro de 2012, 6:13<br><br><div id="yiv1824823102"><font color="#008000"><span style="line-height:16.78333282470703px;">I have just joining the mailing list. Currently i am doing a project related to the precision farming by using RTKLIB. However, I could not processed the data as in RTKNAVI, it just displays the dark green in input base station square, positioning process square and log rover square?it could not display any signal. How can i overcome this problem?</span></font>
</div><br>With receivers models are you working with ?<br><br>1- check your receiver configuration<br>2- check your rtknavi configuration file.<br><br>hope it helps.<br><br>[]s<br>julio menezes<br><br><br><br><br><br></blockquote></td></tr></table>