[FOSS4G-Oceania-discuss] Wrapping up foss4g-oceania discuss

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 02:52:54 PDT 2020

Hi everyone

OSGeo Oceania has decided to wrap up and close this e-mail list. It will be
archived and closed for discussion on 6 July 2020.

It was meant to be used for discussion during and around  FOSS4G SotM
Oceania events - however in 2019 it barely saw any traffic. So we're
closing it to reduce our management overhead.

You can unsubscribe here:


...or do nothing, and on Monday July 6 2020 we will unsubscribe anyone
remaining on the list.

OSGeo will maintain all of the archived traffic here:


...in case you still need to look something up.

We recognise that e-mail is a vital channel for some people, and public
archiving  helps with transparency and accountability in communications -
with that in mind, please take up discussion on this parallel list we
already maintain: foss4g-oceania at lists.osgeo.org

If you're not subscribed already, please do so here:


We also have a range of other ways to chat - the FOSS4G SotM Oceania group
on Telegram, the maptime Australia slack workspace:
https://bit.ly/maptimeau,  and
our twitter hashtag #FOSS4G_SotM_Oceania.

Thanks for communicating with us here, I hope you find our other channels
more lively - I look forward to your voices there.

Kind regards,

Adam Steer

OSGeo Oceania outreach and communications working group chair.
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