[FOSS4G-Oceania] A child-friendly conference - add to/edit words ahead of publicising

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 21:26:39 PDT 2018

Hi movers and shakers

Since we’ve more or less decided to create a child friendly conference
rather than fund childcare, we need some words around how we expect this
will work.

I’ve cobbled something together here:


…which has commentary already from people in the Maptime Australia slack
group; and includes suggestions from a very brief discussion on the
foss4g-oceania-discuss list.

If you want to add comments but can’t, please let me know. I’ve just
smashed out what i think there, I’ll also go looking for any ‘lessons
learned’ documents from people who have run ‘child friendly’ conferences in
the past (and would appreciate hearing about any you know of).



Dr. Adam Steer
+61 427 091 712
skype: adam.d.steer
tweet: @adamdsteer
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