[FOSS4G-Oceania] Travel grant program - call for ideas

adam steer adam.d.steer at gmail.com
Thu Jul 12 05:45:38 PDT 2018

Hey Ed, Martin, all

Responses inline...

On Thu, 12 Jul 2018 at 16:29, Martin Tomko <tomkom at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

> Quick comment following on Eduardo – some priority for Africa is nice, but
> we are a FOSS4G Oceania. So should we not make sure we get people from
> Oceania, or SE Asia first?

…I think this might be some hangover - I mistakenly initially broadcast the
recipe FOSS4G in Dar Es Salaam is using. We should instead check out:


My apologies. I think it will be perfectly fine to prioritise regionally,
including Australia - noting that Australia’s wealth is extremely poorly

> Curious about the breakdown of the funding pool. Do you have any insights?
> I would have thought there would be more use for fewer, higher value tiers
> above $1,000, rather than 24 $250 grants.

I roughly agree - in my mind is maybe 10 grants total, but even so, ten
grants potentially add up to well over $10k just in travel!!! I haven’t
thought it out much.

My inclination is to feel out how much money we will have to apply to the
program, then design something from there.

I’m interested in what other people think! This should have as much robust
input as possible.

Off the top of my head, if something as simple as covering visa fees is
enough, we can make more grants available. If we need to fully fund
transport, then we can't offer as many grants. I hope we can come up with
something clever for accomodation some way - ie share an airBnB, I’m not
sure how many people have spare rooms to offer these days in Australian
cities :/. Actually - also - Martin - in late November, what’s the status
of Uni accomodation?

> Regarding eligibility, guessing that relates to GDP per capita?

As noted, I’ve created confusion about eligibility by referring to the
wrong document. Sorry!



Adam Steer
+61 427 091 712
skype: adam.d.steer
tweet: @adamdsteer
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